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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: ITT I describe you with one word
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:51:34 PM »

The Flood / Re: Why don't you smoke weed?
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:34:21 PM »
1. That shit costs money.
2. Implying I have any sort of connections with those circles of people.
3. I don't smoke anything in the first place.
4. I've been around guys who can only be happy if they're stoned.
5. I never needed it in the first place for anything, why bother starting now?

The Flood / Re: Does anybody remember the feeling of being an 8-year old?
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:27:19 PM »
Actually, no. I don't remember what shit was like when I was 8. I know that the number 14 is significant to me because 14 was one of the first years of my life that I could say was a good one. Other than that, I'm a really piss poor tracker of age.

All I remember as a kid. Everything being bigger than me. 90's cartoons. Fucking fruit loops. And peanut butter cups being much bigger and satisfying.

The Flood / Re: Meet Tomatan
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:22:06 PM »
I'm only a fan of tomatoes if they're the real deal. You know, fucking tomatoes that taste and aren't just runny water and red rubber.

In this case I'm not a fan of tomatoes because who the fuck grows natural tomatoes anymore?
I don't know, who does?

Nobody, that's who.

Gaming / Re: Screenshots thread? Screenshots thread.
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:21:04 PM »
Old TF2 haydays. Oho boy some days that community was a riot.

Sometimes Sprays do perfect things.

Sometimes the community pisses around and decides, fuck that lamp.

Again. On occasion multiple sprays line up well.

The Flood / Re: Meet Tomatan
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:06:03 PM »
I'm only a fan of tomatoes if they're the real deal. You know, fucking tomatoes that taste and aren't just runny water and red rubber.

In this case I'm not a fan of tomatoes because who the fuck grows natural tomatoes anymore?

Okay. Let me get my serious hat on for this.

"I realize that everything I do in life will have to be done by only me, because I will always be alone."

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:46:10 PM »
Discuss what exactly?

DIY sex change

And? That article's got a coating of dust on it from a few years back, so what's happened has already happened. Are we gonna discuss why we think it's immoral? Or we gonna discuss why we don't think it's immoral?

No. No we're not. All I see here is midget kicking up dust for some apparent reason and watching it settle. What the fuck is there to discuss here when no doubt the kid in the article is already going through some measure of treatments?

Are we gonna raise our swords and revolt because of this horrid display of whatever? Go all justice warrior and save that poor kid? Fuck no we're not. Old news, dead news, and the transgender/sex change horse has been beaten and fucked about 12 times over past its expiry date here.

So I ask what's left to discuss here? There's nothing. Just old dust.

The Flood / Re: Shit, I met this awesome mom today
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:38:23 PM »
Being perfectly honest here.

Whenever I see you make your car threads.

The only thing I can think of is how fucking fast any one of those vehicles would be trashed in a day on the roads here. Nevermind summer roads god forbid they touch upon the ground here in the winter.

It makes me thankful for my somewhat clunky but durable piece of shit vehicle by your standards.

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:13:15 PM »
Discuss what exactly?

The Flood / Re: Damn my great uncle died.
« on: February 24, 2015, 08:11:37 PM »
A good chunk of my family died in a family meeting before I was born because of a house fire. My grandmother passed away 7 or so years back from lukemia, my first cousin is, or was, for a lack of a better term a complete bitch, my second cousins don't talk to me alongside with the entirety of my mother's side of the family, which also don't talk to my mother. My father lives two provinces away and he didn't see me for roughly 16 years. And his entire side of the family is not welcome here.

My brother in law's family, which by extension is now a part of our family, also avoids contact with him save for his sister.

And there ya have it.

Half of my family is dead, and the other half may as well be dead too since old grudges won't bury themselves.

And, sorry about your uncle. If he lived to his 90's that's not bad. 90 years is a long road. Sounds like he traveled it well too.

The Flood / Re: So, uh, yeah, this is basically a public apology to Deci
« on: February 24, 2015, 01:09:04 AM »
I was somewhat nice to Deci, then he called me a cock. So no apology from me.
He's done stuff like that to everyone who's tried being nice to him >__>
I guess I'm the exception then.
That's because you're a girl.

That gives me some sort of privilege?
He's probably gonna get really mad when he comes back and sees this, but he's noticeably really weirdly nice to most people who he believes to be female.

Did you forget the ammout if shit that I gave to Felicia? I fucking hate her, not because of her fucking gender though.

Nuka why do you do this? Why must you always ruin the peace I finally had with these people?

