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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: Star Wars, Marvel Being Considered for Kingdom Hearts 3
« on: December 02, 2014, 05:54:37 PM »

The Flood / Re: Where do you people get money
« on: December 02, 2014, 05:04:37 PM »
22. Work in a family owned restaurant/cafe. I take contract work from folks in the area during the spring and summer for an extra boost.

The Flood / MFW I've become a politician
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:47:31 PM »

The Flood / Re: I was...reluctant to make one of these here but....
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:55:35 PM »
730 days and counting.

Good luck to you.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post favourite Rule 63
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:42:50 PM »

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:41:42 PM »
ITT: Nobody fucking replies to my reasonably thought out counter arguments to the fact that the woman above is fucking dead because she had guts in line with the likes of a soldier or police officer, most of which average people don't.
Are you seriously comparing calling out a couple of shitheads to a soldier going to war? That's almost as ridiculous as getting PTSD from twitter posts.

Considering the fact that both soldiers, and officers throw themselves into situations for the sake of others, and end up dead for it, yes, yes I do.

I just told you. Even if you're a guy, walking in on three other guys, who are being physically aggressive and working together, warrents fear. Most people wouldn't stand up to their flight response.

This woman walked in with no weapons, no training, around three people who were

A) Physically stronger than her
B) Physically aggressive
C) Not giving a shit about who they hurt

A soldier would have done the same. A police officer would have done the same. But they have training. They're trained for that. They can fight that. For a little woman, on her own, with clear odds stacked against her, that's on par with what a soldier or police officer would have done. But she had nothing backing her up.

That's commendable, alive, or dead, because most people, most average street people, wouldn't do that.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:25:38 PM »
ITT: Nobody fucking replies to my reasonably thought out counter arguments to the fact that the woman above is fucking dead because she had guts in line with the likes of a soldier or police officer, most of which average people don't.

Even if she's getting a commondetion mainly due to the fact that she died, why does it make a difference? Why should that be important?

Take one fucking look into her eyes. And tell me that wasn't a good human being. Medal or no, what really matters is the fact that a special person is now dead. A candle winked out, a life was lost, and it's fucking terrible.

The Flood / Re: The Master of Laketown
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:05:41 PM »
Smaug got hammered at Smough's.

The Flood / Re: Early version of Five Nights at Freddy's
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:16:31 AM »

Five Nights at Freddys = Viedya Gaem + Current topic = Not so much discussion on videya gaems

If my math is faulty, please feel free to correct it. I always was shitty at math.
FNaF = vidya gaem
Vidya gaem = gayming

But the idea is to promote discussion, related to gayming. A gif from an old movie, doesn't really seem like it'll do that. It's not particularily relevant, and there's nothing to talk about really.

Now then, if this were in the flood, things might get a little flavorful were they normally wouldn't.

Gaming / MOVED: Early version of Five Nights at Freddy's
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:13:11 AM »

The Flood / Re: Early version of Five Nights at Freddy's
« on: December 02, 2014, 11:12:54 AM »

Five Nights at Freddys = Viedya Gaem + Current topic = Not so much discussion on videya gaems

If my math is faulty, please feel free to correct it. I always was shitty at math.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:17:35 AM »
What she did was common decency.

No, I don't think being killed for defending other people is particularly common, especially for a teenager. That's kind of the point.
She didn't exactly plan on getting killed, now, did she?

Standing up for others shouldn't be treated some heroic act, it's just what's right.

Except here's the thing. While standing up for others is what's right, it's not always easy. Humans have two primary reactions. Flight, or Fight. Flight is a powerful overrider, and at that point, morals take a backseat. Fighting the urge to run takes guts.

When you walk into somebody getting smacked around by a 6ft fucking giant, and you're smaller than him, going up to him and saying "Hey buddy, take it easy," isn't a fucking picnic. You want to walk away. Avoid the situation.

And if you want to bring commendations into this, let's talk about soldiers, or police officers. Why do they get commondations? Because they did things that took guts to do, and it got them killed. Police officers, have an incredibly stressful job. I know in the states, things work a little different, but up here, our police force lives by protect and serve.

The people come first. And in a lot of cases, officers die because they follow these rules. They protect the people, even if it means the officers themselves get shot at first before opening fire.

The point is, sometimes doing what's right isn't easy. And it takes true guts to follow that, to stay on that road, and never faulter from it. I have been subject to flight. Avoiding doing what was right. And I'm sure at least once in your lives, most of you people have too.

