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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Anarchy is coming back??
« on: November 28, 2014, 12:56:44 AM »
( ͡ ͡° ͡° ʖ ͡° ͡°)
Anyone care to explain (I wasn't here when the site first went up)

Anarchy is the cesspit where all the shit goes. Think of it like a sewage treatmant plant. The buildup of toxicity in the community is dumped in there, because there are no rules. Or, at the very least, very little.

The Flood / Re: I haven't shaved all week
« on: November 27, 2014, 11:06:35 PM »
Facial and body hair is disgusting.
Gotta give him some credit for going straight in for the kill, though.

At least he saved us the fucking trouble. Look at that. Ding dong bannu'd like that.

Who was the gunslinger with a solid six shooter on that one?

I took great pleasure in it too.

Nice shootin' slick.

The Flood / Re: I haven't shaved all week
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:51:56 PM »
Facial and body hair is disgusting.
Gotta give him some credit for going straight in for the kill, though.

At least he saved us the fucking trouble. Look at that. Ding dong bannu'd like that.

Who was the gunslinger with a solid six shooter on that one?

The Flood / Re: Do you fgts think I give a fuck?
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:49:42 PM »
You're about 3-4 years late dude. If this was Halo 3 in it's prime, I'd sign up. Of course, if I had an xbox juan, that might help too.

All I've got left are no fucks to give, no fucks to find, and no fucks to borrow.

I'd ask you for some fucks but you don't have any either.

The Flood / Re: I haven't shaved all week
« on: November 27, 2014, 10:47:06 PM »
Facial and body hair is disgusting.

Who the fuck didn't feed you your cheerios this morning? I don't remember you bein' this loopy.

The Flood / Re: Do you know what I want from all of you?
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:11:09 PM »
Holy shit, this is a fucking gaming forum.

Get over yourselves.

Actually, not really. The whole "We're a gaming forum" ship sailed when Bungie launched their abortion baby Destiny.

We, aren't a gaming forum. We're a community offbranch forum. You know what comes with communities? Gossip and drama.

The Flood / Re: does anyone wanna stroke my zweihander
« on: November 27, 2014, 08:18:13 PM »

Are you joking?
R1 R1 R1
Is a viable strategy.


Sticks and chimes are also viable.

The Flood / Re: does anyone wanna stroke my zweihander
« on: November 27, 2014, 08:09:49 PM »

Are you joking?

The Flood / Re: Do you know what I want from all of you?
« on: November 27, 2014, 08:05:54 PM »
Dusty boy fucked up and basically single handedly sunk the thread my compatriot made on for Nuka, and you don't see me taking a pitchfork at him. People will be people. It's always their choice. Karma will show up, one day or another.

Until then, I hold no complaints. I never even had a scuffle with you. Your choice to come back here. Your choice to to get sucked into drama and get upset. Your choice to make more needless drama.

Just like it's my choice not to start flinging shit. The last thing I, or quite frankly, anybody here needs is more shit going around. This place is negative in a fair number of ways. It could use a little bit of sunshine.

So, here's the thing.

You gonna get caught up in all the drama and bullshit, or just do your thing?

I've been reading a book as of late, and the writer mentions something called "keep the drama on the page."

What that means is, drama, other people's drama, for a writer, saps them. The more they get involved with other people's personal lives, the more it takes out of them. Keeping the drama on the page so to speak, makes sure that a writer doesn't fall too far. By using drama in their own lives, and trying to avoid the drama of others, they create worlds and characters.

This effect doesn't only apply to writers. Because I can see it on other people. Other friends. They let the internet suck them in and get involved too much. And it burnt them out.

And that's what it's doing to you. You get sucked in, you get emotional, and it eats at you. And it brings EVERYBODY else down as well. Because drama is created. Some feed off drama. They enjoy it. Others don't. And it drags them down.

So, nobody here can decide anything for you.

It's your call, and the consequences of what you chose to do with it.

I have no sympathy for someone who constantly went out of their way to aggravate and spite me at every turn on this site.

Wow, I'm making all sorts of people return.

May as well call yourself a necromancer at this point.

No family, no job, and now, no home on top of trying to work everything out. You feel like donating, that's fantastic. If you don't, well, watch out for the flamers.
I get paid tomorrow, so I'll see how much money I'm left with after necessary expenditures.

You don't have to throw in much. Spare change, as small as it is helps.

