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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: How did you do in P.E today?
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:51:55 PM »
Fuckin' hell that was probably the face I made when I fractured my foot in one of those classes.

The Flood / Re: I'm the toughest guy on this forum
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:44:42 PM »

The Flood / To Dustin with Love
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:31:11 PM »

Your threads are now sniper threads  :)

The Flood / Re: do you guys remember that movie Zathura
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:29:22 PM »
Wow holy shit I actually remember that movie now that you mention it.

The Flood / Re: So... Sentra committed suicide some time a few weeks ago
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:16:14 PM »
It had to be you of all people. No. It couldn't be somebody who you know is telling the truth. Of course not. It had to be the person who practically breathes out tabloids and articles for the onion.

God fucking dammit. I talked a bit with sentra before he went awol.
Toughen up


Actually. Hang on. Hold the fucking phone here. I know what you are now. I know what all of your threads are. Your threads are sniper threads.


The Flood / Re: So... Sentra committed suicide some time a few weeks ago
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:01:27 PM »
It had to be you of all people. No. It couldn't be somebody who you know is telling the truth. Of course not. It had to be the person who practically breathes out tabloids and articles for the onion.

God fucking dammit. I talked a bit with sentra before he went awol.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 03:43:29 PM »
And the capitalists don't give a shit.
Because nobody else does, that's the point.

a capitalist system does not care.
That's not true, it cares exactly how much the society cares.

it does not care about resources, it does not care about a sick society. It only exists to make money.
Except wisely using resources and increasing quality of life are two of the biggest justifications for capitalism; it's pretty much the entire reason Hume was a liberal. The entire point of capitalism is that responsible management of your assets preserves natural resources as well as engenders profit. Have you ever seen people organised in such a way by anything other than a profit motive? The only example I know of is the Free Territory in Ukraine, and even then it was only due to outside threats from Bolshevism.

Capitalism has no direction. It has no focus.

Again, it has exactly the amount of direction and focus as the society in which it is being used. You can't really look at America and a third-world country and say the first has an equal lack of direction and focus in comparison to the latter; the problem with the latter is almost always that there is never enough capitalists populating the economy. Even if I think we agree that the West (and the entire world, I suppose) is in a state of moral or cultural decadence, I think it's incredibly lazy to look at a complex system like capitalism and place the blame there.

Fuck, most of the problems with capitalism aren't a result of capitalism.

Righto then so it all comes down to people being stupid all around. Joy.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 12:19:21 PM »
Capitalism is consumption based at it's core. Consume more, spend more, earn more. This leads to just about everything in today's world being based around consumption. It's unhealthy. People spend their lives working in shitty jobs to make money. What do they do with it? Part of it goes for all the taxes and costs under the sun. Part of it goes towards paying for neccessities. And what little you have left is spent on things you'd like.

And you never have enough to get all the stuff you want. So a lot of people get trapped in mortgages and credit. And then they get stuck in the yearly cycle of new rehashed shit with a few extra bits thrown on to make it different. And in order to pay off all that stuff on credit?

You work more.

And not only is everything based around consumption, it's based around poor quality. Products are released that are cheaply made. They're designed to break. And they break. In a capitalist society, what do you do with something that breaks? You throw it away. Buy another one because you can because it's easier to go out and buy it brand new then repair it yourself or god forbid make something of actual quality yourself.

Part of the problem with today's society is capitalism. It's a big problem actually.
I don't see how capitalism--the system which has caused 1pc of human history to have 99pc of the wealth, and facilitated a massive increase in leisure time--can be considered part of the problem even under your own paradigm. Capitalism isn't some sort of culture which has been imposed on us, it's merely a process of supplying demand. Is an excessive consumer culture good? No, of course not, but the problem is the demand on the part of the consumers not the capitalists responding to those demands.

You'll never, ever get rid of a consumption-based economy. The best you'll do is remove the need for labour.

I know it wasn't a culture that was forced. Supply and demand will always be around. But it's a vicious circle at this rate. And the capitalists don't give a shit. They find every way to wring every single penny out of whatever they can.

But the point I'm trying to make here is, a capitalist system does not care. It does not care for the environment, it does not care about resources, it does not care about a sick society. It only exists to make money. That's it. And if you stand in the way of that you are either ignored or you get passively and slowly taken over if you're an opposing country.

