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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Shit's getting real in Russia really fast....
« on: March 15, 2015, 01:33:30 PM »
If he has been ousted, we just have to hope that he's replaced by someone better rather than someone worse ._.

No joke I'd probably laugh if somebody worse stepped in. Putin is the sort of guy who got shit done. And you can see it in him plain as day. This was somebody who could for the most part, walk their talk.

Compared to the majority of other world leaders out there, Putin was a guy who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

So if somebody took him out, especially killed him, then it would be a telling sign that no, things won't be looking up just yet.
You mean how he fucked up the ruble and kept Russians poor and ignorant while funding terrorists and psycho heads of state.


You mean like how not even three comments up I just stated that I wasn't commenting so much on his leadership or direction skills but more on his transparency and "give no fucks" attitude? He's bold, and doesn't dance around in politics. Doesn't let red tape get in his way.

He's an asshole. Bad at managing his country. But what I mean by get shit done, is the fact he has drive and ambition. Just not the right head for things.

He's not a pushover like other world leaders. He's not all wired up in civilities and pleasantries. He's a barebones, down to business kind of person with no bullshit in between.

Like I said. He's an asshole. But just, ever so slightly admirable because compared to other world leaders out there, he's down to earth in a sense. He's plain.



The Flood / Re: Shit's getting real in Russia really fast....
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:34:23 PM »
If he has been ousted, we just have to hope that he's replaced by someone better rather than someone worse ._.

No joke I'd probably laugh if somebody worse stepped in. Putin is the sort of guy who got shit done. And you can see it in him plain as day. This was somebody who could for the most part, walk their talk.

Compared to the majority of other world leaders out there, Putin was a guy who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

So if somebody took him out, especially killed him, then it would be a telling sign that no, things won't be looking up just yet.
If by "get things done" you mean tank the Russian economy, sure.

I wasn't commenting on his leadership skills or direction.

I was commenting on the fact that he's a very up front, and personal sort of leader. He doesn't hide shit. He's not so much a politician as he is somebody who says, "Okay, factory workers giving shit. Shoot a few and get them back on the job."

You can see it his composure. He's cold.

Obviously, no, he's not making his country sunshine and rainbows. But he's trying to hold onto his power ruthlessly and he's not afraid to step on people to do so. He's an asshole.

But it's just a bit respectable when compared to other world leaders out there.

Obama's clogged in the shit house of congress.

Steven Harper just bends over.

What would Putin do in either of their shoes?

Probably shoot whoever was being a problem.

The Flood / Re: Here are some pics of my 2002 Audi A6 Allraod.
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:27:57 PM »
Watcha mean, was?

I still have mine. 92 Ford Ranger. Not as heavy duty as other trucks but it gets things done. Had it for 5 years now. I intend to fix it when it breaks.

The Flood / Re: Shit's getting real in Russia really fast....
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:22:39 PM »
If he has been ousted, we just have to hope that he's replaced by someone better rather than someone worse ._.

No joke I'd probably laugh if somebody worse stepped in. Putin is the sort of guy who got shit done. And you can see it in him plain as day. This was somebody who could for the most part, walk their talk.

Compared to the majority of other world leaders out there, Putin was a guy who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

So if somebody took him out, especially killed him, then it would be a telling sign that no, things won't be looking up just yet.

The Flood / Re: How much life do you think Sep7agon has left?
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:18:59 PM »
Here's my wager. So long as Cheat's entertained or has the funds to keep it going, then this place will keep going. And I honestly think that it will.

Look at how shitty Bungie.Net is. And it's still rolling. I mean, fuck, if that place can still stand up on two legs, then surely this place can as well.


What I do think will happen, over time, is that people will leave. Members will become busy. Life will interrupt or they'll grow tired of spending so much time here. And they'll slow down, or hang their hat up.

But in their place, no doubt, new folks will show up. It's exactly like Bungie.Net in the wake of the exodus of a fair number of the older members.

New ones arrived to take their place.

Barring any great drama shitstorm aside, or some legal action, I figure this place will be around for a while. It's just that some faces won't be around forever.
I visited Bnet and wanted to stab myself in the hands.

