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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 283284285 286287 ... 390
The Flood / Re: What the fuck lol
« on: January 08, 2015, 10:15:52 PM »
"Material shit"

Sends you that over fucking instagram using a cellphone or whatever the fuck it is people use these days.

The Flood / Re: Make Me Hungry!
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:37:47 PM »
If you pulled this shit yesterday I could've taken a picture of two full sized pans full of fresh cinnamon buns. You could see all that melted sweet stuff all over them.

The Flood / Re: Food you make when you're broke
« on: January 08, 2015, 06:16:29 PM »
Implying when you're broke as fuck that you have the capability to acquire ramen noodles, a way to cook the noodles, and bbq sauce.

Gaming / Re: I renounce my sinful ways
« on: January 08, 2015, 12:53:41 PM »
You friend me on the 360.

And you get a fucking xbone for christmas. Typical I say!

The Flood / Re: If you ever meet death a.k.a the grim reaper.
« on: January 08, 2015, 12:52:09 PM »
Ask him to make me a wand

You'd better ask for a cloak instead.

The Flood / Re: If you ever meet death a.k.a the grim reaper.
« on: January 08, 2015, 12:01:38 PM »
I wrote a whole story on that subject once.

I'd talk his ass off.

Proud folks the french are. Good to see them standing up too. Not with riots or misdirected attacks on the muslim community either, but the peaceful kind that still manages to get "fuck you" out nice and clear. I like that. The response from other artists is fantastic.

Essentially, it's a case of "you'll have to kill all of us to shut us up."

Good on those folks.

The Flood / Re: Whatever happened to Noelle anyway
« on: January 08, 2015, 11:19:33 AM »
Long story short? Drama. The bad kind. It's all downhill from here.

Just to think, there may be an alternate reality out there where Bnet never changed their layout, just improved their old site for Destiny. And to think, there is another reality where Destiny actually exceeded our expectations as well.

Excuse me while I go cry.

But on the plus side. There could be an alternate reality where Cheat never made the Sep7agon. And we'd be fucked. I'd say we got the middle ground here.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so damn cold?
« on: January 08, 2015, 12:00:44 AM »

brb joints hurt
brb get no sun
brb skin turns white
brb always cold when going outside
brb gets dark early

Yes. You understand.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so damn cold?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:57:02 PM »
You don't get to complain about how cold it is until you've spent four hours outside in -54 weather with a windchill on top of that. If you have?

Then my apologies.
I spent almost everyday outside back in January and Febuary when it was usually 10 degrees Farenheit only wearing my hoodie. Does that count?

Edit: Apparently -54C is -65F. Why the hell is it so cold where you live, and why aren't you an icicle?

Actually. Parts of me were. I wore full survival shit and it was so fucking cold that I got frostbite anyway. Second degree on my hands and fingers, feet, and bits of my face that were exposed.
Jesus... I'd have just stayed indoors. Or is it like Hoth up there, where that's your average winter?

No. Our winters are getting colder it seems. The last few winters have been harsh. But I agree. I've minimized how much I've stepped outside to only a couple minutes a day, but when I went out on Monday I had to. Helping a friend. Probably saved his life too.

Average winters are -20 and 30. But we've been getting days going down in the 40's and 50's every now and then. Fuck that shit. A day of that frozen over hell makes a month long stretch of -30's seem like fun and games.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so damn cold?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:53:12 PM »
You don't get to complain about how cold it is until you've spent four hours outside in -54 weather with a windchill on top of that. If you have?

Then my apologies.
I spent almost everyday outside back in January and Febuary when it was usually 10 degrees Farenheit only wearing my hoodie. Does that count?

Edit: Apparently -54C is -65F. Why the hell is it so cold where you live, and why aren't you an icicle?

Actually. Parts of me were. I wore full survival shit and it was so fucking cold that I got frostbite anyway. Second degree on my hands and fingers, feet, and bits of my face that were exposed.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so damn cold?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:51:50 PM »
You don't get to complain about how cold it is until you've spent four hours outside in -54 weather with a windchill on top of that. If you have?

