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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: If you got parents
« on: April 19, 2015, 07:04:02 PM »
I certainly don't. It's primarily why I stick around so much. One of em' needs a hand. And despite my less than cheery upbringing with dad, over the years I've started to appreciate him a lot more. After all I got some of my traits from him too.

And I'm glad that either one of them have provided so much support to me lately. They can't fix everything. But at least knowing that they care is fine to me.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post really old shit from your hometown.
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:42:06 PM »
The building I live in is from the 1920's, there are black and white photos of of this area, during the 1920's hanging up on the walls in the dining area. I don't even have to post nothin' cause I'm living in it.

If you peel off the layers on our walls you'll find wallpaper from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50,s, and 60's.

Heh. Nice.

I don't think there's actually any pics of my town online in regards to older days. So. Lo and behold. Main street.

« on: April 18, 2015, 07:37:08 PM »
You guys sure love to get excited over movies that end up being mediocre to horrid.

Call it a trend. It's now a trend to hope for something decent and get dissappointment.

The Flood / Re: ITT: Post really old shit from your hometown.
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:25:51 PM »
The building I live in is from the 1920's, there are black and white photos of of this area, during the 1920's hanging up on the walls in the dining area. I don't even have to post nothin' cause I'm living in it.

If you peel off the layers on our walls you'll find wallpaper from the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50,s, and 60's.

Gaming / Re: Battlefront will not use Battlelog
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:19:34 PM »
do we need a battlefront thread every single time a dev sneezes or what

Folks are excited. It's nice to see a little activity and excitement in the gaming forum once in a while. A reminder that this place can generate nice discussion and show a little life.

I'll take eyes watching closely over new Battlefront buzz over....stale stagnation.

« on: April 18, 2015, 07:15:51 PM »

Serious / Re: If you flip burgers, you don't deserve 15$/hr
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:13:19 PM »
you seem really upset for no reason.

Midget's never upset. There ain't anything here that ever has, nor ever will, make him rustle.

Serious / Re: If you flip burgers, you don't deserve 15$/hr
« on: April 18, 2015, 07:12:13 PM »
Does it count as skill if you can flip burgers directly into your mouth?

The Flood / Re: I Think I'm Bisexual.
« on: April 18, 2015, 06:52:15 PM »

and why Isara has still failed to post her bare breasts online.

You guys are such pigs. Leave Isara alone.

I'll make a wager here. I'd bet one of the hats on my patchy ass head that Isara doesn't particularily care. In fact I'd go so far as to say that she's a sense of humor about it.

Boobs are boobs. When you live with them they aren't such a big deal. Therefore I doubt she's working up a fit over what some folks say over the internet. And if we're to believe that whatever picture she released a while back was her, then she is playing her sense of humor.

It's the most common damn thing out there, that as soon as cleavage is involved, guys are going to look. It's built in human nature. However, it's as easy as one two three to crop a picture these days.

So, clearly, if she were so concerned about her boobs, she would have cropped said picture. She's intelligent and likely would have thought about it if it was a concern to her.

But she didn't. Which is why I can say with a sense of humor and no offense intended.

Nice boobs, Isara.

Serious / Re: Stephen Fry on God
« on: April 18, 2015, 03:22:34 PM »
it doesn't take a genius to come up with an answer like that. I think it's only really an intelligent answer if you're ignoring the whole point that you have eternity verses 80 years on earth. Couldn't someone say that great things do come out of suffering? If hypothetically, someone were to suffer horribly but still display tremendous faith in God, it would inspire others to follow God. In the past that's brought thousands to Christianity. When people see hope and life in the face of death and suffering it tends to bring people to God. Well then you might say, "omg gods a cunt. He curses people as a small price to bring others to him". A according to the old book, humanity cursed itself so really he's just putting us in the right places to make the best out of it. Also when you put it in perspective 80 years of occasional discomfort vs an eternity of hell or heaven depending on what we want, his answer seems childish in my opinion. Kinda what I'm thinking when people say what the dude in the video says.
this is delusional thinking. there is nothing good that comes out of the horrors of this world. we live, we suffer, and we die, and the universe wont bat an eye. there is no positive egalitarian treatment from god. we all suffer, and thats the only gift he gives to all people. people like donald sterling live their entire lives in luxury despite being absolutely horrid. good people starve to death for no fucking reason every day. good people are kidnapped and tortured every day. horrible old men to things to young girls and boys that never should be spoken of, and governments cover it up (jimmy saville & his conspirators). over 200,000 people died in hiroshima and nagasaki, most of them civilians- tell me, what good does war beget? what good comes from that suffering? there is none. this world is a hollow joke. the christian god is a hypocrite and does not deserve our praise.

I'd just like to state, that from the standpoint of the universe. There is no good. There is no evil.

The only reason we classify anything as good or bad is because of our sense of morality and the environment we were raised in. But from a universal standpoint, there's no good, no bad. Only action and reaction.

For example. Use your own life as an example. If you didn't go through every bad day, every shitty, terrible thing that you did, you wouldn't be the person you are today. Now, let's say something that's arguably "good" happens to you.