And yet despite how shitty it is. There it is.

Even though the drama and shit stirring here can be tiresome, we're certainly not as low on the bar as the current state of affairs over there.

The Flood / Re: How much life do you think Sep7agon has left?
« on: March 15, 2015, 12:07:47 PM »
Here's my wager. So long as Cheat's entertained or has the funds to keep it going, then this place will keep going. And I honestly think that it will.

Look at how shitty Bungie.Net is. And it's still rolling. I mean, fuck, if that place can still stand up on two legs, then surely this place can as well.


What I do think will happen, over time, is that people will leave. Members will become busy. Life will interrupt or they'll grow tired of spending so much time here. And they'll slow down, or hang their hat up.

But in their place, no doubt, new folks will show up. It's exactly like Bungie.Net in the wake of the exodus of a fair number of the older members.

New ones arrived to take their place.

Barring any great drama shitstorm aside, or some legal action, I figure this place will be around for a while. It's just that some faces won't be around forever.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: March 15, 2015, 07:21:45 AM »
Right. I suppose I'll dump this here. Another opening to one of my stories in progress.

To the inheritor of my duty, my work, and my life. This letter is addressed to you, whoever you may be. I have my assurances that I know who you are, but one can never be so sure after all. I, Cromwell Hume, now impart upon you the deed and title of “Gravekeeper.” You, who so reads this letter, are now part of a writ, a pact, and should always swear faithfully to your duty.

As a gravekeeper, you now find yourself as the owner and caretaker of Coldshore Cemetery. Your job as a keeper is simple. Maintain the Cemetery. Keep its graves undisturbed and free of intruders. And, most importantly, when the dead rise, put them to rest.

Be aware, that the dead are not to be treated and shuffled back into their rest like instruments or simple blunt objects. Sometimes, the soul forgets that it is dead, and returns to what it finds comfort in. The dead you deal with, are people.

Some of them, like all people, will have different ways of responding to you. Some will not heed reason, will not listen, because they are mad. They’ve no sense left in them and so all that remains is violence. Put these souls to rest with a strong arm and a sharp blade.

Some will be curious, returning to the world they’ve been away from for so long. Bribe them. Give them trinkets, offerings, and they will happily return to their graves to tinker, and then rest.

Some will feel the surge of life in their old bones, and seek to flee. To run and escape. Coldshore is surrounded by wards, and so they never will. Chase them down and play their games with them. Eventually, they will tire, and return to rest.

And, of all who are the most troublesome, are those souls who are lonely. Why they are lonely, it never has been known. Do not strike them with a blade. Do not bribe them with trinkets. Do not play games with them. Your job, as a keeper of the dead, is compassion and understanding.

Listen to these souls. Give them comfort, if you can, for they are lost and have no one to light the way for them. Grab a lantern, and walk with them, all the way to their home. And then put them to rest.

And finally, be aware of the strongest. Souls who do not need to return to their body. Souls that force our world to bend for them, if only slightly. These souls are the most detached. They will wander the grounds, or the river. They will scream a wail that curls your blood. They will yell in a rage that rattles your very bones.

And they will kill you if they lay sight of you. They act as beacons for others, and seek to draw other souls to them, so that they may sustain their temporary life. Your best and most final option for dealing with these souls is to avoid them, and cut them off from their food source.

Put the dead to rest that are drawn to them like moths to a flame. And you shall put out the wail and fire of the Banshee as well.

I, Cromwell Hume, wish you the best of luck. The life of a Gravekeeper is that of being alone. But if you are succeeding me, then it shalln’t worry the likes of you no doubt, for a Gravekeeper is the mirror image of death in life. You shy away from others and likely led a shallow, tiring life before this job seemed like anything a sane man would do. Something to make you tired of the world.

But take heart. The dead who walk Coldshore can have more life in them than you’d ever expect. There are days when they renew your faith in the people you’ve abandoned. In the world you hide from.

Treat the dead with respect, and be kind to them.

And they will take care of you more than you can ever expect.

Best of luck, yours in confidence, Cromwell Hume, now, ex-Gravekeeper.

