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Messages - Sandtrap

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Gaming / Re: Five Nights at Freddy's 4
« on: April 28, 2015, 01:39:38 PM »
One two three four, these games are getting milked and fucked like a whore,

Up it goes on the Steam store, order now for just $3.94,

We'll include a dildo that'll make your ass sore!

The Flood / Re: Sex dialouge through photos
« on: April 28, 2015, 01:30:56 PM »

Gaming / Re: Just Cause 3 gameplay reveal
« on: April 28, 2015, 01:19:25 PM »
Still waiting on Mercs 3.

You. You've made me sad. Are you happy, now?

The Flood / Re: My back will be fucked up by the time I reach 40
« on: April 28, 2015, 01:16:11 PM »
I think I make for terrible advice with these things. Currently; legs, upper and lower arms, hands, abdominals, back shoulders, chest muscles, and my back are all either stretched, stiff and sore, or torn.

And the only answer I give myself when I ask, what do?

Keep moving.

So, desty. Keep moving. Do healthy things with your back. Give it a stretch and flex it around. Stop or try to avoid doing stuff to curve it.

« on: April 28, 2015, 12:34:30 PM »
Put the game on easy mode and your health will auto regenerate.

Gaming / Re: State of Decay: Year One Survival Edition launches today
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:07:29 PM »
I remember getting that game when it launched. I really, really should get back into it. I remember finding going with my second dude, finding that military chick, getting in a car, trying to jump the bridge and failing, ending upside down in a stream, walking to town with three mangled people, finding the church, doing some stuff, and then getting to the farmhouse before I used up all my ammo and my melee weapons broke on the huge undead.

My car was totaled to get there so I was faced with walking back to the church with no ammo, no weapons, and bad injuries.

I stopped a little while after that. But for a single player experience I liked it. And the concept of losing people permanently is awesome. It makes you so much more cautious and tactile.

The Flood / Re: Pics that sum up your average day
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:46:29 AM »

The Flood / Re: Art Hub
« on: April 28, 2015, 12:40:05 AM »

MFW I've been using every trick in the book to up my graphics in G-mod to no real avail. And just today, I go rooting around in the options menus.

And find that this entire time.....

I missed the options for resolution. As such. Now I can make true HD pictures. But I feel like such a fucking retard.

Serious / Re: Can racism ever end?
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:40:39 PM »
Nope. Even if you mushed everybody into a singular "race" they'd still find things to dislike or hate amongst one another. No getting away from it.

The Flood / Re: What's so entertaining about Nascar?
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:35:04 PM »
It's the collisions and crashes.

The Flood / Re: Pics that sum up your average day
« on: April 27, 2015, 09:24:20 PM »

Mcdonalds: Every fucking country except Africa

Every fucking country except Africa

country except Africa




Yes yes I know. Africa the country. That doesn't sound right.

But the point stands. There's only 1 or 2 countries on the continent of Africa with mcdonalds. Which is, essentially nothing if we're taking into account the entire continent.


1. And I'm generalizing

2. Here's a list of where walmart has set up shop on the world.
-United States
-United Kingdom
-The lower portion of South Africa
Here's the source info. From Walmart itself.

-United States
Source: Target homepage and wikipedia respectively.

Best Buy:
-United States
-Puerto Reco

Mcdonalds: Every fucking country except Africa

4. If you're eating, and buying stuff from those stores? You're a little less focused on your own country's standards. Standards of quality, standards of production, and standards of tradition. There is no, "American" way to dress. But there is a westernized way to dress because you're buying western style stuff from western style companies.

5. A country's culture, and habits, can be pushed out by industry. Take the east, and india. Their standards of fabric are different from ours. It's not cheap nylon and mass produced to such an extent. Start selling westernized apparel there en masse and you will, snuff out the countrie's original values and standards in those regards.

6. I'm writing on the run. Not calling out the american people. Just the societal values.

7. No it isn't a racist way. Picture every colour as a culture, a spectrum. Smush them into one and they'll start to blend into a mass that's the same colour. That's not racist, that's called the melting pot, and it is inherently a negative thing.

8.Out of the three America is largely the best at remaining and keeping everybody seperate.

9.That's a discussion held in your very thread about the islamic culture in Britain. Discussion of tight cultural borders and countries establishing them and keeping them intact. Why move to a country and not adopt it's standards and culture if you're going to be a citizen? The same could be said and reversed. Why emmulate another culture and instead, just move to the heart of said culture?

10. I own a family business. I could break away, move somewhere else, and open up a store under the same name, sell the same stuff, and then start opening them up everywhere. A business chain. But I don't because this pays the bills and I don't want anymore money then what I already have.

