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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: Serious personal question to LGBT users
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:32:37 PM »
Does it hurt her?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that internalizing something as mundane as sexual orientation is very stressful, especially for someone already prone to depression, and feeling insecure about even telling a sibling does nothing but compound it.

We don't talk much, especially over the phone. It would be very unusual to casually bring it up in conversation. At that point I might as well just say I know.

Talk to your parents dude.

Get them to push her into your direction. You're walking on a bomb here. Trust me on this. If your parents convince her that they think your sister should open up to you, then you're not tossing them under a bus like boot said.

If your sister is bi-polar, then she won't take the issue of her parents seemingly betraying her trust well.

But if you get your parents to give her a shove your way, and she opens up, then everybody wins.

Serious / Re: A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:29:19 PM »

Excess like that could easily be shipped off to third world countries.
It's kind of just like trying to fill in a moat with a few shovels of sand though.
To say we currently have to the resources to wipe out world hunger and poverty is grossly overestimating the current status of the world's production and wealth.

Does it mean that you can't try however? If you can raise at least a small percentage of a starving population out of the gutter, isn't that a step in the right direction? You'll have that much less to worry about in the future.

Instead of tying to find an end all magic button to poverty and starving people that will magically shut everything down overnight, why not work at it, in bits and pieces?

That's how you beat a problem. You work away at it piece by piece. It's like a puzzle. Not a magic lock and key.

Serious / Re: A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:26:20 PM »
Sounds like Star Trek, where they reached a sufficiently advanced technology to do away with currency and give everyone access to goods and services based on an intrinsic drive to contribute to society by working.

I don't think that would work any time soon. You'd have to see a global change and have enough resources to completely end hunger and poverty.

You know what I'd wager?

We've got enough resources to do so. They're just being mismanaged terribly.
No,  not really.

Oh really? Take a look at how fat the population of mexico and america, and even canada is.

Canada, Mexico, the US, Britain, South America, and parts of Africa and Asia are all heavy producers of food.

Arguably it's probably the states and canada that are produce juggernaughts. Siphon some of that extra shit off that people make, that people waste, and drop it off in other countries.

Betcha you could make a dent in poverty problems.

Last year in my province, there was an excess of wheat. So much so, that companies selling steel grain bins went empty. There was so much wheat that nobody bought anymore. So the wheat was either

A) Packed into a grain bin
B) Burned because there was nowhere to put it and nobody wanted to buy it

Excess like that could easily be shipped off to third world countries.
Who would pay to ship it? Who would pay to process it once it gets there? Who would pay to distribute it to the population?

Dunno. How about if somebody got their shit in gear and started a company who would do that sort of thing? Or how about an aid organization since Africa is trawling with aid organizations?

Serious / Re: Serious personal question to LGBT users
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:23:22 PM »
Hit the pause button on that. Wait for things to happen naturally.

Or, try to passively show her that it's not something she has to worry about regarding you. Steer a conversation in the directional talk of gay/lesbians.

Conversation is a powerful tool. You could even make something up, just to spark something.

Mention something like, you know some person, or you bumped into a person that you got along with, and you found out they were gay recently.

It surprised you to find out. But you were cool with it.

Really, it all depends on how much you talk to your sister. How close your relationship is. How often you talk, and what you talk about. But your best bet, is silence.

Because if you wait, does it hurt you?

Does it hurt her?


Or, if you want, make a deal with your parents. Get them to talk to her, and tell them to tell her that maybe she should try talking to you about it. Get your parents to give her a push and make it seem like it was their idea since they already know about her.

That's only if you feel like it really matters.

You lose nothing by keeping silence.

Serious / Re: A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:13:45 PM »
Sounds like Star Trek, where they reached a sufficiently advanced technology to do away with currency and give everyone access to goods and services based on an intrinsic drive to contribute to society by working.

I don't think that would work any time soon. You'd have to see a global change and have enough resources to completely end hunger and poverty.

You know what I'd wager?

We've got enough resources to do so. They're just being mismanaged terribly.
No,  not really.

Oh really? Take a look at how fat the population of mexico and america, and even canada is.

Canada, Mexico, the US, Britain, South America, and parts of Africa and Asia are all heavy producers of food.

Arguably it's probably the states and canada that are produce juggernaughts. Siphon some of that extra shit off that people make, that people waste, and drop it off in other countries.

Betcha you could make a dent in poverty problems.

Last year in my province, there was an excess of wheat. So much so, that companies selling steel grain bins went empty. There was so much wheat that nobody bought anymore. So the wheat was either

A) Packed into a grain bin
B) Burned because there was nowhere to put it and nobody wanted to buy it

Excess like that could easily be shipped off to third world countries.

