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Messages - Sandtrap

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Its weird that we pay money for water

Depends on the water. If it's water for your house, from a tap, then it's a service. Pipes need fixin and maintenance.

If you're buying bottled water, they're not actually charging you for the water. They're charging you for materials used to package the water.

It's all technicalities. You're never charged for actual water. Just the expenses used to deliver it to you, unless you go out and get it yourself.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 01:08:15 PM »
Right, again. More stuff. Mainly what I'm talking about here, is that our community isn't organized correctly. For example.

If I started wood carving on my end, and I got really good at it, I'd love to share it. If I got good enough, I could monetize it. Commissions. But I ask myself, if I wanted to center my dealings around this site, and make all of works, my information, and everything centered around my craft, where would I put it on this site?

Obviously, the best place considered would be the flood. Because the flood is the all rounder board. I would have a thread that supports all of my shit.

But here's the problem.

The flood is an all rounder board. Its rules are, generally, anything goes. So no doubt, the assholes of the community would show up and make an un-inviting atmosphere. And that wards off people. Let's say, by chance, that I start attracting outside attention to myself. People start showing up here. They want to put their shit up here too. Or they want to discuss it. What happens? Buried in the flood under anything goes posts and assholes.

So, the real issue here, is our organization. Our community hubs, so to speak. There is no central hub for a wood carver, or an artist. There is no current accepting, welcoming community for people who want to share shit.

Even anime fans, since there's anime fans here writing reviews. Anime people get shit on in the flood, whether it be jokingly, or not jokingly. And it gets tiresome to post something constructive or interesting but you have nowhere else to put it but the flood where it gets buried of flooded with pointless shit.

And having a pinned thread in the flood makes it obscure, and narrow focused in a way. Too specific. They key is broadening approaches and hubs.

So the real issue here, is creating a community that welcomes people when they finally show up here. Having an environment, hubs and places that they can go to on arrival and feel at home in without being exposed to the wrong crowd, so to speak.

Septagon / Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 12:44:54 PM »
Right then. Figure this is the most appropriate place.

Since this place started up, a general, broad minded goal that sits with the founders, mods, and some community members is expansion. Growing and gaining more members in the community, because if we don't rather than grow, over time no doubt we'll see a decrease in activity.

So, of course, people have started pitching in efforts to make this place more noticeable. Brute's got his game reviews here, people are posting reviews here and no doubt in the back rooms with the mods things are being discussed for the future. But I'd like to point out something we're missing here.

Any good community plays, and grows on its strengths. It needs direction and drive.

So ask yourselves, what is this community? What are it's strengths?

We're not a gaming forum. We're not an art hub. We're not a review hub. We aren't a writer hub. We're a discussion board, with the sole intent of basically being a coffee lounge. People come here to relax, piss some time away, and do random shit and talk random shit with faces they've since become familiar with.

The point is, this place isn't unified. It's not unified in any goal, and it has no drive in any particular direction. These reviews, while being nice and all, aren't ever really going to get off the ground because we're not a review site. We're not contenders with any big shot sites out there.

These are just some wayward thoughts of mine on the issue of growing the community. Look at Halo Archive. They have a direction. Their entire community has a drive and a push in the same direction and they've grown large because of it. The last time I checked their place out, they had about 500 members. They've skyrocketed since.

So, again, I'm just making a wager here. If we ever really want this community to grow, or really, stay alive in the coming years, we have to play to our strengths.

I'm not dissing the reviews in fact. Because if people enjoy writing them and producing them then they should. And they should post it here if they want to. What I'm getting at here is that this is a community of people from all walks of life. All diverse, different minded, different experiences, and most importantly, different skills, and different likings.

The point I'm trying to drive here, is that we should play to that. The wider we expand our range of subjects, the wider we expand the community to fit into a true sort of digital coffee lounge where people can post whatever thy feel like, the better off we'll be.

But most importantly, the more we make this place our home, and our center of sorts, with refferals and paper trails leading back here, the better chance we'll stand of gaining new members.

But it needs to be thought about because let's face it, if you put up a board, right now, and called it the art board, chances are activity would be slow, regulated to only a handful of members who post in it. And ultimately, it would be taken down.

So here's what I am trying to get at right now. There's got to be a way to sort of passively direct attention to ourselves, make ourselves inviting as a coffee lounge community, without trying failed attempts at being something we're not.

