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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: I know why Camnator has been gone so long
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:42:10 PM »
Or because nobody likes him.

I doubt that would be it. Cam can take an internet punch rather well enough to generally not be bothered by others opinions.

Fairly certain that's just part of his persona. He got butthurt and used his army of alts to auto mute methew and all of his threads on back when you could still do that.

I've talked to him in person before. Not the "cam" sham face he's got on. I said some nasty things to push it that far. That's why I say he can take an internet punch rather well.

The Flood / Re: I know why Camnator has been gone so long
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:29:22 PM »
Or because nobody likes him.

I doubt that would be it. Cam can take an internet punch rather well enough to generally not be bothered by others opinions.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:27:25 PM »

What particular style of painting am I looking at here? As in is it painted? Digital work? Water colour?

Good tree by the way. Apparent randomness is hard for me to construct.

I've never really known much about the chemo process, so this was pretty educational. Thanks for sharing.

Told ya I did something useful with myself.
Honestly, you should look into publishing. I think you'd do pretty damn well.

Apparently that's what folks say about my stories as of late as well. I don't think I've the temperment anymore to deal with that step process. Besides. Getting stuff for free is always nice.

If I do anything interesting or lob my leg off with a chainsaw I'll make sure to write an article here.

Sharin' stuff is good.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:16:59 PM »

literal proof of me ruining other players dark souls 2 experience

I thought we all learned not to play with matches here potato.

While you inherently don't drop misleading messages, other folks do. Obligatory "illusionary wall ahead."

Verb would turn that point of yours into swiss cheese. We're going by the, "If it happens only once than it will happen again" rule which Verb is not fond of. If one misleading thing is placed then it will happen again.

The Flood / Re: Warner Bros. is doing a Five Nights at Freddy's movie
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:13:20 PM »
Right. So here's the deal. Simple really.

They take the source material.

Run it over with a tractor.

Throw in tits.

Throw in a group of disposable people.

Most likely teens. Drunk party or something at this old abandoned place.

Doors lock at night.

Disposable people get picked off.

Tits and lead survive.

I seek payment now for all my hard work.


Disposable people includes obligatory black guy.

The Flood / Re: Warner Bros. is doing a Five Nights at Freddy's movie
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:01:27 PM »
Also. Obligatory ending scene that leaves a cliffhanger for a sequel.

The Flood / Re: Warner Bros. is doing a Five Nights at Freddy's movie
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:00:42 PM »
Right. So here's the deal. Simple really.

They take the source material.

Run it over with a tractor.

Throw in tits.

Throw in a group of disposable people.

Most likely teens. Drunk party or something at this old abandoned place.

Doors lock at night.

Disposable people get picked off.

Tits and lead survive.

I seek payment now for all my hard work.

I've never really known much about the chemo process, so this was pretty educational. Thanks for sharing.

Told ya I did something useful with myself.

The Flood / Re: How often do you use this?
« on: April 07, 2015, 09:52:03 PM »
If I want to see the latest developments in a thread then I use it. Fairly often.

The Flood / Re: I am new here, sorta.
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:32:44 PM »
Name rings a bell. Hello.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 08:15:13 PM »
Verb. Verrb verb verb. You can take it a step further even beyond video games. Movies. Movies have higher chances of inciting emotional responses over video games. They can incite stronger emotional reactions.

Logically speaking you don't want to be afraid. If you know the feeling of fear then you know it's not a fun feeling to know. Where video games capitalize on the action and intent aspect of doing something with a player, movies capitalize on immersion.

A horror movie that does it's job.

When you watch a sad movie, a happy movie, a funny movie that makes you laugh, or a horror movie that makes you jump or scream or tense.

Those reactions are real.

So logically speaking there should be no sound reason to pay to go to a movie and scare yourself.

And yet there it is.

It isn't just dark souls Verb. Your attention is just focused on that particular aspect because you didn't enjoy it. You thought about it. But really, it's all around us. We compromise our logic constantly.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 07:50:34 PM »
generally speaking, it's only rational to care about whether other people are getting fucked over
you don't have to weep for every single person who does--i certainly don't

but when asked about the notion of never having the option to fuck another person over?
your first answer should be "YES. LET'S NOT FUCK PEOPLE OVER."

it's a conversation that extends far beyond just this stupid video game, and that's why i'm so passionate about it
the game thinks it's okay to fuck people over, and I say, "No, it isn't. Fuck you."

and if YOU think it's okay, then fuck you too

Good lord I left off and thought the dust settled here. Anywho. I'll say this. Dark Souls II, especially, is a circle. I mean that in the sense that it takes the fuck you mechanic to the other side as well.

