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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Want to have a good time today?
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:17:35 PM »
This was a post on

What happens when people are relatively content and secure? What happens when they've nothing too horrid to find some disliking of?

They go loopy. Complain about the small shit. People like to complain.

As a species we're actually quite terrible at finding any sort of lasting peace.

The Flood / Re: Funfact: I pronounce it Oh-meh-gleh
« on: April 08, 2015, 03:13:19 PM »
It's a monday. Things are slow on mondays. Everybody's just getting started with the week.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:46:52 PM »
The state ISP owns the lines (OTE, all of them or most of them in certain areas) so if the country goes bankrupt the semi-private state ISP will also have trouble paying for its own. Honestly, if banks stop working and there's no money it means nobody will be able to pay, nor OTE will be able to pay for paychecks. Electricity is also handled by a semi-private company that owns the whole network-- ΔΕΗ.

Yeah, if the banks do not have any money it will be a systematical collapse by the time things need to be paid. Honestly, I am not sure how terrible it will be. If the economy also collapses like that then nobody will have money, and if nobody has money then nobody can buy anything and nobody will find anyone to sell things to.

And with the savings up in the air? Yeah, it's going to be a fun ride.

Personal level of concern?

You're in university if memory serves. Access to internet has to be payed or said supplier would cut you off.

You think any of those troubles might effect you in any way?

I hope things go well. Or as best as they can given the issues at hand. We forget that we're all separate here despite being able to talk so freely when in reality any one of us or our number could suddenly just be cut off by something.

Greece is not in a warzone but it is in a trouble zone. We forget that behind the apparant face of the user we look at, there's troubles, plans, and futures ahead for all of them.

I hope that whatever stability you have in your life remains stable and that your future isn't compromised by your country's troubles. It would suck to have you go dark from this site.

Cancer is for the weak.

Even though you're joking and you don't particularily take anything seriously. That's insulting. By all means you can insult me all you want because I've dragged my mess all over this fucking site for the past year like an idiot.

But don't insult the dead. Don't insult the other people who've gone through something like this or continue to go through something like this. You know, the entire reason I decided to make this was because I ran odds in my head.

One day somebody else here might have to go through with this. It would be good, if they had a general idea of what they were getting into.

Or even, an understanding so that if they ever deal with somebody going through something like this they can show a little more sympathy.

I'm not insulting the dead, don't worry. But maybe you'd be interested in one of my posts on cancer then:

I did actually read that post, some time back. Apologies that I don't have much to say or didn't say anything. Progress in study is a good thing.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:33:19 PM »
Yes, because the capitalistic economy isn't an isolationist one. It'll be a house of cards, some might suffer less than others, though. An unofficial announcement today said that there's enough money to pay retirements, and paychecks, but also the loans. (Although, since it's unofficial, I would like it to be true)

Question. Are you in any particular way worried about what has a chance of going down for your country?

Edit: It also appears the banks are desperately trying on making more loans on their own as of yesterday.

Personal level of concern?

You're in university if memory serves. Access to internet has to be payed or said supplier would cut you off.

You think any of those troubles might effect you in any way?

Good read. DW is generally overlooked, given the nature of the show and its intended audience. I wouldn't have typically expected that level of depth for any disposal character (for lack of a better word), especially given his screen time and only being featured in one episode.

The latest series as a whole seems to have taken a significant turn for the better. It's almost as if they're beginning to take themselves seriously.

The new series has some great undertones to it. It's a little more mature and darker. There's a hell of a lot of undertones dealing with lying, truth, and fear for obvious starters.

A heavy theme on soldiers and the doctor's apparent disliking of them despite questioning himself as to what exactly he is, good, or bad.

I'm actually rather sad that HFM was a disposable character because when you look at him he was done very well.

Serious / Re: We might as well start the countdown...
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:23:51 PM »
Question. Are you in any particular way worried about what has a chance of going down for your country?

But....this isn't the united states. There's no such thing as pools in the backyard up here.

The Flood / Re: What would your parents think if they saw your posts?
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:13:49 PM »
There's a chatterbox cooped up in my head.

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:12:05 PM »
I feel like porn bombing this thread.

"Artistic Nudity"

HFM sounds like the name of a porn magazine.

If anything, Ele, it's good to see that even though I have to try really fucking hard to focus my attention and memory these days on something, I haven't fallen down to your apparent level of scatter brains and therefore walking derailment of useless points.

Thank you for contributing to something.

