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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Good morning gentlemen!
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:25:52 AM »
Morning, Sandtrap.

Hmm. You I remember! The hell you doing up here?

The Flood / Good morning gentlemen!
« on: December 20, 2014, 08:20:46 AM »
A good morning to up and about no?

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 05:07:55 AM »
oldest post of mine that i can find
Posted by: Fish_Slapped
You cannot divide by zero.
You cannot breathe underwater.
You cannot live forever.
i made a thread mocking people who spout the platitude "everything is possible"

because i was like, fifteen/sixteen

you think i'm edgy now? nothing compared to my adolescence
You're still exactly the same tho.

Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.
Nah he's the same sour asshole he was years ago. That's why he gets banned and kicked from any offsite he joins, and any site he does stay on he's almost universally disliked.

It's not anybody's job to treat him like a little kid who missed nap time, it's his job to not be so sensitive and man up.

You need some glasses! Being hurt's not he most fun thing you know. And he's not even sour. Just a strange sense of humor.

Not sour. Irritable. Wake up some days and you're irritable. Somebody says the wrong thing and you explode. That's where all the bans come from. And a job you say? Nobody ever said you had to be nice. But people choose. Always. Ever notice Verb is trying these days? Different state of mind.
He wakes up on the wrong side of bed every day.

There's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless he has some sort of mental disease.

Stuff lingers. Like a footprint. And he's not an asshole. Far from it. On here he's open with thoughts because it's just his thoughts here. Assholes tend to act more than think. And Verb doesn't act. You bump into him in real life and you can spot that he's different but other than that he'd be quiet.

And when it comes down to it on a scale. Shit. Right. On a scale he's not so bad. Looking at some other people here he really doesn't do much or say much to offend. Only ever on the day's he was irritable.
What are you talking about? You've never even met him in real life.

I don't know if you remember or not, but I remember him from 5 years ago. He's exactly the same. Always angry, always sour, always condescending and insulting people for literally no reason. The dude is fucked in the head. No mentally sound person acts like that every day.

There's a reason nobody likes him anywhere he goes. Because he's the problem.

Simple math! Take a look at the writing. Verb's got some humor in it. And I've never met. But he'd be quiet. Easy to see. Difference in between thoughts and acts. You bump into him on the street and he'd be different from here.

But. Everybody's a little messy!
Who cares. I don't like him here I wouldn't waste my time if I saw him in real life.

He's a very toxic person. He drags this whole community down. That's why he got kicked from BE, that's why almost nobody likes him on, it's why he got permabanned here. You can keep talking about whatever the fuck it is you're talking about, he's still a toxic person.


The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:51:02 AM »
oldest post of mine that i can find
Posted by: Fish_Slapped
You cannot divide by zero.
You cannot breathe underwater.
You cannot live forever.
i made a thread mocking people who spout the platitude "everything is possible"

because i was like, fifteen/sixteen

you think i'm edgy now? nothing compared to my adolescence
You're still exactly the same tho.

Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.
Nah he's the same sour asshole he was years ago. That's why he gets banned and kicked from any offsite he joins, and any site he does stay on he's almost universally disliked.

It's not anybody's job to treat him like a little kid who missed nap time, it's his job to not be so sensitive and man up.

You need some glasses! Being hurt's not he most fun thing you know. And he's not even sour. Just a strange sense of humor.

Not sour. Irritable. Wake up some days and you're irritable. Somebody says the wrong thing and you explode. That's where all the bans come from. And a job you say? Nobody ever said you had to be nice. But people choose. Always. Ever notice Verb is trying these days? Different state of mind.
He wakes up on the wrong side of bed every day.

There's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless he has some sort of mental disease.

Stuff lingers. Like a footprint. And he's not an asshole. Far from it. On here he's open with thoughts because it's just his thoughts here. Assholes tend to act more than think. And Verb doesn't act. You bump into him in real life and you can spot that he's different but other than that he'd be quiet.

And when it comes down to it on a scale. Shit. Right. On a scale he's not so bad. Looking at some other people here he really doesn't do much or say much to offend. Only ever on the day's he was irritable.
What are you talking about? You've never even met him in real life.

I don't know if you remember or not, but I remember him from 5 years ago. He's exactly the same. Always angry, always sour, always condescending and insulting people for literally no reason. The dude is fucked in the head. No mentally sound person acts like that every day.

There's a reason nobody likes him anywhere he goes. Because he's the problem.

Simple math! Take a look at the writing. Verb's got some humor in it. And I've never met. But he'd be quiet. Easy to see. Difference in between thoughts and acts. You bump into him on the street and he'd be different from here.

But. Everybody's a little messy!

