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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: So I got the Orange Box
« on: January 04, 2015, 12:00:14 PM »
Only thing it's good for is console TF2 (which is infinitely better than PC).
With its infinitely fewer global player count?

The player count doesn't matter. The fact that vanilla TF2 is still running on the console with people and matches to play in after all this fucking time is good enough for me.
Finding servers with more than 6 people from around the same region must be fun.

The last time I checked, you could still drop yourself off in a lobby of 16 players.

Gaming / Re: So I got the Orange Box
« on: January 04, 2015, 11:16:51 AM »
Only thing it's good for is console TF2 (which is infinitely better than PC).
With its infinitely fewer global player count?

The player count doesn't matter. The fact that vanilla TF2 is still running on the console with people and matches to play in after all this fucking time is good enough for me.

The Flood / Re: Post here and I swear I'll
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:36:14 AM »
Up front and center, honest to god dislikes told in relative person.

Fucking sign me up.
Though I admire your ability to come up with an extended response for just about everything, sometimes, it comes off a little bit like grandstanding--especially when coupled with the tone of your posts, which can be a little sententious.

Same old same old then. Hmm.

The Flood / Re: Post here and I swear I'll
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:24:49 AM »
Up front and center, honest to god dislikes told in relative person.

Fucking sign me up.

The Flood / Re: A fan remade the Master Chief's face
« on: January 04, 2015, 09:44:12 AM »
Funny enough he looks generally like "generic shooter protagonist."

The staple shaved head.

A touch of beard or moustache.

The look on his face like he's about to curb stomp some puppies.

Lots of lines across his face meaning "generic shooter protagonist" has been doing his thing for a few years now.

Gaming / Re: So I got the Orange Box
« on: January 04, 2015, 09:36:47 AM »
I volunteer myself for playing TF2 with ya.

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 03, 2015, 07:27:06 PM »
YFW this is the Halo game to finally remove vehicle combat in MP because it's been steadily growing shittier with each new installation.

The Flood / Re: I'm gonna be done with Anarchy.
« on: January 03, 2015, 04:45:24 PM »
Never figured you for an Anarchy person anyway. Gaming forum is your home over here.

The Flood / Re: Mmmm, Pide.
« on: January 03, 2015, 09:26:35 AM »
Bread. I like bread today.

Serious / Re: Should I just.. move on?
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:20:36 AM »
Look at your options. You can either sit there and feel shitty about it for the rest of your life. Or you can sit on up, enjoy the good memories you had, and move on.

I can put names down to about 5 or 6 people that things completely fell apart with. Recently, I added another friend to that list. That was my fault but none the less it hurt all the same.

Take what good you had, hang onto it, and move on. That hurt will never go away. But if you sit around on your ass it'll eat you.
I guess.. I would just feel shitty being with another girl and not the one I liked first..

I get that. I've got the same feeling. But you have to realize that things are over. There is no point in hanging onto something that you can't change. No point. And sitting there on your ass holding yourself back for the sake of feeling shitty over a person who is no longer there is not only stupid but it's pointless.

Grieve for your loss and then move on.

Serious / Re: Should I just.. move on?
« on: January 03, 2015, 12:13:30 AM »
Look at your options. You can either sit there and feel shitty about it for the rest of your life. Or you can sit on up, enjoy the good memories you had, and move on.

I can put names down to about 5 or 6 people that things completely fell apart with. Recently, I added another friend to that list. That was my fault but none the less it hurt all the same.

Take what good you had, hang onto it, and move on. That hurt will never go away. But if you sit around on your ass it'll eat you.

The Flood / Re: Happy New Year
« on: January 01, 2015, 12:05:10 AM »

The Flood / Re: Anarchy fallout bunker
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:52:28 PM »
Do I have to? Because frankly I'm not seeing it. I am not seeing a good year ahead.

The Flood / Re: Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:29:59 PM »
That was last year. I just did it on a whim this year.

And now you know. So it's crossed off your list and shotgunned while being tied up in the back of a car and rolled into a lake right? Never again.

Well that's an odd way of saying it.

Are you implying that something's out of the ordinary here?

The Flood / Re: Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:27:12 PM »
That was last year. I just did it on a whim this year.

And now you know. So it's crossed off your list and shotgunned while being tied up in the back of a car and rolled into a lake right? Never again.

The Flood / Re: Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:24:53 PM »
Yearly reminder that champagne is literally the worst shit ever. People drink this shit.