But if you're talking about "doing what's right" as if it's a common, everyday thing that's easy to do, then maybe you haven't been in that situation before.

When you're a woman, and you walk in on three guys, physically stronger, more agressive than you, and likely larger than you, walking into that for a stranger, is gutsy. And the amount of fear that she would have had to fight off, to turn around, and simply walk away, would have been enormous.

Because I know I'd be worried too if I walked up on three guys, angry, and visibly aggressive.

The point here isn't about what she did being right. It's about the fact she had guts in line with a police officer going to work and potentially being shot at every day, or a soldier standing up and defending one's home.

Serious / Re: Long list of sex acts was just banned in UK
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:20:16 AM »
Hmm. I can see it now.

"Hey buddy, what you in for?"

"Used a dildo."

The Flood / Re: >When you wake up to your fucking cat meowing in your face
« on: December 02, 2014, 09:15:37 AM »
I love all animals, but cats are pretty low on the chain of creatures I tolerate <______<

Collectively they kill something like 300 million birds, voles, mice etc each year (just in the UK) which is just ridiculous. It's wiping out populations of endangered creatures because people want to have another retarded furball to meow and piss everywhere in their house.

I don't dislike them, but they just cannot compare to dogs at all. Call a dog, it'll come running. Call a cat and it'll probably flash it's rectum at you and swan off to sleep somewhere. Their loyalty ends when the food runs out, and if you die then they will eat your still warm corpse.

Whereas the noble doge, will wait for you at a train station for 8 years after you've died .-.

And if I woke up to a cat howling in my face I'd probably jumpscare the little shit into a new shade of white.

That's to say nothing of the feline menace conspiracy, where the little bastards are always stalking me <_< I see them in the trees, the gardens, under the paving slabs, in the floors and in the walls. Clinging to the ceilings and the underside of tables o.e
They must be stopped. With a shovel.

Like I said, it depends on the cats.

My cat sits at the door and whines when I'm not up to see her even a few minutes past the usual time that I show up. And don't get me started on what I was told when I came back from the hospital after about two or three weeks.

We've had a few cats before, very smart. These are the kind of cats that would jump in and attack something for their caretaker, or try to warn them if something like a house fire started. All good cats of ours.

The Flood / Re: >When you wake up to your fucking cat meowing in your face
« on: December 02, 2014, 07:52:12 AM »
Depends on the cats you have amigo. My cat knows how to piss me off and get under my skin, but she only does it so that I put the attention on her that is currently needed. But I found this cat out here, in the middle of a field when I was kid. Two broken back legs and starving.

Still never stopped her from following me all these years since.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect vs. Fallout vs. Dark Souls
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:32:08 AM »

Plus Dark Souls is the only game where you can go apeshit with your fists and have fun.
You can stunlock people in Havel's to death using your bare fists?

Well. Yes and no. LolPoise isn't exactly a science in this game. It decides to work when it feels like it.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect vs. Fallout vs. Dark Souls
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:24:42 AM »

One more for the road. None of the other games have a bass cannon. All contenders are now invalid.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect vs. Fallout vs. Dark Souls
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:14:07 AM »

Plus Dark Souls is the only game where you can go apeshit with your fists and have fun.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect vs. Fallout vs. Dark Souls
« on: December 02, 2014, 03:08:28 AM »

May as well just make this a dark souls thread.

Serious / Re: Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 02:33:16 AM »
Albayrak’s nation—and the world—mourn the loss of this young woman whose moral compass unwaveringly pointed north and who possessed such rare courage More than 100,000 people have signed a petition asking Germany to posthumously honor Albayrak with .the country’s Federal Order Of Merit, one of the highest honors a civilian can receive, and the state premier has made it clear that it is his intention to push for her to receive this honor.

She broke up a little incident in a McDonald's bathroom. She doesn't deserve jack. The award is just because she died which is a stupid reason.

Consider this. Walking up to three guys who obviously don't give a shit about hurting people isn't something easy to do. Even as a guy, if you're not afraid of walking into a potential three on one, then you don't have your head on straight. And she wasn't a guy.

That takes guts. A lot more than most people have. And it's really fucking sad to see that when there's spineless people out there riding around on their high horse bitching about nothing.

