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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: TFW you download a new prop pack for Gmod
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:32:03 AM »
Then G-Mod freezes and never works again.

Only if you've got a shitty computer.

The Flood / TFW you download a new prop pack for Gmod
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:22:51 AM »

And it has over 12,000 models.

Gaming / Re: Micky did it on purpouse
« on: March 05, 2015, 07:45:52 AM »
Can we start a trend in Haloverse lore?

Blame Micky.

What makes you assume aliens wouldn't have some form of religion on their planet?

I never mentioned that. And I never assumed they wouldn't. I was just asking a question about what you think our religions would do if their religion was directly opposed by a greater force beyond our planet. Because let's face it, extra terrestrial life forms would pose the most threat to the ideologies people adhere to because primarily they'd be more advanced then our species.

Humans are still number one, but aliens can exist.

Key question here, how could we be number one if an interstellar species shows up on our doorstep boasting technology a hell of a long ways farther along than ours?

Well if they call it bullshit we can set up fedora trade routes

Think about it though. How would any religious faith in general handle being rejected by a xenobiological life forms and tangible, real visitors to our planet?

What would they use to refute themselves since there is no religion on the planet that even mentions the possibility of extraterrestrial life?

The Flood / Re: what's the last thing you bought?
« on: March 04, 2015, 04:50:01 PM »
50 dollars of gas.

Right. This seems serious enough but not quite serious to fit in serious. So I'll roll the dice and see what I get here.

More specifically this question is related to the christian faith aspect of religion. The bible is a human-centric creation, placing humans at the heart of everything, the world was made for them by god to do as they please and so on and so forth.

Now, let's say that by chance, we make first contact. There's an actual starship hanging up in the skies and a species obviously not from this world show up out and about.

Now, I ask, how do you suppose the christain faith would handle this?

Because there is nothing in the bible whatsoever that could likely even be remotely attributed to describing or hinting at a xenobiological life form, therefore rendering the idea of alien life forms to christians as not possible. But, let's give some benifit of the doubt here, and say that the christian population is accepting to these strangers from a strange land.

And they try to say, I dunno, convince said aliens of the christian faith.

My two questions are,

1. Does it not seem a little rickety that the bible is so human-centric and neglects the possibility of other life forms beyond our planet?

2. What do you suppose would happen if said aliens called it a load of bullshit?

Genuine questions here people.

The Flood / Re: Why can't Leliana be real?
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:43:38 AM »
i want her so bad she could be my waifu

Dragon Age: Medieval Waifu Simulator

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:34:10 AM »
What happens if people get all bitchy and usual people routine? Take a look at it and laugh. Because it is funny. It's an old routine that they're stuck on like a broken record and the irony is, while they give you so much shit about yourself, they're the ones living in the past.
Trust me, been doing that for months now.
There's a good deal of people here that really don't know how to let things go.

The problem though, is that these problematic individuals always do everything they can to blow things way out of proportion every single time.

And nothing ever stops you from just turning around, and not even bothering. Walk away. Don't say anything. Just play the ignore game.

What the fuck are they going to do? Shoot you in the back?

It's not a duel for fuck's sake it's some asshole name on a forum saying asshole words. You can shift gears whenever you want to.

I like how supposedly somebody's personal choice matters so much. Even if it were a choice, who the fuck cares?

And of course. Put just about any guy in front of two hot lesbians making out and they'll change their tune pretty quickly. I'd wager it counts for kooks that actively attempt to bash or demonize homosexuality too.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:57:49 AM »
But like I said. What they fuck are they really going to do? Say mean shit? Start trouble? Just laugh it Nuka. Because they're jokes. Walking jokes that are really, just sad people hiding behind their own masks and insecurities that don't have the balls to even acknowledge it or change it.
When I was first outed and actually a few days before that, I was continuously being pressured by some of the mods to just come out so that it would make moderation easier for them. You know, so that they wouldn't have to do damage control every time someone tried to spill the beans.

You know why I didn't? I didn't know if I could handle it. I was afraid it would make me crack and make me break back down into some sort of suicidal state because of everything else I'm fighting off right now. I had a full month until the next anarchy, at least- so at least I had time to recover.