The Flood / Re: What do you guys think of Netflix?
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:24:32 AM »
For the 10 dollar price tag, it's acceptable.

But I get Canadian Netflix.

The Netflix where over half the content is slashed and removed because of some gobbledygook regulations or some shit.

The Flood / Re: What happened to Wyld
« on: March 15, 2015, 06:22:06 AM »
I can't be arsed to remember old names or to be even fully sure who you're referring to. But, it's probably the same old story as usual.

People roll forwards. Time finds itself in shorter incriments for people. And the changing of the old site, didn't sit right with a lot of people.

I call it quits now for the evening. Lock or ban or whatever. Can't send a PM so I'll put it where it can be seen.

So why not work on them right now? Why post, all that you've posted in the last hour? When you could be doing something?


Because this place is your routine. It's a comfort zone. A buffer. Except that your buffer is backfiring. You're fed up of things. Fed up of being here and being greeted by people you don't enjoy who don't enjoy you.

Can you tell me this last hour wasn't a complete waste of your time?

I can tell you, that on my end, I'm only typing this with one hand as I eat my supper. I'm only here because that's about all I can do to eat and multitask at the same time. As soon as I'm done this last bit of what I'm eating, I'll be gone to work on things of mine.

But I didn't waste this hour.

I didn't spend it trying to get a raise out of people to make myself feel better like a troll. I didn't spend it moping around like my depressive, overpowering side these days. I didn't spend it shitposting the most random thought that came up into my head.

I spent it talking to you because you're spending your time here caught in a trap and you know it. Instead, why not focus on your work? Why not make something special, and post it here when you're done?

Or why not, just keep doing your projects, in peace and quiet?

No need to make the posts you made here because they were wasted time, with no benifit for yourself.

Time is precious. Don't waste moments of your life with bullshit, and bulshitting on a forum.

Make your time count as much as you can.

And there we go. I'm done eating. You won't see me again tonight. I bid you farewell and leave the choice and thinking up to you.

You're the only one who can change your life. The only one who can put your foot down and say no. The only one who can choose to break out of your cycle.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:47:14 PM »
And, not only that. Not even counting the fact that it's all so predictable, but you're following your own pattern right now. I'd give it two weeks. Maybe three. Before you start to crack again and then you get real pissy.

You've gone up and put your walls up now, like you have before, with some sense of humor, some sense that your care free attitude will deflect things away from your person. When it won't. In fact it'll just perpetrate things.

The more you react, the more it edges people on. The more they bite and snap, the closer you get to having that one person fire off something that breaks through those cracks of yours and sets you off.

Honestly. All I can say is this.

If you're posting, for the sake of perpetrating your own viscous circle.

If you're posting in some attempt to keep your walls up, like you have before.

If you're posting here because you think you can beat it, that you won't fall apart, that you won't be a mess, that you won't continue the trend of "you vs everybody."

Then stop. That's it. That's all there is to it. There is, always, a time to stop, think, and put your foot down.

Call it quits. Go off, and do something constructive with your time. Don't sit around here and stew in bullshit.

Get up, rip yourself free of it, and make something of yourself instead.

There is nothing better for me to do. I did join here originally to be a part of everyone, before I was considered to be a joke. Too bad I can't unwind time and prevent all the bullshit that occurred 10 months ago.

It doesn't matter if I'm even here or not. It's going to keep going. People won't let it die. I'm not here a fight it.

This is me pretty much surrendering to it. The white flag. A truce.

At this point I have absolutely nothing to lose aside from this resurrected account, and I can always switch IP's. It's not hard.

Why perpetrate it. Why? Because it's the easiest road to take. You've nothing to do otherwise?

Then fix it.

Don't take the easy road on this. Because it's just so easy to go onto the internet and make people upset. It's just so easy, to take five minutes out of your spare time, to write something with the intent of making somebody upset.

What does that say, of people's heads? What does that say of them, when they choose that?

Some will say, that, "Oh, boo hoo, it's only the internet."

