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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:04:41 PM »
Hmm, how have you been?

Bad. Working on that.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:01:04 PM »
Aha. Now this. This is an incredibly tricky thing to grasp. Because most writers I know, always start off with a huge grand story. I did too. But it goes down in flames because you're never ready.

Writing is like a muscle. You need to exercise it, improve it, and grow stronger with it. Writing is an evolution and progress.

So. The best I can give to you. Is to keep your idea alive. Start your hand at writing and just see what you can do first. And from there, over time, you can start to push against your limits.

I can help you if you want. I'm not an expert. But I know enough about writing through my own experiences that I can help. I've given a hand to Baconshelf. I've given help in person to a friend of mine and in only a few weeks I've seen a huge jump in progress and their ability to write.

The best way to start, is always to just simply write.
Sounds about right, for what I was thinking. Just wanted to hear your take on it, since you seem to have your own stories in the works.

I won't have to worry about the idea dying anytime soon, at least. It's been festering in my head for a decade and I think about it quite often. Taking inspiration from a number of things.

You're right though, it is very grand. So grand, in fact, that the thought of composing it all in some form and fleshing out the immense number of details is pretty damn intimidating. tbh I don't even know where to begin with it.

I suppose just getting practice in is a good place to start.

Well. Think of it this way. I have a sci-fi section for my writing. At first, I started with loose stories with a sci-fi tone. But, in actual reality, over time, all those stories began to have nods to one another. Intentional, very small nods. Little links. Terms. Places. Times. Even characters.

And before I knew it, I had a decent size collection of stories all very loosely linked together in what I'd call the same universe.

So. Don't look at the bigger picture. Make the bigger picture over time.

I'm the auther of 60 short stories at the moment. And at least 30 of them all fit into the sci-fi universe I've started to acknowledge as a home.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:54:38 PM »
Why the name Sandtrap?

I liked the ring to it. And my fondest memories of Halo 3 come from that map. I spent hundreds of hours on it with friends in MM and customs.
I remember flipping the elephant... Good times

I remember driving the elephant onto the phantom in MM and lagging half the lobby out. I also remember taking our team's elephant and flipping over sideways so it was impossible to climb up and get the flag.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:50:24 PM »
Why the name Sandtrap?

I liked the ring to it. And my fondest memories of Halo 3 come from that map. I spent hundreds of hours on it with friends in MM and customs.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:49:25 PM »
Where did you acquire your supreme banshee skills?
also, like my nameplate?

Non lag aside, way back in the days of Halo 3 when I played with friends or a party, I was the designated driver. I was the guy on vallhalla who could actually hit the other team with wraith artillery fired over the hill in the middle, keeping me safe for the entire game and making the enemy team shit their pants.

And when I got the banshee, I was the hit and run target. Don't charge in and use it as a vehicle for brute force. Come in, show up, take potshots, and run. The longer you stay alive the more you're a threat.

Plus, I had a knack for flying in tight spots. Along deathbarriers by cliffs, outrunning missle pods on vallhalla and making them crash into the base tower.

Basically, I was just the middle man. Middle men are the most dangerous when they have teammates and a good sense of direction.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:42:49 PM »
How's things?

Talking like this to keep my mind active and focused away from bad stuff. I got a full blast of sunshine yesterday when the weather cleared. And I got a clear head back and felt decent for once. It's been months since the clouds broke so clear like that.

I'm trying to keep myself alive by being occupied.

So. It's okay. Slowing my descent if you will.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:40:56 PM »
um... would you rather be able to have a marker that will write on anything, or be able to think to write?

the marker will last 48 minutes if not erased. what i mean by "think to write" is like whatever is on your mind will be written on paper. so, as i just said, it only works on paper. you cannot erase it in any means.

I'm a shitty graffiti artist. And not only that. But I can already put whatever words from my head down onto paper as I please.

However. Having indestructible paper could be nice. So I'd pick writing on paper. Because then I could leave permanent signs that could never be erased.

Amazing chest ahead.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:39:11 PM »
Favorite type of food?

Why do you have to ask such a hard question? I actually don't know.
Hmmm... favorite book?

I've read through quite a bit of books. So many of them. But one always stands out. Asimov's The Gods Themselves for some reason, has left a notable impact on my memory.
What about it appealed to you personally?

I just enjoyed the multi-verse idea a lot. And I enjoyed the concept of interaction between them. Not only how a species would exist in a different set of universal laws, but also what exposure to another universes material would do to ours, and what ours would do to theirs.

Throw in the plot involving an alien species, the human underdog, and the background plot of Human society in a future where more varients of the species are appearing because of colonization, and I will always remember that novel.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:36:27 PM »
I want to put my stormy brained concoction of a story to media. How should I begin?

Oh shit. To media as in a publisher?
Nah I mean just any simple form of media really. I don't need exposure right now, just practice.

Well. That's a toughie. But there are big writing sites out there. It's not hard to search for them. You want simple sites to upload your work correct? It all depends on what sort of story you have. Is it a fanfic? Self created? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? I'll drop a few all rounder type sites.
It's basicaly a hard mix of both sci-fi and fantasy.