Didn't figure you'd be up for trying champagne. Cooped up with drunk family members who want you to try shit out?

The Flood / Re: Happy New Years
« on: December 31, 2014, 11:16:47 PM »

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 07:27:41 PM »
No one should care about what pronouns people use to refer to you. I only acquiesce because it's apparently SUCH a big deal.

For once, I agree with Verbatim. Who gives a real damn? I won't call you "she" until that flopping penis between your legs is turned into labia. It just feels weird to call a dude "she" or "her" when everything about their body is "he". You feel like a she? Okay, well, until you turn into one, that's nice. Oh, you're offended? Cry me a river.

It doesn't mean I seek to offend, I just don't care to give in to all the trivial details and appease people because, "muh feelingz".

Just a question here. You ever have parents or siblings act like cunts? Did you ever call them cunts? How about people you're not fond of? Do you call them by name or call them like you see them?

Because if you don't? You're a hypocrite. Taking a wild guess here, even if you bumped into the person you hated the most as a kid today, you wouldn't call them by any of the names you gave them in your head as a kid. You might call them an asshole. But only once. But you wouldn't continue calling it like you see it. If so, then why so selective in your choice of words, or in this case, not selective in your choice?

I mean if we're going to discard the "trivial details" then why not do it for everybody?

Oh but that's right.

Walking up to your mother and calling her a bitch when she's being one or is one would probably result in

A) Getting your shit slapped
B) Getting into a big fucking argument with family

Which means that all your talk here likely can't be backed up in person because everybody has a family member who's been an asshole or a bitch.

If I'm wrong, then you know what?

You'd be fantastic at parties.

I don't see how someone I dislike or acting like an asshole has anything to do with calling someone "he", "she", or "cunt". Nor do I see hypocrisy.

Because you're calling trans folks like you "see" them. You see a dick on a woman then you call that person a dude because you see a dick.

So why the fuck not drop the trivial details and fucking call everything like you see it? Why make it so exlusive? Why bother beating around the bush like this and just fucking call shit like you see it? I mean if you're so open about calling a trans person the way you see them, why not walk up to that asshole boss of yours and tell it like it is through your eyes?

Calling my boss an asshole is irrelevant to me calling a dude with a dick, a dude. I identify as an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle tank, I demand you all call me by how I identify. If not I will get offended and make a huge deal out of it because MUH FEELINGZ

Plus, I already stated I'm not seeking to offend, it's whether or not they choose to offended by something so trivial. Your argument is exaggerated and irrelevant.

Aha. So. It's all about whether or not they choose to be offended right?

Then call your boss up.

Tell him he's a fucking asshole. I mean, clearly, they're just words, and your boss, after all, chooses to be offended over it. So, tell him he's an asshole sack of shit that who you want to bash his head into the table and knock teeth out for being such a cunt at work.

And then tell him that it's his choice to be offended about it.

After all, MUH FEELINGZ don't matter right? Who the fuck chooses to be offended over trivial shit anyway?

This boss analogy is old and irrelevant. As I stated, which you seem to over read, is that I'm not going out of my way nor seeking to offend. I don't see how this should apply to everything in the world. My "boss" is not identifying as anything, is he? No? Then it's irrelevant. And yes, you can choose to be offended, or be a real fucking person and realize the world doesn't revolve around you.

Okay then. So why don't you choose to be a real fucking person and realize that the world doesn't revovle around you or your own personal statements and views on a particular group of people, and just simply address them as they'd like to be addressed?

Certainly, the world doesn't revolve around one person. But at the same time, why are your views so special that you don't simply call trans folks as they wish to be called?

And think about it this way. If I walked into a black group of people and casually called them niggers, I'd probably be strung up. No amount of "Oh sorry guys I don't mean to offends" would save me.

The fact is, people can and will be offended.

So instead of simply being respectful about things, why do you feel the need to be difficult?

Respect needs to be earned. Simple as that. And I never stated the world revolves around me either, and I certainly know it doesn't.

Then why do you assume it revolves around your opinions and statements? Why are your opinions and titles given to people more important then what they give to themselves and wish to be called?

You are right, respect needs to be earned to some degree but courtesy does not. So why exclude courtesy? Why exclude it for a specific group of people? Because, plan and simple, calling them something that they don't wish to be called isn't courteous.

