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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: There's no more incentive to post here
« on: March 11, 2015, 08:01:42 PM »
Do you not self identity as a cunt yourself?

Am I a cunt sometimes? Yes. More so than other people? Yes.

But I don't try to be a cunt. I'm not the petite-sadist you seem to be, getting kicks out of what little power you can drain from your miserable social networks. When I'm a cunt, it's reactive. I'm angry. I'm irritated. When I'm sadistic, it's explosive. I shout. I punch.

I don't report people to the police for a forum post just to make myself feel good. I try to hit a baseline of decency, even if I apparently lack the emotional intelligence to connect with that idea of decency.
Challenger and Nuka don't have baselines of decency. You can't fight fire with a nuclear bomb, only more nukes.

Or you could just, oh, say, I dunno, not fight in the first place. That always helps too. Rather than jump into a fight and cause more bullshit you turn it down. These are forums for fuck's sake.

While people can be dissappointing, their internet voice a tell of what's in their noggins, this isn't a fucking duel in the old west where if you turn your back somebody's going to fucking shoot you.

At the most, have your say. Throw your two cents in if somebody's irking you or you feel like you have something to say on the matter. Don't be a sack of shit. Say what you want to say, and then go from there.

It's not a contest. It's not chucking bombs. It's fucking talking.

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:51:42 PM »
And, one, last word on this PSU. Take a look at the law of majority. What's the general, overall concensus in this thread? Why do you have three, four, five fucking people telling you that your statement is wrong?

Surely, either you must be a genius and you're just seeing what everybody, including trained proffessionals that deal with depression don't.

Or you're just being a stubborn wall of a person who thinks their opinion is 100% correct, 100% fact.

Think about that. But no, don't take the people's words for it because we're just people after all. Rabble forum goers. What could we possibly know about these things when we're not proffessionals?

Then I tell you this instead.

Go to any proffessional who deals with treating depressed people. Go to any person who deals with suicidal depressed people.

And ask them.

And they'll likely tell you a pretty fucking damn close story to what the vast majority of people in this thread have about what depression is, what it does, and why it shows up for people.

And if you're too lazy to pick up a phone, and call a suicide related question center, then you're a lazy fuck.

And if you talk to a proffessional and ask them questions, and listen to their answers, and still think the way you do? Then you're an ignorant fuck.

The proof is in the numbers that outnumber your opinions.

You can't disprove fucking mathematics unless you fuck up an equation.

Mathematically speaking, your opinion and views on suicide count as the number 1.

Every person in here who contradicted your views counts as a number. That makes what, 5-7, maybe 8 people? How about medical proffessionals?

Fuck that's got to be at the very, smallest possible number, 500,000 in the states.

That's on rough estimates here, 500,008 people who would tell you otherwise about your opinions.

Are you seriously fucking telling me that in 500,008 to 1 odds that you're going to be right?

If you do, then holy fuck I'll call you a professional comedian.

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 03:13:02 PM »
I ain't even mad here but jesus fuck talking to walls gets old. Is it not so hard to take a look at logical explanations, presented from experiences from people who either experienced it firsthand or watched firsthand what somebody went through?

Jesus fuck PSU it's dissappointing. You don't seem like a bad guy but your views are skewed. They're inaccurate and based on opinion over experience. Everybody can have their own opinion and everybody can do what the fuck they want, but when you deny something that all the arrows point to in big flashing lights, it's a fucking joke.

It's tiresome and played out. Stop being a predictable lump of a human being and use your god damn head. Remember when I said that depression isn't a root cause.

It can come from just about fucking anywhere. It's affects vary.

Depression isn't a nail that you can just hammer down easy peasy. It's part of the human condition and the human condition is still a mystery because of how varied it is.

Open your fucking eyes and for once, do something different.

Talking to you on this issue is like dealing with all the other assholes around me in my personal life.

Stopping sinking the boat you fuck.