But they're wrong. They're so wrong that it's not even funny. While it is the internet, what they're saying are words. They're saying words with the intent to upset, to annoy, and aggravate. Because they know people out there will fall for it.

And it's not the people's fault who fall for it. Because our entire language, everything we are, is words.

Music is written down on sheets. Music that cheers you up. Music that puts you down.

Movies, TV shows with characters that make you cry and laugh, were written by somebody.

Books, beloved by people, kids, adults, you name it, were written.

And all of those written things, make people feel something. Those words, create something in people. So while people may laugh and say, "Oh it's not serious, it's just a joke."

They're the one's who're fucked. They're the ones who take joking around too far. And they do it all because they're safe. Because there's little to no consequence. They do it because it's easy. They do it because quite far down inside, in that sub conscious of theirs, they are, with no doubt, weak of will. Essentially, cowards in hiding.

Don't take the easy road on this because it's insulting. It's running away. And not only that but it's not an escape. It never is. Life will always pull at you no matter how far you run.

Instead of wasting your time here, your days, your hours, time of your life that you can never, ever get back.

Get up and fix things instead. Fix things, in your life that you don't agree with. Work on it. Fight it. Because spending time here, like this, will do more harm than good.

Sandtrap you are correct with many of the things said here, but in this case, with Sep7agon, it is just the internet. There's no point in trying to make a change if the rest of the community won't make a change themselves.

Oh but you don't see the point. You missed my point.

Why are you here? Why am I here? Why are, every single person who's maintened some presence on this site, here?

Some come to laugh at posts. To joke around and take it easy. Some come on here to start trouble. Some come here, to write what's on there head. Talk about what they know, and share with people talk on similar subjects.


90% of the people here, have something wrong in their lives. Some may know it plain as day. Some may hide from it and tell themselves and delude themselves that it's all cheer and fine. That they're superior.

And what can they do here?

Talk to a stranger from across the world. Talk to a friend, from across the world.

Find a comfort in their lives in talking. And this is irrefutable because if they didn't take any sort of comfort from talking here, then nobody would post here.

I'll tell you why I'm still here. I'm sentimental. As solitary as I am, as much as I'd just like to be own my own, I am alone. And it doesn't sit right with me. I'm alone with my troubles. Alone with my ideas. Alone and completely alone.

There's a hole in my life that can be temporarily filled, by coming here, and talking to people.

Because it puts my head at ease of the reality that I sit in. It's a comfort. A routine. A familiarity.

And it's the same for you. There's a hole in your life. And you're avoiding it, by coming here. By staying here, glued to the screen. And do you know why you explode? Why you get upset?

Because you know that you're glued to the screen. You know that you're running away from it. You know, that no matter how much time you spend here, good, or bad, that you're still stuck in your rut.

And it frustrates you. Because you become aware of it, just barely. You become aware that you're wasting your time here when you should, and could, be doing something else in your life.

You say it's just the internet but it's a lot more than that.

I'm not saying to fix the community. I'm not saying to try and make this place better.

I'm saying wake up.

So... you want me to just leave?

Key thing here. Did I leave? Did Gojira leave? Did Smiggles leave? Think of people who don't post very often anymore. They don't post, because they're busy. Their lives are moving. They post, from rarely, to not often. But they've still a presence here.

No I'm not saying to leave. I haven't left entirely. I'm working two jobs. My life is going to be busy this spring and summer. But It's rather obvious to see, that I'm not posting as frequently anymore. I still come back, because I enjoy coming back. You don't have to be broken inside to post small talk, and enjoy some time with people over the internet.

But what I'm doing, at least I can say it of myself, is focusing on myself. Focusing on my time. Focusing on what I can do with my time instead of coming here. Focusing on what I can fix and how I can fight it.

I'm not saying to leave. I'm saying to look at your, personal life, and do something better. Find something to occupy your time. Something constructive. Something fun. Something that makes you happy.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:32:38 PM »
And, not only that. Not even counting the fact that it's all so predictable, but you're following your own pattern right now. I'd give it two weeks. Maybe three. Before you start to crack again and then you get real pissy.

