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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 250251252 253254 ... 390
The Flood / Re: The Clench is Real
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:37:56 AM »
So the guy who jumped, reckon he got deafened by the blast only meters behind him?

*sips tea*

The guy on the tank?

Think there's a chance he might be dead. Blast shockwave that close would have done something.

The Flood / I'd like to know what the fuck "21 stone" is.
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:31:01 AM »

Does 21 stone equal to 1 boulder?

The Flood / The Clench is Real
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:27:02 AM »

Close call.

The Flood / Re: Why did you pick your avatar(s)?
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:18:34 AM »
Picked cause I always liked Moonbabies. Although funny enough Tart's expression could sum up how my days feel right about now.

Gotta admit that even though I wouldn't want to live in a place like that for practical reasons, I love those sights.

I should tell you about what I saw a couple nights ago.



The Flood / Joseph Frank Keaton: The Father of Stunts
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:44:13 AM »
Vaudeville actor and comedian that took to silent movies. He did something special in the days before stuntmen and CGI.

Single takes and superb timing.


Keep in mind that the dude did all this stuff without the usage of practical or special effects. One take only. No safety nets. Because if he did two takes he might not have made it.

Serious / A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 05:05:35 AM »
Now. Let's sit down here, and imagine a really, really big damn hypothetical here. Let's just say, that for whatever reason, money just suddenly dissappeared. Every single piece of currency, the dollar, the pound, you name it. It's all suddenly gone as if it never existed and there is no way to produce it.

My question here is, in the abscence of currency, let's say you introduced a new system into play. This is a system where, if you play a part in it, aka you work a job to some degree, you don't get access to money, but intstead you get access to what you could buy with money.

Basically, you work and play your part, you get access to everything that's offered. You go up to the store, show you credentials, walk in, and take what you want.


Would it not be logical to assume, at this point, that because technically, crime and theft rate would plummet because why steal something when you yourself could get it from simply working? Would a country's population of people, with a rising unemployment rate not change if all they had to do was just simply work, for a bare minimum of time?

Serious / Re: Why I oppose the European Union
« on: March 30, 2015, 07:43:32 PM »

Also, the cunts outlawed menthols.

Remember meta. Be a minty flavored cigarette drug lord.

Ya'll seriously need to paint your house something other than a shade of ugly.

I'm actually wondering if it'll be a trifecta campaign. Chief/Locke/Arbiter.

Although my money's on Chief/Lcoke. Arbiter seems to have shifted into a pivotal role as a leader type character now.

But I really hope that 343 uses an opportunity like that to their advantage. If you had a trifecta or dual character campaign, 343 could have a really good chance to show us other sides of what's going on in the Haloverse.

There's a lot of very blurred lines right now story wise and in canon-timewise.

Alien and Human lines are starting to merge and we're seeing locations and places that are different from what we've come to know before.

Capitalist Elites.
Human/Alien joint colonies.
Various factions of Elites.
Various factions of Humans.

Chief takes to the far out, stellar alien battlefields in immense scope and size.

Locke takes to mixed species colony slums or cities in search of paper trails after Chief. Stealth and grime.

Arby takes to fighting his own kin and trying to work with the UNSC to come out on top as a leader for his species. Alien viewpoint and deeper look into mysteries on the alien side of things.

343 has all the fucking potential here.

If they took half of the stuff they keep putting into comics and books, and made mini-campaigns out of them from various different viewpoints in the universe, with different styles of gameplay, Halo could expand into so much great territory beyond neccessarily a rigid first person shooter.

God I hope they do something new and outside the box. Show us other places than actual battlefields where those lines blur.

Serious / Re: Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 06:39:49 PM »

Stop oppressing people, Meta.

I just want to imagine a scenario. A house is on fire. The firemen arrive to put the fire out. They're all white. The house belongs to a feminazi. She's got the gall(stupidity) to say something about all the firemen being white.

And they hand her the hose, the fire fighting gear, and they all walk away.

Satisfying to think about on a comical level.

That's actually quite funny.

It's like an arsonist moaning at the police because his house burned down and they didn't stop him from torching the building in time.

Yeah that's probably a legal case you'd hear about in the states too.

The Flood / Re: House Project Thread: Change of Plans
« on: March 30, 2015, 02:09:07 PM »
Gentlemen. Been doing some talking lately. This year is going to be tough. Extremely busy. Busy enough that I doubt I'd be able to build my place alone or even with help.

Plus, somebody is coming over to visit here later in the year. So I'm going to move my motor home around to accomodate them.

I'm going to build the initial roof still, but put up no walls or use no insulation. Assemble it with screws so that it can be dissassembled and transported when the house itself is ready to be built.

Gaming / Re: What is your favorite item in a videogame?
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:27:58 PM »
The Champions Seal in Dark Souls II.

Oh my god do I love that ring so much. Doing scaled damage with your bare fists is just so pleasing. You don't have to worry about weapon breakage or equipment weight or anything when all you have is your bare fists.

Serious / Re: Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 01:05:26 PM »
Like god damn. Seriously.

Are you not esstatic that we're going to be the inheritors of this shit to deal with? I mean, we can't even stop it at this point. But the climate's going to go ass backwards and fuck up our established systems.

It'll re-stabilize in due time no doubt since that's what climate does. But the damage and the cost.

It's a bit depressing, frankly.

I mean, think about it. I'm just beginning to build my home, soon. My own little piece of land. What if in the next decades or so my province becomes too inhospitable cold wise? Or what if everything just fucking dries up?

Gonna be a lot of misplaced fucked over people I think.

Gaming / Re: Bungies lead gameplay designer quits
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:48:20 PM »
Right. Is there really anybody at Bungie left we could tick off the list yet that we already haven't?

At this point it's like taking a shit in a grave here.