Doing so, spreading so far, is the very definition of being greedy. There's a point where you stop and say, "Okay, I'm making enough now, time to put my foot down." Most corporations, don't ever do that.

11. As lemon said, different meanings and standards.

Being in second place obesity wise still isn't something to be proud about.

The UK is so fat because they're westernized. The same of Mexico. The same of Canada.

12. Rampant consumerism is a problem in westernized countries.

13. Yes. America is Number Uno. #1. The big champ.

So you know what that means? You can't be number one without being the heart of the problems. What do all the countries I listed have similar things to them? Overweight, overconsumption, corporate greed. Those countries are all westernized, or in the process of being westernized.

It's not so much the American culture as it is the Western Culture. That's what I missed. Wrong terms. And as we all know, Western Culture, it's traits and its habits, originated in America.

14. I just gave you 13, well, 12 or 11 valid points. You and I are both aware that society has issues. Problems and fuck ups. Everybody, every country, has them. But the Western Culture, is an amplifyer to problems. And the Western Culture, is expansive and passively agressive.

Your proof is in other westernized countries. Your proof is in how all of their problems seem to be similiar and closely linked.

You are, absolutely right. America is, Number 1. As such, it is impossible to be Number 1, without also being the Number 1 source of problems in the world, and in society as it exists today.

So there you go. I'm not calling the american people shitty. There's nice people, and nice places wherever you go. But the culture that's pushed, the trends, and societal norms, are not peachy. And the culture, westernized culture, is like a cancer. It spreads. Overwrites, and very slowly, and subtly erodes other cultures over time.

You want the reason why America is a target?

It's number 1 for both the good, and bad. I mean, you can't deny the good things about america. Because there are good things. But if you're number 1, then you're going to be the proprieter of the bad as well. And it's patriotism, that blinds people to that.

I'll leave it at that Challenger. I'm not out to spew hate garbage or hate in general. But, I was, answering a question that was asked. It just takes time for me to make things coherent these days. Hopefully, what I put up there shows the picture and my point, which was never to bash or hate.

I've never heard any Americans say that.

Why do all other countries insist on circpejerking their hate for America?

Because there's a lot to hate. It's a country founded on war and violence. War to form the country. War on the native, original poplulation. Violence towards blacks via slavery. Vietnam. The conflicts in the east.

The government is, without even arguing, retarded. The companies and corporations that originate from are oppressive string pullers over there that nikel and dime you and others.

And some of the people, although I'm not saying they're bad, are riding a very old hype train of "we're the best" based off old events in history when the world is leaving them behind right now in advancements.

And lastly, the population itself is so divided and against itself.

The proof is in the numbers. More speficially, I'm not saying it's the people. But the american government, its sociatal values, its blind patriotisim and practical propaganda, make the country a place to dislike and a place to hate, and an easy target.
Russia fits this little stereotype of yours far better than America.

Do we see people hating on Russia they way they hate on America? Nope. Because nobody's jealous of Russia. Russia isn't anywhere near as relevant in anything as America is.

There are very valid criticisms to make on America. The ones you just made can be applied to every single country on the planet.

You know, part of the reason stereotypes exist is because they play a hand in reality. They do, have a founding. A stereotype is just too broad of a generalization and yet at the same time it still has a vague sense of merit.


A true point to dislike about America. It's an expansive, smothering and consuming culture. Case and and point.

Mcdonalds. Walmart. Target. Best Buy.

These stores are all across the world. These places push into other cultures and erode them over time. Japan. Japan's youth are having problems because they're moving away from their countries traditional way of eating and going to Mcdonalds.

This is what you'd call passive aggressive culture smothering. Set up shop in a country, and sell them your shit, and you gain control. You influence the culture passively by selling them your shit until all that's left is another western-esque clone and a shell of a country, its people, and its culutre.

This, is undeniable. And it's America that pushes this across the entire world.
Nobody's forced to go to McDonalds.

There's no "cultural smothering" going on. People like going to McDonald's, so they go eat there. If the Japanese youth is fucked up, that's Japan's problem. McDonald's doesn't make young Japanese people not have sex and become obsessed with anime. That's traditional Japanese culture, funnily enough, being too strict and forcing kids to go to extremes.

These American stores wouldn't stay open for years and years in there countries if the locals didn't buy things from them. Don't like it? Don't buy it.

But don't dare act like America itself has this agenda of destroying every other culture when

1. These are companies expanding to make more money and become more successful.

2. America is the most culturally diverse place on the planet.

3. Neither the American government or people have any say in the matter of McDonald's setting up shop in Tokyo.

There's nothing "undeniable" about any of what you said. It's just more foreigner hatred for America from yet another foreigner who hasn't set foot in America.

