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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 287288289 290291 ... 390
This BOY
Fucking incorrect.

Does it have a penis? Yes? Then it's a boy

Unless you'd rather me call him it so there's no disparity
Please stop posting about issues you don't understand.

I put the inb4 for a reason, you know. I knew it'd attract SOMETHING to it.

Anyways, it killed itself in a selfish manner. That's what I'm talking about, not whether it considers itself male or female. If it has a penis, it's a boy until it gets a vagina.

I suppose you aren't aware of how depression works then amigo. Depression cuts away everything until there isn't anything left.

They made a conscious decision, sure. And a bad one at that. But that's the point. When you fall that far you can't see the mistakes you're making.
It's pretty difficult to look at depression as an outsider. Depression doesn't make sense. It isn't logical. It isn't reasonable.

And yet it has very real and physical effects. It's a chemical imbalance in one's head. So in that regard, while people who are depressed steadily lose logical thoughts and reasoning in one aspect of their life, depression itself is very logical.

The effects and the way people act? No. But the measurable imbalance in one's head? Yes.

This BOY
Fucking incorrect.

Does it have a penis? Yes? Then it's a boy

Unless you'd rather me call him it so there's no disparity
Please stop posting about issues you don't understand.

I put the inb4 for a reason, you know. I knew it'd attract SOMETHING to it.

Anyways, it killed itself in a selfish manner. That's what I'm talking about, not whether it considers itself male or female. If it has a penis, it's a boy until it gets a vagina.

I suppose you aren't aware of how depression works then amigo. Depression cuts away everything until there isn't anything left.

They made a conscious decision, sure. And a bad one at that. But that's the point. When you fall that far you can't see the mistakes you're making.

The Flood / Re: Septagon's sympathy box
« on: December 28, 2014, 08:56:55 AM »
Well dusty moy old chap. You're talking about the box itself and not the users right? Well, there sure as fuck ain't much to talk about considering we're looking at an imaginary box here.

And call me blind but I sure as fuck don't see many people riding the sympathy train. So. Let's make this thread about the users dusty boy. Since there's so many people asking for donations. The three fucking users currently on board the fun train. Because three whole people sure are a lot aren't they? Oh boy they're sure leaving a BIG FUCKING dent in the forum.

For starters there's your fan favorite Nuka. And he's not even in the fun train anymore considering he's got some money to work with now and he's seeing if he can get shit sorted out.

Second would currently be Neo with his current set of problems. And by all rights he fucked off a little while back and I've got a feeling we won't see him saying much for a while.

And lucky number three. Me.

Oh boy this one's a fun one right? Well, sure thing. But you know what? I'm a big fucking walking mess lately and I'm starting to shut folks out. Won't be long at this rate before I decide to fuck off and see how far I can get on my own.

So there you go dusty me old chum. Three strikes and they're out. You can count to three right? Just checking.

And before I leave off here, you almost had me worried. I thought this was a discussion meant for the serious board all things considered but I guess not. Speaking of not talking about the users in the current sympathy train, really good job at being subtle there at not pointing out your fan favorite.

So. Nuka's got some money and he's dealing with your countries appalling excuse for medical care and services along with a shitty banking system and the fucked up paperwork minefield of social services and so on.

Neo's gonna Neo.

And I'm just not feeling up for anything anymore.

And there you have it. Also, let me remind you that white knights are defenders of ladies. That's the definition at it's core. So I think you need a new term for what you're talking about here, what with "white knights" making everybody feel like they're satan if they don't don't try and help.

Go with what blazed iron said.

Black Knights.

Serious / Re: My.... final update.
« on: December 27, 2014, 06:38:43 PM »
There isn't anything I can rightfully say here. And I don't like saying sorry or apologizing for things like this. Because I don't know you. And most of all I'm not in your shoes right now. I can't or won't ever likely go through what you're going through now. Saying "I'm sorry for your loss" is hollow.

I can't be sorry for your loss because I'm not there to see the weight on your shoulders. I'm not there to see a friend fall apart and crumble at all this. But I understand the pain. Not the pain of losing someone so close, but the pain of losing someone and never knowing what happened, or why, or where.

I can tell you this.

You tried. You understand that? You tried. And you did more for your relation than most people ever do these days. Don't blame yourself for not acting sooner or spotting things sooner.

The point is, you put your life on hold, packed up into a vehicle, and drove off to an unknown place with a potential asshole of a person or more residing there. Not many families these days are so close. Even more so you did it because you were worried. Nobody asked you for their help.

