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Messages - Sandtrap

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Back on the actual topic at hand besides feminazi bashing and sleep deprived typing on part.

I'm legitimately surprised that we've got a tumblriesta warrior outbreak in Canada of all fucking places. probably 80-90% of the country is rural. How you can manage to even have a tumblriesta when you can literally throw them out into a field and say, "You wan't equality? Get to work, no pay like everybody else working this job." is beyond me.

How do you even manage to raise somebody to become that in an environment like this? It's almost a monumental triumph of stupidity really.
You have 3 rather large cities.

I lol. You could call our cities towns compared to other places out and about. Obviously the cities aren't as harsh. But they're not exactly a picnic either. Maybe they just don't have anything to do then.

Complaining about pointless shit usually seems to happen when one has no real obstacles or troubles to deal with. People like complaining. So they'll make up any excuse to do so or any target.

I don't know if that has a term.

But I think the Tumblr Effect has a nice ring to it.
Toronto, Quebec. They're pretty large cities. There's nothing harsh about them. They're clean, safe.

Disneyland compared to where I grew up.

Again. I fucking lol. Thought you were referring to the cities in my province.

And actually, quite wrong on that. Quebec is risky. Really risky. There's a hell of a lot of fucking gang activity there. Obviously not in the tourist spots. Not on the surface. Just because it's Canada, and just because it's not as bad as where you came from, doesn't remove the threat.

There are places you don't want to find yourself at, or in, in Quebec City.

And fucking Toronto is being infected by the states. It's got the highest, if not one of the highest crime and shooting rates in Canada.

It's like saying that just because you crossed the street without being picked off by 10 snipers removes the threat of a single sniper.

But, primarily what I meant by harsh, wasn't human violence issues. It was work issues.

It's harsh to live up here. You really need to work to make ends meet.

Give a Tumblriesta a house up in these fields and a property and you won't hear a fucking peep out of her because she'll be too busy working her fucking ass off to make it.

That's what I mean by harsh. Not people. Environment.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:13:58 PM »
OK yeah but sandtrap the point is he was jipped off a thousand bucks.

He's certainly entitled to a refund and to spend it as he wants.

Just cause he's entitled doesn't mean they'll make it pleasant, or easy. I've been jipped off 3000 bucks for a part for one of our machines. You go through so much technical hassle that after fucking weeks of having a very controlled and collected fight over the phone 3000 dollars seems like wasted time to me when I could just walk out my door and sign up for the nearest farmhand job.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:06:58 PM »
And so you don't have to read through a wall just to spot it, I do apologize Brute. Somebody steals your shit and doesn't give you your money back I know it's less than pleasant to just drop it and make some more on the spot to replace things.

It's an asshole thing to do but truthfully companies do shit like that all the fucking time.

Back on the actual topic at hand besides feminazi bashing and sleep deprived typing on part.

I'm legitimately surprised that we've got a tumblriesta warrior outbreak in Canada of all fucking places. probably 80-90% of the country is rural. How you can manage to even have a tumblriesta when you can literally throw them out into a field and say, "You wan't equality? Get to work, no pay like everybody else working this job." is beyond me.

How do you even manage to raise somebody to become that in an environment like this? It's almost a monumental triumph of stupidity really.
You have 3 rather large cities.

I lol. You could call our cities towns compared to other places out and about. Obviously the cities aren't as harsh. But they're not exactly a picnic either. Maybe they just don't have anything to do then.

Complaining about pointless shit usually seems to happen when one has no real obstacles or troubles to deal with. People like complaining. So they'll make up any excuse to do so or any target.

I don't know if that has a term.

But I think the Tumblr Effect has a nice ring to it.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 03:55:59 PM »
No offense Sandtrap, but you don't have a fucking clue about simple economics.

You get a bill in the mail that's asking for a price and it needs to be paid. You don't have the money to pay it. Interest piles up the longer you wait. What do you do?

Sell what you don't need to make the money you do need.

The reason I come off as caustic here is because 10 guns are not needed. That's a fact. Hobbies I can understand. I've my own hobbies that cost things too. You go hunting critters. That's your business. If it were me? I'd have sold the ones I didn't need, maybe keep the family heirloom, and keep the one you do need.

You put 3000 dollars away in a safe. To save up for something.

One day you're going to spend it right?

That's all money is. It comes in. And it goes out. And more often then not, more of it piles up and goes out than in. That's how I was raised. That's how my world works up here.

I live minimalistically under the simple rule of this.

If you want something, or you need to pay for something, then you go out and get the money for it, and spend it. Not cry over a loss of money because either way, at one point in time no matter what you make, it'll be spent.

I've paid every last one of my bills like this. Been close to the hole. But never in it. I'm in no debt. Just a rush to move when something breaks.