But being outed and learning to combat the people who give me shit for being me is exactly the reason I've turned into a jackass. And that's the issue.

At least you can admit when you're being an ass.

At least I can admit when I'm being a whiny bitch and only making myself more depressed and therefore fucking up what's left of my physical state.
I've always done my best to be aware of my own faults, even if I don't recognized them until later.
I guess you could say that self betterment is a constant goal, but it feels like everything's been going backward the past few months.

Well heyo, we're here now. It's all stages. Now we try going from being angry and pissy to having a sense of humor and just rolling with it.

The past is the past and nothing can or will change that. You've only got here and now to deal with. So, you're here now. What happens if people get all bitchy and usual people routine? Take a look at it and laugh. Because it is funny. It's an old routine that they're stuck on like a broken record and the irony is, while they give you so much shit about yourself, they're the ones living in the past.

The more you push yourself away from what you can't change and move on, the better off you'll be. And really, just go with my philosphy if you want.

Anybody shows up and starts chewing me out? What happens?

Nothing. They said their part and that's that. There's nothing they can do at that point past whether or not I choose to get upset or just play my snarky side or just move on.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:35:51 AM »
Rather than be hostile, just take it as a joke Nuka. Because that's what it all is. One big joke.

Sticks and stones, right? Oh yeah, people being malicious towards me for my situation and my identity is so haha funny.

No. It's not just a joke. It's anything but that.
Reaching out for help from people here was both a huge mistake and really great at the same time. I connected with a lot of great people like yourself, but it also opened me up to a whole new world of shit.

Now before someone asks "Why should you care? Why not just suck it up?"
Because it's personal. It's my own personal life and obviously I had initially kept it secret for good reason. I don't like being treated any differently than any other member, but in the process of getting thrown into the spotlight and stooping to something like accepting donations was both degrading to my "I can do things myself" lifestyle and compromising to my entire online image.

I originally joined this forum and became an active member because I needed the escapism from real life, and it ended up getting dragged into here anyway. I got close to people, opened up to them, they introduced me to other people, they behind my back start telling other people, those people start having issues with each other, and next thing I know I'm sucked into the middle of drama with these people. I talk to them, I try to help. I do good for a while and I'm appreciated. And it works, at least until one of them decides they don't want to listen to what's probably best and they just want to claw each other's faces off. Since I'm in the middle of it they hold it against me.

Rumors spread, shit gets out of hand. Anarchy comes around, and people coordinates attacks against each other. People show their true colors. Insults back and forth, stupid drama and grudges only getting worse and worse, and then you've got idiots like McChubs and Nugtella going around and fucking doxxing people.

Hilarious stuff, right?

Yes, actually. I didn't mean haha funny. I guess I meant my own drab sense of humor that shows up when I'm in a bad way funny.

All of this. All the shitty people on this site or anywhere else. It's all so old and tired, like a one trick pony, that it's actually funny to expect them to play into their stupid bullshit tricks and watch it happen.

It's funny to me, even if it is old and tiring. And I know maybe it's not the way to go for you. I understand, or did, understand being under a mask. And then tuddah, spotlight.

I ride the same boat albiet differently. I'm a fucking wreck Nuka. Compared to what, a good year ago, things were better, things were good.

But since then that's changed a wee bit. I've no more mask either.

But like I said. What they fuck are they really going to do? Say mean shit? Start trouble? Just laugh it Nuka. Because they're jokes. Walking jokes that are really, just sad people hiding behind their own masks and insecurities that don't have the balls to even acknowledge it or change it.

At least you can admit when you're being an ass.

At least I can admit when I'm being a whiny bitch and only making myself more depressed and therefore fucking up what's left of my physical state.

And, at the very least, the both of us may or may not attempt to fight and change that.

But we went off the rails here. Although, maybe not, since an issue in the community is hostility, whether it be actual hostility or percieved hostility.

The Flood / Re: I can't believe I missed the explosion.
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:14:57 AM »
There's a pretty damn good reason why most people have lost complete respect for him.
There is a good reason people do not respect you either.

