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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Today was one of those days...
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:20:00 AM »
I spent today uninteruppted writing an informative article of sorts. So. Today I guess. Maybe would have preffered something else. But can't say I wasn't productive.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:14:48 AM »
You know this entire strip could've been shortened down to one panel, slightly larger to accomodate for the kink shop sign, and been completely silent, and it would conveyed the same point a hell of a lot more clearly without all the rubbish in the way.


Woah man, this kind of thinking is lost on shitty comic makers.

You have to explain your joke in detail to make sure everyone can understand it and think its funny. Cause you know, "Brevity is the soul of wit" holds no meaning.

To be fair I don't even know what brevity means.


You've at least heard of the phrase before right....?

Wouldn't be surprised if I did.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:12:21 PM »

I will never understand why people support a failed system.

I put on my fedora and pull out my katana.

Modern day capitalism is a failed system. You'll never understand because you're part of a failed system.
But it's not, because it is not the end goal. It's simply the best way of eventually reaching a post-scarcity gift economy.


If I could acquire a pencil and paper I'd be fine.

Shifts consisting of sleeping and writing. Perhaps followed by doodles on the walls.

Serious / Re: I don't understand College "Communists."
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:08:19 PM »

I will never understand why people support a failed system.

I put on my fedora and pull out my katana.

Modern day capitalism is a failed system. You'll never understand because you're part of a failed system.

For starters, I think it's time that I do something useful with this experience. Explain it.  Or at least, share what I've learned since I've spent so much time conversing with the respective doctor who's been overseeing my treatment. I think it's important that I share this, even if some people here are already well aware of things.

So, here we go.

What is Chemotherapy?
Chemo, on a basic level, is the injection of chemicals into various regions of the body with the intent of stopping, slowing, or outright destroying cancer cells or other harmful effects. The chemical compounds injected can disrupt, slow, or destroy the process of cell replication, most of the time being effective on rapidly growing forms of cancer.

However, the compounds injected are indiscriminate. They effect both cancer cells and yours. The term "toxicity" is used when referring to how much potential damage the compounds will do to your own body. The higher the toxicity, the more damage you can expect.

Chemotherapy treatments are referred to as cycles. Cycles are usually time spans of weeks or months, for example, two injections a week for the month was 1 cycle for me. Toxicity levels and cycles are both monitored closely, and can be changed quickly to adapt to something new such as the patient's body being unable to cope with the toxicity levels, the treatments not showing much effect, and in rare cases, the chemicals accelerating the cancer.

There are many different ways to administer chemo, mine falling under the category of regional chemotherapy. With regional chemo, drugs are injected directly into an artery leading to a part of the body containing the cancer. This method concentrates the dosage to one area and helps minimize the spread throughout the rest of the body. But there are other means of dispersion.

There are also a fair number of types of chemotherapy and what they focus on, determining how and why they are administered. Mine is called salvage chemotherapy. The intent of salvage chemotherapy is not curative, but instead, intending to decrease the cancer load by slowing it down, putting it into dormancy, or shrinking it, to increase the life expectancy of the patient.

When someone goes through treatment cycles and can be taken off chemo, having their respective cancer destroyed or slowed, this stage is called remission. Remission, is the time period that a patient goes disease free before eventually having their cancer return and they start more treatment cycles.

Administration and Side Effects
Chemo has two primary ways of being distributed in any form. Liquid injections or pills. There are a variety of ways of administering the liquid form, through simple injections into a vein with a needle alone to something more complicated, a docking device. There are several forms of docking devices, some designed as simple ports to connect tubes to, being embedded under the skin and connected directly to an artery.

Some are more complicated, having to be surgically inserted through bone, or into organs. My port was a simple needle, inserted under the skin on the side of my head through an incision in my skin. The needle and valve connected directly to a vein across the side of my head, the rest of the device being held in place with glue like tape.

In the vast majority of cases involving any surgical procedures you'll be put under.

Chemotherapy of course, comes with side effects. What side effects happen to you, are primarily centered around the delivery region in your body, how high the toxicity content is, your age, your sex, and the chemicals used.

The most known about, or commonly visible effect is hair loss. Statistically speaking women have higher chances of losing more hair then men, but overall, hair loss can be as simple as thinning hairs, to having a higher loss rate, to losing patches, or finally total loss.

In most cases, several weeks or months after chemo is stopped hair will begin to regrow. Some residual damage may occur and hair might not ever fully return to true normal.

Other effects most often include reduced appetite, nausea, skin irritation, skin decolouration, diarrhea, and vomiting, vein discolouring, and sensitivity issues.