And that's the problem. Capitalism has no direction. It has no focus. It just exists to make money. And it makes money through whatever means neccessary no matter how dirty it is.

Take a look at medicine. Have you ever actually taken a look at the amount of fucking side effects some of the shit has that they give you? They list fucking death as a side effect for some shit. I know we're a complex bundle of chemical reactions of those sorts, but don't you think with a little more focus the docs responsible for creating the drugs we take could be a little more fined tuned than,

"Oh don't worry, death or severe organ failure is just a side effect."

No. You know why? Because that makes money. You go to the doc when you're sick. He gives you a prescription. You head over to your local pharmacy, and pick up your drugs and start taking them.

Let's just say for example that 1 out of every 5 people experiences the side effects listed on that bottle. What happens? You go back to the doc, and he works out another prescription for you and takes you off the old one. You go back to the pharmacy. And you buy another round of new drugs, with their own side effects.

Right there, you've just paid for another round of drugs for a sick person. Instead of having five sick people pay for a round of drugs, six people just paid. And when you multiply that onto a nation of people who are obese with heart problems, lung problems, muscle problems, and every fucking health problem under the sun, there's sure as hell of a lot more than 1 out of 5 people experiencing side effects and recieving counter drugs or replacement prescriptions.

That right there? ^^^^ That's what a capitalist does. Anything neccessary to boost profits. Society became sick as capitalism rose in the ranks and the people up top gladly supplied all the fancy stuff that was demanded. They fed off that diseased and broken society and not only grew in strength but they gained control. So now science and development isn't so much led for the sake of progress.

It's led for the sake of money. Like I said, it's a vicous circle. So long as society remains fucked, then capitalism will feed that state because it exists for no other purpose than to consume and multiply. And so long as that continues to happen, then the current state capitalism exists in will continue to be a detriment that's lived long past it's usefullness.

In the end however, it doesn't really matter. It's too big of a system to change, or even fight. So I make a compromise.

I live one foot in the older way of doing things, and one foot in the current age so I don't fall behind. And in this way I'm secure. I am completely secure. I have my nice commodities. But I do things for myself and I am not trapped. Best way to go about doing things to be honest. And it's a shame that people don't realize that there's something beyond the rigged system they currently participate in.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 11:29:49 AM »
. . .
I'm not sure what your evaluation of capitalism has to do with it.

Capitalism is consumption based at it's core. Consume more, spend more, earn more. This leads to just about everything in today's world being based around consumption. It's unhealthy. People spend their lives working in shitty jobs to make money. What do they do with it? Part of it goes for all the taxes and costs under the sun. Part of it goes towards paying for neccessities. And what little you have left is spent on things you'd like.

And you never have enough to get all the stuff you want. So a lot of people get trapped in mortgages and credit. And then they get stuck in the yearly cycle of new rehashed shit with a few extra bits thrown on to make it different. And in order to pay off all that stuff on credit?

You work more.

And not only is everything based around consumption, it's based around poor quality. Products are released that are cheaply made. They're designed to break. And they break. In a capitalist society, what do you do with something that breaks? You throw it away. Buy another one because you can because it's easier to go out and buy it brand new then repair it yourself or god forbid make something of actual quality yourself.

Part of the problem with today's society is capitalism. It's a big problem actually.

The Flood / Re: I have a request for our lovely staff.
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:27:39 AM »
If anybody calls me a fox, I want them to be warned appropriately, as I do not like being called that. It's very degrading to my dingo persona.
I'll put it in the rules right away.
Why don't take it a step further and code it into your Anti-Cheat software?


Gaming / Re: Admirals I thought you were supposed to be fixing this
« on: January 16, 2015, 09:23:27 AM »
That would be Halo Archive I believe. Admirals seems to be more busy these days with other stuff.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:53:31 AM »
House party when?

