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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 222223224 225226 ... 390
The Flood / Re: How ripped are you Flood?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:06:49 AM »
Not ripped, no. But strong, obviously. Rough around the edges strong. Been really pushing myself lately to get back into a healthier state.

The Flood / Re: Where is Lord of Admirals?
« on: April 30, 2015, 10:53:21 PM »
You'll want to head over the Halo Archive if you want to find him.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:27:51 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where we live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

I'm flammable as fuck. I've a rather heavy intolerance to heat. My skin burns easy, lukewarm water to other people burns me and heat above 15 degrees really, really slows me down.

The upside to this is, I don't feel shit in -30. -20 is comletely comfortable to me.

But, people will always complain. Turn up the heat and they want cold. Turn down to cold and they want heat. I can't actually think of any place on the planet where there's enough heat to be warm, but a contrasting wind to keep things cool at all times.
Same thing with me. I've always wanted to live somewhere where it's colder. Though having days where it's -30 in Winter is going to be too much for me. Especially so since I'm coming from somewhere where it's so much hotter.

And yeah, people here always complain about the weather. They complain about it being cold when it's like 10 degrees, and I'm just sitting there thinking "the fuck?". And then when it's Summer, they want it to be Winter again!!!!

Bleeeeeeh. People who complain about the weather are annoying. There are more important things to complain about than something like the weather which you can't change in any way (aside from making it hotter).

We ain't even on the fun list of cold to endure comms.

I've been outside in -45 with a windchill on top. Two years ago the bulk of my province reached the coldest temperature it had hit in 60 years.

-45 normally, with the windchill, -62.

I worked outside for an hour in that. Personally, I'm never one to complain about the weather too much. Even though heat gives me heatstroke, dampness closes my lungs up and makes it hard to breathe, and there are days when exposed skin freezes in under two minutes of exposure...

I could be in Nepal right now, dealing with, or being dead in earthquake rubble.
I could be in Mexico and south america with the cartels and drug lords.
I could be in the states with a decaying society that's just on the verge of going total apeshit.
I could be in the UK and have to deal with no rights allowed and trouble with the east.
I could be in the east.
I could be in Africa.

So, I'm here. Freeze my skin, choke my lungs, and burn my skin. I shalln't complain for any form of better weather.
Yeah, exactly. -45 is just a wee bit too much for, well, anyone really...

Anything below -15, and you'd have to be moving there for a pretty freaking special reason (or you're insane). Fun cold just seems like between -5 and 10 from my experiences.

But the real cold days are fun! When there's no wind and the air is still, and it's super damn cold out, suiting up and stepping outside to the contrast feels like wearing a space suit and stepping out into another world.

That being said. It's interesting to me about cold. I know what -50 feels like. It's unique because I can say -50 and you'll say, "Oh golly that's cold."

But you'll never feel it, and never really understand it unless you've lived it.

Imagine the coldest you've ever felt. And imagine that it's so cold that it burns. It stings like knives and then it goes still and flatline.


Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:20:24 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec
I live in Ontario and had to learn French for the first 10 years of schooling.
Hm, so I take it you're living in a major urban area then.

Sandtrap as we all know, lives in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan where I doubt that there's more than a dozen French speakers, so he won't have to learn it.

All the upsides to living in a Federal country, eh?

Actually about 40-50 mins away from me there's a town called Xenon.

French arcitecture and a completely french speaking community. Population of about 400-600.

But, yes. In British Columbia and Saskatchewan, french was an optional class to take.

The Flood / Re: What's your view on fur
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:16:37 PM »
Not a fan of it. But there's no denying how warm it can be. Nothing beats it, really. I don't use it though.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:12:47 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where we live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

I'm flammable as fuck. I've a rather heavy intolerance to heat. My skin burns easy, lukewarm water to other people burns me and heat above 15 degrees really, really slows me down.

The upside to this is, I don't feel shit in -30. -20 is comletely comfortable to me.