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:59:04 PM »

I'm the one here that actually wants to treat people with depression so they are no longer a threat to others and themselves.

You people seem to like the wait and see approach. All good, when people keep killing themselves for dumb reasons I'll still be here calling them cowards because of how they leave their parents, family and friends asking why.

Wahhhhh my life is so hard. It's sure much harder than that African child who's parents were killed and only wants some clean water and a shelter for the night. Wahhhh so tough being an American. Wah depression. Wah peer pressures. Wahhhh wahhhhh.

Newsflash, if you read and understood what I'd said, you'd now that most people with depression hide it. And they hide it well. You never find out until it's too late, or, through some luck of the draw, they tell somebody and get help.

I just fucking told you they aren't killing themselves because things are hard. Those are only the catalysts to the onset of depression. After that their troubles, no matter how big or small don't matter.

You're not helping anybody by saying, "HUR DUR BUCK UP SON."

That's macho man garbage. You don't treat depressed people like baggage. You show them something worth fighting for. You find them something to hang on to and to pull themselves back up. You show them why the world isn't grey. But you want to be a narrow minded ignorant sack of old sacks?




The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 02:32:38 PM »
"Wahhhh no one understands."

Depression is an experience. It's like having your leg cut into by a chainsaw. You can look at pictures of chainsaw wounds all you want, but until you've had yourself cut by a chainsaw blade, you won't ever truly understand what it feels like or what it is, to be cut by a chainsaw blade.

It would be like me denying that an injury sustained in a sport you favor didn't hurt. It would be like me saying that the athletic nature of that particular sport wasn't difficult or trying to some degree.

So denying what was said here, compressing it into such a boring, meaningless statement, that's so calously predictable of someone like you makes you an ignorant fuck and a fitting image of the steriotypical macho man jock image.

It's pathetic, boring, and outplayed, outlived.

Maybe one day you'll find a note left behind by a loved one who killed themselves. Maybe you'll feel that shock of listening to what they felt inside all that time when they put on a fake face to the entire world. Maybe you'll wake up one morning to find everything you ever enjoyed, liked, even hated, meaning nothing, and you'll sit in a bathtub with a toaster in hand or a gun at your head and you won't feel anything.

And if you do?

Best of fucking luck simply putting on a real genuine smile and saying everything is peachy.

It's archaic, ignorant people like you who refuse to listen, who refuse to understand, who refuse to look past your narrow minded, corridor vision and learn, that are the reason people are so fucked today.

It's embarrassing. But by all means, keep believing what you believe and sticking your head in the sand. It doesn't make the reality of things any less genuine. It just makes you a fool in that regard.

The Flood / Re: >tfw philosophy teacher thinks suicide is cowardly
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:50:25 PM »

Pull up a chair here, sit the fuck down, and let's talk. Opinions are nice things, we all have them. But opinions, are hollow when faced with facts and truth. If there's one thing I know, it's depression. And as I said before. If you haven't been in that state before, if you haven't been that low in your life.

Then your opinion is invalid, misguided, and most of all you're being ignorant in the face of understanding. So let's talk.

What is depression? It's a low spot. Picture emotions and feelings like a line graph. Depression makes all of these lines go downwards. Depression, isn't locked to one form, one root cause. Depression is a natural thing for humans. It comes in different forms, comes from different causes, and has many different effects on people.

The type of depression this thread is acknowledging is suicidal depression. So let's talk about what suicidal depression and what it does to you.

Remember that line graph I mentioned? When you have that form of depression, every single thing goes down. Everything loses merit. Loses impact. Loses interest. Loses connection.

It's all replaced with a shade of grey. When you wake up in the morning, you don't feel like getting up. You just go back to sleep. When you go to sleep at night, you wish that you won't wake up in the morning.

Every single thing around you is lifeless. It holds nothing of value. Being surrounded by all this nothingness makes you tired and played out. Because being surrounded by nothing of value, your life's value dissappears.