The same as walking into a group of black guys and calling them niggers. The same as walking up to your boss and calling him an asshole. The same as calling your mother a bitch when she's acting up.

You don't openly walk up to those people and call them by those names or those labels even though some days your head might call them that but not your mouth.

So why do you focus on excluding one group of people from refraining to show courtesy?

Well, I believe I know. Because in person, I don't think you'd openly call them what you call them here. Because you've never met one in person. So this is a safety net for you because you can speak your mind but never let those words slip out of your mouth.

And you know what that means? You're a coward.

And not only that, but you want attention. You want attention because the post that you posted in this thread was designed to do that. This thread was sitting down a few layers under topics left to it's own accord. And then you bumped it. You bumped it specifically because of the other new thread that showed up concerning a trans-teen's suicide.

Your post was designed to get attention and it has that. Both me and Max have eyes on it as you can no doubt see.

Now, why you would want attention, I don't know. Maybe you're bored. Maybe you're having supper or just about to and you need to kill some time. Maybe this is your way of generating discussion. But then again what you posted in this thread was never about discussion. It was made to draw attention.

It was made to irritate and annoy certain people. Because for some reason unknown to me, you just don't like trans people. And that's clear as day. You can say you mean no offense all you want, but like that group of black people I figuratively walked into and called niggers, the sole reason I would ever walk into a group of black people and call them niggers, would be to piss them off.

And not only that. If I could get away with it safely with no chance of harm I would.

Just like you're doing here.

And you know what that is?

Being a coward plain and simple.

And you know what? This may count as a personal attack. It may not. I might get warned or banned.

But I mean no offense. I just call it like I see it.

I want you to imagine a hypothetical scenario. Let's say you make an alt account. You change your name, and you don't want people to know that the alt account is you. I know that you made the alt account, and you tell me to shut the fuck up and keep my mouth shut because you don't want people to know it's you.

But I tell people anyway. And I address you by the name of your original account. Wouldn't you be pissed? Mildly annoyed? Disappointed in me for ruining your fun, your little moment of happiness under an alt account that you could fuck around on?

Maybe not. Because after all, "MUH FEELZIES"

Well, I have news for you. Everybody is different. Everybody has levels of bullshit that they tolerate. Everybody has a breaking point. Some more or less than others. You may not give a shit and that's fair.

But at least show some fucking courtesy.

Or if you can't do that, then back up your own fucking bark and walk up to a trans-person and call them what you do here.

And see what happens when you break their limits for putting up with bullshit.

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 06:32:36 PM »
No one should care about what pronouns people use to refer to you. I only acquiesce because it's apparently SUCH a big deal.

For once, I agree with Verbatim. Who gives a real damn? I won't call you "she" until that flopping penis between your legs is turned into labia. It just feels weird to call a dude "she" or "her" when everything about their body is "he". You feel like a she? Okay, well, until you turn into one, that's nice. Oh, you're offended? Cry me a river.

It doesn't mean I seek to offend, I just don't care to give in to all the trivial details and appease people because, "muh feelingz".

Just a question here. You ever have parents or siblings act like cunts? Did you ever call them cunts? How about people you're not fond of? Do you call them by name or call them like you see them?

Because if you don't? You're a hypocrite. Taking a wild guess here, even if you bumped into the person you hated the most as a kid today, you wouldn't call them by any of the names you gave them in your head as a kid. You might call them an asshole. But only once. But you wouldn't continue calling it like you see it. If so, then why so selective in your choice of words, or in this case, not selective in your choice?

I mean if we're going to discard the "trivial details" then why not do it for everybody?

Oh but that's right.

Walking up to your mother and calling her a bitch when she's being one or is one would probably result in

A) Getting your shit slapped
B) Getting into a big fucking argument with family

Which means that all your talk here likely can't be backed up in person because everybody has a family member who's been an asshole or a bitch.

If I'm wrong, then you know what?

You'd be fantastic at parties.

I don't see how someone I dislike or acting like an asshole has anything to do with calling someone "he", "she", or "cunt". Nor do I see hypocrisy.

Because you're calling trans folks like you "see" them. You see a dick on a woman then you call that person a dude because you see a dick.

So why the fuck not drop the trivial details and fucking call everything like you see it? Why make it so exlusive? Why bother beating around the bush like this and just fucking call shit like you see it? I mean if you're so open about calling a trans person the way you see them, why not walk up to that asshole boss of yours and tell it like it is through your eyes?

