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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:31:07 PM »
Take the stupid Flouride out of water and tell people to learn to brush their fucking teeth!? We have to drink water everyday, or at least, every other day.. What do you think that shit does to us long term?

Do ya not know what hard water is? Brushing your teeth doesn't help against having a body full of iron, silk, sodium, and calcium. Heyo I'm no fan of chlorinated water either.

In fact I get my drinking water from a well out of town. Clean stuff.
You can filter water without the need to use chemicals that have been proven to cause permanet damage to the brain over long time exposure.

Key word here.

I don't drink my town water. I use the clean spring water in a spring out of town for drinking.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:30:02 PM »
People who contract cancer probably shouldn't survive. If they do, they pass on a greater chance for their offspring to have it.

That's nice dear. Neither of my parents have ever had cancer and the both of them are closing in on their 60's. Besides. It's not like practically everything we make these days contains or helps generate cancerous chemicals right?

How about them cell phones? Ear cancer. Breast cancer if you're a woman and you tuck a phone in your cleavage too often.

Toothpaste has chemicals that react with others in water that form carconogens.

Canned food has preservitives in it that induce carconogens.

Aluminum cans and soft drinks.

Shower curtains leech their plastic compounds into the air when exposed to shower steam which you inhale and have another nice helping of more carconogens.

Basically. It's only a matter of time. No difference really. Besides. Not like we all have to kick the bucket some day regardless of how healthy we may or may not be.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:11:46 PM »
Close genes, maybe

Are you implying something here?

The Flood / Re: Hola Mexicano. Discuss Crops.
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:01:13 PM »
What's your favorite crop? - That blue shit that grows in the fields.

Do you till?-Tilled gardens before

Are you a maser cropsman?-No

How fertile is the topsoil in your area?-The soil's blacker than a sunburnt african.

Wow. Just noticed I'm probably going to be the only person here who can and did answer these questions legitimately.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:51:33 PM »
Take the stupid Flouride out of water and tell people to learn to brush their fucking teeth!? We have to drink water everyday, or at least, every other day.. What do you think that shit does to us long term?

Do ya not know what hard water is? Brushing your teeth doesn't help against having a body full of iron, silk, sodium, and calcium. Heyo I'm no fan of chlorinated water either.

In fact I get my drinking water from a well out of town. Clean stuff.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:46:25 PM »
Few grandparents. My cousin who is a year older than me was diagnosed with non Hodgkin's lymphoma. Luckily he got chemo and is now cancer free.

A lot is just genetic these days.

I know part of the common diseases up here are caused or, helped along by lack of sunlight. I know mine is genetics, or likely, since I share so much in common with my sister who got some bad shit too. But seriously. For a small community like this maybe you just notice things more. I don't know.

It's fucking depressing. Funeral cards go out at least once every week in the winter here.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:43:26 PM »
Where do you live OP? For future reference so I can take every effort to avoid it.

Fuck the town. Avoid the province.
I was talking about the province. Out of the hundreds of thousands chances are I don't know where that particular town is anyway.

Saskatchewan. Do yourself a favor and do a detour if you're passing through it.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:37:55 PM »
Where do you live OP? For future reference so I can take every effort to avoid it.

Fuck the town. Avoid the province.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:37:34 PM »
Like fucking seriously. An old neighbor of mine, living not far out on a farm from town comes in today. He's a big guy.
For you

Actually no. I'm taller than he is. But he's wide. I've seen the dude lift up a tractor tire weight by himself and hold it in place while somebody screwed the bolts in place.


The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:36:16 PM »
>Not using bottled water for everything but showers

This isn't america where we don't have clean water. We have clean water. Wells all over. Tested andc certified. But our town sits on a patch of hard water. They pump the everliving shit out of it with clorene.

The Flood / Re: What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:35:07 PM »
Maybe y'all are sitting on a big ass radon gas deposit.

Could be like Uranium City up north maybe?

That place is Saskatchewan's version of Chernoble. But seriously. Counting all the god damn people around me, I'm not a unique case here. I knew a 17 year old a couple years back who passed away from lukemia. In fact I'm lucky. Christ. Melanoma. They caught it early but still. That's the worst kind.

