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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: What song do you want to play at you're funeral?
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:23:26 PM »
I don't want a funeral. Pile logs on me, dump some gas on them, toss a match down. Collect the ashes, chuck them out on the winds.

It'd be insulting, honestly, if half my town showed up for my funeral when over half my town are not fond of me. So I'd pick some really obnoxious shit that they couldn't handle to be played. Like that russian band I don't remember. Casket goes down.

Music starts.


Hey, you know what is promoting rape culture? The fucking rapists in Africa who also get away with mutilation, slavery and whatever else. Not the damn Joker on the cover So, doing anything against some overzealous self-titled feminists will result in being blackmailed as a misogynist unless you give in?

There are real problems. There are real cases of rape, with victims of either gender who need help, support, there are laws that need to be looked upon, equality issues in business. All this sort of crap that goes on, and on, and yet the cover with the Joker should get that kind of hate.

This Boondock comic is now truer than ever

So essentially it's the same old story. People bitching over pointless things, pointless targets, and not actually getting anything done correct?

I'd wager there's two sides here.

Actual woman's rights supporters. Or, in general, human rights and equality supporters. They do their work unnoticed and in the background.

And the armchair general, common rabble population, aka feminazis and sjw's. They've the loudest voices in the crowd, and likely, outnumber their opposite counterparts.

Ya know, people actually trying to do shit.

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:46:47 PM »

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:46:01 PM »
LOL um what

Some of these things, should not be the colour that they are. File errors, while being frustrating, can also be entertaining.
It's hilarious. What were you trying to do that made them end up like that?

I didn't do anything. I can't code files for shit, nor do I have the knowledge to. I'm just keeping up with somebody's progress reports of models they're working on.

Apparently it was a mistake in some files, a simple add on in the code that shouldn't be there, resulting in more than just armour being coloured when hit with the colour tool.

The Flood / Re: Evolve in A nutshell
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:33:21 PM »
I'll go tell Fugtrup to get on that...

I'd wager you should go to wattchewant instead.

But, actually, I did make this thread in light of Evolve's game files being ripped. Any day now, modelers will get their hands on the files.

And, inevitablely, a certain other branch and community will as well.

The Flood / Re: TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:31:11 PM »
LOL um what

Some of these things, should not be the colour that they are. File errors, while being frustrating, can also be entertaining.

The Flood / Re: i found kiyo
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:28:39 PM »
I'm glad she's alright, at least.

I take it you're an advocate of feeling shitty then? Kiyo wasn't a ray of sunshine and bunnies here obviously. Everybody makes fuck ups, everybody does stupid shit. But I've been the only one talking to her since she ditched everything and I know she's having a bad time.

You might even call it karma, if you feel like it.

But misery is misery no matter who it happens to. Are people not allowed to hear some good news that she is in fact, okay, alive, and still going? Can they not state that it's a good thing, to see somebody still alive?

Then you simply leave me no choice.

The Flood / Re: i found kiyo
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:25:07 PM »
I'm glad she's alright, at least.

I take it you're an advocate of feeling shitty then? Kiyo wasn't a ray of sunshine and bunnies here obviously. Everybody makes fuck ups, everybody does stupid shit. But I've been the only one talking to her since she ditched everything and I know she's having a bad time.

You might even call it karma, if you feel like it.

But misery is misery no matter who it happens to. Are people not allowed to hear some good news that she is in fact, okay, alive, and still going? Can they not state that it's a good thing, to see somebody still alive, even if, they had a bad history here?

The Flood / TFW you fuck up colour files
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:20:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: Evolve in A nutshell
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:19:18 PM »
Oh god pls no.

Too late! It's already technically happening.

The Flood / Evolve in A nutshell
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:35:09 AM »

You folks remember Evolve right? Let's take bets on how long it'll take a certain source filmmaker community to get a hold of the wraith's model.

The Flood / Do you think actors can watch their movies?
« on: March 18, 2015, 11:05:15 AM »
Just a question. I mean, usually, a creator of something can enjoy their content. But, because they're the ones who made it, they have a different perspective of things.

For example. Where somebody could sit down and watch a movie, enjoy it for what it is as a well executed type of enjoyment, an actor will sit down, and watch the movie with the knowledge of every scene they worked on. And not only that, but they'll have to watch themselves too.

You think any, if at all, watch their own movies?

Do you think Leonardo Dicaprio watches his performances and constantly talks to himself, telling himself that it was oscar worthy?

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:32:42 AM »
As long as the reactor runs, then I wouldn't be surprised if it could power itself and it's own functions.

