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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:06:22 AM »
So I've got a coin flip here.

I can toss this into the serious forum, where maybe all but two people will say anything. Or I can toss it in here. In which case, the train falls off the tracks.

So technically speaking, this thread was dead before it even jumped out of the coffin.

Now I remember why I don't make threads. Nothin' to talk about. And nothing to do but play the waiting game now. Fuck yeah, meme posting.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:56:57 AM »
shit dude im not telling you that private information

Well, I'll make it easy then. You'll know me for starters.

At the most, in a year without outside help from other incomes I make at the most 3500 in restaurant revinue. Assuming I stick with my second job for a few months, that will bump my year's total to 8000-9000, just under the canadian poverty line.

A portion of my income is generated by my mother who owns the restaurant I work at. My room and board is payed so long as I offer my assistance when it asked or needed, and I take up the responsibility of fixing the place when it breaks.

The most amount of money I ever see myself having in one shot is 10,000 bucks.

Lowest amount I wager I could survive off wouldn't be much lower than what I am now.

I don't give a shit about money because if you have it you'll spend it and if you need it you'll find it somehow. But i realize if you've got a foot in society you need some of it, no matter how small.

There you go. Now it's your turn you shy bugger.
i didnt read this post until the bottom line

GG no re

You have the reading capability of a 2nd grader. I even did my best to shorten it for you. Fuck man, I'm generous but I'm not the american education system here.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:55:44 AM »
probs around £6-10k a year with my current part time job

The only foxes I've ever seen up here were roadkill. That or I've had the misfortune of driving by truckloads of dead ones from friendly neighborhood cross country hunters.

Money is relatively boring but hopefully I'm asking questions that get people talking. And I just lobbed out personal information of mine so the sharks can take it apart and go "hur you're an attic dweller." No basement in my house.

Now then. Let's talk green shit.

Or if you're canadian rainbow plastic.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:51:48 AM »
shit dude im not telling you that private information

Well, I'll make it easy then. You'll know me for starters.

At the most, in a year without outside help from other incomes I make at the most 3500 in restaurant revinue. Assuming I stick with my second job for a few months, that will bump my year's total to 8000-9000, just under the canadian poverty line.

A portion of my income is generated by my mother who owns the restaurant I work at. My room and board is payed so long as I offer my assistance when it asked or needed, and I take up the responsibility of fixing the place when it breaks.

The most amount of money I ever see myself having in one shot is 10,000 bucks.

Lowest amount I wager I could survive off wouldn't be much lower than what I am now.

I don't give a shit about money because if you have it you'll spend it and if you need it you'll find it somehow. But i realize if you've got a foot in society you need some of it, no matter how small.

There you go. Now it's your turn you shy bugger.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:36:24 AM »
Best of luck with this thread my friend

You think it'll go down in flames? Argueably it could be noted that of all the people on this forum who have jobs, I'm the poorest mother fucker around. I have nothing fancy to upset people with or get them going off on rants of "Ho ho ho you can say that cuzz ur rich."

The Flood / Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 07:32:03 AM »
So. What do I do when I wake up this morning and find that I don't go to work today because machines are broken down? What do I do when I've got fuck all to do and I really wanna talk but it's all depressive bullshit? Instead, let's ask questions.

More specifically, questions about you folks.

What's your estimated yearly income?

Is part of your income still generated by parents/family?

Realistically speaking, what's the most amount of money you ever imagine yourself having in your hands at one time?

What's the lowest amount of money you think you could survive off of, on your own with no backup or external funds?

To what extent and how much do you value money?

The Flood / Re: Eating cold French fries AMA
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:23:57 AM »

The Flood / Re: so what's everyone doing for spring break?
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:10:39 AM »
Nigga I gotta move my ass when spring hits.

Work. More work than now. Double time work basically.

The Flood / Re: so what's everyone doing for spring break?
« on: March 04, 2015, 05:07:35 AM »
Lol what the fuck is spring break? Nigga I gotta move my ass when spring hits. OhWaitYouMeanItsAlreadySpringWhereYouLive.jpeg

Serious / Re: Can you justify your religious beliefs?
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:44:52 AM »
Right. I don't follow any official religion, just a thought of mine that I enjoy thinking about. Maybe I just don't know the terms, but at best, you could just call me half assed faithful. So, I'll explain my personal belief of why I don't believe in "God," but at the same time entertain the idea of a god of sorts.

