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Messages - Sandtrap

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Oh my god.... hell truly has frozen over.

Canadian politics have made the news. Harper's ball gag on the majority of the canadian govrnment just slipped up a notch.

The Flood / Re: Picture of my fresh as phuck fade irl
« on: April 25, 2015, 07:31:36 PM »
You know I had a couple questions for you a few days back. And now I can't remember what the fuck I was curious about.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 25, 2015, 12:41:14 AM »
I mean, if I do this, what the fuck do I even say here? What the fuck do I do?  And....I know myself. Sitting there, in the face of somebody with bone cancer, a relative, arguably family. I would rip myself apart.

A benign, contained tumor, on the scales, is almost laughable when compared to bone cancer.

I keep saying to myself, that I should go.

When you get the news about what you have. It takes time to sink in. It takes time for reality to really sink in. It takes time, to understand, and truly realize, the lengths you will go through, to potentially save yourself and fight for your life, that much longer.

And the feeling, of being so utterly alone to carry what you have, staring out at people who support you, who are there for you, whom can never, ever truly be there for you because what you're going through, is yours alone. It hurts.

I tell myself, that for this stranger, this person I don't know, but whom is family.

I could change that. I could let them know, that they're not alone.

I don't know what to do. This.....fucking upsets me.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 25, 2015, 12:05:36 AM »
I don't want to make a thread. I don't like making threads. But I just got some news. And...I'm not sure what to do about it. This place is somewhere I can let a thought or two slip.

My father's side of the family is somewhat distant. I don't know any of them save for my father. But I got a call, tonight from my father. Recently, just recently, it was discovered that his sister has cancer.

I know cancer runs in our family. My grandmother had it. I have a form of it. One of my father's sisters, now has it. Bone cancer.

What makes this....unsettling to me is that I don't know her. But she's close by. She's in a city, in my province, right now. And they're going over options of what to do.

It's unsettling to me because even though distant, this is a family member of mine. Even though I don't know them, and never have, they have cancer. And I am seriously considering putting everything of mine on hold, to go and visit them.

What makes this rather painful for me is that if I show up, out of the blue, on their doorstep, as an estranged, unknown relative to them. They will look at me and they will be aware that I have cancer. And I will look at them, and be aware, that they have cancer. And not a pleasant kind. Not a kind that can be treated well. Bone cancer, is horrendous.

I don't want to show up on their doorstep, and stare at the two of us, and laugh with my sense of humor at the strange, oddness of both of our situations.

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:29:29 PM »
I can't fucking believe this shit. Harlow out of all people is here? That pecker fucker had me on my mute list day one when was born and went out of his way to make fun me by breaking into RA and laughing at our posts.

Give me one good reason WHY I SHOULD FUCKING FORGIVE HIM! -_-

Because you're the only one getting upset about it. Grudges. The very definition of self inflicted misery and angst.

And, act on a grudge when someone isn't actively attacking you, then you're no better.

Ask yourself a simple question. You hate him enough to drive across a few states and shoot him/beat him up/spit on him?

If not, then your inherent directed anger over what's long dead and gone, has already happened and passed, is pointless and essentially false.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:17:55 PM »

Edit: I don't get why people are assholes to people from other websites...
harlow managed to piss a lot of people off in a short period of time. he knew this would happen when he poked his head back out. he can take it.

now, im wondering if hes going to retreat, or if hes changed.

I'm not here to become a regular, Davey. I've already stated my intentions.
Uh, what are your intentions of being here then?

I already said earlier in this thread. I'm scouting out the remains of Bungie related private communities both on and offsite.
This is the only one I know of. Haven't heard of any other Flood remnant communities. :/

Halo Archive.

That was essentially the Halo portion of Bungie's fanbase after the first big semen coloured update. We can count them as an exodus group for sure.

The Flood / Re: Plans for the Weekend?
« on: April 24, 2015, 11:16:03 PM »
I was always unaware of the time before. Now I can't even remember for sure what month it is. And you say it's the weekend.


As I am, right now. Vacation time.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:55:41 PM »
I've heard the stories but had no encounters. Howdy.

Stories do no justice for a personality such as this. Good evening.

Arguably, I'd say stories are everything. And presuming they either don't do justice or don't do enough for your personality is wonderfully presumptuous. I can tell you're going to start fires here.

I wouldn't have it any other way, dear.

Pls no. No more drama wagons rolling through town.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:53:48 PM »
I've heard the stories but had no encounters. Howdy.

Stories do no justice for a personality such as this. Good evening.

Arguably, I'd say stories are everything. And presuming they either don't do justice or don't do enough for your personality is wonderfully presumptuous. I can tell you're going to start fires here.

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 10:24:02 PM »
Seriously, if Harlow wants to be here let him. Some of you really need to calm the fuck down.