Well yeah, that's called a critical reaction. You want a reaction that's self-sustaining, so you don't have to keep providing input energy to the system. The heat is a good thing; that's how you convert the chemical energy of the reaction to electrical energy we can use. The heat superheats a pool of water which is pumped through a steam system, just like a fission reactor. Fusion is just another method of creating that heat. It's not like it's going to immediately melt everything in the room; the fuel is precisely measured to output exactly as much heat as they desire.
they have to keep the magnets frozen so that they don't melt, because as stated, there is no physical substance on the planet that can withstand that heat or that process on direct contact
Reread what you said. Nothing can withstand that heat, yet they're using supercooled materials in the chamber? So something can withstand the heat? Like I said, because of the low density of the plasma, it's not at all the same as say, touching a comparably hot piece of metal. The heat is transferred very inefficiently.

Let's just clear this up: the heat is a good thing, and the materials can withstand it.

The magnets aren't making contact with anything because the plasma is contained in a suspended magnetic field. It's all held safely away from coming into contact with anything. But if they needed to cool the magnets, then obviously it means that even though the reaction is suspended, there's still going to be heat.

Several million degrees celsius is still several million degrees celsius no matter what form it takes.

But on this, I can take your word for it. And I can take roughly 35 country's worth of scientists and engineers who obviously know their respective fields, far better than both I, or you.

I am, after all, a guy in a field.

And on the bright side of things, that reactor is on the other side of the planet. If something ever goes wrong and it does do something horrible like explode and fry half the country, I won't be there for it.

Regardless though, it is a project that has to be considered carefully. It's not something you can just wing to be sure. But, with some luck, they'll put everything together and that reactor could be the start of a new age.

Here's hoping, right? No lead scientist mechanical octopuses.

The Flood / Re: I turned my wood today.
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:17:47 AM »
Aha! Somebody who does shit with wood! Good job kraut. I'm no expert on bowls nor am I picky or knowldgeable on mistakes or "could have done betters" in that field, so all I can say your bowl looks good.

Watcha intend on doing with it?

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:12:08 AM »
Number one. Where do you put that heat? Where do you direct it and disperse it? Because that amount of heat cannot be contained by any physical apparatus we can build.
Says who? We're talking about plasma, here. Think about a candle: the flame is around 1000 degrees celcius, but because of the low density of plasma (it's the phase after gas, the least dense conventional phase of matter), it's painless to pinch out with your fingers. Assuming a catastrophic Fukushima-esque disaster causing a total loss of containment, the heat would dissipate in a matter of seconds. The containment walls might get scorched, but the reaction itself would stop immediately and the heat would dissipate.
Number two. The radiation, the ultra violet rays, gamma rays, x rays, all of that shit that will be generated because a star generates all of these, where do you put it?
Well they're not literally making a tiny star, they're just causing a fusion reaction using tritium as a fuel source. Tritium is an isotope of hydrogen, as opposed to fission's use of something heavy with a long half-life like uranium. Used fuel will be recyclable within a century, and materials exposed to radiation can be disposed. It's not particularly dangerous, especially compared to coal or oil.

I'm aware that the machine itself would pose no threat in a disaster because of how much power it would take to run it. Shut off any systems inside and the reaction stops immidiately. What I am talking about, is the heat buildup while the machine is running.

If you read through said article, you would know that the superconducting magnets were being cooled to roughly -270 something Celsius. As it's been said before, that is roughly the temperature of "space."

What does that imply?

That machine is going to be fucking hot. And the fact that they have to keep the magnets frozen so that they don't melt, because as stated, there is no physical substance on the planet that can withstand that heat or that process on direct contact, is a pretty obvious tell, that while this reactor is a candle, there's one problem.

It's a candle that can vaporize anything on contact while active. And the machine is going to be active, constantly. They don't just spend all that power, fire it up, smash a few atoms, and then turn it off. It doesn't work like that. Because once it's ignited, technically, it's a self sustaining reaction so long as the neccessary materials for it to happen are provided.

As long as the reactor runs, then I wouldn't be surprised if it could power itself and it's own functions.

But the key thing here, is heat build up. Heat doesn't just go away. It builds up.

Admitedly, I know less about radiation and wavelengths on that sort of subject, so you have me there. But I think the heat generated will be a problem. The other key thing to note here, is that this is not a candle.

This is a building sized, in essence, star. Now, candles may burn as fire, and be easy to put out, quick and painless because of their size, but as soon as you change the scale, it's not feasible. Pinch a campfire with your finger and you get set on fire.

That micro star is the same principle, considering that it's going to burn at the hottest temperature on our planet in its entire history.

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:59:32 PM »
I really hope this works. Not just because fusion would be a great source of power, but the amount of time and money put into it. I feel like a lot of future fusion projects will use ITER for arguements.

