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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Roughly 20 years ago the internet went up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:59:51 PM »
I wish the internet was never invented

And why is that?

The Flood / Re: Roughly 20 years ago the internet went up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:59:33 PM »
It's impossible to predict the internet's future, but my greatest fear is that it becomes totally commercialised and controlled like every other innovation has, as fucked up as the internet can be it must remain as it is-allow it to find it's own way as it has so far

I do wonder what innovations will come of it in time though. It'll evolve with us as society rolls along.

The Flood / Re: Roughly 20 years ago the internet went up
« on: March 06, 2015, 05:57:31 PM »
Remember that god awful dialing noise that the computer would make when you log on to the internet?

There are some kids here who don't.

No beeping, no screeching

Only internet.

You really were amoosed by my post with Rookie weren't you? Okay, I'll bite. Yeah I remember that fucking sound. How could I not? In fact, I wonder if you could use it as an alarm clock sound.

I haven't watched TV in years. In fact I wouldn't be surprised if it's coming up on 6 or 7. I disconnected our cable a while back. Too much bullshit. Good stuff wasn't worth wading through or searching for.

The Flood / Roughly 20 years ago the internet went up
« on: March 06, 2015, 02:26:45 PM »
I was born in 92 and by then it had just started becoming available for major public usage. In rough, general numbers, public internet is roughly 23-25 years old. So I've a question for you.

Most of the people here were born just before the internet went widespread, or just after. And only a few of us here probably remember days when sitting at a computer wasn't a thing. So, I ask, with how much that has happened in the last roughly 20 years since the internet has went up, how much it accelerated, expanded, grew, evolved, and refined,

what do you think will happen in the next 20 years?

Or, even better, what do you think the world will be like when you're in your 60's?

Something that fascinates me, is talking to older people. Seeing glimpses of what it was like here and how much has changed over time. Technology, and trends move so fast today that it's probable to guess where we're headed, but almost impossible to really tell what will really happen.

But for the sake of curiosity, what are your thoughts on what's coming in the future ahead?

The Flood / Re: What have I missed in the last 3 months?
« on: March 06, 2015, 03:19:19 AM »
Is Kiyo still even here?

Kiyo is kill, son.
So it'd be a sausage-fest. Lovely.

Where did Kiyo go then?

Kiyo cut all ties. As far as I know I'm the only person who can speak to her at this point.

The Flood / Re: Who are your F A V O R I T E SITE members?
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:05:16 AM »
As......redundant, or how to say it, as edgy is it'll sound. Nobody. I can't be arsed for that shit anymore.

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 06, 2015, 12:01:44 AM »
I feel like an old son of a bitch when I look at stuff like this. A good 5-7 years back maybe I would have been more invested about this stuff and made a big huffy.

Now? Not worth it. Never was. And all this pointless whining and bitching only cements my feeling of being an elderly gamer. God damn when the fuck did people just not enjoy a game for what it was? Back before forums were a thing and if something wasn't quite right people just rolled with it.

Jesus fuck gaming communities have become spoiled cunts. At this rate 343 should drop all the coding and materials over to anybody who bitches and just say, "Here's the tools, make what you want with them."

What a fuckin' embarrassment this all is.

"Just be happy for what we have"

Fuck that. I'm tired of being spoon fed SHIT since 2007. Its bullshit.

Then stop buying it like a tool. If you can see it's shit, don't fuckin' buy it.

I played the Destiny "beta" when it launched, and could smell it a mile away that this was something I wanted to avoid. You know what you do when something is shit?

Don't fuckin' buy it. Fighting anything in an aggressive manner will get you nowhere. But I'd bet you if a damn fucking big chunk of the community didn't buy Halo 5, 343's ears would go wide open.

Oh but wait. It's easy to complain and bitch but when it comes down to it all of you people are too lazy and selfish to really stick to your guns and really coordinate and actually do something about it. Bottom line is, no matter what 343 does, no matter how much they cater, they sure as fuck won't appease everybody.

It's just not physically possible. And to the people who are appeased, it's selfish and unfair, unbalanced for the rest who are quiet about their troubles or go unheard because of the louder vocal aspects of the community.