Are you aware that people make characters, specifically designed to be invaded?

There's a piece of equipment that boosts the rate invaders can join your world. These people not only want you to invade but they've everything planned. Buffs that make them near invincible, spells that break your armour and weapons and when you lose you get sent back to your world with no souls, a used orb to invade, and completely broken equipment.

Now, what I'm trying to establish here is that they don't just throw the player to invader wolves. Far from it. In fact in Souls II, spefically, it's the host who has the advantage. Co-op partners who they can summon at any time.

An item that turns your world's enemies against invaders.

Spells that camoflague you.

Spells that are capable of instantly killing a player if you catch them.

Environmental traps.

So it's not sort of a fuck you to hosts. Invaders have to be ready for anything. Being outnumbered. Searching for the host. Dealing with all the enemies in the world suddenly attacking you.  I would argue that an invader almost always has the odds against them.

Now then. I know that won't provide any consolation to you but I've a point here.

People are strange. Video games capitalize on that nature. Logically speaking you'd think your answer would be "yes, let's not fuck people over."

But logically speaking, any sane human being wouldn't say "yes, I want to beat the shit out of that other person." Unless it was a fighting game.

Logically, a sane person should not want to go out and shoot other people/things over objectives/objects/fun.

Unless it was a shooter game.

Logically speaking, nobody would throw themselves into a close example of a horrifying environment portrayed in video games, unless of course it was a horror game.

So. Back to the point.

People, are strange.

Logically speaking, you could make a great many assumptions about people. And they would all be met with opposition because we've demonstrated that we oppose logic as much as some seek it.

That's people for you. Pick your side of the coin and off you roll.

Deer corpse left in our post office.

Somebody roaming quite far around the area leaving meat in anti-freeze for people's critters to eat.

Big drug bust in a smaller town half an hour out.

Somebody knife mugging the bar in my town a few months back.

Police officer being caught with cp.

Gaming / Re: I'm a little confused with Fred 104's armour
« on: April 07, 2015, 03:40:59 PM »
They've already done that for Blue Team in Escalation, and ditching pretty much all of H4's awful designs in H5's Beta really helped too.
Can you even handle this level of clipping?

How dare you insult art
I like to dis art that clips.

tmw old fan 3d models don't. Also, those freaking gloves.
That helmet is prettyy ugly
You couldn't have stepped into a bigger minefield.

Also, apparently thanks to Halo Online there's about 30 more armor sets, some with hardlight.

I have to admit that this helmet. I like it. Not from a standpoint as a combat helmet.

But this helmet is dark. Take a look at the way it emulates a facial structure. This helmet emulates merging. This is a kind of sci-fi helmet you''d see on grafted cyborgs. Or an interface helmet. Sort of like you plug into a dock and this helmet covers your head.

This is a very "man and machine" helmet.

From a combat standpoint, it's a no no. But to, let's say, somebody plugged into a computer, or co piloting a ship or running calculations on the bridge.

It's dark sci-fi.

Misplaced here as a combat helmet. But perhaps fitting elsewhere in the Haloverse.

I suppose beyond the OP I'll talk about various things when I think of them. For starters. Hair shaving.

Now, technically, there is nothing that forces you to shave your entire head or face when you go under chemo. But for the sake of convenience, since you might have a bald patch on your head that would look awkward, most would go for a total shave to equalize things.

I chose not to. Don't know why. Maybe because of some sense of prideful stubbornness. I'll say this. I talked with the doctor for a while after we pinned down what was causing my headaches of increasing pain. Chemotherapy was discussed, for some time.

But it didn't hit me until I walked into the hospital and a nurse comes up with a shaver and started lobbing every last piece off where they were going to make the incision.

And I think, for a lot of people, for some reason, it's the hair that bugs them the most.

For me, sitting down in that chair, and realizing that I was essentially submitting myself to this willingly.... Looking at myself in the mirror with part of my head exposed with no hair. It was a finality.