And I apologized to Brute. Guns are tools. Even if, they are hobbies. I don't own 10 different chainsaws for the job. I own one, and a spare. I don't own 10 different types of bikes for all the types of terrain here.

10 to me is excess when your hands are only ever going to use one for defensive purposes in any situation.

Call me a simpleton or short sighted if you want.

But if he makes that 1000 back as a refund, what's going to happen to it? It'll either go to buy another gun of the same price, tossed into a safe where it'll be spent later, or added onto a larger bill to pay for something.

Simple as that. It comes and it goes. And it does so very, very easily. Which is why he shouldn't be so upset about it. I mean I know it blows ass to have that happen. But from another standpoint, that 1000 would just end up going somewhere else anyway even if he got it back.

I mean, just look at it.

Spend to get gun.
Get money back from refund.
Money goes out to another source and is spent.

And that's it.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:32:04 PM »
Sorry but that is still bull shit. $1000 is $1000. Sorry that I may not be so fortunate that it wont effect me. But im not. I worked my ass off to save up for that. So spare me the whole its not a big deal crap.

Okay. Question.

Would it be any different if you worked your ass off to save up for that and it broke? Warranties and those extra services aside. Here's an example.

I bought my truck for a square 2000 dollars. It took me at least a good year to save that up. Approximately five months into its lifespan in my ownership, the tranny blew on it. The mechanics gave me a 1700 dollar rough estimate to fix that.

Does something like that suck? Absolutely. But I spent the money to fix it. I took it to another mechanic, told him to work on it in his spare time, and when he was done, to call me. When he did, finally call me, I had the money to pay for it.

This is of course a different scenario. But the concept is the same. If somebody seized my tuck, I'd be without it. If my truck broke, I'd be without it. Same as your gun.

Regardless of the scenarios, whether it be seized, or broken. I would have spent more money anyway.

If it was seized, I would have done my best to see if I could get it back or some form of compensation and used that to buy something else. And if not. Make more money and go buy a replacement.

If it was broken? Spend more money to fix it anyway since I already threw 2000 down on it to purchase it.

No matter what you do you end up spending anyway in every single scenario.

Listen. I know it blows to save up for something and then have something like that happen. Practically everything around me breaks all the fucking time after I buy something new. Ovens. Reverse Osmosis machine. You name it.

And I realize it's my mindset here that's hostile to you. Because I don't particularily care about money because it's all around you, it's there to be made if you go out and get it, and it's sole purpose is to be spent. When it's spent, it's spent.

I do apologize if I seemed hostile, or if it seemed like a bunch of bullshit to you. But when you actually break it down, no matter which way you go here, whether or not you get that 1000 bucks back, it'll just be spent, I'd bet my hat on it, on another gun to replace the one lost.

Dealing with companies is bullshit. I do wish you the best with the affair.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 02:01:05 PM »
Dear God your post is bull shit.

Think about it.

What makes it any more different than if your gun was broken?

If you spent money on that gun, and it broke, you technically wouldn't have that gun now would you? You'd either spend money to repair it, or in the easiest case, just buy another one.

Of course it's an obvious hassle when a company makes a fuck up and you lose out because of it. But are you seriously that naive regarding companies? They're not big on handouts. And they really, really fucking hate refunds.

You practically have to wring thier necks for a penny back. I've dealt with this shit before regarding insurance companies, my bank, and even a chainsaw company.

Honestly? Just cut your losses. It's 1000 dollars. Are you aware, of how easy it is to go out, and make that back?

Or you can go through customer service minefields and that whole bullshit train, a literal waste of time on your part that would probably make excess stress for no real reason.

Okay. You spent 30,000 on something and got fucked? That's something to be upset about. Not 1000 dollars.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:49:49 PM »

Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

How many guns do you own?
10. Not including the five-seven.


Take 1 gun, that you really particularily enjoy as the tool it is.

Take the other 9. And fucking sell them.

Money back. Problem solved.
thats not how gun owners function

Then he's technically making an ass of himself by complaining that he's had money stolen from him and wasted when he owns 10 other guns.

Fuck, nevermind 9 guns. Take the 5 most expensive out of his stockpile and he'd have his money back.

Either sit the fuck down and accept that you already spent 1,100 dollars to add to a pile of guns that will otherwise never be used for their intended purpose as a tool except for only 1 of them at a time, or if he's so flustered about it then make a compromise and sell some excess.

That is the dumbest thing I have seen. Its all one giant assumption. Eaccand every one of those guns has a purpose. I hunt with every single one of them and use some for competition shooting. The pistols are there for self defence since I have a CHL.

You are missing the fact that I am pretty much te victim of a massive fuck up. FN did not responsibly handle their end of the manifacturing of that pistol. And in responce, the ATF took it from me because of it. How would you feel if you spent a lot of money on something, but only to have it take away because the company messed up?

