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Messages - Sandtrap

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Whatever you do, it is essential that you aren't an early bird.

Because when you are, you'll be the first person to find the decapitated deer left in the post office by some kids last night. The unspoken rule is, "If you saw it first, it's your mess."

The Flood / Re: why did challywally get banned?
« on: March 28, 2015, 05:39:06 PM »
It's indicative of a problem that both Challenger and Verbatim ended up being banned.

It ought to be the job of the moderators to head this shit off at the pass, and ban the instigator/worst offender before it becomes an issue. If you're banning two people involved in the same conversation, you didn't act quick enough.
It's always easy to decide on what should've been done in retrospect. When things start turning sour, our first reaction rarely is to reach for the banhammer right away. We try to talk to people and defuse the situation with a verbal or formal warning. When I did so yesterday night before signing off, I thought the situation was difused. The split thread had been locked and both parties received a warning not to continue the fight in public. This works the vast majority of times.

However, this morning, it turns out that the warnings weren't received all that well and that in a new, similar thread, the exact same argument was starting up again, insults and jabs included. At that point, there's no longer a first instigator or someone who isn't crossing the line. Both parties knew what they were doing. That it went too far, and that we almost had another derailed thread on our hands.

Like LC pointed out, we aren't always around. And in first instance, we always try to settle things without going for a ban or warning straight away.

Furthermore, we've said it time and time again. If you see a post breaking the rules, simply report it. If you choose to instead respond with similar insults and set off a fight that could've easily been prevented, there's a good chance that when the mods get to it, we'll just see both people fighting and breaking the rules. And at that point, we have to treat them fairly and equally. We can't ignore one person's 5 posts that break the rules just because the other guy did so first. This isn't kindergarten. "But he started it" won't get you very far.

So while I agree that this probably could've been dealt with differently, I'm not going to stop trying to settle things in a mature way by giving people the benefit of the doubt, rather than reaching for the banhammer straight away. This works easily the majority times. But Challenger and Verbatim were both crossing the line and were both given enough warnings, which they both chose to ignore until the very end despite having been made very clear that it would result in a ban.[/spoiler]

I'm curious here. Call it a theoretical.

Two people start up a slap fight. A mod takes said slap fight posts out of the thread, and splits the fight into a new contained thread. Here's the wager.

Everybody has to shut the fuck up some time.

I mean as much as somebody can dislike somebody, there's not a fucking chance two people will spend the entire day going at it.

Eventually that candle will go out. Somebody will get tired. Here's the way I figure it. Two sides are having a row. Mod comes in and ding dong bannus them.

That argument is still waiting to pop up again. And if anything, it has more fuel when a mod intervines because both sides are sort of stuck in the mud disliking each other because "but he got me ding dong bannu'd."

Just an idea is all. An argument starts. Mods contain it, separate it, and only said two users can comment in the thread. Sort of like how mods can still talk after the lock. Eventually somebody's going to burn out. Somebody's going to realize that they have a day to go to beyond the computer screen.

They might pick it up again afterwards. But eventually, one side will give out. When that happens, at that point, there's nothing left to be said. Anyway. Just a muse, is all.

You sick of the stupid people too Meta? Sick of all them stupid policies and retarded ass fuck backward progress and stagnation? Yeah, me too.

Should shoot all those fucks out of a canon.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:44:15 PM »
Sandtrap, thing is, I'm going to wager that you don't know how you fight. Chances are, any convict that's gonna start trouble has most likely been in a scrap or two.

I may live somewhat detached from things but I'm not a fucking dense sack of rocks.

I'm aware that you could probably throw a fucking convict down a mountain and that's probably his way of brushing his teeth in the morning. It's simple math not fucking rocket science. A fighter is going to look like a fighter and a fighter, a convict is going to know how to fight because that's their natural environment.

As I said to challenger this morning privately since I didn't want to derail the thread.

He's presented the science to back things up. So there it is. What the fuck else is there left to say?

Don't assume that because I've only ever been in a few fights before, that I do my best to avoid them, that I don't study things. That I don't draw relatively logical conclusions that are fairly fucking easy to arrive at. If you really think that I'm not aware that a convict doesn't have a higher chance of being familiar with fighting and its nature, then I must really fucking come off as just some dumbass farmer in a field who can't pull off 2+2.
You don't, but the way you're presenting your point makes it look as if you think a woman can handle a lifer.

