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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: I fixed the new Agent Locke Trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:21:28 PM »

Ya'll are missing out on something fine here.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:20:55 PM »
That was a bit over the top. Not completely, but a bit.

Right side video player. Mute it. Sit back, enjoy.

Now this. This is over the top.

Gaming / Re: I fixed the new Agent Locke Trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:14:04 PM »
That did fix it.

I knew it was missing something.

Gaming / I fixed the new Agent Locke *Advert*
« on: April 20, 2015, 05:09:01 PM »

Hit mute on Locke's video, on the right side player, sit back, and enjoy. Yeah, I know, no youtube link. If I could merge these two flawlessly I would.

Hype train has no breaks. Only Locke-up.

The Flood / Re: TRON 3 is going to explore Quorra in the REAL WORLD
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:37:07 PM »

Who wouldn't want to explore Quorra in the real world?

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 04:19:09 PM »
It's not a subject I'm too versed on. I know MS handles the marketing. But who's got to make the trailers? Like this one. Who did all the cinematics? The original studio's gotta have some imput somewhere. And a hand at making it as well. But not completely.

But it still is focus and time from somebody.
343 don't do CGI stuff. That's all outsourced.

What the fuck is this weeb anime bullshit they're trying to put into Halo.

Also, this is a rhetorical question, so fuck off if you answer it.
fuck you i do what i want

What the fuck are you talking about? There's nothing anime about it.

Fair enough.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 03:29:07 PM »
and an advertising campaign still takes time and money, and focus away from a Dev team who have to sanction shit and do their work.
Just like to point out that it doesn't take time away from 343 because MS handles the marketing.

It's not a subject I'm too versed on. I know MS handles the marketing. But who's got to make the trailers? Like this one. Who did all the cinematics? The original studio's gotta have some imput somewhere. And a hand at making it as well. But not completely.

But it still is focus and time from somebody.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 03:02:45 PM »
I really, really don't enjoy watching a series that I enjoy slowly get taken down piece by piece.
It's not though.
You're exaggerating as much as the trailer is.
I don't like watching it essentially bend the knee to modern gaming trends and audiences.
What do Reach and Halo 4 have to do with this?
I'm saying get this fucking trash out of my face and show me the shit I love about my series.
MP stuff? Yeah, we've already seen a lot of stuff for that (i.e. the god damn beta)
SP stuff? Yeah, they're clearly saving the juicy stuff for later.
I just want my fucking game to play and I want it to be good.
You didn't play the beta did you?
Not a pandering hooker who's blowing every cock that lines up.
Yes. They're obviously doing that with one trailer.

Reach really started the pandering trend in Halo. It put its foot down on the gas for advertising. Which, in turn, has since, stuck with the series like glue. My point is this.

Trends grow. Trends have a starting point, somewhere, and then they expand. Over time, it's either a gradual, or quick expansion and alteration. And eventually you get to the point were the series is forgotten about and it becomes a walking ad zombie.


Is this just one trailer? Sure it is. But it is, also, part of a chain of trailers. That, over time, have become increasingly more and more detached from things. More detached from the series and just being advertising for the sake of advertising.

Maybe relying on offhand memory isn't the best, but I think, if you compare an AAA game from 5-7 years ago, you'll notice the intensity of trailers is different.

As in the number.

With modern trends, there's trailers up the ass.

It may be easier to produce content these days, but a trailer, and an advertising campaign still takes time and money, and focus away from a Dev team who have to sanction shit and do their work.

I'm not saying that all hype trains are bad either. But I am saying, that seeing such a heavy focus and intergretion of them, when they aren't even really centered around anything other than making ad revinue and sales, is disappointing. It's tiresome.

There's a point were you stop, and ask yourself when will it stop? Are we gonna hit a point were trailers just show off bullshit alone and the game itself is essentially hidden behind an advertising paywall?

This is just one wee little trailer Lemon. But, if trends continue. There's going to be more.

