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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: So what's so Great about Britain?
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:41:20 AM »
Great Britain and The United States of America.

See, while your countries have names that are understandable and usable, aka, "Britain is fucking great because it's Great fucking Britain," or, "Son, this here is the United States of America.

Or, like this thread, "Hur hur, what's so Great about Britain?"

And then there's me.


No "the's." No, "United Provinces of Canada."

Just....Canada. You couldn't even say united provinces of Canada because you'd have to say,

"The United Provinces of Canada plus the three Territories."


The Flood / Re: Right, so you guys like autism right?
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:21:37 AM »
I was expecting some long ass post.

Number one rule about people. Don't expect anything from them. Especially anything good. In this case I take it this is a happy dissapointment for you?

Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 22, 2015, 10:19:11 AM »
Wait this was serious? I thought it was a joke.

There's a really hard rule to follow about stuff like this. Unless the poster explicitly states "Lol jk I'm just fuckin' with ya" at the end of a post like this, then you take it serious.

You always take it serious.

Which is why people who fuck around with shit like that and make jokes are fucking sacks of old sacks. You do not ever, let something like this slip under the rug.

And more importantly, put a wager on it.

On one side of the coin, it could be messing around. On another side, said person could be dead because of inaction.

Care to take a guess on which side of the wager you don't ever want to see?

The Flood / Re: Why do we have 87 guests.
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:55:20 PM »
Be nice to our guests

Unless one of them is the jolly green giant come to step on me and defend his green brethren I shall do no such thing.

Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:54:08 PM »
Gentlemen! Good news. Whiteflame's okay-ish. Just got a message from him in a PM.

The Flood / Right, so you guys like autism right?
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:39:11 PM »

This should cover it. Cheers.

The Flood / Re: Why do we have 87 guests.
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:25:25 PM »
You need to stop hating on lurkers.

No, I don't need to stop. It'd just be preferable to you. I'm not one for caring much about other people's preferences, mind you.

The Flood / Re: Why do we have 87 guests.
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:22:20 PM »
I bet you they are FBI and stupid shit like that. We know how paranoid the government is these days ; )

Here's my wager. Two of them are dustbin and kinder.

And the others are probably people we know but they just don't like interacting.

Mix that up with a few casual observers and that should be it I think.

The Flood / Why do we have 87 guests.
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:18:02 PM »

You green coloured default mother fuckers were the bane of matchmaking in Halo 3.

Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:15:53 PM »
Guys. I know numbers are helpful and all that. But I think we're fucked here. I came into this thread a minute or two after it was made. Sent a pm to whiteflame and then to cheat.

I added him on live in case he was there.

Off on both accounts. Cheat can get IPs as far as I know but other than that I think we're actually shit out of fucking luck here. He only posted this and stayed around for a minute or two at best.

I hope this is a joke. But I get the feeling it's not.
Okay, now I'm scared. I really, really hope he didn't go through with this.

I can't say much here. Other than, we can't do much. I've had people do this to me before, more than once.

Basically, we can't do anything but wait and see. If Cheat can find his IP we might know more. What I'm wagering and hoping for here is that he did and the police were informed.

The Flood / Re: TRW your buddy goes down
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:08:46 PM »
This isn't canon.

Oh but it should be.

The Flood / TRW your buddy goes down
« on: March 21, 2015, 11:05:20 PM »

Serious / Re: So I have decided to end it all tonight
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:59:55 PM »
Guys. I know numbers are helpful and all that. But I think we're fucked here. I came into this thread a minute or two after it was made. Sent a pm to whiteflame and then to cheat.

I added him on live in case he was there.

Off on both accounts. Cheat can get IPs as far as I know but other than that I think we're actually shit out of fucking luck here. He only posted this and stayed around for a minute or two at best.

I hope this is a joke. But I get the feeling it's not.

2 days straight. From my province Saskatchewan, through Alberta, to Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Drove.

Record for passenger seat was three days straight. Again. From my province to British Columbia.
what was the purpose of that trip?