You did it because you cared. You got up and tried.

And I'm sorry that things panned out like this. But understand that you tried. You did the best you could with what you had, and you tried. Putting even that much effort down for such a thing is good. You're a good person, you know that?

All we can ever do is try and sometimes even the act of trying is difficult to stand up to. But you did it anyway. And now you know. No matter how much it hurts, you know for certain now. It will never be a wonder down the road in your life and it will never be a regret in old age that you didn't try. It hurts now. How could it not?

So. I won't say sorry to you for what you're going through.

I say thank you. Thank you for caring about someone and trying your best for them. Thank you for keeping us updated on things, and for choosing to share it with us.

I wish you the best in what comes after this. And whatever does, you're not alone for it. All of us are here and we will talk and listen to what you have to say when you need to say it. Always.

Take care Neo.

The Flood / Re: Guess who's alt I am
« on: December 27, 2014, 12:16:32 PM »
1st guess is a name I can't say.
2nd guess is Sentra since we haven't seen him in ages and he seems to have beef with me.

But the true question is.

Who is Dildact an alt of?

The Flood / Re: Has anyone here seen Screamers?
« on: December 27, 2014, 08:51:21 AM »
Aye. Remember bits and pieces of it as a kid.

The Flood / Re: What is your opinion on the NEETs of the forum?
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:43:41 PM »
Not my life. Not my choice. Folks can do what they feel like. If they're happy at least, then they're doing something right that most people never really learn how to do.

The Flood / Re: What's the opposite outlook of life being worthless?
« on: December 26, 2014, 10:30:42 PM »
Couldn't tell you, because I am one of those people who thinks it's worthless.

You're looking at it the wrong way amigo. You've blurred two lines together that shouldn't be blurred. Mind if I ask why you think it's worthless?
Because I'm always one of those people that's forgotten. Friends have a holiday party...don't even think about inviting me. Maybe I shouldn't even call them friends. They're all grown up and doing something with their lives while I'm not. Maybe that's why I get excluded from things. Been struggling to find a job for eight months and keep sane and I can't have a social life either. Staring at job boards hours a day and submitting applications with no response is getting me frustrated. And I have gotten to the point now where nothing is enjoyable. I can't play games, read a book, or enjoy a movie anymore, or laugh.

And there it is. You've made a mistake.

You say the world, life, is a shitty thing. But you've mixed two things together. And I'll explain it to you. You know me by now. I post long shit. I try to condense it. But I can't. So saddle up my friend.

When you say, "I hate life/the world, it's a shitty place," you're fooling yourself. Know why? Because you've forgotten that outside "our world," our human construct and view of things, there's another world.

It's our planet. It's nature, and life, the environment. Life in general. So. Story time. Life isn't fair by any means. But you know what? Life isn't a judge. It doesn't focus on one guy and rule him out as a target. When you get bad luck, it is unbiased.

But you know what does hold biased judgment, point fingers, select targets? People. Our modern day society lives in a bit of an illusion. The world they see, the constructs, values, and things that come with being people? That's the only world they see. They don't see the earth under their feet or the fact that life goes on and grows without us, or weather that disrupts our way of living, disrupts our world because we live on a planet that has weather systems all it's own.

So. What's the point you ask? I'll tell you. Because what could be the point of realizing that there is another world beyond the pre-concieved views of people?

Well, let me tell you.

You might have heard of all the shit I'm going through as of late. Maybe not. But I'll keep it short. Drugs are destroying my body. To knock a tumor in my head into a dormant state. Winter months with no sunshine is having an effect on me. I'm getting weaker every week. And with Chemo these effects are multiplied. My heart's had a really shitty fucking strain and a little while back in the hospital I technically died and they brought me back with defibs.

That's the physical shit ^^^^

How about the mental?

I'm alone. Completely alone. And I'm consciously aware of it. And I'm fighting to change that. In fact, I made a mistake a while back. I latched on to a friend. I latched on to a friend who didn't share the same sentiments as me. It wasn't their fault. It was mine.

So I ripped my heart out. I took that care and that love for them, and I destroyed it. And it killed me. A piece of me is dead and gone in that love. My life? I'm on the verge of pulling it together. But it's so far away. It's at the end of this winter. At the end of next year.

And it's so far away. My family exploded into a feud through Christmas. No christmas for me. No fun, no gifts, no family gathering. Just silence.

And in all of this, I sat alone.