And no. I didn't play the Beta. I don't even have an all in one entertainment system yet. I'm too poor. And primarily, waiting for some fucking decent games I can put some trust in so that I'd be willing to shell out a combined chunk of roughly 1000 dollars to pay for everything.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:55:11 PM »
So do you get this salty over every game trailer then or what?

Only over content that I enjoy. Only over games that I like and pay attention to. Which to be honest, are extremely few in number today because of the very bullshit like this trailer that goes around in the industry today.

I really, really don't enjoy watching a series that I enjoy slowly get taken down piece by piece. I don't like watching it essentially bend the knee to modern gaming trends and audiences.

I'm not saying, "Oh woe is me my favorite series is completely monopolized and just a cash cow now."

I'm saying get this fucking trash out of my face and show me the shit I love about my series. If I wanted to be a cocaine hopped kid sucking down sugar all day looking for a rush I'd play COD. Titanfall. Battlefield.

I don't like it when bullshit leeches too much into things I enjoy.

And you might even argue that this is only one trailer. Just a single trailer.

Well, Reach sure had a lot of trailers. And those trailers sure had a FUCK TON of content we never saw. And now we're here.

Partially, on an advertising and gimmicky pay roll.

I just want my fucking game to play and I want it to be good.

Not a pandering hooker who's blowing every cock that lines up.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:37:06 PM »
Every single aspect of every single thing doesn't have to involve development.
It's a trailer to show that Locke isn't a bitch. It doesn't need to have development.

All fair statements and points, except this one.

You'd think that with all the content we've seen already that we'd know Locke's not a whiny little bitch.

We'd know that he knows his shit, and that he can handle his shit.

This trailer, is just pandering as a selling point to audiences. False advertising at its very absolute finest.

I'll leave it at that since, after all, it's just a trailer. Most of us will say cool and enjoy the cool content and nothing more.

But to the kids out there watching.

It's going to be different.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:32:48 PM »
I think its insulting. Theyre clearly catering for the younger audience with this and other shit.
Insulting? What?

I don't know how in any way this can be insulting. Any action-game already had that main-guy shooty-shoty stuff. If you were insulted by all of these kinds of trailers you'd have a point, maybe.

I mean, It's not like it called you cunt or something like that.

It's insulting because it's a trailer that plays on gimmicks.

It's a trailer that's assuming you're a 420 quickscoping cocaine kid that bounces off the fucking walls and that this game is for you.

It's insulting from a lore standpoint and a gameplay standpoint because it's a ripoff that we won't ever see in the final product.

And it's insulting to the intelligence of gamers and that they're all cocaine hopped hyperactive bundles.

It's a blatent insinuation and obvious statement from devs and advertising corporations.

"We can feed you this shit and you're going to buy it."

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:21:05 PM »

That trailer was the shit. Back then. Yes, why? Because It's chief. He was untouchable back then, nothing could fuck him over.

Whats this new one showing? That Locke is now untouchable, he is now the shit, Locke has, in most things he's been shown in, showed he's super efficient at what he does, like a certain Super solider we all know and love, but that certain solider has only really been shown beaten up, down on the ground or almost dead. This is them showing that a fresh new Spartan is what the Chief used to be, its showing that Chief is getting tired, losing his touch, growing 'old' its HYPING THE FUCKING CHARACTER.

Yes, that 'trailer' was absurd, yes it was just a HEY KIDS LOOK AT THIS SUPER MAN GUY. Lemon isn't trying to say LOL THIS IS AMAZING I HOPE THIS IS HALO 5, He just likes the look of Locke, as he's stated many MANY times before.

But it's baseless. It's a baseless god damn selling point.

And from a character standpoint, it's disrepecting. I like the looks of Locke as well. And I hope he's got a good contrast in the story and games as a character.

But there's better ways to show off a character and build hype for the character themselves than just making them superman. I dunno, maybe show his fucking character.

