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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:37:47 PM »
You're an inspiration dude! I could possibly go through the same thing one day!

Hmm. Not really. I cheesed it. I packed my shit and left in the city when they were going to offload the first batch into me. Pretty shitty if you ask me. I'm still going through with it. But I'm taking the weaker stuff. I'm a bad example if you want going through with it. But, I hope that you don't have to. Don't even think about it in fact. Keep in high spirits though. With luck, you won' have to go through with anything bad.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:08:40 PM »
Where do you live, Sandtrap? What city are you referring to?

I live six hours into the middle of nowhere. I reffered to Prince Albert, in Saskatchewan.

The Flood / Re: Just some stuff I've need to get off my chest
« on: December 08, 2014, 07:06:49 PM »
I'm going to do something different here. This thread was, and is still here. Made for a reason. So, Bacon, you ask for advice. Asked me, for a something. That's hard to give. Honestly, I don't think I'm the best at advice. Because my lifestyle is alien to you. It's foreign, and far out there. I can only give advice for things that we share familiarity with. So here goes.

In general, I end up thinking dark thoughts and stuff which I realise probably isn't healthy. But I've come to realise that if my family was killed, I wouldn't care. I would be able to take someone's life if it was necessary and that everything dies, so there's no point trying to fight it. But recently these kinds of thoughts are becoming more and more common, until a couple of days ago I accidentally cut my finger on a knife while making a sandwich. Nothing major, just essentially a paper cut but I realised just how sharp the knife was and realised how easy it would be to slit someone's throat with it. Which I recognise is not a healthy mindset, when walking into a room, you're immediately analysing why you could use as a makeshift weapon or what you would do if you were forced to defend yourself. [Yeah. Yeah. Le epic crawling and all that. I know this sounds as fedora as all holy hell.

Now, this is sketchy. Human brain is a tricky thing. But, I can tell you one thing. Every once in a while, I get like that. I'll look at somebody, and realize, that I could push them. Off some scaffolding or whatever. Their back is turned. If I took the sledgehammer in my hands, I could do a lot of damage.

Naturally, I shut that out fast. But I don't think it's neccessarily intrinsically bad. Maybe it's just the manifestaion of a bored mind. Same with self defense. In fact, when I end up in a new area, that's all I think about. Because I don't trust folks either. And you never know what can happen. And truly, you can NEVER, know what can happen.

The other thing that constantly occupies my mind more permanently is my resentment of other people, being around other people and the fact that I do not trust anyone. I can name five people I trust outright- two of them friends since as long as I can remember, one because he doesn't really care but he listens to what I say and the other two are people I know from the Internet. And only one of them I have ever trusted with this kind of thing- I was very tempted to make an alt for this but decided not to bother. But I basically have an inherent distrust. I can't accept good things happening, or people wanting to be a friend because I imagine people like I am- and I become friends with most people because it will benefit me later on. Because I can gain an advantage from them, so I view people as doing the same to me, hence why I cannot trust many people. I should also note at this point that I do not trust any of my family with details regarding my personal life. I have little respect for my father, I like my mother but she massively overreacts and I don't know anyone else well enough to trust with stuff, which I believe is why I need to make this thread on the Internet, where I am ultinately just some dude on a keyboard. The anonymity of the Internet means I find it easier to trust with my own stuff than other IRL people. When forced to be in large groups, I become anxious and disoriented as there is too much going on and too many sounds and it ends up overwhelming, and I need to sit down in a quiet empty place to recuperate.

Right. This is me incarnate. I don't trust folks. Bad childhood. You're an introvert. Only good around very small numbers of people, and your friends are close. Trust is hard earned, and even then, you never place it completely.