The Flood / What the fuck are they putting in my town's water
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:30:59 PM »
Like fucking seriously. An old neighbor of mine, living not far out on a farm from town comes in today. He's a big guy. Older 40's-50's. Strong like an ox. Comes in with a bandage on his neck. I thought it was a fucking work injury.

Got the news. It's fucking melanoma.

What in the serious fuck is up with this god damn town. Why the fuck are cancer rates so god damn high up here?

I can think of roughly 5 or 6 younger people who've had it. I can count myself among the number. I can count some older people among the number. Cerebral palsy is high up here. Degenerative diseases and other stuff. A lot of altzheimers, down syndrome, bi-polar disorders.

Fuck me this place is harsh.

Personal question. How many people do you know around you that have, or have had a cancerous disease?

The Flood / Re: Your most radical belief?
« on: March 20, 2015, 05:11:02 PM »
As it should be. Fence-sitting is one of the most insufferable things one could ever pursue.

I wouldn't see how fence sitting is neccessarily a bad thing. It means said fence sitter is warrenting caution. It means, that a fence sitter is weighing both sides of a statement, an argument, or a decision.

The important thing everyone forgets, is that no matter how set you can be, how set you are, and how firmly you believe in something, you can always, without fail, be proven wrong. There is, always, a chink in something. Always something to consider.

Moderation is an act of consideration. It's not blindly believing your side.

Anybody who ever walks into an argument or statement believing they are 100% right of way are fools.

Or, perhaps a fence sitter just looks at both opinions or options, and does not care for either side. They've an outside view. Arguably, fence sitting only really comes from people who don't have to make a decision in that regard and therefore they have no real reason to formulate an opinion unless called on.

So in that way, fence sitting is harmless in most cases because said person, if actually dropped into a scenario, will eventually make a decision.


I wouldn't wager it. Only to people who are impatient.

The Flood / Re: >work as pizza delivery guy
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:44:34 PM »

Leave because I have more of mr aziz's pizza's to deliver on a really insane fucking time schedule.

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:42:12 PM »
Star, you say?



Nigga we already got Doc Oc up in this thread.

Gaming / Re: Mike Colter says Cortana to have role in H5
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:39:24 PM »
Ever hear of flashbacks? It's a really good way to keep a character a part something, but not actually having them around.

Gaming / Re: will mester chef be killed off?
« on: March 20, 2015, 01:34:57 PM »
It's actually something to be thought carefully about. Because, how do you end the story without it being a letdown. When we consider how much Chief has gone through, at this point, what the fuck could kill him short of him being utterly vaporized on the spot by insert god tier lifeform here?

And better yet, if he survives, it's a let down.

Know why? Chief's a fighter. Always has been, always will be. He never will retire. Never end up in an old folks home. Never end up with a family as an ex soldier in quiet retirement. It's in his bones as a character, to move, to fight.

So all that leaves is dying in a fight.

And what has he overcome? Weeks of fighting alone against aliens, which were arguably, physically superior to him. Waded through the Flood on Halo, and an entire hive on High Charity. Survived multiple atmospheric planetfalls. Survived two Halo ring destructions. Survived two Halo ring firings. Survived being composed. Survived two encounters with arguably one of the greatest Forerunner military leaders in their history.

A lot of these encounters were lucky. But it doesn't change the fact that he survived them.

So, in short. If he's killed off, it will always be anti-climactic no matter what it is. If he lives, it's anti-climactic because of his nature as a character to never stand still.

The only way you can end him, is with a vaugery. An open end, left up to interpretation.

AKA, "Wake me when you need me."

The Flood / Re: Why must astronomy be so expensive :,(
« on: March 20, 2015, 12:44:54 PM »
Ever have a day, where you have shit you can do.


I think all people should be required to work retail or service jobs as their first job so they understand how terrible people are.

How about construction as a laborer?

-Stupid bosses making bad calls that comes out on you or gives you some extra shit tier work
-Caustic, bitter, unhappy higher ups calling your shots
-Delays delays delays
-Dealing with public safety standards, and having said public be fucking stupid about your safety setups anyway
-Dealing with working around people occupying a building as you work on it "Noise complaints"
-Half your paycheck getting sucked down the shitter
-Waking up way too fucking early
I originally meant like restaurant servers and such, but construction is a good example, too.