He's ONI. ONI agents do shady things.

Show him doing shady, controversial things. If you really want to build a character up as the fresh new guy on the block, then how about they actually show some new character over what we have now.

Chief could loosely be considered as "God."
And Locke, from this trailer, would be "Better God."

Some real fucking shining development there.
Sandtrap, you're not wrong. Like hardly wrong here at all, But this is just showing off Armour, and shoving this character further down our throats.

As I said to Star.

We've already seen Locke's armour from multiple trailers. So really, no, this trailer isn't showing off his armour. It's showing off what people are going to want to feel when they have it.

Like superman since the trailer was founded on it.

And it's not even shoving his character down our throats because there's not even a character in this trailer.

It's bullshit. It's shitty bait tactics. And it's fucking tiresome.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:16:24 PM »
Also, How does Shittrap not realize that this is a gamestop trailer to show off the armor?

1. We've already seen the shit out of Locke's armour already

2. Locke was going superman speeds so we only got a few shots of him posing, mainly his helmet, which is what we've already seen

3. Show off what armour? That you can do all this cool shit if you buy it at gamestop?

Even as a gamestop trailer it doesn't seem to know what the fuck its doing.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:09:05 PM »

That trailer was the shit. Back then. Yes, why? Because It's chief. He was untouchable back then, nothing could fuck him over.

Whats this new one showing? That Locke is now untouchable, he is now the shit, Locke has, in most things he's been shown in, showed he's super efficient at what he does, like a certain Super solider we all know and love, but that certain solider has only really been shown beaten up, down on the ground or almost dead. This is them showing that a fresh new Spartan is what the Chief used to be, its showing that Chief is getting tired, losing his touch, growing 'old' its HYPING THE FUCKING CHARACTER.

Yes, that 'trailer' was absurd, yes it was just a HEY KIDS LOOK AT THIS SUPER MAN GUY. Lemon isn't trying to say LOL THIS IS AMAZING I HOPE THIS IS HALO 5, He just likes the look of Locke, as he's stated many MANY times before.

But it's baseless. It's a baseless god damn selling point.

And from a character standpoint, it's disrepecting. I like the looks of Locke as well. And I hope he's got a good contrast in the story and games as a character.

But there's better ways to show off a character and build hype for the character themselves than just making them superman. I dunno, maybe show his fucking character.

He's ONI. ONI agents do shady things.

Show him doing shady, controversial things. If you really want to build a character up as the fresh new guy on the block, then how about they actually show some new character over what we have now.

Chief could loosely be considered as "God."
And Locke, from this trailer, would be "Better God."

Some real fucking shining development there.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:01:27 PM »
Holy shit. It's a fucking trailer.
Yes it's OTT, but who gives a fuck. It looks good.

Get the fucking broom out of your arse.

Of course it looks good. It's like buying an ultra luxury car and then finding out it has no engine at all inside of it. It's hollow entertainment.

I don't know about you, but aren't you tired of shit like this? Ploys and gimmicks?

Do you know how folks normally get things done?

With a broom up their ass.

I mean yes, it is a nice trailer. But you, and I know that all the younger crowds out there aren't going to view it as such. They aren't going to view it as just an exciting trailer. I can appreciate the work that went into it.

But I sure as fuck won't appreciate the effect the trailer is going to have. And I'd put money down that you won't either.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:56:35 PM »

You see this trailer Lemon?

This is arguably, how you do proper hype. This is a trailer that has flair to it, that sense of over exageration, but at the same time, it's feasible.

It has roots in the respective universe it sits in. And while being all CGI, it still conveyed things we did in the game. And it built excitement.

You see chief in a downed state. You automatically worry because again, Chief, to us, normally, is indestructable. We've never seen him falter, never seen him truly fail.

And then he gets back up. And he covers that ground to the wraith like an olympic athlete. Extreme speed is conveyed in those shots. And we see Chief jumping and using his own heavy mass to target and land on the biggest threat in the middle of danger.