To somebody who was trained in that sort of thing? I wouldn't call it an impossibility. Is it likely that any normal person would come out on top? No. Is it likely that even a well trained guard would come out on top? Depends on the scenario but frankly, no.

And the key thing about prisons is, the guards watch out for that sot of shit and do their best to shut it down before it happens. But the point here is, fuck, if somebody wants to do something, you shouldn't stop them.

However, you should put up a good series of barriers beforehand to make sure that a person who is going into that line of work can handle it.

It all comes down to the persons themselves.

If a woman wants to sign up for a job like that, she has to fill a standard. If she signs up for a job like that, she has to be aware of the risks she's taking on herself. And if she's okay with that, then why stop her?

It's exactly the same as any person signing up to be a police officer. You wake up every day with the potential to see the worst parts of human beings, and likely, to be killed or attacked.

If you don't fucking accept those risks and the responsibility of you job then you shouldn't have the job.

But to somebody who does? Don't stop them, no matter who they are.

You set up barriers, and tests, and give them appropriate training.

And if you don't? Then it's just another failing on the part of the system.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 28, 2015, 12:15:42 PM »
Sandtrap, thing is, I'm going to wager that you don't know how you fight. Chances are, any convict that's gonna start trouble has most likely been in a scrap or two.

I may live somewhat detached from things but I'm not a fucking dense sack of rocks.

I'm aware that you could probably throw a fucking convict down a mountain and that's probably his way of brushing his teeth in the morning. It's simple math not fucking rocket science. A fighter is going to look like a fighter and a fighter, a convict is going to know how to fight because that's their natural environment.

As I said to challenger this morning privately since I didn't want to derail the thread.

He's presented the science to back things up. So there it is. What the fuck else is there left to say?

Don't assume that because I've only ever been in a few fights before, that I do my best to avoid them, that I don't study things. That I don't draw relatively logical conclusions that are fairly fucking easy to arrive at. If you really think that I'm not aware that a convict doesn't have a higher chance of being familiar with fighting and its nature, then I must really fucking come off as just some dumbass farmer in a field who can't pull off 2+2.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 28, 2015, 06:47:21 AM »
So we can't talk about it?

By all means we can talk about it. But me and you? It's going to go round in circles because generally I base my viewpoints on tangible things that I've seen.

I've seen a chick beat the shit out of her boyfriend when he was cheating on her and he tried to play the drunken physical abuse card.

I saw that highschool friend of mine get into a scrap with a guy who assaulted her first and got the first punch on her and she fucked him up bad.

I regularily bump into women who work out in the fields which is no easy job to be sure. Farming equipment is not light.

I've been around a lot of older people who know their stuff.  I've been taught and shown on quite a fair number of occasions that women aren't quite what most average people expect of them. But the key thing here is. We'll go round in circles if we keep talking.

And it's wasted breath because really, like I said, regardless of either our opinions, regardless of our separate points of view, getting into a potential argument here, over something that amounts to nothing in the end is pointless.

I'm not going to convince you otherwise, and you're not going to convince me otherwise because I wake up to my respective world every morning, the same as you do.

And us convincing one another, of another point of view in the end still amounts to fuck all because at the end of the day I'm a fucking guy in a field and by all chances you're a fucking guy in a city.

There's fair points to be made here on both sides.

But the discussion, and potential for an argument to strike up here?

Not worth it. So no. You can talk as much as you like. Personally, I won't from this point on, regarding this subject.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 28, 2015, 06:19:08 AM »
I've a question here.

When there's a riot in a prison, and there's three guys, or three woman, security guards, holding off a door with their bodies to keep it shut and the entire hallway outside has people pusing on the door to break it down.

Do you honestly think the strength of any sex would matter at that point?

Usually, prisons operate on an advantage point system. The inmates are separated into small groups. Small enough groups that generally, security can deal with them quickly and effectively. The key is always separation. And usually, nowadays, incidents where officers are hurt or killed come from riots.

Now then. People seem to think that physical strength is everything in a fight. And they're absolutely wrong.

Physical strength plays a role. But people seem to forget that no matter how strong somebody is, their weak points are generally the same. And generally, those weak points don't require much force to hurt.

You guys ever charlie horse your leg or your arm? That's a nerve. Practically tap that and anybody, even a six foot prison giant will feel that. Smash your two hands into somebody's ears and you can blow out their eardrums. Hit the neck. The plexes.

I believe there should be a general fitness standard for all security guards, men or women. And proper training of course.