I guess that leads on to writing. Although I enjoy world building, I know that I'll likely never make it as a writer because I'm shit. But for me, it was never about a job or anything. It was simply about creating something to actually work for. Because I am just bored. Of everything. If life in general. To me, it's just a routine. School, eat. Sleep repeat. Nothing interesting is happening. So I make things up. I create this fantasy world where I can tie in my knowledge of real science (This was the only reason I picked A Level physics btw) to something I create. I can-for four or five hours between school and sleep- just immerse myself in this works and forget how shit and boring the real world is. It's the same reason why I poured over 1,000 hours into Skyrim in a few weeks, or why I have 100% completion of both 'new' Fallout games, read every codex entry in Mass Effect and read the books on Halo and joined a website just for talking about the story. It's why I play video games, read books, watch films and TV. Because my world view is that everything you do is just procrastinating until your body gives up and dies. Only thing is that a couple hundred years ago, you could find a side quest fairly easily by wandering out into the wilderness, putting up a fence and building your own house and growing crops. Now it's just spending hours on a job so you can buy basic food and a house so you can do your job and everything you care about eventually is kicked out of the back door and forgotten. It's the reason I don't do any schoolwork at home; I need something to do like writing or I lose motivation for everything. I lose motivation and I just stop and life just becomes a pointless maze that you can't actually escape, and that's when I begin wondering what the point of bothering is anyway, when you can't trust the government or banks to actually make sure what little you have is worth something. I'm just stuck in this endless train of thought as I go from one thought to another. Especially when I constantly add that I likely cannot get into anything I want to do; physics? I'm bad at maths (Teachers keep me on the course because I'm interested. That's it) and writing/ indie games are a slim chance at best, with landing a job at the likes of 343i even lower. I just.. Don't know what to do and I feel that I genuinely need some advice.

And this. This is big.

So, let's get down to the big thing here. You're an introvert. You're relatively young. And you're stressed. You keep everything in. And you don't want to expose any part of you. You are with no doubt, a picture of me a few years ago. Almost a perfect copy. So, here's what I can tell you.

For starters, I'm writing this here, because I want to be honest. If I can talk about myself to you, I can talk about myself to other folks. And second, if you're a fitting picture of me, which you are, then this should be said out front. So, here we go amigo. This is what I see.

You're quiet. Don't trust people. Don't even trust family. That comes from being hurt. A LOT. That's heavy damage. You view coming out as a weakness. Because the world showed you that you don't mean anything to it. Why should it care about you? That's a good question. And a hard mindset to break. The world doesn't care in the first place because it can't. It's the people. And you've met the shit end of the stick when it comes to people.

And believe me, that's a big fucking stick. BIG FUCKING STICK.

When you close up like that, your thoughts tend to go dark. Mood swings. And, over time, that can lead to the onset of serious depression. Because they happen more and more until you wake up one day and suddenly it's like that all the time. Your family issues, and your past are your own. All I can say to you about your past is this.

Don't hang on to it. Because it's over. It's done. And there are days ahead. Days that you can make better. And I know that sounds like bullshit. Take it from me. It's not.

Now, we come to the big thing. Your present, and your future. This is the tricky one. Because you've been raised in society. Taught from day one, that society is a good thing. And in order to get it's perks, you have to work in it.

But they never tell you how. They run you through an outdated schooling system, and then toss you out into the world with other people who are miserable, who know, and knew just as much as you when they got tossed into the shark pit.

The key here, is a hobby. Not a job. Keep in mind I don't say work. These three things are different.

Work, is the daily struggle of life. A hobby, is something you enjoy. That you love doing. And, if you're lucky, you can make a profit off of it. And a job. A job is a task. You work it, make money, and buy your nice shit from it. But it has no intrinsic fun to it whatsoever. If you have fun at your job, then it's not a job. It's either a hobby, or work.

Because work can be hard. But it can be fun too. And a hobby, well, that's fun all the time.

So, you've been given the middle finger and tossed out there. I can tell you something you have that I didn't. You have a hobby. So, I'm going to talk to you about the best chance you have. Your hobby.

Obviously, you're a thinker. To put what you put down in your works, you need to know things on some basic level. And you do. That means you've got some level of solid intelligence right there.

And second. You call yourself "not a writer." Or you label it as shit. Here's the thing amigo. You are a writer. Know why? Because you wrote that up above. Writing, is not a title. It is not a mantle. It's a label, given by society. And here's the facts.

Every single human being is a writer. Writing brings something good to all of us when we do it. The only difference that a "writer" has, is the fact that they are more attuned to themselves. But at your core, you are a writer. And you're more attuned than most when starting out.

So, let's talk about what writers need. Or, more importantly, what you should do.

Writers need fuel Bacon. Events in life, inspirations, real life happens, news, events on their end, you name it. And the mind of a writer will feed off that. Create stories and new things based off those events. And you have several options when entering new events. You could write about what you see plain and simple in real life. Or you could rip that scenario out and put it in a story. You could take singular events and scatter them into multiple stories.

The point I'm trying to make, is that you need to see new things. Because you're young. Just like me. And when you see something new that surprises you, it'll boost you.

You're in this state partially because what you have now is the only life you know. It's the only life that was taught. But the fact is, there are new things around every corner. No lie. You can find the most amazing shit, out of the way and in quiet corners you never expected. Corners you missed.