I know, that this year, right now, I'm undertaking a lot of projects. And what I thought to myself was, I'm going to make this place my home base. My content, the stuff that's suitable or allowed her, will be centered here. And I wager that's the way to go about things.

If we've got a community that allows people to come here, and show off their works, show off their thoughts, their ideas, their creations, that's how we'll succeed.

I'm bordering on sleep depravation right now and I'm going in circles. Probably missed at making my point as well. But the bottom line here is.


The wider we make the community, the more accessible we make it to posting all kinds of content, and the more people that use this place as a center and an anchor of sorts, with refferals in other places, other communities, linking back to here, the more we'll be able to grow.

Play to the strengths of what makes this community. People from all walks of life, some of them, able to create and do some pretty special things. Nurture that and have a community that fosters it and provides a welcoming home for it, always.

The Flood / Re: BTFO
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:57:13 AM »
a "steriotypical" christian
No. Not stereotypical at all.

Just stupid.

I put steriotypical in quotations because the majority of christians I've met were stupid fucks. The steriotypical christian is just a regular christian for me.

The Flood / Re: BTFO
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:48:20 AM »
Oh heyo. A one sided slap fight over the internet between a "steriotypical" christian spouting stupid shit and somebody who got butt flustered about it and took apart said christian talking about stupid shit in his spare time.

How exciting.

The Flood / Re: We may not be a fast growing company or even a company.
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:37:08 AM »
You know, I'm working on all sorts of shit in my spare time when I can here, and one of those is wood carving. Nothing too fancy yet, but I'm a fan of the idea of carving in the round or relief carving. For now I'm currently wittling out a spoon for practice.

If I ever made anything spectacular with it I was honestly considering calling this place my base of operations and center. Loose rambles is all though.

Gaming / Re: Twitch plays Halo
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:25:51 AM »
The host had to reset the second level since somehow they managed to lose the warthog and it was impossible to proceed.


Nevermind taking 12 hours to get past a bridge or even beating the first level, how did they even manage to lose the warthog?
Well they miraculously made the jump but then the idiots hopped out and walked back effectively leaving the warthog impossible to reach.

They then proceeded to walk around the same area for the next 20 hours.

Two things here.

I want to see them make it through the library.

And I want to see them do the final run on the pillar.
Ohoho they'll definitely never make it that far

If some dude could beat dark souls on a guitar hero controller then I'm sure the collective scatter brained hive mind of twitch could beat Halo.

Gaming / Re: Just beat Ornstein and Smough solo in Dark Souls.
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:23:34 AM »
Just killed Nito. Fukd up the spooky skeletons with the Silver Knight Spear then went to town on him with muh Claymore.

Gaming / Re: Twitch plays Halo
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:16:39 AM »
The host had to reset the second level since somehow they managed to lose the warthog and it was impossible to proceed.


Nevermind taking 12 hours to get past a bridge or even beating the first level, how did they even manage to lose the warthog?
Well they miraculously made the jump but then the idiots hopped out and walked back effectively leaving the warthog impossible to reach.

They then proceeded to walk around the same area for the next 20 hours.

Two things here.

I want to see them make it through the library.

And I want to see them do the final run on the pillar.

« on: February 28, 2015, 11:13:34 AM »
getting looser and loooser and looooser and looooose

Hotdog down a hallway?

« on: February 28, 2015, 11:12:14 AM »
Zesty is what cancer would be like if it were a person.

Are you sure? Cancer is usually lethal and stands a chance of seriously harming the one afflicted. Zesty is more of a slow burn. Like aids or HIV. He just wittles you down and then everything else beats on ya.
Doesn't cancer slowly eat away at the body until it kills you?

Essentially. But HIV/AIDs does the same thing, except it's never the direct result of death. It wittles you down and then everything else finishes you off.

Zesty's not potent enough to be considered a cancer. Just a nag really. Bits and pieces of his posts eat away at your brain cells silently and then it's the big stuff that finishes you off. Tumblr and feminazi's and such.

Plus, HIV/Aids are spread through infection. Zesty's not clean and internal like caner.

He's an infection.

You make a compelling point there.
But can we stop this infection from spreading?

Flamethrowers and copious amounts of boobs. Assuming right now I can think and remember straight, zesty's the one that likes little boys.

Boobs and fire ought to do the trick.

