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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: OMFG these Takis are amazing
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:47:29 PM »
Implying anything from that far down south would be obtainable this far up north.


The Flood / Re: What Are You Going To Be When You Grow Up?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:28:13 PM »
More beard.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:03:12 PM »
Well, here's the thing. Take a look at your options. Let's say for instance that one night your card comes calling and it's your lucky night. Rapist mugger shows up. You either

A) Have nothing to defend yourself with
B) Have something to defend yourself with

There's plenty of other scenarios and of course, simply having a gun on you might not even help you if he gets the jump on you from behind. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say it's face to face and you know his intent.

To give an example, Canadian laws are a lot stricter here. In general, everything falls down to the police to do. And that's fair. But at the same time, if you defend yourself from a home invasion you yourself can be fined. Hell if the home invader was an asshole they could play the legal system and sue you.

But think of it like this. Would you really let somebody break into your home and not defend yourself and wait for the police? You could be dead by the time they show up. Or in some other horrible situation.

This same rule applies to you although I assume you're american.

Except that your issue is, while you can legally defend yourself if attacked, if the authorities find out that you used an unlicensed firearm or god forbid you kill the dude, you'll be in shit.

My best advice is to think of another weapon. Something that's small, easy to carry, easy to hide, and has no chance of killing the attacker but gives you enough room to defend yourself.

For example. Bear Spray. Anybody who gets hit with that shit WILL NOT fight. They won't even be able to stand.

If the attacker hasn't used a gun yet, then don't escalate things.

The Flood / Re: Who likes my new avatar?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:35:45 AM »
You remember the Monolith from 2001: A Space Oddessy?

Of course you fucking don't. Your avatar is like Bungie's version of a Monolith. It's tall, white, and my eyes, the goggles do nothing.

Gaming / Re: Highest pings you reached in gaymen?
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:08:37 AM »
On a shitty server on TF2 I was hitting up to 980.

Fuck I was low on the list there were people hitting up in the thousands. Needless to say I abandoned ship quickly.

The Flood / Re: You meet the Girl of your dreams.
« on: February 23, 2015, 12:02:23 AM »
Considering in the coming years and even now I take on the role of a good uncle to my little niece, kids are no problem for me. Actually, if anything, the only thing wrong with this entire scenario is the girl of your dreams part. Fuckin' a give me a break lol.

Embellishment for reasons.

Oho so you're a salesmen now are you?

The Flood / Re: You meet the Girl of your dreams.
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:48:42 PM »
Considering in the coming years and even now I take on the role of a good uncle to my little niece, kids are no problem for me. Actually, if anything, the only thing wrong with this entire scenario is the girl of your dreams part. Fuckin' a give me a break lol.

The Flood / Re: I Am Getting An Adorable Pet And I Require A Name.
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:36:58 PM »
Honestly those claws create all the names for me.


They're not even claws though.

Too herp derp to remember the name other than claws. Pincers maybe. Dat arm structure.

The Flood / Re: I Am Getting An Adorable Pet And I Require A Name.
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:31:35 PM »
Honestly those claws create all the names for me.


Gaming / Re: Could the Flood successful infect a Xenomorph?
« on: February 22, 2015, 05:03:06 PM »
Come to think of it, Xenomorphs have an adaptable biological and genetic structure, considering that they gain attributes associated with their hosts. As far was we know Xenomorphs don't need oxygen or even breath it as in the first movie Ripley ejected it into space and it neither depressurized or suffocated. It didn't even freeze.

That could be attributed to movie effects at the time but considering ripley killed it with the firing of the engine we can only assume that otherwise, the xenomorph would have been fine if left un-toasted.

Right there we have a creature that can't be infected through breathing in spores, has a tough exeoskeleton that might even contend with the needle of an infection form, and blood that will dissolve anything physically injected into it's system.

Take into account that a xenomorph has an exoskeleton.

Most life forms with an exoskeleton have no internal skeleton, so what does that mean?

No bones, no calcium deposits.

So theoretically, the flood would have to adapt a toxic form that produced toxins on par with a xenomorph's blood, breach the exoskeleton, and then infect it. But the lack of bones would dictate that the flood in an early feral stage couldn't infect a Xenomorph unless they already had plenty of calcium deposits and could create pure forms.

And I'd wager that's not easy.

The Flood / Re: I just made my mother shit herself
« on: February 22, 2015, 04:54:34 PM »
I've got naturally quiet footsteps and long fucking legs so whenever I hear the back door open to my restaurant I know it's a friend or somebody trusted. I usually get up and go through the kitchen to pop into the doorway and say hello as they come in. But I never cover ground fast enough so I've scared just about everybody I know by suddenly rounding the fucking corner on them.

