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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:43:22 AM »
You go. You come back. You go. You come back...

Someone's indecisive.

The difference is. Today is just a single road trip. I'll be back tonight.

But here's the thing. Today has the potential to alter my life. This is a step, that I'm taking here with a lot of damn weight behind it. It's a good day. For all intents and purposes, I will show up back here. But, unexpected problems have a way of showing up.

If they do, I'm game. Because today's a good day, plain and simple. And importantly, this day wouldn't be possible if the progress I made on myself this year hadn't taken place. A good chunk of that progress came from here. Talking. Talking with friends. Talking with people in general.

Talking with you even.

I give thanks and appreciate that I didn't do this alone.

The Flood / Re: My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:35:05 AM »
No matter where you go, how hard you need to fight, how much you want to give up and how shit you may feel, just remember that we're always here. A bastion of stability, and a community that almost universally adores you.

You have a very admirable character, and a brilliant amount of strength and commitment. I wish you luck on your adventure, and hope you're able to keep your measured temperament during these dark days.

I think I speak for everybody when I say we love you, and you'll always be pillar of this community.

Nein. You hang up first.

The Flood / My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:49:48 AM »
Two hours to go gentlemen until I hop in my truck and roll off. Off to where? Hmm. Call it an adventure. New roads. New town. And maybe, a new friend. One last shuffle for the sake of trying.

I can say today is probably the happiest day I've had in a while. And there's a lot of shit in my way folks. My vehicle had some nice jury rigged repairs on my end when it tried to break down on me yesterday, and I went over stuff and got it into tip top shape for today's trip.

Surprisingly, this is a big deal for me. Haven't had a big deal in a while that was good. I second guess myself too much but I am aware that I have keen eyes and this interesting person, far off in another town is worth the trouble of going through to get up and say a simple hello to.

You folks haven't lived up here. The remote nature and distance of everything makes finding folks hard. Especially if you're different like me, which, by now should be a given. So, I've gotta jump.

And I think it'll be fun.

But I am aware that there are so many damn things that could go wrong with this trip, traveling so far, on ice and snow in this cold. And most of all, I am aware, that my chances are decreasing everyday.

I refer of course, to the cocktail of shit that's been blasted into me for a good week and a half now. The wonderful thing doc's call Chemo. I'm not handling it well. My body's a mess, and in conjunction with all the winter effects on people which are harsh here as well, I am, at this point an actual walking corpse.

Day by day I get worse and now I'm on counter drugs to help with some side effects that are manifesting.

So. I feel like I'm a bit of a cliff here. And I am aware, that even if this day turns out well, and goes perfect, I can still lose. I could still stand the chance of giving out under all the strain as of late.

But, that's the way things go sometimes.

I would like to thank all of you folks. Every last one of you no matter who you are. Six or seven months ago when I really started to open up, and made some friends to talk to, I never expected it to lead up to this.

I never expected the challenges of this year and I did my best to fight against what was thrown at me.

But to all you people, whether you be a good friend, a person that I admit openly that I love very much so, or you're a good friend that helped me better define myself and learn who I was.

Whether you were a friend who read my stories and did not do what I expected.

Whether you be a friend I enjoy talking to and with.

Whether you're a friend that I fight for and try to help because I legitimately care.

Whether you're a person I don't know yet, and haven't gotten the chance to know better.

Whether you're a person who's new on the spotlight.

Or you're just an acquaintence and we've only talked a few sparse times.

All of you deserve thanks. You all deserve thanks because it was the culmination of these experiences, moments, fights, friends, laughs, and other things that were shared with me that have allowed me to even live to see this moment.

It's been a rough year. And I'm not afraid to say that without these moments, I wouldn't have pulled through alone. And hopefully, today, I can find somebody interesting like myself on home ground who I can fight for and reach out to.

I always try to hope for the best.

But, I can't turn forwards on the road ahead, without acknowledging the people who were there for me.



To these friends of mine, wherever you are now, I remember you for what you’ve given me. I remember the lessons taught, the experiences shared, and the new windows each and every one of you has given me. You all have my thanks, and now I give it, in light of a debt I will never be able to repay you for.

Smiggles- You were the first. I opened everything up to you.

Floppytub- You brought comfort and sparked pride in me for what I do.