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:44:43 AM »
oldest post of mine that i can find
Posted by: Fish_Slapped
You cannot divide by zero.
You cannot breathe underwater.
You cannot live forever.
i made a thread mocking people who spout the platitude "everything is possible"

because i was like, fifteen/sixteen

you think i'm edgy now? nothing compared to my adolescence
You're still exactly the same tho.

Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.
Nah he's the same sour asshole he was years ago. That's why he gets banned and kicked from any offsite he joins, and any site he does stay on he's almost universally disliked.

It's not anybody's job to treat him like a little kid who missed nap time, it's his job to not be so sensitive and man up.

You need some glasses! Being hurt's not he most fun thing you know. And he's not even sour. Just a strange sense of humor.

Not sour. Irritable. Wake up some days and you're irritable. Somebody says the wrong thing and you explode. That's where all the bans come from. And a job you say? Nobody ever said you had to be nice. But people choose. Always. Ever notice Verb is trying these days? Different state of mind.
He wakes up on the wrong side of bed every day.

There's no excuse for being an asshole. Unless he has some sort of mental disease.

Stuff lingers. Like a footprint. And he's not an asshole. Far from it. On here he's open with thoughts because it's just his thoughts here. Assholes tend to act more than think. And Verb doesn't act. You bump into him in real life and you can spot that he's different but other than that he'd be quiet.

And when it comes down to it on a scale. Shit. Right. On a scale he's not so bad. Looking at some other people here he really doesn't do much or say much to offend. Only ever on the day's he was irritable.

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:37:48 AM »
oldest post of mine that i can find
Posted by: Fish_Slapped
You cannot divide by zero.
You cannot breathe underwater.
You cannot live forever.
i made a thread mocking people who spout the platitude "everything is possible"

because i was like, fifteen/sixteen

you think i'm edgy now? nothing compared to my adolescence
You're still exactly the same tho.

Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.
Nah he's the same sour asshole he was years ago. That's why he gets banned and kicked from any offsite he joins, and any site he does stay on he's almost universally disliked.

It's not anybody's job to treat him like a little kid who missed nap time, it's his job to not be so sensitive and man up.

You need some glasses! Being hurt's not he most fun thing you know. And he's not even sour. Just a strange sense of humor.

Not sour. Irritable. Wake up some days and you're irritable. Somebody says the wrong thing and you explode. That's where all the bans come from. And a job you say? Nobody ever said you had to be nice. But people choose. Always. Ever notice Verb is trying these days? Different state of mind.

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:17:15 AM »
Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.
I read all of your posts in the Engineer's voice. It adds a lot.

also thank you

Very much welcome! Hmm. Fuck. I'm not putting shit down right. Right. No troubles.

Folks give you flak but you're not a bad person. I don't think you've done anything bad to anybody. It's all inside and you keep it locked up. Not even bad. Just hurt. Hurt's not bad. Just overwhelming. But you're a cool fellow. Worth sitting down with and having a coffee or something one day.

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:12:19 AM »
I still have a burning hatred for Bungie because the first thread I made on Bnet was me asking for a well deserved set of Recon armor over an absolutely fenomenal cone splatter kill on The Pit. Damn assholes never gave it to me.
I'm literally sad for you now

crying even
I haven't stopped crying since. ;_;

Hey! Do you remember when flaming Recon was a big thing and old Halo community members who were outstanding had it?

I wonder where they are now?

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:11:12 AM »
oldest post of mine that i can find
Posted by: Fish_Slapped
You cannot divide by zero.
You cannot breathe underwater.
You cannot live forever.
i made a thread mocking people who spout the platitude "everything is possible"

because i was like, fifteen/sixteen

you think i'm edgy now? nothing compared to my adolescence
You're still exactly the same tho.

Na. Verby's got a different head now. You just need to look at the finer details.

The Flood / Re: tfw u look at ur b.old posts from when you first joined
« on: December 20, 2014, 04:09:58 AM »
Old stuff! Stuff that feels so very long ago. Different times, different person. But, progress is good. If you don't look back at yourself and feel a little bit shitty then either you're Mr. perfect or you're doing it wrong.

And everybody does it wrong!

Hmm. Trendy's a hard word. I'm not even sure what it means. Trendy. Hmm. I don't know.

The Flood / To BL, with love
« on: December 18, 2014, 10:53:28 AM »

You know, sure thing, I could take this up to the mods in quiet. It'd be easy. Simple and clean. But the fact is, I don't care. And I know that this little bundle of joy up above doesn't either.

So that's why this is here.

Because BL doesn't care. And you know why he doesn't care? Because he's here. He comes around to this little site and does his thing and makes it known that he doesn't care. Quite a bit of effort to let the world know that he doesn't care right?

