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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: Any Dark Souls fans played Lords of the Fallen?
« on: January 05, 2015, 03:39:34 PM »
If you picked up lords of the fallen and expected it to play anything remotely like dark souls than yer a dope.

Think of lords of the fallen as "clunky souls."

Heavy armour is your friend, everything is heavy for you and your actions are less agile and more grounded in real physical combat than dark souls.

So. Is it harder than dark souls? Eh. Maybe. That depends on what happens when you start to really learn the ropes.

The Flood / Re: *sips Mojito*
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:35:04 PM »
Time to play with matches again!

Fuck matches let's just bring a flame thrower.

The Flood / Re: Challenger issue
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:26:02 PM »
Can we just not.

You dun goofed Psy. You didn't ding dong bannu this thread but did for the first one that showed up.


The Flood / Re: #ModBias2015
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:21:30 PM »
You say it's getting out of hand right? Too many butter fingers.

The Flood / Re: The ocean is a terrifying place
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:20:13 PM »
Not anymore dangerous or terrifying than the rest of the world.
I guess it depends on the person.

For me i would prefer going through a jungle of poisonous snakes then being in a submarine in pitch black water.

At least some snakes give you a warning like rattlers.

There's nothing you can fucking do when you hear the cracking of glass in your sub's window or something fucks up and you're left floating down there.

The Flood / Re: Kinder obesity.
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:16:10 PM »
Andu das a ding dong bannu.

The Flood / Re: nah
« on: January 05, 2015, 12:08:48 PM »
This is the Ghost in the Shell I'm familiar with right? Like, Motoko Kusanagi ghost in the shell?

I agree.

But to answer the incorrect OP, yes I'd... support... people who do that to themselves. I wouldn't encourage it by any means and I sure as shit think it's stupid to botox your face until you look like a cat. But ehh, and find a better term to steal. Don't take the machines from me <___<

Trans-Humanism is a rather broad term that can encompass a fair bit. And, if you think about it, one way or another there are going to be two types of trans-Human movements sometime in our future.

One for cyborgs and mechanized people. And another for people who are spliced. Eventually our manipulation of DNA structures and coding will likely be fine tuned as much as robotics. Which is rather interesting now isn't it Mr. Psych?

Two distinct and separate goals that end in the same outcome. Moving past what we currently are.
I suppose it is <.<
My personal preference would be splicing, but we are still paddling in the kiddie pool for genetic manipulation and doing such augmentations to a fully grown creature is... unlikely to work out well. So it's going to be bionics and augmetics for me instead >.>

Nevermind genetic manipulation or truly functional prosthetics, I think our current best field is in cloning or engineering. I mean they've already grown a separate heart from stem cells around synthetic material and they're teaching it to pump like a heart.

Here's the list of progress.

First comes understanding and replication of how we work, replacing damaged parts with sparkly new copies.
Then comes alterations of how we work whether it be through machinery or splicing.
Merge cloning and replication with machinery or splicing and you've got yourself a brand new varient of the species.

The Flood / Re: Complete bullshit
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:51:49 AM »
ask for proof on how you plagiarized it ffs
I did and the teacher emailed me a site that had barely any similarities.

Then quit dicking around and tell them that. Most of all, if you're serious about it, then bring up your own computer's history and prove to them that you never laid eyes on that site.

I personally don't know the whole story and you might presenting a skewed version to us. However, if you're not, then run your fucking teacher into the ground with some solid proof.
Yeah I've been trying to prove it like that but since it's online and all the teacher is saying I cleared my history and what not, also doesn't help that the teacher doesn't like me.

I can think of a few ways to prove it and I'm gonna try it but in the mean time i'm going to write it in a bit when I can either get Google Docs up or I can find a pencil.

Then get technical on his ass. Turn this shit into a lawer battle.

When did he call you out on the plagerism? Give an exact fucking date. If he just called you out on the plagerism, then logically speaking, you wouldn't have any time whatsoever to delete your history. Bite his ass and don't let go. Tell him you'll show him the history when he's on his break.