What the fuck is even going on with this shit? I feel like I've completely missed most of it.

According to Dustin, it was himself who donated that $200.

Well since you live and feed for more power in the serious forum, you would miss out on this. Don't worry, you haven't missed much other than some shit flinging and classic sep7agon drama spreading.
Can you explain to me Nuka's situation (I'm not reading that fucking OP) and whether or not you think Dustin Anon is actually Dustin?

Basically, Nuka's going homeless. He's got a little bit of time after december 2nd, but that's not much. And after that, he's out on the streets with nobody.

As far as dusty boy's concerned, I don't give a shit. Could be him, and it might not be him. If it is, fucking fantastic, he goes back on his word and he's spiteful, great. If it's not, well, I guess somebody's trying to jam a stick up his ass.

Either way they pitched in 200 bucks. That helps a fair bit. But other than that, I can't be bothered with this stuff today. So that's the brass tacks Meta.

No family, no job, and now, no home on top of trying to work everything out. You feel like donating, that's fantastic. If you don't, well, watch out for the flamers.

What the fuck is even going on with this shit? I feel like I've completely missed most of it.

According to Dustin, it was himself who donated that $200.

Well since you live and feed for more power in the serious forum, you would miss out on this. Don't worry, you haven't missed much other than some shit flinging and classic sep7agon drama spreading.

Nuka is douche bag, nice try.

Made a thread about him too.

Just shut your mouth for one dang minute.

Even though Dustin is just as sad, he's in the right.

3 words to the person that's about to go homeless:

If you had even a glimpse of what Nuka's situation is like right now (and I've visited him a few times now, I know what is going on) then you would be ashamed of yourself.

Then again, the Devil has no shame.  He just sits back and tries pissing people off so they can sin and go to hell or something.
Does Satan think they just give out jobs in San Diego?

Duh. They grow on job trees.

The Flood / Re: Discuss your intelligence (or lack thereof).
« on: November 27, 2014, 09:51:43 AM »
Grade 9 drop out here, woo woo.

I've made it this far in life relatively on my own so far, so I guess there's got to be some sort of intelligence knocking around in there.

I've got a really tough time being taught. You can try and teach me stuff, repeat it over and over again, and it won't stick into my head. But if given the chance to watch, I pick up things, and then try them out on my own. I learned how to ride a bike that way, learned how to swim that way, learned how to drive that way.

I've got a knack for seeing stuff other people miss, otherwise visible or invisible. On a worksite, I spot all the little things, all the little details that people miss. If you give me a problem to work out I'll probably figure out a way on how to solve it, in a somewhat abstract way, but none the less, end up finding the solution.

I think it's mainly from experience from bouncing around so many people and my own baggage, old or new, but I can generally see how people are doing. First glances paint a basic picture of things, and then as I speak to them, either by talking or even writing, I pick up bits and pieces.

And last but not least, I work a lot out of instinct. Intuition, a gut feeling, whatever you want to call it. Not my own noggin talking to me, but that secondary little tug. It's like a feeling, and your head simply translates that feeling into words. It's saved my life a fair few times already. It's kept me out of trouble A LOT. And I've learned an important rule with it. It's better to have listened to it and be wrong, than it is to be right and not have listened.

« on: November 27, 2014, 09:24:32 AM »
Already had dunksgiving. But another round of dunksgiving isn't opposed. Happy dunksgiving folks.

Alright. I've been on the fence about this. Mainly 'cause I've never spoken to him. And second, as with all donations, I have no idea whether this is even the slightest bit legitimate and the money will be put to good use (Why $8000?). However, saying that, I've donated just 40 dollars to even the amount raised so far. So I hope it goes to good use and he gets back on his feet.

And... I have to say... I don't like the OP. I'm sorry but people shouldn't be guilted into donating. I'm sure you're close with him, Sandtrap. But I think you could have just explained his situation a little more clearly without the emotional extortion.

You don't have to like me. That's fine. Not like I've been around folks who haven't before. But we, should I say Nuka, already tried the blunt approach. Didn't work.

And, true, maybe I shouldn't have written it in such a tuggy sort of manner. But the fact is, when you're in a bad way, you do everything in your power, and play every card you have at your disposal because this is a fact. Most people are assholes. And you need to give them a nudge in the right direction sometimes. Most of all, I know the threat of homlessness. I know the threat of watching your dreams die in your hands.