Not only that, but not get it back without a fight.

Okay. Give me a real world example of another object that a company would seize from me. Hang on a sec. There's none that I own that could be seized. And even if they did, everything I own could all be bought back. They could literally walk up to me and take my truck for whatever reason and I would go out and find another.

1,100 is nothing brute.

It's practically toilet paper in regards to spending money. And if you're upset about selling your collection then go out there, pick a fucking job and get your money back.

And you already spent that money so it's already technically gone.

You took that money, and gave it away so why should you suddenly feel cheated of your money when you already gave it away willingly in the first place? Shit breaks. Shit can be faulty made. That gun of yours that was taken could break down one day and technically you'd be in the exact same position.

Without that gun.

It's 1000 fucking dollars. Give me a break. If you want to cry foul about ripoffs turn your attention to mechanic garage prices. Or coffee prices. Restaurant food supply prices. Food supply prices in general. Gas prices.

Long story short, you got your shit taken from you. Perhaps not broken but in concept it's the same affair anyway. Just like I had one bike stolen as a kid. One bike vandilized as a teen. A destroyed tranny in my truck. A deceased chainsaw engine.

I spent the money knowing that at one point there was a possibility one day I'd no longer have the services of such items through whatever means.

Pack your bags and move on.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:34:35 PM »

Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

How many guns do you own?
10. Not including the five-seven.


Take 1 gun, that you really particularily enjoy as the tool it is.

Take the other 9. And fucking sell them.

Money back. Problem solved.
thats not how gun owners function

Then he's technically making an ass of himself by complaining that he's had money stolen from him and wasted when he owns 10 other guns.

Fuck, nevermind 9 guns. Take the 5 most expensive out of his stockpile and he'd have his money back.

Either sit the fuck down and accept that you already spent 1,100 dollars to add to a pile of guns that will otherwise never be used for their intended purpose as a tool except for only 1 of them at a time, or if he's so flustered about it then make a compromise and sell some excess.

That would be offsetting his unfair losses, not getting his money back, since now he's lost the value of the other firearms.

What value exactly? What value is there in owning 10 of something when you only need 1? Maybe 2, a spare for replacement parts.

Are you telling me he's going to make the fullest useage out of 10 guns whether they be for target practice or shooting a person?

No. No he's not.

It's a tube. It shoots metal projectiles at varying distances and speeds.

Pick the most reliable and go.

Of if he's so flustered just go out there and make another 1,100 dollars back. Money's fucking everywhere. Go make some more.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:26:54 PM »

Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

How many guns do you own?
10. Not including the five-seven.


Take 1 gun, that you really particularily enjoy as the tool it is.

Take the other 9. And fucking sell them.

Money back. Problem solved.
thats not how gun owners function

Then he's technically making an ass of himself by complaining that he's had money stolen from him and wasted when he owns 10 other guns.

Fuck, nevermind 9 guns. Take the 5 most expensive out of his stockpile and he'd have his money back.

Either sit the fuck down and accept that you already spent 1,100 dollars to add to a pile of guns that will otherwise never be used for their intended purpose as a tool except for only 1 of them at a time, or if he's so flustered about it then make a compromise and sell some excess.


The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:20:04 PM »
Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

How many guns do you own?
10. Not including the five-seven.


Take 1 gun, that you really particularily enjoy as the tool it is.

Take the other 9. And fucking sell them.

Money back. Problem solved.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:14:37 PM »
Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

How many guns do you own?

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:11:07 PM »
Ok here is the news. FN has to contact the ATF and obtain info on what happened. Meanwhile I am stuck in the dark with  money that has been taken from me and not returned to me.

How much was the gun?

The Flood / Re: What will you be doing today
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:06:12 PM »
Hauling barrels out of my truck.

Hauling full barrels into my truck.

Check the mail and see if I got some cool bills.

Check and see if my friend is alive and around.

Try not to slip on the ice that used to be rain yesterday.

Ultimately try and fail at being self productive.

Now that sounds like a fucking productive day to me.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
« on: April 02, 2015, 01:02:29 PM »
And Souls II obviously wasn't as good as the first. But there's still fun to be found in the game regardless.

I've beaten it like 4 times and I don't really find it enjoyable any more. The environments are bland and weirdly placed and some of the bosses feel underwhelming.

Longevity of the campaign usually wears down after the 3rd or 4th run.

I was talking pvp wise.

Back on the actual topic at hand besides feminazi bashing and sleep deprived typing on part.

I'm legitimately surprised that we've got a tumblriesta warrior outbreak in Canada of all fucking places. probably 80-90% of the country is rural. How you can manage to even have a tumblriesta when you can literally throw them out into a field and say, "You wan't equality? Get to work, no pay like everybody else working this job." is beyond me.