Suicidal depressed people aren't a threat to anybody but themselves. Because they don't hate anybody. They don't like anybody. Because to them, doing anything is pointless. They just want to go to sleep. They want to rest.

And they're the best hiders. Because it's all in their head. They can smile. They can laugh. They can do every single thing they normally would be able to do. But inside their head, it's hollow to them. It's acting. It's like old impulses, instinct.

You know what to look like to make people think you're happy. You know all those old impulses but they do nothing for you.

And suicidal people aren't completely like blank slates. They have genuine moments where something stands out to them again. It's like an explosion of colour. Imagine having a gray filter over your eyes in your day. And then somebody, something, suddenly makes a colour. For just a few moments, you remember who you are. You remember all of what you had, all of those old feelings.

And then it dies. That colour dies, fades, and leaves you back in the void.

And every time it happens, it pulls you down piece by piece.

The point here is, and I'm mainly addressing this to you PSU, is that suicidal depression doesn't just show up. You don't wake up one day, and say, "Oh poor me everything is so tough to do, I want to kill myself."

True, suicidal depression is like a slow moving poison. It takes years. It alters your head, your thoughts, your perception, over a very slow, gradual timespan. It's so slow that you don't notice it. You don't pick up on it. And then suddenly, one morning you wake up, and everything is dead to you. And it feels like it's been like that for a very, very long time.

Suicidal depression, at best, can't be described as your own thoughts. You don't look at a challenge and break down and say it's too tough or hard. You look at the challenge, and your altered thinking gives you the question.

"Why? Why bother? Why do this when it won't amount to anything?"

Keep in mind here, we're talking about suicidal depression. This is what suicidal depression is. Generalizing depression is a mistake, and generalizing what and how it affects people is as well.

Suicidal depression, eats away at you. And by the time it's time to put your foot down, take a look at a challenge and say, "fuck it, I can do it, I can beat it and I can win, and I'm doing this for myself,"

There's nothing left of you to say it. There is nothing in your head that gives you motivation because motivation is dead. Happiness, anger, sadness, every single thing you know, is dead.

You feel hollow, dead, and empty, and death to you becomes the only thing left.

Death to you is the only thing left in existence that has colour.

Because when you die, you rest. You rest, and you never have to wake up to the world again.

That is suicidal depression. And until you've ever gone through it, gone through years of it degrading you and eating away at you, and you find yourself standing on a fucking radio tower like I did, hanging over the rails, unafraid of the height, unafraid of the cold, unafraid that your fingers were slipping and that you were going to fall that terrifying distance to the ground and die,

none of you people here understand.

It's not cowardice in the face of adversity. Because you're an empty shell. There's nothing left of you to be afraid, or happy, or scared. You're so empty that crying, actually crying, is dead to you.

That is suicidal depression. And unless any of you people here have gone through it, then sit the fuck down and listen to others who have.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:05:23 PM »
Dead serious, many of you should have your testerone levels checked

But Turk. Everybody's too complacent.

The Flood / Re: flood, help me pick up chicks on tinder
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:03:40 PM »

Just send them this.

The Flood / Re: Sideways Thoughts.
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:02:10 PM »

How do you live?
With the assistance of oxygen and food.
And water. You left out basically the second most important thing.

Actually, what's more important?- oxygen or water?

Water requires oxygen to technically be called water.


The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 11:57:40 AM »
My future is in shambles. "Balance" is something of a pipe dream. I'm just trying to find some kind of niche right now, but  I'm so depressed, I often convince myself that I'm going to be miserable no matter what I do. It's not exactly motivating.

I have no interests or prospects, and wasting time trying to develop any just makes me even more depressed, because I never find anything.

Right cheerful bunch we are under the surface here. And it makes another question. What's wrong?  What's gone so wrong today the majority of our generation is in the shitter?

No hope, no good prospects. Get a job, make money, keel over and die. Use said money to buy pretty shit that makes temporary pockets of happiness. Or even better, chase vainly after money you won't ever have and chase after pretty shit you never will be able to buy.