Now, this is a fuck of stuff to talk about. And a lot to think about as well. But I tell you what. Let's talk. In little bits and pieces. We work on things one at a time. You've got a hobby right there. That hobby can spin your world upside down. It can rip everything in your life apart and change it for the better. So let's start there.

Now, if you're at the end of this, then I'll explain to you why I said all this here.

The internet is a net. Physical barriers are absent. Nothing can hurt you here. And, the more you open up here, the better. Because as you open up a bit here, you'll be free with your thoughts. And being free with your thoughts, frees you.

As a writer, letting what comes slip out into words, no matter what they are, whether it be from your life, or your stories, is important. So that's why I made this here.

Because I am a writer. And you are too. You have intelligence backing you up. And you put self doubt in yourself because there's conflictions in your past, and your present, about what you should do with your life.

And the simple fact is, society doesn't want you to do anything. Get a job and work is fine by it. If you're not happy, it doesn't care. And that's what it wants. But you, Bacon, you, are a writer. You can take that and fuck things up. You can fuck up those gears so bad.

So. When you're done with this, let's talk. And let's see what we can do from here.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:35:55 PM »
Did you bang any loose women or men? After all spaghetti is straight until it gets wet.

If bang is slang for strangle and women and men mean potentially, then yes. Yes I did.

The Flood / Re: Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:34:02 PM »
You know what? I'm tired. But I'm home. Home made coffee friends!

The Flood / Re: Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 05:06:54 PM »
Boy do you hate cities. I do too, but damn.

Welcome back man, I hope you have a good treatment back home.

You've got no idea.

 Good to be back.

The Flood / Jesus Fuck I missed this place
« on: December 08, 2014, 04:58:48 PM »
Like, seriously. God damn. Anywho, bit of news. Will keep it short. Tired.

I'm back home now. Can't fucking stand the city. No fucking chance in hell am I going to stay there. So, here's the deal. I'm taking what my clinic has access too. Maybe more potential for long term damage on a longer treatment, and less chances of survival. But, fuck it. I'm happy to be back home. City is a fucking toxic dump to me.

In concousion.


I'm fucking happy to be here. And I'm not going anywhere. Here to stay now. For better or worse. And I'm going to sleep. Ask what you want, and I'll answer it later.

Okay, fuck it. I made this. I can't be arsed to explain things. I'm tired as shit. Don't like repeating myself. Yeah, I know it's long as shit. Skip to six minutes in if you want to get to business here. This basically covers anything you want to ask me. Knock yourselves out amigos.

Going to sleep now. Tootles.


Keep this shit under wraps please. A friend of mine told me my shit got leaked over on Bungle. While I suppose yeah, I included stuff there for Bungle folks, I don't want anything made for me. We keep things simple right? Nice and quiet.

The Flood / To Sep7agon, with love....
« on: December 04, 2014, 03:46:45 PM »
This all seems a little familiar doesn't it? Yeah, it does. I've got to go now folks. Change of plans. A snowstorm's coming. And I've got to move before the roads close. So, this is it. I'm sorry I couldn't stay a little longer. But, I leave something behind for all you folks to listen to, when you have the time.

That ^^^, is me doing things differently. Because I'm leaving on my terms this time. And I choose to leave off on something more that the word of a friend. That message, is for all of you.

So, I've got to go now. I can only leave off with one thing that represents my time here, as a member, and my reign as a monitor. I'll be back, when I can. I'll try to keep in touch. But, for now, goodbye folks. I'll see you around.


The Flood / Re: I don't celebrate Christmas.
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:44:09 AM »
General rule of mine is to just enjoy whatever holidays there are and make them family days, all of them.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 04, 2014, 11:42:52 AM »
Updated the OP.

The Flood / Re: So apparently Vien rules now?
« on: December 04, 2014, 09:35:21 AM »

The Flood / Re: Night Flood.
« on: December 03, 2014, 11:03:27 PM »
Happy trails partner. I'll be chugging coffee with ya.

« on: December 03, 2014, 11:02:30 PM »

I'm disappointed in the fact that you can't see her panties.






The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:31:20 PM »
Well then... if you pass, save me a seat at the bar up top, we'll talk for a bit. If you live (And you'd better) I hope to see your flashy return to this forum in full force!