More severe effects include damage to nails and teeth, nervous system damage, heart, lung, and kidney damage, and eye damage, along with memory, cognitive functions, and reflexes.

Generally, it's the intent of doctors to avoid such side effects, and in most cases methods are taken to try and reduce damage through either other forms of medication given to simple hot or cold pads that help ease pain if there is any, and reduce damage to parts of your body being affected.

Two types of tumors or cancers
There are two classified types of cancer, or specifically for me, tumors. Benign and Malignant.

Benign tumors, for the most part, are passive. They lack the ability to spread to other parts of the body and infect them like a malignant cancer can. Most benign tumors can generally be left unchecked. However, benign tumors are capable of growing, but do it very gradually. Benign tumors pose less health risks, but are still capable of causing damage or even death over long term if left untreated.

My tumor was likely sitting in its place for years before it started putting increased pressure on parts of my head. As the doctor told me. If left unchecked I could have some serious problems in about three months time. Death was tossed around onto the table because the more pressure there was, the more chance there was of a clot forming or something being destroyed.

And as the doctor told me, benign tumors are only ever really caught when they become noticeable. In which case my increased headaches tipped me off.

Malignant tumors are aggressive. They are capable of growing quickly, spreading cancer cells to other parts of your body, and directly attacking and destroying other healthy cells.

It's also noted, that benign tumors are capable of shifting to malignant. And so far, very basic experiments are being done in the scientific community to "trick" malignant tumors into turning benign.

My Personal Experience
After all the scans were done, and my big turn around from the city happened early on, the actual process itself was simple. 1 cycle for me consisted of a stopping by the hospital every week, on thursday, and saturday if I remember correctly, for one month.

I didn't keep track of the dates. But I believe the heavy dosage I was recieving was given to me for roughly two months. The doctor and I agreed that with the estimate I recieved before I really started hurting wasn't something we wanted to push, so they prescribed me heavy chemicals.

Every thursday and saturday I would go in, sit down, and the nurse would fill up bags of stuff on one of these things.

Something resembling a hickman line, although a lot shorter because it was attached to my head, was connected to the tubes coming from the bags and I was IV fed. A hickman line is one of these things.

My symptoms, right off the bat were nausea and weakness. After the hour and a half was up in the hospital I would come home and sleep. Not long into treatments I started getting the shakes.

This was damage to my nervous system. The proximity of the drugs to my head and spine made my nervous system a target. The doc immidiately put me on some counter meds to mediate the damage.

I got chills. I'd be sitting under three blankets next to a heater shivering.

A few weeks after that I started losing hair. Not all of it. It started falling out in little patches.

I started losing weight, and eating less because I couldn't keep complicated foods down. I needed to eat and drink very simple, bland foods so as not to upset my stomach and puke everywhere.

I started losing muscle mass and getting more pale, although some of this was helped along by winter sunlight hours and activity hours.

This continued on for the entire duration and is now just starting to be reversed. Currently, I've been switched off the heavy dosages because I can no longer handle the toxicity levels. But my tumor has visibly shrunken. Now I'm taking low dosage pills just about every day that barely affect me. The rate at which the tumor will retreat will be slower now, but I'm in a state where I can recover, which I have been doing.

The doctor gave me muscle exercises, cardio exercises because my heart and lungs were stressed dangerously last year and by the effects of chemo. Physically, right now, I'm decent. My skin looks healthier, my hair is slowly coming back. But the doc says I'm suffering from what they call chemo brain.

Chemo brain is mental effects. I've got memory lapses, and concentration issues. As far as I am aware, there is no real estimate to when this will wear off. Chemo brain can be a long lasting affair that goes on much longer than chemo itself.

Chemo, isn't pleasant. I'll leave it at that. It just isn't. While not entirely to blame, I was, and am still in the middle of fighting with depression that rolled up in the wake of this. I appreciate that I'm here now. But I have something important to say on the matter.

Chemo isn't pleasant. But it doesn't need to control your life. It has no power over you no matter how miserable you can feel.

No matter how bad you feel, no matter how down you get, nothing is ever stopping you from enjoying yourself.

So, for all of you who read this, I have something for you. Please note, that I am extremely reluctant to share this. I already hate looking at myself in the mirror normally. This was the last picture of me before starting all this.


And this was a picture I forced myself to take today. I know it's hard to see, and that's because of the crappy quality of my camera and the fact that it's had time to heal for over a month or so now. The red circle highlights the mark where they stuck the hickman line under my skin and into a vein. Resized for a better look.