But, people will always complain. Turn up the heat and they want cold. Turn down to cold and they want heat. I can't actually think of any place on the planet where there's enough heat to be warm, but a contrasting wind to keep things cool at all times.
Same thing with me. I've always wanted to live somewhere where it's colder. Though having days where it's -30 in Winter is going to be too much for me. Especially so since I'm coming from somewhere where it's so much hotter.

And yeah, people here always complain about the weather. They complain about it being cold when it's like 10 degrees, and I'm just sitting there thinking "the fuck?". And then when it's Summer, they want it to be Winter again!!!!

Bleeeeeeh. People who complain about the weather are annoying. There are more important things to complain about than something like the weather which you can't change in any way (aside from making it hotter).

We ain't even on the fun list of cold to endure comms.

I've been outside in -45 with a windchill on top. Two years ago the bulk of my province reached the coldest temperature it had hit in 60 years.

-45 normally, with the windchill, -62.

I worked outside for an hour in that. Personally, I'm never one to complain about the weather too much. Even though heat gives me heatstroke, dampness closes my lungs up and makes it hard to breathe, and there are days when exposed skin freezes in under two minutes of exposure...

I could be in Nepal right now, dealing with, or being dead in earthquake rubble.
I could be in Mexico and south america with the cartels and drug lords.
I could be in the states with a decaying society that's just on the verge of going total apeshit.
I could be in the UK and have to deal with no rights allowed and trouble with the east.
I could be in the east.
I could be in Africa.

So, I'm here. Freeze my skin, choke my lungs, and burn my skin. I shalln't complain for any form of better weather.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:05:31 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.
Culture shock can range from very stressful to overwhelming to return to the country you came from for many people since you were adapted to a country with different customs, traits, traditions, and language for 20-30 years. Not speaking for myself, but I'm just giving insight for why some people don't really integrate into the countries they move to.

Mexico and the US are also very different culturally. Sure, there's Mexican influences in American culture, but it's nowhere near enough to just seamlessly transition from one to the other.

I know at the very least before I even considered moving to any country, I would study and gain a comprehensive grasp on the language at a bare minimum. The rest would come as I explored and learned.
This is under the assumption that you're living in a country where you have the resources to do such things.

Many Latin-American immigrants to the US come with literally nothing. Fewer Mexican immigrants are coming, and refugees from drug conflicts in Central American countries south of Mexico are now starting to pour in. When you're fleeing from extremely corrupt and impoverished countries with mind-blowingly huge crime problems, you won't really have the resources to learn English or become familiar with its culture since you're literally running for your life.

For some perspective on how shitty some of these Central American countries are, some of these people are fleeing to Mexico since it's so much better than Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, etc.

Well then I suppose somebody would do well to set up integration programs then, no? And on the subject of refugees.

I've always wondered, let's say, something really shitty happened to america, put it into a state where people were leaving in droves as refugees. Where would they go I wonder?

No doubt, Canada is first for a target. But personally, I don't think any of the southerners in america would do well here. In fact, I'd think there'd be a hell of a lot of deaths for anybody not sticking to the coastlines, and even then, the coastlines are a different kind of cold entirely.

Which makes me think about the very first settlers who arrived in this province. They showed up in the middle of winter. Right in the middle of it. German exiles. They lost a fuck ton of their number before they saw the springtime.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:55:43 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.
Culture shock can range from very stressful to overwhelming to return to the country you came from for many people since you were adapted to a country with different customs, traits, traditions, and language for 20-30 years. Not speaking for myself, but I'm just giving insight for why some people don't really integrate into the countries they move to.

Mexico and the US are also very different culturally. Sure, there's Mexican influences in American culture, but it's nowhere near enough to just seamlessly transition from one to the other.

I know at the very least before I even considered moving to any country, I would study and gain a comprehensive grasp on the language at a bare minimum. The rest would come as I explored and learned.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:52:55 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.
Fuck, I can't keep living here where it gets hot like this 5-6 months of the year. Everyone who says that climate change isn't happening should come to where we live and see for themselves.

