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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: A question for carvers
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:57:36 AM »
It's alive, burn it.

Of course it's alive. It's fucking wood.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:56:17 AM »
Not sure how I feel about several small boards. They won't get a lot of activity.

And that's the issue. It's an issue of, make a board right now and have it stay empty, or have new people show up and find that there's no topic board they can call home in.

But, compared to Offtopic, Serious, and Gaming, the Septagon board is a snail and likewise so is the news board.

But, then again, what if you made boards that were broad?

Instead of, let's say, an anime board, why not a tv and movies board? I'm aware that anime isn't exclusively tv and movies, but most anime talked about here are usually shows. Or, how about an entertainment board?

Entertainment in the sense of comic books, tv, movies, that sort of stuff.

Or an art board that supports anything you could consider art. Music, carving, glass blowing, sketching, digital, model creation and so on?

The broader you design the boards around a certain media, the more flexibility you have. And when new people finally show up, they'll have options to explore that will keep them coming back.

Because lets face it. As a welcoming comittee, offtopic blows ass.

The Flood / A question for carvers
« on: March 01, 2015, 10:48:02 AM »
Lol I'm just kidding, of course there's no other wood carvers on this forum. But on the offchance that there is, any of you ever encounter this issue of sorts before?

I'm sitting in my room and I hear a noise. Like clicks. I figured it was mice. But it didn't stop at noise made and it sounded too obvious. It pissed me off, and I looked around and listened until I found it.

One of my carving blocks of wood clicks.

One could wager that it was either shifting, or there's a REALLY FUCKING LOUD bug inside of it. But turning it around, or upside down doesn't stop it from clicking. Bugs tend to orient themselves with gravity and trees don't have a habit of turning themselves upside down either.

So. Any guesses here old chums?

The Flood / Re: Who Was Your First Friend On
« on: March 01, 2015, 09:42:07 AM »
Paragon Renegade. First person I consistently bumped into and talked to that I had fun with.

The Flood / Re: Can you smell it in the air tonight?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:30:19 PM »

The Flood / Re: So in Halo 2 when the Brutes took over...
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:22:42 PM »
Those were names given by humans to Covie species, not [exclusively] because of rank and standing in the Covenant hierarchy
Then why did the prophets, and also themselves, refer to those species by those names?

Call it english translation for the viewers.

The Flood / Re: So in Halo 2 when the Brutes took over...
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:18:56 PM »
The question I ask is.

Why did they turn into Moonbabies in Reach?

The Flood / Re: Can you smell it in the air tonight?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:12:30 PM »
Really, the only thing I can smell is coffee from downing about two whole pots today while working on my final paper due tomorrow. I can even smell it when pissing. Only 4 out of 12 pages done. :/

I'm just on here right now because I'm mentally sick of looking at learning theories and shit. Probably going to take a shower and get back to work in a bit. Gonna be up most of the night as well since I finished up all my sleeping pills yesterday.

Join the fucking club. I've been living off coffee since 4 o'clock sharp this morning. And I just realized I haven't eaten anything yet today. But I just happened to take a look around and notice that everybody's feeling a little angsty tonight.

The Flood / Re: Can you smell it in the air tonight?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:07:11 PM »
Can you feel the love tonight?

Fuck no. I see a bunch of open wounds and salt.

Strip the salt, flesh the wound.

The Flood / Re: Can you smell it in the air tonight?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:05:37 PM »

The Flood / Can you smell it in the air tonight?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:02:54 PM »

Thar be salt.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a lol at religious arguments?
« on: February 28, 2015, 11:01:32 PM »
Personally I don't understand why we constantly have to bring religion up here.

I think it's quite obvious where most of you stand, that being the "huehuehue look at the unenlightened religious neanderthals huehue" stance. We get it. You don't have to keep shoving it in everyone's face.

Also, I hope you guys comprehend how utterly pretentious and all around unpleasant you come across as when you create entire threads based around mocking those with religious beliefs, and similar activities. Hell, you even act like this to Rocket at times, one of the most tolerant and kind members of this community.

Some people have a belief in a higher moral authority. Fuck them, right??

Grow up.

Well, in a broad sense, ya. Fuck people. Nevermind religious people. Fuck people in general. Let's go the whole 9 yards here. Fuck people.
I'm in agreement to a degree, but I can't help but be irritated by the attempts to ostracize and mock the religious, as practiced by some members of this community.

Rule of thumb with people.

If it's different from you.

It's a piece of shit.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a lol at religious arguments?
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:58:11 PM »
Personally I don't understand why we constantly have to bring religion up here.

I think it's quite obvious where most of you stand, that being the "huehuehue look at the unenlightened religious neanderthals huehue" stance. We get it. You don't have to keep shoving it in everyone's face.