I've been through these things before Sep. They always change my head. And personally, I think, if I come back, I'm not coming back in one piece. I don't want to look at what's ahead for me with the Chemo. But I know. I know what's coming. That's going to snap whatever I've got left and go running around the block with it. So when I get back, I don't know who the fuck I'll be.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 10:27:31 PM »
If you ever lose the will to live, watch the food channel, and just remember that you haven't tried all that delicious looking food yet. You must live on for the food! Food makes me happy.

I'll take it into consideration Chalk. Even though I don't have a TV. I'll think about food. But I guess, I've got a better memory than you. Remember when you got all mopey about your monitor position?

Well, now's your shot bud.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 09:10:41 PM »
Would you be willing to post an address, privately or publicly, where we can send you Christmas gifts or cards or even just letters?

I'm sorry amigo. My mailbox isn't mine. And when I'm gone, I won't be around to pick them up anyway. If you're going to say anything, then say it here.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:31:20 PM »
What in the hell....

Of course it's cancer. Shit.

Fuck cancer. I ain't no smoker. Don't you worry admirals.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 07:07:36 PM »
You make all the problems I have seem like candy. I really hope you are able to get through this as you are one of the few posters here that I genuinely respect. You are always here to talk to people and maintain discussion even when the trolls and idiots try to derail threads. Tumors, Cancer, everything sucks and it takes a lot to go through Chemo Therapy and I hope that the pain and stress of it all doesn't take you along with the Tumor. If you ever need someone to talk to or talk with we should all be here for you and we'd love to talk with you. If needed I could give you my Phone Number and my Skype but I really can't do much in my current situation but talk and mourn with you.

The thought of having someone in my life die and go away is always painful, even if they are a stranger on the internet. I've seen people ruin other people's lives and become rich and get what they want, i've seen a lot of idiots get better lives than those who try and It makes me spiteful. Here is hoping that if there is a God that they can explain why the people who are seemingly evil are rewarded and the people who genuinely good and try to help out the world are those who get the shaft.

I feel like I'm rambling here because of my irritation of your life situation but It's painful to watch what you have to go through because of the Machine that controls the country and how it operates. I wish the world could be a more fair place where everyone has the opportunity to have a good life and share that life with others.

You are a great man, and should you leave us forever know that we will remember you. You have left your mark on all the people you have been around and you will not be forgotten.

I'd like to say something on this. Don't elevate me. Because while my problems are indeed shitty, there's other people here facing things that I never could, never will, and never did. Your problems shouldn't feel like candy next to mine. Because my problems feel like candy next to others.

I never had to balance a budget in the shitty economy while going to school, and learn for my future. I never had to buckle down and put a home on a mortgage and pay that off on top of everything else. Whenever I don't have a job, some contract work, I have my home base. A restaurant, that isn't mine. I just help. And I sit on my ass here in the day in my downtime when I have no jobs.

I quit school. Never went to collage, or university. Never had to juggle learning, and a home, while working a job.

Nuka's homeless. I've never known that. Trying to balance his life on thin air.

Noelle stood up to ridicule in the military, the worst possible place for her, and stayed true to herself all the way, even if it led her down some dark roads.

Other friends of mine are caught in a job. Stuck in shitty work that they have to do in order to keep going day in and day out in a future they might not be able to make, or a future they see little hope in.

Put me in any of those situations, and I would break. I couldn't hack it. The point is, I'm not a saint. My problems are not bigger than yours. My problems are different. But no better, or worse. Put anybody in my shoes and they'd probably shoot themselves with what they have to wake up to. But the same could be said of me if I was switched around.

Don't put me on a pedestal. Just realize, that I am me. No better, or worse. I make mistakes. I break down, I give up. I stand up, keep going, and fight the best I can. Everybody here?

We're all in the same boat. If you want to remember one thing about me, don't go for courage. Just remember that fundamentally, we're all in this ride together. Show a little bit of care when you can manage.

Show other people that they aren't alone in their fights, no matter how different the view may be from all the different sets of mountains out there.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:48:02 PM »
Gonna miss you man. :(

I'll make sure to stop buy when I can. I'll be shipping out to a city after all. A stop to a nice little coffee shop lie my own might allow me to say howdy. Then again, maybe not. Cold and flu season. Folks in the cities don't take care. Chemo and a cold don't bode well. I'll give it a shot when I can though.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:46:02 PM »
Good luck, man, and do try to come back alive. This forum needs some Buddhist spirituality sometimes...

I don't think I've got much left to give. Gave most of my sunshine over to Nuka and other folks. Scraping the bottom of the barrel here really. But, I'll try. One last time.
God damn it Sandtrap...
Look, if anyone can pull through this, it's you. You can't let yourself give up. Not like this.