Serious / Re: A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 10:08:07 PM »
Work where, how long, and would those with huger skills that contribute more get access to more? Cause then we'd be back where we started.

See, I was thinking on that. Skill level wouldn't get you access to more. Just simply participating in the system with a job would give you the benefit of having access to everything the system is capable of producing.

Now, what his means, is consumption rate will go up. If people had access to whatever they wanted, without having to pay money or bills, I'm sure a lot of them would go for it. That would essentially create more job openings to produce said content.

Now, you might think that having a sewage worker go work for the entire day, vs somebody who worked less time, or the respective ends of the scales of a service based on their benifit all equally having access despite the amount of effort or skill their trade requires would be unfair.

That's why I'm just thinking about another question.

What if you lowered the amount of time in a day somebody had to work? Say, 5 hours. 5 hours a day for everybody. Even 100 year olds can do some sort of job for 5 hours a day.

Now. You might say that there would be a problem. Medical services, technicians, laborers and such wouldn't get shit done.

So I ask what if you did shifts?

Better yet. Make it 4 hours.


Three periods of the day, three shifts where people go to work.

They already do it at 24 hour gas stations. Nobody works a 24 hour gas station for 24 hours. They do shift rotations.


Think about that. Think of the job openings.

I'd like you to imagine how much more you'd be willing to go to work, no matter what kind of work it was, for only four hours a day, and then having the rest of your day free.

Especially, if those four hours granted you access to whatever money would have bought.

Serious / Re: A hypothetical question in regards to money/currency
« on: March 31, 2015, 09:56:48 PM »
Sounds like Star Trek, where they reached a sufficiently advanced technology to do away with currency and give everyone access to goods and services based on an intrinsic drive to contribute to society by working.

I don't think that would work any time soon. You'd have to see a global change and have enough resources to completely end hunger and poverty.

You know what I'd wager?

We've got enough resources to do so. They're just being mismanaged terribly.

Gaming / Re: Anyone interested in playing Heists sometime soon?
« on: March 31, 2015, 09:50:11 PM »
Good lord I haven't touched GTA in ages. Not after all me pals moved to the Juan. I might consider it though. I do take my stuff seriously in that regard. But I'm being serious when I say random shit happens when I play.

Bad luck magnet.

Gaming / Re: TF2- Surfing
« on: March 31, 2015, 09:31:01 PM »
Some Tribes shit right there. And I'm still trying to get a hang on rocket jumping.

If you want a hand I'd always be happy to give you some tips about rocket jumping. I'm no l33t pro or anything but I'm quite familiar with the mechanics to make it a good method of travel.

It's really not as hard as everybody makes it out to be.

Unless you're trying to be one of those l33t people who market garden across maps.

Please don't try and be one of those people.

Gaming / Re: Halo 4/5 armor
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:52:18 PM »
Halo 4's armour wasn't actually that bad for me. And actually, I liked the default look of the 4's armour. It almost resembles or implies like a beefed up ODST. Which is probably what a large portion of the 4's are.

The problem with 4 was the hideous overstyling. I reiterate my point on this.

Mjolnir was always desinged and built as a universal, all rounder kit. It was designed to be generally the best in all fields in any situation. With the only real exception being small attachments and modifications to the armour like thruster packs for EVA in space, ammo packs and stuff like that.

I think if anything, what 343 should have gone for, and by extesion Reach, was small modular adjustments over entire rebuilds of the suit to suit every single purpose.

Because funny enough, while having every fucking suit type under the sun to do something, you actually lose mobility and flexability wearing a suit that's focused solely in one field.

Essentially, can we not just stick with uniform Spartans?

Verbatim literally has the worst view on everything

Not quite. You know what the worst view regarding games would be?

Not playing them. Tossing them and all of their content off as nothing but pure garbage and continually trying to convince people to get rid of them.

And the worst part of it?

It's a fair standpoint. Not the garbage aspect of course. But that games can be an immense waste of time. Making it an extremely hard pressed argument to counter against because logically speaking, you could always actually accomplish something in the time that you spend playing games.

That my friend, is arguably the worst viewpoint here.
shut up


Get the camera I'm challenging his conformity!

He's retaliating!

Verbatim literally has the worst view on everything

Not quite. You know what the worst view regarding games would be?

Not playing them. Tossing them and all of their content off as nothing but pure garbage and continually trying to convince people to get rid of them.

And the worst part of it?

It's a fair standpoint. Not the garbage aspect of course. But that games can be an immense waste of time. Making it an extremely hard pressed argument to counter against because logically speaking, you could always actually accomplish something in the time that you spend playing games.

That my friend, is arguably the worst viewpoint here.