The salt is in the air today. Good lord it's like everybody woke up on the bad side of the bed.

I can tell anarchy is going to be a fucking blast.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:10:29 AM »
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the

It's a laughable scenario now.

Who ever said that? I was under the impression that sep7agon was always just a haven. A nice little boat to wait out the storm. In which case, we turned the raft into a cruiser and set sail since that storm's only gonna get worse.

So what, we're the last holdout of the honorable Flood, and we're doomed to run for all of time?

How long do we wait? Another ten years? There is no storm more fearsome than the Flood.

We're not anybody. We're just a collection of folks who didn't like the changes over on Bungle. Cheat made a new site for shits and giggles, opened up in town and said "Heyo boys, I've got the best milkshakes in town!"

And now we're here. We named a part of this forum in honour of nostalgia days and a homage to our roots of old. There ain't any going back to what we left behind in the changes.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 10:05:54 AM »
I feel uncomfortable with having anything in the bank.

Why's that?

Save more then 3 months
If I worked in the private sector and didn't have a contract for the next 7 years I'd keep at least 6 months. Right now it's more of a hurricane/disaster/injury fund.

My bank. Fucking crooks the lot of them. I make a habit not to deposit money in that infernal institution if I can help it.

Septagon / Re: Priorities in Community Growth
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:58:11 AM »
I'm well aware that I'm not free of sin here. But hostility does breed more hostility. In my time on this forum I've surprised myself a few times with how much of an ass I can be, but frankly in my shoes as well as others, we were somewhat forced to adapt this was for social survival.

And it kind of makes me sick.
Before I was "uptight" for believing that certain kinds of behaviors weren't okay, and now that I've accepted it as part of the normal forum culture and had to retaliate against it a la anarchy and a certain cannabis lover outing me across here and bnet, I had to grow a significantly thicker skin and learn how to throw back punches so that people wouldn't continue to make a laughing stock out of me. It's fucking draining and most people would've had a public meltdown and rage quit instead.

I've become an asshole so that I keep up with the social hierarchy, due to the fact that I'm a pretty active member. And it's not just me, I've seen other people change too. I've seen friendships destroyed. The culture here is toxic and if it doesn't change I do see myself leaving in the next few months. If it wasn't for that though, I really would love it here. But it's becoming more and more of a drag recently and I don't want anymore.

Well, it comes down to the real question, if you left, would you find any other places better then here? No. This place is a fringe compared to the shitty parts of the internet.

I'd recommend a different mindset though.

I showed up back here after a month of isolation on my own after giving myself a boot in the ass to move. I figured a warm reception would be absent. And I was right.

But at this point, I've adopted something new. I don't, nor ever was fond of stirring trouble. And I don't intend to. So I go about my business as usual here. And if anybody gets bitchy then I can always call on my snarky sense of humor and the fact that I no longer give a shit about people say or think of me.

Please, what the fuck's the worst anybody here could ever do to me? Say mean shit? Fuck that, I'm just fine with saying mean shit about myself internally.

Maybe not the best mindset but it works.

If you get some decent moments, take them as a pleasant surprise. If people don't surprise you and play by their usual idiocy, it's no big deal since it was expected.

Rather than be hostile, just take it as a joke Nuka. Because that's what it all is. One big joke.

However. Jokes are no fun alone. Which is why I figure some thinking needs to be done about new members and what happens to them when they find this place.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:30:20 AM »
Yearly gross income: 55k

None from parents.

Minimum amount to pay my current bills each month: $1,500/month

Max amount on hand: depends on what you mean. I keep a 3 month emergency fund in savings, and try not to keep more than a month's wage in checking. I'd be uncomfortable having more than $20k just sitting in the bank.

I value my money greatly.

I feel uncomfortable with having anything in the bank.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:24:58 AM »
I was under the assumption that at one point Sep7agon would retake the

It's a laughable scenario now.

Who ever said that? I was under the impression that sep7agon was always just a haven. A nice little boat to wait out the storm. In which case, we turned the raft into a cruiser and set sail since that storm's only gonna get worse.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:23:02 AM »
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

It started with Reach. And I'm not just saying that because I'm not a fan of lolReach. At that exact moment in time, the studio changed. Something was off about them.