It's broken peace if you let it be. I don't see anything neccessarily broken here. Pack your shit up and keep rolling, you'll be fine. There can only ever be a fight if both sides are willing to fight.

You feel like making a big stink about things here or just rolling with it? Ask yourself what the fuck could possibly go wrong if you dropped this here and now.

Oh heyo, there's your answer. If you figure it's something bad, then think about this. Worst moment in your life. If you pack your shit up and keep rolling and ignore this particular argument and something bad comes of it, is it equal to the worst day of your life?

If it's not.

Then move on.

The Flood / Re: Happen to anyone else?
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:47:32 AM »
You ever chug so much and then reel back because it's cold as shit? You're on overdrive for water so you just drink and then end up getting hit with too much cold.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 24, 2015, 12:07:04 AM »
Well, here's the thing. Take a look at your options. Let's say for instance that one night your card comes calling and it's your lucky night. Rapist mugger shows up. You either

A) Have nothing to defend yourself with
B) Have something to defend yourself with

There's plenty of other scenarios and of course, simply having a gun on you might not even help you if he gets the jump on you from behind. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say it's face to face and you know his intent.

To give an example, Canadian laws are a lot stricter here. In general, everything falls down to the police to do. And that's fair. But at the same time, if you defend yourself from a home invasion you yourself can be fined. Hell if the home invader was an asshole they could play the legal system and sue you.

But think of it like this. Would you really let somebody break into your home and not defend yourself and wait for the police? You could be dead by the time they show up. Or in some other horrible situation.

This same rule applies to you although I assume you're american.

Except that your issue is, while you can legally defend yourself if attacked, if the authorities find out that you used an unlicensed firearm or god forbid you kill the dude, you'll be in shit.

My best advice is to think of another weapon. Something that's small, easy to carry, easy to hide, and has no chance of killing the attacker but gives you enough room to defend yourself.

For example. Bear Spray. Anybody who gets hit with that shit WILL NOT fight. They won't even be able to stand.

If the attacker hasn't used a gun yet, then don't escalate things.

I take issue with both Tazers (not tazers, but rather stun guns since Tazers are verboten) and Mace/bear spray.

A key defensive principle is to put as much distance between you and your aggressor. A stun gun requires you to be in physical contact with an aggressor to be effective. Not to mention people who are just naturally resistant to the shock put out by a stun gun. If you cannot retreat from someone who wants to cause you harm, are you really going to want to let them get close enough to touch?

Pepper Spray/Bear spray are a little more ranged, but you are still within 10 feet of the threat. Not to mention that both are indiscriminate in how the operate. A rogue gust can render your spray useless and you could gas your self like it was Verdun all over again. Not to mention individuals who have built up a tolerance to CS gas in general. There are crazy fucks outside of correctional officers who actually spray them selves to build tolerance to it.

What you need in a defensive situation is what's called "Stand Off Capability." The ability to put distance between your self an a threat while maintaining an ability to engage from that distance should the need arise. Neither Stun Guns nor spray really fill this role. They are both close range weapons, and being close could mean being dead.

Well, then it's your call. I don't know about you, but another defensive tool you can use that technically doesn't break the law is a flare gun. You can legally own a flaregun. At least, up here you can.

However. There is the problem of how much damage a flare gun can do. Phosphorus burns and sticks. Hit somebody with that and they're going to be in a lot of pain. Will it kill them? Hard to say. But then again, if you're carrying a gun does it really matter?

But I can garuntee you no mother fucker burns themselves with phosphorus fire to build up an immunity to it. And even if you miss the shot, a flare is a bright mother fucker. Enough to not only alert somebody, but also potentially blind your attacker giving you the chance to run.

The key here is escape.

Pft, Flare Guns? In California? For non-boating use? That's hilarious.

Dude I live in fucking Saskatchewan. The nearest ocean is two provinces away and the biggest fucking lake we have is a puddle compared to the great lakes.

And I could probably go to my local co-op convienence store or gas station and buy a flare gun. Or alternately, order one and have it shipped over in a week.

We have issues with...flammability.

Flare guns are only legal for use as a maritime signaling device here. To much threat of fire otherwise.

Dude.....I live in a completely flat province, with high winds almost all year round. There are miles and miles of fucking fields. Just flat, flammable fields. And get this.


Are you fucking telling me that freedomslovia is afraid of a fucking flare gun? I mean I understand flammability warnings. There's a lot of fires in this province if somebody can't keep their field burning under control or lightening hits the wrong spot.