Grandmother passed away in BC. Got a call from my mother, who obviously wasn't taking it well. I closed up shop, and drove out there.

Three day trip was hitching a ride with my brother in law out to BC to say hello to my father.

2 days straight. From my province Saskatchewan, through Alberta, to Vancouver Island in British Columbia. Drove.

Record for passenger seat was three days straight. Again. From my province to British Columbia.

I excel at shoveling piles of dirt for hours at a time.

The Flood / Re: How old are your oldest friends?
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:44:12 PM »
Except that the oldest friend I know is 70, being my sister's husband. Fuck you, I break most of the rules.
I am sorry.

You officially have zero friends.

Could actually be regarded as true. Quiet lives 6 hours hours away like the flaming homosexual that he is. Older guy in his 70's lives out on a farm.

I see neither of them in person very much.

The Flood / Re: How old are your oldest friends?
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:42:29 PM »
Except that the oldest friend I know is 70, being my sister's husband. Fuck you, I break most of the rules.
So is your sister around the same age or is he a sugar daddy?

She's in her 40's. So, eh, I guess so. Ladies guy when he was younger going by the stories and the looks other women occasionally give him.

They've been married for 13 years now. Basically, sis got him chained down real good.

The Flood / Re: How old are your oldest friends?
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:32:16 PM »
Except that the oldest friend I know is 70, being my sister's husband. Fuck you, I break most of the rules.

The Flood / Re: Introvert thread
« on: March 21, 2015, 10:15:47 PM »
One on one with people, I can talk. But usually, somebody has to get the ball rolling first. Start adding more people into a crowd and I shut down.

I've been in 8 people parties before over Live, and I don't say a peep usually. Don't feel like talking at all. At the same time, I'm in between these days. One on one I can talk fine. Learned to speak my mind more, somewhat easier. But I still avoid speaking much in crowds. Essentially I know how to surf through them easy is all. Still don't like em though.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:42:18 PM »
There's something else important to talk about here. And it's best not to wait. Saying, "ho ho ho, pick up a phone if you feel like offing yourself" is easy to do.

Do you know how much effort it took for me to stop leaning over the rails? Even with the knowledge of what I was doing, and what it would cause, I had to fight not to let go. Because when you're essentially past the point of no return, very little can divert you.

Very little can motivate you, and everything around you de-motivates you. When I realized that if I jumped, that I'd be a selfish bastard, I didn't feel good. The only thing it made me do is to continue wanting to jump. That's what depression does at it's lowest point.

It reflects everything back at you.

And after I climbed down from the tower, it took me five days to open up to somebody. Five days of fighting with myself internally to do it.

The point is, when you can talk about how bad you're feeling, you aren't quite at the end of your rope yet. You could be close. But not quite past the point of almost no return. When you hit that point, you're not going to want to talk. You're not going to want to pick up a phone.

So that means we can talk a little bit about stalling things.

Depression, and the end result at its core, is caused by unhappiness. Even in bi-polar people. Even more so in bi-polar people because their emotions are intense. They can be fine, and then the next minute, down. Far, far down.

Unhappiness is caused by not being satisfied.

What causes not being satisfied?

Things not going your way. Stress. Stagnation.

Stagnation is the very root of unhappiness becase when something is stagnant, it is not changing. We as people, are naturally inclined to changes. A changing environment, a change of pace.

To give an example.

Part of the reason why I am so much of a mess right now, is because a huge part of my life is stagnant.

I've been cooped up into a house for roughly 5-6 months now. It's too cold outside to do anything, and I'm deprived of sunlight. My body, physically is degrading both because of winter effects of no activity, and the meds from the doc. And most importantly, I am trying to find somebody to call a friend in my vicinity.

It doesn't matter how capable I am of spending my time even if I enjoy it. The fact that I've been waking up every day to those 4 key things now for quite some time without having visible, forwards progress and only backwards, is leaving its mark on me.

So, essentially, what can potentially divert, and remove or subside depression is change.

Positive change.

