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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: I should probably be serious for a minute
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:17:02 PM »
That's a good thing Mr. Meta. At least it's not an attitude change based off something terribly bad. You're just, uppity right now is all. That's not so bad. Youd didn't murder your neighbors either so that's good too.

I fucking scare myself some days.

Mr. Meta is my father.

Fuck your father. I don't know him. I know you. You're Mr. Meta.

The Flood / Re: korra will you marry me
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:13:55 PM »
I have no fucking clue about you right now.

Did you go next door and beat your retarded neighbors sensless and bury the bodies successfully or something?
Bizarre how that's the first thing you think of when you see someone acting differently..

It was a joke....

But you never know. I could imagine Meta being all uppity as a serial killer. He's got the head for it.

The Flood / Re: I should probably be serious for a minute
« on: December 22, 2014, 06:12:44 PM »
That's a good thing Mr. Meta. At least it's not an attitude change based off something terribly bad. You're just, uppity right now is all. That's not so bad. Youd didn't murder your neighbors either so that's good too.

I fucking scare myself some days.

The Flood / Re: korra will you marry me
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:59:23 PM »
I have no fucking clue about you right now.

Did you go next door and beat your retarded neighbors sensless and bury the bodies successfully or something? Why the hell are you so uppity? Did you bleed the serious board dry of discussion and now you're trapped in a prison so you come here because it's all you have left?

Maybe you've just started eating too much sugar or something. But I'd wager something. You've got a friend. Shared account in person. Who can say? But your sudden turnaround is strange, especially for somebody like you.

The Flood / Re: A freind of mine needs some girl advice.
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:41:46 PM »
fuck 'er right in the cat


My virgin detector is going off.

No shit sherlock. You see the kid on the far right side? Your virgin detector works fine but you need better eyes. Better get those checked out.

The Flood / Re: wow didn't anyone miss me?
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:11:55 PM »
Heyo! Back in town again? Come sit down and have a drink.

The Flood / Re: ok guys, time for an update
« on: December 22, 2014, 05:03:48 PM »
I wish you safe travels. I only ever caught wind of a fraction of what was happening on your end.

Call the police. Don't jump in yourself. Go there, check things out.

The Flood / Re: Post your work schedule that sucks major ass
« on: December 22, 2014, 01:33:54 PM »
From Monday to Sunday.

Start work at 6:00 o' clock in the morning and stop at 10:30 at night.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:43:23 PM »
Sandtrap, you may want to allow people to change their votes. Because most are basing the winner off of all attributes, not solely their heat vision.

Unable to do that.

I can do it for you.

Go for it.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:39:06 PM »
Keeping my supes vote because OP DC bullshit.

How is it bullshit if we know that Supes heat vision has limits? If anything, it's the weakest ability of his all things considered.
It does drain him when he amps it up. Superman, when using his heat vision to its full power, makes him tired fast.

And that's what I'm curious about. Because cyclops's ability isn't so much an ability as it is a constant. It's always on whether he wants it to be or not. But with mental focus Cyclops can boost his output. This drains him too but he still keeps going because his ability is like I said, a constant.

So it's a wager on if Cyclops can survive, match, and push back against Supes until Supes drains himself. Supes is powerful by nature but his heat vision has limits. Cyclop's has no limits but is regulated by cyclops himself.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:24:02 PM »
Keeping my supes vote because OP DC bullshit.

How is it bullshit if we know that Supes heat vision has limits? If anything, it's the weakest ability of his all things considered.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:22:21 PM »
Superman because OP DC universe bullshit. Cyclops isn't even the strongest member of x-men anyways.

I know that you sack of old sacks. But Cyclops's ability and him are two seperate things. His ability is limitless in power output and the only thing that holds it back is Cyclops himself. Cyclops is just a regular old Human. But his ability, is not.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:20:52 PM »
Sandtrap, you may want to allow people to change their votes. Because most are basing the winner off of all attributes, not solely their heat vision.

Unable to do that.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:19:46 PM »
Superman incinerate or warm-up planets with his heat vision. GG.

Cyclops has the potential power to break apart planets with his vision.
Anything to support this with?

I remember a quote. Cyclops was going to blast Juggernaught. Cyclops hesitated because if he cut loose he said it himself that the he was packing enough power to rip apart a planet.

Hyperbole maybe. But Cyclops's ability comes from another universe and in essence his power is unlimited. He just holds back.
Holds back yes, but so does Superman.

Oh god I just realized my mistake.

They'd hold back. I don't doubt that Supes more than likely has the ability to overcome Cyclops. And on first glance, if you dropped the two together in a room and all they could do is stare lasers at each other, Supes would probably know.

So he'd hold back. But even holding back he'd probably be a challenge for Cyclops. It'd be a vicious circle of the two upping their output and then lowering it.
The both of them are boy scouts

And if we used a hypothetical and removed the issue of them holding back, it would be an unfair gunfight. Cyclops wouldn't get the chance to even fire because if supes wasn't holding back and put everything into his heat vision cyclops wouldn't even have the reaction time to react.

Unless of course. It was a friendly contest. There was no chance of each one hurting one another or frying the planet around them.

Then that'd be a show.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:09:11 PM »
Superman incinerate or warm-up planets with his heat vision. GG.

Cyclops has the potential power to break apart planets with his vision.
Anything to support this with?

I remember a quote. Cyclops was going to blast Juggernaught. Cyclops hesitated because if he cut loose he said it himself that the he was packing enough power to rip apart a planet.

Hyperbole maybe. But Cyclops's ability comes from another universe and in essence his power is unlimited. He just holds back.
Holds back yes, but so does Superman.

Oh god I just realized my mistake.

