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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:34:08 PM »
eh, I enjoy going out for dinner with family or friends or whatever.
It's always nice just getting together and discussing stuff.

OT: You really should go and try to put on a kind demeanor.

You say that is if I'm not friendly in person no matter how irritable I am. If there's one thing I'm half decent at, it's trying to get along with everybody. Trouble, and causing it, is overrated.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:31:03 PM »
sound like you're miserable.

I'm glad your so blatently astute. What gave it away?

Another thing. Reputation, in this town, word of mouth, is a wonderful thing to put up with. If I ditch the thing it'll get shotgunned all round' town.

I don't normally care about reputation. But what disgusts me is the fact that you can hear rumors behind your back.

And then turn around on the people speaking them and recieve pleasantries and fake smiles.

I'm not a fan of beating around the bush bullshit. And lately, it's quite tiresome to hear talk of that sort. Last thing I want, is to have to listen to that tripe.

So just this once, I'll be nice. I'll dodge the rumor bullet. But I sure won't like it. Some things get too deep under my skin some days. Social crap like this, is high on the list. I'm not in the mood or the tolerance range for it these days.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:21:07 PM »
@ OP if I am invited to something I ALWAYS put as much effort into going as I can. Get comfortable w being uncomfortable ect. You are not above these people, force yourself to go

Or alternatively, I can get comfortable trying to live comfortably in a life that I prefer. I don't find the idea of fake smiles and pointless small talk entertaining. It's a fucking waste of time. Especially with people I wouldn't call friends. If you know anything about me you know that I measure my time and I value it because I've got higher chances of no longer having any time on my clock left in the future.

Over the course of those two hours or so that will be spent, I could actually be doing shit.

Do you know what I say to "get comfortable being uncomfortable?"

"Fuck that shit."

I'm not above anybody. But I've the wonderful ability of choice that same as any other. So when I build my nice little home, far away from it all later this year.

I will certainly choose to live in peace and quiet.

ITT: Meta is triggered by people being triggered who really don't want to be triggered.

I know politics is your deal. And news and such regarding acedemia.

But have you ever just considered, maybe, news outlets and their depressing display of countinually growing heights of human stupidty can go fuck themselves?

Ever considered, just doing your shit and leaving all the fools to do their fool stuff?

Fuck em' all with a rusty rake. Let the folks who want to get shit done, get shit done.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:15:12 PM »
I like to go out to diners.

But only if they're actual diners right? Cause then it warrents takeout otherwise.

Just to clarify. We're talking diner as in those nice red chairs? Those red apolstry seats. The silver barstool chairs around the main table with more red?

Love those seats.

Every other style can go fuck itself.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:12:52 PM »
I like to go out to diners.

But only if they're actual diners right? Cause then it warrents takeout otherwise.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 03:10:16 PM »
Holy shit a grown man acting like a bitch. Id be surprised but this is how a lot of guys are these days.

Heyo join the club. I'd be surprised too except that it's all so played out. Cep't that while I complain, unlike most around me out here, I try to keep the civility and friendliness alive.

No matter how much I detest something, I do things more for other folk's sake.

Like I'm going to say, "Hey mom, go fuck yourself I don't feel like being social. Show up for the evening occassion alone."

So take a seat. Folks will dissappoint you.

I'd say surprise except that you're not supposed to say that when it's rape.

The Flood / Re: Men are rapist pigs, all women are victims.
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:56:18 PM »
You know, despite the fact that pigs like to roll around in the mud, don't particularily care about how dirty they get, and generally, eat whatever shit you give them, they're actually fairly intelligent animals.

And in some cases loyal too.

Let's not insult pigs here.

The Flood / Re: What if you met Sep7agons Trolls and Shit Posters IRL?
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:52:46 PM »
Break out the smoke, it's time to roll up and toke.

The Flood / Re: Rape is wrong.
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:51:25 PM »
dude that's a lot of words

Oh, let's not go there. Cause that's not a lot of words.

You're talking to "that's a lot of words" expert here.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:49:00 PM »
Who invited you? Is it an invitation to your mom, and they extended it to you, or vice versa?

Some older folks. Friends/acquaintences with my mother. But it was an invitation for the both of us. If I back out it would be rather insulting.

I'd wager the invite came when he was in here a couple days ago at 7 in the morning waiting to see if another guy showed up that he'd ask for help to, instead I asked what he needed help with and fixed his garage door for him.

He's not a bad guy. He's just got a sense of humor I don't particularily enjoy. And the last thing I want to do is sit around in public this evening.