The simple fact here guys, is that if a woman who is shorter than you, who is physically less stronger than you, grabbed your balls and twisted, it wouldn't matter if you were stronger than her physically.

You could hit her harder than she could hit you. And she may only be able to take less punishment than you. But if she knew your weak spots and exploited them, she wouldn't have to hit harder.

But officers are generally, given equipment to even the odds so that they don't have to get into hand to hand combat.

And usually, when hand to hand combat is involved, it's an officer getting jumped by more than one person. At that point, no matter how strong you are if you're jumped from behind by three people, you're generally fucked anyway.

So yes. Women should be allowed if that's their thing.
A man still gets more respect and can pull off hitting those key points easier. Ever seen how women guards are treated when they walk past the cells?

Give me a break. Are you serious? A man can hit those key points easier? What the fuck is that trash. A neck is a neck. Plexes are fucking plexes. Knees are knees.

If you train a woman exactly the same as a man then they can do the exact same amount of damage. For example. I had an older highschool friend. She was at least two grades above me. I was taller than her, arguably stronger. She knew martial arts and we talked about it a bit. I was curious.

So, one day she told me to move as if I was seriously going to hit her. She was shorter than me.

My legs were the first to go to put me down on my knees and one of my arms was bent at a sharp angle, and pinned behind my back. I couldn't do anything.

Now, in terms of respect, in prison, respect means nothing. Not for a security guard. Convicts will have no respect for a man or woman if they're a security guard. And if a man had some level of authority or status, it would make him a bigger target as a guard.

Bottom line is, if you're a guard you're going to get treated like shit.
Anecdotal evidence isn't gonna cut it.

Male guards are viewed differently than female guards and they can respond to a situation with more force and authority.

Well I guess it's a good thing there's a mix of guards then.
That isn't a good thing at all, though.

And anecdotal evidence right? The fact is chally, there is no difference when it comes to a man and a woman for key body parts and weakness to exploit. And not all guys are built the same.
That's why only men built the right way can be guard. This pretty simple stuff bro.

A tall guy has the advantage of reach with his arms. A short guy has the advantage of being a smaller target and going under the reach of a tall guy's arms to do damage to his legs.
When you're being rushed all that kung fu bullshit flies out the window. Unless youve been training since you were extremely young you won't remember it when you're in a situation like that. Fact.

This isn't anectdoatal bullshit challenger this is actual real life, body physics.
It's anecdotal evidence and saying "not all men are built the same" as if we should hire weak 5"2 dudes to be guards.

I don't appreciate the condescending attitude. I've been in a hell of a lot more fights than you have and I've heard and seen a lot of this shit. Women should not be guards in male prisons at all. They can't cut it.

I have a friend, in his 60's, who knows martial arts. I had that highschool friend of mine, who knew martial arts. I worked on a house for a woman who was a security guard for one of the city prisons out here.
Great. This is what's called anecdotal evidence. Which means you're using something small and applying it to something big to try and make your point.

She didn't know martial arts but one look at her and you know she could wipe the floor with any guy in this town.
I'm sure.

And fuck, if all else fails, keep things simple.

Men guard men, women guard women. Cause we all forgot about prisons for women didn't we?
I didn't at all. I'm saying only men should be guards.

Regardless, of everything, denying real world body physics and believing that a woman couldn't put you in the hospital as easily as a guy could is just foolish. Like I said.

No, dude. The average woman has a tenth of the chance the average man does of putting me in the hospital. While there are women out there who are physically adept, they aren't the norm and they're certainly not all going to pick the shitty job of prison guard.   

If you get hit in the plexes, you feel it. Get your ears smashed, you feel it. Get somebody gouging your eyes out, you feel it. Doesn't matter if it's a man or woman, short or tall. Strong, or not as strong.
Except a woman will never have the chance to do that to a man in prison who buffs up and is on kill mode for fear of being raped in the ass and will fucking murder any woman guard (who are average women the majority of the time) who tried to do any of those things. You're not even taking the psychological effects into this, also.

Sorry, but no. It's too dangerous for women and they can't handle it. Men can barely handle it.

Then I'll keep it simple here. Yeah, sure thing, an average woman has less of a chance of putting an average guy in the hospital. But you don't fucking throw average people into a prison guard job.

The key point, is training. There should be a set physical standard for both men and women to hit when they sign up for a job like that. And there should be high quality training for the both. That's it.

In regards to kung fu bullshit.

I'm aware that it's called "martial arts."