For starters, I think they were tired of their contract with microsoft. Reach wasn't a swan song as it was Bungie getting ready to flex some new wings because it was the last game they'd be making under microsoft.

It was a testbed. Getting ready for them to try something outside their own established box.

And then they made a mistake. They partnered with Activision. And from there, everything went downhill. But we've seen that in the past, the studio itself could be rather divided on a direction they wanted to take with a game. And with that tendency, it only got worse as members got canned or left under activision.

Funny though. I recognize so many things in Destiny from reach. So many recycled animations.

Makes me not happy about lolReach even further.
I'm with you, but I liked Reach. Recycled animations?

The sprinting animation in Destiny is carbon copy right down to raising the weapon when recovering from sprinting. Reload animations, switching animations and so on.

The jetpack or jump pack, whatever the hell it was, has the exact same weight and gravity as the jetpack in reach, along with the same animation. Melee animations.

Enemy movement patterns. The Fallen have recycled animations from jackals and elites, and some of the bigger Hive aliens have recycled brute animations.

When I stepped into the destiny demo I didn't like how carbon copy it felt. It just felt like they took Reach, slapped some new paint over it, tossed some other stuff in and called their demo a beta when it was actually 25% of the finished game.

I avoided that shit from the get go, as disappointing as it was.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:17:16 AM »
Me personally, before taxes, I make anywhere between 50-75k per year, my wife hits around 125k, so total we make 175-200k a year. I know yall are gonna call me a rich mother fucker, but at least half of that goes to living, the insurance on my cars,  and paying for newer parts and shit so I can keep winning.

Taxes always sap shit. Couple years back I would have made 12,000 from one of my jobs but taxes cut me down to 7500. But honestly I wouldn't even know what to do with even 50k.

But I ride the same boat as you. These are my expenses.

Gas for travel.
Insurance for vehicle.
Occasional repairs.

And I've done the math on the expenses for the restaurant too. Same deal. We lose over half to expenses and taxes and the rest goes to living and other payments. It's a tight rope.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:10:53 AM »
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?
I feel like Bungie have quietly let their flame die. They got in too deep with the industry and some spark of vigour, creativity and good intentions died inside them.

It started with Reach. And I'm not just saying that because I'm not a fan of lolReach. At that exact moment in time, the studio changed. Something was off about them.

For starters, I think they were tired of their contract with microsoft. Reach wasn't a swan song as it was Bungie getting ready to flex some new wings because it was the last game they'd be making under microsoft.

It was a testbed. Getting ready for them to try something outside their own established box.

And then they made a mistake. They partnered with Activision. And from there, everything went downhill. But we've seen that in the past, the studio itself could be rather divided on a direction they wanted to take with a game. And with that tendency, it only got worse as members got canned or left under activision.

Funny though. I recognize so many things in Destiny from reach. So many recycled animations.

Makes me not happy about lolReach even further.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:05:06 AM »
I like to call that the "re-tweet effect" since it's basically what happens on Twitter, and it's probably a user expectation built around what Twitter started. Since many people use twitter, some people do it and then someone else does that. Since newer users are also more likely to have been exposed to different social media platforms they end up following the same trend.

However, due to lack of understanding (and ideas) in user experience design it leads to the effect where people keep doing the same thing, since it's what they learned to do, without understanding that for a forum structure (that should be separate from a social media structure) it's based on actual discussion and not the re-tweet effect.

Had you in mind partially when this went up. Because as far as memory serves, you just sort of showed up here out of the blue. But then again all of us could have bumped into each other previously on Bungie and never known since it's got such a busy community.

But it is rather drab these days isn't it? I've noticed an annoying habit that's started with newbies over there. Quote trains. Somebody says something agreeable and everybody and their grandmother replies to the post by quoting the post itself. You open up a post that's got a lot of replies and all you see is some lazy ass mother fuckers quote jerking the parent post.

And again. What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

Here's an interesting question then. Going beyond here. The internet isn't inherently a bad thing. But, sadly, it is being misused to some degree. Especially with kids. These younger generations of people.....I swear.