ITER spent all this money and time, and produced nothing usable, etc...
ITER cost a lot, but it gave us sustainable fusion, and more power than we need, etc...

Personally, I'm worried about two things. Feasibly, the idea is sound. It's actual working physics.

But the two hurdles that don't make sense to me, are the heat generated, and the radiation.

Number one. Where do you put that heat? Where do you direct it and disperse it? Because that amount of heat cannot be contained by any physical apparatus we can build.

Pure diamond would be vaporized.

Number two. The radiation, the ultra violet rays, gamma rays, x rays, all of that shit that will be generated because a star generates all of these, where do you put it?

All of these things don't just simply....dissappear. They have to go somewhere. Travel and be released. Henceforth why our sun ejects them in all directions in the first place.

ITER to me seems like the actual definition of playing with fire.

The Flood / Re: i found kiyo
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:52:40 PM »
It's good to know she's not dead.

That it is.

The Flood / Re: Give me a legit reason why you can't join the military
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:51:00 PM »
Because I will not be shipped off to fight in another country where we've no business in. Any country, for that matter. Unless, it was for a cause like the two world wars. Only exception.

Or, my country was being invaded. Even then that's debateable because the country is so big, so wide and separated, that guerilla warfare would be a prefferable form of resistance.

Other than that, nothing else will ever make me step foot there.

The Flood / Re: I'm officially old.
« on: March 17, 2015, 06:40:36 PM »
I never finished highschool. Never had any friends save for one. But, honestly, If I got an invite I'd show up. Just to see what happened to all the folks I know.

See if any of my wagers turned out true.

The Flood / Re: Why should I even continue at this point.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:59:03 AM »
What are these things you've done that got you nowhere?

Do you have a job? If not get one and go from there. Money is everything.
Money is the reason the world is shit enough as it is. Be poor, Be Happy.

Don't believe that either. You're favoring one side of the wealth coin over the other when both sides are shit.

The Flood / Re: Why should I even continue at this point.
« on: March 17, 2015, 11:09:01 AM »
Missing the point again. I know people can be a right pain. But the world itself, is fine. It's just that people have a way of messing things up. Making false realities around them and believing that's all there is to things.

Look on the bright side. If said friend backstabbed you.

Then they were a shitty friend. And you're better off without them. Your girlfriend is "gone?"

They tend to do that. Statistically speaking nowadays over 50% of marriages fail. And those are just registered affairs. Let's throw in couples that are just couples. I bet you any money that the rate for splits is exceedingly high.

But it is not the end of your life to be sure.

Here's the part where I'm going to be a whiny bitch.

Listen. I wake up every day now, miserable. I go through my entire day, miserable. And I mean that. I feel like shit. I am, constantly surrounded  by a depressing sadness, tiredness, and disliking to almost everybody, and everything around me. I'm expecting the worst now, and I'm getting it. And I'm played out. Personally, it wouldn't bother me if I walked outside right now and got hit by a bus.

But you think I'm going to let how shitty I feel stop me? Stop me fromd doing what I've got planned? Stop me from getting up in the morning, getting up in the day, and doing something that at one point in time, I took enjoyment from?


Do you think, that all the shitty people around me, and this feeling that won't leave me, like a prison, a cage, a wall that I can't beat no matter how hard I try, is at the very least going to stop me from going forward? Maybe. But, the point is, keep moving.

Keep going forwards. Take what you enjoy, and fight for it. And if you don't have something to enjoy yet, then find it.

Discard people for the most part. Fuck them. You don't need them. Fuck your girlfriend, she was probably going to dump you anyway down the line.

But don't give up on the world itself. There's always more out there that you haven't seen. There's so much out there, that you haven't done. That you could do.

The Flood / Re: some of the results from my spring break road trip
« on: March 16, 2015, 10:37:36 PM »
Those skies make me wish summer or spring was here so that I could drag my sorry ass outside and enjoy some fucking sunshine. Nice, nostalgia inducing pictures is what they are.

Here's a better question. Why do you give a flying fuck what anyone thinks?

Because without constructive criticism you can't get better?

Actually, that's a load of shit.

I'll say this. I've been writing stories on my own for about three years now. When I started, all the way up to now, I never received help. I never once, had anybody run through what I wrote and spellcheck. Never once had anybody check for redundant, repeating words, which is an incredibly hard thing to curb by yourself.

I never once had anybody sit down and talk to me about a mistake I made. And while I could be somewhat prideful and say that I am a good writer of stories, I made mistakes. Because from there to now, I've changed. Learned and grown. And I did it all myself, on my own.