I'd bet you any money even if 343 just dropped everything and followed everything to the letter that forum would still bitch anyway.

Bitching is always easy to do but when it comes actual time to do something and back up your words that entire crowd are a bunch of lazy ass pushovers.

But then again, this isn't my business after all since I don't play shit anymore. My old console's a dust bucket, overrated netflix player. Whatever fun there was to be had in gaming died out a long time ago under either shit products or the entitlement generation communities.

Gaming / Re: Team Beyond Royally Screwed Up
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:49:33 PM »
I feel like an old son of a bitch when I look at stuff like this. A good 5-7 years back maybe I would have been more invested about this stuff and made a big huffy.

Now? Not worth it. Never was. And all this pointless whining and bitching only cements my feeling of being an elderly gamer. God damn when the fuck did people just not enjoy a game for what it was? Back before forums were a thing and if something wasn't quite right people just rolled with it.

Jesus fuck gaming communities have become spoiled cunts. At this rate 343 should drop all the coding and materials over to anybody who bitches and just say, "Here's the tools, make what you want with them."

What a fuckin' embarrassment this all is.

If you complete all nine assignments I will actually go out to the store, and buy a one month gold card for xbox live and give you the code.

But I need proof of completion. No pics, no proof, no free 1 month from yours truly.

The Flood / Re: Fuck people.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:51:48 PM »
>living where there is snow

i dont know why people choose to suffer so much

We're bug free for about 6 months of the year.

No spiders
No flies
No mosquitoes
No locusts
No spruce bugs
Generally nothing that's alive.
you see an easy fix is to just fill your property up with spiders so they eat all the other bugs

No, see, there's a problem with that. There are critters up here that spiders can't kill even if they tried.
have you seen the size of the spiders in Florida?

Have you seen the size and durability of a spruce bug? We're talking a critter than keep going after you've shot it at point blank with a BB gun.

For an insect, that's durable as shit. No spider fangs are going to puncture that exoskeleton unless it's already broken. And we're talking about a really pissy tempered bug that can take chunks out of your skin down to the bone depending on the size of it and piss poor temperment it's in.
so basically you just described the cockroaches of florida

Brothers from the north basically. Except think of a big black or grey bug that likes to fly around and land on your head and get stuck in your hair.

The Flood / Re: Harrison Ford Survives Plane Crash!
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:49:47 PM »
I'm not going to be a downer here. Really trying not to. But critical condition isn't good either.

I'm calling it.
I think they're just sensationalizing it. If he walked away from the crash by himself, I doubt he would just suddenly take a turn for the worst and go into critical condition.

Maybe so. But then again, unexpected shit happens. You think you're in the clear and then boom.
But then again, unexpected shit happens. You think you're in the clear and then boom.

And that's the story of how you were conceived.

Actually I think it was. I can't say you're wrong. It also happens to be the story of sudden heart failure as well.

I've got two out of three. Come on lucky number three. Gimme something good that's unexpected.

The Flood / Re: Harrison Ford Survives Plane Crash!
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:42:44 PM »
I'm not going to be a downer here. Really trying not to. But critical condition isn't good either.

I'm calling it.
I think they're just sensationalizing it. If he walked away from the crash by himself, I doubt he would just suddenly take a turn for the worst and go into critical condition.

Maybe so. But then again, unexpected shit happens. You think you're in the clear and then boom.

The Flood / Re: Fuck people.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:41:01 PM »
>living where there is snow

i dont know why people choose to suffer so much

We're bug free for about 6 months of the year.

No spiders
No flies
No mosquitoes
No locusts
No spruce bugs
Generally nothing that's alive.
you see an easy fix is to just fill your property up with spiders so they eat all the other bugs

No, see, there's a problem with that. There are critters up here that spiders can't kill even if they tried.
have you seen the size of the spiders in Florida?

Have you seen the size and durability of a spruce bug? We're talking a critter than keep going after you've shot it at point blank with a BB gun.

For an insect, that's durable as shit. No spider fangs are going to puncture that exoskeleton unless it's already broken. And we're talking about a really pissy tempered bug that can take chunks out of your skin down to the bone depending on the size of it and piss poor temperment it's in.