Oh believe me. I know both. I work a restaurant. More appropriately, a coffee shop.

The stupidity you have to put up with is embarrassing. But for me, construction takes the cake because not only do you have to deal with stupid bullshit, but you have to deal with stupid physical bullshit.

Shovel two dump trucks worth of sand into a basement.

Boss comes over.

"Sorry guys, mistakes in the blueprints not lining up, we need you to take the sand out."

Could have used a fucking caterpillar to dump the sand in there in the first place and take it out.

But no. By shovel and wheelbarrow was the way to go.

I think all people should be required to work retail or service jobs as their first job so they understand how terrible people are.

How about construction as a laborer?

-Stupid bosses making bad calls that comes out on you or gives you some extra shit tier work
-Caustic, bitter, unhappy higher ups calling your shots
-Delays delays delays
-Dealing with public safety standards, and having said public be fucking stupid about your safety setups anyway
-Dealing with working around people occupying a building as you work on it "Noise complaints"
-Half your paycheck getting sucked down the shitter
-Waking up way too fucking early

Wow Gandalf went HAM

What are we referring to here, if anything?

Some other bits.

To the new owner of this cemetery, this letter is indeed for your eyes. There is only so much a man can say before driveling on for too long in a short letter of addressment. And indeed, this job has many pitfalls to overcome. Simple, small important things to learn that take time.

   Admitedly, there is no formal selection process for these sorts of things. If you want the job, you can have the job. And rightfully so, my predeccessors were worse off than I, or now in your own case, yourself. When I first arrived here, there was nothing to help me or guide me, to teach me of what I had to do, how to do it, and what I had to be careful of.

   But fear not. If luck should play fairly, then you will have my library of notes to refer to. I will walk you through what matters most in this letter, and leave the rest up to your discretion.

   This job is simple. In fact it works itself. No sane man would ever come here to rob and desecrate graves. No upkeep is ever needed. But, your services are required to bury the dead you receive here, which, I can say with ernest experience, come in fleeting moments. Coldshore Cemetary is no longer much of a cemetery as it is a relic of older days.

   The real job, lies in taking care of those who do not rest. For as I said, sometimes, the soul forgets that it is dead. It strays off the path, and wanders, back home, to the only place it ever truly called home in life. The dead come, in many forms. From assembled masses of bones held together by the stubborn will of the soul. To old flesh, preserved or decayed.

   Admittedly, not all souls can return to their bodies, and not all bodies can free themselves from the ancient crypts that run so far below the ground here. You may see lights. Small beacons that move of their own accord. Wisps. There are lanterns set about the cemetery, that burn of blue fire and use the knowledge of what I’ve heard of as the old arts.

   These lanterns burn of blue fire, can be lit by a match or a spark, and burn for hours without end before the flames eventually reside. But while the flames burn, they create warmth. The wisps are drawn to it. Use these lanterns to light the cemetery in the night, check them in the day, and appease the wisps with their warmth.

   Wisps are the most common, and easiest to deal with for they are simple. Secondly, and only slightly more complicated are the dead who’ve gone mad. It matters not what form they may take, but only that you carry with you a weapon or tool for defense at all times. Personally, I preferred a scythe, as ironically cliché as it may seem.

   For the dead who’ve gone mad, keeping them at arms length or farther is preferable. An undead soul who’s trauma upon returning to this world is easy to recognize. Eratic movements, with no sense to them. Howling or attempted howling. And a destructive, angry nature to their shamblings.

   I say keep them at a distance because they will attack you. They are a corpse after all, and can carry disease and sick on them. A wound you sustain from them will not be pleasant. But put them to rest with your tool or weapon of choice and they will not be a bother again.

   Now, the matter of curious, or sprightly dead. Keep trinkets on you at all times. Preferably machinations. The latest in fashion or design. Or, complex children’s toys. The curious dead will rise, and will often be found near the walls of the cemetery, attempting to get out beyond the wards placed and built into the walls.

