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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: I've Trademarked
« on: January 22, 2015, 08:29:28 PM »





Was he a pirate?


I haven't heard that tune in a long damn time. Thanks for that.

And maybe. I'll ask the police once they show up at my place for coffee one day if the dude had an eye patch.

The Flood / Re: If you share a depression story you're unethical
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:43:33 PM »
Dusty boy you're a comedian!
Your entire forum profile relies off of leaching other people for their pity, sympathy, and money.

1. *leeching*

2. The last thing I want at this point is pity

3. Sympathy's a joke honestly, I'm done with that shit

4. That was a one time only deal

New year, hopefully new profile. But you keep doin' you Dusty. You do good work as a comedian.

The Flood / Re: If you share a depression story you're unethical
« on: January 22, 2015, 07:25:50 PM »
Dusty boy you're a comedian!

What kind of fucking bar doesn't have a 12 gauge behind the counter? Or at least in the back. They could have gone to the back to get the thing. What the hell is the guy with the knife going to do? Throw the knife at them? Fucking grab a knife yourself at the very least. Come one people; it's not like he has a fucking katana and knows how to use it.

I'm canadian Chalk. Some bars might have hand guns but certainly no shotguns. Still, I heard more news about things. The robber went up against four people. Four people and none of them did anything.

He took their wallets, cleaned out the cash register, and made off with a whole bunch of booze.

Doesnt anything good ever happen where you come from.?

Did I not tell you a fun fact about my town? In the winter, and no fucking joke, without fail, every week there's a new funeral card for somebody who's died. Most of them are elderly but personally I don't know where the fuck we're getting all these elderly people to die off from every week for 6-7 months of winter every year.

My hospital is currently under lockdown because there's an H1N3 outbreak.

The rate of cancer and other shit seems to be high for folks and younger people in the area in general.

No. Nothing of much good comes from my town.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:14:49 PM »
If that happened in my town that guy would have been shot lmao

Hail rednecks

I'm seriously scratching my head as to why the fuck nobody did anything. One guy with a knife versus a bar full of people. You can take a fucking chair to fight with and a guy with a knife is powerless.
the only thing I can think of is if he held the knife to someone, like had somebody they were threatening to Stab if anyone tried anything

That wasn't the case. He ordered everybody onto the ground and told them to toss their wallets over. You can't manage a hostage, carry a knife, and collect wallets at the same time.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:10:40 PM »
If that happened in my town that guy would have been shot lmao

Hail rednecks

I'm seriously scratching my head as to why the fuck nobody did anything. One guy with a knife versus a bar full of people. You can take a fucking chair to fight with and a guy with a knife is powerless.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 22, 2015, 02:04:21 PM »

I was pissing around with lighting and learning away around rendering efects to sharpen up my images. And I was int he mood for Aliens apparently. You know, come to think of it, you could probably fit the title of Alien up at the top and make the green smudge of light the i in the title. Neat.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:28:15 PM »
Don't get kill pls

At the present moment god could give me a zap and knock me stone dead. And I wouldn't even be mad. Ha. I'd probably ask the fucker what took him so long instead.

It's a low risk though. This is a small town of people and the cops'll find him soon. And of course, assuming I did happen on the end of really shit luck and did get dong dong dead from a dude with a knife, I know some folks who wouldn't let him get away with that. My bases are covered.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:18:46 PM »
With a knife. He must've looked pretty fucking serious to rob an entire bar with a knife.

I went for my walk at 11:00 o' clock at night. I assume the robbery happened late, somewhere around 1 at night.

Anybody in that bar would have been fucking drunk off their rocks. Add that up on the average mentality of my town and it's easy to see why the bar didn't jump him.

Lol no. Whenever I spot somebody mildly interesting I go through a checklist.

Ring on the finger for married.
Mini-van or van for married with kids.
A new car means they're social creatures with lots of friends, involved in parties, and already have a boyfriend.
An old car is similar, except that they live on a farm which means far away from me.
Being in a truck means that they've got damn protective fathers and family.

Whenever I see somebody interesting I turn the fuck around and go elsewhere because nothing will come of that particular person anyway.
That's probably a really good philosophy. I avoid attractive interesting people at all costs most of the time. When I don't I end up embarrassing myself and scaring myself emotionally for a very long time.

I wouldn't call it a philosophy. But where I live, all the things I just mentioned are facts of life for me. That checklist up there has been repeated so many times on people that I realize I shouldn't even fucking bother.

Anybody up here who's remotely decent for a human being is either

A) Already taken
B) Lives far away
C) Moves away

So. I do my shit and I do it alone because that's the way it rolls.

Lol no. Whenever I spot somebody mildly interesting I go through a checklist.

Ring on the finger for married.
Mini-van or van for married with kids.
A new car means they're social creatures with lots of friends, involved in parties, and already have a boyfriend.
An old car is similar, except that they live on a farm which means far away from me.
Being in a truck means that they've got damn protective fathers and family.

Whenever I see somebody interesting I turn the fuck around and go elsewhere because nothing will come of that particular person anyway.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 12:02:59 PM »
Living in Saskatchewan doesn't sound fun.

You know what's a bit spoopy? I went out for a walk last night around town. I was in a right poor state too. Although if I bumped into that fellow I'm not sure what I would've done.