While being CGI bullshots, they weren't complete bullshots, with no base to them. This trailer, built hype, had a sense of flair to it, and yet it still had roots. It had a proper foundation.

Not rose tinted glasses here either. That trailer is how you properly build hype.

It's got flair. But it's still grounded.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:37:42 PM »
Its also not every spartan they're trying to make look over the top here, they're trying to make Locke look cool, different and strong just to make him seem cool like ch33f.


It's not a 'this is what Spartans do now' I'd wager he wont do any of that shit in the game.

We've already seen what Spartans can do via the beta.

They're making Locke look like a strong adversary that'll smack Chief's average ass around a bit.
I think what's being argued is that they're going too far. Locke looks like he's reaching some Superman/Neo level of shit here.

And you're honestly not telling me that the earlier trailer of Chief being a metaphorically downed god with a visible bullet hole in his armour didn't do the job to communicate that?

We're not used to seeing visible damage on chief. We're not used to seeing him in a downed state.

So seeing in him laying on his ass with a bullet hole in his armour IS A PRETTY FUCKING GOOD TELL ISN'T IT.

Even if that trailer is the lie over the truth, it doesn't change the fact that we already have the vibe that Locke is a contender.

So this recent trailer with Locke going all superman?

Baseless and pointless, disconnected pandering to the 420 Legions of Yolo.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:28:35 PM »
Well CGI and all this fancy shit is where most games are going now.

You still have old games to go back to if that bothers you.

Which is, frankly, what I've done these days.

I've not bought into any bullshit. The last most recent game I purchased was fucking Dark Souls II.

And it's already at least a year and a half old.

I'm not going to play the game and buy into garbage with an alluring coat of paint on it. But what I will do, is complain and say that it's bullshit.

Because the less people there are buying into the bullshit, the more chance there is of us actually getting something that's the truth. That's not an overflair and over exageration of a watered down product.

Gaming exists in the state its in today, because gamers let it exist that way.

If nobody buys your shit product and puts their foot down, then that's cause for alarm. That's cause for actually thinking and making something worth buying, and showing that what you've made is worth buying.

But no.

The young entitlement generation of 420 yolo quickscoping faggots sucks down whatever army gruel and pig shit you feed them.

And because they're the majority, companies use their trends and examples as their foundation.

In which case, their fucking foundations are wrong.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 12:17:54 PM »
I know it's exaggerated..I know what Spartans can and can't do.
It's a marketing hype builder. It doesn't matter if it's exaggerated.

I would argue, that yes, it does matter if it's exaggerated. Building a little bit of hype for your product is a good thing. But at this point, it's.....not even relevant anymore. I mean there's a point, where you go too far on the marketing push.

There's a point were your marketing push just becomes fucking silly hype train build that has no correlation to your game and end product. No relation or any viable form of sense.

It's insulting, frankly. Stop fucking around and throwing all this shit out there to attract the wrong kind of fucking people.

It's tired and overused as shit.

Show me some fucking campaign trailers about the story I'm interested in. A little bit of mystery and gameplay shots to lure.

Show people some multiplayer trailers with actual multiplayer highlights and fun moments.

This pre-rendered bullshots and CGI stuff is getting fucking old.

Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:30:56 AM »
I see 343's appealing to the juggernaught tank hyped up on coke speedster appeal.
Well he is a Spartan.

I know I'm walking into a shitstorm waiting to happen here. But K. Let's mosey on out here.

Yes, Spartans are strong. Yes, Spartans are fast.

And yes, I can see that Locke is zipping around with booster augments.

He crashed through buildings, crashed into banshees, and crashed into aliens, all while 420 quickscoping hyper lethal BR bursts into tinfoil ghosts.

Typically, Spartans are like olympic athletes. Given greater ability by their suits. But they aren't failproof. Spartans have always operated on stealth, and planning, because being an open target could get them killed.