Also, I hope you guys comprehend how utterly pretentious and all around unpleasant you come across as when you create entire threads based around mocking those with religious beliefs, and similar activities. Hell, you even act like this to Rocket at times, one of the most tolerant and kind members of this community.

Some people have a belief in a higher moral authority. Fuck them, right??

Grow up.

Well, in a broad sense, ya. Fuck people. Nevermind religious people. Fuck people in general. Let's go the whole 9 yards here. Fuck people.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a lol at religious arguments?
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:53:54 PM »
I'm not forcing anything.  You guys are just being stubborn.

And here we go.

It's a yes or no answer.  If you don't believe then you're atheists.  I don't think I can explain it much simpler.

And when you ask me this yes or no question, my answer will always be 'maybe'. That's my final decision. I have no good reason to think one way or another regarding such an intangible concept. Demanding that I do isn't going to make me any more inclined to choose black or white.
Listen here you special snowflake aka Jaden Smith, atheism is the lack of belief, so if you do not have a positive belief in a deity you are atheist, more specifically an agnostic atheist.

Except I'm not atheist. I hereby declare that I'm not, seeing as how it's my decision to make and not yours, that I am not atheist.

I also declare that I do not actively follow any particular faith.

Instead, I look at both sides of the argument, nod once, and turn around to leave, calmly giving the finger as I strut away.
That's cool snowflake, but then you're just avoiding the question.  You can say you're not, but if you don't believe in any deities then by definition, whether you wanna accept it or not, you are atheist.

Heyo, I don't know what the fuck is going on here, but it's amusing to see shit being flung around over stupid trivial stuff. So I've a question for you.

What would you call this?

The belief that there is no god or deity, but in some form there is a higher existence and mind as a result of existence itself. Existence itself is essentially a collective intelligence of everything that exists. It's the universe itself. But it is not a god. It could be described as a god, but not in the sense that most people view a god as being a selective being focusing only on human beings.

Because as far as I know, there's no religion for that. No official gathering for it.

But at the same time, it's not atheism.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:35:15 PM »
I think private groups will help bring longevity to the site, as well as a reason for existing, as long as we don't fizzle out and the population doesn't thin in the beginning.

Besides that, I do agree with you that the atmosphere around here (especially The Flood) isn't exactly welcoming to newbies. I mean...I can change the rules and make the punishments more harsh in an attempt to get the folks around here to straighten up and not be so batshit crazy, but no change is going to be welcomed by everyone. I'm not sure exactly what to do regarding this, but it's something I'll continue to think about.

Leave the flood as is. But maybe try the idea of having dedicated boards that have stricter moderation designed to keep things easy going. Like the serious board. Toss in and arts and crafts board maybe, and an anime board so that discussion can funnel into there alongside gaming.

Or, maybe even, work it like anarchy.

Newbies have to hit a post count to enter the flood. So when they show up here, they're greeted with easier going, topic specific boards that they can hang around in and get used to before jumping into the shark pit.

It's not hard. I'll make her climax twice in less then ten minutes.
One of my eyebrows is raised. The other curves downward. One corner of my mouth is pulled upwards.


Gaming / Re: Just beat Ornstein and Smough solo in Dark Souls.
« on: February 28, 2015, 10:19:49 PM »

Never had. But if I did, making said partner happy would be my priority. And, likewise, if they were anything like me then I could hope they'd be focused on making me happy. But I wouldn't care much if they weren't.

The way most sex is portrayed nowadays is guys coming in, having their fun, and then pissing off. Intimacy is something special when you know how to push your partner's buttons and you do.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:36:26 PM »
IMO I think we could accomplish the kind of specialised posting by simply merging hobby/job stuff with serious. I mean, it would boost the PPH in serious and bring a more reasoned coffee room atmosphere with which new members could enjoy.

You have to take into account something though. Most hobby stuff around here is for lack of a better term, slow. The Meta train has no breaks. You put art and hobby stuff in there and it'll be buried under god save the queen, ISIS being ISIS, and political parties being shreked or stupid.

The Flood / Re: Want to have a lol at religious arguments?
« on: February 28, 2015, 09:33:39 PM »
Can I just....put my head down and not look?

1. I've lost weight. An unhealthy amount. Returning to healthy range for me.
2. I'd wager most people in person would call me a nice guy.
3. I'm strongest in one on one conversations, even with strangers
4. I'm cheery. Have been told I've a good sense of humor.
5. I am introverted and I can be shy, but I'd wager that I'm far from uninteresting.
6. At the rate I run around and sweat, I keep clean and tidy.
7. I don't give two shits about getting into pants.

I contradict your statement and replace it with my own because I know why I am currently on my own.

There are currently just over one million people total in my province.

