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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: You guys ready for Terminator Genyshit?
« on: April 17, 2015, 10:58:27 PM »
If anything it's a statement at how convincing well done animatronics and props/makeup can be. When mixed with just the right touch of CGI it truly shines. Physical costumes/props have always added a special feel and physical sense of realism.

Too much, and it's shit.

And movie devs need to sit the fuck down and backtrack a bit.

Dudes. I remember when I connected to Live on my xbox, and saw DLC for battlefront II.

Rhen Var. Asajj Ventress and Kit Fisto as new heroes.

Does anybody remember the clusterfuck that the Rhen Var harbor ice caves were?

Gaming / Re: Since Battlefront has everybody talking...
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:39:46 PM »
cheats in general have just become a relic of the past, haven't they

what's the most recent game that has in-game cheats?
grand theft auto? even then, i remember there was a time when people thought GTA4 didn't have any

Interesting instruction books
Complete games on launch
DLC that was actually new content rather than missing parts of the game

Oh how I miss it.

Gaming / Re: Since Battlefront has everybody talking...
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:36:01 PM »
Rebels that would continue shooting your corpse after they killed you
Killing the fish on Kashyyk


Do you remember those horrid incendiary weapons they had? Ambush you from nowhere and melt you in seconds?

Yeah fuck that campaign mission where you had to destroy the base on Yavin. It was crawling with them. Thank god they go down in one sniper shot.

Magna Guard rapid fire flare gun.

Using it yourself, it was a bitch to aim. NPCs?

I have nightmares of narrow hallways on the death star filled with those rapid fire flares of death.

Gaming / Re: Since Battlefront has everybody talking...
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:34:19 PM »
flying around as a jedi knight, and then slamming down at the apex of your fifth (or sixth?) jump was really fun

in that... swingset sort of way

Like I said before. Mace Windu's ground pound at the height of your jump into a crowd was satisfying.

Also. Every use cheats in battlefront Verb? Infinite stamina allowed you to reach new heights on the map with force jumping.

Gaming / Re: Since Battlefront has everybody talking...
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:32:46 PM »
Rebels that would continue shooting your corpse after they killed you
Killing the fish on Kashyyk


Do you remember those horrid incendiary weapons they had? Ambush you from nowhere and melt you in seconds?

Gaming / Since Battlefront has everybody talking...Nostalgia Thread
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:30:20 PM »
Let's see how much we remember of the old games for the sake of nostalgia.

I'm still surprised that I remember so many vehicular critical weak points that you could shoot for extra damage.

AT-AT walkers had the neck
AT-STs it was the joint between the body and swivel head
The AT-TE on Geonosis, it was the middle joints of the legs and the central round thing under the cockpit
The spider tanks on Geonosis, was the joints between the central ball and legs
Clone trooper tanks, it was the ass end
CIS tanks, again, the ass end
The little walker tanks the clones had, central base between the legs
Republic Gunships, it was the open space between the engines up top on the roof

Ah nostalgia.

Gaming / Re: New Star Wars Battlefront Trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 07:17:07 PM »
Space battles were cool at first but got pretty repetetive when you learned the pattern on how to win.

Destroy frigates > Land inside > Destroy turret systems/shield/ Engines/Life support > Fly outside and destroy other stuff = Win

Personally, I liked landing a carrier so your guys could spawn in the hangar and spawn kill the fuck out of anything that moved.

The Flood / Re: What's your explanation atheists?
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:21:31 PM »
the moral of the story?
cover buses in bibles to make them fireproof

I like your thinking. Lets build everything out of bibles.

The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 03:18:58 PM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.
Not for Godzilla or King Kong
Yet for Horror movies I'd say this rule applies

I like the particular philosophy of Carpenter. The less you know, and the less you see of something, the more atmosphere, the more tense, the more unease you can build upon.

You can always show your creature. But fleeting glimpses create something special.

A morbid curiosity is generated to want to see what's so terrifying. Not knowing, what something is, but that it is inherently harmful to you, is terrifying.

Not seeing it in full, makes for great tension and immersion.
While I generally agree with you that revealing as little as possible can create some amazing suspense, I don't think it really applies here. The first movie has been out for three years and the villain/monster has already been clearly revealed. Not much of a point in keeping it a secret when everyone who's seen the first installment already knows what the bad guy looks like.