Spartans were dealing with aliens that were naturally, physically comparable to them in strength, speed, and reflexes. Are we not taking into account that all the many impacts of Locke in this trailer would have done damage to him?

Crashing through an entire building would have drained his shields and caused physical trauma even to a spartan. Then, using his suit's power to blow through another wall with low shields to travel at high velocity into another moving object?

As I said. We're appealing to the tank 420 quickscoper hopped up on cocaine here.


Gaming / Re: New Agent Locke trailer
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:17:26 AM »
I see 343's appealing to the juggernaught tank hyped up on coke speedster appeal.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 11:06:59 AM »
Now, I'm arguing barebones constants without the addition of human variables. Which is, inherently what you argue over. Which, are in reality, illusions and constructs.
They're the only constructs that give any life its meaning. I don't really have much interest in discussing a nihilistic universe where you can literally do anything and nothing will ever matter, because nihilism is just too stupid for me to discuss when we can instead discuss feeling things. You know, the only things that matter, which you've basically conceded.
Take a child. Raise him to kill. Teach him that killing is good. His perception, as a living entity, will give him pleasure to inflict suffering. That perception of his, is his reality. And it is only viewed as inherently evil or bad by us, because of our sense of conformity, like we talked about a while back.
I don't agree, though. While you may be able to find some people who only agree that killing is wrong because everyone else agrees that killing is wrong, I can make the argument that there are also a lot of people who are smart enough to think for themselves, logically, to determine that murder is wrong. And really, murder isn't inherently wrong. If someone's trying to rape your wife, you wouldn't try to kill him?... I think most people would, and I wouldn't fault them for it if they were successful.

Killing is only wrong, in my opinion, if they are innocent. If they don't deserve it. And 99.99% of people don't deserve to be killed. Oh, and you also need consent. Then it becomes assisted suicide, which, as you should know, I am all for.

That's the logical perspective.
Consent and fairness are the most important tenets of all ethics.

You're viewing suffering, as a point. Like it's a start point. When really, there are no points. Destruction, and creation, simply, are.
I'm viewing suffering as a realistic and inevitable part of the human condition. It's not a point, it's a prescription. You WILL endure some shit in your life if you are born. Physical, emotional, mental, what have you. Your loved ones will die, your pets will die, and it happens every day. By the thousands. I know these aren't pleasant thoughts, but if you really sat down and just contemplated the suffering that takes place, you would see that it really is off kilter just how much of it really occurs. Turn on the news and see how many innocent people got killed today. This isn't a world I probably would've personally chosen to live in.
IMaterials were used to create the atomic bomb. Materials, were destroyed, and used, in order to create, the atomic bomb. Which was then dropped on hiroshima, and destroyed it. The suffering of those people, was real. But on a fundamental level, every single atom that was ripped apart by the bomb went back into something. New life. New structures. Elements.
You don't think that's disgusting? Millions died to create more life, so that they can suffer and die, too. It just doesn't end. I find that revolting.
I'm not trying to say that suffering is all sunshine and bunnies. Lets face it. Pain, is pain. But happy, is also happy.

Happiness is shorter than pain and yet still equal. Take a prisoner. Put him in prison, in solitary for a year. Pure misery. One long, agonizing year in solitary.

And then release him. The happiness upon release, the re-experiencing of things he took for granted and missed, while although short, is tremendously powerful. So powerful that one year of solitary, while not being forgotten or washed away, is immidiately put into the background by said prisoner's sheer happiness.
I'd rather just be happy on principle. The fact that we have to endure some loss first before we can feel any happiness doesn't seem like a very good deal to me. Show me an example, besides touching tree bark, that gives us happiness without any strings attached. You're literally ONE step away from referring to life as a "gift" or some shit. The fact is, gifts don't come with any strings attached. You don't buy your friend a gift you don't think they'll enjoy. You wouldn't buy your friend something, and then say, "Here, take this. That'll be $50." It's like, yeah, some gift.
And in order to destroy something, there has to be something to be destroyed in the first place.
Precisely my argument in summation.