It could be learning how to do something new that you enjoy. It can be traveling. It could be meeting new people you get along with.

But the key thing here is, and it's something that you have to take seriously because you have a rapidly closing window, is to pin down what you are unhappy about.

Pin down why you're dissatisfied with your life and what's in it. Find the thing that makes you unhappy, the thing that is staying negative, and then do your absolute best to reverse it.

Go to a concilor if you have to. They can help you with finding out why you're unhappy.

The problem with really finding out why you're unhappy revolves around your sub-conscious. And dealing with the sub-conscious parts of yourself are not easy to do because they're hidden.

Don't wait until you hit the point of no return. See that you're heading there and put your own brakes on first.

That is by far the best advice I have read so far. My life is currently stagnating, I feel like I'm never going to leave this city for good.

Then you have to change that and you have to find a way how. And that's not easy. Cities are designed to be traps. And here's why.

A city is so appealing to most, because of conveinence. You can find food, you can find shelter, you can find technology, and things that you enjoy like TV, easy access to water, power, food, internet. Cities are founded on the principle of ease of access.

But, in order to benifit from what you want in a city, you have to pay for it. So, in order to pay for it, you acquire a job. Which is another trap. Because you become dependant on the influx of money that the job is giving you, no matter how much, or how small.

And the bills, the costs for everything, are fine tuned well enough so that you have just barely enough to make it. Barely enough to pay for it. Now, cities aren't such a bad thing, if that's your thing. But the problem is always monetary. And that's how they trap people, because in order to function, a city needs people working.

It's a carefully executed bargain.

It's how much a person is willing to give up of their time, in order to have access to all the wonderful things they want. That's what money is, and that's what having a job is.

Now, some people save up. And they move to a new city. A fresh location. Some people get jobs that pay a lot in return for more of their time and focus, and then take vacations at the end of the year. Some people have a partner. Arguably a partner makes the world more tolerable.

But the real key here, is finding something you enjoy doing, and monetizing it.

Because personally, I don't wager you'd do well in an environment like mine.

And that's the truth. There's city life. And then there's small town/out in the boonies life.

Of course, there is the life of being rich. All doors become open to you the richer you are. But in order to be rich, you have to give a lot. Your time, your focus, your energy.

Your absolute best bet is one of two things.

Find a job that you like, in which case it is no longer a job but a hobby.

Or find a hobby that you can monetize.

The only actual way to beat the system at it's own game is to play a part of it. But do it smart. Don't aim for some shitty retail job and go hur dur money.

That's an empty life, and one of being illusioned. Find something you really enjoy, or you're really good at doing, and push it.

Or, pack your shit up and abandon it completely. Hitchhiking to a new place. But, that's not safe these days. The world's a lot meaner.

Basically, focus on what you enjoy. Find something you're good at. And then go for it.

To me, you seem like somebody who would fare better in a city.

But your life will change if you're doing something you enjoy and making money from it. And it'll change exceptionally so if you find a partner to share it with.

The Flood / Re: What are your goals in the next 3 years?
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:07:49 PM »
-Build my house
-Build my workshop
-Continue honing my hobbies
-Recover physically
-Acquire close proximity friend I can see on a regular basis in person
-Potentially make close friend a partner
-Fix and repair my restaurant
-Figure out a way to have an under the table income
-Make under the table income something fun to do
-Help family
-Go travelling with friend/partner
-After building workshop/garage, experiment with welding
-Do mathematical calculations for a hovercraft
-Build said hovercraft
-Potentially go travelling on my own and visit some good friends made here/bungle

I want over half of these done in one year, not three.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 21, 2015, 06:41:48 PM »
There's something else important to talk about here. And it's best not to wait. Saying, "ho ho ho, pick up a phone if you feel like offing yourself" is easy to do.

Do you know how much effort it took for me to stop leaning over the rails? Even with the knowledge of what I was doing, and what it would cause, I had to fight not to let go. Because when you're essentially past the point of no return, very little can divert you.