That's true. But I was, also referring to the trailer itself. That same principle should apply to any horror movie trailer. Any movie trailer, in fact.

Look at Terminator Genysis. They just revealed that John Connor was altered by skynet into a new class of lifeform and dropped back in time to fuck everybody's shit up because he agreed that he was something more.

I mean fuck dude. Talk about giving away the entire fucking movie.

The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:46:11 PM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.
Not for Godzilla or King Kong
Yet for Horror movies I'd say this rule applies

I like the particular philosophy of Carpenter. The less you know, and the less you see of something, the more atmosphere, the more tense, the more unease you can build upon.

You can always show your creature. But fleeting glimpses create something special.

A morbid curiosity is generated to want to see what's so terrifying. Not knowing, what something is, but that it is inherently harmful to you, is terrifying.

Not seeing it in full, makes for great tension and immersion.

Gaming / Re: New Star Wars Battlefront Trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:42:33 PM »
why are they just calling it battlefront again

as if it's not the third one

Cause at this point, it may as well be a shitty reboot over a sequal. It's sort of a "clean slate" kind of deal.

They just call it battlefront to commune that it has ties to the old series, but that it actually isn't tied heavily to what fans loved about the old series. AKA, "We're starting fresh."

Or, bluntly.

"Modern Industry Trends."

Gaming / Re: New Star Wars Battlefront Trailer
« on: April 17, 2015, 01:05:39 PM »
So, yeah. Called it. It looks like Dice are trying to do the right thing. But it's not the Battlefront standard that we all loved and knew.

Gaming / Re: Battlefront trailer in 10 minutes.
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:48:27 PM »
Well. Here's what my gut says. I'm calling it. Flatline dissapointment currently. Their trailer is going to raise hype. It's going to be conflicting. Polarized.

Dice is going to be doing it partially right. But not to our old standards of what we're used to.

The Flood / Re: Hey, canadians!
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:28:36 PM »
Why the fuck do you want me to make a long distance call to Toronto?
mfw that call wouldn't be long distance...

MFW I get a long distance charge for calling a far away town in my province.
lol what? Did you do it and get "attacked"? I'm sorry then.

I didn't really think about costs. If I were an adult, I'd take full resposibility and pay you back, but I'm not an adult and I will laugh at you behind the screen while avoiding responsibility.

No you fucking sack of old sacks.

I get long distance charges applied to me when I call a far away place in my own province.

That number you gave is centered in Torotno, Ontario. A completely different province. And no I didn't call it. I don't need more fucking faxes or people that know my business number.
Then what about long distance charges when it isn't in your province? Does the price change?

It goes up. The farther away it is, the higher the price.

The Flood / Re: Hey, canadians!
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:24:47 PM »
Why the fuck do you want me to make a long distance call to Toronto?
mfw that call wouldn't be long distance...

MFW I get a long distance charge for calling a far away town in my province.
lol what? Did you do it and get "attacked"? I'm sorry then.

I didn't really think about costs. If I were an adult, I'd take full resposibility and pay you back, but I'm not an adult and I will laugh at you behind the screen while avoiding responsibility.

No you fucking sack of old sacks.

I get long distance charges applied to me when I call a far away place in my own province.

That number you gave is centered in Torotno, Ontario. A completely different province. And no I didn't call it. I don't need more fucking faxes or people that know my business number.

The Flood / Re: American Red Cheese
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:20:36 PM »
Is it that red wheel shit?

The Flood / Re: Hey, canadians!
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:20:01 PM »
Why the fuck do you want me to make a long distance call to Toronto?
mfw that call wouldn't be long distance...

MFW I get a long distance charge for calling a far away town in my province.

The Flood / Re: Hey, canadians!
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:18:11 PM »
Why the fuck do you want me to make a long distance call to Toronto?

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:15:59 PM »
I'm calling it.

Hoth is going to be the big vehicle combat map. Huge space huge battlefield type deal.

Tattooine is going to be the Metro of the game.

