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Messages - Sandtrap

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I really do just prefer the simple things in life. Old yellering a belligerent it is.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:55:19 PM »

That is all.

50 dex 50 str for maximum fisticuffs power.

That is all.
99 str 15 dex for maximum manliness.

But you need to punch things. Ring of Champions+Ring of Blades 2+Flynns Ring+Stone Ring=Wrestlemania every day
Let's see how long that lasts against the good 'ol Jester Thomas cosplay I have.

I enjoy emergency ring swapping to red tearstone. Doesn't always work and fisticuffs have horrendous range. But if I ever get a stunlock or a backstab.

Victory is sweet.
Blue + Red Tearstone rings make for an interesting build. You should give it a burl.

I've done so with slow builds when fighting spellcasters. That one last chance moment you have of actual almost short invincibility and extreme damage is a rush when it works.


Red tearstone and Alonne greatbow hunting is hilarious.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:50:03 PM »

That is all.

50 dex 50 str for maximum fisticuffs power.

That is all.
99 str 15 dex for maximum manliness.

But you need to punch things. Ring of Champions+Ring of Blades 2+Flynns Ring+Stone Ring=Wrestlemania every day
Let's see how long that lasts against the good 'ol Jester Thomas cosplay I have.

I enjoy emergency ring swapping to red tearstone. Doesn't always work and fisticuffs have horrendous range. But if I ever get a stunlock or a backstab.

Victory is sweet.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:38:32 PM »

That is all.

50 dex 50 str for maximum fisticuffs power.

That is all.
99 str 15 dex for maximum manliness.

But you need to punch things. Ring of Champions+Ring of Blades 2+Flynns Ring+Stone Ring=Wrestlemania every day

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls II: Favorite weapon stories
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:33:57 PM »
>be me
>strength/pyro guy
>be dragon broing
>git summoned
>it's a generic dexfag
>thief mask, rapier, and a buckler: the works
>I bring out my Iron King Hammer
>dat 756 ar
>he buffs with sacred oath
>I buff with flame weapon
>the ar has left the atmosphere
>he runs at me, R1 spamming
>I dodge the first hits
>he tries parrying me, though my attack misses
>"nigga wut"
>the idiot doesn't know you can't parry a two-handed greathammer
>typical dex user
>he starts up an R1
>I start up my R2
>I poise through his attack, taking about 400 damage
>He takes over 1200 damage
>he tries rolling past me for the backstab
>I use the follow-up R2, aim it around, and destroy the rest of his health
>dexfag is ded
>Iron King Hammer is love, Iron King Hammer is life

Unbuffed non elemental weapons are generally better. While elemental damage may list your AR as being better than the default non elemental, you have to consider that you now have two damage paths.

Physical and your respective element. If you ever meet somebody who's stacking elemental resists through the roof, you lose the effectiveness of your elemental side of the weapon.

But nobody can ever resist pure raw default goodness. Escpecially bosses.

Always hated making an elemental build because coming up against resistant enemies makes everything a rainy day.

The Flood / Re: Cop runs over cop
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:27:19 PM »
Why would he be running in a straight line away from a car?
God, this writing is so bad.

The same reason why a fair number of people don't zig zag or move unpredictably when being shot at. Fear of death puts you into "From point A to point B" mode.
but cop
cop train things
things do stuff
stuff and things
stuff coral
thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiings

Fair point.

The Flood / Re: Cop runs over cop
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:24:48 PM »
Why would he be running in a straight line away from a car?
God, this writing is so bad.

The same reason why a fair number of people don't zig zag or move unpredictably when being shot at. Fear of death puts you into "From point A to point B" mode.

Gaming / Re: Dark Souls is too easy
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:22:17 PM »

That is all.

50 dex 50 str for maximum fisticuffs power.

That is all.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:14:26 PM »
Whachu talkin' bout willis. .

The higher the THC content, the greater the price it can be sold at. It's simple logic, really. No one said anything about smell.

And, ftr there are ways to acquire medical grade strains without even having to leave your house, you just have to know what you're doing.

Well, I've only ever been around people who've bitched about their poor cut before. Low grade stuff but they put up with it anyway because as I said. They'd have to travel far to find another dealer. But, drugs ain't my world and they ain't my business. I only pick up on bits and pieces as I encounter them.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:11:06 PM »
Or I could just not smoke.
Ye but the main reason for growing multiple pot plants is selling the product and making a profit. And shitty pot automatically = less profit.

Oho but das where you're wrong.

Pot is scarce up here. Distance is a factor in everything. If your dealer makes a sub par batch and you don't like it?