And it's startling at how fast it changed. In the span of what? 7-10 years? I am both worried yet curious to see just how crappy the younger generations become as time goes on.

Makes me think considering the influx of newbies to Bungie since Destiny launched. Time doesn't stand still and suddenly the majority of the users here are an older crowd from Bungie's days.

Strange to think about.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:58:48 AM »
I'm pretty sure I've never been as active as I am here anywhere else on the internet, but truth be told...I really have no idea why.

You're a natural avoider of people same as I am. Or in some vague sense, an avoider of spreading too wide. I stuck to bungie because it was the first forum I essentially bumped into across the internet that I picked up on easily enough and found a community there that encompassed a wide variety of things.

I didn't need to go anywhere else on the internet because generally I could find it there if I wanted. News, funny shit, random shit, game discussion, quirky people.

It had a unique charm to it.

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:55:09 AM »
What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

I don't understand it really. I don't see why it's not clear as day. That site and the new trends it took are fucking annoying. Endless scroll posts and the thread merge glitch are annoying as fuck too.

What in the flaming fuck happened to the entirety of Bungie's dev teams?

Where they just silently assassinated in the dark and replaced with shitty people?

The Flood / Re: Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:51:09 AM »
I don't consider any website as a home, really. I really liked some years ago, like Sep7agon now because it was a welcoming place as a gaming forum. After the update I couldn't get around the community any longer and I felt that the connection I had to the community and Bungie's awesome developers was severed entirely.

Had you in mind partially when this went up. Because as far as memory serves, you just sort of showed up here out of the blue. But then again all of us could have bumped into each other previously on Bungie and never known since it's got such a busy community.

But it is rather drab these days isn't it? I've noticed an annoying habit that's started with newbies over there. Quote trains. Somebody says something agreeable and everybody and their grandmother replies to the post by quoting the post itself. You open up a post that's got a lot of replies and all you see is some lazy ass mother fuckers quote jerking the parent post.

And again. What a fucking annoying ass site to navigate now.

The Flood / Bungle.Net
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:38:01 AM »
Just some musings here I suppose. I know there are some people here who cross back and forth between here and there, but if I understand things well enough most of our community is centered here. I've mused on showing up over there again, but funny enough, I enjoy the quiet here.

In the sense that it's not just an endless mob of names you no longer recognize. But at the same time the place just seems unfriendly and uninviting these days. Discouraging. But at the same time I miss that. More along the lines of missing the folks I got to know over there.

Although I'm curious.

Any of you folks call other sites home? Or is this place really all you care to stop by and visit?

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:19:01 AM »
probs around £6-10k a year with my current part time job

The only foxes I've ever seen up here were roadkill. That or I've had the misfortune of driving by truckloads of dead ones from friendly neighborhood cross country hunters.

Money is relatively boring but hopefully I'm asking questions that get people talking. And I just lobbed out personal information of mine so the sharks can take it apart and go "hur you're an attic dweller." No basement in my house.

Now then. Let's talk green shit.

Or if you're canadian rainbow plastic.

Canadian rainbow plastic.
okay but why were you talking to me about foxes?

Oh fucking hell I must be outta my head today. Sleep fuck ups. Meant to reply to ele.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:16:14 AM »
probs around £6-10k a year with my current part time job

The only foxes I've ever seen up here were roadkill. That or I've had the misfortune of driving by truckloads of dead ones from friendly neighborhood cross country hunters.

Money is relatively boring but hopefully I'm asking questions that get people talking. And I just lobbed out personal information of mine so the sharks can take it apart and go "hur you're an attic dweller." No basement in my house.

Now then. Let's talk green shit.

Or if you're canadian rainbow plastic.

Canadian rainbow plastic.

The Flood / Re: Let's talk money
« on: March 04, 2015, 08:11:53 AM »
Most of the income is generated by parents. The lowest amount for me alone would be somewhere around 1200 Euros / month. The most amount? A large sum or a small one. Depends who sees it.

Danka, Isara, for adding something.

Although now I realize I asked boring questions.

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