I still gotta draw you up stuff and whatnot...I just haven't been able to

This time it's a little bit different. I've been lying to myself, over the last month or so. Because I don't want to look at what's on the road ahead. I either sit here, and die, painfully. That growth presses on my head until there's no room against my skull and it caves in blood vessels and tissue and kills me.

I get up, and I take Chemo. I get sick. My own body dies because that's what Chemo is. It's a double edged sword, because that's the best we can do. We gamble with our lives. A wager, against fate, that the cancer in our body, is beaten first before we are. And sometimes, the cancer plays tricks.

I knew a girl, in my school. 17. She was diagnosed with lukemia. And she went in to have it treated with Chemo. She lost all her hair. Her skin went pale. Every day she looked like she was about to die. She was weak, and tired. She had to have bone marrow transplants because the chemicals were killing her bones producing cells.

And then, she died. The lukemia had a card up it's sleeve. A tumor in her head, that got too bad, and killed her with a clot. She was walking around with friends one day, and she fell over. Her name was Taylor.

And I'm fucking tired Nuka. I'm not even walking because I want to anymore. I'm just walking. I've been lying to myself so much that I didn't see the grey shit creeping up on my back. Grey, is the colour of my depression. The inside one. Not the one that comes with the fall season. Being tired, is a call to sleep. And it's hard to fight.

And most of all, I'm doing this by myself. My family will never let me down. If I need them out there, they will all come running. But this? I am alone for it. And I don't want to be. I'm going to drive to the city, alone. I'm going to set up shop, alone. And fight for myself, alone.

If I call, people will come to help me. They'll stay at my side until I can't do it anymore. But I have to do this. I have to take the drugs. I have to submit myself to this. I'll have to force myself to wake up every morning and fight.

When I face the reality that so far, even if I beat this, what comes next? I'm tired because I don't want this anymore. I don't want to have to fight every step of the way. And I'm not even asking for much. I want a friend, a mind like mine. I want a home. I want peace, and quiet.

Not fame, or power, or influence. I don't want a job. I want to do the hobbies I love. I don't want so much land that I don't know what to do with. Give me a sqaure, some trees, and I'll make it my own.

I want a simple life. So why is it so hard to get? Why do I have to go up a mountain just to achieve simplicity? I don't know. And I don't like how it always has to be so far away.

Maybe it's a lesson. Maybe I'll appreciate it all the more if I finally ever get it. Who knows. I just have to keep walking and see where I go.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:24:53 PM »
I'm going to miss you Sandtrap. You were one of the few people on here that I trusted and I have a lot of respect for you. You offered me good advice when I asked for it and you were a saint overall to everyone.

I've got one last piece of advice for you about money. You remember the 50/50 rule? Take everything you make and split it in half? Put a limit it on it.

Right now, I have no money in my spending jar. But I have 1000 sitting in an evnelope that I don't touch. I made a new rule today. When that envelope reaches 1000 dollars, I empty it. I take 500, and put it in a safe. Then I take the other 500, and put that back in my jar.

Because the spending jar goes out like the snap of a finger. So, every now and then, I'll get boosts when I need them. And still find a way to save money over time.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 06:21:46 PM »
Heyyy no more ''i could have made my point in a few sentences or less but instead i turned it into a motivational wall of text'' posts.

Well, recover or dont. I feel indifferent.
No need to be a douche.
Im just honest. 'Sorry' i dont feel empathy towards people i dont know...

Then maybe I didn't get to know you well enough. People all have stories. People all have something special in them. Something you never expected to find. Something inspiring. Something interesting. I don't have the time to support everybody on my back because I can hardly even stand up on my own two feet right now with what I know is coming.

Never stopped me from trying. And that's a promise. We'll start off that way. You have my word. When, and if, I ever come back, I'll find some way to say hello to you. Ask Nuka. Ask Noelle. Ask Psych. Ask the folks that call me a friend. My word is the best I can ever give. And I don't ever break it.

The Flood / Re: Are you bothered by cold?
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:51:52 PM »
I'm comfortable in -30. At -40 I start to feel it. I always liked cold winters. It's just such a nice feeling. It's pure. All consuming. Like fire. But the opposite.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 05:44:55 PM »

I'm just doing a little bit of thinking here Mr. Class. A little thinking never hurt. And I can't help but think about your sarcastic nature on here. I'm not offended. Not asking for anything. But I'm curious. Always have been. So, here's what I know, and here's what I think.