However. When you take some martial arts principals, and you apply them to street fighting, when you apply the very basic motions and principals to a set of options that you can use, then they become a very, very effective way of stopping a fight quickly.

It's not a win-all trump card of course. There's always other factors. And more often than not, you have to be really accurate in your strikes. Essentially, challenger, strip the "art" part out of martial arts and you're left with real world fighting tactics that are actually incredibly dangerous to have used on you.

Of course when you get rushed by three guys you're not going to have time to pull anything fancy. Nobody is. Not even a good fighter could really pull anything fancy when they're outnumbered.

I was taught something different though. When you're rushed. When you're outnumbered. You pick one guy. Just one. And you take him down with you. You put all your focus on one.

Anyway. This thread was just a simple question. Nobody here is calling any shots. And regardless of any opinions here, things will continue to work the way they currently do. Somebody's else's life, their choice. We can bluster on all we want here about this and that but the real basic reality here is that no matter what either of us say it won't ever amount to shit anyway.

We both have our different viewpoints is all. I've been around people who have been in fights, and I've been taught a bit about, and shown what they know. I live in an area up here where the woman are a little more rough around the edges.

But, maybe instead of asking about which sex should work a shitty dangerous job over the other.

People should ask what the fuck is wrong with society and why the fuck so many people have to be fucking stuffed in a prison box because they were raised shitty.

The Flood / Re: does anyone ever get a sense of impending doom?
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:48:07 PM »

winter is coming.

Lol you said cum.

The Flood / Re: does anyone ever get a sense of impending doom?
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:38:31 PM »
Mark my words. Give or take 20-30 years.

Serious / Re: Kay so seriously, genocide
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:35:58 PM »
Until the day that mainstream anti-natalist doctrine calls for the establishment of laws that prohibit childbirth it cannot be considered genocidal, as it is an entirely voluntary philosophy.

Essentially, this. Unless it became a widespread movement that began imposing, then there's no real harm in it. Folks are welcome to believe whatever they want, so long as it never imposes on others forcefully, or is imposed.

As such, Verb's belief will never gain widespread traction unless there was some seriously charismatic mother fucker out there.

Personal views and belief's of that sort are all fine and dandy until somebody gets into power and starts calling the shots because of said belief.

Verb is probably aware as well, that the human population in general is too divided, too stupid, or too intelligent to unify under such a banner.

There has never been an ideological movement in history that never had opposition and opposing forces to it.

The Flood / Re: Can a lightsaber cut through Adamantium?
« on: March 27, 2015, 08:09:54 PM »
there is armour resistant to lightsaber blades.
this is one of the gayest things ive ever learned about starwars.

It's not exactly fucking common in the universe. Mandalorians in their prime had some good gear to contend against sabers and only super big time elite units in armies ever had it.

And the key word was "resistant."

Wasn't foolproof. Just more durable than a hot knife through butter.

The Flood / Re: Can a lightsaber cut through Adamantium?
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:59:42 PM »
Technically, yeah it might.

What if you built a lightsaber with an adamantium catalyst?

The only thing I know of that can really damage more adamantium is more adamantium. In star wars, there is armour resistant to lightsaber blades.

But. What if, like I said, somebody built a lightsaber with an adamantium catalyst?

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:51:30 PM »
I've a question here.

When there's a riot in a prison, and there's three guys, or three woman, security guards, holding off a door with their bodies to keep it shut and the entire hallway outside has people pusing on the door to break it down.

Do you honestly think the strength of any sex would matter at that point?

Usually, prisons operate on an advantage point system. The inmates are separated into small groups. Small enough groups that generally, security can deal with them quickly and effectively. The key is always separation. And usually, nowadays, incidents where officers are hurt or killed come from riots.

Now then. People seem to think that physical strength is everything in a fight. And they're absolutely wrong.

Physical strength plays a role. But people seem to forget that no matter how strong somebody is, their weak points are generally the same. And generally, those weak points don't require much force to hurt.

You guys ever charlie horse your leg or your arm? That's a nerve. Practically tap that and anybody, even a six foot prison giant will feel that. Smash your two hands into somebody's ears and you can blow out their eardrums. Hit the neck. The plexes.

I believe there should be a general fitness standard for all security guards, men or women. And proper training of course.

The simple fact here guys, is that if a woman who is shorter than you, who is physically less stronger than you, grabbed your balls and twisted, it wouldn't matter if you were stronger than her physically.

You could hit her harder than she could hit you. And she may only be able to take less punishment than you. But if she knew your weak spots and exploited them, she wouldn't have to hit harder.

