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Messages - Sandtrap

Pages: 1 ... 221222223 224225 ... 390
The lack of an actual city is a bit disturbing.

I can make car honking noises, rude gestures, and stop my vehicle and pretend I'm in a traffic jam if you want. You know, if it would emmulate that token city feeling.

Can't forget blasting music with my windows down either.

The lack of snow is disturbing.

It is, actually. At this time of year there still should be snow.

These look like pictures a faggot nigger would take. Kill yourself.

You'll have to come over here and do it yourself then.

If you haven't noticed, or heard by now, I'm rather durable in terms of survivability. If you want the job done right, then please, get off your fuckin' ass and do it yourself.

Oh but hey, you won't. Ya'll have your internet face on along with your token bag of tricks and one liners along with your plate of social justice warrior bullshit.

Nigga please.

The Flood / Re: Well, I Gave it A Shot
« on: May 01, 2015, 11:58:55 PM »
Love the facade Cam.

Cam the sham.

Doin' the Cam Shamble, all in a ramble.

Please, get off at the next stop, but you won't, I'd gamble.

Don't forget your lunch, dear.

I don't eat lunch, mr vien.

You will take your lunchbox and enjoy every ounce of love I've given you.

I still didn't eat your lunch.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:52:54 PM »
Here's an idea for 343i

>Make Elites playable for invasion only

It's simple and easy.

Now that's just a dickslap. Restricting things, especially things that involve player preference, is a no no.

Why? Elites were never popular anyways, and people barley use them. Besides they have the worst hit boxes anyway so why does it matter? Just take a look at Reach.


Thanks Reach for starting a huge set of shit trends that 343 doesn't appear to be willing to drop anytime soon.


Forgot to add this, If we are talking about having the freedom to play as elites on custom or forge, and having the ability to change your elite the way you want it to. Then it's understandable. But if we are talking about elites being in multiplayer (besides Invasion) any day then thats a big no no to me.

Oh yeah but let's not forget that Reach single handedly killed off customs and forge so that option is fucking null and void.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:45:28 PM »

I'm calling it right now Meta. I'm betting my hat. PSU's comin'. He's comin' for this thread.
Seriously, if you're depressed, just stop being depressed. It's not hard.

I honestly hope you're joking. Depression plagues my family on both sides. Depression is not something you can just get over it consumes you and limits your daily abilities. It kills your interests and all you want to do is hide praying that it will just go away but it won't on its own. In order to learn to cope with depression you must seek professional assistance whether it's a psychiatrist or psychologist it is best battled with both. My father was borderline catatonic for over a year. He lost his job, barely ate, and slept all day. He ended up having skin cancer on his cheek and didn't seek medical attention until the skin patch turned black and we forced my father to go to the doctor. I also had to call the police on my father twice because he was suicidal and was threatening to kill himself. In the process he almost ran me over with his car trying to avoid the police. Why did it get this bad you may ask? Well it was because he stopped taking his antidepressants that he had been taking for 15 years without telling anyone., not even his doctor. It is very possible to cope with your depression without medicine but you must see a psychologist frequently. Antidepressants and psychiatric medicine of the like provides a synthetic chemical balance but will cause your brain to decrease its production of the good chemicals such as serotonin. So let's say on a scale of 1-10 and before you take meds your natural serotonin production is a four, and once you start taking the medicine you are an eight, but after you abruptly stop taking your medicine your level will then decrease below your original production level of four, so for this example it will most likely decrease to a level two production level. Psychiatric medicines are dangerous if not properly monitored by a professional. In other words if you are finding yourself struggling with depression seek medical advice especially if you find yourself thinking suicidal thoughts. Depression is not a joke, there is a huge difference between being sad because of a bad day or week and serious depression. It is not a joke, and you should get professional help.

RC car is never serious, heads up.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:41:40 PM »
Here's an idea for 343i

>Make Elites playable for invasion only

It's simple and easy.

Now that's just a dickslap. Restricting things, especially things that involve player preference, is a no no.

Why? Elites were never popular anyways, and people barley use them. Besides they have the worst hit boxes anyway so why does it matter? Just take a look at Reach.


Thanks Reach for starting a huge set of shit trends that 343 doesn't appear to be willing to drop anytime soon.


Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:37:00 PM »
Here's an idea for 343i

>Make Elites playable for invasion only

It's simple and easy.

Now that's just a dickslap. Restricting things, especially things that involve player preference, is a no no.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:30:51 PM »
Get your game up bad kid.

And yet nobody understands why I absolutely hate competitive players

Thats like saying you hate capitalism.

Competition is a natural thing bro. Get over it.

To be fair, there's competion, and then there's being a cunt and shoving it down everybody's throats at every available oppurtunity.

Nobody likes a broadcaster with a megaphone.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:18:51 PM »
And, good thread, to the point. Better than I could put it. I think we should note that depression, I think, at least, effects people in different ways. The end result at the far end of the drain is the same. But in some cases, the road there is different.