A lot actually.

So the simple fact is, BL likes attention. Attention is drawn to him that way. He gets wonderful attention from people all over the place here, attention, that I am giving him right now.

So why do I give him attention?

Because, if BL was a normal, functioning human being, if he wanted attention, all he'd have to do is simply talk. Talk with people, do his thing, But he doesn't.

And do you know why?

I'll tell you why.

Because he's a coward. And he knows it too. He puts his happy mask on here. And instead of simply being a normal decent person, he starts trouble.

Because you can start trouble on the internet so very easily, and remain hidden oh so very well.

BL self loathes himself. He's disgusted in fact. And he wanders over here and puts his mask on because here, he can be what he wants to be. He can hide as much as he wants. He can run from his reality around him and release all his stress here.

He does so by not caring, soaking up all that nice attention. And he does it very willingly.

Which means he's a coward. Spineless, in fact. He doesn't have the guts to take a look at his life, and even more so, he doesn't have the guts to open up to the world.

He doesn't have the guts to open up to strangers on the internet, people who can't touch him or hurt him in any way because he doesn't care.


To you BL, cheers. You'll always be spineless and you'll know it. It'll always be there in you, every day, until you die.

Speaking of dying, if you folks looked at the nice conversation up there, it certainly was illuminating. BL is under the assumption that he won't wake up one day, and run the risk of tripping down the stairs or cracking his head in the shower when he randomly slips.

Which means, that one day, he's going to die, and he won't be ready for it. And he'll die knowing that he was a coward and his life really never did amount to anything special.

So, to you Mr. BL.

I can see how you work. I can see through that little mask of yours. You're just a sad little shell of a person who's too afraid to stand up and fight your sad life. And not only that, but rather than seek help or assistance or comfort, you seek attention to the mask you put over your face in the morning, because you're too much of a spineless person to take it off.

And to you I say.

Merry Christmas.

Feel free to lock mods. Things are done and gone now.

The Flood / Re: I feel like shit and you're all shit
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:17:33 AM »

If it makes you feel better I woke up this morning and I'm not going anywhere. I'm dead in the water and I don't give a flying fuck.

Do me a favor already and just shoot me.
Sandtrap, how did your meeting go?

Have fun.

The Flood / Re: I feel like shit and you're all shit
« on: December 18, 2014, 09:01:07 AM »
If it makes you feel better I woke up this morning and I'm not going anywhere. I'm dead in the water and I don't give a flying fuck.

Do me a favor already and just shoot me.

Serious / Re: What makes a friend?
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:20:11 AM »
Tough question, seeing as I don't have any friends in person anymore. I've got one in about a six hour proximity to me. But that's it. So, I guess the best I can do is use myself as an example.

I listen. Listen when they want to talk and I do more than that. I read between the lines and try to get them to talk when they're feeling down because I know how much talking helps.

I give advice when I can, if I can, I go over problems with them when they're having them. I jump in, no complaints or questions asked when they need help.

I've jumped into fights, jumped in my vehicle to pick people up or take them to the hospital, or just gave them a hand with moving shit.

I check up on them when I can and just try to make stuff better. And of course, there's fun too. Try to have fun and make things fun.

It seems to be a decent way of doing things. I've picked my friends wisely and I know how far I can trust them and how much I can ask of them.

Maybe it's not the best way of things because I admit that I care too much. I care too much and that comes back to bite me in the ass. But nobody can ever tell me that I sure as fuck wasn't a good friend and that I didn't try.

The Flood / Re: boring, incoherent blog/rant
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:05:27 AM »
Heyo Verb. I know. I understand you completely. I dropped out of highschool because when I looked at my future I didn't see anything I liked. So I ran away. I said fuck it and I left.

Maybe not the best course of action. But I'm here now because of it. I'm a writer. Trying to learn art. And I keep my trap shut on it because in my town, I'd never hear the end of it. And people always pitch me jobs and shit and I deflect them nice and kindly but it gets fucking old.

No, I don't want to go up north and work in a camp with about 5000 fucking drunk workers.

No, I don't give two fucks about being rich. I make the bare minimum I need to survive and that's it.

Basically, Mr. Verb, keep doing what you're doing. Doesn't matter what people say anyway. You do what makes you happy and you go for it. Society is fine and all for the people who can live in it, function in it, and were conditioned to live in it.

But it's not everybody's cup of tea. It's not yours and it's not mine.

So, fuck em. You do your thing and push past anybody that stands in your way.

You're pissed right now because everything you try to do gets a fucking no of approval and you feel like you shouldn't be around?