To me, when I look at the universe, and when I take a look at the structure of reality around us, it just seems to make sense. Everything that exists, does so in a mirrored, clockwork system of levels.

At the base, you have atoms. Fundamental building blocks. Through them, you get everything else. And, not only that.

Through atoms, under the right conditions, you get cells. Put enough cells in conjunction with one another, and you get a living organism. Humans, animals, you name it. So right there, my entire body is composed of atoms. My cells, are composed entirely of atoms, and my body is composed entirely of cells, bringing to life who I am.

But I can neither physically focus on one cell alone and tell it what to do, nor can any cell suddenly look up at me and say, "Holy shit, it's god!"

Apply the clockwork some more and zoom out a bit.

All life on this planet, living, dying, creating connections and ecosystems. All weather on this planet going in cycles and patterns, allowing life itself to flourish and grow. Our one planet, is part of a larger system. Our solar system. A central star and the orbits of all the other planets around it.

Our solar system, in conjunction with other solar systems, make up our entire galaxy. And the universe around us, out there, is composed of a number of so many galaxies that you could practically call it infinite.

So, my belief is that the universe is a form of consciousness. It's alive in some sense. And technically, while you could call that a god, I don't call it a god because it's not a god in the sense that we make gods out to be.

Just like I can't focus on a single cell in my body and talk to it, tell it what to do, and likewise, the cell can never look up and see me, neither can the universe.

And it's not a god because people separate themselves from gods. As if their god stand above them in some pure form. I say, we're part of the system. Because look at everything around us.

We have shape and form from atoms. Those atoms give shape and form to cells, which give shape to us. I say the universe isn't a god. It just simply is. It's a living, vast consciousness that comes from the result of everything else that exists in it.

Who's to say that solar systems and galaxies aren't cell clusters, neurons and vast networks that give life to something more?

Laws of physics and science of course. But, we are creatures of perception. We're locked to our sense of perception of the world around us based on our size, just like an ant, just like a cell.

And there's my justifications.

The Flood / Re: I can't believe I missed the explosion.
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:15:31 AM »
It happens so much it's not even funny anymore
Not true.
Now it's more "ironically funny", over actually funny.
eh I find myself cringing whenever he explodes. He's always saying how he won't do it any more and he's going to change but nope.

Rule of thumb. Don't expect shit from people. If there's a nice indicator of things this place is the actual living incarnation of "I'm going to do this but not really," or, "Say one thing but don't do it."

I dragged my sorry ass back here after a month of self imposed quiet. Noelle shows up every now and again. Vien does too. If anything the flood has a history of people leaving and showing up again due time.

Basically, don't bother taking folk's word on it. Just roll with it.


"Aa'll be back."

The Flood / Re: ...
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:15:19 AM »

What we don't see in the fourth panel is the ear splitting, reality bending soundwave of a monster of a fart as that seemingly non chalant ass pillow lets it rip, promptly covering up said person who fell for the trap with a blanket and calling it a dutch oven.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:11:00 AM »
You know, the funny thing about all this is the hostility itself. Lemon's throwing a hissy fit at the idea of changing anything, because god forbid we as people stop trying to emmulate misery and spread it around.

And Brute's on a broken record of, I'd invite to the party but the party sucks deal.

Is the solution not obvious?

Is it really, really that hard for any of you to figure out?

Don't change the flood. Don't change it or remove it or refine it because traditionally, the flood has always been "that place."

Instead, try to funnel activity of newcomers into friendlier forum sections.

And then, when the new members have had a certain amount of time spent on the site, alongside a certain post count, they gain access to the flood if they want to jump into the mosh pit.

It's that fucking simple.

Hell, when I started showing up around on I lived in the gaming forum for the longest time. And then, when I was ready, I started exploring the flood.

Same principle here, just with some guide lines and direction arrows for newbies so they don't wander into the mosh pit when all they were looking for was the library, so to speak.

The Flood / Re: Well I hope you clowns are fucking happy.
« on: March 04, 2015, 02:01:35 AM »

Clowns are always happy.
Oh yes... yes they are.

Not posting Mr. Giggles.