I come down the stairs and you'd think that'd make enough fucking noise in the rattling old building but I come down and say hello to my mother and she jumps.

I'm walking around in the kitchen and it's a quiet hour and my mother's friend is out in the main room using the computer. I say hello across the counter top and she jumps.

You'd fucking think I could make louder footsteps but apparently even in steel toed fucking winter boots I can't.

I'm counting on the day when I give somebody a heart attack.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap came back to us.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:53:34 PM »
So. To you I say a welcoming fuck you too buddy and that it's good to be back.

Fuck your useless politics because they don't mean shit in my world where things are determined more by getting up and doing shit over sitting in a chair in congress and having slap fights.

Good to see ya again though. I missed my news source of useless stupid shit going on in the world.
Wow, fuck you dude. Did your sense of humour die while you were away?

No. This is my sense of humor. Politics. Pointless up here. And generally proving to be a ballpit of stupidity wherever you look no matter the country. But I'll take your news any day over the average depressive shit on the news and TV.

Like I said. It's good to see your face again because you're obviously intelligent and capable of having an interesting conversation although you side with your respective field which in my world is as stupid as it is pointless so far up north, which makes it a foreign subject to me with a language I have trouble grasping with its myriad terms for this and that.

But none the less it is interesting to a degree. Keeping up to date on events in the world helps.

But of course. Like I said. I'm a fucking magician. I harbored no ill intent to you but sarcasm and snarkyness doesn't translate into words so well. So to you my sense of humor died.

I say, my sense of humor is quite alive and well.

I'm just a passerby here folks. Sentimental faggot I am or whatever you feel like calling me, that's what I am.

But I'm here because there's faces I enjoy. But only for little bits and pieces of time. I've shit to do and to that I say have a mighty fine sunday and rest. Because I sure as fuck won't. I won't get back into the healthy swing of things if I spend all my time of the day here now will I?

I didn't make a thread and say hello because fuck that. Obviously somebody cared enough in some manner to announce it like that dumb kid in the back of the class who's slow on getting jokes.

So hello to all of you fucks once more. Missed ya.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap came back to us.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:17:29 PM »
I'm a sentimental faggot right?

Then I'm happy to say that's what I am Meta. You call me a sentimental faggot and that's what I am. Call me a manchild? Go for it!

Perception's a funny thing but the one that always counts the most concerning one's own well being is self perception. I know where I stand but that's for me to know and for you to fuck up and judge because that's what people always do.

So. To you I say a welcoming fuck you too buddy and that it's good to be back.

Fuck your useless politics because they don't mean shit in my world where things are determined more by getting up and doing shit over sitting in a chair in congress and having slap fights.

Good to see ya again though. I missed my news source of useless stupid shit going on in the world.

The Flood / Re: Sandtrap came back to us.
« on: February 22, 2015, 12:11:04 PM »
You'd be surprised what I can do with time completely alone and feeling shitty.

I turn it around. Wasn't a question of me being gone forever. I'm a sentimental faggot right? Always come back to things I enjoy. It was just a question of how long it would take for me to push my ass back up and standing to get back in the ring. But I always like to be sure.

Get into the mindset that I'm pissing off for good. Force myself out and away. Now here I am. Back on track and some new tricks up my sleeves.

Like I said. I'm a magician. Do whatever the fuck you want with that. You do what you have to do to make things work. And I'm making things work.

If you're opposed to that then go fuck yourself or better yet, try making things work on your end then come back and tell me it was easy as 1 2 3 A B C.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:51:25 AM »
Agreed, that's why being gay is a blessing

I actually occassionally wonder if some gay people ended up on that side of the court because their experiences with women sucked and continued to suck. Not that they just up and decided, "Hey I'm gay now." But people's sexual preferences are a tricky compass to navigate based off experiences, the environment, and other factors.

Negative reaction from one sex causes the compass to shift.

Hey you know what?

Blame gays on modern feminists. Direct this information to the westburo baptist church and watch them fight.

I put 10 bucks down on the bible thumpers.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:42:07 AM »
Women are better than men.

Na. Half of the women I ever bumped into in my life I could use some real mean words for. I lot more vindictive and hurtful compared to the words I'd use for the worst men I've ever bumped into.

It all comes down to the people themselves and not the group as a whole. When ya look at people or race or sex as a group, that's when shit is skewed. Generalizing a group and whatnot is silly.
When I say that comment, it is never serious. Keep that in mind.