But I mean fuck. If my shitty little old province can do it then your state can too. Although, then again, americants are afraid of healthcare too.

You know what? Fuck it. Just stick to AC/DC's old addage.

Fire your guns.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:39:26 PM »
Well, here's the thing. Take a look at your options. Let's say for instance that one night your card comes calling and it's your lucky night. Rapist mugger shows up. You either

A) Have nothing to defend yourself with
B) Have something to defend yourself with

There's plenty of other scenarios and of course, simply having a gun on you might not even help you if he gets the jump on you from behind. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say it's face to face and you know his intent.

To give an example, Canadian laws are a lot stricter here. In general, everything falls down to the police to do. And that's fair. But at the same time, if you defend yourself from a home invasion you yourself can be fined. Hell if the home invader was an asshole they could play the legal system and sue you.

But think of it like this. Would you really let somebody break into your home and not defend yourself and wait for the police? You could be dead by the time they show up. Or in some other horrible situation.

This same rule applies to you although I assume you're american.

Except that your issue is, while you can legally defend yourself if attacked, if the authorities find out that you used an unlicensed firearm or god forbid you kill the dude, you'll be in shit.

My best advice is to think of another weapon. Something that's small, easy to carry, easy to hide, and has no chance of killing the attacker but gives you enough room to defend yourself.

For example. Bear Spray. Anybody who gets hit with that shit WILL NOT fight. They won't even be able to stand.

If the attacker hasn't used a gun yet, then don't escalate things.

I take issue with both Tazers (not tazers, but rather stun guns since Tazers are verboten) and Mace/bear spray.

A key defensive principle is to put as much distance between you and your aggressor. A stun gun requires you to be in physical contact with an aggressor to be effective. Not to mention people who are just naturally resistant to the shock put out by a stun gun. If you cannot retreat from someone who wants to cause you harm, are you really going to want to let them get close enough to touch?

Pepper Spray/Bear spray are a little more ranged, but you are still within 10 feet of the threat. Not to mention that both are indiscriminate in how the operate. A rogue gust can render your spray useless and you could gas your self like it was Verdun all over again. Not to mention individuals who have built up a tolerance to CS gas in general. There are crazy fucks outside of correctional officers who actually spray them selves to build tolerance to it.

What you need in a defensive situation is what's called "Stand Off Capability." The ability to put distance between your self an a threat while maintaining an ability to engage from that distance should the need arise. Neither Stun Guns nor spray really fill this role. They are both close range weapons, and being close could mean being dead.

Well, then it's your call. I don't know about you, but another defensive tool you can use that technically doesn't break the law is a flare gun. You can legally own a flaregun. At least, up here you can.

However. There is the problem of how much damage a flare gun can do. Phosphorus burns and sticks. Hit somebody with that and they're going to be in a lot of pain. Will it kill them? Hard to say. But then again, if you're carrying a gun does it really matter?

But I can garuntee you no mother fucker burns themselves with phosphorus fire to build up an immunity to it. And even if you miss the shot, a flare is a bright mother fucker. Enough to not only alert somebody, but also potentially blind your attacker giving you the chance to run.

The key here is escape.

Pft, Flare Guns? In California? For non-boating use? That's hilarious.

Dude I live in fucking Saskatchewan. The nearest ocean is two provinces away and the biggest fucking lake we have is a puddle compared to the great lakes.

And I could probably go to my local co-op convienence store or gas station and buy a flare gun. Or alternately, order one and have it shipped over in a week.

The Flood / Re: would you break the law if it made you safer?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:29:12 PM »
Well, here's the thing. Take a look at your options. Let's say for instance that one night your card comes calling and it's your lucky night. Rapist mugger shows up. You either

A) Have nothing to defend yourself with
B) Have something to defend yourself with

There's plenty of other scenarios and of course, simply having a gun on you might not even help you if he gets the jump on you from behind. But for all intents and purposes, let's just say it's face to face and you know his intent.

To give an example, Canadian laws are a lot stricter here. In general, everything falls down to the police to do. And that's fair. But at the same time, if you defend yourself from a home invasion you yourself can be fined. Hell if the home invader was an asshole they could play the legal system and sue you.

But think of it like this. Would you really let somebody break into your home and not defend yourself and wait for the police? You could be dead by the time they show up. Or in some other horrible situation.

This same rule applies to you although I assume you're american.

Except that your issue is, while you can legally defend yourself if attacked, if the authorities find out that you used an unlicensed firearm or god forbid you kill the dude, you'll be in shit.