I have two friends in town that stayed here with me for Christmas. But they have to go back home on Sunday.

So. What's the conclusion to this? I'm falling apart. I'm a walking corpse inside and out. And I've got so many problems I'm trying to tackle that whenever I turn my focus on one of them, I get hit in the back by another one. And I only noticed it yesterday, how bad I'm actually doing at dealing with all this.

In fact, I'll wager I'm close to where you are but I'm falling faster. I can't smile anymore. I can't laugh. Mostly everything doesn't excite me and I feel so fucking tired. I'm searching for a friend, maybe something more, and I've tried with so many fucking people and I just can't get it right. And most of all I can't fucking make any progress if none of these mother fuckers talk back to me.

I'm like you. I'm stressed. I'm pissed off. And I'm fucking sad. I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore. I've actually ripped off the mirrors from my walls and I've hidden them. I'm alone and not one mother fucker seems to care. Not one fucking person out there cares as much as I do, or even fucking wants to try and help me as much as I've done for others.

It's killing me. I have to wake up to this, day by fucking day, and I'm fighting so fucking hard to change it and I can't. My cells are dying one by fucking one and my body is degenerating. And even after all this I could still die because you can't kill a tumor with chemo and my heart runs the risk of shutting off at any moment, any day.

But you know what I'm not angry at? You know whats not worthless?

Life. The world.

Remember that. All of your woes that you listed up there have come from people and their constructs. But there's another world out beyond all that. It's life in general.

When my town goes to sleep at night, I walk the roads in complete silence. I see stars. I see snow, falling, winds blowing. Every person in my town is asleep but me and all around me there is life and this world. Plants, animals, weather. And it's beyond people. It's beyond our cities and our towns and our money and our jobs.

And I know this might not help you. It won't. What I say won't turn your life upside down. It won't fix what you need to fix. But do you know what it does for me?

It gives me something to hang on to. The realization that beyond all the misery people inflict, all the bullshit games of cat and mouse and the pressure of a society that only cares about jobs and money and consumption.

Beyond that there is a planet that we walk on every day. A planet we were born on out of a sea of countless other worlds and stars. And out of all of them, I was born here. I walk the soil of it every day. I see it's weather, its life, its moods and its tones. I see the starlight that keeps us warm and alive where if we didn't have it no life would exist on this planet.

So. Like I said. Remember that. Beyond all the bullshit of people, there is a world out there beyond our own and it will always be there. It can be unfair, yes. It can be cruel. But it is not biased. It simply is.

This is the only thing I have left to hang on to.

You use the words "bad" and "Christian" like they aren't already commonly seen together.

: /

It is true though. Those two words are seen together a fair bit.

The Flood / Re: have you guys ever tried stuffed vine leaves?
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:56:03 PM »
That looks poo.
And you look like a walking cum stain.

Dont blame me
Woah this got weird fast.

You want to know what's really weird? All I can think of when I hear the words "walking cum stain" is Mr. Clean.

Lol holy shit putting Mr. Clean in out of context places just makes him fucking creepy.

The Flood / Re: have you guys ever tried stuffed vine leaves?
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:49:28 PM »
That looks poo.
And you look like a walking cum stain.

Dont blame me
Woah this got weird fast.

You want to know what's really weird? All I can think of when I hear the words "walking cum stain" is Mr. Clean.

The Flood / Re: have you guys ever tried stuffed vine leaves?
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:46:39 PM »
That looks poo.
And you look like a walking cum stain.

Dont blame me
Woah this got weird fast.

You want to know what's really weird? All I can think of when I hear the words "walking cum stain" is Mr. Clean.

The Flood / Re: have you guys ever tried stuffed vine leaves?
« on: December 26, 2014, 06:40:55 PM »
You imply that anything remotely eatable besides wheat can be grown up here.

You use the words "bad" and "Christian" like they aren't already commonly seen together.

The Flood / Re: What's the opposite outlook of life being worthless?
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:30:08 PM »
Couldn't tell you, because I am one of those people who thinks it's worthless.

You're looking at it the wrong way amigo. You've blurred two lines together that shouldn't be blurred. Mind if I ask why you think it's worthless?

The Flood / Re: if i were to leave forever
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:14:12 PM »
Eat an RC Cars set of batteries.