Get into his head and mess around with him. If you take time out of your own break to show him then that's going to leave some sort of impression considering you so concerned in defending your work.

And, if that doesn't work than play the "I'm insulted card."

Your work may be similiar to the site that he claims you plagerised from, but point that out. Point out the fact that people do similar things all the time whether it be from writing and information to fucking in your favorite position to eating your favorite food.

And then tell him that you're insulted because his implying of your plagerism means that he's incinuating that you're not intelligent enough to write this on your own.

Serious / Re: What causes Near-Death Experiences
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:42:50 AM »
This reminds me of something discussed in school a really long damn time ago. I can't even legitimately remember where the discussion came from or what it was about. But, back in the fun days when guillotines were still around, some of the thinking type people had some fun with execution victims by running simple experiments.

I don't remember who it was, but he asked the participants to try and blink rapidly as long as they could and sure enough even after some people got their heads lobbed off they managed it for a short period.

It could be a load of bullshit because I don't remember the context of the discussion and personally if I was under a guillotine I'd probably spit on the shoes of somebody who asked me to blink real fast as I got my head lobbed off.

But then again, our nervous system does have death throe twitches when beheading is involved. If our body has those last second pulses then it's reasonable to think that our brain does as well, no?

The Flood / Re: Complete bullshit
« on: January 05, 2015, 09:33:37 AM »
ask for proof on how you plagiarized it ffs
I did and the teacher emailed me a site that had barely any similarities.

Then quit dicking around and tell them that. Most of all, if you're serious about it, then bring up your own computer's history and prove to them that you never laid eyes on that site.

I personally don't know the whole story and you might presenting a skewed version to us. However, if you're not, then run your fucking teacher into the ground with some solid proof.

But to answer the incorrect OP, yes I'd... support... people who do that to themselves. I wouldn't encourage it by any means and I sure as shit think it's stupid to botox your face until you look like a cat. But ehh, and find a better term to steal. Don't take the machines from me <___<

Trans-Humanism is a rather broad term that can encompass a fair bit. And, if you think about it, one way or another there are going to be two types of trans-Human movements sometime in our future.

One for cyborgs and mechanized people. And another for people who are spliced. Eventually our manipulation of DNA structures and coding will likely be fine tuned as much as robotics. Which is rather interesting now isn't it Mr. Psych?

Two distinct and separate goals that end in the same outcome. Moving past what we currently are.

One podcast? But the 3rd one was recorded about a week ago or so...
And just since I'm wondering, who else was it that volunteered to provide content?
Well then the 3rd has not been posted yet, thats one thing I am talking about. A severe lack of communication from providers.

The other people on my channel are: Yutaka, Mega Sceptile, Tackleberry, and occasionally Latsu.

Heyo Brute. I think I can help with that. It's not a guarunteed thing. But I know some folks I could talk to. Their works haven't gotten off the ground yet and they're still in the early stages of development. But if I directed them over to you then maybe when they did got on their feet you'd have an additional two content providers.

The Flood / Re: The ocean is a terrifying place
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:40:23 AM »
Reminds me of those little crabs at the bottom of the ocean. Or they might have been shrimps. But their main claw arm snaps shut so quickly, and with so much power that for less than a second, the entire ocean is displaced. Their claw makes an air pocket, which then fills in with the pressure of the oecan less then a second later.

That pressure is strong enough to instantly knock out or kill decent sized fish which the crab then eats. That claw snap shuts with so much power that for something much less than a nanosecond, temperatures reach up into the kelvins. Can't remember the name for the life of me. But yeah.

The Flood / Re: Crying thread
« on: January 05, 2015, 08:31:22 AM »
Speaking of crying. I noticed yesterday that I feel so shitty that there's no tears. Just awful feelings and mood swings.