I wouldn't say hatred. That's too strong of a word. "Mild unenthusiasm" would be better.

"It's japan's problem." That's a fair point. Because it is the country itself that sanctioned and allowed it. But that's where it starts. Remember. You roll up shop in a country. Sell them your shit. And over time, all the old stuff native to the country is forgotten.

Where people would eat stuff from their country, their styles of food, they'd eat mcdonalds because it's cheap, and quick. Where they'd buy styles of clothing, furniture, whatever really, native to their country, they'd buy from walmart and target. That's how you fundamentally and passively wipe out a country.

Get the younger generations hooked on the new shit. As discussed elsewhere on this site, don't like it don't buy it only works on those who care or can even realize the point in the first place. AKA we come down to the shit industry with gamers. Don't like it don't by it is fine and dandy but it won't shut anything down when the less educated folks fill your empty spot.

And, I never said america has the agenda. The corporations founded there, the government. That's not america. That's a rather ugly aspect.

And lastly.

"Culturally diverse."

A melting pot. Every culture rolled up into one so that all old values, and traditions, dissappear, with only the prominent ones that see usage left surviving.

It's like trying to make rainbow putty as a kid by smushing all the colours together and getting a grey blob instead.

Don't get me wrong, being culturally diverse is fine and dandy. Staying, diverse as a culture should be a concern to other countries round the world.

America, Canada, and the UK don't encourage diversity in the good way. They do it the grey play-doh way.

So yes, it is passive culture smothering.

You can say, "Oh but if they like mcdonalds than they can eat there."

Yes, they can. In America. Remember our talk on the muslim population in the UK? Why go to live in a country if you're not going to adopt it's values and culture? Reverse it. Why stay in yours if you enjoy all the stuff you get from american companies?

That's what I'm trying to say here. It's not exactly "America." But America is an origin point to some pretty shitty things. America has some deep roots in the companies founded there. Those companies don't make America what it is, but at the same time, they do in some respects.

It's a heavy conumer based culture and it's centered around business. To which I come to your last point.

It's fine, to expand and grow more successful.

But at what fucking point, is your business enough? At what point will corporations be satisfied that they're successful and churning in hundreds of millions a day? Not when they've planted a store on every block in their home country. Not when they've done it to the neighboring country next door. Only when everybody has one. Every last population center has one round the world.

This comes down to my original, starting point.

America makes itself quite a target to focus on negative aspects. Crime rates, obesity, rampant consumerism and a harborer of shitty corporations. Mainly, because people have a tendancy to focus on the negative first and because it's advertised so heavily.

As I said. Hate's a strong word. I'm sure if I jumped the border without getting shot and visited around I'd enjoy myself.

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 27, 2015, 10:26:37 AM »
Are we going for another 6-page "Argue with Verb" session?

Traditionally, an argument is full of yelling/screaming, insults, throwing things/hitting each other. I'd really hope that Verb's not sitting on the other end screaming at things when a discussion comes up.

Cause that's what those pages can be. A discussion. A little curousity and banter never hurt.

Gaming / That feeling when you recognize a voice actor.....
« on: April 27, 2015, 01:26:41 AM »
For instance. I booted up my old xbox tonight and started playing through Republic Commando. And I noticed that scorch;

Sounds identical to Kaiden Alenko.

And I was right. They're both voiced by Raphael Sbarge.

Discuss that feeling when two game characters you know by voice suddenly grow inseperable. I will now, forever see Kaiden as Scorch and vice versa.

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:39:16 AM »
i don't know too many people who laugh when they feel pain <_<

and by too many, i mean... at all

i don't really know what you're talking about

Howdy. My apparent peachiness and sense of humor becomes more overbearing the worse off I am. So you can cross that off your list of not knowing anybody like that.

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:36:04 AM »
Well why would you go play a video game if you're intention is not to have fun?

I'm just saying that there's different strokes for different folks.
and i'm saying that doesn't help me understand at all why someone would find the "thrill" of being scared fun

Fear could also be a challenge. Maybe it's not the thrill and rush, but it's the calming of one's head. Sort of like a gamble. Remember the many sides to the emotional spectrum. Some people, in the face of fear, will fight it. Some will flee.

I remember playing through the first dead space. And the second. I wasn't playing it for the rush of being spooked. But once I started playing it, got sucked along into the story and universe, the obstacles presented led me do some thinking. AKA,

"I can do this."