Serious / Re: Antarctica hits highest ever recorded temperature
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:45:52 PM »
That reminds me. You know how our oceans have currents correct? The UK is largely northern hemisphere based and yet it's not as cold as other parts of the world. This is largely due to ocean currents, gulf currents and such.

Now, Greenland's been melting a lot recently. And all that fresh water leeching into the ocean is fucking around with the gulf streams as models predicted. Keep in mind it's fresh water and not salt water, which acts differently temperature wise when on the ocean.

Essentially, the gulf streams have been fucked around with and their pathways changed.

The souther states are burning more than normal. And the UK's supply of warm air currents from those streams were stopped dead in their tracks from greenland's continual melting.

Hope you enjoy the UK having winters on par with russia or Canada Meta.

-30's and 40's.

Start buying yourself parkas.

Gaming / Re: Favorite videogame characters aesthetically
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:19:35 PM »


Was always a fan of the first Fable's character designs. Scythe and Jack in particular. Bunch of others too.

The Flood / Re: Reminder that Satan is the good guy
« on: March 30, 2015, 11:44:07 AM »
You know I'd wager satan would make a really good conversationalist.

He'd be the shit at house parties.

Probably be fun to play cards against humanity with.

No. I wouldn't go anyway. Call me a Terra Firma supporter if you will.

But, what I figure, expansion will occur. If any of that research about a few of our gas giant's moons goes well, and Curiosity finds some good evidence on Mars, then we've got a chance for a few colonies in our system.

But things will start to get sketchy once we try to go beyond our system if we don't have a way to break or bend the lightspeed barrier.

Serious / Re: b-b-but muh p-patriarchy
« on: March 30, 2015, 10:03:42 AM »
Couldn't this be spun to say that society subconsciously thinks women aren't as capable so they have to go easier on grading? AKA patriarchy.

Beat me to it.

The cocktail, pictured below, was a large napkin inside what appears to be a plastic Gumout Gas Treatment bottle
After all plastic is breakable when it impacts.

You know, I'd actually wager that a plastic molotov has a chance of being dangerous in a different way. Plastic isn't exactly heat resistant. And fire melts a plastic bottle rather easily.

So, while a plastic bottle may not explode on impact like a traditional moltov, I think, that assuming the burning rag was still lit and feeding off the gas, then the bottle would sort of splatter on impact.

Burning plastic sticks to whatever it comes into contact with.

So I'd like ya to imagine getting hit with a burning splat of plastic which stuck and fused to you and then exploded when it was breached because it was melting. Same effect as a molotov.

But let me tell you. Getting burnt and fused plastic out of your skin or your nylon clothes is a bitch.
Problem is it wouldn't be hot enough to make it splat.

It would just slowly melt after bouncing around a little. Pretty worthless.

Just an guesstimate is all. I've seen the remains of a plastic cup spread all over the engine of a vehicle. The gas in the cup ignited and that cup melted like chocolate. Spread all over the engine and the handle left some fused parts to the handlers fingers.

Maybe if it were a weaker form of plastic then.

The cocktail, pictured below, was a large napkin inside what appears to be a plastic Gumout Gas Treatment bottle
After all plastic is breakable when it impacts.

You know, I'd actually wager that a plastic molotov has a chance of being dangerous in a different way. Plastic isn't exactly heat resistant. And fire melts a plastic bottle rather easily.

So, while a plastic bottle may not explode on impact like a traditional moltov, I think, that assuming the burning rag was still lit and feeding off the gas, then the bottle would sort of splatter on impact.

Burning plastic sticks to whatever it comes into contact with.

So I'd like ya to imagine getting hit with a burning splat of plastic which stuck and fused to you and then exploded when it was breached because it was melting. Same effect as a molotov.

But let me tell you. Getting burnt and fused plastic out of your skin or your nylon clothes is a bitch.

Ever considered, just doing your shit and leaving all the fools to do their fool stuff?
I feel ethically obliged to not do that.

Although at this point I'm just reading this shit to both laugh from despair and hilarity.

Oh so it's laugh but silently a piece of you dies inside kind of deal. Right. Best kind.

The Flood / Re: Argh, this here is a fine vessel
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:19:37 AM »
Nigga if you see wata comin' down those stairs you'd better run.

Get to the lifeboats first cause your boat hit an iceberg.


Gaming / Re: Hunt the Truth Episode 1 + H5 Trailer
« on: March 30, 2015, 12:00:05 AM »
"On warm nights sometimes our parents would let us go out to the green space and lie in the grass. And we'd just lie there. Stare up at the stars."


Just figured, that was a neat little throwback.

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:42:02 PM »
I never get invited out anymore anyway.

Did you ever flip the tables?

Invite everybody instead of being invited?

The Flood / Re: Discuss Social Gathering bullshit ITT
« on: March 29, 2015, 05:40:09 PM »
@ OP if I am invited to something I ALWAYS put as much effort into going as I can. Get comfortable w being uncomfortable ect. You are not above these people, force yourself to go
I don't find the idea of fake smiles and pointless small talk entertaining. It's a fucking waste of time. Especially with people I wouldn't call friends.

Then don't wear a fake smile, and don't have pointless small talk? Try to change that, make that time meaningful. You do talk as if you plan on having a bad time.

People can surprise you sometimes. If anything, hey its a free meal.

Not when you can read them like an open book. Not when you've lived in a small town for roughly 12 years or so and many faces are transparent. And a free meal he says.

I'm so cheery these days that I actually forget to eat. I go through my entire day, or two, and then suddenly realize halfway or at the end of the day.

"Oh hey, I haven't eaten." Slips my mind and I don't even notice. Considering how irrelevant food is to me these days, is it worth sitting around in public forcing myself to make conversation?

Not particularily.

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