Very little can motivate you, and everything around you de-motivates you. When I realized that if I jumped, that I'd be a selfish bastard, I didn't feel good. The only thing it made me do is to continue wanting to jump. That's what depression does at it's lowest point.

It reflects everything back at you.

And after I climbed down from the tower, it took me five days to open up to somebody. Five days of fighting with myself internally to do it.

The point is, when you can talk about how bad you're feeling, you aren't quite at the end of your rope yet. You could be close. But not quite past the point of almost no return. When you hit that point, you're not going to want to talk. You're not going to want to pick up a phone.

So that means we can talk a little bit about stalling things.

Depression, and the end result at its core, is caused by unhappiness. Even in bi-polar people. Even more so in bi-polar people because their emotions are intense. They can be fine, and then the next minute, down. Far, far down.

Unhappiness is caused by not being satisfied.

What causes not being satisfied?

Things not going your way. Stress. Stagnation.

Stagnation is the very root of unhappiness becase when something is stagnant, it is not changing. We as people, are naturally inclined to changes. A changing environment, a change of pace.

To give an example.

Part of the reason why I am so much of a mess right now, is because a huge part of my life is stagnant.

I've been cooped up into a house for roughly 5-6 months now. It's too cold outside to do anything, and I'm deprived of sunlight. My body, physically is degrading both because of winter effects of no activity, and the meds from the doc. And most importantly, I am trying to find somebody to call a friend in my vicinity.

It doesn't matter how capable I am of spending my time even if I enjoy it. The fact that I've been waking up every day to those 4 key things now for quite some time without having visible, forwards progress and only backwards, is leaving its mark on me.

So, essentially, what can potentially divert, and remove or subside depression is change.

Positive change.

It could be learning how to do something new that you enjoy. It can be traveling. It could be meeting new people you get along with.

But the key thing here is, and it's something that you have to take seriously because you have a rapidly closing window, is to pin down what you are unhappy about.

Pin down why you're dissatisfied with your life and what's in it. Find the thing that makes you unhappy, the thing that is staying negative, and then do your absolute best to reverse it.

Go to a concilor if you have to. They can help you with finding out why you're unhappy.

The problem with really finding out why you're unhappy revolves around your sub-conscious. And dealing with the sub-conscious parts of yourself are not easy to do because they're hidden.

Don't wait until you hit the point of no return. See that you're heading there and put your own brakes on first.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 21, 2015, 01:25:02 PM »
1 (800) 273-8255

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Even if you're just entertaining the thoughts, and not actively about to carry it out, please call them. They're there to talk 24/7.
I've always wondered, what do these people do?

Generally they'll just talk a caller through their feelings. Some centers offer overnight stays, and some have people that will drive out to your home and talk to you. If you're threatening to kill yourself, they may work with the police to locate you. My sister has BPD and called a few times when she was younger. Sometimes it's just a good outlet, like this forum.
I mean is that their job or what? Sitting around all day talking to suicidal people? Doesn't that take a toll on them and maybe even make them suicidal? How do those people get hired? Are they actually enthusiastic and caring or do they read from a script?

How much can a random person who knows nothing about you actually help?

The people on the phone are there to talk. I'd wager, anybody who signs up for that job is compassionate and has a really damn strong sense of self. They'd almost have to be charismatic.

They don't read from a script, but suicidal people follow a mappable pattern, which means they have a vocabulary of words, phrases, and things that they know to say.

But the thing is, when you're depressed, when you're suicidal, it no longer matters what problem you had that caused it because the end result, the end feeling, is identical.

They aren't there so much to physically help you as they are to put the brakes on for you. They put the brakes on for you, sort of like a "jesus take the wheel" kind of deal.

And then it's proffessional councilors that take it from there.

Those suicide hotlines are basically barriers. Like on the road or highways. They stall and stop somebody from completely crashing. And then the people who can actually help, ambulance, fire department, aka proffessional councilors, show up.