Vien- You brought the knowledge of common ground, knowledge that I was not alone.

Noelle- You opened new windows for me, and taught me to look for the hidden details.

Mr. Admirals- Your love for a favorite universe of mine is boundless, and has always helped me find an anchor.

Gojira- You gave what I sought for so long. Someone to discuss the merits and finer details of my work.

Baconshelf- A fellow writer in arms, a friendly face in the storm, I enjoy your worlds and your stories.

Nuka- You supported me and strengthened my resolve that I was not wrong in my writings.

Kiyo- That fire in your eyes and unexpected friendliness brings a smile to me in my dark days.

And to all of you people who's names I don't mention. I thank you too.

You folks were the reason I've managed to come so far to even be alive to see this or even try. This trip I'm taking today has the potential to be my last. I'm running out of fight to give physically, but by now most of my friends know that my sense of humor and optimism can't be killed without a fight.

So. To all of you. Bungie.Net, Sep7agon, Halo Archive.

I thank you folks for the moments shared, the friend made, and the comforts and experiences given.

So. One last shuffle, and we'll see where things go from here right?

You know it folks. Lets see what new roads lie up on the path shall we?

If I find something new and interesting, I'll show up here in due time with a spring in my step and a fight to move and be happy even if I'm a bit of a walking corpse.

And, if I don't come back from this road trip and something bad does come of it, well, I tried. And it was you folks that allowed me to come this far.


Thank You.

Yours Sincerely, Sandtrap

The Flood / Re: Gentlemen, I tip my hat to you all
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:42:27 PM »
Heyo folks. Bon voyage!

The Flood / Re: how bout i
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:17:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: How smart do you think I am?
« on: December 16, 2014, 06:59:20 PM »
I'm going to use two words here. Smart, and intelligence.

I don't know how smart you are because I don't know you. Don't know you in person, haven't talked to you enough.

But I know where your intelligence lies. It's all in the numbers. You are supposedly rich. And you've got the cars to show for it. I don't know where you got some of your bucks from. If a foggy memory serves well, part of it was inheritence. The rest was playing around in stocks and such.

You're a man of numbers. Playing the stocks takes keen eyes, pattern spotting, watching the trends and doing the math and predictions on what goes up and down.

Your vehicles are for rich people. They're all about numbers. Series model, parts that afffect this, do that, produce this much power, give this much weight, and so on and so forth.

Anybody who can run numbers is decently smart. You're likely above average or more.

Let's take a look at things here amigo. You're obviously not feeling good. I don't know why, because I don't know you. I really don't. But this thread was made for a reason.

If it had no reason, you wouldn't have made it, and gone through the effort of typing it up. So. Why'd you type this up? What do all people fundamentally like, even if it's only in very small outputs?

Attention. So, what comes with attention? Focus. "Look at me."


Why "Look at me?"

Because you're hurt, in pain. And you're alone for it. You mention a divorce. I don't know how old you are but a quick check says you're 28. You say you've got a childish attachment. I still can't pin it down whether it's a divorce on your end or a divorce involving parents. Either way, neither on of them is nice.

So, either way we look at it, it's something heavily personal on your end. And you're alone to deal with it now so you typed this all up because you want attention to focus on you.

Attention isn't bad. Because what does attention give us?

Attention makes us feel happy. When you receive it it boosts you. Because it's a good feeling to know that somebody out there is aware of you. And even more so, self pity is likely to attract more sympathetic attention.

The bottom line here is, something just exploded on your end and you're aware of reality now.

However, at the same time, you're not. You're aware of your reality. But things are never so clear cut.

So let me tell you right now that talking can help. And it's not hard. Know why? Because you made that post up there. You just unchained something in your system.

If you did it once, you can do it again. So, talk to me.

And you're going to reflect this. You're going to avoid it and pass it off, aren't you? You're going to reflect it back on yourself and you're going to mark yourself out as a person not worth talking to because you've made mistakes.

Well, fight that. Talk to me. Set everything loose and I'll talk back. I'll do more than that. I'll show you things you don't see. It's not ever completely your fault. It never is. And most of all, you can always fix things. There's always a way out.

