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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Depression Rambles [ Dump Thread ]
« on: January 12, 2015, 10:52:26 PM »
Went for a walk tonight. Been a while since I've done anything. Figure I should try and keep some kind of activity. And I almost couldn't finish it. It's fucking embarassing. I'm so fucking tired and weak that I can hardly do one fucking lap around my town without keeling over in the fucking ditch.

And when all this is done and over with I'll have to find a way to get back up to normal. And! Even better. I finally heard some news and figured out what's going down at my hospital and why it's in lockdown.

H1N1 outbreak. I step into that fucking place twice a week. And I know how much people take care when they're sick in this town. They don't. If I catch that shit I'll be fucked for sure.

This is hell. Every waking day and every waking night.

Calling it hell doesn't even do it justice. It's like having a knife jammed in you. Somebody's putting all their weight on the knife and twisting it, trying to lodge it deeper. It's like being trapped in iron wire that's snared all around you and it cuts into your skin as it twists, and then it snaps from the tension.

It's decay and rot and misery and sickness. Revulsion. Irritation and anger. Frustration and beating your head against a wall until you break you skull and it all finally stops.

I want this all to stop.

The Flood / Re: How many people on this forum have your phone number?
« on: January 12, 2015, 06:20:55 PM »


Because if there's a god focusing specifically on that tiny little fucking dot that we live on, and punishing the billions on that tiny little spec of sand for not believing in him.

Then he's a fucking asshole who doesn't deserve shit.

So basically this.


Because if there's a god focusing specifically on that tiny little fucking dot that we live on, and punishing the billions on that tiny little spec of sand for not believing in him.

Then he's a fucking asshole who doesn't deserve shit.

Gaming / Re: The best "known" Arbiter?
« on: January 11, 2015, 07:13:04 PM »
I don't see halo 2/3 arbiter wielding 2 swords

i'ma go with halo wars guy cuz he was cooler overall

He was brutal, and he was very VERY tall.
However he would also be cocky and play with his enemies.

If he had a cool head he'd be one of the greatest warriors of all time.
That Arbiter could have easily killed Forge.

And I hated how Ensemble made the Elites look and act like idiots in that cutscene.

The actual designs were good, but the way they acted was very inaccurate.
An Elite can match a Spartan II, yet in Halo Wars they get destroyed.
They can, but the average Elite is not as skilled and is more cocky than a Spartan. All the Elites that were attacking were minors(yes, supposedly Honor Guards, but really), they were scrubs of the highest caliber.

You think Minors are cocky? I'd disagree.
Higher ranks get cocky, not the bottom ones.
Source? I remember hearing that the lower ranks are more likely to be cocky in their religious zeal and all that, while the more experienced and higher ranked are more tactical and thinking.

Well actually, you might be right.
Looking at the Arbiter; Rtas Vadum, and the higher ups they seem to be very composed.

The Minors may be cocky over the fact they order the grunts and jackals around. I think the whole 'Spartan IVs are cocky" discussion is still in my head.
There are still competent lower ranks though, like that Major that Chief grappled with during TFoR. Just tends to be that most aren't that smart.

We have to remember. Blue rooks are just that. They're fresh out of training. Propaganda in their eyes, devotion and blind faith big time. They're often more reckless, less coordinated, and prone to charging into fights.

It's not that they aren't smart. It's that they've been indoctrinated and trained as soldiers. And no doubt, the Elites being the militarized species that they are, most of them aren't expecting to roll up onto a battlefield and fight a Spartan.

They're accustomed to Covenant propaganda. Elites step over Humans and that's that.

Gaming / Re: Halo Wars 2
« on: January 11, 2015, 07:04:07 PM »
I've tossed around my hat in other RTS's before. And, while sure thing, one could say Halo Wars was baby's first RTS, there was something arguably quality about it.

And there's proof of that because Halo Wars is still played on the console today. While it has a small population, 2000 players or more for such a dated game, an RTS ont he console no less, is proof of that.

Halo Wars has single handedly outlasted every other console RTS ever made for the 360 and is still going today which I think is a testament to the game. Sure, it had it's flaws. But the fact that it's beaten and outlasted all the other console RTS's that came out for the 360 before it say's something.

I'd be fucking stoked for another Halo Wars.

I have something a little morbid.

Take one of the counter strike terrorists and basically remake a terrorist execution, something anime or pony related on the chopping block.

No anime or pony stuff in my inventory. As I said. All assets are game assets. There's no pony game out there and nobody's done ports of anime stuff. Or, they have, but they're extremely obscure.
r u srs

I serious. I don't add stuff into my files that I'll never use. Basically. I keep trash out before it gets in.

I request Borderlands porn.

Like I told Chakas. No porn.
I request Borderlands PG-13 antics.

That I can do.
Neat. Based Gaige?

I've got almost every character save for the ones from the latest game.

I request Borderlands porn.

Like I told Chakas. No porn.

Recreate the last supper with video game shit
I'm not saying he can't or shouldn't make a another last supper picture, but it's been done before.

Here's the difference. This is an offbranch of the site originially made for Halo. Who says I couldn't do an FPS last supper?

Excalibur flipping off Volt and Vauban. Volt and Vauban are shrugging their shoulders.