The fact that I'm back here on this site means that I don't take it serious. If I was serious I would have written you a wall of china. I'm just dropping my two cents all over the place but personally I don't give a shit what people make of them.

I'm a magician. I can be whatever you want me to be. All ya have to do is apply a bit of imagination! My post could be serious. I could have my serious face on and my serious hat to boot. Or I could just be casually commenting on what I sees since after all, transpaency on the internet doesn't exist unless you shout it at someone.

Personally, it kills the joke when you have to shout




The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:19:21 AM »
Women are better than men.

Na. Half of the women I ever bumped into in my life I could use some real mean words for. I lot more vindictive and hurtful compared to the words I'd use for the worst men I've ever bumped into.

It all comes down to the people themselves and not the group as a whole. When ya look at people or race or sex as a group, that's when shit is skewed. Generalizing a group and whatnot is silly.

The Flood / Re: Native Africans
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:14:36 AM »
Sooooo.. what?

It means they are more closely related to an inferior, extinct species of hominids than we are.

I has question. If they're inferior because they're extinct......

Then why is it every scientists wet dream to reconstruct a living dinosaur or a mammoth?

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 11:11:25 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.
Canadians are outliers. You don't count statistically.

Good old fringe Canadian handy work you mother fucker. Take that. If it works anywhere else, it won't work on a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about some snow in their yard and how cold it is?

Call a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about generally anything? Call a canadian.

We're statistical anomalies and we fuck up all conventional standards of reason or sense.

Get shit on by a maple leaf and a beaver son.
Yeah but you melt in temperatures above 32* Freedom.

Weaker blooded canadian brothers often go south for the winter. Half the consumer base of my restaurant consisting of old rich farmers are gone.

Gone where you ask?

Florida. Cuba. The Dominican Republic. South America.

Even our weaklings have an admirable trait to them.

They're fireproof and so we use them for firefighters.
You let them back in after going to such disease ridden places?
You're a crazier lot than I thought.

We can let them back in because we have free healthcare.

What was that? You''ll have to speak up. I can't hear you over the sound of the majority of my paycheck going into my bank account.

Sorry, needed to turn my hearing aids up. Try saying that again? I got these for free you know. I also can't hear you over the sound exchanging my money in the bank for glorious water proof rainbow money.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:35:19 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.
Canadians are outliers. You don't count statistically.

Good old fringe Canadian handy work you mother fucker. Take that. If it works anywhere else, it won't work on a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about some snow in their yard and how cold it is?

Call a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about generally anything? Call a canadian.

We're statistical anomalies and we fuck up all conventional standards of reason or sense.

Get shit on by a maple leaf and a beaver son.
Yeah but you melt in temperatures above 32* Freedom.

Weaker blooded canadian brothers often go south for the winter. Half the consumer base of my restaurant consisting of old rich farmers are gone.

Gone where you ask?

Florida. Cuba. The Dominican Republic. South America.

Even our weaklings have an admirable trait to them.

They're fireproof and so we use them for firefighters.
You let them back in after going to such disease ridden places?
You're a crazier lot than I thought.

We can let them back in because we have free healthcare.


The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:34:42 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.

And fuck if you want to get technical not all men are equal either. Where one can practically pick up a fucking iron support beam by themselves another guy might need help.

That disparity therefore means there's no real superior sex or gender.

Only what each respective person excels in over the other.

Multiply it onto 7 billion people and you're fucked. There is no "superior man."
Well, he's talking about feminism there. Not so much women as a whole.

Implying there aren't men out there who believe that every woman is a scary modern age feminist.

Just like every modern age feminist believes men are rapist monsters.

I mean just look at it. Weebs. Prefer the safety of 2d harmless women.

Gays. Prefer the safety of other men.

Asexuals. Fuck that shit everybody's out to get them.

Introverts. Too afraid to make a move for fear of a woman biting their dick off so they stay in the shadows.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:30:51 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.
Canadians are outliers. You don't count statistically.

Good old fringe Canadian handy work you mother fucker. Take that. If it works anywhere else, it won't work on a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about some snow in their yard and how cold it is?

Call a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about generally anything? Call a canadian.

We're statistical anomalies and we fuck up all conventional standards of reason or sense.

Get shit on by a maple leaf and a beaver son.
Yeah but you melt in temperatures above 32* Freedom.

Weaker blooded canadian brothers often go south for the winter. Half the consumer base of my restaurant consisting of old rich farmers are gone.

Gone where you ask?

Florida. Cuba. The Dominican Republic. South America.

Even our weaklings have an admirable trait to them.

