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Messages - Sandtrap

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Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 10:18:59 PM »
My biggest problem is not finding my purpose in life/meaning. Basically since I was 10 my meaning in life was to play video games, and that ruined myself. I used video games as a way to cope with rejections, but then they became my purpose. I try to be happy with what I have because I am fortunate. 4,000 people perished in an earthquake last week, so my problems are microscopic compared to that tragedy and those affected. I try to be happy with the fact that we're all slowly dying every second, or could any second. People that believe in god are very optimistic, I wish I could believe in one.

You don't even need a god to pick yourself up. I've an underlying belief that we're just cogs in the gears of the universe. The universe, in essence, as a whole, is an intelligence. We're similiar in that we're made from atoms, our cells are made from atoms, and we, are made by cells. The universe is just a larger scaled, mirrored image of that.

However, despite that belief, and my optimism that something else lies beyond death, I choose to act as if I have one shot. Every day, every hour, is a counting down clock. I have only one shot to get it right. You can't afford to believe in the afterlife.

You can't afford to take it easy on yourself and gamble on something as huge as foolishly presuming with 100% certainty that there's an afterlife of any kind, and risk wasting the time that you have here.

As such, I live with that in mind. Every time I'm tired. Every time I feel pain. Every time I don't feel like talking to somebody important in my life, or spending time with them, every time I feel like lashing out when I'm frustrated or truly letting something loose on somebody.

I remember that my clock is short. I could go at any time. And so can you. You're not aware of how many times death passes over you every day. Even with my sealed state of affairs, any one of the people on this site could go before me.

You owe it to yourself to get up and try. And keep trying. Look harder. Push harder to find something that makes your time worth it.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 10:02:34 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.
Yeah, it is a real shame.

I mean, if Dustin just dropped all of the bullshit and stopped his sad attempts to troll a forum that's been milked completely dry he probably could have gotten along quite well. He is a smart chap, but it's a pity it's wasted by some of the crap he liked to pull.
Yeah, Dustin reminds me a good deal of this one person I know in real life. Pretty smart person, but he just pisses it all away on trying to screw around with people and he's probably gonna end up as a loser. Kind of sad to watch the whole thing. Though Dustin doesn't seem like the type who would become a loser.
because he already is
That's not really fair to say since none of us probably have any idea what sorts of things he does in real life. He could be a self-made millionaire for all we know honestly.
he isn't though
he's a loser that projects on the internet whilst crying in his squeaker voice
And again. We don't really know anything about him other than his trolling so why even bother with trying to make judgement about him.

If he's supposedly intelligent to a degree then he wouldn't act in such way. In fact, acting in such a manner the way he currently does, states something true about him.

He's not intelligent.

Being smart, being intelligent, isn't measurable and accurate to what degree or job you may hold, or what amount of wealth you may have above others.

It's the ability to make rational decisions, take logical actions, and exert basic level self control.

As such, he's a retard. If he chooses to ignore that he may have a decent head on him, and act like a sack of old sacks, then I'm sorry, there's not much smarts to him save for his accumulated knowledge. Knowledge doesn't make you intelligent. What you do with it, does.

The Flood / Re: What are you doing right now
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:30:41 PM »
Evening break to eat something. Going to crawl under my truck and see if I can locate a leak later on.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:21:56 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.
Yup, early and permanent retirement for the both of them now.

Can't say I'll miss them too much. Even still. Kinda blows that it has to come down to this though. I find it rather funny. With the amount of bolony they dish out they sure do arrive back here rather quickly after their ban is up.

Which essentially means they're about as lost as all the other exiles from Bungie.

Ashes to ashes, goodbye shitposters.

The Flood / Re: Dustin's advice on how to get bitches
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:08:03 PM »
Okay, so what did he get banned for now?

Cam the Sham and Dustbin given another vacation.

All is well in the world today.

The Flood / Re: What would happen if....
« on: May 02, 2015, 07:02:50 PM »
Has anybody ever considered that Pinnochio would make a great source of firewood?

Gaming / Re: Little Devil Inside
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:59:43 PM »
has the heavy-handed cartoon art style of wind waker, but with Dark Souls' combat. I like that idea a lot.

I was getting that vibe too. At the very least, I can sya the game looks charming with its style.
the concept looks very promising as well. the actual day to day struggles of what monster hunting would be like in a fantasy world is something I'd definitely play.

Also. If that has your interest I reccommend you look for a game called Salt and Sanctuary.