The Flood / Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 01:19:05 PM »
Oh joy. I got invited out to dinner. The invitation extends to me and my mother. So here's the deal. If I piss off and don't show up like a supportive gentlemen, I'd look quite bad. But I don't entertain the fucking idea of sitting there for an hour, eating food and not talking cause I've nothing to say. Or actually, stifling what I could talk about since I'd lose the hosts faster than a teacher trying to explain complex math to a kindergartener.

And I really, really fucking don't like the idea of putting on a fake smile and doing the small talk routine.

So discuss your all time favorite social event/dealing with people or shit you don't feel like kind of moment while I go and do something with my sorry bones and fix my garage door.

The Flood / Re: nothing is ever on fire
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:23:08 PM »
But ryle

The kettle is on top of the fire

But Sad Toob 2X

The flamethrower is built around the fire.

The Flood / Re: Why do Bnet kids RP bar scenes?
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:19:41 PM »
the population as it exists now is stuck in a recursive loop.

The Refugees that still inhabit #Offtopic are hurt gravely but still proud., so in their delirium they mimic the acts of the Flood during the height of it's power.

It is a bit of a loop isn't it?

I mean there's necrobumps. Old threads just hang around. And it's all blended into a samey grey mass of blended together stuff that just rotates around.

Maybe it's just rose tinted goggles. But I remember it being a little bit more...creative than that.

The Flood / Re: can someone please explain to me what blacks do
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:12:18 PM »
There's a black doctor at my hospital in town. South African accent.

It's a really nice change of pace from flatlander slang.

The Flood / Re: nothing is ever on fire
« on: March 29, 2015, 12:07:38 PM »
Except for the sun. It's essentially pure fire all on its own.

Boom roasted.
thats not fire; thats plasma

get gud

But it is burning. And technically it's lighting our planet on fire in such a miniscule manner that we need it.


We're all on fire.

But there's no fire.

Oh. I'm surprised places in the states wouldn't have that law already. If I wanted to, I could wake up in the morning and bar every single person who walked into my cafe with no reasons given.

It's not a bad law. It's just that some people would be assholes about it.

The Flood / Re: nothing is ever on fire
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:55:45 AM »
Except for the sun. It's essentially pure fire all on its own.

Boom roasted.

The Flood / Re: There was a shoplifter at the store today
« on: March 29, 2015, 11:54:00 AM »
Last night I walked out onto the grid roads. Saw a really nice rare kind of night. Almost full moon. Clear sky. Could see all the stars and the band of our galaxy.

And with all the snow, the moon made everything silver. Sort of a twilight silver light. The trees cast shadows. It's pitch black but at the same time there's enough silver light all over the place that you could walk down any road in the dark and know where you're going.

Then I went home. Realized I haven't eaten anything for about two days because I'm casually forgetting to eat. Then I fell asleep. Now I'm here. Coffee for breakfast and maybe toast.

The Flood / Re: How many of you think I'm an idiot?
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:34:12 AM »
You know something interesting?

I think generally everbody here has a decent set of marbles. The only real up or down factor is somebody's emotional state. Wouldn't say you're a dummy. But your emotional state can ovverride you and block out what decent head you have.

Idiot? No.

Dealing with issues and weight bearing down on you? Yes.

Well... 8 people so far disagree with you. But I disagree with them.

Well, those 8 folks are giving you what you want. They're inclined to say yes because you phrased a question about yourself with the only real, sub conscious intent of hearing the word "yes."

Nobody who ever likes themselves asks, if people think they're smart, or not smart.

The Flood / Re: How many of you think I'm an idiot?
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:08:44 AM »
You know something interesting?

I think generally everbody here has a decent set of marbles. The only real up or down factor is somebody's emotional state. Wouldn't say you're a dummy. But your emotional state can ovverride you and block out what decent head you have.

Idiot? No.

Dealing with issues and weight bearing down on you? Yes.

The Flood / Re: Just got hit by a motorcycle, AMA
« on: March 29, 2015, 02:02:27 AM »
The fuck did you do? Paint a target on your back?

What sort of area were you in that even allowed that to happen? Crossing the street or some shit?

The Flood / Re: Look at the watch
« on: March 29, 2015, 01:45:09 AM »
Also, the dark haired gentlemen is the owner of the watch.

The Flood / Re: Look at the watch
« on: March 29, 2015, 01:43:51 AM »
Is the watch's center white?

Close to white but mostly sheened in gold.

The Flood / Re: Look at the watch
« on: March 29, 2015, 01:36:27 AM »
Follow the yellow stripes. They lead to the portal. The portal is shaped like a missing cover to the watch and the beams of light could be made out as the hands, which in essense tell you the time of the missing parts on the watch.