   Some, regular offenders as I call them, may even wander to your very doorstep. They will never attack you. They simply, wish to look. And on that regard, I say, never leave things laying around here. For they will take them. When you find these dead, or they find you, give them a trinket. Excite them with noise it makes, or movement. Show them the trinket and they will happily wander, back to their place of rest on their own terms.

   To the sprightly dead who wish to move and run again, play with them, for they are like children. Perhaps they were energetic in life. Perhaps they remember fond moments. But they like someone to be there with them, for their brief moments of enthusiasm. And I know in my heart that what pleases them the most is that someone puts them to rest. Tucks them into bed after a long day when they grow tired.

   And, finally, we come to the most difficult to deal with of all. All other dead beforehand require patience, and somewhat tiring physical days of labor. But the last two that I have laid eyes upon require more than a strong arm, more than a sprightly pair of legs, and more than patience.

   A Banshee that screams and howls, requires you to fight fear. For if you give in to your fear you will run. You will run from them and abandon your duty at the thought of them laying their hands upon you. You will abandon the souls here, to be claimed by this perversion of death. Do not let them down. Stop them from wandering into the banshee’s grip.

   Fear makes fools of us all. But if you are brave, fear doesn’t have to. Fear can make you more than that. Fear can make you clever, and smart. Fear can make you faster, and stronger. Fear can make you the opposite, of what those banshees are. Brave. Be brave, when you encounter them. Be brave for the dead and those who came before you.

   And, finally. We come to, arguably, the most powerful, the most dangerous. The dead who are alone. These undead, are arguably, the most human. The most alive, in some way. For they are alone because they regret. In all the years I have watched over this cemetery, I have learned a great deal.

   The undead are human. Their actions, come from emotion. Human emotions are all powerful. For if they weren’t, they would not drive man to do what they do. And they would not lure the dead, back to this world. Of all emotions I have seen, regret is the strongest. Regret pulls the dead, back into this world intact. Their minds are more healthy. They are capable of speech, capable of talking, if they still have lips or a tongue.

   Regret, can be the fuel for anger. It can be the fuel for fear. It can be the fuel for happiness and joy. But for most, regret is the fuel for sadness. I have no words for you, my successor. For how do you deal with a soul who has ripped themselves back into this world on sheer sadness alone?

How do you console a dead man who has lived a life with regrets? A soldier who made mistakes? A woman too harsh on her children? A father, abandoning his child?

These are answers that I do not have. For it is up to your discretion, how you deal with these souls. But all I can warn you of, is the burden. These souls, these undead, dead, who and whatever you wish to call them, will be heavy on your own soul.

Heavier than fighting those who’ve gone mad. More perplexing than finding a toy to amuse those who are curious. More exhausting then playing games with a corpse. And, more frightful then facing a twisted perversion of death.

   If you are compassionate, you will feel pain. You will seek to help them when nothing can be done. If you are cold, and detached, tired of the world, they will only drag you down farther. My only advice to you, dear successor,

Is to listen.

Listen to what they have to say. Be a comfort to them. Someone they can confide in. Listen to their words and their stories.

Be brave. And listen, and learn from them. And make your life something beyond theirs. Learn from their mistakes and live your life well. Find something out here to occupy your time. Do not spend your life away communing with the dead, and studying them as I have. This cemetery, is your sanctuary, as much as it is theirs.

You may only have the nerve to stay here for a short time. Perhaps, like me, you will spend the remainder of your life here. But I beseech you, whoever you are. The world is not as tiresome as you believe it is. For if it were, the dead would not walk beyond their death. And so, I bid you farewell now, and wish you the best of fortunes.

Yours in confidence, Cromwell Hume.

He stared down at the parchment, folding it up and placing it into the envelope before sliding it back into the desk drawer. He looked out to the cold grey skies outside the window, tinged with fog and mist, over hills of tombs and graves, some cast under shadows of ancient, twisted trees and their gnarled roots. Well. That was certainly informative.

   Cromwell’s letter set him at ease somewhat. Maybe it was the way the man scrawled across the parchment. Like he was talking so sure of himself that he knew someone would come to take his place after he was gone. He thought about it. And he almost felt…..reasured? As if the old and now previous Gravekeeper was waiting for him. Expecting him. Wrote everything down in this house, just for him.