Gaming / Re: Any Level Design Tips?
« on: January 05, 2015, 07:51:07 AM »
Here's a suggestion. If you really want to try "a mix of both."

You build a map that has two levels. The topside, "groundside" part of the map is the largest. This is where you'd have your big vehicle mash-up fests and all that.

And beneath that, underneath the topside, is the underground base kind of deal. It's an enclosed environment down there with your standard tight spaces, and corridors.

I don't know what kind of FPS you feel like making or what kind of gametypes you'll have or anything. But let's stay true to your mix of both idea. You can start by working with the underground section of the map, the small section, like Isara said, and as you progress and learn more, if you want to stick with your idea you can work on the topside of the map and join the two together.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:37:27 PM »
I guess I can agree, I'll probably think on this.

If you really want to think about it, think about the latest source of a pain in the ass for you, or something that sucks. Use something from your own life.

I'm not saying that we as people are exempt or "ousted" from life. But because we're the only species on the planet to currently build constructs and develop societies and think, we tend to develop a pre-concieved idea of our reality when in fact there are two, all around us.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:28:06 PM »
Fuck the world.

Try to fucking stop me.

I can't stop you because that's your choice. I can lump you into the category of silly people though.
Oh my god.
This is like, so offensive.
I'm going to go tell my tumblrites and they're going to make you sorry.

Knock knock. Who offended you? Who just gave you the middle finger with a grin? Me. A living breathing person who can make choices. People are funny, no?
Oh my god, you're going to be sorry!
I can't believe you're being so offensive.
It's because I'm trans isn't it?

Before? No. Now? Sure thing. I can choose to call you by any number of derogetory terms there are for trans folks if you like.
oh my godddddd

yuo are so offensiveeeeee

we needd to bring back gassing for people like you

What, you mean like a dutch oven?

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:22:17 PM »
Fuck the world.

Try to fucking stop me.

I can't stop you because that's your choice. I can lump you into the category of silly people though.
Oh my god.
This is like, so offensive.
I'm going to go tell my tumblrites and they're going to make you sorry.

Knock knock. Who offended you? Who just gave you the middle finger with a grin? Me. A living breathing person who can make choices. People are funny, no?
Oh my god, you're going to be sorry!
I can't believe you're being so offensive.
It's because I'm trans isn't it?

Before? No. Now? Sure thing. I can choose to call you by any number of derogetory terms there are for trans folks if you like.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:20:27 PM »

>"I wonder if it will be excruciatingly long"

>it is.

I write as I think. Long winded thoughts.
That must be exhausting.

Considering that I can type about as fast as my thought train rolls along, not really. It's only ever long winded if it takes some thinking about.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:17:57 PM »
Fuck the world.

Try to fucking stop me.

I can't stop you because that's your choice. I can lump you into the category of silly people though.
Oh my god.
This is like, so offensive.
I'm going to go tell my tumblrites and they're going to make you sorry.

Knock knock. Who offended you? Who just gave you the middle finger with a grin? Me. A living breathing person who can make choices. People are funny, no?

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:15:18 PM »
People often say, life isn't fair. They're wrong. Life is unbiased. Life doesn't point a finger at somebody and say, "Hey you, here's cancer."

It's luck of the draw. Pure unbiased luck.
I kinda lost you here. Personally, I wouldn't call "luck" (which I don't even personally believe in, conceptually) fair. Fair implies that everything and everyone gets the same treatment, and everyone gets what they deserve. The way life is now, luck or no luck, it is characterized by grotesquely disproportionate circumstances.

A point I missed. Life, for sure, isn't fair. The fact that there's an animal under our feet that eats shit and shits out dirt and then gets eaten by birds is a testament to that. Life is hard, life can hurt, and it can be unfair.

But it's not biased. It doesn't waltz into a movie theatre and start shooting everybody.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:12:56 PM »

>"I wonder if it will be excruciatingly long"

>it is.

I write as I think. Long winded thoughts.