Something that's incredible to you that you'll treasure as long as you're alive. In order to reach that point, all those bad things, previously, had to happen in order for you to reach it. I'm not saying that it's justification for hiroshima and nagasaki and all the terrible things people do. But on a fundamental level, without morality, it's always cause and effect.

Life isn't fair. But it isn't cruel. You are dealt your cards and then you choose to play your hand. Your choices and experiences will in turn affect you, how you affect other people, and in turn, over the course of time, end up playing a role in the future, so long as our species still exists.

It's like ripples, essentially. But they aren't opposite sides. They just are. There's no particular bad side, or good side.

"Good" things can come from "bad" things, and vice versa. What did hiroshima and nagasaki teach people?

Don't push the button that fires the nukes.

Objectively, you could say that's a good thing right?

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 02:18:25 AM »
I'm tired and just thinking about stuff like summer, the new house, how to fix my Astraea's hips, and what kinda gun to make for it.  And some other stuff that I hope happens that prolly won't.

"Astraea's hips"

I don't know what those are. What other stuff don't you think will happen? It does at the very least sound like a busy year for you. Busy can be nice.
Oh, my Astraea

But it's not so much busy, just maybe stuff to do for once.  But moving isn't something big for me.  We do it enough, but we'll see what happens this time.  I haven't even seen the house, and I'm moving in it when I leave skool in two weeks.  Though I shouldn't complain.  Uhhh other stuff.. other stuff..  I don't know about working yet, so we'll see how that goes.  The main thing this summer is starting hormones, but lord knows how long that'll take.  Other than that, it's just getting someone to open up and then hopefully meet up sometime.  It's a bit of a long shot, but not impossible.

Oh, and I'm on a trying to lose weight fit again.

I wasn't aware you were doing anything with hormones. Nor was I aware that you were overweight in any sense. Seems like the opposite really.
Yeah, hormones are just a thing to me, I dunno.  Nothing to make a big deal about.  Aaaaaaaannnddd I'm not "overweight."  I'm just not where I want to be.

I never implied it was a big deal. Just a particular side I wasn't familiar with. You should be careful with your weight though. Honestly of what little I know or have seen you're skinny. Push that any more and it'll become anorexic or god forbid bulemia.

Weight is always a hard thing to balance. There's no perfect line that ever stays in one place.
Nono, I'm sorry.  I didn't mean that you were implying it was a big deal.  I just don't get why some people do.. nevermind haha  But yeah, I get yelled at for talking about my weight.  I mean, I'd like to keep it under 150lbs, but I'd be happy with a flat tummy, too.  And naw, I couldn't be bulimic, I don't want to ruin my throat or teeth or get wrinkles.

Don't worry bout it. I ain't calling out anything here. Just watch yourself, right? Don't go too low on that weight line.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:58:36 AM »
I'm tired and just thinking about stuff like summer, the new house, how to fix my Astraea's hips, and what kinda gun to make for it.  And some other stuff that I hope happens that prolly won't.

"Astraea's hips"

I don't know what those are. What other stuff don't you think will happen? It does at the very least sound like a busy year for you. Busy can be nice.
Oh, my Astraea

But it's not so much busy, just maybe stuff to do for once.  But moving isn't something big for me.  We do it enough, but we'll see what happens this time.  I haven't even seen the house, and I'm moving in it when I leave skool in two weeks.  Though I shouldn't complain.  Uhhh other stuff.. other stuff..  I don't know about working yet, so we'll see how that goes.  The main thing this summer is starting hormones, but lord knows how long that'll take.  Other than that, it's just getting someone to open up and then hopefully meet up sometime.  It's a bit of a long shot, but not impossible.

Oh, and I'm on a trying to lose weight fit again.

I wasn't aware you were doing anything with hormones. Nor was I aware that you were overweight in any sense. Seems like the opposite really.
Yeah, hormones are just a thing to me, I dunno.  Nothing to make a big deal about.  Aaaaaaaannnddd I'm not "overweight."  I'm just not where I want to be.

I never implied it was a big deal. Just a particular side I wasn't familiar with. You should be careful with your weight though. Honestly of what little I know or have seen you're skinny. Push that any more and it'll become anorexic or god forbid bulemia.

Weight is always a hard thing to balance. There's no perfect line that ever stays in one place.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:53:50 AM »
I'm currently looking for 2 people that I can use for references on a job application.

I think I may have one, but I still need another person.

Is that not the most tedious shit out there to do when looking for a job?
Its the worst. Wish I can just turn in this application already because I need money dammit.

But that would be simple, fair, and easy. We can't have that now can we?
Apparently not

You know it partner.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:53:18 AM »

10 hours and 40 minutes.

Countdown or counting time spent?

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:50:45 AM »
I'm tired and just thinking about stuff like summer, the new house, how to fix my Astraea's hips, and what kinda gun to make for it.  And some other stuff that I hope happens that prolly won't.