Nein. Here's the dealio. My home is my home. It's secluded. It'll be my mancave or batcave. Nobody goes there but me. And it'll be my base of operation in the future. I could go globe trotting around the world. But I'd always have this permanent home to come back to.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:51:03 AM »
Just do me a favor and don't hurt yourself once you start building this house of yours >.>

Heyo the house is basically finished. I just need to roll it on up and put some nice little details into it. Then I've gotta build a shed around it. Sheds are easy.
ayyyy modular homes tfw

Motor Homes for the win.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:38:53 AM »
I can't really blame ourselves to be honest. I mean, on an evolutionary scale, we've only been here practically a minute. We're the first species on Earth to achieve such high levels of sapience in the span of that minute, and it really comes to no one's surprise when we abuse, misuse and ignore that intelligence. We're toddlers trying to take our first, disastrous steps.

I feel like I'm in the minority here when I say I don't hold such a pessimistic outlook on humanity. Sure, there are some really horrible despicable shit that goes on in the world, but we really aren't any different to other species on the planet, we just do that horrible despicable shit slightly better. I don't agree that we're getting worse, I actually think we're improving, and transcending our Darwinist biological imperatives. I mean shit, it wasn't that long ago we were sacrificing women based on the fact they were witches, and before that we were crucifying people because we didn't like what they had to say. And yeah, Africa and the Middle East still face those issues, but a lot of that can be chalked up to poor infrastructure, Imperialism, and perhaps religion. The Western World is far from perfect, but we're finally starting to see a genuine shift for the better, at least in my opinion.

I'm sure Meta is going to bring out some autistic economic policy or historical fact that is somehow going to debunk what I said, but still, I don't completely agree with the whole "woe is us, we're the worst species on the planet" rhetoric.
That's not so much what I'm talking about. I'm talking about, look at everything around us. The way we live, where we live. How ugly everything is.
It's certainly better than it was 200 and beyond years ago. I'm sure some Victorian orphan would like to dispute what you're saying.
Yeah, you're not understanding. You're looking at this from the wrong perspective.

I'm not talking about shit like how we used to have witch hunts a hundred years ago and we had no infrastructure and now we do so we're improving. We're not. Cities are disgusting. Our society is disgusting and pointless. We waste our time doing meaningless shit and we aren't really getting anywhere as a species.

A Victorian era orphan is irrelevant because we had already fucked up long before that, which is why we had that. I'm saying when we were far more primitive, we didn't make our habitats ugly and cut down forests, or got school and have jobs and all sorts of other meaningless shit we have today. From there it should have been a group effort in the technology and medicine sectors to improve our lives. Not live in some restrictive society where you waste away doing a whole lot of nothing all day.

To sum it up in laymans temrs here, our society is focused on the wrong ideals and the wrong point of focus.

Capitalist society is focused on money alone. If it doesn't make money, it's useless. If you spend too much money and don't make a profit back, it's useless and discarded. How much money will you bring to table with X invention on the market. How can you prolong your money making by stagnating progress into disjointed bits for sale every year. And it's ingrained into people so much today that they don't see it. People spend their lives chasing after money.

And not only that, they place value over it. They place all their value on it. A good example here would be my sister. If you walked up to her, and told her you'd give her a million dollars if she signed her farm over and sold it. She wouldn't take it. Not for 10 million, not for 100 million.

Because her property has meaning. She built a house there. Planted trees and plants that she's watched grow over 12 years. Shaped the land, and raised a child there. We've buried our dead on that property. And one day, her daughter will inherit that property.

That property has no money value. There is no price you can put on it because the memories made there are priceless. But people don't see it that way. People sell their land as soon as they figure that they'll make a big profit from it.

And it's all bunk anyway. The money value is non existent anyway because the housing market goes up and down. One year a house could be worth 1 million and the next it could drop down to 500 thousand. And people today place more value over money than their lives.

They place a number value on time. Time that you spend working a shitty job but get paid for. You actually sell your life when you work a job. You're stopping, thinking, and actually putting a price on your time, the hours of your life, all for a number.

Imagine that. Parents, so caught up with "I'm busy" that they only see their children in the evening for a couple hours of the day while they go to daycare or school, in their million dollar house that they spend only a few hours of the day in at the most all because they're working to make money. Is that not ridiculous?

Think about it. Because it's a scenario that's common in today's western world.

The Flood / Re: Quick Psychology Experiment!
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:33:04 AM »
Have you ever tried drinking water that's been diluted with spit? I did that when I was a kid. Spit into a bottle of water until the top was all foamy. I shook it up because I didn't like everything just being on the top like that, and tried taking a sip afterwards.