Honestly though, I was more so wondering what you thought the best way was to delve right into creating it. Not so much exposing it yet.

I haven't the skill in either writing nor drawing right now to really create the idea, but I fear that if I don't start fleshing it out in some way soon it may never happen.

Aha. Now this. This is an incredibly tricky thing to grasp. Because most writers I know, always start off with a huge grand story. I did too. But it goes down in flames because you're never ready.

Writing is like a muscle. You need to exercise it, improve it, and grow stronger with it. Writing is an evolution and progress.

So. The best I can give to you. Is to keep your idea alive. Start your hand at writing and just see what you can do first. And from there, over time, you can start to push against your limits.

I can help you if you want. I'm not an expert. But I know enough about writing through my own experiences that I can help. I've given a hand to Baconshelf. I've given help in person to a friend of mine and in only a few weeks I've seen a huge jump in progress and their ability to write.

The best way to start, is always to just simply write.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:27:25 PM »
Favorite type of food?

Why do you have to ask such a hard question? I actually don't know.
Hmmm... favorite book?

I've read through quite a bit of books. So many of them. But one always stands out. Asimov's The Gods Themselves for some reason, has left a notable impact on my memory.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:26:05 PM »
I want to put my stormy brained concoction of a story to media. How should I begin?

Oh shit. To media as in a publisher?
Nah I mean just any simple form of media really. I don't need exposure right now, just practice.

Well. That's a toughie. But there are big writing sites out there. It's not hard to search for them. You want simple sites to upload your work correct? It all depends on what sort of story you have. Is it a fanfic? Self created? Sci-Fi? Fantasy? I'll drop a few all rounder type sites.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:20:28 PM »
what is your favorite color

Being honest here. I like blue. But for some reason I'm a sucker for some really nice shades of brown.

which blue

Some dark shades are nice. And depending, the brighter ones as well.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:19:58 PM »
I want to put my stormy brained concoction of a story to media. How should I begin?

Oh shit. To media as in a publisher?

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:19:22 PM »
Favorite type of food?

Why do you have to ask such a hard question? I actually don't know.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:18:12 PM »
what is your favorite color

Being honest here. I like blue. But for some reason I'm a sucker for some really nice shades of brown.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:14:25 PM »
Why is your picture upside down?

Wow. Fucking seriously? Holy shit. I didn't even fucking notice that. What the fuck. I'm fixing that shit.

The Flood / Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:12:09 PM »
Yep. One of these hasn't showed up here in a while. Call it attention whoring if you will. But distractions are nice. Ask whatever you feel like and we'll see what kind of answer I can give.

The Flood / Re: I'm new
« on: January 14, 2015, 09:42:31 PM »
Don't mind the hostile folks. By the way. There'll be a decent number of them.

The Flood / Re: Sign this petition
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:10:33 PM »
what is it


I wonder.
I'm Australian

I wasn't aware that Australians couldn't read.

The Flood / Re: Sign this petition
« on: January 14, 2015, 12:07:19 PM »
what is it


I wonder.

The Flood / Re: Deaths of 2015
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:36:37 AM »
Aha. Fidel Castro.

He's fuckin' old. And he's in ill health.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit OffTopic is so cringy.
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:26:15 AM »
Even the friends list has been invaded by desticles

The Wayward's not looking to bad now, is it? RP is banned, no Desticle LFGs, and drama is banned.
Or ya know I could just stay on sep7agon like I have been for months...

That works too. For now, The Wayward is doing what Sep7 is doing; providing a refuge from retardation.
We stopped being a refuge since the forum got nuked on Proboards.

We're our own site.

We're independant from the nation! Free of all weakness.

The Flood / Re: Deaths of 2015
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:14:35 AM »
I have a feeling that one of these years it's going to be Morgan Freeman. Maybe not this year. But one of these years.

Serious / Re: Intelligent people, how do you know you're not stupid?
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:13:32 AM »
I look at the evidence in front of me. Depending on how intelligent people are, they act differently. And a clear cut example of this is easy to spot on a worksite. Where one person would simply do as asked, in a simple manner, another will actively think ahead, spot things, and move before asked.

So I know I'm intelligent in that when I work I'm actively thinking ahead of things and looking for what's needed before it happnes. I actively think about the current state of the project and the problems that may or may not arise on the way and a way around them if I'm asked for help.

I study myself all the time and consciously do my best to think about my actions and learn about myself and them.

I learn things on my own. Without an instructor or teacher, I study things by myself and learn. This goes hand in hand with my self reflection because through experience of these things I learn what I can do better next time.

And I know that those three things are an active display of intelligence from myself.

Although, intelligence isn't much of a mantle or crown to carry that sets you above people. Intelligence shows itself in different aspects and overall it just changes what you do instead. Doesn't make you completely immune to making stupid decisions.

The Flood / Re: Holy shit OffTopic is so cringy.
« on: January 14, 2015, 10:36:13 AM »
It's a real fucking bore too. You go on there and you see old fucking threads bumped back up. Shit hanging around on the front page from a few days ago. And there's almost nothing to do there. Nothing seems worth even the bother to try and talk about.