I practically worked myself to death to pay off debts for my family that climbed too high at the wrong time. I did in fact. I worked so hard that I went into a coma when I otherwise wouldn't have when I was sick.

You don't have to like me or what I did here. But thank you for trying to help.
FYI, OP means original post in this case. Not original poster.

But I understand

Sorry. All ass backwards at the moment.

Alright. I've been on the fence about this. Mainly 'cause I've never spoken to him. And second, as with all donations, I have no idea whether this is even the slightest bit legitimate and the money will be put to good use (Why $8000?). However, saying that, I've donated just 40 dollars to even the amount raised so far. So I hope it goes to good use and he gets back on his feet.

And... I have to say... I don't like the OP. I'm sorry but people shouldn't be guilted into donating. I'm sure you're close with him, Sandtrap. But I think you could have just explained his situation a little more clearly without the emotional extortion.

You don't have to like me. That's fine. Not like I've been around folks who haven't before. But we, should I say Nuka, already tried the blunt approach. Didn't work.

And, true, maybe I shouldn't have written it in such a tuggy sort of manner. But the fact is, when you're in a bad way, you do everything in your power, and play every card you have at your disposal because this is a fact. Most people are assholes. And you need to give them a nudge in the right direction sometimes. Most of all, I know the threat of homlessness. I know the threat of watching your dreams die in your hands.

I practically worked myself to death to pay off debts for my family that climbed too high at the wrong time. I did in fact. I worked so hard that I went into a coma when I otherwise wouldn't have when I was sick.

You don't have to like me or what I did here. But thank you for trying to help.

The Flood / Re: CATCH ME, SAMANTHA!!!
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:33:46 PM »
Now do it with 10,000 of them like synchronised swimming or diving.

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:25:08 PM »
The fuck did I miss?

Long story short?

I tried to help Nuka
Dusty boy and Nuka don't get along
I asked a friend to drop a line on Bungle.Net
Dusty boy started flinging shit in it
Dusty boy don't feel like donating
Dusty boy's getting the flames for it

And he deserves every bit.

Dustin, if you don't want to get flamed, just keep your mouth shut.

Maybe so. But that's not going to solve anything now is it? Come on, do the simple math here.

Dusty boy doesn't get along with Nuka. And he's already shown that he's spiteful. So what's all this flaming going to cause in the future?

Spiteful Dusty boy stirring up more shit. Some folks can laugh all they want at him for being supposedly "not mattering," but I wouldn't call the dick shots he pulled in my bud's thread "not mattering."

Fuck, I'd say he sank the damn thing himself if he didn't have newbie accounts yelling alongside him.

He can be mad all he wants. But the second he tries to interfere in what we are
Just no.

And that's why you stand your ground when pushed, but you don't go out of your way to start more shit. Dusty boy played his games, then left. Yeah, that was a detriment. But, that thread was going down in flames no matter what because it violated the CoC.

Dusty boy doesn't feel like donating. Okay, sure thing. Other folks don't or can't either. Point is, he took his potshots, and now shit is over. Or apparently, not quite in some folk's eyes.

Leave it. When the fight's over, it's over.

You're a strange man
Indeed I am.

The desk says you're 50. The hands don't.

Who are you Chalk?

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:16:18 PM »
The fuck did I miss?

Long story short?

I tried to help Nuka
Dusty boy and Nuka don't get along
I asked a friend to drop a line on Bungle.Net
Dusty boy started flinging shit in it
Dusty boy don't feel like donating
Dusty boy's getting the flames for it

And he deserves every bit.

Dustin, if you don't want to get flamed, just keep your mouth shut.

Maybe so. But that's not going to solve anything now is it? Come on, do the simple math here.

Dusty boy doesn't get along with Nuka. And he's already shown that he's spiteful. So what's all this flaming going to cause in the future?

Spiteful Dusty boy stirring up more shit. Some folks can laugh all they want at him for being supposedly "not mattering," but I wouldn't call the dick shots he pulled in my bud's thread "not mattering."

Fuck, I'd say he sank the damn thing himself if he didn't have newbie accounts yelling alongside him.

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:05:57 PM »
The fuck did I miss?

Long story short?

I tried to help Nuka
Dusty boy and Nuka don't get along
I asked a friend to drop a line on Bungle.Net
Dusty boy started flinging shit in it
Dusty boy don't feel like donating
Dusty boy's getting the flames for it
I HAVE missed a lot, you're a monitor now nig?