The Flood / Re: Fuck people.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:33:10 PM »
>living where there is snow

i dont know why people choose to suffer so much

We're bug free for about 6 months of the year.

No spiders
No flies
No mosquitoes
No locusts
No spruce bugs
Generally nothing that's alive.
you see an easy fix is to just fill your property up with spiders so they eat all the other bugs

No, see, there's a problem with that. There are critters up here that spiders can't kill even if they tried.

The Flood / Re: Fuck people.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:28:53 PM »
>living where there is snow

i dont know why people choose to suffer so much

We're bug free for about 6 months of the year.

No spiders
No flies
No mosquitoes
No locusts
No spruce bugs
Generally nothing that's alive.

The Flood / Re: Fourth Tragic Death of 2015
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:23:38 PM » makes sense in a way, it sounds like Buck and Romeo will make an appearance in Halo 5, but it'd be hard to carry on a secondary character and give him story, when he's a silent protagonist. Youd have to give him a voice and a face that would suit him, but he's meant to be us in a way, and thats hard.

*sips tea*

Heyo, they made it work with Isaac Clark from Dead Space.

The Flood / Re: Harrison Ford Survives Plane Crash!
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:21:50 PM »
I'm not going to be a downer here.
You failed.

That I did. I was going to say trying. No sleep works wonders on your noggin.

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:17:10 PM »
Hey. Wanna hear somethin' funny.

I know where you live.

Approximately 1 hour ago you favorited a picture with two turians in it.

Spooky stuff. Imma stalk you now.
luceous? Firefoxzero, or whatever his name was?

No sir. I remember your account name to be sure and it wasn't that.

And I remember the account name of the one who uploaded said picture with turians. You yourself uploaded some stuff onto your profile a few minutes before I spotted ya.

But I shalln't tell.

The Flood / Re: Harrison Ford Survives Plane Crash!
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:14:44 PM »
I'm not going to be a downer here. Really trying not to. But critical condition isn't good either.

I'm calling it.

As far as I know, Canada's is generally the same. But I stand in the same boat as you. If conscriptions ever went around for some overseas war we have no business in, then I won't go. Only if it's for the defense of the country. And even then, I'm not sure I'd sign up. If there were an invasion in my province I might just grab a weapon and go off on my own. The bigger the group of people, the bigger the target.

However, Canada makes for a poor target for generally anything, which is nice. I won't ever have to jump into any kind of war we have no business in. And likely, never to the defense of our borders either.

I'm not complaining.

The Flood / Re: Fuck people.
« on: March 05, 2015, 06:01:03 PM »
You ever have anybody steal your extension cords that you plug your vehicles into during the winter?

Yeah, fuck those people too.

The Flood / Re: Get 'em while they're hot!
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:53:07 PM »
I raise your pastries with a full pan of cinnamon buns next Wednesday.

The Flood / Re: Finished commission.
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:46:11 PM »
Hey. Wanna hear somethin' funny.

I know where you live.

Approximately 1 hour ago you favorited a picture with two turians in it.

Spooky stuff. Imma stalk you now.

Gaming / Re: Uproar for a Blank Slate
« on: March 05, 2015, 11:39:05 AM »
No checkpoints, no respawns.

Just Rookie.

I'd wager your avatar is the more appropriate reaction. Otherwise I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

That last bit blew my mind.

I mean...there's just Rookie.

There's just Rookie.

I was playing on my glitched the fuck out profile.

Level 325.

300 of every stat.

Stacked with enchantments of every kind to 100%

It was like two gods doing battle.

Gaming / Re: Uproar for a Blank Slate
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:20:47 AM »
No checkpoints, no respawns.

Just Rookie.

I'd wager your avatar is the more appropriate reaction. Otherwise I have no idea what you're trying to say here.

Gaming / Uproar for a Blank Slate
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:06:37 AM »
That's right friends, I'm here to talk a little bit about the recent death of a well known friend of ours in the Haloverse. Rookie. Now, community uproar aside over comrade Mickey's hesitation, and community uproar aside over supposedly bad writing, what I'd like to talk to you about today is the uproar itself.