Serious / Student Killed defending teen girls from harassment
« on: December 02, 2014, 01:23:07 AM »
On November 15th, 22-year old Turkish-German student Tugce Albayrak was at a McDonald’s in the city of Offenbach (near Frankfurt), when she heard cries for help coming from the restaurant’s bathroom. When Albayrak headed in to investigate, she discovered that two teenage girls were being harassed by three grown men. Albayrak intervened, broke up the ugly situation, and the teen girls fled.

The story should have ended there, with that act of bravery, but tragically, later that night in the parking lot of that same McDonald’s, one of the men returned to attack Albayrak. She received a blow to the head, and fell. Albayrak stayed in a coma for almost two weeks, until November 28th, when her parents decided to take her off of life support on what would have been her 23rd birthday.

Her attacker, an 18-year old man who confessed to the crime, and is currently being held in police custody, awaiting trial, where it’s believed he will be charged with assault resulting in unintentional manslaughter.

Albayrak’s nation—and the world—mourn the loss of this young woman whose moral compass unwaveringly pointed north and who possessed such rare courage More than 100,000 people have signed a petition asking Germany to posthumously honor Albayrak with .the country’s Federal Order Of Merit, one of the highest honors a civilian can receive, and the state premier has made it clear that it is his intention to push for her to receive this honor.

Meanwhile, President Joachim Gauck praised Albayrak’s bravery, in the following letter to her family:

“Like countless citizens, I am shocked and appalled by this terrible act. Tugce has earned gratitude and respect from us all. She will always remain a role model to us, our entire country mourns with you. Where other people looked the other way, Tugce showed exemplary courage and moral fortitude.”

Link to page:

Found this a little while back. Figured I'd share it. Makes my head spin a little bit considering the fact that you look all around and you see the retarded "feminists" as they supposedly claim the mantel to and they're still around doing nothing when you can take one look at this person's eyes and know that this was a decent person. It's a damn fucking shame.

The Flood / Re: Korra exercises her arms
« on: December 02, 2014, 01:13:13 AM »

Got nothing on 'Amoured Batman'

Nothing on Viking Batman.

Gaming / Re: Mass Effect vs. Fallout vs. Dark Souls
« on: December 02, 2014, 12:33:06 AM »
Dark Souls is the only game where I can beat the shit out of people with a wizard staff and a shield. Beating people to death with a shield or a stick is objevtively THE BEST.

And you invade the worlds of people called Mozart.


The Flood / Re: Little Who Is Starting To Shave
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:40:05 PM »
It's winter. You don't need to shave! You need a beard to catch all the ice!
You act like when hair just starts coming in that it's actually plentiful and thick enough to do anything.

Sure as fuck didn't take long on my end. One shave and that shit went out of control.

The Flood / Re: Little Who Is Starting To Shave
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:38:06 PM »
It's winter. You don't need to shave! You need a beard to catch all the ice!

The Flood / Re: Star Wars Trailer #2???
« on: December 01, 2014, 06:16:51 PM »

Serious / Re: What if the Universe is just a part of a larger system?
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:25:58 PM »
The only problem with that is the fact that if you were to move faster than light, we'd leave our universe. If we were take your theory into account.

We don't want to leave our universe. We want to travel to the moon, and mars, and all the other solar bodies in our backyard quickly. But we don't want to overshoot the runway because then we get into some really fucking bad territory.
Well you'd need to figure what area of the Higgs Field you're altering. Once you exit the altered field you should return to normal speed, so you wouldn't fly out the Universe.

Again, likely potentially incredibly dangerous.

Because you're bending the field, you're exiting our known realm of physics where everything we know no longer applies. Our laws of physics, everything we know might no longer apply and therefore what we build might not even be able to function outside of the field our universe exists in.

The Flood / Famous People and Movie Character mashups
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:17:05 PM »

Discuss losing track of where the sides went.

The Flood / Re: It's Monday
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:05:21 PM »
I'm attending a lecture myself. Sucks.

Just you?
Myself and the other 20 or so people in this room, yes.

Doesn't make it any more interesting though.

What's the lecture about
The European Court of Justice and the Emerging Common Law of Europe: Member State liability for unlawful breaches of EU law across all branches.

Quite a mouthful

Serious / Re: What if the Universe is just a part of a larger system?
« on: December 01, 2014, 12:03:12 PM »
The only problem with that is the fact that if you were to move faster than light, we'd leave our universe. If we were take your theory into account.

We don't want to leave our universe. We want to travel to the moon, and mars, and all the other solar bodies in our backyard quickly. But we don't want to overshoot the runway because then we get into some really fucking bad territory.

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