The story is the same no matter where you look.

Young people, either trying or having given up any hope of doing something they enjoy over simply trying to make it financial wise. No interest, no spark outside essentially, simplistic survival. Everywhere you look, everybody you talk to, it's the same damn thing.

Depressed, nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no hope for any of it, and no way out.

Why has nobody stood up yet and said, "Right, guys, things are fucked, let's get some revisions going."
Nobody cares.

Oho so it's our old friend complacency. Sticking heads in the sand and ignoring what's in front of everybody. The vain hope that it'll just go away like a bad dream.

No wonder there's so many shootings in the states. So many suicides, so many people drinking and smoking, getting lost in drugs and tangled in that mess. And the reason some like me live so far away from it all.

It's depressing to look at. Depressed people, so many of them, all hiding and warped. And none of them have the backbone to get up and not only ask why it goes on like this, but how to fix it. They've the numbers to do anything and yet they've all been raised complacent.

Well Chally.

Here's to me being some fucking guy in a field with a shovel who can't change much but piles of dirt. Cheers on our wondrous society and what it's become.

Imma go the optimist route here and hope, in the future, we got an oxymoron.

A good dictator. Somebody to give everybody a boot in the fucking ass in the right direction. Tough love for their sake but not an asshat like Kimmy Jong.

"You sit down and learn to do something you love or we shoot you."


The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:45:37 AM »
My future is in shambles. "Balance" is something of a pipe dream. I'm just trying to find some kind of niche right now, but  I'm so depressed, I often convince myself that I'm going to be miserable no matter what I do. It's not exactly motivating.

I have no interests or prospects, and wasting time trying to develop any just makes me even more depressed, because I never find anything.

Right cheerful bunch we are under the surface here. And it makes another question. What's wrong?  What's gone so wrong today the majority of our generation is in the shitter?

No hope, no good prospects. Get a job, make money, keel over and die. Use said money to buy pretty shit that makes temporary pockets of happiness. Or even better, chase vainly after money you won't ever have and chase after pretty shit you never will be able to buy.

The story is the same no matter where you look.

Young people, either trying or having given up any hope of doing something they enjoy over simply trying to make it financial wise. No interest, no spark outside essentially, simplistic survival. Everywhere you look, everybody you talk to, it's the same damn thing.

Depressed, nowhere to go, nothing to do, and no hope for any of it, and no way out.

Why has nobody stood up yet and said, "Right, guys, things are fucked, let's get some revisions going."

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 10:35:32 AM »
Just sell drugs.

You're just trying to punt me into the canadian equivalent of walter white.

Funny thing here is, I probably could pass for it.

I've lost some hair over the past few months. I've got an increasingly shitty temperment with people. I am, while not dying, still in no peachy shape, I own a motor home, which I plan on parking in the middle of nowhere, and with all that money I'd just give it to friends and family with no questions asked.

And my beard is still stubbornly intact.

Ye. Let's do some canadian cosplay.

Sorry, Breaking Bad Eh.

I fucking hope not. I need DS4

If you folks didn't already hear it Dead Space was essentially canned after 3. They won't be making 4 anytime soon.

The Flood / Just Occurred to me that this forum.....
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:34:30 AM »
Is essentially the equivalent of my morning middle table of old guys. Everybody here generally knows one another to some degree, everybody's cranky about some shit, and the only thing to discuss is how much shit's falling apart, that, or fuck around.

And the people leaving are just like the old guys at the middle table who pass away.

We need a new business plan gentlemen.

The Flood / Re: Describe your daydreams.......
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:27:26 AM »

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 09:25:43 AM »
Just sell drugs.

You're just trying to punt me into the canadian equivalent of walter white.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:21:52 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
The "how" is just a minor part of it

I can't explain it but I am extremely confident that it will work out

Then play your hand at things. Best you can ever do. If it blows up in your face you can at least say that you tried.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:09:18 AM »
Sandtrap buddy, honestly.
You look at life way too negatively.