Because you have to ask the question. Why is everybody upset?

Logically, you could say that people are upset over shitty writing. That's fair. Everybody has their point to make. But why, THIS particular set of writing? Because let's face it. All across the internet, there is bad writing. Or, correctly said, there is unrefined writing. It's everywhere. And people don't get upset about it. They don't get mad at it.

So, why the uproar over this?

I'll tell you why. It has nothing to do with the writing itself. It has nothing to do with Mickey's freeze up. It has to do with the fact, that a character we know, is dead.

And this is the strange part. From a character standpoint, we know little about the Rookie. As a character, Rookie is undefined. We know he served in some skirmishes prior to joining Buck's squad, (Dirt) and that's it. Now, I'm aware that not everybody particularily cared about the death. Some said "meh" and that was that. But others didn't. And this is mainly what and who I'm adressing here.

The Rookie, from a character standpoint, is a blank slate, completely. And yet, at the same time, you have people who are upset over his death. People arguing about it for the now obvious and varied reasons. But the point is, they're arguing. They are arguing, using whatever points they can to justify why Rookie should not be dead right now.

Which, in itself, is denial. People often go through stages when somebody dies. Denial being one of them.

Which again, cements the fact that despite Rookie being a blank slate, as a character, people cared for him.

And that is today's question. Where do you find care for a blank slate? Or more importantly, how?

Through a very strange manner of characterization. Through a very seemingly hit or miss way of telling a story through immersion. For while Rookie had no defined character to love or laugh with, Rookie had something else.

A shared experience.

Through the majority of the game, Halo 3 ODST, we walked through the boots of Rookie. And at first, you might say that as you played through ODST, you didn't feel like Rookie. You felt like you. You were out on the streets of New Mombassa in the night. You were alone, and on your own. You were the one who went through fights that had you gripping the controller because you'd already died once before on Legendary.

And yet, at the same time, we can appreciate subtle hints that you weren't you. Other characters calling you Rookie, reffering to you by a name that wasn't yours. Watching Rookie in cutscenes, and then, being immersed again in his boots in gameplay.

Rookie's fights were your fights. And then, at the end of ODST, you stepped out of his shoes and said goodbye.

But the memories are all still there. Rookie is a special kind of character. He's not a character that can make you laugh or cry. He's not a character with for lack of a better term, character. But he's an immersive character.

He's somebody you shared an experience with. Somebody you got to know on a very personal, yet impersonal level. On legendary, when you cleared those tough fights, when you finally succeeded, Rookie succeeded. Except that Rookie only ever had one life. Meaning that he did his fights in one shot with no failures. Both making you, as a player feel invincible, and Rookie, as a character himself, seemingly invincible.

So, to essentially see him die, in one shot, at the snap of a finger. To be reminded that Rookie was only ever Human. To be reminded that Rookie was somebody else, those fights that you watched, were his, those memories and those experiences of yours, being his.

And then, boom. Immersion broken.

You were no longer the Rookie, and the Rookie was no longer you. But you still have all those memories of his fights.

So at the point of Rookie's death, he became something more. He became a character separate from you. But all the same, a character that you knew very well in person. Can we say that he was a good character, that was loved because of his character? Or hated? Or anything else in between? Maybe not.

But as an immersive character, he was. And the reason why everybody got all up in arms over his death, which is the central reason for all arguments at this point, is because like it or not, we're saying goodbye.

We're saying goodbye to everything that we and Rookie accomplished together.

We're saying goodbye to a blank slate who never spoke, cried, or laughed.

And at the end of the road, we're parting ways with Rookie as an immersive character, and saying hello to a real character, because at the time of his death, it was just him, and him alone.

No checkpoints, no respawns.

Just Rookie.

The Flood / Re: TFW you download a new prop pack for Gmod
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:48:31 AM »
Right. I'm booting this shit up. If I don't make it back.....I'll be making scenebuilds for all eternity.

Gaming / Re: Micky did it on purpouse
« on: March 05, 2015, 08:33:40 AM »
Wait so it was Mickey that killed The Rookie? Thanks for the spoilers. I guess.

No. Mickey just didn't do anything to help him.

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