So. Here's the deal. Any day. Any time. You talk, and if I see it, if I'm here, I'll talk to you. Because you want to talk. You just did. So lets sit down and sort things out.

Because you should know, that yes, there are people out there with worse problems.

But the feeling is the same. The feeling of hurt, and sad, self pity, self loathing, and utter, complete defeat at the hands of something you can't fight or change feels the same from person to person.

So your problem isn't as small as you make it out to be because it affects you the same way my own problems effect me.

You want to sit down and talk with me? Anytime. I'll be here, and you have my attention now.

Heyo. We can't be perfect amigo. Everybody has fuck ups. Sometimes, you can't avoid them either. They're the manifestations of your upbringing and experiences. How could you change when all you know is what you've learned from day one?

Point is, there's no toxicity from you. And you're feeling shitty. What about? I can take a guess, but I need some more definition here. So. Not that we can exactly. But sit down. Let's talk. Here and now. Or if you feel like it, privately.

What's riding on your shoulders? Like I said. We all bugger up some days. We're not infalliable. So. Say something back here.

Take what you gotta say, and let the words make themselves. I'm listening, always. And I'll do more than listen, if you talk.

The Flood / Re: Not sure how to feel about this
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:29:52 PM »
Do they go by the name of Dire Dragon?

The Flood / Re: >not having a nice day
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:22:29 PM »

TFW My vehicle decides to break down before I I take a road trip tomorrow.

The Flood / Re: Name Change
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:08:20 PM »
This is appropriate for the holidays.

Thanks Sandy.

Aha! I always wanted to see a fagcicle! Crossing that off the list.

The Flood / Re: Name Change
« on: December 16, 2014, 05:02:51 PM »
I vote for Fagcicle.

The Flood / Re: Any Writing You're Working on?
« on: December 16, 2014, 04:58:17 PM »
Whoo boy. Finished that story of mine couple minutes ago. 10,200 words and a nice 78 pages. All done and wrapped up. Early christmas present for a friend coming up.

Think I nailed the bugger.
How do you produce your work quickly?
I'm slower than snail-injected depressants.

I wasn't aware that I was quick. Those moments are rare.

But, usually what I do is, I think of the premise of the story, and start writing. As I write, the idea shapes itself and I continue onwards, and I just keep going. I'm so sharp with this that usually, I get the feel of what I want in one shot with minimal editing.

Essentially, when I write, I just let everything flow and I see where it takes me. My speed is usually determined by how healthy my head is at the time, the drive and will to see the story come to life, and what particular mood the story is founded in.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 03:10:57 PM »
Seriously, it's a forum...
Snip for emergency discussion >_______>

The fuck is going on here.
You didn't snip it?
I snipped it out because it unfortunately disclosed several details about users who may not have wished that to have happened. It wasn't anything malign at all, but I'm just erring on the side of caution here. Playing it safe and removing it >.>

Sandtrap made a very good point with it though.
I didn't read it, but I doubt it would make me think of a forum as anything more than a place to waste a little bit of time. If people are having personal problems then they should walk away from the computer and deal with real life issues.

Oh but sonica if only that were so easy!

If only I could wake up in the morning and realize that my body is falling apart and continue on with my day all merry and happy.

My hair is falling out. My skin, going pale and sinking in. My muscles are degrading at a rapid pace from winter and the effects of drugs in my system that cause me to sleep for over the majority of the day. My strength is gone, I'm losing weight quickly, and I can't keep much food down nor do I even want to eat.

My nervous system has started degrading and the docs have given me counter drugs with their own side effects.

I realize that I am cripplingly alone up here, and I'm trying to juggle my life one piece at a time.

But you know what? Some days, it's a fucking mess to look at. Because I can't even look at myself in the mirror without being aware that I am physically dying every fucking second I take this shit and dump it into my system in the vain hopes that a lump of cells in my head burns out before I do.

It'd be fucking peachy if I could wake up with a spring in my step and an unbeatable smile against anything.

But I can't. And you know what? I'd wager the majority of the folks here agree that I have one of the toughest, enduring senses of humor and light heartedness that shines even through the fact that right now I'm a walking corpse.

And I can't do it all the time. Neither can these other folks.