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:05:41 PM »
Also. I just realized. Somewhere, on here it was, I think it was confirmed that mainly it was rebels vs storm troopers. Everybody put on some moans and groans about no clone troopers and CIS battle droids.

Figured out why.

Making unique droids that differ from human shooting mechanics would be too inventive for dice. It would be too, "not tried and true" boring FPS shooter with generic human vs generic human.

Gaming / Re: Aw shit Dice what the fuck are you doing
« on: April 17, 2015, 12:01:42 PM »
And just like that.

The magic dies.

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:53:45 AM »
I just want to state, for the record that I never once harassed Elegiac. He has a habit of taking the jests that get bounced back on him a little too seriously.

There's no record here. That's what I'm trying to say. There's no trial. No jury. Nobody cares. This between you and ele, whatever it is, is strictly yours.

Nobody is or does stand up for ele because he's irked over nothing, and feels the need to reinforce that he started things first, which is a contradiction to his claims of not being irked.

And you apparently feel the need to poke fun or do whatever it is you feel like in his general direction, when the plain and simple truth is, the both of you are in your own seperate bubble of things, away from the rest.

That's why I don't understand your particular.....statments.
I'm saying that he's taking playful jests waaaaaaaay too seriously. He's sounding like he is actually a victim of serious harassment. It's not a problem until he feels the need to make it one. Talking they whole "you're not a fox" thing seriously is childish and petty.

No. Put the brakes on here. Cause you're missing something.

I can't judge on your particular intent with ele. I can't decide on whether it's malicious or not. As soon as anybody claims that you are being malicious on purpose, you seem to feign ignorance to the whole deal with claims of not doing as such.

Which is contradictory.

You know what a jest is? Poking fun.

Me jokingly calling Kinder fat in a sly manner once in a blue moon. That's poking fun not with the intent of upsetting. That happens rarely.

But your supposed "jests" happen almost every day upon contact with ele. You make threads, based on this whole affair. So much so that I would wager, every single day, at a bare minimum of two times a day, you have to state something against ele.

You can call that jesting and joking. But the rate at which it occurs, and the specific focus of it, says otherwise.
Yeah you're reading way too much into this. The back and forth between me and Elegiac has always been, on my part, playful. It never happens every single day and it is in no way the same as calling Kinder fat or making fun of Deci. I know it's not malicious because I know my own intent.

Well that's the way it rolls apparently.

I'm just saying. The frequency of which it happens, paints something different. The fact that it always has a central and core focus on only one subject, says something otherwise. That's just what I'm seeing here.

May not make it right and it may not mean anything. But, it doesn't matter much anyway.

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:39:04 AM »
I just want to state, for the record that I never once harassed Elegiac. He has a habit of taking the jests that get bounced back on him a little too seriously.

There's no record here. That's what I'm trying to say. There's no trial. No jury. Nobody cares. This between you and ele, whatever it is, is strictly yours.

Nobody is or does stand up for ele because he's irked over nothing, and feels the need to reinforce that he started things first, which is a contradiction to his claims of not being irked.

And you apparently feel the need to poke fun or do whatever it is you feel like in his general direction, when the plain and simple truth is, the both of you are in your own seperate bubble of things, away from the rest.

That's why I don't understand your particular.....statments.
I'm saying that he's taking playful jests waaaaaaaay too seriously. He's sounding like he is actually a victim of serious harassment. It's not a problem until he feels the need to make it one. Talking they whole "you're not a fox" thing seriously is childish and petty.

No. Put the brakes on here. Cause you're missing something.

I can't judge on your particular intent with ele. I can't decide on whether it's malicious or not. As soon as anybody claims that you are being malicious on purpose, you seem to feign ignorance to the whole deal with claims of not doing as such.

Which is contradictory.

You know what a jest is? Poking fun.

Me jokingly calling Kinder fat in a sly manner once in a blue moon. That's poking fun not with the intent of upsetting. That happens rarely.

But your supposed "jests" happen almost every day upon contact with ele. You make threads, based on this whole affair. So much so that I would wager, every single day, at a bare minimum of two times a day, you have to state something against ele.

You can call that jesting and joking. But the rate at which it occurs, and the specific focus of it, says otherwise.

The Flood / Re: Ads
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:33:08 AM »
That's our current source of revinue to keep the site functioning, I believe.