Then my apologies.
I spent almost everyday outside back in January and Febuary when it was usually 10 degrees Farenheit only wearing my hoodie. Does that count?

No. That's what all fucking canadians do by default! 10's not cold to us.

The Flood / Re: Why is it so damn cold?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:46:23 PM »
You don't get to complain about how cold it is until you've spent four hours outside in -54 weather with a windchill on top of that. If you have?

Then my apologies.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:20:17 PM »
Well folks. I've got a random mind. A random mind is entertaining. So. This is the result of about an hour of tinkering in G-mod. I'm part wise new and part wise rusty. But, I had fun. I'll add more stuff as I go along!


Felt like doing something with Dark Souls. Everything went fine until I tried my hand at pissing around with fire. Those effects probably should have come first. But heyo, at least I'm learning stuff.

The Flood / Re: You have been called upon to serve..
« on: January 07, 2015, 07:43:18 PM »
Just give me a banshee and I'll do all the work for you guys.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 07:21:37 PM »
You don't have to live in paranoia. But just be aware of your actions and the fact some days it's the small shit that comes around to get you when you least expect it.
of course

a lot of people are getting super emotional over the fact that i apparently claimed that people who don't reveal their personal information are pussies--i might have said something similar to that, but i don't think i ever said it outright, only implied

you're not a pussy if you don't reveal stuff to people--you're just protective, and i would argue OVERprotective--even paranoid
and i think you have priorities to sort out

but you're no weaker than me, and i'm not stronger than you
i just CARE LESS than you

i'm aware of the "risk" i incur upon myself
but i find that revealing personal information has a lot more benefits than people really take into consideration

like, for example, secondclass didn't know that i lived in the same state as him
he doesn't like me
and i don't him
but if we did, we might be like, "hey, that's kinda neat, maybe we can meet up somewhere"

oh, but meeting people you've met over the internet? DANGER DANGER

Fair enough. Your choice after all. Everybody's got that fun to choose. Just don't take all the folks in here seriously. You start throwing the word pussy around which you did and suddenly the serious hats go on.

You can refute folks in here to your heart's content but that lovely singular word turned this whole thread into a macho man randy savage match.

Kinda funny actually.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:22:22 PM »
So! Stuff your choice. Always is. But generally, as a rule of thumb you try to curb the potential for bullshit on your head as much as possible.

Your chances are low statistically speaking of having anything bad come from posting your address. But, life is unpredictable and one day it might come back to bite you in the ass years down the line. Or it might not.

But you know what else there is to think about? Like I said about trying to avoid and curb bullshit happenings to yourself.

The more doors you leave open, the more chance you have of one day having something come through those doors. The more risks you take, even if they're small, all eventually add up into something big.

That's not to say that you hide in a corner all your life. But the more you invite the potential for trouble, no matter how small, then one day you'll have that potential fully realized.

If you want an example Verb.

It's fucking cold up here. My brother in law came into town on Monday to get water. He rolled in using his secondary three ton truck because his main one died on him. This big truck has no snow tires, and there's a leak in the brake fluid so he's driving with no brakes, on fucking ice, in a three ton truck with a water tank on a trailer.

This guy knows how to drive but I told him to be careful. He went back home on monday evening and never made it. I had to go out there, in the evening, in -54 to go save his ass because he hit the ditch, and my sister called me and told me he wasn't home yet.

I checked everything on my vehicle. I checked my vehicle, and checked my survival gear.

Making sure I had every single bit and piece of what I'd need saved my ass, and my brother in law's ass on monday night. If I'd left a shovel out of the back of my vehicle, or left town, believing that I'd be okay with half a tank of gas. Forgot my tow rope that I lent to my mother in her car. Forgot my survival gear.

All of those things, at first glance, are small things. But on monday evening if I had skipped any one of them, any one of those small, ordinary, tiny little risks, me and my brother in law would have been dead.

The small stuff adds up when you least expect it verb.