Now, I know that writing, isn't comparable to game development. But the principle concept of "constructive criticism" is exactly the same.

Bottom line is this.

Nobody's going to fucking help you. And that's the truth. And, I know that doesn't seem very optomistic regarding your question. But I'll ask you a question of my own.

Did I let the fact that nobody out there wanted, or did help me with my writing stop me?

Did I let the fact that my writing, being what it was, would probably never receive much in the way of recognition, or praise, and only enjoyed by a small select group of people stop me?

Did I let the fact, that I was the only one writing my stories, ever stop me?


Your number one rule, should always be this.

You do what you want to. You work on what you want to. You make what you want to. And you learn, at your own pace. The more you work, and study, the more you'll learn over time. And the sole reason you do it, is for your own enjoyment.

Every other person, whether they're there, or they aren't, are just simply there for the ride. If they don't like your ride, they can get the fuck off it. If they like your ride, then fantastic, good for them. If they want possibly to suggest things to help make your ride better, then fuck, let them.

But never ask them.

You are the performer, and they are the audience no matter how big or how small. As a creator of anything, you should only be doing what you do for yourself. You should create, because you love to create.

People liking and enjoying what you make, or taking any time to comment and help you, are just icing on the cake. But they aren't necessary.

Serious / ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 16, 2015, 11:19:09 AM »
Anybody hear about these new developments? The article itself is old but ITER showed up in the news today apparently. Did some digging on what exactly it was.

Years from now—maybe in a decade, maybe sooner—if all goes according to plan, the most complex machine ever built will be switched on in an Alpine forest in the South of France. The machine, called the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor, or ITER, will stand a hundred feet tall, and it will weigh twenty-three thousand tons—more than twice the weight of the Eiffel Tower. At its core, densely packed high-precision equipment will encase a cavernous vacuum chamber, in which a super-hot cloud of heavy hydrogen will rotate faster than the speed of sound, twisting like a strand of DNA as it circulates. The cloud will be scorched by electric current (a surge so forceful that it will make lightning seem like a tiny arc of static electricity), and bombarded by concentrated waves of radiation. Beams of uncharged particles—the energy in them so great it could vaporize a car in seconds—will pour into the chamber, adding tremendous heat. In this way, the circulating hydrogen will become ionized, and achieve temperatures exceeding two hundred million degrees Celsius—more than ten times as hot as the sun at its blazing core.

No natural phenomenon on Earth will be hotter. Like the sun, the cloud will go nuclear. The zooming hydrogen atoms, in a state of extreme kinetic excitement, will slam into one another, fusing to form a new element—helium—and with each atomic coupling explosive energy will be released: intense heat, gamma rays, X rays, a torrential flux of fast-moving neutrons propelled in every direction. There isn’t a physical substance that could contain such a thing. Metals, plastics, ceramics, concrete, even pure diamond—all would be obliterated on contact, and so the machine will hold the superheated cloud in a “magnetic bottle,” using the largest system of superconducting magnets in the world. Just feet from the reactor’s core, the magnets will be cooled to two hundred and sixty-nine degrees below zero, nearly the temperature of deep space. Caught in the grip of their titanic forces, the artificial earthbound sun will be suspended, under tremendous pressure, in the pristine nothingness of ITER’s vacuum interior.

Rest of the article here for anybody interested.


The Flood / Re: Do you sympathize with aspergers people?
« on: March 16, 2015, 12:32:35 AM »
I don't sympathize. I don't treat them any different. I treat folks like people. The only friend who I've known up here, since I moved to this province as a kid, has aspergers. I forget that he does and I pay it no mind because what matters to me is the fact that he's a person, like any other.

In fact, generally whenever I bump into somebody with a condition of that sort, or worse, I treat them with the utmost respect.

There's a lot of people up here, and in my town with various mental related disabilities. I find it ironic that these people, are the only ones I can truly smile at, for they cause no wrong, and never try to on purpose. I've never come across a friendlier bunch of people in my entire life.

I can't sympathize with them, can't understand things through their perspective. But I treat them well.

It's going to be Drix.

That being said. We need a sep7agon circle jerk hunger games going. Throw some members down into one of those and see what happens.
On it

I don't care who the fuck is in it but all I know is this.


It's going to be Drix.

That being said. We need a sep7agon circle jerk hunger games going. Throw some members down into one of those and see what happens.

Gaming / Re: Halo MCC "Friend or Foe" cutscene.
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:26:08 PM »
I'm honestly surprised that nobody would ever think the sangheilian concept of "ceremonial" is different from ours.

Battle is ceremonial to them. Why would ceremonial armour not be fit to fight in?