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:29:06 AM »
I just want to state, for the record that I never once harassed Elegiac. He has a habit of taking the jests that get bounced back on him a little too seriously.

There's no record here. That's what I'm trying to say. There's no trial. No jury. Nobody cares. This between you and ele, whatever it is, is strictly yours.

Nobody is or does stand up for ele because he's irked over nothing, and feels the need to reinforce that he started things first, which is a contradiction to his claims of not being irked.

And you apparently feel the need to poke fun or do whatever it is you feel like in his general direction, when the plain and simple truth is, the both of you are in your own seperate bubble of things, away from the rest.

That's why I don't understand your particular.....statments.

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:19:14 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
Well back on bnet me and foxy liked to post foxes. Elegiac had a thing for me and tried to force the whole fox thing, it was really cringey and I had to tell him to stop. But he went crazy, skinned a few foxes irl to make a fox suit and became the false one, then he was called a dingo because he's an aussie and that made him go supernova and he went to skin a few more foxes and committed genocide against the dingos.

Sad state of affairs...

I've a sense of humor capable of making me laugh when I feel like absolute shit. And I just.....don't click on that deal of yours.
What do you mean?

I've a flexible sense of humor that goes so far and allows me to smile even when in a critical state or even make fun of myself and have a little fun despite the current situation.

That post up there, dramatically emphasized and spun up so flamboyantly. I get nothing from it. I just again, ask why.
Maybe it's personal with you? Maybe your mood's too low? Or maybe you just don't get it?

Maybe I don't see the need to poke fun of ele, as scatter-fucked as he can be. Then again, apparently you two have a history and I know I'm not aware of it.
Scatter-fucked? Christ... even when you people stick up for me you insult me and just generally don't understand me at all. Fine though, whatever. I don't have a problem with you anyway.

Everything she's saying is a complete fabrication. If it wasn't I would have picked out a truth from the bullshit and recognised it in one of my posts. I'm fair like that. I think she's drunk.

I posted foxes before she even joined, ditto those goodnight threads. I know this is all pretty unimportant in the grand scheme of things, but I feel disrespected when all the people here that I treat well, try to get along with, and have a laugh with while we're all sitting on our asses at home, will just let me be consistently walked all over by assholes. Have the truth pissed on and turned into a slander against me.

Do I have to become an asshole in order to be treated with respect? I don't care. I won't do it. As I said earlier, I don't care where I am- the internet or real life- the type of behaviour and personality that she displays pains me. And it has from day one of her forcible insertion into poor old and the beginning of her harassment of me. A crush on kiyo? It's the biggest fucking joke.

There, that's that. I won't be coming back to this thread.

I say scatter fucked in the sense of scatter brained. Apparently random, somewhat. And getting defensive over what you stated is, truly, pointless.

People aren't standing up with you because there's nothing much to stand up about. It's petty. Perhaps it could be called harrassment but then again it's only harrassment so long as you choose it to be considered as such.

The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:09:08 AM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.

Well we already knew what he looked like from the first one anyway.

Does it give a valid reason to show off critical moments in the movie?


The Flood / Re: Sinister 2
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:06:39 AM »
As soon as a trailer reveals a monster, it's a mistake.

The Flood / Re: The false one was banished
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:02:49 AM »
I never particularily gathered the whole deal behind the fox trademark involving either of you.
I'm back Sandtrap

That would be fine and dandy if I could remember who you are. I know the name. But nothing else is ringing any bells.
Implying anyone knows me

I have a long memory. I can remember specific things that sometimes surprise people. But I mean that I don't remember you in sense that my memory is akin to that swiss cheese these days. There's gaps.

Your name rings a bell and I know that I know you. But there's nothing.
Implyong I never said anything worthwhile

It would be real handy if you gave me some context on yourself. Why, particularily recognize me and say something? Did I ever talk to you? Do anything nice?

I mean that I don't remember you because there's a fucking gap in my memory and head. Memory loss and displacement. Side effects from taking things, are entertaining.
You were a saint to me in a time of boredom

What in the fuck could I have possibly done that was entertaining? Especially, THAT entertaining? I must have rolled up a circus to your front door or some shit.

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