"Astraea's hips"

I don't know what those are. What other stuff don't you think will happen? It does at the very least sound like a busy year for you. Busy can be nice.
Oh, my Astraea

But it's not so much busy, just maybe stuff to do for once.  But moving isn't something big for me.  We do it enough, but we'll see what happens this time.  I haven't even seen the house, and I'm moving in it when I leave skool in two weeks.  Though I shouldn't complain.  Uhhh other stuff.. other stuff..  I don't know about working yet, so we'll see how that goes.  The main thing this summer is starting hormones, but lord knows how long that'll take.  Other than that, it's just getting someone to open up and then hopefully meet up sometime.  It's a bit of a long shot, but not impossible.

Oh, and I'm on a trying to lose weight fit again.

I wasn't aware you were doing anything with hormones. Nor was I aware that you were overweight in any sense. Seems like the opposite really.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:49:46 AM »
I'm currently looking for 2 people that I can use for references on a job application.

I think I may have one, but I still need another person.

Is that not the most tedious shit out there to do when looking for a job?
Its the worst. Wish I can just turn in this application already because I need money dammit.

But that would be simple, fair, and easy. We can't have that now can we?

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:42:37 AM »
I'm tired and just thinking about stuff like summer, the new house, how to fix my Astraea's hips, and what kinda gun to make for it.  And some other stuff that I hope happens that prolly won't.

"Astraea's hips"

I don't know what those are. What other stuff don't you think will happen? It does at the very least sound like a busy year for you. Busy can be nice.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:40:53 AM »
I just put a bunch of stuff up on eBay for a friend. Didn't really want to but he's kinda poor, so probably needs the money
I'm actually in the middle of some guy scamming me on eBay, so that's fun.

I'm up late, packed for my road trip to New Orleans tomorrow.

I wonder if that place even recovered completely after Katrina. Some places there were shitty to begin with.
I'll post pics to get you guys the real scoop on that place. ;)

Make sure to stop by the abandoned amusement parks.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:38:42 AM »
I just put a bunch of stuff up on eBay for a friend. Didn't really want to but he's kinda poor, so probably needs the money

Probably, he says.  Seeling your own stuff or seeling your friend's stuff?
His stuff, which is sorta why I didn't want to, just because I don't know much about it.

Your friend selling shady stuff? Or inexperience with ebay?

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:37:33 AM »
I'm currently looking for 2 people that I can use for references on a job application.

I think I may have one, but I still need another person.

Is that not the most tedious shit out there to do when looking for a job?

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:36:13 AM »
Grandmother's birthday dinner.

Tell her I said happy birthday then.

The Flood / Re: Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:35:27 AM »
I just put a bunch of stuff up on eBay for a friend. Didn't really want to but he's kinda poor, so probably needs the money

Probably, he says.  Seeling your own stuff or seeling your friend's stuff?

The Flood / Late Night Talk Thread
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:29:27 AM »
Something on your mind? Feel like talking but don't really have anywhere to say it? I'll listen. I'm an open book when it comes to subjects. Talk about whatever you feel like and I'll see if I can talk back.

What's on your head tonight folks?

What particular host are we talking about here.

The Flood / Re: What's your height and weight?
« on: April 18, 2015, 01:06:57 AM »
Pushing on the edge of 6'3 and I've no doubt I sit at 170 or 180 pounds.

In answer to the question.

Fuck no.

They're only really much more useful than normal computers because they can do certain computations that normal computers can't. I'm not sure how the general public will be able to make use of those applications.

You're aware that part of the appeal of quantum computers is security right? I'm sure everybody would love a quantum locked computer that only they could look at the contents inside or even know how to access the content.

In fact, that's how some of our computer security functions today. Very, very basic level quantum understanding involving particle spin.

The Flood / Re: I just stumbled upon a rather interesting read
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:40:33 PM »
I find that rather frightening because of the question it generates.


To what purpose does that serve. If we are to believe that when you die that's truly it, then why evolve with a mechanism to "cushion" death?

I mean think about it. Getting completely tripped out in your last moments? From an evolutionary standpoint, why would that be neccessary, when you're dying? I mean you can die in fear. But it doesn't change that there's a stop. An end.

If there's an end no matter what, then why does it matter that you feel comfort when you reach it?

The Flood / Re: Hypothetical Scenario
« on: April 17, 2015, 11:11:10 PM »
I ask myself where and when did I fuck up so bad in my life that I

A) Moved anywhere near the vicinity of parties
B) Why and when the fuck did I start drinking alcohol of any kind
C) Why the fuck did I attempt to raise a kid with the vicinity of both A and B

As for reaction, I'd go over two options.

Go after em to the party and show up in person. If we want to throw civility out the door then a talk in public never hurt.

Or, make it extremely clear that if they leave, I would take everything in the house that they owned, and throw all of it out on the block since they want so badly to leave.

At that point, you're dealing with something of a dysfunction among family. Opting for reasoning or talking would be my first shot. But if you're watching a kid at age 14 act in that particular manner, then as a parent thou has failed. That's when you bring out the ultimatums.

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