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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: What are your plans this Saturday?
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:03:36 PM »
This is probably going to be the only, entire day in my year where I have no plans. No work to be done. And I actually can't stand not moving around.

Do a bit of writing. Hop on dark souls for a bit. And then I'm going to find something to busy myself with. The yard's got a fair bit of trash and ugly shit in it blown here over the course of winter.

Gonna tidy some shit up around outside today.

The Flood / Re: Fucking hell, I just bought the best lighter ever
« on: April 04, 2015, 12:51:18 PM »
Your house arrangement unsettles me.

Why in the fuck is there a door right next to your furniture? Why've you got all this crap right next to a structural weakness that is capable of letting snow or rain or other shit in?

A home invader could smash your door down and practically take one step over to you in that couch/chair thing.

Of course, alternatively your loving daughter who've you've got a rather unsettling relationship with just jump on your lap after school after walking in the door.

But still.

The Flood / Checkmate Athiests
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:34:51 AM »

And the fuse is lit.

« on: April 04, 2015, 01:17:03 AM »

The Flood / Re: I've got a case of the Megaspooks
« on: April 04, 2015, 01:02:50 AM »
I was extremely bored one day. Valentines day to be precise. And I said, AYYY what the fuck, let's go see what's up on Omegle.

So I bump into some stranger, who's apparently "at the races." Some motorcross event or something. Uppity fellow. So, I end that conversation and jump to another stranger.

Start a conversation with them about such and such.

Eventually ask what they're up to.

"At the motorcross races with family."

I bring up the fact that I just talked to a person not a few minutes before who was, "at the races."

Had a good laugh over that.

That's rich.


God I hope they do something new and outside the box. Show us other places than actual battlefields where those lines blur.
Halo wise due to the power of the Xbone I hope we have real space battles that are on a larger scale than Battlefront 2. The two we had in Reach are a complete joke. Every ship you fought was scripted as hell. In Battlefront 2 the ships acted a lot more fluently they moved randomly instead of on a path.

I hear ya. I played the shit out of battlefront and I can tell you that even though the AI couldn't land a gunship in a hangar without crashing, and pulled stupid shit out of nowhere, they were still unpredictable as hell. Reach, while being extremely familiar in regards to the space fight, a very familiar feeling, the AI weren't challenging.

I was honestly surprised when people in co-op campaign matchmaking would die from either crashing or just failing to combat the AI.

I jumped into the Sabre and my battlefront instincts kicked in immidiately.

Gaming / Re: Did anyone here actually care about Quantum Break?
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:09:54 PM »
It has to butter me up for it to be on my radar.

So you mean like being paid right? Cause EA loves buttering people up.

Serious / Re: Would you support a system..
« on: April 03, 2015, 03:04:14 PM »
How exactly do you define productive?

For example. A Laborer over the Boss calling the shots on a construction site.

As a laborer, I was the one who spent the entire day getting shit done. I was the one who halued, moved, and assembled everything that needed to be done.

And from that standpoint, all my boss did was point and say go.

But from the standpoint of my boss, I was the guy who didn't know how to do shit. He was the one who read the blueprints, the one who knew how and where to set everything up.

And there were days when neither of us, both laborer or boss had anything to do because certains shipments of steel were late or there were delays from welders, electricians, or drywallers.

The system would only be able to function if you had a very, very clear understanding of what counts as "productive."

Which, essentially, is an extremely broad term that can't be covered and slotted down into a shade of black and white.

The Flood / Re: What would you do?
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:52:44 PM »
Simple. If they don't care. Then you go without them. The sooner you jam it into your head that they don't care, and therefore you've no reason to care either, the faster you move on.

Look at the positives. Have you ever seen or been in a relationship that wasn't working, but tried to make itself work?

That's how constant arguments and fights happen. That's how disputes and physical things involving the police are formed. That's how a lot of misery and no good comes to being.

When things don't work. They don't work. And you've got to let that go. Even if you invested time and care. It's like trying to build a treehouse as a kid and watching all that work get ripped apart in a windstorm.

The sooner you move forwards, the sooner you realize that for the potential time being, you're actually better off on your own.


The Flood / Re: Some Niggers made a monster explode at work today
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:22:54 PM »
What the fuck?

I swear to christ if none of you can figure out the reference. I made a parody thread based on the one down below and turned it into a reference cause that was the first thing that popped into my head.

The Flood / Re: Just came back from the doctor.
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:20:25 PM »
Hearts do funny shit Deci. Don't worry. If it's anything to worry about they'll give you a wrist monitor so you can keep track of how high your heart rate is going.

I mean fuck. I was born with a skipping heart that shut down and stayed in the hospital for two weeks as a baby. Few months back mine almost stopped when I had some blood pressure problems on the operating table. And then again while resting in the hospital.

I'm still here though. Just have to to do lots of cardio to get it back into shape, and watch that wrist band.

If it's anything of that sort, they might teach you breathing exercises to calm things down.