I'm thankful I didn't go full bald. But I lost some big chunks on top of my head and I shaved most of my beard because the bottom portion along my jaw was starting to fall out in patches. Luckily it's not a heavy scar so in time my hair will cover it all up. But that's all I'm willing to show here.

So, there you go folks.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Because I think I did miss some things. But other than that, that's it. I did this because I think it should be shared. I know some of you have already had family members who've been around this before. But one of these days any one of you might have to go through with this in some form.

All I can say to you is what I did before.

It's not unbeatable. And no matter how shitty you feel, it's not the end. It may certainly look or feel like it. But it's not. It's worth the trouble to stay alive that much longer.

Do with this as you will. Thanks for your time.

Gaming / Re: I'm a little confused with Fred 104's armour
« on: April 06, 2015, 06:54:39 PM »
Fred is supposed to have Mr Fantastic style hair.

That art is really rough. Look at the hands, I don't think hands are supposed to look like that, supersoldiers or not.

Forget that, look at Fred's fucking thighs.

The artist was too busy paying attention to somebody else's thighs.

Rousey's publisher Judith Regan added, "I'm shocked, shocked to discover that censorship is going on in America!"

Are we seriously calling it censorship?

But on the other hand, I'm pretty sure they sell the Fifty Shades series, which is unabashed smut, so I don't know where they're coming from, here.



Deci. Simple deal here. Agitants only work if you take an active stance on them. An argument can only function when two sides are willing to have it out with one another.

If the folks here won't let it slide, then you should let it slide.

Mosey on elsewhere.
I declare Takfir on you!

Be my guest brother. I'm heading off to sleep.

Send me out with a bang.

Deci. Simple deal here. Agitants only work if you take an active stance on them. An argument can only function when two sides are willing to have it out with one another.

If the folks here won't let it slide, then you should let it slide.

Mosey on elsewhere.

If you didn't rage quit your original account I can pretty much guarantee that you'd be at least Legendary by now.

I'm already mad I myself for that. Can't even get pestilence. I originally wanted that, but then when Dustbin started using it, it sucked.

Well, at least now I have another chance to not fuck up. I sure as hell don't want my account deleted this time.

Why does getting legendary even matter to you?
That's what I'm wondering.

It doesn't. Customization does! And since Customization is now unlocked at Legendary... Yeah.

Then why does being able to have forum bling matter to you? I mean, your rank doesn't hinder your ability to post threads and comment on other's threads.

Because I like to have it? Did you even read the OP?

Good god.

Forum ranks are completely irrelevant. And like I said, I'm not reading a long ass OP of whining about forum ranks which is basically no different than a kid whining about how he didn't get the right toy in his kid's meal. You are in no way affected by your rank on this forum in your ability to post, create and share content and comment on threads.

You know what else is irrelevant?

Listenin' to folks's bitchings. You know how nice and easy you could turn a blind eye here?

I'm just trying to knock some sense here. Trivial shit like a rank on a forum doesn't matter AT ALL.

So if it doesn't matter to you then why make a fuss over it. Some folks might like the whole rank thing. Others might not. What business of it is yours?


You and I both know what you're doing here. It's too easy to push Deci's buttons and get a raise. Agitating and instigating. It's your favorite thing to do.

I won't comment. But I'd wager Deci's getting stressed now. Be aware. Even if it is irelevant what's stressing him out. Stress is stress. And you willingly insitigating it is a right silly thing to see.

Just turn round and wander off here. Give it a rest.

Still proving my point about how folks have a diminished brain capacity when it comes to reading these days right?

Be aware that you're actively pushing somebody's buttons, who, on the other side of the screen will feel more than you.

Do you remember our talks, a few months ago on skype? Because I still do.

Somebody changed your opinion of things. And it seems to me like you've forgotten or ignored that.

Your call. Call it quits or keep willingly bein' an ass here.

It would neither suprise me or amuse me at this point if I call correctly what you're going to pick.

If you didn't rage quit your original account I can pretty much guarantee that you'd be at least Legendary by now.

I'm already mad I myself for that. Can't even get pestilence. I originally wanted that, but then when Dustbin started using it, it sucked.

Well, at least now I have another chance to not fuck up. I sure as hell don't want my account deleted this time.

Why does getting legendary even matter to you?
That's what I'm wondering.

It doesn't. Customization does! And since Customization is now unlocked at Legendary... Yeah.

Then why does being able to have forum bling matter to you? I mean, your rank doesn't hinder your ability to post threads and comment on other's threads.

Because I like to have it? Did you even read the OP?

Good god.