Now, say what you will about the series itself for good or bad. I'd like to take some time to point out a well done character in terms of concept, and acting. And that is,

Half Face Man, as the only title he is known by.

Spoiler Warning from this point on

HFM is a cyborg, or more specifically, originated as a clockwork machine android. Started out as a fully automated machine. The starship this particular machine was aboard time traveled and crash landed on ancient earth. These machines, running on basic protocols, began to break down over time and turned to organic parts to repair and sustain themselves.

Over the millennia following the extinction of the Dinosaurs and the emergance of humanity, HFM, at some point began to change. With the continous addition of Human parts added to himself, his basic programing began to alter.

The clockwork android is an intelligent, learning program. Through repeated exposure to human beings, and the addition of their parts to sustain itself, HFM began to develop a distinct personality and a new directive. Seek the promised land.

The promised land, for lack of any other term is essentially the afterlife. The machine is not aware of what the afterlife is, or even that it exists beyond "death." So pursues the promised land aimlessly while self sustaining itself with human parts.

What makes me appreciate this character so much is the subtle nature of him. At an earlier point in the episode, a dinosaur that is caught and dragged along with the doctors time machine is killed by the HFM and harvested for parts, which is discussed later in the episode and then reveals that this machine has existed for a very, very long time.

Essentially, this machine appears as a villian because it kills in order to sustain itself. But only because it follows its prime directive. That table is immidiately flipped when the machine displays anger, and visible distress when he mentions the dinosaur he killed.

"I killed that beautiful creature for an ounce of optic nerve!"

And later on when the doctor asks how the view is, HFM states that it is beautiful when lookind down upon the city of london.

The machine displays visible regret, and visible anger and stress which hints at an evolution beyond his origins, and yet he is still bound by his core basic programming which is to survive and continue. Eventually through talks with the Doctor, and a conversation that leaves the viewer wondering on if the machine is capable of lying as well, we're left a vauge end to the machine's death, either through being talked sense to by the doctor and committing suicide and self termination, or being pushed by the doctor as the machine resisted being shut down.

And finally, the machine reaches the promised land, which means the humanity it acquired was enough to count beyond his origins as a simple automated construct.

In Summarry:

What I enjoy so much about this character is that he touches upon something not often touched upon in media, games, TV shows, or movies. A lot of media out there only ever portrays the aggressive side of self aware machines, or machines that inherently started out as being programmed for "good."

HFM is a blurred line between what you could consider good, and bad. Caught in the binding contract of programming but beginning to become self aware and defined with visible sense of morals and feelings.

And what shines is the particular actors performance. Stiff, slow, robotic movements but very subtle movements of the head and eyes to communicate confusion, thinking, realization, and anger.

Regardless of your take on the show itself, I think it's important to appreciate good characters and concepts. And HFM is a particular character that stands out to me because of how complicated he is under the simplistic surface of an artificial intelligence out to kill.

So. Thanks for reading.

Talk about characters that stand out to you or you have an appreciation for if you want.


Shit there's no way I can keep my eyes open long enough to read all this. Did you have to get a "port"?

Aye. Up on the side of my head. Just a needle stuck into a vein really.
ahhh okay. My friend had hers going into her chest. I think it went either right into her heart or one I've the arteries next to the heart.

I'm assuming your friend's okay? Or better now? If you don't mind me asking, do you know what kind of cancer she had to warrant something near her heart?

The Flood / Re: Man kills self after losing buffet privileges...
« on: April 08, 2015, 11:32:40 AM »
He created a table of contents and a 2 hour DVD for his 270 page suicide note.

I know I really shouldn't be judging the poor guy and I apologise ahead for this, but fuck me, was his life really that bad? Some have a short note or tell someone briefly and it's pretty explanatory.

Fuck. I can write sad mopey walls. But that's taking it to another level.

It's like what I talked about a while back with Verb. Fanboys exist because of comfort zones. Fuck sakes. Don't remember the term. It's a comfort zone. It's an established view. Break the established view and people get uncomfortable.


Cancer is for the weak.

Even though you're joking and you don't particularily take anything seriously. That's insulting. By all means you can insult me all you want because I've dragged my mess all over this fucking site for the past year like an idiot.

But don't insult the dead. Don't insult the other people who've gone through something like this or continue to go through something like this. You know, the entire reason I decided to make this was because I ran odds in my head.

One day somebody else here might have to go through with this. It would be good, if they had a general idea of what they were getting into.

Or even, an understanding so that if they ever deal with somebody going through something like this they can show a little more sympathy.