   He looked out to the graves beyond the cold window. Was the previous keeper out there, somewhere? He found the idea rather funny. What if he was? And he bumped into him as a shuffler? In the silence of the house and the vague sound of the wind outside, a sound resounded through the door that almost made his heart skip and knocked him out of his chair.




Three, slow, heavy knocks on the wood of the door. Silence and wind howled outside the walls of the house. The grey sky and fog, unchanging.




He scrambled up to his feet, suddenly, aware. Aware of the reality of things. He was surrounded. By graves of the dead. Dead who could rise and come back, and walk.




The knocks continued. And fear, found itself traveling up his spine. The fear of something. Something beyond the door. As it knocked, yet waited for him to open it. He tried to picture it. What would be waiting for him outside. He couldn’t do it. He knew, that inches away through the wood, outside, right now, there was a corpse. The fear. The paralyzed stillness was beyond him. He had never known this before.




And then, reassurance found him. Carefully written words from somebody who’d been doing this long before he ever set foot here.

“….or when they find you, give them a trinket.”

He nodded. That had to be it. He faced the door, and closed his eyes. Took a deep breath, and counted, in hushed breath alongside the knocks.




His hand found the latch on the door and he pulled, listening to the creak of old iron hinges, and for one brief moment that fear overwhelmed him as he pressed beyond the veil of what was unknown, and into reality. The latch unhinged, the door pulling back, his heart skipped, breath stopped, frozen in place as the old iron hinges groaned, and the door opened.

   And there it was. Looking at him. Decay so old that the corpse was dry. Thin, bony shambles of what remained of it stood in the doorway, staring at him. He was paralyzed. It had no eyes, just empty sockets, an ugly visage of missing teeth as its mouth was stretched dry and there were no lips, accented by the hard bony features of its skull through the remnants of skin that once clung to it.

   But in the place of its sockets, a dull light flickered. And through the shreds of the clothing it wore, under the visible ribcage pressing through a skinny frame, was a dull glow. But as the wind howled along, and the moment passed, the fear, the shock, all faded. The corpse raised an arm, bony fingers curled with one left pointing to him.

   He looked down at himself, to see the pocket watch dangling from his pocket. He raised his eyebrows, nodding slowly. He grabbed the watch, holding it up.

“You want this then?”

Grabbing a dial on the back of the watch, he twisted it, and the watch clinked and clicked. The dead corpse before him stood taller, eyes alight with wonder. He closed his own eyes. It didn’t even have eyes. But the lights in the sockets of bone. He felt like it still had eyes.

   Slowly, cautiously, he held the watch out on the chain, dangling it over a bony hand that extended so much faster than bone and tight dry flesh would have eluded to. He dropped the clinking watch into the awaiting hand, and the corpse clutched the watch close, holding it up to its head, as if trying to listen to its inner mechanisms, before clutching the watch close to its heart in both hands, before it turned, slowly, and began to shuffle away from his door.

   In the fog, he watched, as the shambling being hobbled along the path, through graves upon graves, and disappeared into the mist. He closed his eyes, exhaling deeply as he realized that he’d practically been holding his breath the entire time. He closed the door, slowly, looking out to the fog, the graves, and listened to the howl of the winds.

The latch clinked, the door shut.

Something, suddenly changed. Coldshore Cemetery suddenly took on a strange light for him. It was all so……real. Not an hour ago, a corpse, dead as dead could ever be, stood at his door, and knocked. And then left, holding a trinket in hand that had excited it. It was all so alive.

   And he realized, that Cromwell’s letter was real. The words the man had written, his explanations. He had done all of this before. He had encountered everything he had spoken about. And it finally, arrived at his doorstep and dawned on him, that he was the new gravekeeper. This place, was his job now.

   Over a kettle of tea and somewhat shaky hands, he read through Cromwell’s letter in the desk, running over and over again through his notes. He looked outside, catching the fading light of the day. He set his cup down on the desk.

The wisps. The lamps.

None of them were lit. In a rush, he stood up from his chair, and found his heavier coat, and his token hat, slipping them all on. The door creaked loudly as he stepped outside this time, out to the strange world he now called home.

