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Messages - Sandtrap

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Hur dur read the OP and forgot the point. Even still with carried knowledge going from 22 to 12 would limit how much I could do the things that are required of me these days.

No sir.

The Flood / Re: you got me
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:56:09 PM »
You're making me cry guys.

I eat because it helps with my insecurity, and I'm insecure because I'm fat

So it's like this basically?

Except really fat?

The Flood / Re: Just a reminder
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:53:51 PM »
Well I'll be. This thread sure took a dive into the shitter.

The Flood / Re: you got me
« on: April 05, 2015, 07:44:39 PM »
Don't forget the butter!

The Flood / Re: What's the most fucked up thing you've ever done
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:31:31 PM »
Being serious here. I think I'd list hacking off a deer's head with an axe.

Egh, I think I remember that one. Was that the deer that had been hit by the truck? <.<

OT: I think the worst thing I've ever done was start growing penicillin moulds <_<
My brother is 'somewhat' allergic to them and the little shite certainly deserved a dose of it but by the time the moulds had developed I'd seen sense that killing off your brother is not the best thing to be doing. Even if he was an insufferable twat.

Yep. Bundle of cheer that was.

The Flood / Re: What's the most fucked up thing you've ever done
« on: April 05, 2015, 03:03:23 PM »
Being serious here. I think I'd list hacking off a deer's head with an axe.

The Flood / Re: You guys remember this faggot?
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:48:07 PM »
No. I question why bother placing importance on people being silly on the internet. Why waste time watching their garbage? I don't know and I don't particularily care.

You say apparently he got lolroflstomped by the likes of 4chan and anonymous.

Take a look at his age. Heavy price to pay for some mere silly internet claims if that's what they are. Couldn't really say whose worse. Foolish kid or the people who screwed him over in an act of spite.

No, I'd prefer not to remember any of those people.

Hmmm. I dunno. All I can learn from these videos is that you live and learn and the lesson here is to not go full retard.

I'd have figured not going full retard was known right out of the gates.

The Flood / Re: You guys remember this faggot?
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:41:09 PM »
No. I question why bother placing importance on people being silly on the internet. Why waste time watching their garbage? I don't know and I don't particularily care.

You say apparently he got lolroflstomped by the likes of 4chan and anonymous.

Take a look at his age. Heavy price to pay for some mere silly internet claims if that's what they are. Couldn't really say whose worse. Foolish kid or the people who screwed him over in an act of spite.

No, I'd prefer not to remember any of those people.

The Flood / Re: I'm surrounded by a bunch of...
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:36:43 PM »
Heavy doses of M&Ms

The Flood / Re: daily reminder that this kid exists
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:35:26 PM »
Sounds like a zoo to be honest. Something you'd hear out in the woods. Primal and primitive. And, obviously, still on the threshold of a changing voice.

The Flood / Re: what you think certain users actually look like
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:32:42 PM »
No one did me :(

You don't have much of a presence here these days Chalk. You're under everybody's radar.

I just haven't been active within the past couple of weeks. That's all. You act like I've been dormant for years. And I'm not that old. I'm only 48. Not 63

But I imagine you wander about shirtless and make funny/tired faces as you read through the miscellaneous garbage as it passes through here.

You're in your 40's. Listening to the problems of youth I'd wager puts interesting faces on you if you've already heard it before. But you really don't have much of a presence here.

Even if you were on vacation for a few weeks.

The Flood / Re: what you think certain users actually look like
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:26:24 PM »
No one did me :(

You don't have much of a presence here these days Chalk. You're under everybody's radar.


The Flood / Re: Do you exercise? If you don't, why not?
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:23:59 PM »
If two and a half years hasn't done anything for me, why should I continue?

You should continue. Just in a different manner. If you're throwing yourself at a wall, then stop. Find the crack in the wall and get through.

If there's no improvement, then you're missing something.

My health has been a roller coaster of decline this past year. And even I can see some improvement even after just a few weeks of walking every night, and working my various jobs.

Look at this in a very simplistic way.

When you do anything physical, it takes energy. You burn calories, your body needs more to heal what you've done to your muscles. You need to eat. But you need to eat real food. Healthy stuff. And you need to eat period.

In fact I'd take a guess that's what you're missing. You don't eat much. So your rate of gain is going to slowed.