How so? How am I looking at it negatively when all I have to do is look and the negativity is there? I'm not looking at it negatively I'm looking at and seeing what's there. The proof is in the people I know.

I can't not look at them and say, "Oh well jeez they're all fucking hunky dory and fine."

Because none of them are. And the evidence is how they act, what they do, and how much they hide.
It's really hard knowing how to respond to you when everything you say is just so...depressing.
Life isn't that much gloom and doom.

Well that's a load of bullshit and you know that. You want a list of undeniable facts about all five of those people I mentioned? Their lives aren't cheery. They never have, never were.

That's what I'm musing on.

How do you jam happy into that equation when so much is apparently fucked? How do you fix that and make it right.

My job to figure out. Not theirs.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 01:06:48 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.


Is this the person #2 you were mentioning? If so, then I really can see why he wouldn't be happy if he were doing that for 11 or more months per year. :/

This rich person is technically number 5. I don't know him personally but I know him because he's the son to person number 1.

And they're not happy. They buy shit all the time. In fact, they still find a way to owe debts because all they do is buy shit to fill that gaping hole in their lives.

They've a family but never see them. They're rich but only because they keep going. And only once a year, maybe twice, do they ever stop, sit down, and go on a vacation for about 3 weeks at the most.

I know five people from the bottom of the scale to the top.

And it's unbelievable to me on thinking about it.

All fucking five of them are unhappy.
That's what happens when you buy objects rather than experiences. And it's a mistake far too many people make in the US. They often complain about not being about to travel as they're looking up an online catalog for useless clothes or shoes they don't even need (irony!!!).

It's a matter of using what resources you have well, and at least 3 of those people you mentioned are blowing their resources away into a cesspool, so of course they aren't going to be happy.

Technically only one is. Person number 5. And that's because as I said. It's filling a hole in them. Imagine it. 18 hours a day, fro monday to saturday.

If you had money, but had to work to keep going, to keep the money going, would you not buy shit too? That's what money is and what it does. If you have it you'll spend it. The only difference is what you're spending it on based on how much you have.

All others I mentioned ave it. Use it as needed but still get fucked over.
Well, I wouldn't buy random crap with it. I'd use it to travel or to move somewhere else.

In all honesty, what does he aim to do with his business? Is he just keeping it going until he has enough money saved up to retire for the rest of is life, or is just going to keep at it until he's 65, and completely worn out.

That's a good question. I'd wager it's go until retirement age. It's not like he doesn't save either.
But what is he saving to? Is he saving for his children, or is he saving based on the false assumption that he'll still want to be active by the time he retires....

He's just saving. That's it. That's it. I mean, barebones, that's fucking it. He's just saving. He's a businessman through and through.
That's.... pretty sad in all honesty. No vision whatsoever. That really makes him no better than the other people you mentioned.

Have you ever considered the possibility that maybe what you want out of life isn't in your community where you live?

Which is where the equation of people comes into play.

Plain, purely, and simple, fuck people. You can't get away from them no matter where you go. You can't get away from their stupid bullshit unless you push yourself into isolation.

However. Don't say, "no better."

All of those people I know where raised by their parents and so on and so forth. All of them were handed their cards in life. You can't change that.

And no, I won't ever leave.

Person number 1 needs my help because they can't manage it all alone. Number 2 needs my help to break free of that rat trap they're stuck in and find something good in their life. Number 3 will eventually need my help and I will always be around to give it. And number 4 is waiting to call on me when they need me because I told them I will always be there.

Number five is two provinces away, and separate from the bunch I mentioned.

Point being. No I won't leave, because using them as examples, what else is there? What road do I bother choosing when all those roads sitting right there as examples to me lead to excess amounts of bullshit.

No, I'm not questioning my life nor am I pondering on how I want to play my hand. I already know what I'm going to do and who I am.