Well, consider me the only person then that gives you the thumbs up. And I say keep going. I approve Mr. Verb.

The Flood / Re: guys why are you so mean to me
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:09:09 PM »
RC car goes vroom.

The Flood / Re: I'm Thinking of a Number been 1 and 200
« on: December 17, 2014, 10:03:29 PM »

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:56:25 PM »
So the girl didn't wantchya


I musta spooked her with my zombie bits.

Guess the folks who said she was into necrophilia were wrong.
Don't worry Sandtrap imo I have a belief that if you have something bad happened to Ya you get something good later

My experience with people on a personal level says otherwise.

Multiple times. You folks are fine and dandy over the internet and nothing you do or say can put much of a dent in me.

But in person most folks I've ever met outside my family were all sacks of shit save for the exceptional few.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:34:40 PM »
So the girl didn't wantchya


I musta spooked her with my zombie bits.

Guess the folks who said she was into necrophilia were wrong.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:31:46 PM »
I told you so.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I never did mention that I got a quiet "okay" from them now did I? Well, I did.

And I guess it was bullshit because I back up my words and they just weren't expecting that.

It wasn't meant as an insult.

Well it was meant as something.

Whatever it was, sure thing. What's done is done. Now I've gotta wake up tomorrow with this, doubly fucking tired because driving on ice all day took a lot out of me. I'm gonna get knocked down another peg tomorrow and I wouldn't be surprised if soon I start losing body parts at this rate.

And I'm going to keep walking because that's all I've got at this point. So.

I'm up for another round of middle fingers from life.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:25:37 PM »
I told you so.

Thanks for the vote of confidence. I never did mention that I got a quiet "okay" from them now did I? Well, I did.

And I guess it was bullshit because I back up my words and they just weren't expecting that.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 09:02:19 PM »
Get dunked on brah

Sorry I couldn't help myself. Good luck man.

Heyo. All I've got left is to walk until I can't. My head's in decent shape. But my body seems to disagree. It's falling apart. I guess this is the last act then no?

My noggin shows that I'm not giving in and bending down for this while my body disagrees and falls apart until I can't go along anymore.

Well. Off I go then. I can always try.

The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:32:04 PM »
Soo, can I get the simple version? Without the lengthy explanation. I missed the other thread.

You see that shit up there ^^^ Up above your post. That's the short version.

I went to visit somebody nice. And I spooked em and they backed off.

Now I've gotta pick my ass up off the floor and go for another round of chemo tomorrow.


The Flood / Re: ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:28:43 PM »
Catfished, eh?

Yep. I even got the green light. I went down to say howdy. And found nobody. Asked around town, which was a friendly enough place. All nice folks. I spooked em' plain and simple. They didn't think I'd stick to my guns.

So. I get up tomorrow and I get hit with another round of chemo and try to pick myself up off the floor.

I was right. It was a good day. But, there was a catch. And I just wasted a big fucking chunk of my time, energy, and a tank of gas along with doing ice skating in my truck.

I'm in decent enough condition. But to say that this was a hit I needed to take would be a lie.

The Flood / ITT: I got dunked
« on: December 17, 2014, 08:20:50 PM »
So. Back from my road trip. Here's the news folks.

It's a no go. I won't disclose the details. Nothing bad or anything. Stuff just won't work out is all. So.

I prepped myself up for this. I knew the potential outcome before I jumped into this. But, it still hit me. I can't tell you folks how hard I had to try to keep going on the icy roads today. I used every trick in the book to keep myself from slipping or getting stuck or crashing into stuff and killing myself.

A trip like this is a drain normally. But, now I'm burnt out. And I get blasted with another round of Chemo tomorrow.

My optimism is intact. I knew the risks. But.

Life likes middle fingers no?

The Flood / Re: My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 12:16:39 PM »
Well gentlemen.

Time's up. Can you hear that? That's the sound of a truck engine warming up. Time to go ice skating on Saskatchewan roads in -26!





Let's rock and roll.

The Flood / Re: My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:59:32 AM »

I bark at you

Teeth and claws and bone. How very much like you!

To that I say, these bones tell me to move.

So, I shuffle my corpse!

You better get it good you fart
Come back with good news or I'll crush your hands

Joke's on you my hands are being affected the most. Nasty shakes.

You couldn't hit em' if you tried.

The Flood / Re: I am not entertained
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:58:14 AM »
You want to see a half ton truck go ice skating?

I promise you I can do figure 8's in it.

The Flood / Re: My Personal Thank you to Folks
« on: December 17, 2014, 11:55:50 AM »
I bark at you

Teeth and claws and bone. How very much like you!

To that I say, these bones tell me to move.

So, I shuffle my corpse!

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