60% of them are over their 40s. That makes 600,000 old people.
130,000 natives live on reserves in the province. And they stick to them.
The remaining, roughly 300,000 people are divided into male bachelors, and married young couples with a small portion, being roughly 40-50,000 give or take, are people from ages 1-20.

The majority of that population is centered around cities, of which I do not live in. Coupled with who I am, what and how I think, and the way that I live my life, among my own generation I am a rarity, even more so considering I live in a hick province.

Mathematically speaking, my odds are fucked not because of your things listed, but because distance, the small population of young people my age, and finding somebody that I can get along with who has a solid head, are small.

So. I live on my own. Relying on chance and luck for me, to bump into somebody interesting, just seems like setting myself up for bullshit.

In short, fuck people.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:58:52 PM »
some people might not want to this place to get too large (not me)
I'd like more people, but at the same time, too big is bad.
Faceless hordes like on B.Old isn't too attractive after the interactions I've had here.

The idea isn't to become a big name giant then. But at the same time it'd be nice if new folks showed up. We need to have some sort of a name for ourselves and something that can attract people, keep them staying, and importantly, keep them coming back.

Play to the strong suits. At the core of this site, if you took everybody here, and on, and threw them all into one school, this group would be the equivalent to the outcasts. It's a mixed bag of people that just don't quite fit in anywhere else.

With a little work I'd wager we could pick up more drifters as we go along. But the place has to be ready for them first. As it stands right now, this place isn't done yet. Still a work in progress.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:53:22 PM »
Planned content. Scheduled

Podcast and small YouTube isn't getting anywhere without help.

Aha. But again. What is this place? The epitome of random people. Organization is hard. Planning, especially. We plan game nights and people are still late. People get interrupted.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: February 28, 2015, 08:27:29 PM »
So the real issue here, is creating a community that welcomes people when they finally show up here.

Unless the new people we get love being called nigger faggots, they're not going to feel welcomed.

And unless they've got a decent area to hang around in, then they won't want to show up here either. For example. Meta lives in the serious board. That's his home. I'd bet you if we didn't have that board and political stuff wasn't allowed anywhere else on the site, Meta would probably dissappear.

So, two fronts to work on. Boards that support interests, and rules in those boards that create a nice welcoming environment. As it stands, the flood has been the free for all forum of sorts. Certainly not exactly the best place for newbies now is it?

The Flood / Re: 10,000 years from now...
« on: February 28, 2015, 07:33:17 PM »
Millions, if not billions.

Serious / Re: Lesbian parents start sex change for their 8 year old boy
« on: February 28, 2015, 03:57:42 PM »
Discuss what exactly?

DIY sex change

And? That article's got a coating of dust on it from a few years back, so what's happened has already happened. Are we gonna discuss why we think it's immoral? Or we gonna discuss why we don't think it's immoral?

No. No we're not. All I see here is midget kicking up dust for some apparent reason and watching it settle. What the fuck is there to discuss here when no doubt the kid in the article is already going through some measure of treatments?

Are we gonna raise our swords and revolt because of this horrid display of whatever? Go all justice warrior and save that poor kid? Fuck no we're not. Old news, dead news, and the transgender/sex change horse has been beaten and fucked about 12 times over past its expiry date here.

So I ask what's left to discuss here? There's nothing. Just old dust.

Yeah reflecting on history to improve ourselves is bad, we should never learn psssssshhhhtht

So how are you going to improve yourself with that little bit of history then, hmm? What mind blowing self revelations will you encounter upon reflecting on parents taking a cautious approach with their child on an already slippery slope in society concerning somebody who just simply doesn't feel right in their body?

What will you make us, as a society, learn from this? How shall we improve ourselves with this fantastic, hidden knowledge that until now remained buried like the long forgotten corpse of some pharoh in egypt?

Simple answer. Nothing.

If anything, we're poor at learning from history since the first world war was the "war to end all wars" and not even a few decades later arguably the worst conflict in our records of history shows up, world war II.

And all the way up to now ISIS is running around emulating the very same thing that was fought against in the second world war. No, reflecting only works on singular people. Self reflection accomplishes wonders with people and themselves.

Reflecting on history? It doesn't do much today.

So the question shows up yet again, sticking on the topic at hand.

What's there to discuss here? Jack shit. Two people, with a kid, having troubles and tough decisions to make, made a call like every other parent before them. Whether it works or not, who the fuck can say. Story of everybody's lives.

The Flood / Re: I love getting mail
« on: February 28, 2015, 03:32:51 PM »
If I ever get mail, and I see that it's from my bank, or my insurance, I either toss it onto a pile a look at it later, or I open it, take a quick check, and then toss it in the garbage so I don't have to look at it anymore.

Half the mail I get is shit saying "Nigga the rates are goin' up."

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