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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:28:13 PM »
I'm so horrendously terrible at making things short. But, let's take an actual logical stance on this.

Would it not be fair to think, that because in due time people who aren't or can't be a part of god's plan will go to hell, that it is your duty, as a christian, to make their time nice, while they're here?

To take pity and accept that? Because let's face it. Christianity's trump card always falls down to this.

"I'm going to heaven, you're not."

So therefore, any christrian rubbing it in, and being selfish about it, instead of taking pity and trying to make things enjoyable for non believers before they go to hell, is a hypocritical piece of shit.

Counter me on that.

Because it breaks no rules. And everybody wins.

But you know what? No. Nobody wins. Because I know the majority of christians will use every excuse under the sun. I would bet my hat that PSU will come in here with a retort and argument against taking pity. I bet my hat that you yourself might, and definiately your parents, will find an excuse.

And that's human nature.

Excuses to hide behind and use as a shield to be selfish, vindictive and hateful.

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:15:33 PM »
Or we could just stop being insensitive fucks who care so much about where other people are putting their body parts.

And just fuckin' do your damn job and serve your customers.

But no. That'd be much too hard wouldn't it.

It has nothing to do with insensitivity Sandtrap. I have a family who runs a Christian owned business and they empathize with homosexuals and they realize it is not a choice on their part to be homosexual. They have no problem with civil unions or if some other church decides to perform gay wedding, but in their mindset, they cannot in good conscience cater to a gay wedding because they believe in the divine union of a man and a woman for the purpose of procreation. Which does have its own logic.

I disagree with my family, obviously, but I am not ostracized for it nor do they show hostility towards homosexuals. Anyway, my suggestion is not about refusing service. As a matter of fact, in the very first sentence of my topic, I said that the businesses should go ahead and perform their services, just that the proceeds will be redirected in a manner that would be undesirable for the LGBT community. It isn't about hatred, about insensitivity, it's about preventing the LGBT community purposefully seeking these businesses out with the sole intent of suing them. You may disagree with these businesses ideology, but if you take an objective look at it, those businesses are not harming anybody and they do not deserve the attacks that they get. You are a nice guy man, surely you can see this? I have a simple philosophy for anybody who is truly passionate about marriage equality: Don't like it, don't shop there. It really is that simple.

On my end of things, I actually don't particularily care. Because it amounts to nothing. Both sides are just in a slap fight while once more, the people who don't deserve it are stuck in the crossfire. It's always been like that.

But I've a question for you, and if I was there in person, a question for your parents.

I don't remember where, or when I heard the statement. But, it was, from somebody christian. When asked, about his stance on non-believers or gays or lesbians or anybody who didn't fit into the bible's standards, he said something along the lines of this.

"I don't hate them and I don't seek to cause harm. I pity them. I am sad for them that they are not a part of God's plan or do not wish to be. I am sad that they will go to hell."

"So while they are here, I do my best to make their time good regardless of whether or not they choose to follow gods plan, because they will remember their days here, when they are in hell."

Now. Personally. I can't stand the oppressive, controlling nature of most religions. But that guy, has my respect. He might have been pushing towards the deep end. But at the very, fucking least, he did something positive.

So my question is this.

What's stopping any christian or religious person from adopting that mantra?

My question to your parents?

Why not think of things that way?

I won't allow you to answer because I know the answer. Selfishness and blind stupidity. Not an insult to your parents. But tell you what. Can you do this for me?

Present to them that idea. And if they reject it? If they wave it off.

Then you can call them silly. Because that idea breaks no rules. In fact in old scriptures I think the bible even talks of things like that. Take pity on those who aren't a part of the plan or those who don't wish to be.

The Flood / Re: This is how people work
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:48:41 AM »
True, in some sense.

Conformity. Breach or do something that threatens one's conformity and people will defend, either passively, or aggressively.

However. Putting people down on purpose, targeting them specifically and repeatedly, is usually for another reason. An artificial boost of ego to make the insulter feel superior.

In which case, the feeling and belief of being superior is just another form of conformity.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls II: Favorite weapon stories
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:40:56 AM »
1) equip Poison enchant spotted whip

2) equip That butterfly Armor that poisons nearby enemies

3) Invade and run in circles around people, occasionally whipping them

4) Receive hate mail

Tyger. You need the rat covenant ring. It boosts poison damage. And sanctum soldier gauntlets as well.

Now THAT. The rage is REAL.

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:38:43 AM »
Or we could just stop being insensitive fucks who care so much about where other people are putting their body parts.

And just fuckin' do your damn job and serve your customers.

But no. That'd be much too hard wouldn't it.

As a business owner it's my right to refuse service to whoever the fuck I want

I mean let's get serious here. As a business owner, of course you've the right to remove or disregard whoever comes into your store.

But seriously?

How much of a prick do you have to be to remove somebody because you personally don't agree with how one, or two seperate people have sex?

Can you give me a true and straight answer, as to why it would bother you so much, that two people, in their own privacy, have sex, probably far away from you?