And if it's super serious, they'll go for a transplant.

But I doubt it's that serious.

I'd wager its stress related. Most of my shit was and is. Breathing exercises help.

The Flood / Some Niggers made a monster explode at work today
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:13:27 PM »
Some stupid customers came in with a 5Ib black box and went into our dining section at work and sealed themselves in there. Which of course, the damn thing must have been a bomb of some kind which exploded and did a lot of damage to the property and tables.

And then they came out covered in soot and smoke and they had the gall to charge me for it.

Why are people fucking assholes.

The Flood / Re: youre gay if you wouldnt fuck lady penelope
« on: April 03, 2015, 02:07:33 PM »

Ewwwwwww is this from a robot chicken episode?
It's from a pretty shitty old show/movie called thunderbirds.

Oh lawd. Das old.

Gaming / Re: Looking for some chums to play with
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:46:16 PM »
Forgot to add. I've no clue when I go online. I'm quite lethargic lately when it comes to that. You might add me and then not even see me for a week or so before I jump on.

And if you do choose to do anything with me I'll be rusty at it save for dark souls. I'd be a bad teammate for a while.

The Flood / Re: When's Anarchy?
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:38:34 PM »
Anarchy's in a state of limbo.

Neither here nor there.

Scrotum's cat essentially. Dead and not dead at the same time.
. . .Schrodinger's cat?
I like the typo better.

You figure it was typo. On purpose. I know the term. Didn't remember how to spell it. Scrotum sounded closest.

The Flood / Re: My head hurts
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:28:08 PM »
Step 1. Open a window a crack
Step 2. Drink some water
Step 3. Turn off all the lights
Step 4. Lie down and try not to do anything

5. Take a towel and run cool water under it. Lay overtop of eyes or forhead. Or warm water.

Slightly damp cloth over the eyes helps.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:09:47 PM »
But I'm on a lot of meds lately.
Scrotum's cat essentially.

So you're like super high right now

I said scrotums cat because I didn't feel like typing Schrodingers cat. My odd sense of humor again.

Serious / Re: Would you rather convert or die?
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:08:41 PM »
One part of me would say spit in their face. My twisted side would say hide that. Wait until the right moment and then turn on them as an imposter. Pride should never stand before intelligence.

And that's ISIS's weak spot.

You could do so much damage to them if you put your pride on hold. Converted. And then attacked when you had the cards in your hands.

The Flood / Re: My head hurts
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:04:09 PM »
Right. Of course. I forgot your fucking thread title by the time I stepped in here.


Gaming / Re: Looking for some chums to play with
« on: April 02, 2015, 07:00:36 PM »
Have the sedatives worn off yet?

Yes and no. I've been awake the whole time.

I'm at the part of the day where being tired is irrelevant.

The Flood / Re: My head hurts
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:58:47 PM »
Pain where exactly?

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:56:42 PM »
I do want to apologize about earlier today. Like seriously. I know that it isn't an excuse in any sense to hide behind. But I'm on a lot of meds lately. I'm a walking pile of stress these days. The doc says I'm experiencing what they call chemo brain. It's forgetfullness. Trouble focusing and remembering.

I already have trouble focusing into a coherent train of thought normally. With what the doc says I have, and all the various meds I'm taking which are altering my moods, well. You get the point.

Where I would normally try to make a point. And keep it as civil and thoughtful as I can with an intent to show a point of view.

I can't do that these days. I can't focus properly without a lot of effort or the downtime between bouts of the shit I chug down. And I know that I have to try and watch out for that but it's hard.

One moment I'm there and the next I've gone off the fucking rails. It's like a switch and you don't even yourself doing it. My stress leeches into my writing and the state I'm in just fucking scrambles my head into a mess.


I am sorry for completely splattering this thread to bits. It makes my day feel like shit and it makes me feel like a piece of shit.

Sorry Brute.

The Flood / Re: Cruel and Unusual Punisihment Ideas.
« on: April 02, 2015, 06:38:09 PM »
I'd wipe your channel from Youtube.

The most punishing thing about it for you would probably be watching everybody else weep tears of joy, however.

God damnit, get angry with me. I need somebody to toy with.

Nevermind Space shuttle challenger has it covered.

The Flood / Re: When's Anarchy?
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:32:59 PM »
Anarchy's in a state of limbo.

Neither here nor there.

Scrotum's cat essentially. Dead and not dead at the same time.

The Flood / Re: I have now joined a Christian organization
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:24:00 PM »
Have fun being with backwards religious folks

Not all are

and girls who won't put out until you put a ring on them.

This isn't a bad thing.

Actually it could be very advantageous.

Have a small dick?

They won't know until it's too late.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 05:20:13 PM »
Brb I'm gonna steal bc's p1 and then tell him to sell the lambo and ferrari so he can get the money back
Imaginary money is hard to come by.

Well, you know, if we wanted to get super technical here. Money is an imaginary number with an imaginary value.

So what we really should be saying is.

BC has imaginary, imaginary money.