Serious / Re: I have thoughts of suicide quite often.
« on: March 21, 2015, 12:01:47 PM »
You know, normally I could probably say something....motivational on this. I can't. I'll just say this instead. What stopped me the first time?

Sitting up on a radio tower, leaning over the rails. I was thinking. I climbed that tower in my lower states because I did a lot of thinking. And one night I asked myself the point of continuing. Why should I continue, against all the grey, the void, and the nothing that existed in my life, when in a few seconds if I let go of those rails I could turn it all off like a lightswitch and have rest from it?

My little niece. I suddenly imagined her when she was older. After her older father passed away and she was growing up. She's different than other kids around here. And being different up here, is hard. I imagined, what the news would do to her, at her age right now.

6 years old. Her big uncle died. Jumped off a radio tower. That person that she liked, cared about, that person who will be there to help her when she's older. Gone.

My sister who's blind. How would she manage her farm alone?

Her husband. How would he manage all the work he has to do on his own?

My mother, how would she retire if she had nowhere to go to retire? No home to gently fall into?

I stopped it the first time because I said that at the very least, if I didn't want to do it for myself, if I didn't care about myself, then at the very least, I could do it for those people instead.

But I've got a problem now. This second round is different. I'm aware that I'm depressed, I am trying every day to turn it around. But how do I turn it around when I wake up in the morning, upset?

I wake up tired, I wake up angry, and then finally, I'm just sad. Tired.

It's different this time around, but it's doing the same thing. My smiles, any laughs I make, are hollow. They're just voluntary, like old reactions I'm used to doing. I know how to keep up the appearance that I can still be happy even though when I wake up in the morning my eyes look sad, and down, and my mouth sits with it's usual downward frown.

I look tired and down and I can't hide it. But I can hide the fact that I'm losing my grip. Losing my ability to really care or feel much about anything.

And it's a problem, because I work. Working keeps me moving. Working tells me that I am accomplishing something, both for myself, and for somebody else.

I used to be lazy before my first round with this. Then I changed.

Which means my reasons to keep going that I developed before are now normal life for me. And I'm losing my grip on everything. If those reasons go, that are now a normal part of life for me, then I'm finished. I'll have nothing left holding me up.

And I know I said that I had nothing to say on this. So here's what's really important here.


Keep your head sharp. Watch yourself. And if you fall any farther, pick up a fucking phone and talk. There's suicide hotline numbers all over the fucking place. They're up 24 hours a day because they have to be ready to listen to somebody who needs to talk.

Understand that?

I've essentially cut myself away from my friends because not only am I being a sad sack of fucking potatoes, but because I know that one night, I'm going to really need to talk and they aren't going to be there for me because I have to do things on my own.

Keep some part of your head on straight. Enough that you can pick up a phone and talk to somebody because believe me. You can fix things. You can set things straight. And unlike myself, up here, by myself, you don't have to do it alone either.

The people who work for those services are compassionate. They will be willing to listen, and they will be willing to help you. So if you're feeling so far down that you're walking a really dangerous line, pick up the damn phone and talk.

The Flood / Re: Petition for Cheat to give us Daedra font as an option
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:53:09 PM »
Why stop there?

What about the Halo font?

Because halo font won't scare away god fearing christians like red demon runes can.

Serious / Re: ITER: Star in a bottle nuclear reactor
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:42:31 PM »
If this works I can see the coal powered companies big wigs hiring people to say shit about why this should be banned.

I have my doubts about them overcoming the work of roughly 30 countries.

If this reactor ever goes up, safely, and does what its grand idea is intended to do, create massive output with little waste byproducts, then eventually we're going to have a day where the scientific community grows some balls and puts its foot down.

Letting companies stand in the way of progress for continued profit has to take a pause one day. This reactor, if it ever works and functions, would be worth that.

And besides.

Just because it supplies fuck tons of power doesn't mean electricity bills will be removed now will it?

The Flood / Petition for Cheat to give us Daedra font as an option
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:37:05 PM »

The Flood / Re: Nowruz mobarak
« on: March 20, 2015, 06:32:48 PM »

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