It's still being developed but it's another of those dark soulish games.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:58:31 PM »
Hmm. No wonder nobody talks much about being a sad sack of potatoes. Oh behold that serious demenor and discussion, Meta.

I'll take the bait to all the people saying it's as easy as 1 2 3.

The only way I can describe being depressed, is that it feels like another entity. It feels like a virus. It feels like something that sits in you. You can even be aware of it. You can be happy, and sad, and then as soon as those moments fade, you return to it.

It's a weight. And no matter how well you do, I, personally, don't think you can ever get rid of it once you've had it. "It," just hides in a corner, in a dark space and waits for more fuel. More strain, more pain. And it just...makes you feel down. You look at everything and you get tired of it. You get tired of yourself and you get tired of waking up every day.

And eventually, you start to hit a tipping point. You seem to fall into a neutral zone. You're not happy. You're not sad. Everything goes a shade of gray. This is a false sense of security. You'll feel like your head is perfectly clear. You can think perfectly straight in the absence of any real lasting feelings. And eventually, since you can think so clearly, you'll ask why bother living in this inconsequential state of grey?

And then you get the only answer that makes sense. Death. It's the only thing that has meaning, any colour to it.

It's not as easy as 1 2 3 because depression, isn't being unhappy. Depression starts, from being unhappy. Afer that, happy, sad, angry?

It all means nothing.
Keep thinking like that and it will mean nothing

I'm aware of the value of having happy. Having sad and angry. All of it. I've been down that road before and I've come back from it. I was just saying, there's eventually a tipping point where it's almost the point of no return.

Depression starts from being stressed, or unhappy. But by the end of it's course, there's nothing left inside a person. Neither happy, or sad. All that's left is the only thing that makes any visible sense.

I am, well aware of the value of hanging on to everything you can, and I understand trying not to give into that feeling of fake security and tranquility. Just making a statement was all.


I don't know what we're implying here.

Gaming / Re: Little Devil Inside
« on: May 02, 2015, 06:45:31 PM »
has the heavy-handed cartoon art style of wind waker, but with Dark Souls' combat. I like that idea a lot.

I was getting that vibe too. At the very least, I can sya the game looks charming with its style.

The Flood / Re: I'm hungry again
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:55:59 PM »

I'd prefer to discuss the satisfaction gained when taking time to make your own food and it turns out fantastic.

Self generated diabetus is best diabetus.

You wanna know if a restaurant sells good food?

The head chef is fat.

Gaming / Re: r8 my build
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:52:03 PM »
I give you a 4 out of 8.

Half off for no cleavage exposure.

The Flood / Re: Stolen Valor.
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:38:41 PM »
It is, disrespectful to those who've died for trying to make something better. Coasting along on the romantisized fame of others is no way to do things. It's a sad state of affairs.

If there is but one upside to the leeching nature of it, it's that at least those people aren't doing something worse. They may be fakes and leeches. But all the same they aren't killers or murderers. "Terrorists." People out to inherently harm others.

All they do is self harm. So while it may be scummy, at least they're not doing worse things.

Personally, I believe a real soldier, a real defender, is somebody who does their job and asks for nothing. Doesn't seek fame for their actions and doesn't perpetuate the romantisicm that the media portrays about warfare.

As such, anybody riding off of their fame is greatly mistaken. Both the fake, or the soldier.

you have some nice forearms lol

It's so crazy to see how different out lives are, digging this post man. It seems that I underestimated the amount of work you actually do there, the pics really put it into perspective

That's just the stuff I help with. At home here I work and repair a restaurant as well. I think it's actually impossible not to have anything to do out here.

It's an enormous job. But I'm glad to finally be able to move around again and I'm glad that I'm actually showing decent signs of physical recovery.

I wouldn't want to actually live there, but it would be great place to take a break from things.

Cool breezes are nice.

Bloody hell, you're busy.

And here I am in bed contemplating sleeping for another hour.

I work at my restaurant in the morning and early afternoon and the evenings when I come home as well. I've got my stories to write and things to make. There isn't an ounce of free time left at this point.

But it's good. Glad to be moving around again.

Serious / Re: Dealing with Depression
« on: May 02, 2015, 11:30:07 AM »
Hmm. No wonder nobody talks much about being a sad sack of potatoes. Oh behold that serious demenor and discussion, Meta.

I'll take the bait to all the people saying it's as easy as 1 2 3.