The Flood / Re: Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:08:07 PM »
Fuck the world.

Try to fucking stop me.

I can't stop you because that's your choice. I can lump you into the category of silly people though.

The Flood / Separating Preconcieved ideas of "life"
« on: January 04, 2015, 10:03:17 PM »
A question for all of you. No doubt, at some point in your life, you've heard these two statements or something similiar no?

"I hate life," and my favorite, "The world is sick."

It's only something I actually thought about a week or so back. People have forgotten something. Or, rather, they've let something else obscure their vision. What they've let obscure their vision, is our fake reality. Our concieved ideas, our societal norms, our laws, our customs.

These things are all constructs. Constructs aren't bad. However. People have let constructs dictate their life. And most of all, blind them to what sits right under their feet.

And let me prove it to you.

You've all watched the news no doubt? Always something depressing on. Wars. Riots. Conflicts. Fights. Disasters.

And most people will shake their head and say, "Huh, world's going to shit, look at that."

That's wrong. So wrong in fact that upset people, angry people, depressed people, tend to say that they hate life. Life's been cruel and harsh to them and they just don't want to put up with it anymore.

But they're wrong. And they've confused which reality they live in. And it all comes down, to people. Let's sit down and think about it here.

Take a forest. A forest does its thing. It grows. It harbors plants, animals, and a complex system of intermingled species all supported by the environment around it and the weather that sustains it. This forest, it's natural ecosystem, and the weather and environment around it, is life.

Things die in said forest, animals are killed for the purpose of survival for other animals. At it's core, this is life. People often say, life isn't fair. They're wrong. Life is unbiased. Life doesn't point a finger at somebody and say, "Hey you, here's cancer."

It's luck of the draw. Pure unbiased luck. And it happens to everybody. Every person, every animal, everything. Some animal in the forest may be sick. And it'll slow down and get caught by predators and die. That's shit luck. Plain and simple.

So. What does this mean?

In our concieved world, our society, our cities and towns, life works differently. Life is out to get you and give you the middle gfinger every step of the way. But it's not actually life. It's people.

Let's say you get hit by a car.

That car was being driven by a person. Maybe they hit you because they were speeding and couldn't slow down in time. Maybe you crossed the street while the light was green. Maybe they were talking on their phone. Maybe they were late for work so they hammered on the gas peddle. Who can say?

Either way, your current woes assuming you're still alive were just delivered to you plain and simply, by a person. And in fact, it doesn't matter what the reason was for the driver hitting you. Because you were a part of the very same construct the driver was.

The driver was driving on a road built by people so that people could drive on it. He was either supposed to be going this speed, or he was illigally speeding against the law. If he was talking on the phone he was so absorbed in texting or talking that he plowed into you. He just couldn't miss that fucking text could he? How about late for work?

Son of a bitch, if he's late for work, he'll get some pay docked off his paychecks.

And you. You woke up, were maybe headed off to work just like the driver. You walked along the sidewalks and took crosswalks. Walked when the light was red. All a big part of our pre-concieved view on the world.

It's not neccessarily a bad thing. However, people have forgetten that out there, beyond cities and towns, there's a functioning world beyond them. It's the planet we walk on, the air we breathe, the environment, the seasons. This world that we live on is life itself.

There's bad luck. But it isn't biased and it does not selectively choose a target.

People do. Although likely 9 times out of 10 our hypothetical driver was never gunning for your ass, you can bet that after the accident your insurance and his insurance company will be gunning for his ass. The insurance company, led by people.

If you want a simpler example, take third world countries.

The environment may be harsh and unforgiving. Unsuitable for the best crop growth or settlements. But that's life. Not all areas of our planet are hunky dory.

But the pre-concieved way of life in some third world countries is that some asshole with a gun, or a better gun than yours, or a small army, will come and fuck your shit up, steal what's yours, kill you, fuck your wife and beat your kids and then kill all of them or do whatever they decide.

That's not life.

That's people.