My best advice is to think of another weapon. Something that's small, easy to carry, easy to hide, and has no chance of killing the attacker but gives you enough room to defend yourself.

For example. Bear Spray. Anybody who gets hit with that shit WILL NOT fight. They won't even be able to stand.

If the attacker hasn't used a gun yet, then don't escalate things.

I take issue with both Tazers (not tazers, but rather stun guns since Tazers are verboten) and Mace/bear spray.

A key defensive principle is to put as much distance between you and your aggressor. A stun gun requires you to be in physical contact with an aggressor to be effective. Not to mention people who are just naturally resistant to the shock put out by a stun gun. If you cannot retreat from someone who wants to cause you harm, are you really going to want to let them get close enough to touch?

Pepper Spray/Bear spray are a little more ranged, but you are still within 10 feet of the threat. Not to mention that both are indiscriminate in how the operate. A rogue gust can render your spray useless and you could gas your self like it was Verdun all over again. Not to mention individuals who have built up a tolerance to CS gas in general. There are crazy fucks outside of correctional officers who actually spray them selves to build tolerance to it.

What you need in a defensive situation is what's called "Stand Off Capability." The ability to put distance between your self an a threat while maintaining an ability to engage from that distance should the need arise. Neither Stun Guns nor spray really fill this role. They are both close range weapons, and being close could mean being dead.

Well, then it's your call. I don't know about you, but another defensive tool you can use that technically doesn't break the law is a flare gun. You can legally own a flaregun. At least, up here you can.

However. There is the problem of how much damage a flare gun can do. Phosphorus burns and sticks. Hit somebody with that and they're going to be in a lot of pain. Will it kill them? Hard to say. But then again, if you're carrying a gun does it really matter?

But I can garuntee you no mother fucker burns themselves with phosphorus fire to build up an immunity to it. And even if you miss the shot, a flare is a bright mother fucker. Enough to not only alert somebody, but also potentially blind your attacker giving you the chance to run.

The key here is escape.

The Flood / Re: Would you go to Mars?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:21:04 PM »
Honestly the only thing different about mars compared to where I live is probably the red soil. And some mountains.

But on second thought. Maybe I would. Just to see the sunrise.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more dicks on sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:09:48 PM »

One good dick is enough.

The Flood / Re: Forums
« on: February 23, 2015, 11:06:05 PM »
That's not an easily definable answer. Almost every forum out there has a community. But not everybody enjoys every forum and community. From one member's standpoint, in their own home forum, their forum might be good. To another forum, that particular forum might be shit.

So what defines whether or not a forum is good? The overall perception of the community that calls it home. There is no "ideal" forum. Only the forum that you choose to call home.

The Flood / Re: TROOPS
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:56:04 PM »
That was pretty good

Yeah, very well done for a fan-film. Made in 1997, actually.

That feeling when that film is 18 years old.

Serious / Re: TrojanSpeak (new letters and pronouns edition)
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:49:30 PM »
I'm surprised I still remember that thread and your project. Good to see that you kept things rolling amigo! I can't help in any particular way but fuck, you kept the ball rolling! Good on ya.

The Flood / Re: I cut myself
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:41:47 PM »
*Stares at you and waits*

Wow. Talk about a fucking internet artifact.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:36:35 PM »


We did we learn in math today? Fuck averages.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 10:24:10 PM »
You're an anomaly rocket.

And that my friend, is what pains me.
I should not be an anomaly, yet I am.

The Church can be changed. Let's make it so.

Hey. You remember when Ghandi tried to change stuff?

Oh wait he got shot.

How about Martin Luther King?

Oh shit he got shot too.

How about that woman muslim suicide bomber reformer out in the east? She had a school set up for people to teach ex-suicide bombers who were saved or convinced otherwise. Oh wait, she got killed too. Vague in general and I know there's been more than one person out in the east trying to change things and generally, all of them are dead.

Good change is a fleeting thing. And if history is a good indicator, all the people who ever tried and made a dent in things got fucked over. Maybe they did change things for the better.

But they didn't stay better for long.

You can't fix stupid people rocket.
While that's incredibly true, it doesn't mean that they didn't make significant impacts on history. What would we do without all the brave people that stand up against injustice?

As I said. While some of these people succeeded in making an impact, it was temporary. Take Martin Luthor King for example.

Black skinned people got more rights. Fit into society more and joined society's ranks as people, not second class citizens. That's fine and dandy. The less segregation and dehumanization among people there is the better. But on the flipside, look what it spawned.