Why even go there? Why even ruin somebody's day like that? Imagine walking into a store full of people and having the owner walk up to you and ask you to leave because they didn't like your clothing.

I mean give me a break and get fucking real here. Get out of the fucking dark ages.

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:29:17 AM »
Or we could just stop being insensitive fucks who care so much about where other people are putting their body parts.

And just fuckin' do your damn job and serve your customers.

But no. That'd be much too hard wouldn't it.

As a business owner it's my right to refuse service to whoever the fuck I want

As a business owner I've kicked out people who were being assholes. And nothing more. I've served natives, south africans, germans, swedes, scottish, japanese, and even somebody from france who spoke mainly in french.

My friend, Quiet, who's gay as fuck, can come here and sit down any day.

An old friend of mine, who's arguably a lesbian, can come and sit down, any day.

You've the right to remove whoever comes onto your premises.

But you're an asshole if you're doing it because "I don't like how they have sex."

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:24:10 AM »
Or we could just stop being insensitive fucks who care so much about where other people are putting their body parts.

And just fuckin' do your damn job and serve your customers.

But no. That'd be much too hard wouldn't it.

The Flood / Re: Best type of apple?
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:13:45 AM »
The green ones.
Why do you hate yourself?

That's a good question lemon. Still trying to figure that one out.

Gaming / Dark Souls II: Favorite weapon stories
« on: April 15, 2015, 11:09:57 AM »
Say what you will of Souls II. I'm glad I can still have so much fun in it.

Specifically, I cannot understate my love of the Zweihander. It doesn't have the best scaling, and it doesn't do the most damage out of all the greatswords. But that terrific moveset I swear. Three stories, all in the iron keep as I placed my red soap down.

1. Summoned to a three man gank squad. Immidately run and dodge all spells and press further into the keep. All three go after me. I slow down. All three catch up to me right near the bridge. And just as they came in striking range, I dead angle turned on them. All three were stun fucked because stone ring+zwei=fun. The host was hit with an arrow from the archers, staggered, and then knocked into the lava by me.

2.Three man gank squad. Same thing except the host despawned all the enemies. Except for one. Across the bridge, jump across the lava onto the building where you get the ember for the blacksmith. All three followed me into the room with the red phantom knight on new game.

The knight stunfucked them and split them, boxing them in. My red tearstone ring activated and I proceeded to wreck the entire room of three gankers because the knight blocked the doorway.

3. Two man gank squad. Ran below onto the platform with the red phantom captain on new game. Climbed the ladder and sat up there with the archer. The host and phantom come over and tried to take potshots at me without going up the ladder.

As they focused on the archer, and started backing off, with my red tearstone ring active again, I did a run jump off the edge and a plunge attack.

Hit a solid 800 damage on the co-op phantom and killed him outright and caught the host which left him in critcal health. Another swing and he staggered when he kept his shield up, leaving me not to riposte him, but use the zwei's golf club attack to send him into the lava.

I love the sword so much that just for the hell of it I'm going to track down the neccessary stuff to make a giant dad imitation.

Discuss your favorite weapons and your favorite moments with them.

The Flood / Re: Best type of apple?
« on: April 15, 2015, 10:53:19 AM »
The green ones.

The Flood / Re: Ah yes "Shepard"
« on: April 15, 2015, 10:51:25 AM »
Why the fuck does Mass Effect promote so much interspecies sex anyway?

It's fucking stupid to even think alien races would remotely be sexually attractive to humans.

Ever heard of xenophilia?

I would bet all the money and the hat on my head that if humans can manage beastiality, fetishes for poo, fetishes for morbidly obese people, and every other thing under the sun.

Xenophilia would easily, easily be achieved by us silly old people.

The Flood / Re: fav girl member
« on: April 15, 2015, 10:47:58 AM »
Conversed with Isara before. Quite pleasant to do so, despite stringing together words and sentences that leave me lagging a bit behind. As far as I remember I've not ever had one problem with her.

That feeling when you're a dropout.
wut hapened? :^(

I left highschool of my own violiation. End of that.

The Flood / Re: >supports hillary clinton
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:42:58 AM »

Spock is literally Hitler.

The needs of the many


The needs of the Jew

The Flood / Re: A supervisor jew'd me on a day off
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:38:58 AM »
Or, you can be completely and utterly honest.

That always works too. No sense dancing around on formalities. Tell it like it is. Boss fucked up and lost your request. You're not going.

Again of course. If you do care for your job, not the best call. But it does, and is your call on what you find acceptable and what you find yourself complacent with.

The Flood / Re: A supervisor jew'd me on a day off
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:36:32 AM »
Honestly you may as well do it the old fashioned way. Call in sick. If you want to get elaborate and partially truthful, say urgent family affairs.

If you want to make it stick, I'd reccomend calling in sick BEFORE you go on sunday, or, alternatively, call in sick on sunday, and remain "sick" for a few days after to emphasize the sick part.

Or, just go with simplicity itself.

Just, don't go. Of course, that's if you really don't give a true and damn fuck.