And it would be nice if we didn't have that lingering and rather pointless hostility between here and our origin site. Running members off the site, regardless whom they are, ain't so good at keeping things peachy.

I mean fuck, we're all a bunch of outcasts in some form anyway. Who the fuck are any of us to judge even with past experiences?

The Flood / Re: yo
« on: April 24, 2015, 09:59:52 PM »
I've heard the stories but had no encounters. Howdy.

Can we take a step back a sec?

How many of you are physically capable of holding your arm backwards at that angle in any comfortable way?

The Flood / Re: Chat Thread (Wednesday — Whenever)
« on: April 24, 2015, 01:27:51 AM »
There's a lot of dust up in the air now that most of our snow's gone. As such, I can smell it. Rain. Air temperature lowering in the wake of cool air sliding in. You can smell the moisture in the air itself, feel the dampness, just on the verge of falling now.

I'm rather satisfied that I've come far enough to experience this again. I do enjoy the serene sound of rain, on metal roof plates.

I say good night now.

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:53:52 AM »
We haven't touched into segregation yet.

You get sold a game that has campaign and multiplayer.

Under the guise of appealing to both crowds, you can choose to buy what you want to play, campaign, multiplayer, or both.

Actually if sold at a reasonable price that's not a bad idea and it's something I've talked about occasionally. Say a $20-$40 split. That way people who only want part of the game don't have to pay a full $60 for a chunk of the game they don't want.

Which is, of course why I primarily said it.

The gaming industry takes anything of remote quality and potential decent-ness.

And promptly runs it through the trash compactor before using the corpse of an idea that's spit out.

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:35:49 AM »

The faster we run the coffin into the ground the faster we can bury it and try again.

Gaming / Re: What will be the next greedy trend in gaming?
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:32:21 AM »
We haven't touched into segregation yet.

You get sold a game that has campaign and multiplayer.

Under the guise of appealing to both crowds, you can choose to buy what you want to play, campaign, multiplayer, or both.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:21:26 AM »
Right. May as well be semi-constructive here. Curious. What semblance of motivation made ya feel like showing up here again?

I'm gonna go ahead and let everybody know I voted for option 5.

And I also realize that I've never asked why you've a seemingly stubborn stance on things. Why is a good question here.

Why in particular, do you take such an opposing stance?
Because the way I see it, you are what you're born as.

That doesn't mean I go out of my way to call a transgender a "he" if they identify as a "she". I don't have a problem with calling them whatever they want to be called and it's not something that bothers me.

But they're not true females if they were born as males or true males if they were born as females. They just aren't.

Well, that's all hunky dory then. If ya ain't being a dick about it then that's fair.

The Flood / Re: Sleep schedule
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:11:34 AM »
Hit the sack at around 1 o' clock. Wake up at 6 o clock most days.

It's really the only thing I can hope to manage because any more hours spent sleeping and I'd not get anything done that I need to during the day.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:09:01 AM »
What sort of question should I ask here?
The kind that can be answered.

Then I've accomplished everything I ever wanted here. Bon voyage.

The Flood / Re: I'm bored
« on: April 24, 2015, 12:03:37 AM »
What sort of question should I ask here?

Listen here Meta. I'f you're ever in a seat of power, I'll work with you on one aspect.

Take your tumblreista infestation and divert them to my province.

All of that lot would likely, and hopefully, shut the fuck up if they were all dropped in a field and exposed to the same level of a hard days work, no matter the colour, gender, or whatever.

It's win win. Free labor for my province.

Straightened out retards for you.

We could call it "The Patriarchy Foreign Exchange Program."

The Flood / Re: Are you an Optimist or a Pessimist?
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:40:13 PM »
I really like the term sarcastic optimist, for myself personally.

I hope for the best. But I'm going to crack jokes that state otherwise. I'm going to make fun of my own current state even if it's shitty.

My joints sound like the bedsprings of your mother's bed after I've spent a night with her.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 23, 2015, 09:16:40 PM »


Though that's an interesting point of view. But this question is itching me....

Do you care if your hear about some random dude in Russia, in Japan, in Australia or anywhere on the world commiting suicide? Do you care about every person's life ending on a global scale?

If so... I hope you won't get crushed under this emotional stress.

If not; then why should another species care about the end of a completely different species they never had any contact and relationship with at all? Asumming you as member of your own species didn't even care about the death of another member of your own species.

Wouldn't they care more about the survival and well-being of their own species and immediate neighbors or even acknowledge the decision of this particular species that eradicated itself?
Well, I hope you enter this thread once more to see my question. If not: I guess that this is an open question then.

I can only ever show up here in the evenings for short bits. But yes, I check on it. It's an interesting conversation and a concept that makes me ask questions out of curiousity. And, yes. Anti-natalist. Memory problems right now. Sue me.