The Flood / Here, have some in progress writing for a story of mine
« on: March 20, 2015, 11:40:05 AM »
Because today, I've nothing better to do and why the fuck not. You folks like a bit of magic and undead? Cheers. I've separated gaps in time into spoilers.

To the inheritor of my duty, my work, and my life. This letter is addressed to you, whoever you may be. I have my assurances that I know who you are, but one can never be so sure after all. I, Cromwell Hume, now impart upon you the deed and title of “Gravekeeper.” You, who so reads this letter, are now part of a writ, a pact, and should always swear faithfully to your duty.

   As a gravekeeper, you now find yourself as the owner and caretaker of Coldshore Cemetery. Your job as a keeper is simple. Maintain the Cemetery. Keep its graves undisturbed and free of intruders. And, most importantly, when the dead rise, put them to rest.

   Be aware, that the dead are not to be treated and shuffled back into their rest like instruments or simple blunt objects. Sometimes, the soul forgets that it is dead, and returns to what it finds comfort in. The dead you deal with, are people.

   Some of them, like all people, will have different ways of responding to you. Some will not heed reason, will not listen, because they are mad. They’ve no sense left in them and so all that remains is violence. Put these souls to rest with a strong arm and a sharp blade.

   Some will be curious, returning to the world they’ve been away from for so long. Bribe them. Give them trinkets, offerings, and they will happily return to their graves to tinker, and then rest.

   Some will feel the surge of life in their old bones, and seek to flee. To run and escape. Coldshore is surrounded by wards, and so they never will. Chase them down and play their games with them. Eventually, they will tire, and return to rest.

   And, of all who are the most troublesome, are those souls who are lonely. Why they are lonely, it never has been known. Do not strike them with a blade. Do not bribe them with trinkets. Do not play games with them. Your job, as a keeper of the dead, is compassion and understanding.

Listen to these souls. Give them comfort, if you can, for they are lost and have no one to light the way for them. Grab a lantern, and walk with them, all the way to their home. And then put them to rest.

And finally, be aware of the strongest. Souls who do not need to return to their body. Souls that force our world to bend for them, if only slightly. These souls are the most detached. They will wander the grounds, or the river. They will scream a wail that curls your blood. They will yell in a rage that rattles your very bones.

And they will kill you if they lay sight of you. They act as beacons for others, and seek to draw other souls to them, so that they may sustain their temporary life. Your best and most final option for dealing with these souls is to avoid them, and cut them off from their food source.

Put the dead to rest that are drawn to them like moths to a flame. And you shall put out the wail and fire of the Banshee as well.

I, Cromwell Hume, wish you the best of luck. The life of a Gravekeeper is that of being alone. But if you are succeeding me, then it shalln’t worry the likes of you no doubt, for a Gravekeeper is the mirror image of death in life. You shy away from others and likely led a shallow, tiring life before this job seemed like anything a sane man would do. Something to make you tired of the world.

But take heart. The dead who walk Coldshore can have more life in them than you’d ever expect. There are days when they renew your faith in the people you’ve abandoned. In the world you hide from.

Treat the dead with respect, and be kind to them.

And they will take care of you more than you can ever expect.

Best of luck, yours in confidence, Cromwell Hume, now, ex-Gravekeeper.

Rain pattered down on the roof of the coach as he folded up the letter, slipping it back into its envelope safely where it belonged. The coach bounced and rocked along the old path in the mud as he sat in the dim confines, alone. Coldshore Cemetery. Farther inland from Coldshore Harbour. The cemetery was ancient. A part of old history, having endured for centuries untold. Perhaps, even thousands.

It resided in the cold, damp fog of the murky forests that filled the coastline here up north, and since man was always so ornery about rituals in death, Coldshore Cemetery only grew wider over the centuries. Graves built upon graves, crypts, sprawling outwards ever more. Surprisingly, the cemetery was still manageable for one man alone.

Although, keeping graves wasn’t exactly a hard pressed job. But Coldshore was unique. The undead were not uncommon across the world. From the scourge of those who fed on the blood of others in the shadows, vampires. To the beings that dwelled farther down south on the opposite coast of the continent in a place called The Shroud. The undead, the undying, were everywhere.