The Flood / Re: I'm so tired
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:27:13 PM »
I can't phone. I actually can't phone cause I don't have a cell phone. I don't know how that relates to tiredness.

But I can agree. I am tired. I'm damp and cold. And I've just ripped all the muscles above my ribcage today. But whatcha gonna do?


To give a clear cut example as clear as day the reason I started anything in this thread, the reason why I started talking, was because you presented an opposing viewpoint to mine. I automatically jumped in to reinforce and defend my established way of looking at things without even really thinking about it.

I didn't say, oh well shit he's wrong. I just said, hey, let's try and show the other side of things here and change that percieved as negative attitude.

And it's the reason why you reply back because my established way of doing things is impeding on your own conformity.

The fact is, people aren't very comfortable when you challenge what they're comfortable with knowing all their life. Even if you're non harmful about it.

i just never understand why, and that's frustrating

It's a simple reason. Conformity. People naturally conform to things. Ideas. Notions. Beliefs. Ways of doing things.

Present an opposing force, an opposing idea to somebody's conformity, even if the idea or the way of doing something is non harmful, non oppressive or imposing, people will automaticaly view it as a threat to their conformity.

They won't even view it as a threat.

They'll view it as something outside their way of doing things. When to them, what they conform to, what they find comfort in, is the only way to do things in their eyes.

They'll view it as something to attempt to fix for the benifit of the outsider to their circle.

For example. When it was Galileo or Isaac Newton who challenged a pre-concieved established idea that the earth wasn't flat or that the sun wasn't the center of the universe and that neither were we.

They were met with an uproar.

Because they challenged what people were comfortable with.

Gaming / TF2- Surfing
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:56:33 PM »

I figure I'd like to bring to light a very small portion of TF2's community, and that is the surfing community. Surfing started a few years back in TF2 when some fans who knew a little bit about the game's physics started making maps.

And that was, when you jumped on a slanted edge, you slid downwards. But you could actually still control how you moved and not actually slide off the ledge and onto normal ground.

Surfing uses an understanding of TF2's movement mechanics to create obstacle courses and sort of race track ish maps.

If left on a continous ledge, or a downward slope, players could gain incredible speed. The more speed they had, the less control they had to make on the fly insane adjustments. A small twitch on the mouse or controller stick could send you in any direction.

Some players, like the one above, have taken surfing to almost proffessional levels.

Figure'd I'd share.

Gaming / Re: Spartan Sarah Palmer is Problematic
« on: March 31, 2015, 06:34:22 PM »
Took you folks long enough to consider something about this place. Since we're all jolly Bungie outcasts we may as well be buds.

If you're just going to be posting more articles here that's fine too. Gaming forum needs some interesting things to go through from time to time.

Welcome to the site, finally.

So, my question is. If somebody is inspired enough to put that effort in to mod a game, whether it be for something simple, or whether it's really thorough and well done.

What's wrong with that?
some graffiti art takes a lot of time and effort to make, and the end result is often beautiful

but it's still graffiti--it's vandalism

it's a little more acceptable for video games in the sense that everyone is entitled to use their own copy of the game for whatever purpose they choose

i'm just saying that i don't personally approve of it
if i was a game developer, and people were putting shit into my game that wasn't intended to be there, i would be offended

because they're not playing the game how i intended it to be played--they're ruining my art for their own entertainment

That's fair. Although technically you could spin it around another way. I mean think about it this way. Out of all the games out there, somebody chose to use your game engine. They chose to use your engine and what you made as the groundwork for their own idea.

Rather than be insulting, wouldn't that actually be somewhat honorary to you? Because usually, there's a lot of games and their respective sandboxes to choose from. Having somebody to pick yours, your groundwork, your framework, and build off of that.

To me that seems something to be proud of. That you've made something that somebody looked at from a differnt angle and modified. They were inspired to make something else from what you gave them.

And of course. Here's the real key thing.

Your game, your art, is still there. Technically, yes you could say that a mod is vandilism on a finished game. But that's the thing. There never just is, one copy of the game. Never one singular copy owned by only one person in the entire world that's overwritten.

Just like graffitti on train cars. Graffitti is never cleaned off train cars in my province. Know why? Because there's millions of other train cars out there. There are, standard, regular old train cars all over the place. Now, if there was only one train car left in existance, and somebody came up and sprayed the living hell out of it, then you could argue that it was an expressly shitty thing to do because you did that to the one, and only source.

Not forcing you to agree here or anything. I mean I myself don't particularily enjoy most mods either. They can crash your game and yadda yadda yadda. Too much hassle to instal when you could just play what works fine already.

But you can't neccessarily forget about the postitive side of the coin here either.