Talked him to death would be my guess

No. With how shitty I'm feeling these days if some asshole came up to me with a knife I probably would have jumped him. I ain't up for people's bullshit these days and some piece of work with a knife telling me to get down on the floor and toss my wallet at him would've stepped on a bad nerve.

You are right though. I'd talk. I'd talk to him and get him talking a little bit and then jump him. It's a good thing I didn't meet him then. I don't think I've got the strength to fight someone right now but my loopy irritable side doesn't really care too much.

The Flood / Re: So apparently my town bar got robbed last night
« on: January 22, 2015, 11:51:45 AM »
Living in Saskatchewan doesn't sound fun.

You know what's a bit spoopy? I went out for a walk last night around town. I was in a right poor state too. Although if I bumped into that fellow I'm not sure what I would've done.

Actually mugged. There's cop cars outside the bar this morning and they're doing some investigating.

A dude walked in there last night, and ordered everybody to get down on the ground and toss over their wallets. And he did it with a knife. Holy shit the folks in the bar must have been drunk off their fuckin' socks to let that happen.

This is the third time our town's going to be in the newspaper and not for anything good yet again.

Fun fact about my town by the way. Every week in the winter there's a new funeral card for somebody who's died.

The Flood / Re: "I don't find black girls attractive"
« on: January 22, 2015, 10:02:50 AM »
Maybe it's just me, but I've never really been a fan of black women in a more, how to say it, "modernized" style. Like your examples up there. Shit irks me for some reason. However. Maybe I'm the only one alone in the sentiments but I think black women are naturals for short hair and it looks good on them.




I should reiterate on that. Really short hair.

Trip mines were good for lagging out maps in customs and dropping a free "get yourself kicked by teammates later."

Flare was very situational in the MP, only really working if you were a longshot with it.

Bubble Shield, Power Drain, and Regen were the three core used ones, for obvious reasons.

Radar Jammer was handy for a makeshift jump tool.

Grav lift was neat for some special trick jumps to get into hiding spots.

The Flood / Re: Pug Skulls Are Fucked Up
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:54:43 PM »
GG dog breeders you've made an abomination out of your best friend over the centuries.

The Flood / Re: Vocaroo thread? Vocaroo thread.
« on: January 21, 2015, 07:58:10 PM »
I was eating my glorious supper consisting of potatoes.

The Flood / Re: You're handed $2.5M
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:47:46 PM »

100,000 of that will go to pay off the restaurant my mother owns.

Take 100,000 for myself.

Give 150,000 to my mother.

Give 150,000 to my sister.

Divide the remaining 2 million into increments of 150,000 and give it to friends.

-Sees galaxy.
-"Oh hey a galaxy, neat."
-Reads Meta's post
-Picks a spot
-Zooms in continuously


I seriously can't tell if that's just grainy image when you zoom in of if that's Hubble on steroids showing us once again how massive everything is.

1. Once more with feeling, this is an expanse of space we will never truly be able to explore completely. The distance, and the nummber of everything is staggering.

2. It sucks to know that in all that space, we're bound to our world, our one, and only world and we can't seem to pull our shit together and realize how special it is.

3. I refuse to believe there's a god or diety in all of that, focusing it's attention specifically on our almost insignificant dot in the sky. Either that or he's looking at everything and simultaneously telling other life forms across all of space about the good book and about Earth and how everything started there with Adam and Eve.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: January 21, 2015, 11:39:42 AM »
Work in progress.

I like the red amigo. That's going to stand out big time in the finished piece isn't it?

The Flood / Re: New hydrophobic metal invented
« on: January 21, 2015, 10:46:34 AM »
Just going on an overboard limb here. You think those metals would help with dams and flood barriers?

Gaming / Re: TESO drops sub fee
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:37:45 AM »
At last, victory. Now I can buy the game when it goes for cheap and then play it for a week and then never touch it again.

I used to make bets with friends.

"Okay guys, red team's guests will be gone at half-game and ours are going to quit in a few minutes."

Or my personal favorite,  "Okay guys, red team has rapist 50's with them but they're all disguised as guests and the host is going to suck asshole."

On the subject though, I've seen a lot of parties fall apart faster than guest bundles.

The Flood / Re: >tfw you get sent home because of snow
« on: January 21, 2015, 09:28:39 AM »
TFW still -30


The Flood / Re: What Freaks You Out?
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:47:35 AM »
Take a guess.


Incoming ding dong bannu.

You gonna get ding dong bannu'd son.
This is scary and offends me.

mods plz bannu

Holy shit why are the best ideas so fucking late. Before I resigned from monitor I should have done Stanry Roo. Mother fuck.
I haven't even seen a Gorilla or Banana in ages. Mods are literally shit now. Whoever gets the best banning gimmick should be promoted next.

Stanry Roo would have been fucking perfect for these god damn forums.

The Flood / Re: What Freaks You Out?
« on: January 21, 2015, 12:42:38 AM »
Take a guess.


Incoming ding dong bannu.

You gonna get ding dong bannu'd son.
This is scary and offends me.

mods plz bannu

Holy shit why are the best ideas so fucking late. Before I resigned from monitor I should have done Stanry Roo. Mother fuck.

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