Scattered across the world in all of their numerous forms like mankind itself, like the ancient, enduring remnants of magic, and all the forms it could take, alongside creatures of wonder, the undead were a part of life. But what made Coldshore Cemetery so profound, was the sheer number. It was as if the cemetery were a well of sorts.

A collection, an indent on the land that drew souls to it. Why, he could think of no other place across all the world where the souls of the deceased walked so freely and appeared in such number. Which was why the long, and storied history of gravekeepers who had called this place home had a reputation. For they were more than just merely gravekeepers.

And now, he was stepping in to fill the role. Stepping in to fill the shoes of the man who wrote this letter for his successor. Under the dim light in the coach he listened to the patter of rainfall on the roof and looked outside beyond the windows to dark and fog. The letter, written by Cromwell. The man knew what it was to be a keeper of the dead.

Musing on the path that led him here, the long, winding road, tiring to him. A world he wanted to vanish from, and disappear from. The coach came to a sudden stop, lurching him back to things. No matter. He was here now. Slipping on his hat and a thicker coat, he opened the coach door to the black of night, lit only by the light of the lamps on the outside of the coach, and now, the light of an old building, not far away.

Before him stood the gates of Coldshore Cemetery in the night, given some shape in the darkness and rain by light that shined through the windows of an old building behind them, ancient cobble and a simple, hayed roof. The sound of heavy iron was heard as a figure pushed through the blustering rain towards the coach in darkness.

He could barely see the man as he strode towards him, and was barely even given a greeting as the man spoke up in the rain.

“Right, you’re the replacement then?”

“That I am.”

“Right, I’ll not spend another night here! I’m just a courier for this place. I’ll take your shopping lists and bring you what you need. Get your bags ready. This place is all yours now!”

In a hurried manner the man went round to the back of the coach as the driver steadied the horse up front. The driver spoke now.

“This place. Spooks horses. Best if we all moved this along.”

In silence the three men hauled trunks of luggage out to the only source of light in the rain and dark, promptly dropping them off at the steps of the old home at the gates. Through the light of the windows he could make out the man a little better but never got a chance to say anything, as the last of his trunks were dropped off and in hurried silence, the man quickly went out beyond the gates to the coach.

The driver, a man more courteous, stayed behind, if only for a moment, tipping his hat in the rain.

“I wish you luck sir. This job is not one so easily shouldered.”

The driver held his hand out, and he took it, shaking it firmly.

“Did you know the old keeper here before me? Cromwell?”

Under the darkness of his hat the driver nodded.

“Only vaguely, sir. I am but a ferryman. But I hear the fellow who watched over this place was the one who found him.”

“What happened?”

The coach driver chuckled.

“What else? He died.”

With one last tip of his hat in the blustering rain, the coach driver turned, walking back out to the dark beyond the house, closing the iron gates behind him. That was it then. He was the Gravekeeper now. The sound of leather straps and a horse making to move far away from here was heard alongside the creaking of the old coach. He looked out from the dim light that shined through the old windows of the house to the darkness beyond.

There was nothing. Only wind and rain in the night. Well. That settled it then. He stood on the stone step to the house, feeling the patter of cold rainwater on his hat. May as well bring his luggage inside for the night. He’d sort things out in the morning.

Grey skies dawned under a dim light in the morning, as the rain continued, albeit slower than the night. The small cottage of sorts, he quickly discovered, was very well built despite its appearance outside in the night. It was warm. Welcoming. And not a spot of cold water to be found here. A simple space really, a bed, a desk, and all around him, books. Stacks of paper.

With only a little room left behind for his own things, he found spots to nestle his trunks into and use them as chests of sorts. He mused on the cramped space, all the books here, and wondered why they were left behind. And on closer inspection, he soon understood. The books, and stacks of paper were records.

Some were records of the dead brought here. And others, were records and documents of the instructional kind. Upon skimming through pages and pages, he’d found them all signed by Cromwell. It made sense, perhaps. One needed time to occupy themselves out here. And so Cromwell had prepared things for others. And, as if on cue, like it were planned, he opened up the drawer on the desk by the window, to find another envelope. Signed to, “The New Owner.”