Calling my boss an asshole is irrelevant to me calling a dude with a dick, a dude. I identify as an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle tank, I demand you all call me by how I identify. If not I will get offended and make a huge deal out of it because MUH FEELINGZ

Plus, I already stated I'm not seeking to offend, it's whether or not they choose to offended by something so trivial. Your argument is exaggerated and irrelevant.

Aha. So. It's all about whether or not they choose to be offended right?

Then call your boss up.

Tell him he's a fucking asshole. I mean, clearly, they're just words, and your boss, after all, chooses to be offended over it. So, tell him he's an asshole sack of shit that who you want to bash his head into the table and knock teeth out for being such a cunt at work.

And then tell him that it's his choice to be offended about it.

After all, MUH FEELINGZ don't matter right? Who the fuck chooses to be offended over trivial shit anyway?

This boss analogy is old and irrelevant. As I stated, which you seem to over read, is that I'm not going out of my way nor seeking to offend. I don't see how this should apply to everything in the world. My "boss" is not identifying as anything, is he? No? Then it's irrelevant. And yes, you can choose to be offended, or be a real fucking person and realize the world doesn't revolve around you.

Okay then. So why don't you choose to be a real fucking person and realize that the world doesn't revovle around you or your own personal statements and views on a particular group of people, and just simply address them as they'd like to be addressed?

Certainly, the world doesn't revolve around one person. But at the same time, why are your views so special that you don't simply call trans folks as they wish to be called?

And think about it this way. If I walked into a black group of people and casually called them niggers, I'd probably be strung up. No amount of "Oh sorry guys I don't mean to offends" would save me.

The fact is, people can and will be offended.

So instead of simply being respectful about things, why do you feel the need to be difficult?

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 06:23:26 PM »
No one should care about what pronouns people use to refer to you. I only acquiesce because it's apparently SUCH a big deal.

For once, I agree with Verbatim. Who gives a real damn? I won't call you "she" until that flopping penis between your legs is turned into labia. It just feels weird to call a dude "she" or "her" when everything about their body is "he". You feel like a she? Okay, well, until you turn into one, that's nice. Oh, you're offended? Cry me a river.

It doesn't mean I seek to offend, I just don't care to give in to all the trivial details and appease people because, "muh feelingz".

Just a question here. You ever have parents or siblings act like cunts? Did you ever call them cunts? How about people you're not fond of? Do you call them by name or call them like you see them?

Because if you don't? You're a hypocrite. Taking a wild guess here, even if you bumped into the person you hated the most as a kid today, you wouldn't call them by any of the names you gave them in your head as a kid. You might call them an asshole. But only once. But you wouldn't continue calling it like you see it. If so, then why so selective in your choice of words, or in this case, not selective in your choice?

I mean if we're going to discard the "trivial details" then why not do it for everybody?

Oh but that's right.

Walking up to your mother and calling her a bitch when she's being one or is one would probably result in

A) Getting your shit slapped
B) Getting into a big fucking argument with family

Which means that all your talk here likely can't be backed up in person because everybody has a family member who's been an asshole or a bitch.

If I'm wrong, then you know what?

You'd be fantastic at parties.

I don't see how someone I dislike or acting like an asshole has anything to do with calling someone "he", "she", or "cunt". Nor do I see hypocrisy.

Because you're calling trans folks like you "see" them. You see a dick on a woman then you call that person a dude because you see a dick.

So why the fuck not drop the trivial details and fucking call everything like you see it? Why make it so exlusive? Why bother beating around the bush like this and just fucking call shit like you see it? I mean if you're so open about calling a trans person the way you see them, why not walk up to that asshole boss of yours and tell it like it is through your eyes?

Calling my boss an asshole is irrelevant to me calling a dude with a dick, a dude. I identify as an M1A1 Abrams Main Battle tank, I demand you all call me by how I identify. If not I will get offended and make a huge deal out of it because MUH FEELINGZ

Plus, I already stated I'm not seeking to offend, it's whether or not they choose to offended by something so trivial. Your argument is exaggerated and irrelevant.

Aha. So. It's all about whether or not they choose to be offended right?

Then call your boss up.

Tell him he's a fucking asshole. I mean, clearly, they're just words, and your boss, after all, chooses to be offended over it. So, tell him he's an asshole sack of shit that who you want to bash his head into the table and knock teeth out for being such a cunt at work.