I'm some guy, in a field, with a shovel. Give me a pile of dirt to move all day and I'll move it. Give me people, my friends and family, and I'll dig them out of their graves and do the best I can for them because obviously something got fucked up down the road for all of them.

And that's a wrap. Going for a walk. Pondering on the rather funny fact that if you took person number 2, number 3, and number 5, and combined their collective salaries, counting money spent on expenses, technically speaking, our collective wealth as a family would be millionaires.

Fuck it's a doozy.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:55:59 AM »
Sandtrap buddy, honestly.
You look at life way too negatively.

How so? How am I looking at it negatively when all I have to do is look and the negativity is there? I'm not looking at it negatively I'm looking at and seeing what's there. The proof is in the people I know.

I can't not look at them and say, "Oh well jeez they're all fucking hunky dory and fine."

Because none of them are. And the evidence is how they act, what they do, and how much they hide.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:47:21 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.


Is this the person #2 you were mentioning? If so, then I really can see why he wouldn't be happy if he were doing that for 11 or more months per year. :/

This rich person is technically number 5. I don't know him personally but I know him because he's the son to person number 1.

And they're not happy. They buy shit all the time. In fact, they still find a way to owe debts because all they do is buy shit to fill that gaping hole in their lives.

They've a family but never see them. They're rich but only because they keep going. And only once a year, maybe twice, do they ever stop, sit down, and go on a vacation for about 3 weeks at the most.

I know five people from the bottom of the scale to the top.

And it's unbelievable to me on thinking about it.

All fucking five of them are unhappy.
That's what happens when you buy objects rather than experiences. And it's a mistake far too many people make in the US. They often complain about not being about to travel as they're looking up an online catalog for useless clothes or shoes they don't even need (irony!!!).

It's a matter of using what resources you have well, and at least 3 of those people you mentioned are blowing their resources away into a cesspool, so of course they aren't going to be happy.

Technically only one is. Person number 5. And that's because as I said. It's filling a hole in them. Imagine it. 18 hours a day, fro monday to saturday.

If you had money, but had to work to keep going, to keep the money going, would you not buy shit too? That's what money is and what it does. If you have it you'll spend it. The only difference is what you're spending it on based on how much you have.

All others I mentioned ave it. Use it as needed but still get fucked over.
Well, I wouldn't buy random crap with it. I'd use it to travel or to move somewhere else.

In all honesty, what does he aim to do with his business? Is he just keeping it going until he has enough money saved up to retire for the rest of is life, or is just going to keep at it until he's 65, and completely worn out.

That's a good question. I'd wager it's go until retirement age. It's not like he doesn't save either.
But what is he saving to? Is he saving for his children, or is he saving based on the false assumption that he'll still want to be active by the time he retires....

He's just saving. That's it. That's it. I mean, barebones, that's fucking it. He's just saving. He's a businessman through and through.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:44:40 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.


Is this the person #2 you were mentioning? If so, then I really can see why he wouldn't be happy if he were doing that for 11 or more months per year. :/

This rich person is technically number 5. I don't know him personally but I know him because he's the son to person number 1.

And they're not happy. They buy shit all the time. In fact, they still find a way to owe debts because all they do is buy shit to fill that gaping hole in their lives.

They've a family but never see them. They're rich but only because they keep going. And only once a year, maybe twice, do they ever stop, sit down, and go on a vacation for about 3 weeks at the most.

I know five people from the bottom of the scale to the top.

And it's unbelievable to me on thinking about it.

All fucking five of them are unhappy.
That's what happens when you buy objects rather than experiences. And it's a mistake far too many people make in the US. They often complain about not being about to travel as they're looking up an online catalog for useless clothes or shoes they don't even need (irony!!!).

It's a matter of using what resources you have well, and at least 3 of those people you mentioned are blowing their resources away into a cesspool, so of course they aren't going to be happy.