Gaming / Re: So Silent Hills might have been cancelled.
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:30:24 AM »
A video game isn't a "real circumstance" though.
yeah it is

you can't be "fake" scared
if you're scared, you're scared

why would you want to be scared

I'll jump on the bandwagon with you on this one and back that. There's no such thing as a fake emotional stimulous. If you're crying over a good or loved character dying in a game you enjoy, that's real.

If you're getting all pissy over 420 quckscopers and shit teammates in cod and battlefield, it's real. Those emotional responses and feelings are, very real.

The same as tension and fear, anxiety, and so on.

Well. Unless you designed a projectile weapon that could fire blades.

Then yes.

The Flood / Re: Anyone heard of Elisa Lam?
« on: April 27, 2015, 12:17:12 AM »
No. And now I've heard of her.

I've never heard any Americans say that.

Why do all other countries insist on circpejerking their hate for America?

Because there's a lot to hate. It's a country founded on war and violence. War to form the country. War on the native, original poplulation. Violence towards blacks via slavery. Vietnam. The conflicts in the east.

The government is, without even arguing, retarded. The companies and corporations that originate from are oppressive string pullers over there that nikel and dime you and others.

And some of the people, although I'm not saying they're bad, are riding a very old hype train of "we're the best" based off old events in history when the world is leaving them behind right now in advancements.

And lastly, the population itself is so divided and against itself.

The proof is in the numbers. More speficially, I'm not saying it's the people. But the american government, its sociatal values, its blind patriotisim and practical propaganda, make the country a place to dislike and a place to hate, and an easy target.
Russia fits this little stereotype of yours far better than America.

Do we see people hating on Russia they way they hate on America? Nope. Because nobody's jealous of Russia. Russia isn't anywhere near as relevant in anything as America is.

There are very valid criticisms to make on America. The ones you just made can be applied to every single country on the planet.

You know, part of the reason stereotypes exist is because they play a hand in reality. They do, have a founding. A stereotype is just too broad of a generalization and yet at the same time it still has a vague sense of merit.


A true point to dislike about America. It's an expansive, smothering and consuming culture. Case and and point.

Mcdonalds. Walmart. Target. Best Buy.

These stores are all across the world. These places push into other cultures and erode them over time. Japan. Japan's youth are having problems because they're moving away from their countries traditional way of eating and going to Mcdonalds.

This is what you'd call passive aggressive culture smothering. Set up shop in a country, and sell them your shit, and you gain control. You influence the culture passively by selling them your shit until all that's left is another western-esque clone and a shell of a country, its people, and its culutre.

This, is undeniable. And it's America that pushes this across the entire world.

Gaming / Re: 'Hard' bosses you didn't find too difficult?
« on: April 26, 2015, 03:40:04 PM »
Considering you literally cannot and are not supposed to be able to beat him, yes. Yes he is.

And it's not made clear that you're not supposed to beat him unless you read a fucking message that's practically where he's standing. Which is bad conveyance.

Actually that's wrong. There's three ways to beat him on the first encounter. If you are skilled enough and take not even a single hit, you can kill him with your fists.

Your sword hilt.

And the last method, making your starting gift black firebombs. He's notoriously weak to fire and the starting bombs you get can take him out in four hits.

And, technically you are supposed to beat him on the first go because he drops a one of a kind hammer that you get from nowhere else in the game from his first encounter only. So while it's not common to beat him on the first go.

You still can. You're not supposed to lose to him. It's your choice entirely.

I've never heard any Americans say that.

Why do all other countries insist on circpejerking their hate for America?

Because there's a lot to hate. It's a country founded on war and violence. War to form the country. War on the native, original poplulation. Violence towards blacks via slavery. Vietnam. The conflicts in the east.

The government is, without even arguing, retarded. The companies and corporations that originate from are oppressive string pullers over there that nikel and dime you and others.

And some of the people, although I'm not saying they're bad, are riding a very old hype train of "we're the best" based off old events in history when the world is leaving them behind right now in advancements.

And lastly, the population itself is so divided and against itself.

The proof is in the numbers. More speficially, I'm not saying it's the people. But the american government, its sociatal values, its blind patriotisim and practical propaganda, make the country a place to dislike and a place to hate, and an easy target.

The Flood / Re: Which US state do you live in?
« on: April 25, 2015, 09:00:24 PM »

The Flood / Re: Picture of my fresh as phuck fade irl
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:49:30 PM »
You know I had a couple questions for you a few days back. And now I can't remember what the fuck I was curious about.
I'm actually very curious as to what those questions were

Maybe they weren't questions. But they were musings. I've started house sitting for some people recently. And while they're gone, I've taken it upon myself to do them a favor while they're gone. To move a 75 foot long, 50 foot wide section of multiple piles of wood.