The Flood / Re: Well I hope you clowns are fucking happy.
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:55:42 AM »

Clowns are always happy.
That's just until they take off the makeup.

That's when they become a sad mime.

The Flood / Re: Well I hope you clowns are fucking happy.
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:53:21 AM »

Clowns are always happy.

The Flood / Re: Why can't Leliana be real?
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:44:01 AM »

"i cri erytim"

Call me skeptical here with a face like that.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:36:47 AM »
Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans

A small part of my soul rots away every time I see someone capitalize the name of a species.

Then buck up and stop being a fucking panzy ass. If your soul goes down the shitter from that then I'd hate to say what'll happen bigger stuff shows up. Something a little heavier on the soul.

I put the blinkers on. Oh wait my bad. It's in neutral. Here. Lemme put it in reverse.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:33:53 AM »
this thread is gay as hell yo

^ Example of an unintelligent primitive human animal.
Intelligent enough to use complex tools and communicate its thoughts.

Think more about these things.

That's considered "intelligent" now? lol.
I'm sorry, do you have a better definition for intelligent lifeforms?

Yes. Human beings that actually know the definition of the word "gay."

Some humans are just as primitive as their ancestors.
Except gay has frequently been used to mean dumb when in the right context for years. You have too many unrealistic standards and such a rigid line of thought.

It's incorrect fucking grammer. Don't say it's correct.

Obsolete against what exactly? Some other species who got farther along? Obsolete against nature when the fact of the matter is we are still very much a part of it and evolution itself?

And again, talking planetary death here. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Let that sink in for a second. Not even counting the actual time they were alive for, plus other living creatures that came before them, the last living dinosaur died 65 million years ago.

Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans, if I remember right, have existed for give or take 200, 300 thousand years. Compared to how long ago the dinosaurs died out, not even counting their lifespan as a species, we're still kids on the block.

And not only that, but before we stepped foot on the planet, our planet has suffered 7 known mass extinctions. When I say mass extinctions we're talking drops from 60% to 95% of all life dying out.

And yet here today, here we are. And even better. Sharks, crocodiles, the celocanth, horshoe crabs.

Those four animals were alive before, during, and after the dinosaurs. And they survived through mass extinctions to see the world today. They evolved, adapted, survived, and here they are. And they didn't even have technology. Just natural stubbornness.

In 1905, the province of Saskatchewan was founded. Roughly 100 years ago. On the wall of my restaurant there is a picture taken of the building I live in now from the 1920's.

From 1905, roughly 100 years ago, from the 1920's when that black and white picture was taken of the very same building I'm living in today that hasn't changed since, technology has accelerated and jumped so far. And it keeps moving. Come 65 years, if I'm still alive, I have no idea what I'll live to see.

You think people who were alive in the 20's knew what they were going to see today either?

The point being is, life is stubborn. Hell, even if you took our planet, and hucked it away from the sun, and the entire planet froze with no heat source, life would survive at the bottom of the oceans. You knock out 95% of all life on the planet with oxygen levels dipping to only 5% content in the air, and life is still here today.

We're not obsolete in any sense.

Just something new. And with being new comes mistakes. Lots of fuck ups. As a species, we've a lot of time left on our clocks just yet.


You've given me something to think about. I'm not so sure if i can debate this.

Oh well allow me to make sure you can't debate it.

You think just because our society has gone through collapses and shifts that it's obsolete? That old empires fell apart and something new took their place? Life is all about cycles. Existence and the universe itself is founded on cycles. Everything collapses. Everything ends. And then from what's left of the pieces, something new is created.

Not only that, but let's take a look at old Human empires.

Because, statistically speaking, the current population of our species on the planet is the highest it's ever been in our history. And throughout our entire history through the collapse of empires, not once was there ever a global, end all collapse. One empire fell, somebody picked up the pieces and made it farther than the last.

It's like a learning process.

You can't learn to succeed if you don't know fuck ups first.

You can't learn to ride a bike without learning that the posibilty exists that you'll fall and wipe out. You can't put your heart on the line and try your luck with someone you think you love without the possibility of having things not work out.

You can't grow as the first actively inventive, creative, and curious species on the planet without making mistakes first.

There will never be this so called end all collapse people are worried about. Our society is too big to take down now. Too interconnected, our numbers too large, the largest in history.