Serious / Re: The big bang and the origins of the universe
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:45:45 AM »
And something else I'd like to point out. We don't know if there's actually other universes out there. The only thing we know for certain is that our universe exists. But what's outside of that? Where, in the black void of nothing did our universe come from?

I'd wager most people like to call it nothing. Outside the boundries of our universe, there is nothing. But. It is not absolute nothing. There is no such thing, as absolute nothing. Because if absolute nothing existed, then it would be the dominant, all consuming force.

The fact that our universe exists in any capacity proves that absolute nothing can't exist. Because if you count our universe as a bubble of sorts, then in the void of "absolute nothing," there's an anomaly. And that anomaly, the fact that it's an anomaly, is something.

So, in essence, from another point of view, you could almost view absolute nothing as perfection. And it's a theory that scientists have had for a long time now.

In the early stages of our universe, scientists believe, or believed that the forces we categorize around us today existed in another state. Gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces existed in a functioning model all together. But as our universe aged, this model broke down and we were left with what we have today.

So what's outside of our universe? Certainly not absolute nothing. It may be a dark void devoid of anything functioning in our universe. But it can't be absolute nothing because absolute nothing no longer exists.

Serious / Re: The big bang and the origins of the universe
« on: January 14, 2015, 07:32:22 AM »
I'm not smart enough to debate this
If there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here, there's no way for us to be here because that infinite amount of time, by definition, couldn't have passed.

Yes. But what if you introduce entropy into the equation? What if the respective bubbles(universes) are pockets of imperfection? So because of that entropy, because of the fact that our universe exists as a sliver of imperfection, time can, by our viewpoints pass because in this bubble things are warped.

I'll shoot. Technically, Homesexuality is natural. It occurs due to the chemical compounds in our brains, the way our brains are wired, and scientists are finding genes that are potentially linked in cases of homesexuality.

Genes are about as fucking natural as you can get. And not only that, when you look at the big picture, any outcome at all that can happen due to our universal laws is technically natural because it occurs within the defined parameters of our universe.

But you're confusing words here. Natural, from a basic standpoint, stands for something that occurs naturally. It's inborn into something, and occurs on it's own, in nature, with no manmade interference.

You take a leaf. That's natural. It occurs naturally in plants.

Take a synthetic, man-made leaf. That's un-natural. But at the same time, it's not, since after all, that synthetic leaf takes inspiration and even function from it's natural counterpart. So the word you would use here, is synthetic. Artificial. It wasn't solely created by nature. It was engineered by people.

So. Back to homo-sexuality.

It occurs because it's an inborn trait in humans. It occurs, on it's own.

So what is it?

Not un-natural.

Key words here.

Homesexuality is natural. It isn't preffered. It isn't preffered because of the constructs and different societal views on reality that Humans hold.

Just like killing. Killing is natural. It occurs in nature, all the time. But generally, most people prefer it when you don't walk into a school or movie theatre and shoot the place up.

Key words dusty. Key words are important.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 13, 2015, 05:48:48 PM »
I always like to try new crap in Gmod. And making first person shots is fun. Originally, I wanted to make a distant environment in the background for our respective space man. But I settled for him getting lost in a dust storm.

Here's the early setup shot.

And here's the finished shot.


I would have really liked to try and get a glass effect going on for his helmet but I would have needed more time to tinker. So for now I guess you can just say that his helmet is so futuristic that you don't even fucking know there's glass there.

Hmm. Let's see. For anything I want to remember, I use an anchor. Said anchor can be a word or a memory. My head works like chains and links and it's random. To give you an example, I'll write how things link together as I think them.

Volley, leads to vollies of missiles. War. War in the east. Guns and weaponry. Shootings. Terroist. Paris. Charlie. Charlie the name of a character from a TV show. Sad. Over.

That's my head. I jump from place to place all the time. One subject can quickly and easily merge into another one. But what I do, is I remember spefic words that lead to that chain of thought.

For example. You tell me the word "Moon."

I think of the moon. And I think of a memory I had, while driving down the grid roads in the evening. While I was driving down the road in the sunset with the moon in the evening sky, I was looking at it.

And suddenly I had an entire story in my head based off looking at the moon.

So whenever I want to remember the story, I remember Moon, grey, blue sky twilight.

Anchors. I use words as anchors to come bck to that lead me down the same train of thought.

People. I'm terrible with people's names. I never remember them. So instead, to remember the person, I use a nickname. That nickname stands out to me in the sea of names and I instantly remember them.

Big Joe. Piss Lady. Cell Phone Guy. You tell me any of those names and I instantly know who the person is. And, even more so, those nicknames help me remember and define people.

Cell Phone Guy.

He drinks lots of coffee. Has too many refills. But he drinks coffee slowly because he's always on his phone. He's computer inept and needs help with connecting to our network.

The only thing I can't pin down is numbers. I can't remember numbers to save my life unless they hold great significance to me or have some experience associated with them.

And for that, I use good old fashioned repeats. Repeat the number over and over until it sticks. Do it enough times and the number can stay in my head for years.

There's still a few phone numbers in my head today 5-7 years after I stopped calling them.

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