Forum ranks are completely irrelevant. And like I said, I'm not reading a long ass OP of whining about forum ranks which is basically no different than a kid whining about how he didn't get the right toy in his kid's meal. You are in no way affected by your rank on this forum in your ability to post, create and share content and comment on threads.

You know what else is irrelevant?

Listenin' to folks's bitchings. You know how nice and easy you could turn a blind eye here?

I'm just trying to knock some sense here. Trivial shit like a rank on a forum doesn't matter AT ALL.

So if it doesn't matter to you then why make a fuss over it. Some folks might like the whole rank thing. Others might not. What business of it is yours?


You and I both know what you're doing here. It's too easy to push Deci's buttons and get a raise. Agitating and instigating. It's your favorite thing to do.

I won't comment. But I'd wager Deci's getting stressed now. Be aware. Even if it is irelevant what's stressing him out. Stress is stress. And you willingly insitigating it is a right silly thing to see.

Just turn round and wander off here. Give it a rest.

If you didn't rage quit your original account I can pretty much guarantee that you'd be at least Legendary by now.

I'm already mad I myself for that. Can't even get pestilence. I originally wanted that, but then when Dustbin started using it, it sucked.

Well, at least now I have another chance to not fuck up. I sure as hell don't want my account deleted this time.

Why does getting legendary even matter to you?
That's what I'm wondering.

It doesn't. Customization does! And since Customization is now unlocked at Legendary... Yeah.

Then why does being able to have forum bling matter to you? I mean, your rank doesn't hinder your ability to post threads and comment on other's threads.

Because I like to have it? Did you even read the OP?

Good god.

Forum ranks are completely irrelevant. And like I said, I'm not reading a long ass OP of whining about forum ranks which is basically no different than a kid whining about how he didn't get the right toy in his kid's meal. You are in no way affected by your rank on this forum in your ability to post, create and share content and comment on threads.

You know what else is irrelevant?

Listenin' to folks's bitchings. You know how nice and easy you could turn a blind eye here?

If you didn't rage quit your original account I can pretty much guarantee that you'd be at least Legendary by now.

I'm already mad I myself for that. Can't even get pestilence. I originally wanted that, but then when Dustbin started using it, it sucked.

Well, at least now I have another chance to not fuck up. I sure as hell don't want my account deleted this time.

Why does getting legendary even matter to you?
That's what I'm wondering.

Sometimes it's the small things that make a point to matter. It's the way things roll.

I'm sure everybody has that one seemingly unimportant thing that holds some significance to them.


I really wish people would actually read the OP rather than ask questions. I already answered them in the OP, but no. They just have to ask.

Nobody wants to read a long ass OP of you ranting about ranks on a niche internet forum.

Well technically nobody wants to read much these days anyway. He could've written something constructive and it would've been passed over as equally as a rant.

If you didn't rage quit your original account I can pretty much guarantee that you'd be at least Legendary by now.

I'm already mad I myself for that. Can't even get pestilence. I originally wanted that, but then when Dustbin started using it, it sucked.

Well, at least now I have another chance to not fuck up. I sure as hell don't want my account deleted this time.

Why does getting legendary even matter to you?
That's what I'm wondering.

Sometimes it's the small things that make a point to matter. It's the way things roll.

I'm sure everybody has that one seemingly unimportant thing that holds some significance to them.

I don't know. Until I go Sky Diving my appropriate response seems to Air Ballooning. Personally though, I'd say falling in love.

I hate you comms, that's REALLY annoying.
I never did anything.
Everyone remembers what you did

But back to rails. Just post and one day you'll notice your title changed. And then it'll be happy days.

Customization is overrated.

Stop whining, Armen.

So what was with your green hulk out there?
What green hulk? I never did anything.

You're not that bright are you?

He means this. ^
That was falsified.

I demand to see my lawyer.

I'm about to get my lawyer Flee in here if you keep derailing this thread. Stop.

And at least I'm not the one that's obsessed with meatspin. Jeez man.

Spamming meatspin is amusing. Now get off your high horse.



Also technically I was the derailer.

Customization is overrated.

Stop whining, Armen.

So what was with your green hulk out there?

Remind me why we have him here again?

Why are the majority of us here again?

Outcast degenerates in some form.

Guess I'm the anomaly. Succeeded in being more blank than even your blank.

The Flood / Re: How high are you?
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:49:54 AM »

The Flood / Re: Is knowledge finite or infinite?
« on: April 06, 2015, 12:35:12 AM »
There's a finite number to the amount of songs we could ever create that aren't the same, or a copy of another. The number is astronomically high. But it's finite in its respective combinations.