There will always be rough patches.

But that's life. There's always a survivor who comes out on top too. And usually, they improve on what their forefathers lacked. And, not only that, but our technology, our advances in technology in the past arose from conflict.

Present us with a challenge and a conflict, and we start to think about it. We race and push and fight to develop a new technology. To get one step ahead.

What's the big conflict coming up in our future?

Environmental. We're learning that our environment can be affected by what we do because of our cumulative numbers as a species. Not affected changed as in hot or cold, global warming or even climate change.

But accelerated. Earth has a long history of climate ups and downs. Dinosaurs used to live up in the south and north poles. There used to be jungles up there. Climate changes. The only difference is, we're speeding up the rate at which it changes which holds disastrous implications because over a gradual thousand year period life adapts to the changing climate.

So. Our big new challenge that's going to eventually spook us off our asses.

Climate change acceleration.

We might not make the neccessary moves in time to revert what we're doing. But that doesn't mean everybody's just going to keel over and die because the weather changes. Technology will be pushed along to adapt, and maybe even repair or stabilize the damage done.

And then we'll go from there.

Another accident, another mistake. It's all part of a really big learning process.

I think I found one flaw to poke at here, if you don't mind.

What if people never learn?

Good question. Technically speaking, our entire history was founded on individuals. Our entire species isn't smart. Our entire species, didn't one day get up and say "Hey, fellas, wanna learn about nuclear fusion?"

Key individuals did.

So your question, "what if people never learn?" is exactly right. People don't ever learn. Not all of them. But what matters is the key individuals. History shows that if you don't learn from your mistakes, you repeat them. It's like going up to a guy and saying "Hey buddy, maybe if you try doing it this way, you'll have an easier time."

One person might wave you off and keep doing it their way. And naturally, fail. Or do things less efficiently.

And another, who was willing to stop and listen, and think about it, will try it differently. And they'll succeed.

And think about it. We are where we are today based off key individuals. Key people who thought differently. Key people who were smarter, more curious, and more bold than the rest. Not everybody is going to learn.

That's why today 1 in 5 americans don't know that earth orbits the sun.

There's never going to be a unified humanity filled with geniuses. Never going to be a day where everybody is fair, everybody is intelligent, and everybody plays nice.

But what matters is the fact that we keep having special people who push things along for everybody else.

Just like that first human being who discovered that a sharp rock worked pretty good as a tool.

Sandtrap I cannot argue with you. To argue with that would make me an idiot. I applaud you good sir.  :D

As some guy in a field, have a hat.


The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:27:52 AM »
Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans

A small part of my soul rots away every time I see someone capitalize the name of a species.

Then buck up and stop being a fucking panzy ass. If your soul goes down the shitter from that then I'd hate to say what'll happen bigger stuff shows up. Something a little heavier on the soul.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:25:44 AM »
this thread is gay as hell yo

^ Example of an unintelligent primitive human animal.
Intelligent enough to use complex tools and communicate its thoughts.

Think more about these things.

That's considered "intelligent" now? lol.
I'm sorry, do you have a better definition for intelligent lifeforms?

Yes. Human beings that actually know the definition of the word "gay."

Some humans are just as primitive as their ancestors.
Except gay has frequently been used to mean dumb when in the right context for years. You have too many unrealistic standards and such a rigid line of thought.

It's incorrect fucking grammer. Don't say it's correct.

Obsolete against what exactly? Some other species who got farther along? Obsolete against nature when the fact of the matter is we are still very much a part of it and evolution itself?

And again, talking planetary death here. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Let that sink in for a second. Not even counting the actual time they were alive for, plus other living creatures that came before them, the last living dinosaur died 65 million years ago.

Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans, if I remember right, have existed for give or take 200, 300 thousand years. Compared to how long ago the dinosaurs died out, not even counting their lifespan as a species, we're still kids on the block.

And not only that, but before we stepped foot on the planet, our planet has suffered 7 known mass extinctions. When I say mass extinctions we're talking drops from 60% to 95% of all life dying out.

And yet here today, here we are. And even better. Sharks, crocodiles, the celocanth, horshoe crabs.

Those four animals were alive before, during, and after the dinosaurs. And they survived through mass extinctions to see the world today. They evolved, adapted, survived, and here they are. And they didn't even have technology. Just natural stubbornness.