They're fireproof and so we use them for firefighters.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:27:00 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.
Canadians are outliers. You don't count statistically.

Good old fringe Canadian handy work you mother fucker. Take that. If it works anywhere else, it won't work on a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about some snow in their yard and how cold it is?

Call a Canadian.

Somebody bitching about generally anything? Call a canadian.

We're statistical anomalies and we fuck up all conventional standards of reason or sense.

Get shit on by a maple leaf and a beaver son.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:18:04 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.
No, it's true. Even the feminists admit it.

I can contradict your statement if you want. My sister doesn't rely solely on me or her husband for the 12 cords of firewood needed every winter. She goes out with us and hauls it alongside us. Certainly not as physically strong as either of us but she does her part.

How about food? She manages a garden. In fact the only thing I've ever done to help her there is make rows. She plants everything, weeds everything, and waters everything.


There's one person on the planet that contradicts your statement of requiring men as a catalyst for everything. And you know what that means?

That's a percentage and a factor. And if you know anything about life, it's that if something ever occurs once, it will occur again. So therefore, out there in the world, there are other women that don't need men as a catalyst for things. They get into fights. They work. They stand up for themselves, they do their thing.

So. This whole modern age feminism men versus women shit?

It's a crock of shit on both sides.

And fuck if you want to get technical not all men are equal either. Where one can practically pick up a fucking iron support beam by themselves another guy might need help.

That disparity therefore means there's no real superior sex or gender.

Only what each respective person excels in over the other.

Multiply it onto 7 billion people and you're fucked. There is no "superior man."

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:06:15 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

It's saying men are superior to females.

Well I guess if that was true then men would be able to grow a miniature replica of our species inside of us and then proceed to nuture it for about 9 months and then shoot it out like a football all while cursing like a sailor and ripping apart the first object that comes into contact with our hands even if it's the docs nuts.

Oh heyo. We don't. Certainly not superior. Just different is all.

Serious / Re: Leading climate-denier bribed by oil companies/Koch bros
« on: February 22, 2015, 10:01:41 AM »
Sand, just a heads up, that funding isn't just dropped into the researcher's bank account. They're not really allowed to live off of it, they're supposed to use it for research expenses. And you realize you don't actually need a million dollars to buy a million dinner house, right?

This isn't a bribe, it's corporations choosing research that will likely give results in their favor.

While from a technical standpoint, yes, you don't need a physical million dollars to buy a house, at the same time you still have to pay off the mortgage on your house which therefore means that you still do need to earn a million dollars to pay for it, and not only that, but more because of interest rates. So from another standpoint, yes, you need a million dollars to buy a million dollar house.

And on the end issue, favoritism. Oho boy isn't that always a fun concept concerning up and coming future issues.

The Flood / Re: reality and delusion
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:51:23 AM »
You know, I'm really glad that my math teacher seriously fucked around with my concept of mathematical symbols because the only fucking sign I understand in there is "equal," alongside a loose vague idea of sex symbols.

And since being equal is a delusion I'd wager this is some feminist tier shit propaganda or it's Dustin talking about special snowflake syndrome.

The Flood / Re: Green/Blue eyes > every other trait in a girl
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:34:24 AM »
I had a childhood friend with heterochromia. One green, one blue.

Serious / Re: Let Teenagers Try Adulthood
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:32:39 AM »
All modern school is is a test on how good your memory is. Aside from maths, sport and science, there is literally no application of a skill, purely just the ability to remember something or not.

Considering access to the internet today it's not even about memorization anymore. It's about how good you are at finding and searching for information. Why bother remembering who the previous president was when you can look it up on the internet and get a list of every president and their grandmother to go alongside it?

Serious / Re: Leading climate-denier bribed by oil companies/Koch bros
« on: February 22, 2015, 09:28:44 AM »

See this is why nobody takes goodbyes seriously.

Which is why it's custom and regular for me to say bon voyage to people. I say goodbye to my family or friends whenever I go somewhere. Whenever they go somewhere I say goodbye to them. Call it a custom and insurance policy if you want regarding last words. That and the fact I knew I'd come rattling around here eventually once I got back up to my feet. The question was always when.

Now then.

Back on topic.

The chump who accepted 1.2 million dollar bribes was a fucking dumbass considering as I said, 1.2 million isn't even enough for a decent fucking house and a car to park it in these days. And if there wasn't enough evidence that he was a dumbass in the first place there's the whole issue of doing a 180 over a big issue of concern all for a piss poor amount of money and a fucking joke of a bribe.

Shoulda spit on their shoes instead.

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