How do you even manage to raise somebody to become that in an environment like this? It's almost a monumental triumph of stupidity really.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:51:24 PM »
And Souls II obviously wasn't as good as the first. But there's still fun to be found in the game regardless.

The Flood / Re: This years Darwin Award goes to
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:49:43 PM »

How do you die from falling one story?

One story is roughly 10 feet. You can break your hip or skull from simply falling and slipping on ice.

10 feet for a child?

Probably landed head first.
that sure showed everybody!

Yeah. All loose ends tied up. The End.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls 2 Scholar of the First Sin
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:47:59 PM »
If you're a 360 user you get scholar for free apparently. Scholar was made for the Juan but obviously the majority of the souls community is still on the 360.

Hey man. Free is free.

The Flood / Re: This years Darwin Award goes to
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:45:25 PM »
How do you die from falling one story?

One story is roughly 10 feet. You can break your hip or skull from simply falling and slipping on ice.

10 feet for a child?

Probably landed head first.

Gaming / Looking for some chums to play with
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:35:43 PM »
For any of you that have the 360 or still play it. I feel like giving myself a boot in the ass for some form of human contact. What a better way to do so than to merrily steamroll burger kid randoms as part of a party or even pair?

I've got Dark Souls II if you're up for pvp or jolly co-op
Halp 4 if anybody still plays it
Halo Reach(Please god don't make me. Please. Seriously)
GTA whatever the current number is
ME3 if you're a fan of the horde mode thing
And I'm sure I could do some rooting around for other shit.

GT is Sangheili Merc

Usually it's best if we don't set up shit too far in advance. My schedule shifts on a dime. I'm most often available on nights and early evenings. Rarely on afternoons. Don't care if mic or no.

If we're doing MP you call the shots on what we play.

The Flood / Re: cyclists shouldn't be allowed on the fucking roads
« on: April 02, 2015, 12:25:16 PM »
Fuck bike lanes.

Roads are made for cars.

Fuck roads. Dirt paths were made for horses and carriages.

The Flood / Re: Those shows that bring out the feels
« on: April 02, 2015, 11:52:31 AM »

Can't have a bowl of feelios without at least one thing from Lost.

The Flood / Re: I have now joined a Christian organization
« on: April 02, 2015, 11:20:44 AM »

The Flood / Re: Why Hasn't Elegiac Admitted That He's A Furry Yet?
« on: April 02, 2015, 11:16:51 AM »

We're doing puns, right?

Gaming / Re: Locke Shows up on Cheif's HUD as Friendly
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:52:31 AM »

Yes, in TDM you don't earn points by killing your enemy, but you earn points by killing your team-mates and planting flags of ONI on their corpses while t-bagging them for maximum effect. After the match, you will get a short clip of UNSC's flag waving and its anthem while your Spartan tears.

So does that mean Halo 5 is about team killing?

You forgot the dudebro pose at the end of the match.

Gaming / Re: Locke Shows up on Cheif's HUD as Friendly
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:49:53 AM »
Pardon my rudeness, but I think it's just nerd cocktease passed as food until E3. I mean, what next, a screenshot of the HUD pointing against a rock and the rock appears friendly, and will the internet detectives go onto investigating the correlation of the rock with the Halo universe and everything therein?

That's a good question. Of which I've no apparent answer.

If you want I could easily do that in about five minutes. Could probably take it to illuminerty level conspiracy.

Step 4. Tumblr blogger
Step 5. ???
Step 6. Blame men
Step 7. Silently assassin women who do not support your stupid interpretation of women's rights and feminism.

No no, modern activism is properly done as follows:

1. Identify cause
2. Create buzz
3. Repeat step 2.

A classic formula. Just remember to never, under any circumstances, actually do anything to change the cause from step 1.

Gentlemen and ma'am. I believe we've got the formula all ironed out here to perfection. I say cheers and good day, and in true modern feminist fashion, I take my leave now and do nothing.

Give yourselves congradulatory jazz hands.

Step 4. Tumblr blogger
Step 5. ???
Step 6. Blame men
Step 7. Silently assassin women who do not support your stupid interpretation of women's rights and feminism.

No no, modern activism is properly done as follows:

1. Identify cause
2. Create buzz
3. Repeat step 2.

Step 8. Liberal usage of the word #trigger at every available opening.

The Flood / Re: Flood, pick your poison.
« on: April 02, 2015, 10:14:05 AM »
Jay, because I can simply tune her out.

But why tune her out when you can deconstruct every single argument and watch her go into an increasing sanity deprived fit?

OP said that you were tied up and had to listen to her. That implies "in person."

She can't mute you in person and run off.

She can gag you if you're tied up.

Then your only option is this at that point.

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