Anywho. Here's the thing. While no, it is hard to find empathy for somebody you don't know, or have never seen, across the world, and it's a biological fact that a human being's upper limit and capacity to care about people wavers and burns out past 100 in their personal lives, I was thinking of this on a sort of personal level.

I know myself. I know I'm compassionate, regardless of who, or what, I encounter. I don't step on bugs after I see them, on purpose. I move them out of the way so somebody else won't step on them.

So, I was thinking, if an anti-natalist is so opposed to misery, then why focus on being so self centered?

Because we, as living organisims, are not the only things that feel pain, or stress, or succumb to disease. To me it seems woefully self centered, and in fact, yet again, a glaring flaw in human stupidty shining through.

It's always about us.

Say what you will of survival instincts and built in natural functions and such, but I believe that with intelligence, there should come greater understanding, greater capacity for empathy, and a conscious choice to be aware of one's surroundings and be respectful of them.

Even going so far as, to help them.

Now, even if we exclude other life forms beyond our planet. It's inherently impossible to even consider being capable of wiping out every last thing on this planet save for throwing the entire planet into the sun. And, even more so.

It's against human nature.

There has never been a point in our history of 400,000 years, were we as a species, were totally unified in a singular goal. There has always been opposing sides, there has always been, resistance.

The concept of anti-natalism is founded on two key things.

The idea that every human would come to the logical choice and accept it, when we can safely say that's a no no.

And it plays on human negative selfishness. Now, I would say no doubt that me and Verb are parallels, save for us sitting on opposite sides of the scales in regards to our beliefs respectively.

I'm for the progression of people. Advancement. Moving past our simple primal and basic instincts, moving beyond our self desctructive and in general, destructive influence. Seeing the world around us, and maybe, reaching a point were we can even alter things beyond ourselves.

Essentially, make everything really fucking peachy.

Now, this is grounded somewhat because we invent things. We make tools to help us beyond our limits. And we're just now getting into prosthetics and robotics. In a way, while my stance still plays on human nature and selfishness, when you ask a guy "Hey, if we inject you with this it will permanently double all of your natural abilities," most people will accept.

And through that, there's a chance that people can progress to something better. Now, on paper, a lot like communisim, Verb's belief makes a shade of sense. If you've been following, Verb's belief is just the opposite side of a coin in regards to misery. It's, one way of dealing with the removal of it.

But in reality, the more I think about it, the movement, the idea, and the mindset, seems truly self defeatest.

It has no traction, nor will it ever. And if it did, there would always be human beings who rejected.

And if, by a slim miracle, the movement succeeded?

Then the so called horrid imposing prison of life would continue oppressing countless others. In fact, given enough time, another sentient species might even replace us on our planet.

Which would render every effort we had ever made, null, void, and pointless. Life would continue while we happily offed ourselves with a smug, self centered grin and a fuck you to everybody else.

To me, you couldn't get much more self defeatest than that.

Respectively, Verb, since you'll likely read this, it honestly seems more like a pleasing, daydream fantasy over a tangible reality. And I think, for now, my questions and curiousity for your particular aspect of life are now answered.

Pleasure talking, and a pleasure thinking, as always.

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:18:54 AM »
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post. I just feel like it's predicated mostly under the notion that anti-natalism is a defeatist philosophy, and that's what I'm arguing against right now.

And one, last thing. One very last thing here. If you're going to be an anti-nationalist, then you do it right. That means, EVERY SINGLE LIVING THING is made sterile.

I want you to imagine that scale. I want you to imagine, how on such a scale, of that size, how durable life is. How utterly indominatble it is.

If our planet was smashed into by an asteroid and 95% of life was killed, the shit at the very bottom of the oceans would survive. If our planet was chucked out of its orbit and it froze solid, life at the bottom of the oceans would survive.

I argue this because anything alive feels pain. Anything alive is subject to decay, and death.

And second. There has to be other sapient life out there. With how durable and adaptable lifeforms can be, with the huge, raw numbers and percentages on a universal scale, it is physically impossible for us to not be singularly unique.

So therefore, I ask this. If your entire species offed itself by not breeding, then what the fuck happens to all the others? They go about their business.

Which therefore means your species commited suicide while ignoring all the others out there.

As such, if anti-nationalism doesn't want every single thing sterilized until life dies out, then it's an inherently selfish movement. A human centered, point of view that only includes human beings in the movement would be considered selfish.

Just, even considering the numbers here Verb, an Anti-nationalist scenario where all life is sterilized, has even less chances of occurring even to just our planet alone over human beings augmenting and evolving themselves artificially to a point where misery doesn't exist.

As such, I would say it here and now, that at its core, anti-nationalism is founded on a self defeating purpose.

Ever try to move something too heavy for you that you know you couldn't possibly move? That's it, right there.

And if you're going to argue that we don't include every lifeform that is capable of feeling disease or pain or any of that fun stuff, then the movement is inherently human centered, and therefore blind and selfish.