Not a pleasant texture or feeling when you realize you've turned your water warm with spit.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 07:29:26 AM »
Just do me a favor and don't hurt yourself once you start building this house of yours >.>

Heyo the house is basically finished. I just need to roll it on up and put some nice little details into it. Then I've gotta build a shed around it. Sheds are easy.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:25:23 AM »
See. This is the stuff I could rant about daily. I could go on and on. And you know what's really funny? People look at you like you're crazy.

When I rolled into the city for the heavy treatments I was going to take there, I couldn't take it. Noise, crowds, and bullshit. And I'd wake up to see people. Stupid people everywhere. Sad people. Some didn't know it. Others did. You see it right on their faces. And then assholes. Assholes in suits that look at you like you're a step or a rock in a puddle to go over. It was toxic to me.

My basic belief was always this. Cities are traps. Cities need people to function, and their sole function is control, and money. Consumption. Those are the cons. The pros, in the past, where this. Easier access to nice things and functions. And safety in numbers.

But in order to have that, you have to play the money game. In order to have those nice things, you need a job. A job that'll keep the gears of the city turning. When I left the city, only after about a week there, I came home. My family understood. But most folks here didn't.

I can't blame them because that's the world and life that they're used to.

But mine is different. My world has space. Room to breathe. And while society up here is just as fucked as it is anywhere else, at least the closest neighbor around here that you can call an asshole usually lives 5 or so miles down the road.

You are right. We did mess things up. But you don't have to worry. If you've been watching the world like I have, you can see that things are starting to strain. This system that we live in can't sustain itself forever. And eventually, something big will happen and things will start falling over like dominoes. Don't know when it'll happen. But I know that it will, eventually.

But the key thing here is, you know you can still have a decent life right? Just because you live in a city doesn't mean you're trapped. It's just a really hard system to break free of once you're in there. Don't forget that just because everywhere you look and you see people being stupid, it doesn't mean that nice parts of the world are gone.

It doesn't mean that you can't live a more enjoyable life.

I'm the only person on this forum that seems to understand that. Because I lead a life that's different from every single one of you people here. I understand that in order to function in today's world, you need some money. So I do work and make money. But I make the bare minimum that I need.

In that way my life isn't constrained or tied down to a constant soul crushing job. I take jobs all over. But they're short lived, temporary. I try to focus my life on what makes me happy. I study and learn about things I enjoy, and in general try to live and lead a life that I enjoy. I try to walk a middle ground with my life. One foot in today's world, and the other in yesterday's simplicity and peace.

It's not easy up here. It's not sunshine and bunnies all the time. But things are coming together and soon they'll really start moving when I have my strength back.

But don't give up on things. If you're so upset with your life then you've got the ability to change it. All you need is to do some good old fashioned thinking.
Thanks buddy. I knew you'd understand.

I lived in the mountains for 2 years. They were the 2 freest years in my life. It was pure living. Every time I'd go into town or into the city, I just wanted to handle my business and get the fuck out. Now I'm trapped again.

Heyo. Don't worry. You put your head in the game and you'll find a way out. It certainly isn't easy. But if you want it enough then you'll make it a reality. It just takes time, patience, a little bit of good luck, and keeping a sharp eye out for opportunities.

You're probably close to the same age range as me. You've got time to look for a special place.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:11:44 AM »
Are you also building a Sep7agon club house?

Na. I'm building my base of operations so I can travel about one day and visit you folks.

The Flood / House Project Thread: Change of Plans
« on: January 16, 2015, 05:07:54 AM »
Gentlemen. I started and made this thread because I'd like to share something with you. This year, I'm going to start a project that represents something significant in my life. I'm going to be the owner of a big section of land soon, 130 acres to be exact, and I'm going to build my home on it, or I'd like to start and try this year.

So, this thread is going to be a bit of a journal as I post updates and musings on what I'm going to be doing throughout the year, and it's going to be something I'd like to share with you all.

Part of this will be fun, and, on occassion, mildly informative. So, without delay, I'm going to take you folks on a field trip picture by picture with me, free of charge, and walk you through the area that I'm going to call my home and my life in the years to come. Starting now, on Monday, Janurary 19th, 2015, is a chapter of my life that I'd like to share with you all. So, let's begin.

Ride starts here.