In 1905, the province of Saskatchewan was founded. Roughly 100 years ago. On the wall of my restaurant there is a picture taken of the building I live in now from the 1920's.

From 1905, roughly 100 years ago, from the 1920's when that black and white picture was taken of the very same building I'm living in today that hasn't changed since, technology has accelerated and jumped so far. And it keeps moving. Come 65 years, if I'm still alive, I have no idea what I'll live to see.

You think people who were alive in the 20's knew what they were going to see today either?

The point being is, life is stubborn. Hell, even if you took our planet, and hucked it away from the sun, and the entire planet froze with no heat source, life would survive at the bottom of the oceans. You knock out 95% of all life on the planet with oxygen levels dipping to only 5% content in the air, and life is still here today.

We're not obsolete in any sense.

Just something new. And with being new comes mistakes. Lots of fuck ups. As a species, we've a lot of time left on our clocks just yet.


You've given me something to think about. I'm not so sure if i can debate this.

Oh well allow me to make sure you can't debate it.

You think just because our society has gone through collapses and shifts that it's obsolete? That old empires fell apart and something new took their place? Life is all about cycles. Existence and the universe itself is founded on cycles. Everything collapses. Everything ends. And then from what's left of the pieces, something new is created.

Not only that, but let's take a look at old Human empires.

Because, statistically speaking, the current population of our species on the planet is the highest it's ever been in our history. And throughout our entire history through the collapse of empires, not once was there ever a global, end all collapse. One empire fell, somebody picked up the pieces and made it farther than the last.

It's like a learning process.

You can't learn to succeed if you don't know fuck ups first.

You can't learn to ride a bike without learning that the posibilty exists that you'll fall and wipe out. You can't put your heart on the line and try your luck with someone you think you love without the possibility of having things not work out.

You can't grow as the first actively inventive, creative, and curious species on the planet without making mistakes first.

There will never be this so called end all collapse people are worried about. Our society is too big to take down now. Too interconnected, our numbers too large, the largest in history.

There will always be rough patches.

But that's life. There's always a survivor who comes out on top too. And usually, they improve on what their forefathers lacked. And, not only that, but our technology, our advances in technology in the past arose from conflict.

Present us with a challenge and a conflict, and we start to think about it. We race and push and fight to develop a new technology. To get one step ahead.

What's the big conflict coming up in our future?

Environmental. We're learning that our environment can be affected by what we do because of our cumulative numbers as a species. Not affected changed as in hot or cold, global warming or even climate change.

But accelerated. Earth has a long history of climate ups and downs. Dinosaurs used to live up in the south and north poles. There used to be jungles up there. Climate changes. The only difference is, we're speeding up the rate at which it changes which holds disastrous implications because over a gradual thousand year period life adapts to the changing climate.

So. Our big new challenge that's going to eventually spook us off our asses.

Climate change acceleration.

We might not make the neccessary moves in time to revert what we're doing. But that doesn't mean everybody's just going to keel over and die because the weather changes. Technology will be pushed along to adapt, and maybe even repair or stabilize the damage done.

And then we'll go from there.

Another accident, another mistake. It's all part of a really big learning process.

I think I found one flaw to poke at here, if you don't mind.

What if people never learn?

Good question. Technically speaking, our entire history was founded on individuals. Our entire species isn't smart. Our entire species, didn't one day get up and say "Hey, fellas, wanna learn about nuclear fusion?"

Key individuals did.

So your question, "what if people never learn?" is exactly right. People don't ever learn. Not all of them. But what matters is the key individuals. History shows that if you don't learn from your mistakes, you repeat them. It's like going up to a guy and saying "Hey buddy, maybe if you try doing it this way, you'll have an easier time."

One person might wave you off and keep doing it their way. And naturally, fail. Or do things less efficiently.

And another, who was willing to stop and listen, and think about it, will try it differently. And they'll succeed.

And think about it. We are where we are today based off key individuals. Key people who thought differently. Key people who were smarter, more curious, and more bold than the rest. Not everybody is going to learn.

That's why today 1 in 5 americans don't know that earth orbits the sun.

There's never going to be a unified humanity filled with geniuses. Never going to be a day where everybody is fair, everybody is intelligent, and everybody plays nice.