Gaming / Re: Twitch plays Halo
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:10:46 AM »
The host had to reset the second level since somehow they managed to lose the warthog and it was impossible to proceed.


Nevermind taking 12 hours to get past a bridge or even beating the first level, how did they even manage to lose the warthog?

« on: February 28, 2015, 11:07:09 AM »
Zesty is what cancer would be like if it were a person.

Are you sure? Cancer is usually lethal and stands a chance of seriously harming the one afflicted. Zesty is more of a slow burn. Like aids or HIV. He just wittles you down and then everything else beats on ya.
Doesn't cancer slowly eat away at the body until it kills you?

Essentially. But HIV/AIDs does the same thing, except it's never the direct result of death. It wittles you down and then everything else finishes you off.

Zesty's not potent enough to be considered a cancer. Just a nag really. Bits and pieces of his posts eat away at your brain cells silently and then it's the big stuff that finishes you off. Tumblr and feminazi's and such.

Plus, HIV/Aids are spread through infection. Zesty's not clean and internal like caner.

He's an infection.

« on: February 28, 2015, 10:59:31 AM »
Zesty is what cancer would be like if it were a person.

Are you sure? Cancer is usually lethal and stands a chance of seriously harming the one afflicted. Zesty is more of a slow burn. Like aids or HIV. He just wittles you down and then everything else beats on ya.

« on: February 28, 2015, 10:54:07 AM »

How is this beating a dead horse? Pretty much nobody makes threads about me.

Shhh. It's not a horse.

« on: February 28, 2015, 10:48:34 AM »

The Flood / Re: A laugh happens much easier when you're able to relate
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:40:27 AM »

The Flood / Re: What I've learned in my time here
« on: February 28, 2015, 01:42:57 AM »
It'll be like that generally wherever you go. Heyo, maybe sep7agon should start selling tshirts. I'll toss my hat in for the first slogan.

"Debate me."

The Flood / Re: So whats with the anger here?
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:55:32 PM »

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 08:39:51 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.
It's dishonorable and unsportsmanlike.

You can play for fun and have some friendly competition.

Of course that's unhealthy. It's not true competition.

That's a crock of shit and you know it. In fact it's on oxymoron.

You call it dishonorable and unsportsmanlike but then do a 180 and say it's not true competition.

"Competition in biology, ecology, and sociology, is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc., for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, mates, for prestige, recognition, awards, or group or social status, for leadership."

That's the internet term for competition. Wikipedia. If Wiki's not a credible source then I'll break out a paper dictionary for you. That definition can encompass just about anything. A race with a friend. A game of darts. Archery. Who can lift the most. Anything really.

So. Your term?

"True Competition?"

It's macho bullshit. There is no true competition. That's an illusion. And that's what's disfunctional about sports. The macho bullshit, the "I'm a big man on the field" attitude.

Give me a fucking break.
LOL What are you a fucking pacifist?

Steroids and hurting your opponent in a sport is wrong. Sports are sports, not war. True competition is winning honorably. Just because people avoid doing so and cheat doesn't mean cheating is true completion, don't skew what I'm saying.

Like I just told you. True competition is an illusion. There is no fucking true competition because the very definition of competition itself is a contest between people or other organisms between practically anything in a clash. It's a contest of any kind.

And no I'm not a pacifist. I like to believe that you do your best to avoid conflict as much as possible because let's face it, the feeling of pain, isn't exactly fun.

But if somebody jumps me in a fight? I will do anything necessary to end the fight as soon as possible. And that includes what people would consider breaking "honour rules" because those are an illusion, a set of viewpoints and perspectives created by people.
What the fuck are you talking about? I'm talking about sports, not a street brawl. Obviously you do whatever to defend yourself.

The same as your so called "true competition."

There is no such thing as a one, true, defining competition that stands above all others. Because if there was, then the truest form of competition would be the maximum limit it could be pushed to.

Sports are not the maximum limit to be certain.

But, then again, this argument is pointless anyway. The world spins around the way it does. And who am I to stop it? I'm just a dude in a field. Folks will always do what they do because it's their choice. And, naturally, they'll believe what they want as well. Doesn't make it any less archaic and stupid.

But the power of choice right? If we were all the same there wouldn't be any competition now would there?

By rights you could call this whole stretch of conversation a competition because of clashing viewpoints.

But is it any less of a competition than sports? Any less of a competition then two countries fighting one another for power or land?