From the entrance to the property, this is the east side. The fence you see running along there is part of the property. That's the farming field that's been rented off to nearby farmers and used as a source of income for the property.

This is from the west side.

This is from the south side. As you can see. No fucking neighbors.

And this right here gentlemen, is facing north. The driveway and entrance to this nice little patch of home.

As you roll in through the driveway on the left is this house. This house is a project I've undertaken in little bits and pieces of time and helped my Uncle with. This house that we're working on is going to be my mother's retirement home.

If you push a little further along, this is the backyard to the old house. Although it's all under snow, the majority of that free space is a garden.

So if we push along north here on the other side of the garden, you get the old barn here, which as weathered as it looks, is still impressively intact inside. That barn was built a good solid 60-70 years ago. They don't build stuff like that anymore.

Speaking of they don't build these things anymore. Say hello to my Uncle's still functioning Mercury from the 30's or 40's.

Another with the barn. Beside is another handy area used for critters at some point.

More barn area.

If we push further along north here past the barn we get into this area.

Pushing north further now.

A little farther north, if you look to your right, you get another patch of forest. Nice thick stuff too.

Turning around on the trail you get a view of the main homestead.

End of the fence here folks. Now we're pushing along into free homestead territory and something special that I'll show you in a bit.

Further along north here. It's all just bush and young growth. This place was originally a rocky field but it was decided at some point to just let stuff grow. I swept the camera along so this is a continuation of the first picture above.

End of the camera sweep and from here on out we're pushing north-west. We're going to be running along something soon that makes this property very, very special.

Further along north-west, we get my home site. The trees in the left corner of the picture that you see is going to be my home site. Those patch of trees in the middle ground are actually a corner so my home will rest at a bit of an angle to recieve the best possible sunlight exposure in the winter.

And now I show you what makes this property so special. On the corner of the trees behind my home, if you turn and look, you get this. This, my friends, is a lake.

Out of the trees and along the lake side, we're at the very corner of that patch of trees I told you I was going to build my house. This is what lays beyond my corner further north-west.

If we round the little corner of my home site, out westwards is a stream that runs from the lake to a lower marshy area on the property. The space between the trees there is a beaver dam and beyond that is the farming field I mentioned earlier.

The marshy swamp area.

Along the lake here, and now heading west.

In the lake.

At what appears to be the beaver dam which is completely buried under snow and ice at this point. There's a hell of a lot of trees sticking out from under the snow and this is a low spot in the land so I assume this is the only place they'd build a dam.

Turning around now and going back home from the beaver dam.

On the way back home, looking at the farther northern area of the property as I'm still alongside the lake treeline.

Back at the corner of my home site. I plan to plant a sturdier treeline here eventually.

Back home now.

And now for the educational bit. For you young folks like me, assuming you cord firewood or you might sometime in your future, and for you old folks who've been doing it wrong all these years, this is how you properly cord your firewood.

And this last part that I can't help but mention. This was some enginuity that me and my Uncle put together. That white tank in the back is the water heater for the house. It's brand new and recently installed, and it makes scorching hot water. Too hot in fact.

So what we did, with a bit of planning, we routed a pressure release system that vents the excess heat from the water heater into the wood stove there, effectively warming the house even if you don't have a fire. In an emergency, this could be used as a substitute for having no firewood.

And that, gentlemen, is the end of the tour. In the coming months when the spring thaw hits, I'll have my strength back and then I'll really get rolling along with this. So until then.

I tip my hat you.


For any that are curious, my house is going to be a little different.


That, is going to be my house. The structure I'm building will be a form of protection for the motorhome AKA "The Snail." It'll be a shed with a large door on the front so that the motorhome can roll out of it to travel if I ever decide to go for a trip.

The shed itself will be build approximately six inches away from the motorhome on all sides that there's room to park but enough space to trap heat. Windows will be set up alongside the the exact same position as the motor home's and effectively act as double paned windows.

I also have plans for the interior of the motorhome as well but for now the exterior protection is most important.

Edit: Rough estimate for majority of materials so far is give or take, 1500-1700 dollars.

Edit: Decided to put the bulk of the project on hold. But will make the protective roof covering, and build it so that it can be dissassembled for later when the house itself goes up.