The Flood / Re: Do you exercise? If you don't, why not?
« on: April 05, 2015, 02:10:09 PM »
The only exercises on a scheduled, daily basis I'm doing these days are cardio stuff. Walking. Running if I can.

Otherwise, no. But I make a point to keep in shape by working. It essentially takes the place of exercise. Little less refined obviously. But it gets the job done.

« on: April 04, 2015, 09:03:18 PM »

You aren't a moderator, get over it.


get it right

Wait. You're not a monitor anymore are you?

We nuked the monitor position a while back, which was why I was a Mod for 2 weeks in a trial period.
Now I'm a regular old vanilla member.

When was this? Because I just noticed. Either that or I forgot.

« on: April 04, 2015, 08:46:48 PM »

You aren't a moderator, get over it.


get it right

Wait. You're not a monitor anymore are you?

« on: April 04, 2015, 08:34:37 PM »


The Flood / Re: A suggestion for improving the website: Donation runs
« on: April 04, 2015, 08:27:48 PM »
These talks are old. Cheat's generally moved to keep off donations and such unless it's really necessary. From what I understand not too much is actually needed to fund this place for a year.

As I told Cheat. I'd fund the place if it came to that. I can pull five bucks a day outta my pocket every day.

The Flood / Re: Psy, I need your help!
« on: April 04, 2015, 08:23:15 PM »
Old trick I remember. Although I don't remember if it was to sleep, or if it was to sleep when sick.

Warm milk and honey. Nuked in the microwave for a bit.

I do know that it does help for being sick. But I remember it being a get out of jail free card for sleeping too.

« on: April 04, 2015, 08:18:34 PM »
We didn't start the flame war......

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 04, 2015, 07:54:52 PM »
You know this entire strip could've been shortened down to one panel, slightly larger to accomodate for the kink shop sign, and been completely silent, and it would conveyed the same point a hell of a lot more clearly without all the rubbish in the way.


Woah man, this kind of thinking is lost on shitty comic makers.

You have to explain your joke in detail to make sure everyone can understand it and think its funny. Cause you know, "Brevity is the soul of wit" holds no meaning.

To be fair I don't even know what brevity means.


The Flood / Re: Just a reminder
« on: April 04, 2015, 07:52:16 PM »
If you want I could turn your smile into a frown by giving you a general guesstimate about how long said prom date will last afterwards.


One second you're all fine and dandy and we're all loner chumps.

Next second you're coming back round to sit at the table with us.

And do this.


Best of luck to ya until you return to the gang of loners.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 04, 2015, 07:47:25 PM »


I dun fixed it.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 04, 2015, 05:19:45 PM »
You know this entire strip could've been shortened down to one panel, slightly larger to accomodate for the kink shop sign, and been completely silent, and it would conveyed the same point a hell of a lot more clearly without all the rubbish in the way.


Serious / Re: I saw something absolutely disgusting today.
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:48:11 PM »
Unless they were disrupting the peace or actually were trying to commit acts of terrorism, I don't see the problem. I mean, yeah, sure it's disgusting shit, but they have as much right to exercise their freedom of speech (and in this case, putrid speech) as much as we do. It's kind of a two way street.

If you get so offended by the sounds that exude out of people's mouths and letters written on a piece of cardboard that you think actually warrants censorship, then perhaps you're better off visiting North Korea instead of a developed country.
Suck my dick terrorist sympathizer. Muslims need to be deported and the Middle East conquered.

If you're not with it then fuck you.

I wouldn't say conquered. I'd say cornered.

Let them live in their country. Let them do what they want in their country. It is, there country. Their roof to live under. The people who want to leave because it sucks, will leave. And the ones who want to forcibly impose their lifestyle and ways?

Stay at home.

Serious / Re: I saw something absolutely disgusting today.
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:45:47 PM »
And on this last note. This is something that legitimately upsets me. I mean, democracy is nice and all. I'm not arguing that playing nice isn't nice. But there's a point where you remain respectful but stand your ground, and a point where you just bend over.

Playing the democracy card these days is just bending over. Today's modern "play nice" mindset ignores the fact that even though you can try to be as nice as possible, we still live in an ugly, rather unfair world. There's always an asshole out there somewhere.

Cultural diversity is something I stand for. Even religious freedom to believe whatever you want even if it's something as ridiculous as strapping on c4 to appease your god.

But do it in your homeland. Do it in your part of the world that accepts those things.