No. It's a form of competition. Plain and simple. There is no superior competition.

And with that I say bon voyage for now. Things to do and work to be done.

Do me a favor and at least understand that as far as true competition is concerned, if there was a list and a tier of competitions written out by god or somebody, sports would be laughably low on the tier. Or if you want, stick with true competition, but be aware that true competition would likely better fit the definition of life itself. Not kicking a ball around on a field while you're boosted on drugs and playing for money, or if you're an "honourable gentlemen."
"True competition" means fair and honorable competition. I'm not talking about raw fighting and accomplishing your objective at all costs.

We're talking sports. Let's either stay on topic or just whatever.

Right, going off tangent here, straying into philosophy.

Heyo, I've played sports before. And there's no reason, no sane, practical, logical reason that somebody can't do something in a competitive nature and have fun. There's no reason why you can't have fun, while being competitive and call it competitive because of the simple universal definition of competition.

And folks can do what they like. I mean some sports can be genuinely fun to be sure.

But look at the culture they spawn. Look at the people that play them and how absolutely ridiculous things have become. You know what? It's almost on parallel with the internet.

Everybody has their serious hats on over sports when you don't need to take it seriously. In fact you don't have to take competition seriously to still compete and give it your best. You don't have to get upset and beat the shit out of other players or be a fan and start a riot because your fucking team lost.

And that's the problem. It's not so much the sports as it is the wrong kind of emphasis they encourage on the wrong kind of competition these days.

To put it best, this dude sums it up best.


The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:53:42 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.
It's dishonorable and unsportsmanlike.

You can play for fun and have some friendly competition.

Of course that's unhealthy. It's not true competition.

That's a crock of shit and you know it. In fact it's on oxymoron.

You call it dishonorable and unsportsmanlike but then do a 180 and say it's not true competition.

"Competition in biology, ecology, and sociology, is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc., for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, mates, for prestige, recognition, awards, or group or social status, for leadership."

That's the internet term for competition. Wikipedia. If Wiki's not a credible source then I'll break out a paper dictionary for you. That definition can encompass just about anything. A race with a friend. A game of darts. Archery. Who can lift the most. Anything really.

So. Your term?

"True Competition?"

It's macho bullshit. There is no true competition. That's an illusion. And that's what's disfunctional about sports. The macho bullshit, the "I'm a big man on the field" attitude.

Give me a fucking break.
LOL What are you a fucking pacifist?

Steroids and hurting your opponent in a sport is wrong. Sports are sports, not war. True competition is winning honorably. Just because people avoid doing so and cheat doesn't mean cheating is true completion, don't skew what I'm saying.

Like I just told you. True competition is an illusion. There is no fucking true competition because the very definition of competition itself is a contest between people or other organisms between practically anything in a clash. It's a contest of any kind.

And no I'm not a pacifist. I like to believe that you do your best to avoid conflict as much as possible because let's face it, the feeling of pain, isn't exactly fun.

But if somebody jumps me in a fight? I will do anything necessary to end the fight as soon as possible. And that includes what people would consider breaking "honour rules" because those are an illusion, a set of viewpoints and perspectives created by people.

The same as your so called "true competition."

There is no such thing as a one, true, defining competition that stands above all others. Because if there was, then the truest form of competition would be the maximum limit it could be pushed to.

Sports are not the maximum limit to be certain.

But, then again, this argument is pointless anyway. The world spins around the way it does. And who am I to stop it? I'm just a dude in a field. Folks will always do what they do because it's their choice. And, naturally, they'll believe what they want as well. Doesn't make it any less archaic and stupid.

But the power of choice right? If we were all the same there wouldn't be any competition now would there?

By rights you could call this whole stretch of conversation a competition because of clashing viewpoints.

But is it any less of a competition than sports? Any less of a competition then two countries fighting one another for power or land?

No. It's a form of competition. Plain and simple. There is no superior competition.

And with that I say bon voyage for now. Things to do and work to be done.

Do me a favor and at least understand that as far as true competition is concerned, if there was a list and a tier of competitions written out by god or somebody, sports would be laughably low on the tier. Or if you want, stick with true competition, but be aware that true competition would likely better fit the definition of life itself. Not kicking a ball around on a field while you're boosted on drugs and playing for money, or if you're an "honourable gentlemen."