I guess. Whole bunch of stuff happened over here I think. Ya missed the fireworks.

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:02:27 PM »
The fuck did I miss?

Long story short?

I tried to help Nuka
Dusty boy and Nuka don't get along
I asked a friend to drop a line on Bungle.Net
Dusty boy started flinging shit in it
Dusty boy don't feel like donating
Dusty boy's getting the flames for it

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 10:00:29 PM »
Nuka has a fund?

that's what i'm thinking.
You have to read through Sandtrap's giant of wall of text to get to it.

You think the blunt approach would have been better?

"Hey niggz, give money."

I'll keep it in mind for next time, considering all the other fundraisers out there that were made as jokes got ridiculous support.

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:39:57 PM »
It's the way things go. You can't win em all.

I would have been A O fuckin' kay if you didn't try to sabotage shit. That was a low blow. And most of all, it shows your character. You're spiteful. I won't get up and attack you because like I said, you can't win them all. But know that your spiteful, childish behavior will come back at you one day.

That's all I've got to say on the matter. And if you folks are giving dusty boy shit, cool it. Because you don't know the whole picture, the very same as dusty boy. Making calls when you don't know the whole picture is a mistake, something you should try to avoid. Take all sides in, then make the call.

And you should know that your faggotry will come back at you one day when you get EbolAids from too much cocksucking.

Already did. I beat you to the punch. I'm ahead of your game boyo. Which means you're a step behind me, and you can't do or say shit.

Based Sand......

Nope. Hang on.

Based Sandtrap took all your fucks and added em' to his own.

The Flood / Re: I guess should explain the rumors flying around
« on: November 26, 2014, 09:34:02 PM »
It's the way things go. You can't win em all.

I would have been A O fuckin' kay if you didn't try to sabotage shit. That was a low blow. And most of all, it shows your character. You're spiteful. I won't get up and attack you because like I said, you can't win them all. But know that your spiteful, childish behavior will come back at you one day.

That's all I've got to say on the matter. And if you folks are giving dusty boy shit, cool it. Because you don't know the whole picture, the very same as dusty boy. Making calls when you don't know the whole picture is a mistake, something you should try to avoid. Take all sides in, then make the call.

Serious / Re: The Taliban's Psychiatrist [BBC]
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:23:33 PM »
Simple human nature at work. We demonize "the other side" too easily while forgetting about the bigger picture. And that's the fact that there's a human being on the other side of the wall. Bad or no, horrible and despicable as a person, in that shell of a person lies things that can be broken. Their mind, their emotions.

I was around folks when they killed Suddam. They cheered and celebrated. Held parties. I didn't. As bad as a person as he was, he had a family. A wife, kids. His wife at one time even described him as "delicate" when he worked in the garden.

Even Hitler, as much of an ass as he was, was a person.

It's just that they're all a jumbled up mess of things.

I've seen videos of attack choppers in the air firing on targets on the ground. You see gunfire rip across the ground in front of their targets, and they freeze. They flinch. They run and zig zag and try to get away. You see rockets hit people and the survivors are completely lost. They're dazed from the explosion no doubt, but at the same time, you can see what's in their movements.

Fear. Fear of death. Pure, ingrained human instinct to survive.

These folks may be monsters as people, capable and by all accounts performing horrible acts. But they're not soulless, blank walls that don't flinch and don't blink.

All they need is to have a little common sense, and turn things around. Violence makes violence. Negative people, bring people down around them. Peace makes peace, positive folks raise folks up around them.

So the real thing that I wonder, is how do you break through their walls? Some people, on their side, are too far gone. You can't fix them, you can't help them. So you shoot them. But there's other folks, on the fringes, that have a better chance.

You can't stamp these people out with physical force. Not without catching the wrong people in the crossfire. So the question is, how do you influence subtle change in them?

The Flood / Re: It's -30
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:06:19 PM »
>Using a terrible temperature scale like Fahrenheit

American pig

Real men use both. Thermometers with both are best thermometers.
Use Celsius like a normal person

I'm a canuck you sack of old sacks. Of course I use celcius. But I use fahrenheit too.

The Flood / Re: It's -30
« on: November 26, 2014, 12:03:38 PM »
>Using a terrible temperature scale like Fahrenheit

American pig

Real men use both. Thermometers with both are best thermometers.

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