Depression isn't just a black and white affliction that has the same effect on people. Everybody reacts differently to it.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 01, 2015, 08:14:19 PM »
I'm calling it right now Meta. I'm betting my hat. PSU's comin'. He's comin' for this thread.

Don't forget your lunch, dear.

I don't eat lunch, mr vien.

The Flood / Went out to the countryside today, Here's some pictures
« on: May 01, 2015, 02:14:09 PM »
Welcome to my current at the moment job folks. Let's take a field trip shall we? It doesn't get any more out in the boonies than this.

From left to right. closest neighbors are about two miles away.

The respective homestead I'm watching over while said owners are gone.

The water tank required in order to provide water for drinking, washing, and any other type of water related stuff for a house.

The most reliable and simple old timey machine I've ever known.

This is what 15 cords of depleted firewood through the winter looks like. I cut that amount of wood for the house owner every year.

Here's where you get your vegtables for the year.

An in progress greenhouse, for now, storage shed. That was a monumental bitch to get off the trailer that delivered it by hand.

My respective machine, which'll be used later on this year as a guest house for a visitor coming down. Salvaged utility power poles on the side. Those are a bitch to move by hand too.

A picture of the closest nearby water source, as asked for by gatsby.

I wouldn't be surprised if those are in fact the rocky mountains visible all the way through my province and Alberta.

Camera sweep and some more far away shit.

Maybe rocky mountains for distance and size scale.

Rush hour and dust.

Rush hour and dust for distance and size scale.

My current job that I've undertaken by myself to do alone while the owners are gone. Remove 15 years worth of shit that was here when they arrived and added onto over time. All the metal and bare ground is stuff I've hauled away.

The second pile of shit I'll move once I've gone through the first. Remove top layers, rip apart the stuff frozen to the ground, scrape the small shit away.

The space where I'm disposing of the monumental pile of shit. Taken just before I started working today at 1:30.

What I accomplished at the end of today after calling it quits at 6:30. Visible progress. Nothing like it folks.

For Jive Turkey. The best way to exercise your arms. Use this all day to cut down your firewood for the winter.

Secondary project I've started for the owners while they're gone.

And for any of you that went through a tour of the boonies with me.


My friend and pal to accompany me on my vacation. Cheers.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 01:07:06 PM »
Invasion sucked

And Larger =/= Better.

Halo is already crowded in BTB with 8v8. Heres hoping its only 10v10 at the most.

Something that isnt Halo 3

Did you play halo 4? Halo reach?

BTB with 2 good teams + Sprint = an unplayable map.

Also don't comment on my shit talking about halo 3. Halo 3 is trash compared to Halo 2. Get your game up bad kid.

I prefer the term "burger kid." It has such a nice ring to it.

Look at them burger kids PSU!

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:57:22 PM »
Invasion sucked

And Larger =/= Better.

Halo is already crowded in BTB with 8v8. Heres hoping its only 10v10 at the most.

Something that isnt Halo 3

No dude, Halo doesn't do well with more numbers. You ain't understanding here. More numbers would mean changes would be absolutely neccessary to maps to support the numbers of people. Changes to game mechanics, changes to weapon functions. It wasn't just Halo 3.

Halo, in general, was always forumlated around smaller numbers. Game mechanics, and maps were structured around small team skirmishes.

And, on the other side, the technical side, Halo has always had iffy connection issues with foreign hosts. The games just don't have good support for it. I want you to imagine the nightmare of a 12 v 12 match filled with a mexican party.

I understand the need for inovation or attempted inovation to keep a series fresh over time.

Throwing in enormous battlefields with huge amounts of players wouldn't be innovative for Halo. It'd be jumping on the rather familiar bandwagon with most of today's shooters.

Serious / Re: Should we allow private prisons?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:48:58 PM »
Interesting idea.

But the words "private" and "prison" screams abuse potential. Segmented, privately owned prisons. This is some shit out of a dystopian novel type deal.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:45:14 PM »
I cringe at the thought of playing a 12 v 12 when australian, french, mexican, and UK connections become involved.
or US connections, because the majority have shit Internet

A fair point too. But in most regards, when the host of the match is handed to somebody from the US, it fares much better than my own Canadian connecttion. Generally, the US is the major population center for gamers, and therefore, they have the most average stable connections to work with.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:40:13 PM »
Invasion sucked

And Larger =/= Better.

Halo is already crowded in BTB with 8v8. Heres hoping its only 10v10 at the most.

This is actually a fair point.

Halo has never done large crowds. It's an arena shooter. Expanding the population limit would mean having to totally restructure maps for map flow, and game and movement mechanics.

Even sprint, the simple aspect of sprinting, made a lot of the recent maps made for past Halos unplayable or shitty because the dev team was building maps with the old mechanics in mind instead.

And plus, come on.

I cringe at the thought of playing a 12 v 12 when australian, french, mexican, and UK connections become involved.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:35:57 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.
>probably living in Quebec
I live in Ontario and had to learn French for the first 10 years of schooling.
Hm, so I take it you're living in a major urban area then.

Sandtrap as we all know, lives in middle of nowhere Saskatchewan where I doubt that there's more than a dozen French speakers, so he won't have to learn it.