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:21:17 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.
It's dishonorable and unsportsmanlike.

You can play for fun and have some friendly competition.

Of course that's unhealthy. It's not true competition.

That's a crock of shit and you know it. In fact it's on oxymoron.

You call it dishonorable and unsportsmanlike but then do a 180 and say it's not true competition.

"Competition in biology, ecology, and sociology, is a contest between organisms, animals, individuals, groups, etc., for territory, a niche, or a location of resources, for resources and goods, mates, for prestige, recognition, awards, or group or social status, for leadership."

That's the internet term for competition. Wikipedia. If Wiki's not a credible source then I'll break out a paper dictionary for you. That definition can encompass just about anything. A race with a friend. A game of darts. Archery. Who can lift the most. Anything really.

So. Your term?

"True Competition?"

It's macho bullshit. There is no true competition. That's an illusion. And that's what's disfunctional about sports. The macho bullshit, the "I'm a big man on the field" attitude.

Give me a fucking break.

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 07:10:48 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.

Hockey fights are for a reason. You obviously don't know much about the sport.

Steroids had nothing to do with competition and everything to do with getting paid big bucks.


Yep. Okay. Beating the shit out of each other is part of the game on ice. Having actual deaths on the ice is about the sport. Look at the sense it makes. Yes there's contact.

No, beating the shit out of each other on the ice is not part of the sport, because if it was, THEN WHY BOTHER WEARING PADDING AT THAT POINT.

And steroids? Well fuck, if it's all about the money then the competition obviosuly just fucked itself down the drain didn't it?

I honestly can't wrap my head around this shit. It doesn't make sense. There's competition. It's a natural thing. You compete, do your best, and then whatever the outcome, that's that. Sports these days endorse the wrong kind of competition, and if you want proof of that, look at the riots. Look at the drug abuse. Look at deaths on the field and unnecessary violence.

That's called stupid competion. It's unhealthy. Anything that results in that much pain, that much injury, and overall that much hassle, is stupid competition.

You can have competition without being a gladiator. Which is honestly what most sports these days seem like with half the players on the field out to beat the shit out of each other or maim one another.

May as well just drop the act and say fuck it.

We're still too stupid to have any semblance of normal, functioning people. Fuck it. To the death gladiator arenas. Stop beating around the bush and saying it's a mans sport and it's competitive when true competition is, as challenger puts it, win at any cost.

How about survive at any cost.

Tell ya what PSU.

Do something revolutionary. Clean up all these shitty sports and do something manly instead. Make a push for gladitorial arenas.
Sandtrap I have no idea what you mean. But I completely disagree with you.

Then that's your call. The line is simple. Competition is fine. But the competition modern sports like to induce is ludicrous. There's competition that makes sense, and there's competition that doesn't.

I want you to stop and take a look this scenario. You're on the ice. You're playing a game of hockey. A rival player comes up to the back of you, and illegally lashes out at you with his stick, aimed right into the back of your neck. It snaps your neck and you're dead.

Imagine that. Imagine how stupid the other player had to be to do that. And for what? What reason? Give me a sane, logical explanation.

Give me a sane, logical explanation as to why the fuck players on the field feel the need to beat each other senseless over the competition of kicking or throwing a ball/puck.

Why the players feel the need to abuse drugs, not for the competition but for the money.

Why the fans demonstrate "loyalty" by rioting, to a team who has no loyalty because players trade hands like coins every year.

It's illogical. I live in a world of old men. I live in a world of stories. And the stories they've told me, of old sports, old hockey, it was nothing like today. Yeah, there was violence. People got hurt. Those things happen. But never the amount of violence you see today, even with all the rules, regulations, and padding.

It's absurd. I'm fine with sports. I've played sports in a competitive manner where the whole match was tense as fuck and everybody did their best, tried their best. And nobody had to beat the shit out of each other to play the game.

Remember that word?


We play games for our entertainment, watch games for entertainment. And clearly, all the bullshit that comes with modern day sports is what people OK nowadays. Well, put simply, fuck people. They want to beat the shit out of each other over a puck and a net? Well, may as well let them. Modern natural selection at work.

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:49:30 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.

Hockey fights are for a reason. You obviously don't know much about the sport.

Steroids had nothing to do with competition and everything to do with getting paid big bucks.


Yep. Okay. Beating the shit out of each other is part of the game on ice. Having actual deaths on the ice is about the sport. Look at the sense it makes. Yes there's contact.