And then tell him that it's his choice to be offended about it.

After all, MUH FEELINGZ don't matter right? Who the fuck chooses to be offended over trivial shit anyway?


You see the crossed out name on that letter?

That person died as a female, because those were their wishes.

When I die can I be a dog?

Take your trolling to the Flood.

SO I can die as a woman but not a dog?

Makes sense.

Not trolling. I'm literally curious.

I'll answer it for him since you're so fucking inclined to listen.

Technically, no, you can't die as a dog or a woman because you don't have the biology of a dog, or a woman.

However, if you wanted the title of a dog, then you could get a name change to "dog."

If you wanted to be buried as a dog, then by all means, you could. Just write down in your will,

"Bury me as a houshold dog and mark my fucking grave as "Dog."

Essentially, you can do exactly what a trans person does. Use a name and a title that makes them happy because everybody alive has the right to do what makes them happy. And as a person, and people, if any of them were respectful, they'd follow your wishes.

oh ok, I get it now.

I can say I am whatever I like. But technically, I wont be those things.

Technically, nope. However, if you had some respect for people then you'd address them in the manner that they prefer. The same that they would to you.

Of course, I wouldn't be surprised if, say within five decades our engineering of body parts will be a little more fine tuned and then trans folks will be set. And you won't have to worry about all the little technical details now will you?

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 06:13:45 PM »
No one should care about what pronouns people use to refer to you. I only acquiesce because it's apparently SUCH a big deal.

For once, I agree with Verbatim. Who gives a real damn? I won't call you "she" until that flopping penis between your legs is turned into labia. It just feels weird to call a dude "she" or "her" when everything about their body is "he". You feel like a she? Okay, well, until you turn into one, that's nice. Oh, you're offended? Cry me a river.

It doesn't mean I seek to offend, I just don't care to give in to all the trivial details and appease people because, "muh feelingz".

Just a question here. You ever have parents or siblings act like cunts? Did you ever call them cunts? How about people you're not fond of? Do you call them by name or call them like you see them?

Because if you don't? You're a hypocrite. Taking a wild guess here, even if you bumped into the person you hated the most as a kid today, you wouldn't call them by any of the names you gave them in your head as a kid. You might call them an asshole. But only once. But you wouldn't continue calling it like you see it. If so, then why so selective in your choice of words, or in this case, not selective in your choice?

I mean if we're going to discard the "trivial details" then why not do it for everybody?

Oh but that's right.

Walking up to your mother and calling her a bitch when she's being one or is one would probably result in

A) Getting your shit slapped
B) Getting into a big fucking argument with family

Which means that all your talk here likely can't be backed up in person because everybody has a family member who's been an asshole or a bitch.

If I'm wrong, then you know what?

You'd be fantastic at parties.

I don't see how someone I dislike or acting like an asshole has anything to do with calling someone "he", "she", or "cunt". Nor do I see hypocrisy.

Because you're calling trans folks like you "see" them. You see a dick on a woman then you call that person a dude because you see a dick.

So why the fuck not drop the trivial details and fucking call everything like you see it? Why make it so exlusive? Why bother beating around the bush like this and just fucking call shit like you see it? I mean if you're so open about calling a trans person the way you see them, why not walk up to that asshole boss of yours and tell it like it is through your eyes?


You see the crossed out name on that letter?

That person died as a female, because those were their wishes.

When I die can I be a dog?

Take your trolling to the Flood.

SO I can die as a woman but not a dog?

Makes sense.

Not trolling. I'm literally curious.

I'll answer it for him since you're so fucking inclined to listen.

Technically, no, you can't die as a dog or a woman because you don't have the biology of a dog, or a woman.

However, if you wanted the title of a dog, then you could get a name change to "dog."

If you wanted to be buried as a dog, then by all means, you could. Just write down in your will,

"Bury me as a houshold dog and mark my fucking grave as "Dog."

Essentially, you can do exactly what a trans person does. Use a name and a title that makes them happy because everybody alive has the right to do what makes them happy. And as a person, and people, if any of them were respectful, they'd follow your wishes.


You see the crossed out name on that letter?

That person died as a female, because those were their wishes.

When I die can I be a dog?

Hey fuck it's your gravestone. Knock yourself out.

Fuck that dude. One more year and he could have left
This is exactly what I was talking about in my other thread.

Fuck off with that shit.