In order to destroy something, you have to create something.
Destroying things is a negative. Yet, all that is created will be destroyed.
The best way to avoid that is to create nothing at all.

We're unneeded.

On the flipside, you could say, that even though anything ever created will be destroyed, anything destroyed will create something else. As I said. No origin point. It's a back and forth exchange.

And, like I said or tried to, anyway, taking a step back into morals and emotion since we obviously don't operate on a universal perception of things.

You are absolutely right. There is a cost to everything. Which again, comes back to universal functions. In order to understand happiness, you have to understand misery. The two need each other to function properly. Let's be really broad here, and lump anything vaguely associated with negative and positive human emotions into just that.

You're living in, arguably, an environment that you enjoy. It could be called your version of paradise. You sit on the beach all day, sloth around, and just take it easy. All of a sudden, out of that happiness, you'll grow restless. Anxious. You'll want to move, or do something. Out of that happiness you'll start to feel a little miserable from all the stagnation.

So, no, I'm not disgusted by it because I understand the nature of it. Our universe operates that way on every level. There's no escape even if you wanted to because we're bound by the laws of our reality. You realize that right?

So, I choose to pick my apparent side of things. I try to be as decent as I can. I understand there will be pain and I understand that depending on what I choose, I still have control. That pain will hurt which in turn, could, make me outwardly hurt something else. Or, I could turn it around. I could try to take arguably the best road for everybody around me and myself.

And, as you talked about that particular infection. Of course that's terrible. To be born and then infected with a parasite whose sole purpose is to burrow into your head? That's the definition of terrible.

It's so terrible that I wouldn't put it past somebody, somewhere on the planet, who was trying to stop that. Trying to create a vaccine or something to fight it. And maybe one day they'll have a breakthrough, and that infection will be slowly but surely, stomped out.

Frankly, what I find funny about all this, is me and you.

I think we've similar thought processes. I think we've similar experiences. And yet here's the two of us. Easily, our respective stances on things are fundamental opposites. Opposing forces and ideals on either side of a scale.

So, it all comes down to the simple end. You can't have one without the other. That's life. That's the universe. You take the best you can from it and try to make the best. Pain's just an obstacle in the way. It's not pleasant. Never will be.

But it can only affect you for so long until you choose not to let it and move on.

As I said. I think you'd be a riot to sit down and have a coffee with.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 02:56:11 AM »
And I guess, since I'm talking to myself here, I'll make one last post here for tonight Verb. As I said. Put your sense of morality and emotion in the trash can for a second like you put dark souls there.

Without morality or emotional standpoint, because lets face it, human morality and emotions are unstable variables, looking at the very core of how the universe itself functions, you're left with creation and destruction. But both have no origin point. One does not overtake the other.

Take atoms. Clump atoms together, and a structure is created. However, over time, atoms in any structure are lost. As a result, that structure is destroyed.

But those atoms that are lost? They don't just dissappear. They're integrated into another structure. It's a continous cycle of loss and reformation.

Now, I'm arguing barebones constants without the addition of human variables. Which is, inherently what you argue over. Which, are in reality, illusions and constructs.

Take a child. Raise him to kill. Teach him that killing is good. His perception, as a living entity, will give him pleasure to inflict suffering. That perception of his, is his reality. And it is only viewed as inherently evil or bad by us, because of our sense of conformity, like we talked about a while back.

An opposing force and point of view to our own that we take comfort in.

Now we come to action, and reaction. This can be rather delayed. An example of this being, myself. I went through a good few years of shitty childhood before I ended up here. But through all of those actions I experienced from people, eventually, I reacted. I reacted in the opposite way that people acted towards me.

And even from that standpoint, it is still, creation and destruction.

Our entire reality functions on it. Think of an explosion. Arguably, on both scales, an explosion is destructive, and inherently negative to anything caught in it.