But no, beating the shit out of each other on the ice is not part of the sport, because if it was, THEN WHY BOTHER WEARING PADDING AT THAT POINT.

And steroids? Well fuck, if it's all about the money then the competition obviosuly just fucked itself down the drain didn't it?

I honestly can't wrap my head around this shit. It doesn't make sense. There's competition. It's a natural thing. You compete, do your best, and then whatever the outcome, that's that. Sports these days endorse the wrong kind of competition, and if you want proof of that, look at the riots. Look at the drug abuse. Look at deaths on the field and unnecessary violence.

That's called stupid competion. It's unhealthy. Anything that results in that much pain, that much injury, and overall that much hassle, is stupid competition.

You can have competition without being a gladiator. Which is honestly what most sports these days seem like with half the players on the field out to beat the shit out of each other or maim one another.

May as well just drop the act and say fuck it.

We're still too stupid to have any semblance of normal, functioning people. Fuck it. To the death gladiator arenas. Stop beating around the bush and saying it's a mans sport and it's competitive when true competition is, as challenger puts it, win at any cost.

How about survive at any cost.

Tell ya what PSU.

Do something revolutionary. Clean up all these shitty sports and do something manly instead. Make a push for to the death gladitorial arenas.

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:12:50 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

And. And don't even get me fucking started on the Competition=win at any cost mindset.

That's bullshit. Okay. We were primitive at some point. Competition was needed to survive. Back then it was a case of "win at any cost."

But now, now that we're supposedly intelligent, you'd think we'd be able to comptete without killing each other or fucking up our bodies with chemicals all to "win" a game of hockey or football?

Are you fucking kidding me with that shit?

Get fucking real here. It's not a fucking gladitorial arena it's a fucking ball.


If you want actual survival competition then fuck, open up to the death gladitorial arenas then.

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 06:01:12 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive.
No such thing. Either you win or you don't.

You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.
That would be playing for fun. A chess tournament would be competitive.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."
Stupid people rioting have nothing to do with athletes and competition.

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.
There's just competition.

Then please, enlighten me about hockey fights. Never mind the riots. Let's focus on the players. Getting so pissed off at each other that they deck each other upside the head with hockey sticks.

Coaches actually essentially put "hits" out on rival players. It's been done in football as well. Injure or cripple the other player and they get a pay raise on their check.

And playing for fun. Really? The goal in chess is to win. So fucking naturally, you're going to play to win. That's the very fucking definition of competitive even if it's for fun.

Again. There's normal competition where everybody does their best to win and they have fun with it. And then there's whatever the fuck sports these days have turned into having players taking steroids and shit just to "win."

That's unhealthy competition.

Tell her you found her picture or some shit.

Then tell her she's a big guy.

The Flood / Re: Do you dislike sports?
« on: February 27, 2015, 05:51:02 PM »
Because it is a pointless waste of time, money, and effort and only serves to breed a competitive mindset in youth. Competition is bad.
Competition is the reason we're the dominant species on the planet and the reason you're sitting in a warm home on a computer bitching about everything all day.

Just like how a 600+ pound fat man in a scooter is the height of competitive evolution, right?

I think Verb's talking about over-competitive. You ever play chess? That's a form of competition with your buddy or your partner. It's fun to see who can outplay who especially if you're good matches. And then whoever wins, wins, and that's that. A thank you for shared fun and the challenge.

But sports. You get riots and shit. "Fan loyalty."

There's natural competition and then there's stupid competition.

The Flood / Re: So whats with the anger here?
« on: February 27, 2015, 01:09:00 PM »
You ever dick around with a friend and have nicknames you'd call them? Or just occasionally call them names but it's no offense taken because that's your thing?

That's what the majority of this site it. has thousands of people day in, day out, coming and going. This is a close knit group of people so personalities are known more and as such people are more free with one another. There are only actually a handful of shitheads on the site in general.

Although I don't know why you'd complain about this place when the internet itself is a general cesspool of screaming bullshit. At the very least, for the most part, this place's bullshit is just casual banter save for the occasional drama train that passes through town every now and then.

The Flood / Re: What type of people tend to dislike you?
« on: February 27, 2015, 12:59:57 PM »
Fuck if I even bother trying to guess who at this point. May as well just lump them all into one group and call it the majority.

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