Why? I'm just going by the wishes of his mother.

Go by the wishes of the person themselves, not their controlling parents >_>

Why? He was obviously crazy. Just look at how he committed suicide.

I suppose you aren't aware of how depression works then amigo. Depression cuts away everything until there isn't anything left.

They made a conscious decision, sure. And a bad one at that. But that's the point. When you fall that far you can't see the mistakes you're making.

Not crazy. Depressed.

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:43:33 PM »
Something that's bugged me is if transpeople don't feel like a man or woman (and I know 'feeling' is an oversimplification), doesn't that enforce societal gender roles? On one hand, we've got a large movement saying boys should be able to play with girls' toys and wear girls' clothes while girls should be free to do traditional boy activities, but it seems like that is entirely contrary to the notion of transpeople undertaking physical changes to be more like the opposite sex.

I find it hard to sympathize with the struggle because I can't relate to it at all. I recognize the problem and know I should care more, but I feel very apathetic about it.

Well. That's a good point. But I betcha something. If those "gender roles" were slacked off a bit, then maybe trans folks wouldn't recieve so much heat. A more open and tolerant society in terms of what men and woman can do and wear would likely ease the strain on trans folks as well.

But as it stands? Yes, you're right. And you know why? Because the current generation of trans folks fit into and think about gender roles the same way just like most of society does currently.

Fuck that dude. One more year and he could have left
This is exactly what I was talking about in my other thread.

Fuck off with that shit.

Why? I'm just going by the wishes of his mother.

Well considering that my father's wishes of "you're a loser and you'll never be anything" were pretty shitty, I'd say for some cases of bad parents there's an exception. After all we're all fucking people here. We are inherently self centered and therefore the most important thing to us, is ourselves.

What I choose to call myself is inherently the most important thing because that's what I choose. What I choose happens to me after I die is important because those were my wishes. Unless I had no wishes, then it falls to the decision of people who care for me.

And in that case?

You see the crossed out name on that letter?

That person died as a female, because those were their wishes.

Serious / Re: What's your beef with the transgender crowd?
« on: December 31, 2014, 05:35:48 PM »
No one should care about what pronouns people use to refer to you. I only acquiesce because it's apparently SUCH a big deal.

For once, I agree with Verbatim. Who gives a real damn? I won't call you "she" until that flopping penis between your legs is turned into labia. It just feels weird to call a dude "she" or "her" when everything about their body is "he". You feel like a she? Okay, well, until you turn into one, that's nice. Oh, you're offended? Cry me a river.

It doesn't mean I seek to offend, I just don't care to give in to all the trivial details and appease people because, "muh feelingz".

Just a question here. You ever have parents or siblings act like cunts? Did you ever call them cunts? How about people you're not fond of? Do you call them by name or call them like you see them?

Because if you don't? You're a hypocrite. Taking a wild guess here, even if you bumped into the person you hated the most as a kid today, you wouldn't call them by any of the names you gave them in your head as a kid. You might call them an asshole. But only once. But you wouldn't continue calling it like you see it. If so, then why so selective in your choice of words, or in this case, not selective in your choice?

I mean if we're going to discard the "trivial details" then why not do it for everybody?

Oh but that's right.

Walking up to your mother and calling her a bitch when she's being one or is one would probably result in

A) Getting your shit slapped
B) Getting into a big fucking argument with family

Which means that all your talk here likely can't be backed up in person because everybody has a family member who's been an asshole or a bitch.

If I'm wrong, then you know what?

You'd be fantastic at parties.

Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s fucked up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.

I feel like the people and trolls in this thread only reinforce this point.

You know what's really fucking shitty about the whole thing? Take a look at their writing. This person had a solid head on them.

"A penny for my thoughts, oh, no, I'll sell 'em for a dollar
They're worth so much more after I'm a goner
And maybe then you'll hear the words I been singin'
Funny when you're dead how people start listenin"

It is true though. Suddenly you drop dead and all the people in town come to your funeral when they wouldn't so much as say hello to you on the street.

Gender needs to be taught about in schools, the earlier the better. My death needs to mean something. My death needs to be counted in the number of transgender people who commit suicide this year. I want someone to look at that number and say “that’s fucked up” and fix it. Fix society. Please.

I feel like the people and trolls in this thread only reinforce this point.

You know what's really fucking shitty about the whole thing? Take a look at their writing. This person had a solid head on them.

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