The Flood / Re: 4chan greentext stories are the worst
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:31:54 AM »

I couldn't greentext if I wanted to because I know those fucking arrows are supposed to point in a specific direction. And I never remember the direction.

Ya can't greentext without dem arrows.

And I've always been like that. Right and left. East and West.

I remember left by moving my predominant hand which I know is my right.

I remember that west isn't on the hand I always think it is, which is right, which makes it left.

Two directions. Never click well for me.

The Flood / Re: Ah yes "Shepard"
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:49:34 AM »
Why would he be waiting?

We all know that he should go.

The Flood / Re: Goodnight fox
« on: April 15, 2015, 12:41:42 AM »
Good evening rather than goodnight. The day is not yet done.

Think about it, really. Who could potentially be your best friend?

Yourself. Could be your worst enemy too. Think of the business oppurtunity for all the lonely people out there.

The Flood / Re: Post hot jews ITT
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:56:15 PM »

That feeling when you're a dropout.

The Flood / Re: Who here believes me?
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:41:37 PM »
I don't care. I'd lean towards yes because there is really no reason to lie online. You don't gain anything from it.

Could argue against that. From an outside standpoint somebody who lies gains nothing. To the lier themselves it's a boost. Temporary. But a boost none the less.

The Flood / Re: I just microwaved a metal spoon
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:26:43 PM »
Turkey. Please. Please microwave fire.

The Flood / Re: 4chan greentext stories are the worst
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:16:18 PM »
I couldn't greentext if I wanted to because I know those fucking arrows are supposed to point in a specific direction. And I never remember the direction.

The Flood / Re: Who here believes me?
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:10:57 PM »
Honestly. I don't care. I never did, and frankly, never will. Whether or not your claims are true or false? They effect nobody. Hurt nobody. And the simple fact is, I can't be arsed to care much about fancy cars unless there's one parked out on the street in front of my eyes.

The Flood / Re: is anyone else like this
« on: April 14, 2015, 11:07:52 PM »
Actually. Rather opposite. If I see I'm slacking off I break out the self insults and claims of wasted time that I could be using to accomplish more.

I operate in shades of black and white when it comes to work ethic.

Most days, I go. I go until it's time to stop.

And some days. I hang my hat up and say that today is a day of doing nothing.

The Flood / Re: what monster looks like under a blacklight
« on: April 14, 2015, 01:56:47 PM »
>drinking poison
have you ever had to suffer through a double shift at work while only running on >4 hours of sleep? desperate times calls for desperate measures

It's called coffee. Or, pre occupying yoursef. Depends on the job. I've done overtime on construction sites with four hours of sleep.

When moving, I was fine. Stopping put me to sleep. I guess if you work a snore job staying awake becomes much harder.

The Flood / Re: Discuss God Tier Hobo foods
« on: April 14, 2015, 01:27:47 PM »
like...cornflakes and yogurt?

If ya want, sure thing. Although I don't actually see how cornflakes are too special. Unless you actually meant cornflakes and yogurt.
Yes, together
As in you mix the cereal in the yoghurt?

It could be dry too. Or maybe I'm thinking of cornflakes with yogurt stuff in it.

The Flood / Re: Discuss God Tier Hobo foods
« on: April 14, 2015, 01:26:58 PM »
There are none

My fried bologna bacon knock off disagrees.
wtf is bologna?
shady lunch meat that tastes kind of like hotdog
Sounds disgusting. No offence sandy

That's why you charr it! Crispy miscellaneous meat products are good!

Plus, seasoning.
I would rather fresh dog than dodgy processed something. And charred food is never good.

Potatoes, including skin, on the grill, tend to disagree. Little bit of cancer, carconogen creosote black burn on your foods adds a nice little touch.
your diet sounds appalling man.

My diet is rare!

Last time I had potatos on the grill was two years ago. I only ever eat one meal a day. Usually consisting of bread or soup. Just this once I wanted some breakfast.
That's not healthy....

Sure it isn't! Lately I've even been forgettting to eat one meal a day. Or, not bothering. Can't be arsed to bother eating much. I only ever particularily eat when I work a fair bit. I've a neat party trick though. I can down an entire pizza or more in one sitting and make people question why I'm not so fat.
Just start smoking then. It helps

I only ever smoked for a month in highschool. Don't have the lungs for it!

I don't particularily care about me. However. I'm not particularily trying to kill myself just yet. And in that case, I don't think smokes count as food.
No but they help keep the hunger away. Yeah you're body is already kinda fucked up atm. I suppose you don't need to damage it further.

Too late! Ripped some muscles up on my ribcage and stressed something down in my legs. And called the doc up a few nights ago when I was running around too much and forgot that I've a wrist monitor for my heart to keep watch of.

Damage it all ya want.

Of course. Not to smoking. Coughing, is the worst damn thing there is.
Yeah when we all tell you to take care of yourself this is kinda what we wanted you to avoid -_-

In one ear and out the other. Never has an impact. It's all good. Hurt things heal in due time.

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