While am at the house for the majority of the day, I work. Now, with winter and effects from my meds, I've grown much less capable. But even after a few days of going at it, I can feel things returning. And I was musing on my own physical strength.

More specifically, using you as an example. You're arguably the fittest person here. I was thinking and musing on if you could do what I do out here, or if I could do what you do. In other words, I may be as fit as you, but I'm not toned.

I'm shaped with this environment, which is rough obviously.

And I'm curious about that. The difference between being physically fit and toned, over physically fit but being roughly shaped and adapted to your environment.
I think I have a pretty good grasp of what you're saying. It's actually pretty interesting. The type of training I do is bodybuilder type training with heavy powerlifiting stuff mixed in, so I can get both strong and big. So while I can lift heavy weight, I might not be able to do nearly the amount of practical things someone could do that involve lifting, like  what construction workers do and stuff. A good example of this was once when I was helping my dads friend move.  My dads a late 40s year old guy, doesn't lift weights or anything. I'm pretty confident I can lift more than him in weightlifting movements such as bench/squat/deadlift ect. Actually I've gone to the gym with him and know for a fact that I can. but that motherfucker lifted a fridge and carried it up a set of stairs, something I can't do.

Also when it comes to endurance bigger muscles can and most of the time will tire a lot quicker. And when it comes to the untrained person doing exercises I do like dumbbell benching or stuff, their central nervous system isn't used to doing those movements so even if they're pretty strong they most likely will be unsteady/wobble a lot and  lift less than someone who does those movements a lot.

I think that's somewhat relevant to what you were getting at haha

Interesting. I guess it's like refinement and specific focus on something over just sort of being roughly shaped by your work. I started thinking about it lately because I've been pushing myself. I'm always hard on myself. But I've noticed that my body is keeping up. I suppose that's what it means to be in your 20's. Peak strength. Peak gains and peak recovery from shitty things.

I can take a blue industrial barrel, roughly four feet high, filled with wood to the top, wrap my hands around the top and bottom and carry it through mud while wearing my steel toed boots which add up to another 10 pounds added to my weight to carry.

I did that one day, for four hours, lifting and hauling those barrels from one spot to another, at least 200 feet apart.

It's just got me thinking is all. Maybe just a bit aware of how strong I may or may not be.

The Flood / Re: Do you ever just have one of those weeks?
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:21:44 PM »
I can't remember last week. And I don't even know what day it is currently. I don't even remember this week. And little bits and pieces of things are missing from my head. Words. Things I know that I should know. Familiar things but not all there.

So, yes. It's been like this for a month or two now I believe.

The Flood / Re: Picture of my fresh as phuck fade irl
« on: April 25, 2015, 08:15:56 PM »
You know I had a couple questions for you a few days back. And now I can't remember what the fuck I was curious about.
I'm actually very curious as to what those questions were

Maybe they weren't questions. But they were musings. I've started house sitting for some people recently. And while they're gone, I've taken it upon myself to do them a favor while they're gone. To move a 75 foot long, 50 foot wide section of multiple piles of wood.

While am at the house for the majority of the day, I work. Now, with winter and effects from my meds, I've grown much less capable. But even after a few days of going at it, I can feel things returning. And I was musing on my own physical strength.

More specifically, using you as an example. You're arguably the fittest person here. I was thinking and musing on if you could do what I do out here, or if I could do what you do. In other words, I may be as fit as you, but I'm not toned.

I'm shaped with this environment, which is rough obviously.

And I'm curious about that. The difference between being physically fit and toned, over physically fit but being roughly shaped and adapted to your environment.

Oh my god.... hell truly has frozen over.

Canadian politics have made the news. Harper's ball gag on the majority of the canadian govrnment just slipped up a notch.
Nothing relating to Canada was discussed in this thread though. Lol.


Hey. The people are fine. Our government could use some damn work though. So much fucking white-washed stuff. That, and our relationship with the states is so close that their politics essentially determine ours, depending on if we have a prime minister who bends over.
Yeah, Canada is pretty much the same thing as the US except with more Liberal politics. (I'm a liberal, but I still dislike Canada more than the US)

One thing I like about not living in any city. The government can pass just about any law they please.

But good fucking luck enforcing it up here.

Oh my god.... hell truly has frozen over.

Canadian politics have made the news. Harper's ball gag on the majority of the canadian govrnment just slipped up a notch.
Nothing relating to Canada was discussed in this thread though. Lol.


Hey. The people are fine. Our government could use some damn work though. So much fucking white-washed stuff. That, and our relationship with the states is so close that their politics essentially determine ours, depending on if we have a prime minister who bends over.

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