And we forget that. And lately, that's what I've been using to try and keep myself going. At night in my town, when all the various assholes of whatever flavor you can think of go to sleep, I walk.

When all the lights have gone out, I walk outside in the cold, with the stars, the wind, the snow, and the howls of coyotes and some days even wolves. I walk across the world I was born on, in a life where some of the cards I've been given were shitty.

But those shitty cards, are far less troublesome than the woes and pains I've ever been given by people and their choices.

So. When you;re feeling shitty.

Don't say fuck the world.

Fuck stupid people.

The Flood / Site Update
« on: January 04, 2015, 04:01:44 PM »

Gaming / Re: >people want a tes game in valenwood
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:17:48 PM »
High Rock and Hammerfell. No reason we cant have 2 countries on current gen.
I'd prefer one country with more detail really. Only two I'd double up is Valenwood and Summerset due to size.

Skyrim lacked a lot of depth.
What I hated about Oblivion and Skyrim was that there wasn't enough variety in locations, Skyrim was literally just snow, mountains and forests.
nigga what?

Skyrim had plenty of variety. Every hold had a unique environment.

Whiterun- Open plains with giants and mammoths

Falkreath- Dense, green, spooky forest with tall trees, with tall, cold mountains along the southern edge

The Rift- Beautiful fall forest along a river

Hjallmarch- Spooky swamps

Haafingar- Traditional arthurian tall fantasy forest in a hilly region
Eastmarch- Vast open stretches of hot springs, merges into the Pale in the northwest and Winterhold to the northeast

The Pale- Snowy forest, with open coast to the north

Winterhold- Cold, snowy mountains

The Reach- Tall, rocky mountain terrain with massive ruins all around, both Dwemer and Nordic

Yeah forest > mountains > snow

Okay so what other options do we have here then?


What does sand do?

Make sand dunes.

Another word for mountains.

Uh, let's see. We've got volcanoes.

More fucking mountains.

Oh! I know! There's the place with migratory trees.


Generally wherever you go in elder scrolls you're just going to have a variation of


Putting sand overtop of everything would be a placeholder for snow and before you know it people would bitch about "sand in muh eyes."

Unless of course Bethesda just said fuck you to the lore and started doing upside down mountains and shit. Or maybe twirly rock things with forests growing along the side of them.

The Flood / Re: A fan remade the Master Chief's face
« on: January 04, 2015, 02:10:06 PM »
Wasn't he supposed to be really pale with short red hair and freckles?
Master Chief has a soul though

What if.

What if the Librarian's space magic was actually a soul for Chief?

Gaming / Re: So when is the Halo 5 BTB beta releasing?
« on: January 04, 2015, 01:10:59 PM »
Toggle crouch is communism

Fucking NeoGaf I swear one of these days...

Toggle crouch is for non Gandhi hopping casuals

Are YOU a non Gandhi hopping casual?

Gandhi can kill himself and fuck an acidic cactus in Hell. People like him suck all of the fun out of Halo and are the reason the Forge/Custom Game community is dying off to this E-Sports crap.

But the E-Sports crap is why we finally got a Halo game that doesn't [fully] have hold your hand aim assists and an all round deadly weapon sandbox...

Speaking of Forge, when I checked up on H2A there were a lot of cool new additions to the system, but I never saw any custom maps with it. Did the online problems just murder Forgehub or something?

Forge has been in decline since Reach Goji. Forge and customs are inherently tied together. If a forger makes a map and nobody plays it then why bother making a map?

If nobody bothers making cool maps then why bother playing customs?

He's dead, Jim.

Gaming / Re: So I got the Orange Box
« on: January 04, 2015, 12:26:28 PM »
-Don't get what you have against spray paint
I don't like to see pornographic images plastered all over the base just because some twelve-year-old kid thinks he's cute/clever.

Verb. You missed the biggest issue on the PC.


And their next best thing. Servers that don't list the bots and try to hide them.

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