A volcano exploding.
A car bomb exploding.
A star exploding.

At the end of all three, something new is created. Ash fertilizes soil. A carb bomb incinerates the structure and people around it. Those atomic materials are dispersed and will, eventually reform into something else. A star, while taking out its system, will give rise to multiple stars which in turn create more systems.

You're viewing suffering, as a point. Like it's a start point. When really, there are no points. Destruction, and creation, simply, are.

If you remove one from the equation, the other will not function. Remove either side, and the other will not function.

And on that last note.

Materials were used to create the atomic bomb. Materials, were destroyed, and used, in order to create, the atomic bomb. Which was then dropped on hiroshima, and destroyed it. The suffering of those people, was real. But on a fundamental level, every single atom that was ripped apart by the bomb went back into something. New life. New structures. Elements.

I'm not trying to say that suffering is all sunshine and bunnies. Lets face it. Pain, is pain. But happy, is also happy.

Happiness is shorter than pain and yet still equal. Take a prisoner. Put him in prison, in solitary for a year. Pure misery. One long, agonizing year in solitary.

And then release him. The happiness upon release, the re-experiencing of things he took for granted and missed, while although short, is tremendously powerful. So powerful that one year of solitary, while not being forgotten or washed away, is immidiately put into the background by said prisoner's sheer happiness.

It's not one side because there isn't just one side. It's both. Without fail, it's always both, feeding off each other. In order to create something you have to destroy something first. And in order to destroy something, there has to be something to be destroyed in the first place.

The same concept can be applied to both happiness and misery.

And my ramble is done.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:26:28 AM »
You know I would wager you'd be fun to sit down and have a coffee with over a chat Verb. Typing in my mangled state is fucking stupid.

The point I'm trying to say here is. You're focus is on suffering. Saying that suffering is the mainstay. The main point. When it's not. Because it has an opposite counterpart. Arguably, the easist term would just be happiness.

On a barebones fundamental level, stripped or morality and emotion, there's our universe. With two, working sides of order.

Creation and destruction.

Stars explode and wipe out their systems. But at the same time, new stars are formed from the remnants.

One life form eats another, kills it it to survive. A life form died to give another energy to survive. And when that lifeform dies, that energy will be dispersed to others. Plants. Soil. The wind. Water.

My point is, that when you put aside Human emotions and morality, there is only function.

Opposite sides.

But both of them are balanced because they need each other to function.

There is no, suffering is the root of everything. And, equally, there is no happiness is the root of everything.

There's a joining right in the middle. Two sides that are neccessary to function.

And as living entities, we have a semblance of control over which side we emmulate more than the other one.

But there will always be, that middle ground to balance things out naturally.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:14:46 AM »
Probably going to regret stepping into this one. So I'll just drop off what I can say at hand.

Life, and generally existence itself, will never be peachy Verb. Nothing in our universe works that way. And nothing, likely ever will. Stars burn and die out. They expand, and explode. Total destruction of the system of planets orbiting around them. At one point, what drives our universe will cease. Arguably you could view that as rather negative. Destruction.

Suffering as we call it only exists beceause it's only one side. If there was no suffering, that would likely be the close definition of perfection, which as we know, cannot exist. Life doesn't work in one form. It has two opposing sides, always. Working order. And entropy. Our moral views, good and bad. And so on and so forth.

I'll use myself as an example.

I've not had a peachy life. Terrible childhood. And these days I can say I'm not cheery either.

However. That shitty experience as a kid, stuck with me. I looked at it, and I told myself that I never wanted to generate that particular feeling in anybody. That bad feeling, or feelings.

As such I try my best for everybody around me.

In which case you could say that from suffering, I flipped to the other side of the coin. Of course I'm not flawless. Nobody is. I get upset and I'm sure I've done things to upset people. But to a greatly, greatly reduced degree than if I decided as I grew older that I would emmulate my growing up experiences.