You've gone up and put your walls up now, like you have before, with some sense of humor, some sense that your care free attitude will deflect things away from your person. When it won't. In fact it'll just perpetrate things.

The more you react, the more it edges people on. The more they bite and snap, the closer you get to having that one person fire off something that breaks through those cracks of yours and sets you off.

Honestly. All I can say is this.

If you're posting, for the sake of perpetrating your own viscous circle.

If you're posting in some attempt to keep your walls up, like you have before.

If you're posting here because you think you can beat it, that you won't fall apart, that you won't be a mess, that you won't continue the trend of "you vs everybody."

Then stop. That's it. That's all there is to it. There is, always, a time to stop, think, and put your foot down.

Call it quits. Go off, and do something constructive with your time. Don't sit around here and stew in bullshit.

Get up, rip yourself free of it, and make something of yourself instead.

There is nothing better for me to do. I did join here originally to be a part of everyone, before I was considered to be a joke. Too bad I can't unwind time and prevent all the bullshit that occurred 10 months ago.

It doesn't matter if I'm even here or not. It's going to keep going. People won't let it die. I'm not here a fight it.

This is me pretty much surrendering to it. The white flag. A truce.

At this point I have absolutely nothing to lose aside from this resurrected account, and I can always switch IP's. It's not hard.

Why perpetrate it. Why? Because it's the easiest road to take. You've nothing to do otherwise?

Then fix it.

Don't take the easy road on this. Because it's just so easy to go onto the internet and make people upset. It's just so easy, to take five minutes out of your spare time, to write something with the intent of making somebody upset.

What does that say, of people's heads? What does that say of them, when they choose that?

Some will say, that, "Oh, boo hoo, it's only the internet."

But they're wrong. They're so wrong that it's not even funny. While it is the internet, what they're saying are words. They're saying words with the intent to upset, to annoy, and aggravate. Because they know people out there will fall for it.

And it's not the people's fault who fall for it. Because our entire language, everything we are, is words.

Music is written down on sheets. Music that cheers you up. Music that puts you down.

Movies, TV shows with characters that make you cry and laugh, were written by somebody.

Books, beloved by people, kids, adults, you name it, were written.

And all of those written things, make people feel something. Those words, create something in people. So while people may laugh and say, "Oh it's not serious, it's just a joke."

They're the one's who're fucked. They're the ones who take joking around too far. And they do it all because they're safe. Because there's little to no consequence. They do it because it's easy. They do it because quite far down inside, in that sub conscious of theirs, they are, with no doubt, weak of will. Essentially, cowards in hiding.

Don't take the easy road on this because it's insulting. It's running away. And not only that but it's not an escape. It never is. Life will always pull at you no matter how far you run.

Instead of wasting your time here, your days, your hours, time of your life that you can never, ever get back.

Get up and fix things instead. Fix things, in your life that you don't agree with. Work on it. Fight it. Because spending time here, like this, will do more harm than good.

Sandtrap you are correct with many of the things said here, but in this case, with Sep7agon, it is just the internet. There's no point in trying to make a change if the rest of the community won't make a change themselves.

Oh but you don't see the point. You missed my point.

Why are you here? Why am I here? Why are, every single person who's maintened some presence on this site, here?

Some come to laugh at posts. To joke around and take it easy. Some come on here to start trouble. Some come here, to write what's on there head. Talk about what they know, and share with people talk on similar subjects.


90% of the people here, have something wrong in their lives. Some may know it plain as day. Some may hide from it and tell themselves and delude themselves that it's all cheer and fine. That they're superior.

And what can they do here?

Talk to a stranger from across the world. Talk to a friend, from across the world.

Find a comfort in their lives in talking. And this is irrefutable because if they didn't take any sort of comfort from talking here, then nobody would post here.

I'll tell you why I'm still here. I'm sentimental. As solitary as I am, as much as I'd just like to be own my own, I am alone. And it doesn't sit right with me. I'm alone with my troubles. Alone with my ideas. Alone and completely alone.

There's a hole in my life that can be temporarily filled, by coming here, and talking to people.

Because it puts my head at ease of the reality that I sit in. It's a comfort. A routine. A familiarity.