The Flood / Re: The Clench is Real
« on: March 31, 2015, 02:21:58 PM »
Because getting out of the armored vehicle is safer than staying inside it when you see enemy fire coming

I'll have you know that fear is quite the overriding response to logic.

I'll have you know that this is the internet where we point out stupid things to seem cool

I'll have you know that's why I pointed out your statement.

if the mods were made into official content, then it's fine

Actually, I've a question. And it relates to inspiration. You are of course, aware that everybody draws inspiration from things correct? And in a fair number of cases, people being inspired by something drives them to create something.

This mod obviously isn't just a simple cosmetic swap. Somebody put a lot of effort into it making it work. And the reason being is, obviosly over the years some Halo fans wanted something like this. But on most accounts, nothing official like this would have ever been released by Bungie or 343.

This is a case of, if you want something done, do it yourself.

And obviously, a team of fans used what they could to do so.

So, my question is. If somebody is inspired enough to put that effort in to mod a game, whether it be for something simple, or whether it's really thorough and well done.

What's wrong with that?

Can't the the mod be completely considered standalone from the actual game, but still appreciated for what it is?

Aka Halo drawing inspiration and design out of Alien, Predator, and Ringworld?

Or for an actual real world concept, the very rockets NASA uses to launch things into space. Their technology was founded upon and expanded greatly by the military.

And the people at NASA, took those foundations and that base, and did something different with it.

The Flood / Re: The Clench is Real
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:59:30 PM »
Because getting out of the armored vehicle is safer than staying inside it when you see enemy fire coming

I'll have you know that fear is quite the overriding response to logic.

This is why you don't hold faith in politicians Meta. There's always one fucking snag somewhere. By now one should expect only failure and dissappointment from them.


I'm actually wondering if it'll be a trifecta campaign. Chief/Locke/Arbiter.

Although my money's on Chief/Lcoke. Arbiter seems to have shifted into a pivotal role as a leader type character now.

But I really hope that 343 uses an opportunity like that to their advantage. If you had a trifecta or dual character campaign, 343 could have a really good chance to show us other sides of what's going on in the Haloverse.

There's a lot of very blurred lines right now story wise and in canon-timewise.

Alien and Human lines are starting to merge and we're seeing locations and places that are different from what we've come to know before.

Capitalist Elites.
Human/Alien joint colonies.
Various factions of Elites.
Various factions of Humans.

Chief takes to the far out, stellar alien battlefields in immense scope and size.

Locke takes to mixed species colony slums or cities in search of paper trails after Chief. Stealth and grime.

Arby takes to fighting his own kin and trying to work with the UNSC to come out on top as a leader for his species. Alien viewpoint and deeper look into mysteries on the alien side of things.

343 has all the fucking potential here.

If they took half of the stuff they keep putting into comics and books, and made mini-campaigns out of them from various different viewpoints in the universe, with different styles of gameplay, Halo could expand into so much great territory beyond neccessarily a rigid first person shooter.

God I hope they do something new and outside the box. Show us other places than actual battlefields where those lines blur.
In short; 343 have drastically improved the Halo universe and you want to see them explore it via their games.

I feel as if it'd be wiser to start producing spin-offs, not tied to Chief. That would enable freedom to truly take advantage of all this.

Exactly. You have all these mini stories that you could tell not related to the chief. You have all this untapped potential.

Those mini-story installations could be what Spops failed to live up to. Except slower paced in being released. Like free DLC expansions that could be worked on by a small dedicated team.

It would, truly flesh out the Haloverse, flesh out and give 343 room to be creative, and it would still appease M$ about sticking solely to the Chief.

Gaming / Re: Half Life 2 Gets Graphical Update.
« on: March 31, 2015, 01:36:01 PM »
The mod looks nice, but it does not look necessary at all. Half-Life 2 has amazing graphics already. That game has aged really well.

You know how a nicely painted fence wears out it's colour over time? A new coat of paint to sparkle it up never hurts. Add a nice oomph back to things.

Especially if it's making it look like the same brand new fence. Like vehicle restoration really.

Why turn down something nice? I can think of other games that would like nice in a fresh coat of paint but they'll never recieve that treatment.

And the guys who modded it didn't even infringe upon the game like some touch ups these days too.

Plus, it's free.

Free is good thing.

The Flood / Re: What a day.
« on: March 31, 2015, 12:59:52 PM »
That it is. Guess what the snow turned into!?

Rain! Huzzah for several months worth of rain now!

The Flood / Sep7agon in a big nutshell
« on: March 31, 2015, 08:21:28 AM »

Time to stop posting.

Aye that it is. Off to work for zee day.






The Flood / "No Homo"
« on: March 31, 2015, 07:53:17 AM »
God said as he put a man's g spot up his ass.

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