But officers are generally, given equipment to even the odds so that they don't have to get into hand to hand combat.

And usually, when hand to hand combat is involved, it's an officer getting jumped by more than one person. At that point, no matter how strong you are if you're jumped from behind by three people, you're generally fucked anyway.

So yes. Women should be allowed if that's their thing.
A man still gets more respect and can pull off hitting those key points easier. Ever seen how women guards are treated when they walk past the cells?

Give me a break. Are you serious? A man can hit those key points easier? What the fuck is that trash. A neck is a neck. Plexes are fucking plexes. Knees are knees.

If you train a woman exactly the same as a man then they can do the exact same amount of damage. For example. I had an older highschool friend. She was at least two grades above me. I was taller than her, arguably stronger. She knew martial arts and we talked about it a bit. I was curious.

So, one day she told me to move as if I was seriously going to hit her. She was shorter than me.

My legs were the first to go to put me down on my knees and one of my arms was bent at a sharp angle, and pinned behind my back. I couldn't do anything.

Now, in terms of respect, in prison, respect means nothing. Not for a security guard. Convicts will have no respect for a man or woman if they're a security guard. And if a man had some level of authority or status, it would make him a bigger target as a guard.

Bottom line is, if you're a guard you're going to get treated like shit.
Anecdotal evidence isn't gonna cut it.

Male guards are viewed differently than female guards and they can respond to a situation with more force and authority.

Well I guess it's a good thing there's a mix of guards then.

And anecdotal evidence right? The fact is chally, there is no difference when it comes to a man and a woman for key body parts and weakness to exploit. And not all guys are built the same.

A tall guy has the advantage of reach with his arms. A short guy has the advantage of being a smaller target and going under the reach of a tall guy's arms to do damage to his legs.

This isn't anectdoatal bullshit challenger this is actual real life, body physics. I have a friend, in his 60's, who knows martial arts. I had that highschool friend of mine, who knew martial arts. I worked on a house for a woman who was a security guard for one of the city prisons out here.

She didn't know martial arts but one look at her and you know she could wipe the floor with any guy in this town.

And fuck, if all else fails, keep things simple.

Men guard men, women guard women. Cause we all forgot about prisons for women didn't we?

Regardless, of everything, denying real world body physics and believing that a woman couldn't put you in the hospital as easily as a guy could is just foolish. Like I said.

If you get hit in the plexes, you feel it. Get your ears smashed, you feel it. Get somebody gouging your eyes out, you feel it. Doesn't matter if it's a man or woman, short or tall. Strong, or not as strong.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:36:05 PM »
I've a question here.

When there's a riot in a prison, and there's three guys, or three woman, security guards, holding off a door with their bodies to keep it shut and the entire hallway outside has people pusing on the door to break it down.

Do you honestly think the strength of any sex would matter at that point?

Usually, prisons operate on an advantage point system. The inmates are separated into small groups. Small enough groups that generally, security can deal with them quickly and effectively. The key is always separation. And usually, nowadays, incidents where officers are hurt or killed come from riots.

Now then. People seem to think that physical strength is everything in a fight. And they're absolutely wrong.

Physical strength plays a role. But people seem to forget that no matter how strong somebody is, their weak points are generally the same. And generally, those weak points don't require much force to hurt.

You guys ever charlie horse your leg or your arm? That's a nerve. Practically tap that and anybody, even a six foot prison giant will feel that. Smash your two hands into somebody's ears and you can blow out their eardrums. Hit the neck. The plexes.

I believe there should be a general fitness standard for all security guards, men or women. And proper training of course.

The simple fact here guys, is that if a woman who is shorter than you, who is physically less stronger than you, grabbed your balls and twisted, it wouldn't matter if you were stronger than her physically.

You could hit her harder than she could hit you. And she may only be able to take less punishment than you. But if she knew your weak spots and exploited them, she wouldn't have to hit harder.

But officers are generally, given equipment to even the odds so that they don't have to get into hand to hand combat.

And usually, when hand to hand combat is involved, it's an officer getting jumped by more than one person. At that point, no matter how strong you are if you're jumped from behind by three people, you're generally fucked anyway.

So yes. Women should be allowed if that's their thing.
A man still gets more respect and can pull off hitting those key points easier. Ever seen how women guards are treated when they walk past the cells?

Give me a break. Are you serious? A man can hit those key points easier? What the fuck is that trash. A neck is a neck. Plexes are fucking plexes. Knees are knees.