But what matters is the fact that we keep having special people who push things along for everybody else.

Just like that first human being who discovered that a sharp rock worked pretty good as a tool.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 01:08:09 AM »
this thread is gay as hell yo

^ Example of an unintelligent primitive human animal.
Intelligent enough to use complex tools and communicate its thoughts.

Think more about these things.

That's considered "intelligent" now? lol.
I'm sorry, do you have a better definition for intelligent lifeforms?

Yes. Human beings that actually know the definition of the word "gay."

Some humans are just as primitive as their ancestors.
Except gay has frequently been used to mean dumb when in the right context for years. You have too many unrealistic standards and such a rigid line of thought.

It's incorrect fucking grammer. Don't say it's correct.

Obsolete against what exactly? Some other species who got farther along? Obsolete against nature when the fact of the matter is we are still very much a part of it and evolution itself?

And again, talking planetary death here. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Let that sink in for a second. Not even counting the actual time they were alive for, plus other living creatures that came before them, the last living dinosaur died 65 million years ago.

Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans, if I remember right, have existed for give or take 200, 300 thousand years. Compared to how long ago the dinosaurs died out, not even counting their lifespan as a species, we're still kids on the block.

And not only that, but before we stepped foot on the planet, our planet has suffered 7 known mass extinctions. When I say mass extinctions we're talking drops from 60% to 95% of all life dying out.

And yet here today, here we are. And even better. Sharks, crocodiles, the celocanth, horshoe crabs.

Those four animals were alive before, during, and after the dinosaurs. And they survived through mass extinctions to see the world today. They evolved, adapted, survived, and here they are. And they didn't even have technology. Just natural stubbornness.

In 1905, the province of Saskatchewan was founded. Roughly 100 years ago. On the wall of my restaurant there is a picture taken of the building I live in now from the 1920's.

From 1905, roughly 100 years ago, from the 1920's when that black and white picture was taken of the very same building I'm living in today that hasn't changed since, technology has accelerated and jumped so far. And it keeps moving. Come 65 years, if I'm still alive, I have no idea what I'll live to see.

You think people who were alive in the 20's knew what they were going to see today either?

The point being is, life is stubborn. Hell, even if you took our planet, and hucked it away from the sun, and the entire planet froze with no heat source, life would survive at the bottom of the oceans. You knock out 95% of all life on the planet with oxygen levels dipping to only 5% content in the air, and life is still here today.

We're not obsolete in any sense.

Just something new. And with being new comes mistakes. Lots of fuck ups. As a species, we've a lot of time left on our clocks just yet.


You've given me something to think about. I'm not so sure if i can debate this.

Oh well allow me to make sure you can't debate it.

You think just because our society has gone through collapses and shifts that it's obsolete? That old empires fell apart and something new took their place? Life is all about cycles. Existence and the universe itself is founded on cycles. Everything collapses. Everything ends. And then from what's left of the pieces, something new is created.

Not only that, but let's take a look at old Human empires.

Because, statistically speaking, the current population of our species on the planet is the highest it's ever been in our history. And throughout our entire history through the collapse of empires, not once was there ever a global, end all collapse. One empire fell, somebody picked up the pieces and made it farther than the last.

It's like a learning process.

You can't learn to succeed if you don't know fuck ups first.

You can't learn to ride a bike without learning that the posibilty exists that you'll fall and wipe out. You can't put your heart on the line and try your luck with someone you think you love without the possibility of having things not work out.

You can't grow as the first actively inventive, creative, and curious species on the planet without making mistakes first.

There will never be this so called end all collapse people are worried about. Our society is too big to take down now. Too interconnected, our numbers too large, the largest in history.

There will always be rough patches.

But that's life. There's always a survivor who comes out on top too. And usually, they improve on what their forefathers lacked. And, not only that, but our technology, our advances in technology in the past arose from conflict.

Present us with a challenge and a conflict, and we start to think about it. We race and push and fight to develop a new technology. To get one step ahead.

What's the big conflict coming up in our future?

Environmental. We're learning that our environment can be affected by what we do because of our cumulative numbers as a species. Not affected changed as in hot or cold, global warming or even climate change.