Do you actually like the cold? Since most people I know who live in areas as cold as yours hate the cold and wish they lived somewhere as hot as where I live. LOL.

Surely, the only two choices for places to live aren't either cold tundra or hot semi-arid... Makes no sense why people can't see that.

I'm flammable as fuck. I've a rather heavy intolerance to heat. My skin burns easy, lukewarm water to other people burns me and heat above 15 degrees really, really slows me down.

The upside to this is, I don't feel shit in -30. -20 is comletely comfortable to me.

But, people will always complain. Turn up the heat and they want cold. Turn down to cold and they want heat. I can't actually think of any place on the planet where there's enough heat to be warm, but a contrasting wind to keep things cool at all times.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:44:43 PM »
Also. As I've stated before. Countries need to be stricter with their barriers.

If you're going to move to a country, and not adopt its customs, its traits and traditions, and its language, then why even move there in the first place? If you're going to move to any country, and become a registered citizen, then as such, you should do a good damn effort to intergrate yourself into the culture via the spoken language and customs.

Doing otherwise, to me at least, seems disrespectful and ungrateful.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:41:57 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.

Ha jokes on you I don't know any french.

French isn't manditory in Canada, it goes based on what the province decides to teach.

The Flood / Re: Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:39:48 PM »
It's nice.

But I'm too busy feeling dizzy from the 94 degree weather (like 35 in your nigger degrees) to actually enjoy it right now.

I'm five degrees below you in terms of heat. I get heat stroke headaches every day now. You see all those empty fields and trees?

We should still be having temperatures close to or below zero right now. There should still be snow. I think it's going to be a goofy ass year for weather.

The Flood / Dem Skyboxes
« on: April 30, 2015, 08:31:50 PM »

Here. The sky was nice today.


Say what you will of the flatlands. But god went up and did a good job by making 90% of the view skyboxes. Camera died before I could take the really nice and interesting pictures.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:29:06 PM »
How many blow jobs are you willing to give?

If I had a hair drier I'd give blow jobs all day. Sadly, I don't. I'm heartbroken.
Since when do you need a hair dryer to suck dick?

Fuck if I know. I thought we were talking about blow jobs here, not sucking dick.

I'll get the vaccum cleaner for that.
No. Suck dick or die.

Yeah, I know. Vaccuum cleaner. Prefferably a shop vac because they give good suction.
Try to dance around it all you want. Your mouth is going to be sucking some dick.

I'm not ashamed to admit that a vaccuum cleaner would do a better job than I.

Let's go with the efficient route here.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:22:42 PM »

That would still be acceptable. Same rule as the other fellow. Whoever's closest will get something special.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:22:08 PM »
How many blow jobs are you willing to give?

If I had a hair drier I'd give blow jobs all day. Sadly, I don't. I'm heartbroken.
Since when do you need a hair dryer to suck dick?

Fuck if I know. I thought we were talking about blow jobs here, not sucking dick.

I'll get the vaccum cleaner for that.
No. Suck dick or die.

Yeah, I know. Vaccuum cleaner. Prefferably a shop vac because they give good suction.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:21:18 PM »

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:17:54 PM »
How many blow jobs are you willing to give?

If I had a hair drier I'd give blow jobs all day. Sadly, I don't. I'm heartbroken.
Since when do you need a hair dryer to suck dick?

Fuck if I know. I thought we were talking about blow jobs here, not sucking dick.

I'll get the vaccum cleaner for that.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:15:05 PM »
tree fiddy

350 dollars.

That's not too bad. If you're right, I'll make you something nice.

The Flood / Re: Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:13:51 PM »
How many blow jobs are you willing to give?

If I had a hair drier I'd give blow jobs all day. Sadly, I don't. I'm heartbroken.