Right. They even broke into the town fire hall and slashed the tires on the fire trucks. They caught the kid who did that though.

They also have gone to the tire shop, opened up the tire yard, and rolled every single tire down the streets in all directions.

The've taken shit contests in the public swimming pool over night.

I should make a list of all the wrong shit in my town lol.

Whatever you do, it is essential that you aren't an early bird.

Because when you are, you'll be the first person to find the decapitated deer left in the post office by some kids last night. The unspoken rule is, "If you saw it first, it's your mess."
It really depends on how long he's been there, they won't test him on that, I think if that happens (by god I've never even heard of it) Then I'm certain the manager would be happy to help.......but a deer head...wut

*sips tea*

Hook line and sinker.

Happened to my post office a few years back. Some drunk kids dragged a decapitated deer into the post office and tossed it over the counter. Not a deer head, but an entire deer, minus the head.
What....jesus christ Murica you scary. I'm pretty sure anyone else who was there, aswell as the cops would help dispose of it, unless theyre all did you get rid of it?

*sips tea*

1. Northern small town Canada.
2. Lol I didn't work there.
3. I don't think the police ever caught who dropped it off.
Ah, I misinterpreted.

But wow.....that's messed up, there would have been plenty of camera footage, not like its an easy in out job xD

*sips tea*

>Town of 800
>Cameras at post office

You can only pick one.
But why a deer? xD

*sips tea*

Why not a moose

Because some moose are roughly the size of a truck. They'd have needed extra manpower. They were likely kids to be sure. No He-man in disguise.

Bored kids do a lot of things in this town. Aside from drugs obviously.

There was one time that they pulled down our atrocious town mascot statue.

Drove down mainstreet and shattered all the shop windows.

Robbed the liquor store.

Enjoy spray painting vehicles of people they don't like.

Smashed their vehicles into shops when they were drunk.

Breaking down and stealing signs.

Stealing shit.

Drinking and lots of drugs.

Setting off fireworks at houses/shops they don't like.

List goes on.

Whatever you do, it is essential that you aren't an early bird.

Because when you are, you'll be the first person to find the decapitated deer left in the post office by some kids last night. The unspoken rule is, "If you saw it first, it's your mess."
It really depends on how long he's been there, they won't test him on that, I think if that happens (by god I've never even heard of it) Then I'm certain the manager would be happy to help.......but a deer head...wut

*sips tea*

Hook line and sinker.

Happened to my post office a few years back. Some drunk kids dragged a decapitated deer into the post office and tossed it over the counter. Not a deer head, but an entire deer, minus the head.
What....jesus christ Murica you scary. I'm pretty sure anyone else who was there, aswell as the cops would help dispose of it, unless theyre all did you get rid of it?

*sips tea*

1. Northern small town Canada.
2. Lol I didn't work there.
3. I don't think the police ever caught who dropped it off.
Ah, I misinterpreted.

But wow.....that's messed up, there would have been plenty of camera footage, not like its an easy in out job xD

*sips tea*

>Town of 800
>Cameras at post office

You can only pick one.

Whatever you do, it is essential that you aren't an early bird.

Because when you are, you'll be the first person to find the decapitated deer left in the post office by some kids last night. The unspoken rule is, "If you saw it first, it's your mess."
It really depends on how long he's been there, they won't test him on that, I think if that happens (by god I've never even heard of it) Then I'm certain the manager would be happy to help.......but a deer head...wut

*sips tea*

Hook line and sinker.

Happened to my post office a few years back. Some drunk kids dragged a decapitated deer into the post office and tossed it over the counter. Not a deer head, but an entire deer, minus the head.
What....jesus christ Murica you scary. I'm pretty sure anyone else who was there, aswell as the cops would help dispose of it, unless theyre all did you get rid of it?

*sips tea*

1. Northern small town Canada.
2. Lol I didn't work there.
3. I don't think the police ever caught who dropped it off.

Whatever you do, it is essential that you aren't an early bird.

Because when you are, you'll be the first person to find the decapitated deer left in the post office by some kids last night. The unspoken rule is, "If you saw it first, it's your mess."
It really depends on how long he's been there, they won't test him on that, I think if that happens (by god I've never even heard of it) Then I'm certain the manager would be happy to help.......but a deer head...wut

*sips tea*

Hook line and sinker.

Happened to my post office a few years back. Some drunk kids dragged a decapitated deer into the post office and tossed it over the counter. Not a deer head, but an entire deer, minus the head.

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