But accelerated. Earth has a long history of climate ups and downs. Dinosaurs used to live up in the south and north poles. There used to be jungles up there. Climate changes. The only difference is, we're speeding up the rate at which it changes which holds disastrous implications because over a gradual thousand year period life adapts to the changing climate.

So. Our big new challenge that's going to eventually spook us off our asses.

Climate change acceleration.

We might not make the neccessary moves in time to revert what we're doing. But that doesn't mean everybody's just going to keel over and die because the weather changes. Technology will be pushed along to adapt, and maybe even repair or stabilize the damage done.

And then we'll go from there.

Another accident, another mistake. It's all part of a really big learning process.

The Flood / Re: The human race is obsolete
« on: March 04, 2015, 12:47:26 AM »
Obsolete against what exactly? Some other species who got farther along? Obsolete against nature when the fact of the matter is we are still very much a part of it and evolution itself?

And again, talking planetary death here. Dinosaurs died out 65 million years ago. Let that sink in for a second. Not even counting the actual time they were alive for, plus other living creatures that came before them, the last living dinosaur died 65 million years ago.

Our species, as relatively "modern" Humans, if I remember right, have existed for give or take 200, 300 thousand years. Compared to how long ago the dinosaurs died out, not even counting their lifespan as a species, we're still kids on the block.

And not only that, but before we stepped foot on the planet, our planet has suffered 7 known mass extinctions. When I say mass extinctions we're talking drops from 60% to 95% of all life dying out.

And yet here today, here we are. And even better. Sharks, crocodiles, the celocanth, horshoe crabs.

Those four animals were alive before, during, and after the dinosaurs. And they survived through mass extinctions to see the world today. They evolved, adapted, survived, and here they are. And they didn't even have technology. Just natural stubbornness.

In 1905, the province of Saskatchewan was founded. Roughly 100 years ago. On the wall of my restaurant there is a picture taken of the building I live in now from the 1920's.

From 1905, roughly 100 years ago, from the 1920's when that black and white picture was taken of the very same building I'm living in today that hasn't changed since, technology has accelerated and jumped so far. And it keeps moving. Come 65 years, if I'm still alive, I have no idea what I'll live to see.

You think people who were alive in the 20's knew what they were going to see today either?

The point being is, life is stubborn. Hell, even if you took our planet, and hucked it away from the sun, and the entire planet froze with no heat source, life would survive at the bottom of the oceans. You knock out 95% of all life on the planet with oxygen levels dipping to only 5% content in the air, and life is still here today.

We're not obsolete in any sense.

Just something new. And with being new comes mistakes. Lots of fuck ups. As a species, we've a lot of time left on our clocks just yet.

The Flood / Re: Do you have a lighter?
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:05:23 PM »
Aye. I have a portable propane stove and a blowtorch in my truck. I can light the torch and give ya a light if you want.

The Flood / Re: *ahem*
« on: March 03, 2015, 07:02:39 PM »
We know.

Am I just tired or did you suddenly show up recently? Seems like I haven't seen your name in a long time.

Gaming / Re: Oh my god, the Rookie is dead!
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:47:55 PM »
I shall also leave this here.


The Flood / Re: Fourth Tragic Death of 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:46:22 PM »
He was a fucking soldier that should have followed orders instead of being a pussy that got his brother in arms killed.

I'm sorry you're too retarded to understand the fundamentals of military conduct, Lemon (and admirals in he shows up)

We should also note that Rookie himself has had experiences with humans killed by other humans(Dirt), and may or may not have killed a human.(police officer working for kingsley)

the insurrection, while being in the background during the war was still a thing. "Rookie" was picked to join Buck's team because of his experience. If Rookie was a greenhorn in some loose sense, then by rights its safe to assume that Buck, and his team have seen some shit previously no?

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:41:09 PM »
Why do we need to grow and do something? What's wrong with doing the digital version of hanging on the block with your buddies?

Because given enough time all your buddies on the block will eventually dissappear. Eventually, ultimately, if this community doesn't grow, ultimately it will recede. There is no middle ground with shit like this. You knock out a big enough domino and things will start to fall down.

The Flood / Re: Fourth Tragic Death of 2015
« on: March 03, 2015, 06:28:50 PM »
TFW Palmer goes into multiple hostile combat zones with no helmet on and still hasn't been shot in the head.


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