Serious / Re: Somewhere along the line we fucked up.
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:37:09 AM »
See. This is the stuff I could rant about daily. I could go on and on. And you know what's really funny? People look at you like you're crazy.

When I rolled into the city for the heavy treatments I was going to take there, I couldn't take it. Noise, crowds, and bullshit. And I'd wake up to see people. Stupid people everywhere. Sad people. Some didn't know it. Others did. You see it right on their faces. And then assholes. Assholes in suits that look at you like you're a step or a rock in a puddle to go over. It was toxic to me.

My basic belief was always this. Cities are traps. Cities need people to function, and their sole function is control, and money. Consumption. Those are the cons. The pros, in the past, where this. Easier access to nice things and functions. And safety in numbers.

But in order to have that, you have to play the money game. In order to have those nice things, you need a job. A job that'll keep the gears of the city turning. When I left the city, only after about a week there, I came home. My family understood. But most folks here didn't.

I can't blame them because that's the world and life that they're used to.

But mine is different. My world has space. Room to breathe. And while society up here is just as fucked as it is anywhere else, at least the closest neighbor around here that you can call an asshole usually lives 5 or so miles down the road.

You are right. We did mess things up. But you don't have to worry. If you've been watching the world like I have, you can see that things are starting to strain. This system that we live in can't sustain itself forever. And eventually, something big will happen and things will start falling over like dominoes. Don't know when it'll happen. But I know that it will, eventually.

But the key thing here is, you know you can still have a decent life right? Just because you live in a city doesn't mean you're trapped. It's just a really hard system to break free of once you're in there. Don't forget that just because everywhere you look and you see people being stupid, it doesn't mean that nice parts of the world are gone.

It doesn't mean that you can't live a more enjoyable life.

I'm the only person on this forum that seems to understand that. Because I lead a life that's different from every single one of you people here. I understand that in order to function in today's world, you need some money. So I do work and make money. But I make the bare minimum that I need.

In that way my life isn't constrained or tied down to a constant soul crushing job. I take jobs all over. But they're short lived, temporary. I try to focus my life on what makes me happy. I study and learn about things I enjoy, and in general try to live and lead a life that I enjoy. I try to walk a middle ground with my life. One foot in today's world, and the other in yesterday's simplicity and peace.

It's not easy up here. It's not sunshine and bunnies all the time. But things are coming together and soon they'll really start moving when I have my strength back.

But don't give up on things. If you're so upset with your life then you've got the ability to change it. All you need is to do some good old fashioned thinking.

The Flood / Re: Voice actors thread
« on: January 16, 2015, 04:09:18 AM »
Keith David - The Arbiter

Robert Davi - Rtas 'Vadum

Mark Hamill - the Joker, Skips from "Regular Show"

Holy shit Hamill looks old. God damn I haven't seen a picture of him that was up to date in a while.

The Flood / Re: lol fuck Bnet moderation
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:43:00 PM »
Ding dong bannu, welcome to Bungle.

Serious / Re: Your Thoughts on Reparative Therapy?
« on: January 15, 2015, 07:34:46 PM »
Shock therapy is actually quite effective, it's just seen as unethical by some idiot liberals. And prayer might work, you don't know if He is real or not until you die.
Just shut the fuck up.

It's times like this when I think you should actually just be barred from Serious, since all you do is alternate between being le rusemaster and then having to tell us when you're really serious.

Well. There is always another option. Just don't take him serious. At all. Fuck him. If he wants to dance around like a kid then by all means go for it. I sure as fuck know I won't even bother taking anything he says seriously anymore. No point.

Once in a blue moon you get a reasonably quality post from him. And the rest of the time it's tripe. It's basically the equivilant of a drunk alcoholic husband beating his wife 6 days of the week and than having one day where he doesn't. One day where he's mildly friendly and non abusive.

Is that one day worth it compared to all the others? Fuck no. You say fuck you and dump his ass. Same with dusty. Just don't regard anything as serious with him. Don't even bother talking back since it's not worth the time 9 times out of 10.

You don't need any ding dong bannu's when you just ignore him.

Serious / Re: Fewer Americans are having difficulty paying medical bills
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:04:59 PM »
Okay. You see that progress?


It'll be gone when the next president is elected.