The same for my brother in law. He can drive on ice. That's always a risk. He can drive on ice with no snow tires. That's a risk. He can drive with no brakes. That's a risk. He can do all of that while hauling a water tank on a trailer. That's a risk.

All of those risks, to that man, are small. But they all added up one day and he found himself stuck in the ditch in -54 weather and the only reason he's alive right now is because I helped him.


Long story short. The more oppurtunities you give yourself for bad shit to happen to you, the more likely you are over time to have bad shit happen to you. Even if the risk is small, all those little risks can add up one day.

You don't have to live in paranoia. But just be aware of your actions and the fact some days it's the small shit that comes around to get you when you least expect it.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 06:03:35 PM »
what makes you a pussy is acting like having your address revealed would be the end of the world
Or perhaps you're just too naive to think something won't happen.
the worst that would happen, realistically, would be ultimately harmless

acting like murderers would invade your house is just 100% unmitigated pure and simple paranoia

i hope you never walk around in the street

Think about it this way Verb. If it's ever happened once before, at any point in time, it can happen again. Not only that, but it will happen again. Statistically speaking, the odds are low.

However. They're low. Not non-existent.

I bet all the folks out there who had a run in with home invasions or stuff like that who posted an address around publicly and then had the wrong kind of company come over sure felt the same way you do.

Just because odds are low doesn't mean you won't have them backfire on you.

The Flood / Re: United Colonies of Earth Naval Classifications
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:59:42 PM »

No you sack of old sacks. Inspired from but not Halo. Bacon's self generated work.





The Flood / Re: United Colonies of Earth Naval Classifications
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:53:36 PM »

No you sack of old sacks. Inspired from but not Halo. Bacon's self generated work.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:50:43 PM »
That and I suppose you could say it was for safety too. Assuming anybody really fucking wanted to show up on my doorstep and traveled here at this time of year they actually run the risk of dying out here. On monday it was -54.

I cringe at the thought of some of my friends down south showing up here in florida clothing and trying to drive on the roads here.

The Flood / Re: I let people know my location, and I don't care.
« on: January 07, 2015, 05:43:42 PM »
You want to generally try to avoid the wrong kind of attention.

Gaming / Re: Freeman's Mind finally finishes after 7 years.
« on: January 07, 2015, 04:44:07 PM »
God damn I'm late. I stayed with it for a good chunk of years but when there was a big gap in uploads I feel out of the loop. Time for a marathon then I guess!

MFW I toss my hat in and it lands in the ring.

The fuck did I get myself into?

Gaming / Re: What Cheat code do you remember for what game?
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:06:06 PM »
I vaguely remember the arrow codes for cheats in both Battlefronts.

And I remember if you gave your character the name "Ewok" all the models in the game were scaled and scrunched down to the size of an ewok.
You had to name it Jub Jub actually

Aha. Close enough.

The Flood / Re: Le Eiffel Tower.
« on: January 07, 2015, 01:00:37 PM »
The power bill on that must be pretty fucking high.

The Flood / Re: I'm going to see a psychic
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:19:48 PM »
Have some fun. If you've got a desire, something you really really want, but you keep it hidden deep down and it's your secret that you share with no one, ask her.

Ask her what your secret is and depending on your answer you'll know if there's bullshit afoot.
Will do


Or, just make it a secret that no one knows but you. If she gets the secret without giving vague half assed answers that could lead to anything, then you know what's up.

Then ya ask the serious questions!

The Flood / Re: I'm going to see a psychic
« on: January 07, 2015, 12:17:05 PM »
Have some fun. If you've got a desire, something you really really want, but you keep it hidden deep down and it's your secret that you share with no one, ask her.

Ask her what your secret is and depending on your answer you'll know if there's bullshit afoot.

Gaming / Re: What Cheat code do you remember for what game?
« on: January 07, 2015, 11:46:13 AM »
I vaguely remember the arrow codes for cheats in both Battlefronts.

And I remember if you gave your character the name "Ewok" all the models in the game were scaled and scrunched down to the size of an ewok.

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