Enjoy your six hour trip to the nearest city to find somebody better. I've worked around people who smoked pot that smelled like fucking socks. Very rarely have I ever smelled pot that couldn't take out a charging rhino by smell alone. Maybe once or twice have I ever smelled anything that didn't smell like a sweaty gym locker.
Well it's supposed to smell pungent. That actually means it's good.

I don't know how good your nose is though and what you think you're smelling. If it doesn't smell it's garbage, that's for sure.

I've smelled both kinds. The really strong, sort of "planty" kind of smell, the pungent you mentioned. And the kind that smells like socks and sweat. Makes you gag.

I know the pungent kind for sure. It's strong on the nose. But the socks kind. Christ. You could emtpy up your breakfast over that smell.

I did listen to the two folks who were talking about it. The grower either left something around that was absorbed or added something.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:03:29 PM »
Or I could just not smoke.
Ye but the main reason for growing multiple pot plants is selling the product and making a profit. And shitty pot automatically = less profit.
Unless you give people false samples...

What the fuck is a sample. Weed isn't free.

You know how when you go into a store and they have little platters of free shit? You can come up and try it out to see if you'd buy the whole deal.

Weed dealers can do that too. She is right to be sure. You can get ripped off that way. Try a sample joint out or whatever and then buy a bag and find that its something like the sweaty gym locker stuff I talked about.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 07:01:09 PM »
Or I could just not smoke.
Ye but the main reason for growing multiple pot plants is selling the product and making a profit. And shitty pot automatically = less profit.

Oho but das where you're wrong.

Pot is scarce up here. Distance is a factor in everything. If your dealer makes a sub par batch and you don't like it?

Enjoy your six hour trip to the nearest city to find somebody better. I've worked around people who smoked pot that smelled like fucking socks. Very rarely have I ever smelled pot that couldn't take out a charging rhino by smell alone. Maybe once or twice have I ever smelled anything that didn't smell like a sweaty gym locker.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Heroes/Villains in Battlefront 2?
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:57:22 PM »
Infantry class with the elite rifle > any hero

Flechette shotgun.

That purple penetrating sniper pistol.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:51:32 PM »
Growing cannabis for smoking is particularly complicated, when it comes to growing plants, as one most likely wants to yield high THC contents in their plants which requires some specific conditions and methods.

Or, I mean you could just do what you said and have shittier weed. . .

Or I could just not smoke.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:50:40 PM »
Why are there no courses for growing Cannabis?

If you can't take water, sunlight, a lump of dirt, and grow a plant out of it there's a problem on your end.
It's more complicated than that to grow any plant.

We'd better not be going down this avenue.

So have I. And it's not simple. Pests, weather, all sorts of things can make the process extremely difficult.

Here's the procedure.

Spring: Farmers insert seeds into ground.
Summer: Farmers let seeds sit in ground.
Fall: Farmers pull plants out of ground.

Growing plants, challenger is simplicity itself. Because they grow, naturally. So long as you put them in a climate they're adapted to, they'll do most of the work for you.

Now, cultivating them. Getting them to do nifty things and better yields and keeping them alive through six months of winter in a house when they belong outside. That's not so simple. House plants, arguably are less simple.

But outdoor ones do their own thing.
Yeah cannabis is a lot more complicated than that. Let's just leave it at that.

If you're trying to grow it inside, I bet it would be. Outdoors it does its thing as well. Only when somebody gets picky and anal are there ever problems. Bugs and pests and diseases excluded. And weeds.

Fuck dandelions.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:42:22 PM »
Why are there no courses for growing Cannabis?

If you can't take water, sunlight, a lump of dirt, and grow a plant out of it there's a problem on your end.
It's more complicated than that to grow any plant.

We'd better not be going down this avenue.


Here's the procedure.

Spring: Farmers insert seeds into ground.
Summer: Farmers let seeds sit in ground.
Fall: Farmers pull plants out of ground.

Growing plants, challenger is simplicity itself. Because they grow, naturally. So long as you put them in a climate they're adapted to, they'll do most of the work for you.

Now, cultivating them. Getting them to do nifty things and better yields and keeping them alive through six months of winter in a house when they belong outside. That's not so simple. House plants, arguably are less simple.

But outdoor ones do their own thing.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:36:59 PM »
Why are there no courses for growing Cannabis?

If you can't take water, sunlight, a lump of dirt, and grow a plant out of it there's a problem on your end.

Gaming / Re: Favorite Heroes/Villains in Battlefront 2?
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:35:57 PM »
Mace Windows ground pound was the shit for croud control.

The Flood / Re: Re: Ayy lmao
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:30:49 PM »
Thigh gaps are the shittiest fetish
No, old ladies are.

Actually I'd wager the shittiest fetish would be the shit fetish.