I know that behind the scenes you're a little more serious. As some folks said, maybe even nice.

And yet here you are. The truth is, most people that frequent this site, are pretty close together generation wise. And it's damn easy to see that our generation, my generation, got a big fat fucking middle finger from society. And I lesson I've learned well, is that similar people group together. They just do. And you take one look around here, and you can see, there's a lot of people with baggage. Me included.

Not an insult. Just the way things are. This place, and the internet in general, is an escape. It's easy to put on a mask and go about your business here disguised as whoever you feel like. Me, I was raised to be honest. Anybody who's talked to me through voice can probably say that I act and speak pretty close to what I do here.

And the fact is, I come from the epitome of a disfunctional family. Why else would I be here? This site has gone long past being gaming and Halo centered. And you know what, maybe it is a little sad. Because I am attention starved. How the fuck could I not be? Everything up here, is so far apart. My entire life, I've been alone. And finally finding some people on here to talk with, opened up a door. I wanted that again. I wanted to feel something in my direction, other than hate, or dislike.

The only thing I wonder about, is why you're so centered around me. Maybe I've got a poor memory. Maybe I'm being self centered again. But there are other folks here, and on Bunige, who fit the bill of "attention whore" far more than I.

But then again, maybe it's because I'm different. You can't deny it. I must be a fucking alien to you. My world is so far apart from yours that it's ridiculous. Crazy. And only a few canadians up here have a chance of even understanding what my life is like.

I won't lie when I say that your comments sting me. I'm emotionally fragile. I know that. And I can see why. With a history like mine, anybody would be. And thr plain truth is, even without all the big bullshit this year, this is a tough year for me.

This place is my mask. This place is where I can send my thoughts out freely. All the things that I hide from myself. Because I'm a master at lying to myself. I had to be, in order to survive as a kid.

I don't ask for sympathy. I'm not asking you to stop. In fact I'm not asking anything really. I'm just thinking right now, as I type this.

Saying goodbye, and hello, is natural to me. Hello to new faces, people out of town. Goodbye to friends and family, because when they go on a trip, you don't ever know if you'll see them again. I could list, all the dead people here Class. The elderly. Accidents. Enviornmental deaths from the cold. There's a lot of them.

I say hello to new people here, because that's who I am. And I say goodbye to them, because I don't know if I'll ever see them again. And I never, ever, want to leave someone without letting them know that I care.

There is no point to this. But here's your


People here come here for a reason class. We're all here because we're vaguely similiar. And you wear a mask here. So here's what I can say.

When you take that mask off, and you expose your weak side to everybody here, your vulnerable side when life feels too shitty and you need an escape?

I hope you don't bump into somebody else like yourself. Because even your simple disregard damages me. It cuts me like a knife right now. I'm not afraid to say that because that's the truth. I am damaged. But so are you. And a lot of people here. I won't hold it against you. But maybe when you're older, you'll have a little more respect for things and people around you.

Because now that I'm older, the people like you that made my life as a kid a living hell? If I ever see them again, I'll beat the fucking shit out of them. Because sometimes, that's what some people need. Some common sense smacked into them. A wake up call.

Do what you will with that.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:03:40 PM »
I would say I'm sorry for your troubles and tell you how much I hope you get better, but that seems kind of redundant now, doesn't it?

This really sucks.

Well, boring old redundant stuff has to end sometime right?

The Flood / Re: It's official!
« on: December 03, 2014, 04:01:43 PM »
I endorse this movement fully.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:57:18 PM »

You know it partner. You want to take my spot as monitor? Trust me, it's a blast.
God no. Not Class.

Class for Monitor 2014.
There's nothing I can say without feeling and looking like a piece of shit.

Ha. Gotcha in a twist now don't I? Don't worry about it. I'm sure they'll pick Kinder instead. Maybe CIS scum.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:53:43 PM »

You know it partner. You want to take my spot as monitor? Trust me, it's a blast.
I would (and be kickass at it), but this forum would slit their wrists before putting me in a slightly relative position of power.

You like yelling right? How about debates? How about politics? I was only there for one staff round table meeting, concerning some dammicky stuff, but boy oh boy that was fun.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:52:11 PM »

You know it partner. You want to take my spot as monitor? Trust me, it's a blast.
God no. Not Class.

Class for Monitor 2014.

The Flood / Re: This is my official resignation as a monitor
« on: December 03, 2014, 03:48:57 PM »

You know it partner. You want to take my spot as monitor? Trust me, it's a blast.

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