And it's the same for you. There's a hole in your life. And you're avoiding it, by coming here. By staying here, glued to the screen. And do you know why you explode? Why you get upset?

Because you know that you're glued to the screen. You know that you're running away from it. You know, that no matter how much time you spend here, good, or bad, that you're still stuck in your rut.

And it frustrates you. Because you become aware of it, just barely. You become aware that you're wasting your time here when you should, and could, be doing something else in your life.

You say it's just the internet but it's a lot more than that.

I'm not saying to fix the community. I'm not saying to try and make this place better.

I'm saying wake up.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 07:12:33 PM »
And, not only that. Not even counting the fact that it's all so predictable, but you're following your own pattern right now. I'd give it two weeks. Maybe three. Before you start to crack again and then you get real pissy.

You've gone up and put your walls up now, like you have before, with some sense of humor, some sense that your care free attitude will deflect things away from your person. When it won't. In fact it'll just perpetrate things.

The more you react, the more it edges people on. The more they bite and snap, the closer you get to having that one person fire off something that breaks through those cracks of yours and sets you off.

Honestly. All I can say is this.

If you're posting, for the sake of perpetrating your own viscous circle.

If you're posting in some attempt to keep your walls up, like you have before.

If you're posting here because you think you can beat it, that you won't fall apart, that you won't be a mess, that you won't continue the trend of "you vs everybody."

Then stop. That's it. That's all there is to it. There is, always, a time to stop, think, and put your foot down.

Call it quits. Go off, and do something constructive with your time. Don't sit around here and stew in bullshit.

Get up, rip yourself free of it, and make something of yourself instead.

There is nothing better for me to do. I did join here originally to be a part of everyone, before I was considered to be a joke. Too bad I can't unwind time and prevent all the bullshit that occurred 10 months ago.

It doesn't matter if I'm even here or not. It's going to keep going. People won't let it die. I'm not here a fight it.

This is me pretty much surrendering to it. The white flag. A truce.

At this point I have absolutely nothing to lose aside from this resurrected account, and I can always switch IP's. It's not hard.

Why perpetrate it. Why? Because it's the easiest road to take. You've nothing to do otherwise?

Then fix it.

Don't take the easy road on this. Because it's just so easy to go onto the internet and make people upset. It's just so easy, to take five minutes out of your spare time, to write something with the intent of making somebody upset.

What does that say, of people's heads? What does that say of them, when they choose that?

Some will say, that, "Oh, boo hoo, it's only the internet."

But they're wrong. They're so wrong that it's not even funny. While it is the internet, what they're saying are words. They're saying words with the intent to upset, to annoy, and aggravate. Because they know people out there will fall for it.

And it's not the people's fault who fall for it. Because our entire language, everything we are, is words.

Music is written down on sheets. Music that cheers you up. Music that puts you down.

Movies, TV shows with characters that make you cry and laugh, were written by somebody.

Books, beloved by people, kids, adults, you name it, were written.

And all of those written things, make people feel something. Those words, create something in people. So while people may laugh and say, "Oh it's not serious, it's just a joke."

They're the one's who're fucked. They're the ones who take joking around too far. And they do it all because they're safe. Because there's little to no consequence. They do it because it's easy. They do it because quite far down inside, in that sub conscious of theirs, they are, with no doubt, weak of will. Essentially, cowards in hiding.

Don't take the easy road on this because it's insulting. It's running away. And not only that but it's not an escape. It never is. Life will always pull at you no matter how far you run.

Instead of wasting your time here, your days, your hours, time of your life that you can never, ever get back.

Get up and fix things instead. Fix things, in your life that you don't agree with. Work on it. Fight it. Because spending time here, like this, will do more harm than good.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:54:41 PM »
And, not only that. Not even counting the fact that it's all so predictable, but you're following your own pattern right now. I'd give it two weeks. Maybe three. Before you start to crack again and then you get real pissy.

You've gone up and put your walls up now, like you have before, with some sense of humor, some sense that your care free attitude will deflect things away from your person. When it won't. In fact it'll just perpetrate things.