And it was still one that I rejected. So I said no. Don't lob off all my hair.

Evidently. That may have been a mistake. Don't let pride call the shots. Because for the sake of pride ever since then, I've been waking up every day to stare at patches on my head and face falling out.

That's distressing. Enough that I've hidden all the mirrors in my house. I wore, and continue to wear a hat at almost all times because

A) My head was and is cold
B) I hid my condition effectively from everybody in town

And. I was going to say more on this. But I'll leave off on that for now.

That's awesome, man. I'm glad to hear you're going to be okay.

I wouldn't place any bets on "okay."

But it is better news than the available alternatives. And that's acceptable.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 02:13:04 PM »
And likewise From also added in the feature of offline so people who don't want to be fucked over have that choice.
i'm saying that's not enough
And in regards to nobody being fucked over. Whose to say some don't enjoy it?
they're idiots
they're fucking idiots
what else can i say to that

"would you appreciate getting fucked over?"
"yes, i would"

It's like a submission/domination relationship between a couple in the bedroom. Or a masochist. You could argue that pain is something inherently made to be avoided. And yet there's masochists out there that enjoy that bite of pain.
you know what else masochists like? consent

you think you could punch any masochist in the face without warning, and they'll enjoy it?
come on, get real
An invader coming to fuck you over in a critical moment spikes excitement and adrenaline. Perhaps frustration if you panic and lose. Perhaps "I did it!" if you win.
which is bogus, because you can get all that shit without having to get invaded
there's so many things you could do

Logically speaking then couldn't you that by agreeing to play this game you give consent to the stuff it puts out?

You choose not to play it. You don't give your consent. The players that do? They give consent.

So it all circles back to your point.

The masochists gave their consent and hopped on the train. You didn't. So that's the end of the road.

I was just making a suggestion to you because I suddenly realized nobody has ever brought up the argument before that dark souls has offline mode.

I appreciate you writing all that out. If you're comfortable answering, what's the prognosis?

It's a benign, very slow growing tumor. Eventually we'll hit a point were my treatments shrink it down enough to almost nothing. Then remission.

It's a ballpark guess on how long it'll take for it to grow to the state again that affected me as much as it did several months ago. But when that happens, I'll be hit with more chemo. Doc figures I'll go for checkups every few months to keep track of its growth rate so that we don't wait for it to reach such a critical state again.

Esentially, assuming nothing else puts me down or it doesn't convert to malignant I can live a long life. The only reason I was put in danger was because of pressure. The tumor had grown to such a point that it was suffocating and crushing parts of my head.

So. Prognosis.

Push tumor as close as possible to being destroyed. Live normally for a decent chunk of time. Go back on the pills I'm taking now when we see that it's coming back to say hello again. If things go smoothly, no trouble, no bullshit, and no malignant shift.

It's another mark on the clock to keep track of.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:58:31 PM »
either way, i already went over how it doesn't really solve the problem
...because it's still a feature of the game, regardless of whether i turn a blind eye to it

i'm not just concerned about me
nobody should get fucked over

And likewise From also added in the feature of offline so people who don't want to be fucked over have that choice.

And in regards to nobody being fucked over. Whose to say some don't enjoy it?

It's like a submission/domination relationship between a couple in the bedroom. Or a masochist. You could argue that pain is something inherently made to be avoided. And yet there's masochists out there that enjoy that bite of pain.

People are contradictory. There is always, somebody who goes against the grain.

An invader coming to fuck you over in a critical moment spikes excitement and adrenaline. Perhaps frustration if you panic and lose. Perhaps "I did it!" if you win.

But like I said the option is there. I suppose it just comes down to your preference in the end.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:01:34 PM »
Verb. Remembered something. You didn't particularily enjoy the first souls because

A) Plays on the theme of humans being dickbags to one another
B) fuck it I forgot

You know how you can avoid both of your particular grievances? Play offline. Dark Souls can't be played online when you're in party chat. You get no messages and no invaders save for NPCs.

Dark Souls II takes it a step further. You can toss effigies into bonfires to weaken the links players have to your world, aka invaders. And of course playing offline still works like it did in the first.

It's a neat little trick that's both a hindrance but helpful some days.

Start up dark souls, open up party chat and then exit and you'll be in offline mode.