Technically only one is. Person number 5. And that's because as I said. It's filling a hole in them. Imagine it. 18 hours a day, fro monday to saturday.

If you had money, but had to work to keep going, to keep the money going, would you not buy shit too? That's what money is and what it does. If you have it you'll spend it. The only difference is what you're spending it on based on how much you have.

All others I mentioned ave it. Use it as needed but still get fucked over.
Well, I wouldn't buy random crap with it. I'd use it to travel or to move somewhere else.

In all honesty, what does he aim to do with his business? Is he just keeping it going until he has enough money saved up to retire for the rest of is life, or is just going to keep at it until he's 65, and completely worn out.

That's a good question. I'd wager it's go until retirement age. It's not like he doesn't save either.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:43:25 AM »
A lot of it has to do with not allowing your mind to dwell on the things it wants to dwell on and occupying it with other shit.

Even that. Even that isn't the case. You need to occupy yourself to keep busy. To keep healthy and okay. Work. Do something. But work is always piled on too much these days.
Become one with the robot.

I actually can't get my head around it. I know four people in person, all different levels of wealth on the scales, and a fifth person I haven't met yet.

All trying different approaches, rich or poor, and they're still fucked. It just dawned on me. What do you do with that. Where did all five of them mess up. What's the thing they're missing?
Lack of time to breathe and enjoy life and people to love?

Here's the real funny part. Person number one has a wife and a child. Love is there. More love than I can say for any others I mentioned. But the time, and money needs have them on their feet, always. Even with love person number one is losing ground.

Person number two is alone, always has been alone. They're bitter. Tough personality to get along with.

Person number three, for some reason, is alone as well. Which is strange considering things.

Person number four is trying not to be alone.

Person number five has a family but has so much money and works so much that he doesn't ever even really see them or spend time with them save for time on vacations.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:33:59 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.


Is this the person #2 you were mentioning? If so, then I really can see why he wouldn't be happy if he were doing that for 11 or more months per year. :/

This rich person is technically number 5. I don't know him personally but I know him because he's the son to person number 1.

And they're not happy. They buy shit all the time. In fact, they still find a way to owe debts because all they do is buy shit to fill that gaping hole in their lives.

They've a family but never see them. They're rich but only because they keep going. And only once a year, maybe twice, do they ever stop, sit down, and go on a vacation for about 3 weeks at the most.

I know five people from the bottom of the scale to the top.

And it's unbelievable to me on thinking about it.

All fucking five of them are unhappy.
That's what happens when you buy objects rather than experiences. And it's a mistake far too many people make in the US. They often complain about not being about to travel as they're looking up an online catalog for useless clothes or shoes they don't even need (irony!!!).

It's a matter of using what resources you have well, and at least 3 of those people you mentioned are blowing their resources away into a cesspool, so of course they aren't going to be happy.

Technically only one is. Person number 5. And that's because as I said. It's filling a hole in them. Imagine it. 18 hours a day, fro monday to saturday.

If you had money, but had to work to keep going, to keep the money going, would you not buy shit too? That's what money is and what it does. If you have it you'll spend it. The only difference is what you're spending it on based on how much you have.

All others I mentioned ave it. Use it as needed but still get fucked over.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:28:53 AM »
A lot of it has to do with not allowing your mind to dwell on the things it wants to dwell on and occupying it with other shit.

Even that. Even that isn't the case. You need to occupy yourself to keep busy. To keep healthy and okay. Work. Do something. But work is always piled on too much these days.
Become one with the robot.

I actually can't get my head around it. I know four people in person, all different levels of wealth on the scales, and a fifth person I haven't met yet.

All trying different approaches, rich or poor, and they're still fucked. It just dawned on me. What do you do with that. Where did all five of them mess up. What's the thing they're missing?

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:24:16 AM »
A lot of it has to do with not allowing your mind to dwell on the things it wants to dwell on and occupying it with other shit.