The more you react, the more it edges people on. The more they bite and snap, the closer you get to having that one person fire off something that breaks through those cracks of yours and sets you off.

Honestly. All I can say is this.

If you're posting, for the sake of perpetrating your own viscous circle.

If you're posting in some attempt to keep your walls up, like you have before.

If you're posting here because you think you can beat it, that you won't fall apart, that you won't be a mess, that you won't continue the trend of "you vs everybody."

Then stop. That's it. That's all there is to it. There is, always, a time to stop, think, and put your foot down.

Call it quits. Go off, and do something constructive with your time. Don't sit around here and stew in bullshit.

Get up, rip yourself free of it, and make something of yourself instead.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:47:09 PM »
Heyo. Make it even better. Some of them might be right. But what are they personally going to do about it? Unless you've an undesirable quality that sucks so much and they hate so much enough to track you down and off you, they really can't do shit.

Well, technically, they can. Dustbin takes his job as an internet police officer seriously.

But, even still, chances are, all they can do is bitch in your general direction.

Which, to be fair, is redundant since that's what people most often would normally do under normal circumstances.

Basically. They may be right. They may be wrong.

But they won't ever do anything about it anyway.

Honestly this is just another shit thread, in response to the general consensus that I'm a joke. And if I'm a joke, so is the entire site honestly, hence I post garbage instead of a constructive thread.

Before I would be upset when people tell me to stfu, now it puts a smile on my face.

Hmm. It'll get tiring you know. It'll get tiring to see the same things from people. Played out, worn down, and old. Especially if it's negative. Because it's so easy to fall back to, so easy to expect that it's a joke.

Not only that, but it's a tired joke. It's a smile but shake your head kind of joke. You're laughing, humored, because it was so tiredly expected, and then happened as called.

Personally, if it were me, I'd opt to make things better.

At this point, giving into that is just letting things slide down the slope further.

The Flood / Re: I don't care what any of you think of me anyway.
« on: March 14, 2015, 06:40:41 PM »
Heyo. Make it even better. Some of them might be right. But what are they personally going to do about it? Unless you've an undesirable quality that sucks so much and they hate so much enough to track you down and off you, they really can't do shit.

Well, technically, they can. Dustbin takes his job as an internet police officer seriously.

But, even still, chances are, all they can do is bitch in your general direction.

Which, to be fair, is redundant since that's what people most often would normally do under normal circumstances.

Basically. They may be right. They may be wrong.

But they won't ever do anything about it anyway.

The Flood / Re: I'm Feeling Really Lonely Today
« on: March 14, 2015, 04:28:29 PM »
Here. Lemme help. If you're feeling lonely do something productive you couch potato.

Gaming / Re: First picture of ODST on X1
« on: March 14, 2015, 04:24:58 PM »
Hence work in progress.. By the way, ODST is being given to us, for FREE (As long as you have MCC of course).. Little room for bitching to be honest

Actually, no it isn't. See, 343 made a deal with satan. They give us ODST for free so we can enjoy it in glorious HD. But only if they killed the main character off so that no more ODST in glorious HD can ever be made again.

Them sneaky fucks.

Gaming / Re: First picture of ODST on X1
« on: March 14, 2015, 04:21:06 PM »
Key words before everybody gets up in arms.

"Work in progress."

If you folks know anything about how a game works, doing lighting tests is important.

The Flood / Re: So how is everyone else celebrating
« on: March 14, 2015, 02:42:59 PM »
I was not aware of the day. But I'm writing a story.

The Flood / Re: If you get shot by this bullet... You're done.
« on: March 14, 2015, 02:39:30 PM »

Beating them with a chair would be far more satisfying. Or bare hands too.

All I can say is, you better make sure you are stronger than the bad guy(s). A gun puts everyone on the same playing field..

 Let's say three people break into a man's house who is paralyzed from the waste down.. Do you honestly think he can physically fight off the three intruders with his bare hands? No, but with a gun and some basic usage training, he can.

And don't bring up rare cases, like the one that occurred in Africa.. That man was clearly a moron..