He looked outside the old window to dull grey beyond outside. Gravestones, hills of them as far as he could see. Crypts. And the borderline remains of the forest that surrounded this place, standing tall in the form of very ancient trees among the graves. Thick iron bars taller than the house he was in surrounded the perimeter of the cemetery, held together by immense stone pillars and cobble walls, vanishing from his view behind the hills.

He could wait a while. There was no real rush involved with the dead after all.

The Flood / Re: Your most radical belief?
« on: March 20, 2015, 11:25:09 AM »
I don't even fucking know, nor do I bother asking that. But, if I'm going by the people around me and their judgements, apparently me not giving a shit about money or signing up for soul devouring job is radical.

Radical enough to warrant me being the living embodiment of satan worthy of hushed stares and quiet whispering when my evil gaze is averted.

The Flood / Re: Pick one returns with vengeance
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:44:31 AM »
This is a joke right? I'm cooped up inside a house for six months of the year and the temperature in this old building can barely manage only 5 degrees above 0.

I already live with no heat.

The Flood / Re: Tired of the single life
« on: March 20, 2015, 10:34:17 AM »
I don't think anybody here can offer any solid advice. Because the one truth to it all, is that it is, at it's core, random chance.

That's all it is.

I sat down one day, and asked myself. Why am I not approached by anybody? Why, when I try to approach, do things end in a hang up or a hitch? Because for once here, just once, and only once. I will admit that I have more good qualities than bad. And while my bad qualities can be hard to deal with, I'd bet any money that in sight of somebody I'd just like to spend time with, they'd lessen.

I even did the general, estimated mathematics based on the number of my people in my province on age range, population centers, and so on.

I'm an outsider on who I am, what I do, and how I think.

I'm not alone. But the sheer chance, of bumping into a singular, other person like me, who likes me, is actually astronomically low. Even my family, has a terrible track record.

My mother got into a relationship, got divorced. Single ever since.

My father, same deal.

My Uncle. Always single.

My sister has been the only one to break that. And how'd she do it?

Chance. That's all it is. My only advice to you?

Either put everything you have into finding somebody. All your effort, every single thing you can try. Or saddle up for the long haul because it's one you'll do alone, likely for a very long time.

The Flood / Re: Men's memories worse than women's, especially with age
« on: March 18, 2015, 05:04:04 PM »
I can't say I've a neccessarily shit memory. Just... delayed.

"Hey, can you take a message and tell so and so to call me?"

2 weeks later.

"Oh! Hey, so and so wanted you to call them."

The Flood / Re: LOL Look at this
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:48:25 PM »
Uh. Let's see here. Dank shit. Dank shit. Right. Here we are.


The Flood / Re: Could we have saved
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:37:09 PM »
Have you looked at the other forums there recently? I just poked my head back into #community and it's all Destiny threads again.

All that hard work undone.
What about #Offtopic?
Old threads lingering after being necro'd.
Shitposts and spam is tenfold of what we have here.
Still gets Destiny threads.
There's a new fad every week that gets spammed.

And let's not forget the whole social media fuck train. Instead of discussion of any kind, it's quote trains of people quoting the OP.
I fucking hate that.

Like, why even bother posting?

Right? You look over to a post, see something like 36 replies, and go, "oh goody, this debate looks interesting to read."

And it's a fucking quote train.

You know, Bungie added the like button for some fucking reason. Honestly. I go back there, and I look at everything. And I shake my head. Everything just seems so damn....lame over there. Nothing interesting to talk about. Same old shit going round the gutter. Old shit that's so necro its mummified.

And it all just sort of, hangs around. Doing nothing.

And it makes me wonder about the stubborn holdouts. What the fuck are they doing in there? Just living quietly in a private group?

The Flood / Re: Could we have saved
« on: March 18, 2015, 04:26:14 PM »
Have you looked at the other forums there recently? I just poked my head back into #community and it's all Destiny threads again.

All that hard work undone.
What about #Offtopic?
Old threads lingering after being necro'd.
Shitposts and spam is tenfold of what we have here.
Still gets Destiny threads.
There's a new fad every week that gets spammed.

And let's not forget the whole social media fuck train. Instead of discussion of any kind, it's quote trains of people quoting the OP.

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