The Flood / Ayyy Lmao
« on: April 30, 2015, 02:07:38 PM »
I just discovered a dark patch under my vehicle. Upon inspection I've discovered that somewhere as of yet undisclosed, there is a leak regarding my power steering fluid.

I called it. Knew something was off with my ride.

Sometime soon I shall commence disection of sections to the engine to find and replace the broken parts.

It's like being a surgeon except with metal. Okay flood. Let's gamble.

How much do you bet it's going to cost me in total? Place your bets.

Wow that's. Ehhh. 343s never really been all that great with cover art. Then again most other developers/publishers aren't.
it could be worse. it could've been a generic walking towards/away from the camera cover art.

I really liked Halo 4's cover art
Halo 4's isn't the generic walking towards/away from the camera.
I was talking about these generic ones

I propose we go game cover hunting. How many games can find with generic covers?

Jen Taylor
Nathon Fillion
An Ex Bungie staff member

Blue Team members

That's all I got.
He means the actual character, not the Voice Actor.
Cortana/Halsey (Jen) aren't "hardcore lore". Neither is Buck (Nathan).

Blue Team and Mendez are probable, but my guess is Mendicant Bias.

Makes a shade of sense. I was going through living people before I remembered "lore."

Gaming / Re: Watching Others Play Video Games
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:10:30 PM »

Watching others play games I haven't played or don't know much about is fun.

Watching others play games I do know is much less fun. Fighting off the urge to say go there and do this and so on.

Watching somebody play a multiplayer game is a silent sanity check.

>You passed a guy
>He was on your screen you walked by him
>Please turn around and see him before he kills you

>Don't get in the banshee somebody's waiting to jack you

>Pilot your tank properly you're going to get jacked

>There's a shotgun camper round the cor-

Gaming / Re: Watching Others Play Video Games
« on: April 30, 2015, 01:00:21 PM »
Sitting and silently screaming to yourself when you watch people go in the opposite direction of what you think should be an easy concept and just a little bit of common sense. I visit a friend. Their brother is playing dark souls II.

>Sees stats for his character
>Why are your stats fuckboozled all over the place
>Fat rolling heavy armour
>Doesn't get any scaling with it cause not enough str
>Using horrid spells for pve
>Goes into DLC with difficult enemies
>charges into enemy hoard to cast spells
>pls no don't make me watch
>fat rolls to run away but tiny stamina bar depletes
>Sippy estus in the crowd while getting ganked
>Sippies all estus while getting ganked
>I think you should switch gears, you seem too tired to play.avi
>inserts Density
>Five minutes of watching several people camp on a cliff to take potshots on a boss
>I'm going home.avi

I spotted one thing in the poster that I liked. See the banshees in the background?

They ain't fat tubes. They've got wings and gravity pods again. Wee little piece of me is hoping not to see fat tubes flying around anymore. Fast and sleek again.
Both designs are canon.

I've never liked the old design.

Maybe it was the actual game physics that perpetrated my disliking of the reach design so much. The thing flew around like a fat tube and looked like a fat tube. Bulky, overly large, not ornate, and not fast.

The old design seemed, and felt predatory. Sleeker parts and a smaller frame made it seem like it was built for speed and hit and runs.

Jen Taylor
Nathon Fillion
An Ex Bungie staff member

Blue Team members

That's all I got.

I spotted one thing in the poster that I liked. See the banshees in the background?

They ain't fat tubes. They've got wings and gravity pods again. Wee little piece of me is hoping not to see fat tubes flying around anymore. Fast and sleek again.

Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

You is hero.

Nope. Nope nope nope. I forgot something. I forgot a part of the trick.


Logically you'd think that would be 62 F then. But it's not.

30 C is 86 F.

I'm missing something here.

Neat little overlooked trick.

0 C is 32 F.

When using Celcius, to find out Farenheit, add or subtract 32, and vice versa between the two scales.

Now ya'll can use both scales of measurment and not be confused. Tuddah.

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