And fuck selfish people, Verb.

Gaming / Re: Why Star Wars: Battlefront seems limited
« on: April 23, 2015, 01:00:27 AM »
I've been finding the response to Battlefront disturbing as well.

This isn't a sequel to Battlefront 2. This is a reboot. If they're simplifying things to benefit the overall cohesiveness of the game, then so be it.

Ask yourself a serious question.


Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 23, 2015, 12:58:02 AM »
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post. I just feel like it's predicated mostly under the notion that anti-natalism is a defeatist philosophy, and that's what I'm arguing against right now.

Again, more thinking.As best I can understand and remember at the moment, anti-nationalism isn't fond of making a decision that imposes life upon somebody and therefore subjects them to exposure to misery.

And, now this requires some thought. Because really, by nurturing life, you aren't imposing on it and life isn't imposing on it. Because how the fuck can life even impose itself on anybody unless they're born?

This is difficult for me to say correctly. They aren't born. They don't exist. They're nothing. "They," aren't even they.

So how can life impose itself, on anybody who isn't born when technically they don't even exist yet? It's almost as if its a light switch. Boom you don't exist, boom you do.

And, now that I think about it, if anti-nationalists don't believe that life should be imposed, then what jurisdiction gives them the authority to deem and impose death? Or, in this case, not being born?

If anything, rather than focus on life itself, why not narrow the view down to merely misery?

Maybe I'm missing something here. But you've a semblance of the point I'm trying to make, no?

Serious / Re: A pro-choice medical student witnesses an abortion
« on: April 22, 2015, 10:03:44 PM »
I'm not ignoring the rest of your post. I just feel like it's predicated mostly under the notion that anti-natalism is a defeatist philosophy, and that's what I'm arguing against right now.

I never particularily said defeatist and didn't neccessarily imply that. Because frankly, if we look at the end results of our respective stances, they embody the two existing fundaments of the universe. Creation and Destruction. They're just two sides of a same coin.

On one hand, everybody is dead, which to be fair would be just as hard to accomplish as its opposing counterpart.
On the other hand, technology in conjunction with evolution has made it so that there are no more torubles.

Now. Lets say for a second here, that we've evolved so far down the line that we have no worries, no issues, no misery. Let's say we can even outsmart the pain of death.

What if somebody doesn't neccesseraily feel like hanging around for eternity? Then by rights, there should be the option to choose. Choose, to die.

So, therefore, let's say that life keeps on imposing itself, which, on thinking about it, is rather an oxymoron because you can't impose anything upon something that's not alive and doesn't exist yet.

But anyway. Would it not equalize things if everybody had said option of choosing to make themselves deceased? Born or otherwise?

And, last note. The parents giving a kid a present thing.

I wasn't equating it to being pretty. I know life isn't pretty Verb. I've been smacked around enough to know that it has ugly sides too. You're preaching to the quoir here.

But the point I was trying to make, is the ignoring of something. Focusing solely on the negative aspect. Because, even though life isn't cheerful all the time, it is cheerful when you find such aspects.

When you have so much ability in your hands to do something, when you have the ability to create and enjoy things, it seems like not thinking clearly if you'd rather a black void of nothing over what you can do here.

And, like I said. That little neice of mine. If she was not part of the equation of things I'd've been dead a long time ago. Like it or no Verb, kids change things for people. And of course, not all people. Some people make blatently terrible parents who only help to make things more difficult for their kid(s).

And, real last note. I'd wager, yes, anti nationalism is rather defeatest in an aspect. Because it imposes death. It imposes non existence. If life can supposedly impose itself upon nothingness that doesn't exist yet, because in reality, if we're assuming there is nothing beyond that, then life is actually imposing upon nothing. It's only after you're born that you're actually imposed to misery.

And while you could say, that letting everybody die off of old age isn't imposing shit since it would happen naturally in itself, it is making a decision for the as of yet unborn.

If life can supposedly infringe on the unborn by making them alive, then by rights, death can infringe upon the unborn by denying them any chance at all.

So, to that I say, let's do our best to remove misery shall we? In a constructive way.

The Flood / Re: "The Land of Rape and Honey"-
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:08:43 PM »
Oil Seed is the scourge of the countryside here, every bloody field has that ghastly yellow crop everywhere.

I'm used to the blue shit.

And wheat.

And occassionally yellow shit.

It balances out.
What's the blue one? >.>

I don't remember.

I'll take pictures of it when I see it for ya.

The Flood / Re: Had my first hangover..
« on: April 22, 2015, 01:07:05 PM »
Don't ya love the effects of fermented and technically rotten fruit circulating through your system as poison that your body doesn't know what to do with?

Fuck yeah you do.

Now go out there and drink some more!
You must be fun

Yes, I am. I see people drinking and I let em drink. And then proceed to go about my business.

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