The Flood / Re: In current news
« on: January 15, 2015, 06:03:15 PM »

Serious / Re: Duke says no to muslim prayer call
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:58:39 PM »
*imminent explosion*

Serious / Re: The big bang and the origins of the universe
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:53:37 PM »
I'm not smart enough to debate this
If there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here, there's no way for us to be here because that infinite amount of time, by definition, couldn't have passed.
Yes. But what if you introduce entropy into the equation? What if the respective bubbles(universes) are pockets of imperfection? So because of that entropy, because of the fact that our universe exists as a sliver of imperfection, time can, by our viewpoints pass because in this bubble things are warped.
What are you talking about?

I'm saying if there is an infinite amount of time prior to us being here,  we would not yet be here--that's all I'm saying.

You see my talk about absolute nothing not existing? It applies to infinite time as well. The fact that we, and our universe exists means that the concept of infinite time is no longer possible.

Because as you said, if there was infinite time, then we wouldn't be here. So, like absolute nothing, in fact, you could conisder absolute nothing as infinite time as well, before our universe showed up, everything existed in this perfect, function state of absolute nothing or infinite time if you want to call it that.

And then boom. We show up like a crack in a windshield. That crack spreads over time rendering your perfect windshield inoperable and unsustainable. Your perfect windshield is no longer perfect.

The Flood / Re: 100 Brock Lesnars VS 10 Silverback Gorillas
« on: January 15, 2015, 05:34:57 PM »
brock lensars easily

I'd say gorillas due to the fact they have some of the strongest jaws of any animal, not to mention their sheer physical strength and high pain threshold (especially when angry). Actually, even if it was 100 vs 10, but one gorilla at a time, you'd lose too many Brocks by the the 8th gorilla to finish them off.
ten brocks could easily hold down a gorilla though

Are you sure they'd even get close enough to hold it down? Gorillas have been observed ripping doors off cars and are fully capable of ripping limbs from a person.
But could they do it while fighting 9 other guys simultaneously? If the Gorilla can take the hits from 9 Brock Lesnars while ripping arms off, then that would work, but if it can't take that then well, y'know.

I think the Lesnars would have the benefit of better coordination and fighting technique. With those they could have a fair chance at winning.

Gorillas have extremely dense and thick bones, so they probably would be able to take a lot of hits. Their necks and head aren't even weak points due to this.
Eyeballs, Testes, Pressure Points, Temple? I'd imagine those would carry over as weak points on their anatomy, correct?

Kicking a gorilla in the balls will probably just send it into a fit of bloodrage which in turn would cause you to lose your head from single maximum power gorilla punch.

As I was about to say. Gorillas are a lot higher on the primal rage scale then we are. Sacking a gorilla is a big fucking no no.

The Flood / Re: Well... I don't feel happy
« on: January 15, 2015, 12:00:49 AM »
Rest. Get some sleep.

The Flood / Re: Ask Me Anything
« on: January 14, 2015, 11:25:17 PM »
Well. Think of it this way. I have a sci-fi section for my writing. At first, I started with loose stories with a sci-fi tone. But, in actual reality, over time, all those stories began to have nods to one another. Intentional, very small nods. Little links. Terms. Places. Times. Even characters.

And before I knew it, I had a decent size collection of stories all very loosely linked together in what I'd call the same universe.

So. Don't look at the bigger picture. Make the bigger picture over time.

I'm the auther of 60 short stories at the moment. And at least 30 of them all fit into the sci-fi universe I've started to acknowledge as a home.
I feel you, it doesn't sound too much different from what I've brainstormed this whole time. There are a number of stories and characters all tied together in the end.

I've never told anyone really anything about this idea aside from the fact that it exists. Sometimes I feel like I would really like to, but I have very little to show.

I should probably just jump into it and try some things out. I've always been extremely humble about any of my work. It almost certainly goes beyond that and enters the realm of insecurity tbh.

Thanks for the advice.

Don't ever discredit yourself. We all start somewhere. And through that, over time, as you write, you'll grow and refine your work. No matter what you make, the beginning is always the same. It's small. You feel small in a world of giants. It's rough, dirty, and most of all, you're scared to let that first piece out to anyone.

But don't doubt yourself. And don't ever let it stop you from trying out your ideas. Because the good thing about ideas, is that over time, they can be tinkered, refined, and perfected until you're satisfied.

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