However, Verb, we come down to the reality of things. Suffering is a human construct. Derived from emotions and pain. I would argue, that much of what we construct as people, are illusions.

Aka, good and bad.
Too bad he's not gonna read that. :/

If some part of my memory serves, I know Verb enjoys insulting my so called "pseudo buddhist" outlook.

But. On that point. I said it wrong.

They aren't illusions.

They're perceptions. Perceptions have a way of skewing reality. Putting blinds over everything.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 20, 2015, 01:11:18 AM »
Probably going to regret stepping into this one. So I'll just drop off what I can say at hand.

Life, and generally existence itself, will never be peachy Verb. Nothing in our universe works that way. And nothing, likely ever will. Stars burn and die out. They expand, and explode. Total destruction of the system of planets orbiting around them. At one point, what drives our universe will cease. Arguably you could view that as rather negative. Destruction.

Suffering as we call it only exists beceause it's only one side. If there was no suffering, that would likely be the close definition of perfection, which as we know, cannot exist. Life doesn't work in one form. It has two opposing sides, always. Working order. And entropy. Our moral views, good and bad. And so on and so forth.

I'll use myself as an example.

I've not had a peachy life. Terrible childhood. And these days I can say I'm not cheery either.

However. That shitty experience as a kid, stuck with me. I looked at it, and I told myself that I never wanted to generate that particular feeling in anybody. That bad feeling, or feelings.

As such I try my best for everybody around me.

In which case you could say that from suffering, I flipped to the other side of the coin. Of course I'm not flawless. Nobody is. I get upset and I'm sure I've done things to upset people. But to a greatly, greatly reduced degree than if I decided as I grew older that I would emmulate my growing up experiences.

However, Verb, we come down to the reality of things. Suffering is a human construct. Derived from emotions and pain. I would argue, that much of what we construct as people, are illusions.

Aka, good and bad.

The Flood / Re: we're arguing about irony now
« on: April 19, 2015, 11:22:06 PM »
For fuck's sake. I'm trying to remember my fucking shit and I can't.

You put fucking banana in your post. And it all makes me think of is that dragon ball z parody with frieza saying banana in it at one point.

I was going to quote that like the generic retard that I am and look funny.

But no. I fucking forgot it. I can't remember the quote. And I don't even remember the name of the parody.

So. Fuck you, banana.

Can't we have ONE game where some asshole doesn't spoil the story months before it's even announced anymore? seriously, I miss the days back when the internet was just becoming a thing and only legit info was put out and you had that little bit of magic during the waiting period where you talked about the info and got some speculation going in a thread, you know, all that hype magic that adds to the game, rather than being told the whole plot right off the bat.


I miss completely finished games.

I miss gaming communities that weren't petty and fucking whiny over every detail.

I miss DLC being new unique content and livening up fresheners for the game rather than unfinished parts.

I miss devs not fucking rushing and taking their time with installments.

Fuck modern gaming trends man. And fuck their warped communities as well.

I'm sure it's fake, but that's basically DA:I in space.

Hey. Remember how the rainbow skittles ending was leaked a few months before release and everybody waved it off as speculation and bullshit, believing that they'd be stupid to try and pull that.

How the person who leaked it said the fans would be upset.

Boy I'm sure glad that leak was wrong......
are we talking about DA:I leak or ME?


It's what made the ending hurt so bad for me. I stumbled onto that leak, and figured, "Eh, these are usually bullshit anyway, why not have some fun?"

Come a few months later the tears were real. I don't take most leaks seriously. But for bioware I am now making a strong exception. Of course, Being completely fair I won't be getting ME4 anyway.

I'm sure it's fake, but that's basically DA:I in space.

Hey. Remember how the rainbow skittles ending was leaked a few months before release and everybody waved it off as speculation and bullshit, believing that they'd be stupid to try and pull that.

How the person who leaked it said the fans would be upset.

Boy I'm sure glad that leak was wrong......

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