If you train a woman exactly the same as a man then they can do the exact same amount of damage. For example. I had an older highschool friend. She was at least two grades above me. I was taller than her, arguably stronger. She knew martial arts and we talked about it a bit. I was curious.

So, one day she told me to move as if I was seriously going to hit her. She was shorter than me.

My legs were the first to go to put me down on my knees and one of my arms was bent at a sharp angle, and pinned behind my back. I couldn't do anything.

Now, in terms of respect, in prison, respect means nothing. Not for a security guard. Convicts will have no respect for a man or woman if they're a security guard. And if a man had some level of authority or status, it would make him a bigger target as a guard.

Bottom line is, if you're a guard you're going to get treated like shit.


Sandtrap is right, beyond a young age most people within a family are separated from each other by their activities. Ffs, I only see my brother 2-5 times a day and I share a room with him, I only see my mother a handful of times too.

But, this does not affect any of negatively, in fact I would go as far to say it is of benefit.

Bonds are not as strong in a family the less time is spent with other family members. And the excuse, "Well I dislike my brother/mother/father," is a dysfunction. I'm not saying every family is peachy either. And I'm not saying a dysfunction  marks everything as fucked.

Every family has a dysfunction.

But the real, key thing about what a family is, is what they do with their dysfunction.  Do two brothers grow up and separate from one another, never saying a word to one another because they dislike one another?

Or does one of them try and figure it out, and maybe, understand, or at the very least, try to ease the tension. Ease the dislike down to a relationship that's agreeable?

Does a son outgrow their parents, but not abandon them out of spite, but instead try to show them what they did wrong and work things out with them?

The true, and real problem with families today is complacency.

Complaceny is not negativity. It's essentially a blindfold. It's ignoring the dysfunction that exists, and continuing on with one's life despite that flaw that exists.

I'm not saying every family can ever be repaired into tip top shape.

But I'd bet you if you removed that distance, artificial or no, between modern family members, society would improve a great deal.
But I know families, as in traditional families and every most of them are worse than me and mine. My parents split early on, but remained friends and so really, we are a family unit. There is a little distance between us, but that distance gives us freedom and independence whilst we are still close.

A traditional family style forces people into close proximity regularly, surely it's better if a son wants to spend time with his mother because he's been given the freedom to do so?

Removing those barriers would be foolish, because as much as it allows greater interaction it also allows for lesser freedom and in a fair few families (especially poorer ones)-it allows domination.

Perhaps i'm just an anomaly, it's hard for me to judge. Most of the 'normal' families around here are chavs, nearly every respectable family is modified from the blueprint in one way or another.

On a basic fundamental level, I think a good functioning family unit is a family that gets along. I understand mom and dad and kids can't all live under the same roof. But I'll use my own family as an example.

My sitster, my mother, and my uncle all live apart. We are all in relative close proximity to one another. Anytime any one of them needs help, I'm there. Anytime I need help, they're there.

We don't all live under the same roof. But we keep strong ties, through communication, and physical presence. I see my uncle every friday and saturday, and sunday. I see my sister generally every thursday. My mother sees me almost every day.

And even my father, who lives two provinces away is in contact with us just about every single week.

If there's a problem for anybody, we'll jump in to help one another.

Family's don't have to be boxed into one house to function. They just have to connect to one another and hold strong ties. Families by nature always expand. Eventually, I might have kids and a wife. My sister's daughter will have a husband. My parents, my sister's husband will pass away leaving me and my sister as parents and eventually grandparents.

Keeping ties alive is what a family is.

Serious / Re: Should women be officers and prisons guards?
« on: March 27, 2015, 07:08:46 PM »
I've a question here.

When there's a riot in a prison, and there's three guys, or three woman, security guards, holding off a door with their bodies to keep it shut and the entire hallway outside has people pusing on the door to break it down.

Do you honestly think the strength of any sex would matter at that point?

Usually, prisons operate on an advantage point system. The inmates are separated into small groups. Small enough groups that generally, security can deal with them quickly and effectively. The key is always separation. And usually, nowadays, incidents where officers are hurt or killed come from riots.

Now then. People seem to think that physical strength is everything in a fight. And they're absolutely wrong.

Physical strength plays a role. But people seem to forget that no matter how strong somebody is, their weak points are generally the same. And generally, those weak points don't require much force to hurt.