They'd hold back. I don't doubt that Supes more than likely has the ability to overcome Cyclops. And on first glance, if you dropped the two together in a room and all they could do is stare lasers at each other, Supes would probably know.

So he'd hold back. But even holding back he'd probably be a challenge for Cyclops. It'd be a vicious circle of the two upping their output and then lowering it.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 12:03:47 PM »
Superman incinerate or warm-up planets with his heat vision. GG.

Cyclops has the potential power to break apart planets with his vision.
Anything to support this with?

I remember a quote. Cyclops was going to blast Juggernaught. Cyclops hesitated because if he cut loose he said it himself that the he was packing enough power to rip apart a planet.

Hyperbole maybe. But Cyclops's ability comes from another universe and in essence his power is unlimited. He just holds back.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:43:10 AM »
Superman incinerate or warm-up planets with his heat vision. GG.

Cyclops has the potential power to break apart planets with his vision.

The Flood / Re: is giving into the hate even worth it?
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:32:30 AM »
No. Plain and simple. Turn around and stop. Basically, just drop it. Cut all ties and let it fall.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 11:26:54 AM »


Why because? I'm not the best versed on comic stuff.

But arguably I think if you had to pick a trait from Supes his eye lasers are the weakest attribute to him. They have clear set limits to how much he can use them and using them drains him.

Whereas cyclops's ability has almost no limit in itself but is limited to his mental willpower and his own bodily functions.
Cyclops is gay though.

Ah yes I see. Well carry on then.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:53:24 AM »
I don't think cyclops could ever actually kill superman. I just don't think he's strong enough. Superman on the other hand could easily kill cyclops since he's not much more resilient than your normal human, right?

It's not about who kills who. Who's eyebeams overcome who's first?

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:52:54 AM »


Why because? I'm not the best versed on comic stuff.

But arguably I think if you had to pick a trait from Supes his eye lasers are the weakest attribute to him. They have clear set limits to how much he can use them and using them drains him.

Whereas cyclops's ability has almost no limit in itself but is limited to his mental willpower and his own bodily functions.

The Flood / Re: Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:46:59 AM »

The Flood / Re: Going for a walk.
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:45:09 AM »
ITT: Walkers
You live in the country and you don't take walks? No wonder you're always dying.

How's the restaurant?

I always walk. I make a point to walk as much as I can. It's a little harder to do it in -30 though. Because you die in -30.

Restaurant is cozy.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Halo UNSC warhero?
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:43:43 AM »
Why's there so many? There's not even, like, ten games...

Books dude.

Everyone in the halo video games are retarded ass idiots. Except for Chief.

You. I like you.

OT: >people not saying Jeromi

Seriously. By 2541, he'd led the mobile hospital UNSC Hopeful into 17 actions with insurrectionists and 4 actions with the Covenant to retrieve wounded soldiers, nearly costing him his entire station every time and saving over 10,000 soldiers and crew. And no one remembers him.

Cole was bad. He had control of over half of the UNSC fleet and dedicated them to defending the colonies rather than making a dedicated offensive into Covenant territory. The UNSC made a tiny number of Ops into Covenant territory, and being permanently on a defensive footing an never win a war.

Well that's the thing. The UNSC never had a direction to push towards. They had limited maps of Covenant space and even then wasting resources to make a push into Covenant territory would have never worked. Which was why they waited to find a crack in the Covenant.

Red Flag was supposed to be their chance to really make a push. But the deal with the Covenant is that you can't beat them with numbers because they have the numbers to throw away.

Operation PROMETHEUS and the other ventures by the SIII'S and Headhunters say no. Te UNSC knew fully where theCovenant were coming from, and it has been stated that the Covenant's network had Soviet-era firewalls if the UNSC had modern day ones. ONI even let the Covenant attack human colonies so that the Covenant wouldn't know their network had been breached and changed the security. I find it hard to believe the UNSC had no knowledge of any covenant refineries and such, when they had consisted operations against a hue shipbuilding facility.

That's the point though. The Covenant network is so vast that hitting refineries wouldn't do much. The Covenant had sheer numbers in the way of species and worlds backing them up. Hitting refineries is all the UNSC could do because in a large scale engagment the UNSC would lose.

They couldn't hit colony worlds without taking outstanding losses and even the guerilla hit and runs resulted in the deaths of those performing them.

Look at the company of Spartan IIIs on PROMETHEUS. 300 of them I believe. Two made it out. All dead. Suicide Spartan or no, the loss of nearly 300 of that many spartans to take out 1 refinery on the fringes of Covenant space is almost unacceptable. The Covenant had more numbers to waste, both species wise and resources wise.

They had more mobility to keep what really mattered safe(High Charity) and more ground and territory to cover than the UNSC could ever hope to know about. For example, the fringe species we're just starting to discover in the current timeline. The UNSC never knew about them until just now after 25 years.

The Flood / Re: Going for a walk.
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:36:27 AM »
ITT: Walkers

The Flood / Superman VS Cyclops
« on: December 22, 2014, 09:09:27 AM »
That's right. Supes vs Cyclops in an eye laser based staring contest. Who wins? Get in here you fucking comic book nerds.

The Flood / Re: Going for a walk.
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:30:53 AM »
Let's see. You're going for a night walk. Currently 8:30 up here. While you're going for that night stroll with the cane toads, I'm going to watch the sun come up on my end with some chums of mine. Opposite ends of the poles and off we go!

Small world, no?

The Flood / Re: Good Morning!
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:20:35 AM »
Possibly watching if i have time.
Playing OpenRA aka Red Alert 1 or C&C Generals.

Sounds like you've got a plan for the day!

The Flood / Re: Good Morning!
« on: December 22, 2014, 08:18:02 AM »
I just had a motherfucking sandwich.

Sandwich for breakfast. I can go for that.

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