There's always a stop sign at the end of some road.

My truck broke down in the winter last year. Total transmission fluid leak when one of the valves was shot.

Took a strap, tied it to my brother in laws truck, and put mine into neutral.

He pulled, I steered and braked in mine. We drove over sheet ice, he slid a few times and I had small windows not to lose control because the only way I was moving forward in any direction was by turning my wheels and not braking.

We did 100km on the highway all the way to the nearest mechanic.

Stopping was nerve wracking. He'd slow down and I'd be rolling at full speed. If I stopped completely his truck would have ripped mine apart.

It got the heart rate up.

That's more then exciting, that's intense

He's ahead of me driving a three ton truck. He starts slowing down. I have to slow down, but not stop. I also have to slow down just a little so that the slack tow rope doesn't get too far under my truck and get snagged in the axles.

Two means of making a problem worse than it is.

I stop completely and his three ton rips through my brakes and tears my engine a new asshole.

Or the tow rope winds around my axles and makes a tangle mess and snaps them.

Throw ice on top of it and when you hit the brakes you don't even slow. You just slide.

First time ever doing something like that too. Could've gone worse.

Damn dude, glad everything worked out

It wasn't as nerve wracking as driving my snail of a motor home to the city alone. I want you to imagine a 25 foot long box that's about 7 feet wide sliding on ice all the way down a road for about 10 miles.

In order to control yourself on ice, you brake, turn your wheel gently, and un-brake.

I'm driving a 25 foot long box. It takes time for the front and ass end to agree that they're going the same direction. Turning in a vehicle so large is done by overshooting.

My front end is on the left side of the road facing oncoming traffic while the back end is sliding back onto the road. Turn to the right and watch the back end fishtail into oncoming traffic while I try to keep the front out of the ditch.

Tow ropes I can manage now.

Never taking a snail ice skating again.

My truck broke down in the winter last year. Total transmission fluid leak when one of the valves was shot.

Took a strap, tied it to my brother in laws truck, and put mine into neutral.

He pulled, I steered and braked in mine. We drove over sheet ice, he slid a few times and I had small windows not to lose control because the only way I was moving forward in any direction was by turning my wheels and not braking.

We did 100km on the highway all the way to the nearest mechanic.

Stopping was nerve wracking. He'd slow down and I'd be rolling at full speed. If I stopped completely his truck would have ripped mine apart.

It got the heart rate up.

That's more then exciting, that's intense

He's ahead of me driving a three ton truck. He starts slowing down. I have to slow down, but not stop. I also have to slow down just a little so that the slack tow rope doesn't get too far under my truck and get snagged in the axles.

Two means of making a problem worse than it is.

I stop completely and his three ton rips through my brakes and tears my engine a new asshole.

Or the tow rope winds around my axles and makes a tangle mess and snaps them.

Throw ice on top of it and when you hit the brakes you don't even slow. You just slide.

First time ever doing something like that too. Could've gone worse.

My truck broke down in the winter last year. Total transmission fluid leak when one of the valves was shot.

Took a strap, tied it to my brother in laws truck, and put mine into neutral.

He pulled, I steered and braked in mine. We drove over sheet ice, he slid a few times and I had small windows not to lose control because the only way I was moving forward in any direction was by turning my wheels and not braking.

We did 100km on the highway all the way to the nearest mechanic.

Stopping was nerve wracking. He'd slow down and I'd be rolling at full speed. If I stopped completely his truck would have ripped mine apart.

It got the heart rate up.

The Flood / Re: Hey!
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:42:13 PM »
Just saw Furious 7 with Blazed Iron. It was kind of a let down and much too long.
I didnt give a fuck when
Vin Diesal was supposedly "dead" I was just waiting for him to be like SIKE I am alive!
She talked him back to life. :P


Would've been better if he got yelled back to life.

The Flood / Re: Hey!
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:37:44 PM »
Pondered things.

The Flood / Re: i have come to a sudden realization
« on: April 05, 2015, 11:36:57 PM »
Or perhaps there is no God to begin with? Some questions don't have/need answers and perhaps the meaning of life is to have multiple ones across the universe and even multiverse.

Then again, if multiverse theory is correct, the odds of A God or Gods existing increases dramatically.

Could also be argued that if the multiverse theory holds true, and the odds of a universe appearing where there is a god, then said god wouldn't be a god.

God, the very definition of, is the end all be all of everything.

You can't have a "god" occur in one universe and not another because of multi-verse theory. Then it wouldn't count as god.

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