You guys ever charlie horse your leg or your arm? That's a nerve. Practically tap that and anybody, even a six foot prison giant will feel that. Smash your two hands into somebody's ears and you can blow out their eardrums. Hit the neck. The plexes.

I believe there should be a general fitness standard for all security guards, men or women. And proper training of course.

The simple fact here guys, is that if a woman who is shorter than you, who is physically less stronger than you, grabbed your balls and twisted, it wouldn't matter if you were stronger than her physically.

You could hit her harder than she could hit you. And she may only be able to take less punishment than you. But if she knew your weak spots and exploited them, she wouldn't have to hit harder.

But officers are generally, given equipment to even the odds so that they don't have to get into hand to hand combat.

And usually, when hand to hand combat is involved, it's an officer getting jumped by more than one person. At that point, no matter how strong you are if you're jumped from behind by three people, you're generally fucked anyway.

So yes. Women should be allowed if that's their thing.

Sandtrap is right, beyond a young age most people within a family are separated from each other by their activities. Ffs, I only see my brother 2-5 times a day and I share a room with him, I only see my mother a handful of times too.

But, this does not affect any of negatively, in fact I would go as far to say it is of benefit.

Bonds are not as strong in a family the less time is spent with other family members. And the excuse, "Well I dislike my brother/mother/father," is a dysfunction. I'm not saying every family is peachy either. And I'm not saying a dysfunction  marks everything as fucked.

Every family has a dysfunction.

But the real, key thing about what a family is, is what they do with their dysfunction.  Do two brothers grow up and separate from one another, never saying a word to one another because they dislike one another?

Or does one of them try and figure it out, and maybe, understand, or at the very least, try to ease the tension. Ease the dislike down to a relationship that's agreeable?

Does a son outgrow their parents, but not abandon them out of spite, but instead try to show them what they did wrong and work things out with them?

The true, and real problem with families today is complacency.

Complaceny is not negativity. It's essentially a blindfold. It's ignoring the dysfunction that exists, and continuing on with one's life despite that flaw that exists.

I'm not saying every family can ever be repaired into tip top shape.

But I'd bet you if you removed that distance, artificial or no, between modern family members, society would improve a great deal.

And not only are they stupid, but they're ignorant too. If you'v been raised in a dysfunctional family, given those examples by your parents themselves, how the fuck are you going to know any better to treat your fucking kid right?

And even the functional families. TV, games, internet, and texting, all artificially separate families.

There can be no hostile fights, no abuse, no nothing.

But dad or mom are busy for half the day at their job, or the both of them are, and generally for the remainder of the day they're fucking texting.

Little timmy comes home from school, does his school shit, maybe text's in between, and the then jumps on xbox for the evening before bed after supper. The kids could even text their parents back and forth.

But they still are artificially separated.

Kids need a physical, tangible presence to be brought up properly. That's how they learn properly. Mom and dad's interactions in person. Interactions with parents, in person.

The Flood / Re: Somebody just stole a bunch of my shit
« on: March 27, 2015, 03:53:55 PM »
bring a metal baseball bat.

Fuck that bring a chainsaw.

So what's there to talk about here. Kids are fucked, broken families not supplying the right environment for a child leads to a domino effect in younger generations. Not only is it dysfunctional families but it's "functional" families as well.

And? What else is there to say here, exactly?
You'd be surprised how many people seem to think family structure doesn't matter.

No I wouldn't. Because people are fucking stupid. It's not surprising. It's expected, really.

So what's there to talk about here. Kids are fucked, broken families not supplying the right environment for a child leads to a domino effect in younger generations. Not only is it dysfunctional families but it's "functional" families as well.

And? What else is there to say here, exactly?

Other than "yes" or "okay?"

The Flood / Re: It was only a foetus
« on: March 27, 2015, 02:05:25 PM »
You know, it's rather telling of how stupidly ignorant people are in regards to life today. People argue that it's not technically aware yet and how it can't be considered a person yet. So it's okay to off it.

Never mind our own self destructive nature but our own regard to other lifeforms is frankly, hideous. It might not be sentient yet. It might not be human yet.

But it was, a bundle of living, growing cells. Something alive.

And yet people only attribute murder to just the killing of our species. Not other forms of life, even if they could be considered, "under" our own form of life and perception.

I know life isn't all cheery and you sure as fuck can't avoid killing things.

But to disregard them as nothing is flat out fucking stupid and ignorant.

Gaming / Re: What does Bloodborne do different than Dark Souls?
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:30:07 PM »
It is pretty funny that people who shit all over Destiny, praise Bloodborne. They are the same, focused entirely on gameplay and the world. Bloodborne has little story and no character development. Yay for double standards.