Even that. Even that isn't the case. You need to occupy yourself to keep busy. To keep healthy and okay. Work. Do something. But work is always piled on too much these days.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:22:24 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.


Is this the person #2 you were mentioning? If so, then I really can see why he wouldn't be happy if he were doing that for 11 or more months per year. :/

This rich person is technically number 5. I don't know him personally but I know him because he's the son to person number 1.

And they're not happy. They buy shit all the time. In fact, they still find a way to owe debts because all they do is buy shit to fill that gaping hole in their lives.

They've a family but never see them. They're rich but only because they keep going. And only once a year, maybe twice, do they ever stop, sit down, and go on a vacation for about 3 weeks at the most.

I know five people from the bottom of the scale to the top.

And it's unbelievable to me on thinking about it.

All fucking five of them are unhappy.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:17:17 AM »

I will be happy while earning lots of money. I do not have to choose one or the other

Is that the case? What's your game plan for "earning lots of money?" To give an example. You get 100 dollars for a clean chimney. You work 18 hours a day, and have only sunday's off. You regularily clean on average 10-11 chimney's per day.

And you have a business out of it. You have other people doing it as well and you're definiately pulling in money. Once or twice a year you go down south to mexico with all that money. Go sailing. Whatever.

But 18 hours a day, from monday to to saturday. There's no arguing that there's cost for it all.
Well, with that, you'd be making 1,000-1,100 dollars per day, so you'd only really need to work for 2 months a year to get your average annual wage.

Except that the person I mentioned doesn't stop at two months a year because when you own a chimney busines there is no stopping.

You compete with other businesses and his business is the top business. In order to stay on top, you have to play the game.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:14:39 AM »
I don't find balance. I just try to  deal with what comes at me and push things deep down till I have a break down and just stop.

It's alarming to me because I just had two dangerous conversations with people today, and took a look at two other people in my life and realized how much of a mess it all is.

None of them are succeeding but all of them are radically different in their approaches. It begs the question. Is it any wonder why modern generations are the way they are?
I.. I don't understand..

Person #1: Lives on the principle of trying to be happy but is poor. Unable to go where money can take one. And that happy is fading because of all the arising problems.

Person #2: Doesn't make much money, but more than number 1. But person number 2's time is entirely devoted to it. Person number 2 is not happy.

Person #3: Is a go getter. Is making lots of money, enough that they can afford a lot. But their time is completely spent. They have all this money but they can't do shit with it because they're too busy making money.

Person #4: Doesn't care so much for money, but understands the necessity for it and will work for it, is trying to, but has nobody to hire them.

All four of these people in my life are all different in their approach.

And they're all not happy. What's left standing? What option is there?

And let me add some context here.

Person number 1 is 70. Person number 2 is 56. Person number 3 is 46. Person number 4 is 22.

No matter their age they're all backed into a corner, no matter what they do they're backed into a corner with the same end result no matter how hard they try.

The Flood / Re: Balancing Shit
« on: March 11, 2015, 12:07:43 AM »
I don't find balance. I just try to  deal with what comes at me and push things deep down till I have a break down and just stop.

It's alarming to me because I just had two dangerous conversations with people today, and took a look at two other people in my life and realized how much of a mess it all is.

None of them are succeeding but all of them are radically different in their approaches. It begs the question. Is it any wonder why modern generations are the way they are?
I.. I don't understand..

Person #1: Lives on the principle of trying to be happy but is poor. Unable to go where money can take one. And that happy is fading because of all the arising problems.

Person #2: Doesn't make much money, but more than number 1. But person number 2's time is entirely devoted to it. Person number 2 is not happy.

Person #3: Is a go getter. Is making lots of money, enough that they can afford a lot. But their time is completely spent. They have all this money but they can't do shit with it because they're too busy making money.

Person #4: Doesn't care so much for money, but understands the necessity for it and will work for it, is trying to, but has nobody to hire them.

All four of these people in my life are all different in their approach.

And they're all not happy. What's left standing? What option is there?

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