The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:54:04 PM »
Either sit the fuck down and accept that you already spent 1,100 dollars to add to a pile of guns that will otherwise never be used for their intended purpose as a tool except for only 1 of them at a time, or if he's so flustered about it then make a compromise and sell some excess.

Only drink water because any other variety is unneeded excess.  You can only drink one thing at a time.
Only buy one movie because others are excess.  You can only watch one movie at a time.
Only buy one song because the rest is excess.  You can only listen to one song at a time.

Do you realize how fucking ignorant you sound?  I get that you're a minimalist but Jesus Christ, dude.

Edit:  Also, it sounds to me that you suck with personal finances.

I'll save you some time.

Those expenses I listed to you? Pretty obvious they don't add up. That's a negative. In the hole.

So you know what that means? I work two jobs to cover it.

Don't you fuckin' think I'm shit with my expenses when all of those are neccessary.

I didn't even list to you things I want for myself.

Back on the actual topic at hand besides feminazi bashing and sleep deprived typing on part.

I'm legitimately surprised that we've got a tumblriesta warrior outbreak in Canada of all fucking places. probably 80-90% of the country is rural. How you can manage to even have a tumblriesta when you can literally throw them out into a field and say, "You wan't equality? Get to work, no pay like everybody else working this job." is beyond me.

How do you even manage to raise somebody to become that in an environment like this? It's almost a monumental triumph of stupidity really.
You have 3 rather large cities.

I lol. You could call our cities towns compared to other places out and about. Obviously the cities aren't as harsh. But they're not exactly a picnic either. Maybe they just don't have anything to do then.

Complaining about pointless shit usually seems to happen when one has no real obstacles or troubles to deal with. People like complaining. So they'll make up any excuse to do so or any target.

I don't know if that has a term.

But I think the Tumblr Effect has a nice ring to it.
Toronto, Quebec. They're pretty large cities. There's nothing harsh about them. They're clean, safe.

Disneyland compared to where I grew up.

Again. I fucking lol. Thought you were referring to the cities in my province.

And actually, quite wrong on that. Quebec is risky. Really risky. There's a hell of a lot of fucking gang activity there. Obviously not in the tourist spots. Not on the surface. Just because it's Canada, and just because it's not as bad as where you came from, doesn't remove the threat.

There are places you don't want to find yourself at, or in, in Quebec City.

And fucking Toronto is being infected by the states. It's got the highest, if not one of the highest crime and shooting rates in Canada.

It's like saying that just because you crossed the street without being picked off by 10 snipers removes the threat of a single sniper.

But, primarily what I meant by harsh, wasn't human violence issues. It was work issues.

It's harsh to live up here. You really need to work to make ends meet.

Give a Tumblriesta a house up in these fields and a property and you won't hear a fucking peep out of her because she'll be too busy working her fucking ass off to make it.

That's what I mean by harsh. Not people. Environment.
Have a hipster slacktivist work on any field and he/she won't make it.

Okay. So bear with me on this challenger. Just. Bear with me here.


The Flood / Re: My five-seven has been seized.
« on: April 02, 2015, 04:44:08 PM »
Either sit the fuck down and accept that you already spent 1,100 dollars to add to a pile of guns that will otherwise never be used for their intended purpose as a tool except for only 1 of them at a time, or if he's so flustered about it then make a compromise and sell some excess.

Only drink water because any other variety is unneeded excess.  You can only drink one thing at a time.
Only buy one movie because others are excess.  You can only watch one movie at a time.
Only buy one song because the rest is excess.  You can only listen to one song at a time.

Do you realize how fucking ignorant you sound?  I get that you're a minimalist but Jesus Christ, dude.

Edit:  Also, it sounds to me that you suck with personal finances.

1. What other fucking kind of water variety is there? It's water.

2. Actually yeah. I own no movies. Rent em instead. And of course I watch them one at a time because why the fuck would I watch two at the same time?

3. I own no CD's. And generally, when I do listen to fucking music, I do play one song at a time.

I'm just saying. 10 guns is all. That's quite a bit when all you need is one to get the job done.

And I suck at finances.

Ok. Figure this one out scotty.

900 dollars a month to pay for the mortgage on the restaurant.
780 dollars a month for all utilities.
80 a month for town fees.
700 a month for food supplies to sell.
170 for gas.
130 for insurance on vehicles.
800 dollars to pay this month for a pepsi order.
1500 this month to replace a part for an oven.
1200 owed to replace a compressor on a fridge.
1400 owed for a part on the reverse osmosis machine.
320 a month for my prescriptions from the doc.
600 dollars to spend on this weekend at the city buying essential supplies.
200 a month for gas give or take the prices.

You have all this to pay at the end of the month.

And you make at an absolute maximum 1500 dollars a week.

A small percentage of that money is off records. Schimage. Rouhgly 50 dollars a day which is split in half to two people which goes into their respective savings accounts.

Your savings account is currently empty.

Tackle that for me.

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