Implying that he'd primarily use his legs to fight or even move. Just about anything around you can be turned into a weapon. Throw something hard enough and it'll hurt. Of course, somebody who's paralyzed has less mobility. That doesn't stop him from having a can of bear spray on him. A tazer. Knives.

So long as you've got your hands and a good head you've got some decent chances.

And saying that a gun puts people on an even playing field is bullshit. It puts one on one encounters with people on an even playing field. But what the fuck is going to stop three guys with guns when you've only one gun?

Unless you've got something that fits your situation like a shotgun. Guns come in so many types that it's not actually an even playing field. Not at all. Two guys with revolvers is an even playing field.

A guy with a shotgun over a guy with a revolver is not.

A guy with an assault rifle over three guys with assault rifles is not.

It all depends on how you use your head. Not what amount of firepower you have. Unless somebody is expressly breaking into your home to murder you, then you're in trouble if you've a knife and you're in a wheelchair.

But overall, up here, there are more scenarios involving things other than guns. It all depends on what fucked up part of the world you live in really.

The Flood / Re: If you get shot by this bullet... You're done.
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:04:38 PM »
You know, I'm quite fond of living in a country that isn't so gun nuts. Of course, naturally, there's always going to be somebody out there with a gun. But in most circumstances people up here don't fall back to guns so quickly. Getting robbed or mugged, it's usually a knife, or multiple people approaching from behind.

Which, in most scenarios, can give you a decent chance if you're smart. But personally, if I ever found myself in a bad enough situation, I don't think I'd enjoy plugging somebody full of holes with the equivalent of shrapnel bullets.

Beating them with a chair would be far more satisfying. Or bare hands too.

If somebody's going to be an asshole at that point, beyond reasoning or second chances, then why not make the most of it? Don't kill the fucker. Break bones and rough him up so bad that he's got to stay in a hospital bed for a long damn time. Maybe think about changing his life direction.

The Flood / Re: so my moms voting ukip in may
« on: March 14, 2015, 10:52:52 AM »
Fuck yeah offshore politics!

It's yee old boring routine. It has to die out eventually. Nothing stays the same nor does it stand still. Either the heavy duty firestarters were finally put up on the chopping block, or some of the others just can't be arsed to do it anymore.

I won't cheer or complain either way.

The Flood / Re: Love sucks dick
« on: March 14, 2015, 01:47:41 AM »
It sounds like you've been emotionally compromised.

"Sir we've got an emotional breach up by the brain, please suggest immidiate course of action."

"Divert emotions to secondary pilot and give full control."

"Aye sir, balls it is."


The funny part is that Mickey is in the pic.
Mickey was my favorite in ODST. Mostly because of Alan Tudyk. I love him.
When you get to read New'll hate him.
I refuse to read it. Is Buck in there though?
Buck is the main character.
Is it a good book other than the killing of Rookie?

Does the rookie talk?
Is a bullet coming out of your face considered talking? lol

Its a good book nonetheless, expands on Buck's character and the others, minus Rookie, a lot.

The Flood / Re: #Chillfest Thread
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:31:35 PM »
But I'm not social. Plus I deleted my youtube account lol.
A youtube account isn't needed to use plug.

Ya but it is what I used if I ever, rarely played any music on there. In which case now I can't be arsed to dig shit up. Long story short.


The Flood / Re: #Chillfest Thread
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:28:26 PM »
But I'm not social. Plus I deleted my youtube account lol.

Gaming / Re: Making accomplishments in Dank Souls
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:27:03 PM »
If I'm using a Claymore does that mean I'm bad

no claymore is mlg
What if I'm one handing it?
one handing requires more strength which means more mlg
goddammit I've been putting it all in dex and endurance
you damn fig claymore is strength weapon
level strength for more damage off strength scaling

Actually the Claymore benifits from both strength and dex scaling the most. It's a god teir all rounder.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread: Price Estimates
« on: March 13, 2015, 07:13:13 PM »
this makes me appreciate my place in upstate ny a bit more.

some real pioneer shit sandtrap

Wouldn't have it any other way. I'll appreciate it all the more if I make it that far.

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