The Flood / Re: What's the opposite outlook of life being worthless?
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:12:38 PM »
It's not that life is worthless (you're an idiot if you think that). It's that the universe would be worthless without us. Extant sentient life is all the value in the universe--and it's only because we have this capacity to suffer. As long as there are sentient beings with a capacity to suffer in existence, life will always have meaning in the universe. If all sentient life were to end, there really would be no point in the existence of the universe--but there wouldn't really need to be. That's sort of the end goal, in my eyes.

Now that is some solid stuff Mr. Verb. Knock one domino out of place and everything starts to fall apart. Very much like cells in our bodies. Very much like every planet in orbit around our star. Very much like our galactic cluster.

It's all a strangely intricate system no?

The Flood / Re: serious question
« on: December 26, 2014, 03:04:38 PM »
Well god has a shadow right?


The Flood / Re: Blatant Attention Whore Thread
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:14:51 AM »
Try humming a happy tune.

That'd be great if my voice wasn't failing and I could remember a happy tune from somewhere.
That is a problem. What about a yo-yo. I smile just thinking about yo-yo's.

It's probably so fucking cold outside right now that a yoyo would freeze stiff. Hell, I didn't even know they had yoyos anymore.

The Flood / Re: What makes a contract?
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:12:55 AM »
Pretty much. As well as signing both your names. That helps too.

The Flood / Re: Blatant Attention Whore Thread
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:12:07 AM »
Try humming a happy tune.

That'd be great if my voice wasn't failing and I could remember a happy tune from somewhere.

The Flood / Blatant Attention Whore Thread
« on: December 26, 2014, 11:04:23 AM »
Yep. One of these. Don't care though. I am aware that talking about shit helps and right now I need to do a little bit of talking.

A friend of mine up and asks me last night how my christmas was.

And I thanked them for even asking.

When they asked why, they brought something to my attention. I'm aware of it now, thankfully. But it's bad. I thanked them for even asking me because I didn't expect a friend to do that for me. And that's bad. That means I'm starting to close up to shit and people. My perception's been changing and I didn't even see it. That's a defensive tactic I used as a kid.

Hate people. Dislike people, shut yourself out and go cold so that anything they say or do has little to no effect. That's bad right now. That's a bad fucking sign of depression and that means I'm just kind of sitting around teetering over the edge of the start to the point of no return.

And frankly, I no longer know what to do. If I turn my attention on one side, to one problem, I get hit in the back by the others. And even shittier, I've noticed that I've switched sides.

People influence each other right? I used to make folks laugh and have an easy going presence. I don't talk anymore. And watching folks around me when they talk to me, they see me, and they hear me, their mood goes to the shitter. Where I could normally smile of my free choice because I could, and turn the day around, I realize that I can't make myself laugh. I can't even fucking smile.

I'm temporarily aware of all this mess and I don't know what the fuck to do to fix it this time.

The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:18:12 AM »
Heyo Korra.

I watched Lost for the plot.


The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:12:57 AM »

You know you adore it for the complex plotlines.

I don;t like you anymore, Sandy.

I don't need to be liked when I can watch these shows for all hours of the day. With a fucking plot like that I don't need friends.
Glad to know that you think I'm shallow. It's been noted that I cannot like a show's characters and story at the same time. Thanks.

Who said shallow?

You said shallow. Not me.

I sure as fuck know I'm not in the shallow end of those abs....

I kid. Shallow never even crossed my mind. Although you should get those jumping to conclusions checked out. Just a wee bit.

The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:07:36 AM »

You know you adore it for the complex plotlines.

I don;t like you anymore, Sandy.

I don't need to be liked when I can watch these shows for all hours of the day. With a fucking plot like that I don't need friends.

The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:05:06 AM »

You know you adore it for the complex plotlines.

The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:02:22 AM »

Oh heavans above I've turned into a pillow fucking weeb.

Oh well. At least I have lots of plot.

The Flood / Re: Walks into room
« on: December 26, 2014, 01:00:29 AM »
I've never really watched this show.
Do you like it because you find the 2 lead characters attractive? So stereotypical :/
Well aside from that, there's the awesome plot and stuff.


The Flood / Re: #1 Best Seller: Sex After 40
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:46:12 AM »
Nice choice of nail polish, Mr. Trap.

Holy fuck I wish I could be that pretty right now.


Except for all these fucking mirrors!
Put those mirrors down

I did! But the ones on the walls keep holding themselves up!

The Flood / Re: #1 Best Seller: Sex After 40
« on: December 26, 2014, 12:44:37 AM »
Nice choice of nail polish, Mr. Trap.

Holy fuck I wish I could be that pretty right now.


Except for all these fucking mirrors!

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