The Flood / Re: Drama
« on: April 15, 2015, 06:29:52 PM »
It's a hard call between subjects I didn't like versus subjects I did like but had shitty teachers. Dunno.

someday the mechanicus will be a thing and all you meatbags won't be able to ruin progress with petty ethical and moral qualms.

Until someone uploads McAfee in you and you become a drooling heap of metal...

Integrating with machine sounds good and all... until you get a computer virus or some cheeky basatrd decides to hack you.

The same can be said of meatbags.

It's good and all until some cheeky bastard decides to stick a knife in you, or you get meningitis and become a drooling heap of meat <_<
You could rust in the rain...

Technically we "rust" in oxygen.

The Flood / Re: 4chan greentext stories are the worst
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:55:24 PM »

I couldn't greentext if I wanted to because I know those fucking arrows are supposed to point in a specific direction. And I never remember the direction.

Ya can't greentext without dem arrows.

And I've always been like that. Right and left. East and West.

I remember left by moving my predominant hand which I know is my right.

I remember that west isn't on the hand I always think it is, which is right, which makes it left.

Two directions. Never click well for me.
i bet you don't know how to turn left.

I pause briefly if told to go left or right.

The Flood / Re: Who is the King of Anal?
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:53:59 PM »
Obviously Casper.

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:53:06 PM »
Can we just ban religion?
You could certainly try. But it would be foolish to make the attempt.
I think it's time for a good old fashioned lynching.
A majority of the country practice religion. Can you imagine what would happen if somebody tried to pass a law banning it? They'd be laughed out of court. Even if the law were passed, it would cause more chaos than good. The religions would fight back and since they are the majority, they would win, especially when it comes to Christianity. People complain about how Christians have power and yet that's the very reason why attempting to ban religion would be a fool's vice.
How is it even possible that you're taking this seriously?

Lemon. We've put our serious hats on here. It's just that simple.

The Flood / Re: How does it feel?
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:51:55 PM »
America only counts as half of the world if we're going by weight, Loaf.

The Flood / Re: Ah yes &quot;Shepard&quot;
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:49:40 PM »

Why the fuck does Mass Effect promote so much interspecies sex anyway?

It's fucking stupid to even think alien races would remotely be sexually attractive to humans.

Ever heard of xenophilia?

I would bet all the money and the hat on my head that if humans can manage beastiality, fetishes for poo, fetishes for morbidly obese people, and every other thing under the sun.

Xenophilia would easily, easily be achieved by us silly old people.
id be down for a hot alien babe.

Now you've given me an excuse to wipe some dust off something and make everybody uncomfortable. Thank you, most assuredly.

im ashamed to say that this is my fetish. There's something about the ruthless dominance of xenomorphs that's such a turn on... Brb need a cold shower.

Fuckin' smoked em.

The Flood / Re: Best type of apple?
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:31:51 PM »
Green Granny Smith

Yes. That was the name. The green ones. Granny smith. Danka.

The Flood / Re: Ah yes &quot;Shepard&quot;
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:29:50 PM »

Why the fuck does Mass Effect promote so much interspecies sex anyway?

It's fucking stupid to even think alien races would remotely be sexually attractive to humans.

Ever heard of xenophilia?

I would bet all the money and the hat on my head that if humans can manage beastiality, fetishes for poo, fetishes for morbidly obese people, and every other thing under the sun.

Xenophilia would easily, easily be achieved by us silly old people.
id be down for a hot alien babe.

Now you've given me an excuse to wipe some dust off something and make everybody uncomfortable. Thank you, most assuredly.


The Flood / Re: Let's be honest, Reciffo Smocc is a badass name
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:18:37 PM »
I'll do my best to be flamboyantly gay.

The Flood / Re: How to stop silly attacks on Christian businesses.
« on: April 15, 2015, 01:09:20 PM »
1. PSU, right on cue.

2. Valid points longface. But I've something to say on that subject. I can be ignorant too. I make mistakes. I get angry. I am angry. All the time, these days. I apologize if I did offend. Frankly, I don't keep track of all the various sects of christianity. It's not something that interests me and therefore I've no real, driving reason to educate myself in that field.

But, I was making a wager. To me the idea of somebody in a religion taking pity on those who aren't a part of it and instead trying to be decent to any and all seems logically sound and fair, when you consider that there's a chance they might end up in said particular hell of that religion.

3. The last note here. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately. About me. Specifically the past year up to now. The good, and largely, the bad. I'm the product of a long chain of events up until now. How could I not display ignorance? Misplaced anger? I've had a lot of bad experiences with people. And right now, I'm tired of them. Tired of watching it all, hearing it all, and seeing it, every single day. And tired of being quiet about it.

Is it a partiular excuse? No. Shouldn't be used as one.

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