The internet is, and always will be an escape. Even if this is a gaming forum, or whatever it wants to be, the core community is drawn to the fact that were are, across all manner of boundries, very much alike.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:44:52 PM »
Well. Here's the thing amigo. We're not psychologists. We have Mr. Psych who's versed in those fields. Goji is versed in sound judgement. And I know I can read folks like I can books. I can pick them apart, and the more I learn about them, the faster I can do it.

But we're not proffessionals. So I'll tell you what this place is. It's a community. We're all generally hurting in some way. And when we are, we come here to talk. Maybe, talk about our problems. Maybe, put on our mask and pretend things are okay.

But we're all here because similar folks have a knack for finding one another. We are a community collective. But we can't do much. We're not proffessionals. And we can screw up big time if we ever thought that. The best we can do, is talk to one another.

This place is an outpost. A waypoint if you will.

It's a stopping point along the way. We come here when we need to. And then we return to our lives and move on as best we can.

Did you ever notice, that some members eventually left our numbers? They became rare appearances and eventually, disappeared from sight and mind all together.

They didn't leave because they were bored.

They left because they were ready.

We all have problems. Some are hard to fix. Some will take time to fix. But the best we can do is simply exist as we are now. And, when folks are ready to step up and get back out into the world, they will.

And this place, is a waypoint in time for them. Something they can come back to. It's safety. Security. And fond faces reside here. Friends. This place is a shelter.

Just a port in the storm. And we'd do our best to remain that way. We talk, and interact and help each other in that way. And when we're ready to get back in the ring, up we go.
What if I never leave? Is this place then a shelter, or a prison?

It's a choice actually.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:34:59 PM »
Seriously, it's a forum...
Snip for emergency discussion >_______>

The fuck is going on here.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:30:14 PM »
Seriously, it's a forum...
Snip for emergency discussion >_______>

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap Brought up an Interesting Point
« on: December 16, 2014, 02:14:51 PM »
Well. Here's the thing amigo. We're not psychologists. We have Mr. Psych who's versed in those fields. Goji is versed in sound judgement. And I know I can read folks like I can books. I can pick them apart, and the more I learn about them, the faster I can do it.

But we're not proffessionals. So I'll tell you what this place is. It's a community. We're all generally hurting in some way. And when we are, we come here to talk. Maybe, talk about our problems. Maybe, put on our mask and pretend things are okay.

But we're all here because similar folks have a knack for finding one another. We are a community collective. But we can't do much. We're not proffessionals. And we can screw up big time if we ever thought that. The best we can do, is talk to one another.

This place is an outpost. A waypoint if you will.

It's a stopping point along the way. We come here when we need to. And then we return to our lives and move on as best we can.

Did you ever notice, that some members eventually left our numbers? They became rare appearances and eventually, disappeared from sight and mind all together.

They didn't leave because they were bored.

They left because they were ready.

We all have problems. Some are hard to fix. Some will take time to fix. But the best we can do is simply exist as we are now. And, when folks are ready to step up and get back out into the world, they will.

And this place, is a waypoint in time for them. Something they can come back to. It's safety. Security. And fond faces reside here. Friends. This place is a shelter.

Just a port in the storm. And we'd do our best to remain that way. We talk, and interact and help each other in that way. And when we're ready to get back in the ring, up we go.

Serious / Re: Australian hostage video
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:28:49 PM »
Some shitty ass police work I'll tell you.

I still think they could've sniped him.
They didn't do it because it had an extremely low potential success rate.
It's fucked up what happened. They should've mobbed the guy in there. The hostages, I mean. There's always a moment where he's distracted enough.

Mob mentality. The common emotion spreads. Fear. Fear is overpowering for one singular person. But put folks in a room and it's amplified. It would take a person with charisma to overpower that mood and fight. Even more, to get others to fight.

But, police are like that. They don't snipe. They're not trained for it. The center of mass is the way to go. Specialists snipe. But when odds are poor, odds are poor.

They tried. And unfortunately not everybody made it out. But it could have been worse. Always.

Serious / Re: Does satire belong in serious?
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:41:57 AM »
"Can I have some more water in my Coke?" LOL
"Come on in, the ice is fine."

"Who wants to go skating on the water?"

Fuck Jesus. He didn't turn ice into wine.