It's like the ever growing phillipino population in my province that can hardly speak english, and are beginning to bring more and more of their customs over to here.

I'm not opposed to philipenos. But I am not fond of seeing a growing population of people who haven't even cared to learn how to speak english and don't care for the customs and culture over here, and instead, will likely in a few decades suffocate it passively as they grow in number.

Maybe it's harsh. Maybe some people would call me a bigot or xenophobic.

But I'd wager cultural freedom would best be preserved with tight borders over a grey melting pot of everybody being smushed into one.

Or in your case challenger, people who honour themselves to their homeland but leech off your country and blow themselves up in gratitude and thanks.

Serious / Re: I saw something absolutely disgusting today.
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:26:29 PM »
I mean. Take a look at the statistics in Metas post.

If that much of a percentage of people claim that Islam comes first over Britain... then Britain should grow some balls and deport those people back home because they've essentially taken advantage of somebody providing a roof for them to live under while ignoring the customs of the house owner.

Countries should tighten their grip on who they let in into their nationality and stand firm on their own culture and belief systems. If you're japanese and move to america, or canada, then you should adopt the american or canadian culture because you're living under that banner and roof.

If you're a canadian or american moving to japan, you should adopt the japanese culture because you're now considered part of that country.

You can call that "repression of freedoms and speech" and such but really, is it a repression if you're moving? I mean if you're going to move away from your home, then obviously your home just isn't cutting it for you is it?

It's unfortunate that everybody all shakes in their boots when you pull the "muh freedoms card."

Because right now "muh freedoms" has essentially bent over for people who don't give a shit about "muh freedoms."

It's ridiculous, really.

« on: April 04, 2015, 03:17:57 PM »
What the fuck did I avoid watching here ele. 6 minutes fuck that.

But I still want to know what I avoided watching.

Serious / Re: I saw something absolutely disgusting today.
« on: April 04, 2015, 03:13:05 PM »
You know, it's an extremely grey line to walk on here, regarding this particular issue.

Saying, and doing, are two different things. It's like the armchair general Tmblriestas. All bark in voice but in person, never doing anything. Or a racist who shouts slurs over a racist who lynches.

But that's the problem with the islamic religion. Do you want to take a chance? Do you want to go up on a coin toss, that one of those sign carriers is either a barker, or a biter?

Because the mistake can cost lives when one of them is a biter.

But at the same time, you can't just round up everybody or beat the shit out of them because it just adds more fuel to the fire.

My stance is this.

If their religion is so peachy, if their beliefs are so cozy, then why the fuck aren't they living back home? Why aren't they living in the pristine heart and soul of their culture?

And that's my issue about a lot of countries. I think they should be a little strict with foreigners. You, are a foreigner moving to this particular country. You should be the one, who upon entering the country, plays by the rules and culture of that country. Respects the country you're going to because you're a guest, even if you're moving to live there.

Cultural diversity is saved and preserved in this way.

And oppressive beliefs are regulated only to the country that chooses them.

But a lot of countries are too afraid of that. Because it's, "obstructing freedom of speech and beliefs."

Yep. Just open up your doors for people who will obstruct freedom of speech and beliefs instead. The ugly truth is, this is not a friendly, peachy world. If you give respect to an asshole to say what they want to say then they'll walk all over you.

But like I said. It's a hard blurred line to walk.

I've actually had a discussion like this before with somebody. Farming communities can always be a little rough growing up in. For an outsider kid, things are always going to be rough in some form. Whether guy or girl.

So I've been discussing with my brother in law about the issue of my little niece. Currently, she's being homeschooled. But eventually, she's going to be put into regular school. No doubt, for how smart she is for her age, she's going to be a clear outsider no matter what we do.

So we come to the issue at hand involving hostile kids.

1. It's agreed by the two of us that you've got to teach your kid to stand up for themselves.

2. If it persists even after that, then you take it to the parents. As an adult, you don't target the kid who's after your kid. You go to the father of the agressor.

Whether it be as civil and clear as you can make it or unfortunately resorting to something else. If you make it very clear to the dad you're dealing with that you'll show up again, seriously, the next time an incident like that happens again, you've got a better chance of straightening the kid out because dad wants to watch himself too.

Quinto's character was partially right. After taking away the bat he should have focused on the father over the child to make a better point.

Put the pressure on dad.

Dad will put pressure on the kid.

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