As Brute said. Destiny was lobotomized game. And I played the demo when it was released, which was 25% of the retail game. So here's some key differences.

While arguably, both Bloodborne and Destiny have a central focus on the world and gameplay, those are the only similarities. And they're not even really similar.

In a dark souls-ish, spiritual successor type game, the world itself, the characters you meet, the weapons, the creatures, are the story. They all tell a fragmented story left to interpretation to the player. But the clues are all there. And one can argue that a game doesn't need to be character driven to tell a good, or interesting story. It can still be immersive without your central character having a personality.

And the souls-ish series excels at this. Destiny, on the other hand, had no interesting outside characters to even remember. Half the NPC's were just projectile vomit vendors who basically projectile vomited you quests and weapons.

And while Destiny was a pretty, beautiful well done world, it lacked something special. Atmosphere. It was like a painting with nothing in it.

Essentially, you could say Destiny and Bloodborne do focus on the same things. But Bloodborne actually knows what it's doing and plays to it's strengths, were Destiny sort of knew what it was doing and then it got lobotomized.

The difference here is the quality of the delivery.

Serious / Re: No this is fucking bullshit.
« on: March 27, 2015, 10:44:13 AM »
I haven't kept up with this shit. But both sides to the story could be possible. The pilot goes out to take a shit. The black box records heavy breathing, banging on the locked door, and screaming passengers.

Now. Let's say it was a mechanical failure and the plane did a nosedive. The passengers would still be screaming. The pilot would still be trying to get inside.

And here's the key thing. Are any of you aware that planes like that have a separate air system and the cockpits are modulated to the rest of the craft? If there's a breach in the main body of the plane, the door seals, and a separate air supply is routed so the pilots don't pass out even if the entire passenger manifest does.

If it was mechanical, maybe multiple things went wrong. The door sealed when the plane took a nose dive and the co pilot had no choice but to take over.

Either way, I don't know. And frankly, there isn't anything to say here other than

A) 150 people are dead, nothing changes that no matter who or what
B) Another fucking plane went down on a high growing list lately

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:47:29 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.
Needless to say, this song feels almost like a completely different song before and after you meet Sovereign.


But this song was also really great at capturing the tension and desperation at the end of Mass Effect 1.


From an in-game atmosphere standpoint the first mass effect can do no wrong. My first playthrough is something I won't ever forget. Talk about god damn immersion dude.
Oh dear god yes. The game immersed me so much, that I even enjoyed the goddamn Mako missions. Like every single one of them.


Long live the first playthrough. Long live the mako.


The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:32:45 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.
Needless to say, this song feels almost like a completely different song before and after you meet Sovereign.


But this song was also really great at capturing the tension and desperation at the end of Mass Effect 1.


From an in-game atmosphere standpoint the first mass effect can do no wrong. My first playthrough is something I won't ever forget. Talk about god damn immersion dude.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:25:47 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.
I do like how well the general mood of Mass Effect 1 transitions into Mass Effect 2. Especially the tension after Virmire now that you know that the Reapers are coming for real and that Saren was just a puppet of an actual Reaper.

That is true. Atmosphere wise the first and second games nailed it.

The first was clean, new, and inviting. The songs were all founded on wonder and awe to the eyes laying sight on the story and world for the first time.

The second game nailed the darker, grungy aspects of that shiny new world people had become accustomed to.

The Flood / Re: Mods in a motherfucking nutshell I swear...
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:22:26 AM »

What most mods probably fantasize about regarding excessive rule breakers.

In a nutshell.

No, I don't enjoy banning people. I'd rather they just stop.

But I bet for some exceptions permanently offing people old yeller style probably crossed your mind at some point.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:21:03 AM »

Easily one of my top favorite.  I would just stand around in the C-Sec Academy listening to this.  I was so upset when they ruined it in ME2.  I was upset when they changed a lot of Mass Effect's iconic music sound...

The first ME seemed like a different shade of sci-fi didn't it?

It had a special magic touch to it. Sort of like this clean sort of feeling to it. Like the game was showing you all this amazing stuff and inviting you into the world.

The Flood / Re: Mass Effect OST thread.
« on: March 27, 2015, 01:15:09 AM »

And, one of my favorites was the short track that played during the fight with the Reaper on Rannoch. Say what you will of the seires and it's shortcomings, but the soundtrack team never did a bad job.

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