The Flood / Re: be me
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:40:11 AM »
Lol. We just put lights on the trees outside our yard.

The Flood / Re: I never got why people hit electronics
« on: December 16, 2014, 11:33:38 AM »
In some actual cases, loose wiring can be knocked back into place. There's a big set of old speakers in my office that are worn down. They work sometimes, and sometimes they don't. But they're sensitive to bumps. Bump them and they stop working.

Bump them again and you have a chance of getting the sound back.

Basically, it's the common man's way of dealing with electrical problems. Because you don't want to fuck around with electricity. So, rather than rip apart a delicate system and risk the chance of fucking it up more or killing yourself on some volts,

you give it a little bit of hard love.

The Flood / Re: Do you have any sympathy for the Japanese soldiers in WW2?
« on: December 16, 2014, 10:03:49 AM »
Well, not all of them had a choice, they were probably forced into the military or their families would have been hurt. They were also following orders of their government, which is what any military does. I dislike any military, and do not really have sympathy for those who go out there and fight a war to "protect their country", because they are protecting something that does not exist. Countries are imaginary.

But homes are not. It's not so much the country as it is the place you call your home. Personally, if some country started rolling up on Canadian shores and pressed into the fields of my province, and threatened the peace and safety of my home? I'd fight. A country is just a wall and a label, a barrier of space between land that is owned by somebody.

But a home is a tangible thing. It is owned, built, and created by someone. And it can be destroyed. And it hurts to see your life, your home under threat.

The Japanese where the offenders. On the offense. Being a soldier is ugly business. I don't agree with a lot of the ways we use soldiers. But I understand that there are people behind the helmets and flak jackets.

I hold sympathy for any Human being that has to experience war. I hold less sympathy for those who sign up for the wrong reasons and go to the fight willingly, because they wanted that. They wanted that and they got it.

But to the reluctant defender? The man protecting his home? The soldier who fights on their homeland, or across the world for the sake of another, like the Canadian and French troops during the Rwanda genocides?

I hold much sympathy.

The Flood / Re: Can I cry on your shoulder?
« on: December 16, 2014, 09:41:04 AM »
My shoulder is reserved.

You've got two arms no? Two shoulders.
Both reserved.

Reservations imply there's a waiting list!

The Flood / Re: Can I cry on your shoulder?
« on: December 16, 2014, 09:33:49 AM »
My shoulder is reserved.

You've got two arms no? Two shoulders.

The Flood / Re: Personal Help With My Life Discussion Time.
« on: December 16, 2014, 08:26:16 AM »
Long distance stuff is a bitch. It's not impossible. But it's a bitch. The thing I learned, is that if you're going to try your luck with folks, you need to make sure they have a similar line of lifestyle to yours.

For example. I'm a construction laborer, general hand for hire on odd jobs and carpentry work in the area. I don't make huge money, and I don't chase after it. I don't work a job that moves me all over the country.

I'd have trouble in a relationship with somebody like a doctor or somebody university bound because of my simplistic lifestyle.

And, with an on/off relationship as you say over the years, this will only be magnified when she's halfway across the world from you. A relationship with a friend is the best, for me at least. You spend all your time around someone  you call a friend and then eventually either of you realize that you could easily take it up a step because of how close you are.

The prospect of trying that with your friend might seem inviting, but I don't think it would hold together very well over long distance, and only going for it for a month would be pointless at that point if you were only trying for a month.

I'm not saying it won't work. But there doesn't seem to be enough glue holding you guys together.

We've been through a lot. She already left for china because government reasons but came back on an education thing which according to her was so she could spend her last few months here with me. But we came to the conclusion that we weren't the trouble for each other and it was really sombre.

But after that whole load dropped we've been spending so much more time together. And we've told everyone we've broke up. But we still act like nothing happened. Tension is building between us. It always has but after the last few months the point of it isn't as much pointless but more-so blurred.

And that's where all the trouble comes from.

Well then it should be obvious no? She's a good friend. Keep her a good friend. And see where it goes from there. You know, you don't have to "date" or be "with someone" to be with them. Those are just simple little labels.

So. Be a friend. Have your last month with her and have fun with it. Fuck it and just roll with it. Those nice labels of "being together" are like steps for people. Walls even. They're afraid. Not ready to be at that point yet.