All the upsides to living in a Federal country, eh?

Actually about 40-50 mins away from me there's a town called Xenon.

French arcitecture and a completely french speaking community. Population of about 400-600.

But, yes. In British Columbia and Saskatchewan, french was an optional class to take.
Tried looking up Xenon in google earth, and nothing came up.

OMG tell me the name of your city. I want to know which city everyone in this forum lives in AGHHHHH

God I'm stupid. Zenon Park. Now I remember.

Hudson Bay.
Moose Jaw
Prince Albert
Greenwater National Park
Prarie River

Those are all places I've been to, plus many others I forget. Go take a tour of my province while your on vacation comms.

Serious / Re: Can English be the official language of the US?
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:29:01 PM »
It should be.
French has to be learned in Canada.

Just no

Don't worry. Quebec french is different over standard france french.

How much of a loser am I if the only social event I can recall going to was roughly 3-4 years ago?

Jen Taylor
Nathon Fillion
An Ex Bungie staff member

Blue Team members

That's all I got.
He means the actual character, not the Voice Actor.
Cortana/Halsey (Jen) aren't "hardcore lore". Neither is Buck (Nathan).

Blue Team and Mendez are probable, but my guess is Mendicant Bias.

Mendez coming back would be something I'd be excited about.  (Provided 343 doesn't screw it up somehow)

The thing about Mendez is we literaly just heard his voice for the first time in #HuntTheTruth so I doubt it's him

Wait what? I should probably pay more attention to this stuff... do you have a link?

All six are also on iTunes if you hae an apple device (lol)

But yeah, people saying Mendez are people who don't listen to these.
Uh, yes I have
Him being in HUNTtheTRUTH the truth doesn't really rule him out.

Especially since we don't have a physical image of Mendez besides headcanon alongisde the novels. It might actually even cement that it's mendez.

VA signs on for Hunt the Truth. Decides to go with the full game.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 01, 2015, 12:19:42 PM »
I'm honestly not surprised frankly. Most Covenant stuff has had a trend of being ungodly shit teir when going up againt their opposing unsc counterparts since reach.

I'd actually say good riddance, frankly. And plus, why would 343 introduce Elites back into MP at this point?

That would go against the bro-dude spartan MP silent code of conduct.

The Flood / Re: Feminism in a nutshell
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:48:54 AM »
Shit. I can't find what I was looking for. You'll just have to settle with a tumblreista getting btfo.


The Flood / Re: Feminism in a nutshell
« on: May 01, 2015, 10:29:46 AM »
Fuck. This reminds me of something. Lemme see if I can dig it up.

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
Oh god.

How old are you right now? I get the impression that you're in your mid-20s.

Not even that far comms. 22.

Talk about different lifestyles we must have.

I'm probably the strangest person you'll likely meet here. Out in the middle of nowhere. Flatlander. Laborer. Beaten up exterior. Poor and always on the verge of broke. And a rather unquiet mind to contrast it all beyond my supposed flatlander, out in the boonies appearance.

If you want to look for somebody here who lives a life most don't know about, I won't lie and I won't boast, but I'm probably the only one here like it.

I mean, I spend my late summer cutting down dead trees out in the woods with a chainsaw to help a friend get firewood for the winter.

Stranger from a strange land.

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
Oh god.

How old are you right now? I get the impression that you're in your mid-20s.

Not even that far comms. 22.

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.
I like to hear about you working and impressing yourself with your physical capabilities man. I think people naturally want to work and improve which could be why you're enjoying the stuff you're doing

I've been cooped up into a house for six months of winter. Chemo and other shit drugs have had their way with me and still are, partially. And now it's spring time. Sunshine and air and dust. I can go outside and enjoy it. And I can slip into a routine of work and ignore all the problems I still have that I can't really fix.

As I go along it's just me. I'm just off with myself doing little jobs on my terms and testing to see how far I can push to get back into shape.

I'm glad to have this back, even if I don't have a lot of other things sorted out just yet.

Glad you posted. I've always been rather appreciative of mundane things. And lately, especially so, I've come to appreciate the feeling of work. It feels good to work again. Obviously there's some struggle. My lungs will never be fully well again and I know I have to be careful with my heart.

But I've been working for two weeks straight now. That, typically, is the time it takes for somebody's body to adapt to constant physical labor. I appreciate that feeling of strain. Improvement. And I marvel at how fast I'm healing. Two days. I take a break. Slow down. And I'm healed.

I moved four things today that surprised me.

1. Those blue industrial barrels filled with wood I told you about a little while back? I can move them around like nothing now. Previously, it took a lot out of me. Now it's almost easy.

2. Three sheets of quadruple layered plywood, 8 feet long and 6 feet wide. Moved them alone by myself, lifted and carried.

3. A washer and drier by myself, carried and held down a small set of stairs.

4. Held up a small, old, iron bathtub and lifted it off the ground to move it elsewhere.

If I can appreciate anything right now, it's that physically, I'm recovering really damn well.

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