The Flood / Re: Jive turkey vs Verbatim
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:31:28 AM »
Ya. I'd call it at this. If Verb has even a basic understanding of physics and kinetics, and kept a level head in things, Jive would be fucked. Oars are made out of solid, heavier forms of wood. This isn't a twig you can snap over your knee.

Verb has the advantage of distance and needs less strength to inlict more damage. Jabs with the smaller, handled end of the oar centered around even Jive's midsection would both be debilitating and harder to catch.

With a swipe you can brush it away with your arm. A frontal jab would be hard to avoid, and catch. Because the handle is a smaller point of contact, more force is generated on impact which means Verb could use Jive's advances to his advantage. Jive's own forward motion versus Verb's forward acceleration with the oar.

In a straight up fisties Jive would win.

But I have to hand it to ya Jive. If Verb played it smart with the oar and was able to keep his distance you'd be fucked completely.

The Flood / Re: Jive turkey vs Verbatim
« on: April 08, 2015, 02:13:53 AM »
I think as long as I could avoid getting whacked in the head by the oar I could power through a bodyshot and rush verb down and take him to pound town

Who says he'd need to hit ya n the head?

You know the shape of an oar right? If Verb turned the oar around, and used the small handle, and thrusted it forwards into your ribcage or lower plexes, that would for lack of a better term, suck.

With the broad end he could swing that into your knees and again, that would suck.

The wonderful thing about long reaching objects, with narrow points of contact, is that they don't need supreme strength to cause tremendous pain or damage. Your central torso is a much larger point of contact than your head. Your head would just be the instant off button to the fight.

But a jab to the ribs or lower portion of your torso, or even a swipe from the side might be enough to do it. Less so with a swipe because more force would be required which means more strength.

Going for a direct charge would be a bad thing.

The Flood / Re: Jive turkey vs Verbatim
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:56:35 AM »
I don't see Verb being particularily eager about fighting in that sense. If anything I'd think he'd be pacifist. If not.

Well, a boat oar can give some good distance and reach. Even if Verb's not as physically strong as Jive, one good solid knock upside the head with an oar could knock Jive out. Verb might even have the advantage alone just because of the oar.

If it was a straight up fist fight Jive would probably win.

If it was a straight up oar jousting battle in a sense, it would all depend on who got who first.

Don't particualrily care to be honest.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:14:47 AM »
Blatent self advertising here. I wrote a comprehensive description of all the knowledge in regards to chemo I've amassed since starting with my treatments. If any of you are curious about it, or just feel like learning something new, give it a read.

The Flood / Re: Psychoanalysis Time!
« on: April 08, 2015, 01:07:59 AM »
Fuck it. I'll toss my hat in.

Gaming / Re: So I made a pilgrimage of sorts.
« on: April 08, 2015, 12:59:03 AM »
I'm sad now.

See, everything could be solved if they just set up a telescope in my province.



And. My province is actually the highest elevation in Canada. It's win win.

Shit there's no way I can keep my eyes open long enough to read all this. Did you have to get a "port"?

Aye. Up on the side of my head. Just a needle stuck into a vein really.

The Flood / Re: Should we just, get rid of Finland?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:51:12 PM »
But Finland has a superior education system.....
Not anymore.

They changed it?
I wouldn't know lol. But we're gonna get rid of it.


Gaming / Re: Would you consider Smart AI to be alive?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:50:24 PM »
Can't remember exactly what the qualifiers were, but yeah they would seem to count. Count as people, though, that requires them to be more sophisticated, Cortana would qualify for sure, but I have doubts as to Serena or Roland if they would fully, although at the very least they would be expert imitators.

How about Mac/Loki and Sif?

The Flood / Re: Should we just, get rid of Finland?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:48:33 PM »
But Finland has a superior education system.....
Not anymore.

They changed it?

The Flood / Re: Should we just, get rid of Finland?
« on: April 07, 2015, 10:46:39 PM »
But Finland has a superior education system.....

I've never really known much about the chemo process, so this was pretty educational. Thanks for sharing.

Told ya I did something useful with myself.
Honestly, you should look into publishing. I think you'd do pretty damn well.

Apparently that's what folks say about my stories as of late as well. I don't think I've the temperment anymore to deal with that step process. Besides. Getting stuff for free is always nice.

If I do anything interesting or lob my leg off with a chainsaw I'll make sure to write an article here.

Sharin' stuff is good.
A lot of writers aren't exactly sociable, and they do just fine.
I don't know what your step by step process would be but you could know...invent a new one.

I did. It's called putting stuff out and creating content. And that's that.

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