So if she backed off, maybe she wasn't ready for that label yet. But at the same time, she came back. And picked things up like a breakup never happened.

So. Tell her that. You don't have to date. But just be friends, hang out and have fun. There's no rush. But keep her as a friend because if she came back then there's a lot of meaning behind that. She essentially came back twice actually.

So. Roll with it. Be her friend. Have fun. And in the future, when things are ready to move forward, they will. It's worth a try because if you don't, and you shut her out, that'll burn her bad. And if you don't enjoy your time with her now, it'll be something you'll regret later in life.

Long story short? Be her friend, and have fun. Fuck whatever labels there are. "Had a thing together and then broke up."

It means nothing amigo. It means nothing because she's still around.

The Flood / Re: Personal Help With My Life Discussion Time.
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:40:21 AM »
Long distance stuff is a bitch. It's not impossible. But it's a bitch. The thing I learned, is that if you're going to try your luck with folks, you need to make sure they have a similar line of lifestyle to yours.

For example. I'm a construction laborer, general hand for hire on odd jobs and carpentry work in the area. I don't make huge money, and I don't chase after it. I don't work a job that moves me all over the country.

I'd have trouble in a relationship with somebody like a doctor or somebody university bound because of my simplistic lifestyle.

And, with an on/off relationship as you say over the years, this will only be magnified when she's halfway across the world from you. A relationship with a friend is the best, for me at least. You spend all your time around someone  you call a friend and then eventually either of you realize that you could easily take it up a step because of how close you are.

The prospect of trying that with your friend might seem inviting, but I don't think it would hold together very well over long distance, and only going for it for a month would be pointless at that point if you were only trying for a month.

I'm not saying it won't work. But there doesn't seem to be enough glue holding you guys together.

The Flood / Re: Anime board
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:56:25 AM »
Okay folks. Listen to that reasoning here. The anime board is more in regards to future expansion.

In fact, I'd doubt it has anything to do with spam whatsoever. Maybe I just don't see this stuff, because I'm not particularily aware of anime spam. But, that board in general is a future project. It's for the future, and that's not a bad idea. You keep anime discussions in there and so on and it'll be nice and cozy. And not only that, a rather welcoming place for new folks who are interested in that sort of stuff.

Not a bad idea. However.

Anarchy shouldn't be swept under the rug so cleanly. Leave some wiggle room for yourselves to bring Anarchy up if you need it. Be flexible, not rigid.

Personally, I don't understand the complaints of choice because I guess I live under a rock. I wasn't aware there a choice about anything in the first place.

Most of all, this is a trial run. Keyword here. Trial.


I can tell you now. The trial run will be short lived. It'll burn out. We don't have the numbers for an anime board. Not yet. But. It never hurts to test stuff.

To both sides.

Loosen up. Mod team, cool your jets a bit. Like I said. Leave some room for flexability. Being rigid is bad in terms of experimentation.

And to the folks bitching? This is a temporary test. Will it stop spam and the like? Probably not. Folks will post where they feel like it. Flood by definition is a place for random shit anyway. But, I'd put money down that it'll be a short lived test.

So. Drop the knives here and let's be civil.

Show some flexability on both sides folks. We can't get shit done if we aren't willing to try new things just to see how they go.

The Flood / Re: Can I cry on your shoulder?
« on: December 16, 2014, 01:24:43 AM »
Heyo amigo. We all make mistakes. These things happen. We try our best but we can't win all the time. And it's not easy to move on either. But don't get hung up on it. What's done is done. Remember what you did, learn from what went wrong, and keep going.

You'll be all the better for it in the future.

I know it's not much consolation. You open up your heart on the line and got hurt. I can't say anything that could fix or repair that. It's a pain that's only yours that stays in your soul. But, you're not alone for it amigo.

If it's any consolation, I stand on the verge of a big day tomorrow. Something could go right. Something could go wrong. It could backfire and destroy me. But it's a chance I take. It's the responsability and possibility I accept that things might not work.

So, sometime eventually, I might be in the same state as you. And anything you say won't fix me.

But I'm listening. I hear you. There'll be better days ahead.

The Flood / Re: Anime board
« on: December 16, 2014, 12:59:55 AM »

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