It's not black culture because that would imply every black person was like that. But gangster culture. You can't deny a lot of black people in the states are wrapped up in gangster culture. I'd bet you any amount of money if King was alive today he'd be fucking embarrassed if he saw the "average" steriotypical black american today.

Just because they aren't second class citizens any more doesn't mean that somebody fucked up along the way. And in fact it's reversed now. A bunch of black kids fitting into the gangster culture deal go and beat the shit out of a white kid.

That white kid's only going to know about black people from his experiences. And what was his majority of experiences with black people? Shitty. So he obviously hates them. And then we, and other black people call it racism when it's a combination of ignorance, fear, and personal environmental situations and scenarios.

It's a self perpetrating cycle.

King fought for equality and got it. Then he got shot, and died. And here we are today.

Black people in society equally killing white people, and vice versa.

Back to square one, always. Temporary impact that in the end is made null and void by the stupidities of the average.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:50:54 PM »
You're an anomaly rocket.

And that my friend, is what pains me.
I should not be an anomaly, yet I am.

The Church can be changed. Let's make it so.

Hey. You remember when Ghandi tried to change stuff?

Oh wait he got shot.

How about Martin Luther King?

Oh shit he got shot too.

How about that woman muslim suicide bomber reformer out in the east? She had a school set up for people to teach ex-suicide bombers who were saved or convinced otherwise. Oh wait, she got killed too. Vague in general and I know there's been more than one person out in the east trying to change things and generally, all of them are dead.

Good change is a fleeting thing. And if history is a good indicator, all the people who ever tried and made a dent in things got fucked over. Maybe they did change things for the better.

But they didn't stay better for long.

You can't fix stupid people rocket.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:43:13 PM »
But it's when they start spouting stupid shit and being obnoxious that you just want to mow them over with a truck. And if people have shown anything about their religion in the past, it's that they just can't shut the fuck up.

I don't want those kinds of people here either.
But the ones who are actually loving all people as commanded?

I don't want people spouting their faith everywhere myself, hence why I don't do that.

I guess in short:

Stereotypical Christian: heck no

True Christian: Heck yes

Call me cynical but I've had more run-ins with steriotypical average christians throughout my entire life than I have with a normal semblance of a human being.

In being alive for 22 years, I've only ever met ONE christian in person who never set off any warning bells. So with a bit of math, assuming I hold out until I'm 25, that means statistically speaking if I lived for 100 years I'll likely only meet four sane, normal christians.

Comparing that to the immense numbers of christians elsewhere?

The steriotypical christian is in fact the average christian.

You're an anomaly rocket.

The Flood / Re: Do we need more Christians on Sep7?
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:30:21 PM »
Frankly, no. Or at the very least, Christians that do their their thing in silence. Do any of you happen to remember what happened to Bungle when religious talk was allowed?

Yeah, I know half of those posts were trolls and the other half was probably Dustin, but even if we assumed for a second that there were legitimate christians in that whole fuck-fest, personally I don't entertain the idea of hopping on and seeing what can only be defined as a shitpost from christian talking about god or even worse, doing some justification type routine to contend with scientific dealings.

Personally I wouldn't give a shit if a muslim catholic nazi called this place home or any number of them.

But it's when they start spouting stupid shit and being obnoxious that you just want to mow them over with a truck. And if people have shown anything about their religion in the past, it's that they just can't shut the fuck up.

In short.

Yes to reasonable, sensible people that practice their faith in their own privacy, and will talk reasonably if asked about their ideals.

No to the average majority.

The Flood / Re: So I go on tumblr for literally twenty seconds...
« on: February 23, 2015, 09:07:39 PM »
If you don't like those kinds of posts, why do you follow those people on tumblr?

Class is the kinda guy that carries a foldable chair on him at all times and a popcorn cooker so he can watch stupid people do stupid shit.

Occasionally he bumps into stupid shit not even his popcorn can handle.

So he loses his shit.
im guessing neither of you have a tumblr, because Class isnt following that person he was probably browsing the gravity falls tag.

I like my internets as relatively cancer free as possible thank you very much.

The Flood / Re: So I go on tumblr for literally twenty seconds...
« on: February 23, 2015, 08:51:12 PM »
If you don't like those kinds of posts, why do you follow those people on tumblr?

Class is the kinda guy that carries a foldable chair on him at all times and a popcorn cooker so he can watch stupid people do stupid shit.

Occasionally he bumps into stupid shit not even his popcorn can handle.

So he loses his shit.

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