Not that I figure it'll start you playing the game since you said it was your cup of tea.

But now ya can't complain that they didn't give you an option to cut out human interaction. Missed the obvious, everybody did.

Remembered something I missed. About tumors.

Usually, in most cases, chemotherapy can be used to weaken a tumor before its removed. And normally, standard procedure for dealing with tumors is targeted radiation treatment. My tumor is embedded too deep into my brain tissue to be taken out in an operation without permanently damaging something, and the doctor and me talked a lot about radiation treatment.

We both agreed that I likely couldn't handle radiation treatment, not in my current state of health. Chemotherapy is less effective in regards to the brain than other parts of the body because of what they call the blood-brain barrier.

The brain has a natural defense system in place to keep most toxins and other bad things out of circulation in the veins and artery's across the skull. The barrier doesn't let certain sized objects pass which limits things only to generally beneficial things.

So, in a lot of cases, the drugs injected into the brain will never fully reach their intended target. The only way to maximize the delivery would be if the tumor was closer to the surface.

Incision in the skin, a surgical cut through the skull and an implanted dock to deliver the medication directly.

There are also many different kinds of tumors classified under many various categories and I know what mine counts as. But it's a large word. Don't remember it. So, that's what I forgot for now.

Gaming / Re: Bloodborne players in a nutshell
« on: April 07, 2015, 11:08:06 AM »
Let's be real though

Invading undead burg as a fucking dragon at level 5 was some tight ass shit, I've never had that much fun in PVP before

I thouroughly enjoyed my level 10 balder knight cosplay invader. I mimicked the red capes pretty good.

Sheesh. Good read.

This is exactly why we need to professionally research cannabis to make some really powerful pills to combat tumors and other forms of cancer, and to help alleviate effects of chemo.

You know I wouldn't be surprised if chemo became more effective with the use of nano machines to deliver it specifically to just bad cells.

Really good read Sandy. How are you feeling now?

Like shit and shit accessories. There's other worries going on for me right now. The little pills make me tired and occassionally nauseous. Most of any damage done to me is internal. My hands can still be a bit shaky from time to time. I get twitches up in my neck. Hair is brittle. Physical related stuff is no fun like all those exercises. And the memory and focus issues are pissing me off.

Happy to be still around. But not happy.

The Flood / Re: Childhood enhanced.
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:47:10 AM »

Double enhanced.

The Flood / Science Bitches
« on: April 07, 2015, 01:08:51 AM »

Fuck yeah science.

Gaming / Re: Spartan Sarah Palmer is Problematic
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:32:16 AM »
Took you folks long enough to consider something about this place. Since we're all jolly Bungie outcasts we may as well be buds.

If you're just going to be posting more articles here that's fine too. Gaming forum needs some interesting things to go through from time to time.

Welcome to the site, finally.
Thanks for the encouragement, we are trying to bring the more serious lore fans together...even if they dont ALL reside here ;)

Overall we have been pleased with the audience we reached and have a few members who use this forum/site and recommended it. Once we saw Cheat on our forum we contacted him and are still waiting for him to give us a few logos so we can promote you guys a bit.

Personally I don't think much can be done....activity wise. But it might be nice to swap articles between those who write them on these respective sites.

The Flood / Re: Today was one of those days...
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:28:58 AM »
I spent today uninteruppted writing an informative article of sorts. So. Today I guess. Maybe would have preffered something else. But can't say I wasn't productive.

What was the topic?

My chemo. In depth look at the whole ride up to now. I figured I'd make myself useful and share whatever information I've amassed since it started. I dropped it off in serious if you'd like to give it a read.

Actually, you might since if I remember right, you had some things going on with the hospital some time ago.

Good memory, I'll give it a read. I'm actually surprised you remembered.

If it counts I remember it. Even scatter brains won't stop that.

The Flood / Re: Today was one of those days...
« on: April 07, 2015, 12:24:09 AM »
I spent today uninteruppted writing an informative article of sorts. So. Today I guess. Maybe would have preffered something else. But can't say I wasn't productive.

What was the topic?

My chemo. In depth look at the whole ride up to now. I figured I'd make myself useful and share whatever information I've amassed since it started. I dropped it off in serious if you'd like to give it a read.

Actually, you might since if I remember right, you had some things going on with the hospital some time ago.

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