Gaming / Re: First picture of ODST on X1
« on: March 15, 2015, 02:18:32 PM »
Hence work in progress.. By the way, ODST is being given to us, for FREE (As long as you have MCC of course).. Little room for bitching to be honest

Actually, no it isn't. See, 343 made a deal with satan. They give us ODST for free so we can enjoy it in glorious HD. But only if they killed the main character off so that no more ODST in glorious HD can ever be made again.

Them sneaky fucks.
OK so they killed off the Rookie who was a fantastic developed character. Why couldn't they make other ODST games that have the other ODST characters from the game to be a main chracter? KoTOR is a sequel to the first game but we play as a different character. You don't have to play as the same person for the game to be a sequl or have more games in a series.


Halo CE
Halo 2
Halo 3
Halo 4

Mass Effect
Mass Effect 2
Mass Effect 3

Dead Space
Dead Space 2
Dead Space 3

Arguably half the Assassin's creed series.

Now, key point here. You can argue, that out there, there are just as many games with sequels not involving one central character. However, arguably, in an ever expanding universe, and a big one at that, it is incredibly challenging to make a stand alone game.

And if we're going to bring up complaints of Rookie being a drab character, then lets talk about how hard it is to make a standalone game with a character that has lots of character.

Do you tend to notice, that as sequels progress, as a journey happens with a character over the course of sequels, that a character arguably emerges?

Take a look at Isaac Clark. First Dead Space, he was silent. Second Dead Space, he had a voice. A now visible character for people to become attached to.

Take a look at Ezio Auditore. Take a look at Cortana, Master Chief, Thel Vadam.

Arguably, the best characters often show up and develop over time. And while I'm not saying that it should stop developers from making games with main characters that have no defining character,  unfortunately for us, gaming is now an industry. Held in tight reigns by big corporate giants.

And big corporate giants, are, unfortunately followers of the trends. They're rather rigid and inflexible. Case and point with microsoft, not a year or two ago.

"We want Halo to focus more on the Chief than with games like ODST or Reach."

A standalone game, with a good main character, or a series of stand alone games, with good main characters, just aren't possible with the current mindset of the market. They stick to what's safe.

The Flood / Re: Shit's getting real in Russia really fast....
« on: March 15, 2015, 01:48:14 PM »
If he has been ousted, we just have to hope that he's replaced by someone better rather than someone worse ._.

No joke I'd probably laugh if somebody worse stepped in. Putin is the sort of guy who got shit done. And you can see it in him plain as day. This was somebody who could for the most part, walk their talk.

Compared to the majority of other world leaders out there, Putin was a guy who wasn't afraid to get his hands dirty.

So if somebody took him out, especially killed him, then it would be a telling sign that no, things won't be looking up just yet.
You mean how he fucked up the ruble and kept Russians poor and ignorant while funding terrorists and psycho heads of state.


You mean like how not even three comments up I just stated that I wasn't commenting so much on his leadership or direction skills but more on his transparency and "give no fucks" attitude? He's bold, and doesn't dance around in politics. Doesn't let red tape get in his way.

He's an asshole. Bad at managing his country. But what I mean by get shit done, is the fact he has drive and ambition. Just not the right head for things.

He's not a pushover like other world leaders. He's not all wired up in civilities and pleasantries. He's a barebones, down to business kind of person with no bullshit in between.

Like I said. He's an asshole. But just, ever so slightly admirable because compared to other world leaders out there, he's down to earth in a sense. He's plain.


No, he really isn't trasnparent, plain, or down to earth. He's a classist, racist, dictator who has his opponents killed and lies about.

Like I said. He's an asshole. I'm using the wrong terms on the go here. He's not a pushover like other people. Take a look at Steven Harper, the PM of Canada.

You probably haven't even heard his name. Primarily because all he does is bend over in the shadows.

How about Obama? Cockblocked by congress and warring parties.

Look at Putin. Objectors are dead. Out of the way.

Putin isn't intelligent. And he's a shitty leader. But he's ambitious. It's a shame, that all the ambitious people out there are assholes in the sense that they don't ever seem to have a solid head on them.

I want you to imagine what could be done if the states had somebody like Putin in charge. In only, the sense that Putin doesn't fuck around. Now toss in somebody who does care about the country, and who is intelligent enough to make the right calls and decisions, and throw in Putin's ruthless ambition and drive to not let anything stand in the way.

You'd technically get a dictator. But one who was doing everything for the right reasons and getting shit done.

A bit of an oxymoron. A good dictator. But for fuck's sake, with the way most things go politics wise these days it's rather obvious that it's all just shit circling the drain at this point.

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