Done as requested.

Gaming / Re: Anyone excited for the new hatred?
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:21:44 PM »

The Flood / Re: Reggae Is Shit
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:37:09 AM »
why the fuck are we all ninjas

Holy fuck tonight is tripping balls. What kind of twilight zone did I walk into.

The Flood / Re: Reggae Is Shit
« on: January 11, 2015, 12:35:17 AM »
Your body obviously wasn't reggae.

I have something a little morbid.

Take one of the counter strike terrorists and basically remake a terrorist execution, something anime or pony related on the chopping block.

No anime or pony stuff in my inventory. As I said. All assets are game assets. There's no pony game out there and nobody's done ports of anime stuff. Or, they have, but they're extremely obscure.
Well in that case recreate the Beatles Abbey road cover. I'll leave it up to you to what it involves, but I think one of them should be on fire.

Okay. Can I just fucking say this.

THIS. NOW THIS IS A FANTASTIC FUCKING REQUEST. It's random. It'll be tricky to do and fun to do. And it's not just some silly image involving x bad guy killing x disliked characters from x genres.

Fucking thank you. You bet your ass I'll give you a recreation of Abbey Road.

I have something a little morbid.

Take one of the counter strike terrorists and basically remake a terrorist execution, something anime or pony related on the chopping block.

No anime or pony stuff in my inventory. As I said. All assets are game assets. There's no pony game out there and nobody's done ports of anime stuff. Or, they have, but they're extremely obscure.

Cat with a gun killing anime characters ex. Persona,Disgea,Korra,DBZ,Naruto etc. etc.

I have cats. I have guns. But I have no anime characters.

The Michelin man hugging a lamp.

I don't have a michelin man model but you sure as fuck bet I could stack up white tires and call them a mascot.

The Flood / Re: G-mod Request Thread [Taking Picture Suggestions]
« on: January 10, 2015, 11:00:28 PM »
Doge with a scarab gun riding nyan cat

Okay bud. No doge. But I did do the equivilent of Nyan cat shitting out rainbows firing a scarab gun. Enjoy.


dude, 10/10

Honestly, if I had more room for a better pose, I would dropped in that scarab beam charring people into fucking googly eyed skeletons. You folks better watch how vague you are with your requests. Because I'm going to drop them in some silly ass contexts otherwise.

The second request with Volt and Excalibur?

Oho fuckin' hell that one's going to be priceless.

Do you by any chance have any Tinkerbell characters?

No Chakas. No I do not. I don't do porn requests either.
I wouldn't ask for porn. I don't know what I would ask for. I just wanted to know if I was in a position to ask.

Well you're certainly in the position to ask. I just don't happen to have what you're inquiring about. A reminder I guess.

For the most part, unless it's a custom model, every asset I have in G-mod is game based. So. There you go.

Do you by any chance have any Tinkerbell characters?

No Chakas. No I do not. I don't do porn requests either.

Excalibur flipping off Volt and Vauban. Volt and Vauban are shrugging their shoulders.

I know I've got Volt and Exalibur. But Vauban isn't a familiar name. I'll see what I can come up with. Later however.

The Flood / Re: G-mod Request Thread [Taking Picture Suggestions]
« on: January 10, 2015, 10:06:47 PM »
Doge with a scarab gun riding nyan cat

Okay bud. No doge. But I did do the equivilent of Nyan cat shitting out rainbows firing a scarab gun. Enjoy.


The Flood / Re: G-mod Request Thread [Taking Picture Suggestions]
« on: January 10, 2015, 08:42:04 PM »
Doge with a scarab gun riding nyan cat

Actually. Hold the phone. I can make Nyan cat. I think I can.

The Flood / Re: G-mod Request Thread [Taking Picture Suggestions]
« on: January 10, 2015, 08:32:22 PM »
Doge with a scarab gun riding nyan cat

No doge. And no Nyan cat. But I could make a scarab gun.

Hello gentlemen. I have an idea. And it's one that I'd like to share with you.  This here is a picture I made in G-mod.


I'm brushing off the rust on my skills and at the same time I'm learning new tricks. So. This is a little project of mine that I'll undertake in my spare time. Requests from you folks. If you have an idea, particularily around game characters, you can drop it off here and I'll see if I can make a picture for you.

It's not only limited to game characters though. There's occassionaly movie characters or likenesses you can create in Gmod. If you have the resources, any option is open really. Funny shit, spooky shit, random shit, epic shit, you name it.

So. If you want to see it done.

Then throw me a bone and I'll see if I can make it.

I'm not going to overtime on this shit because I need room for my own creativity too. But maybe once, or twice a week I'll take a day and make a picture from here. If there's no possible way I could make said idea then I'll let you know.

So. It's a lot like random drawing requests really. And to that I say.


Gaming / Re: If Cathrine Halsey and Karen Travis met....
« on: January 10, 2015, 07:39:14 PM »
Someone should give Halsey a "hand"

Bitch Halsey would fuck Traviss's shit up with one arm tied behind her back.

The Flood / Re: Serious Question
« on: January 10, 2015, 06:37:07 PM »
Ya'll mother fuckers turned my thread into a thread about roman dick sticks.


No turning back. Thank you based Python and Meta.

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