The only way I can describe being depressed, is that it feels like another entity. It feels like a virus. It feels like something that sits in you. You can even be aware of it. You can be happy, and sad, and then as soon as those moments fade, you return to it.

It's a weight. And no matter how well you do, I, personally, don't think you can ever get rid of it once you've had it. "It," just hides in a corner, in a dark space and waits for more fuel. More strain, more pain. And it just...makes you feel down. You look at everything and you get tired of it. You get tired of yourself and you get tired of waking up every day.

And eventually, you start to hit a tipping point. You seem to fall into a neutral zone. You're not happy. You're not sad. Everything goes a shade of gray. This is a false sense of security. You'll feel like your head is perfectly clear. You can think perfectly straight in the absence of any real lasting feelings. And eventually, since you can think so clearly, you'll ask why bother living in this inconsequential state of grey?

And then you get the only answer that makes sense. Death. It's the only thing that has meaning, any colour to it.

It's not as easy as 1 2 3 because depression, isn't being unhappy. Depression starts, from being unhappy. Afer that, happy, sad, angry?

It all means nothing.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:29:30 AM »
The concept was fun but the fact that every human weapon raped its Covenant counterpart kinda made it one sided. I mean don't even get me started how Elites had to spawn with the useless Plasma Repeater just to get slaughtered by Assault Rifles over and over haha.

But if they could balance the 2 sides better it would be fun.

This was essentially Reach's weapon formula.

UNSC= Longer Range, more all rounder and flexible, more power per shot
Covenant= Shorter range, special snowflake circumstances to use, less power in every way

My biggest rage inducer was the fucking focus rifle vs sniper rifle. The sniper rifle could fire across the entirety of forge world while the focus could only cover about 25% of the space in HemmoRAGE.
I never even used the Focus rifle as a sniper, it was actually a pretty good weapon if you just treated it like a hip firing sentinel beam haha. But it was a horrible sniper

Yeah but that's the thing.

Fucking Bungie dropped it during Invasion slayer as the counterpart. I remember Hemmorage. If the elite team didn't steal the Spartan's sniper drop on the very first drop, they were fucked for the entire match.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 02, 2015, 01:28:03 AM »
No one mentioned how the Covenant had zero way to defend against vehicles, especially when their own are stolen from them.  Did no one ever get raped by teams that stole Banshees?

This one time, an entire team tried taking me out with needle rifles as if they were death star dmrs.


And I actually did tests afterwards. If I remember roughly, as one player, 2 clips and half of another from a DMR kills a Reach banshee.

With two players firing, this becomes 1 clip and a half or so from both players.

The needle rifle was something like 42 clips.
So with two players that would be roughly 21 clips required each.

With an entire team firing on me with needle rifles, assuming they didn't miss, they'd each need 8 clips from their needle rifles to kill a banshee.

You don't even spawn with 8 clips worth of ammo in a needle rifle.

In fact, I want to test this again to see just how laughable it is. I'll make a thread about it on my day off.

Gaming / Re: Invasion not in Halo 5
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:59:27 AM »
The concept was fun but the fact that every human weapon raped its Covenant counterpart kinda made it one sided. I mean don't even get me started how Elites had to spawn with the useless Plasma Repeater just to get slaughtered by Assault Rifles over and over haha.

But if they could balance the 2 sides better it would be fun.

This was essentially Reach's weapon formula.

UNSC= Longer Range, more all rounder and flexible, more power per shot
Covenant= Shorter range, special snowflake circumstances to use, less power in every way

My biggest rage inducer was the fucking focus rifle vs sniper rifle. The sniper rifle could fire across the entirety of forge world while the focus could only cover about 25% of the space in HemmoRAGE.

I also went to the countryside to take a picture

I'd almost be willing to say that wasn't taken in my province. The roads are too intact.

Unless, it was close to the border of another province. Have to make our highways look presentable when you enter the province right?
It's Interstate 5 here in California.

What you see in that picture is what you see for about 150 miles while driving on the 5.

Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario are basically like this. Take the continental highway through all four and that sight is likely what you'll see for the majority of the entire trip.

The Flood / Re: Okay now I'm a little worried?
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:52:47 AM »
I can't exactly say I'll miss him. I've heard in the past some folks have said that he's decent, or even intelligent.

I don't give a fuck how smart you are or how decent you supposedly are. The fake bullshit facade wears thin after a time. The degredation and intentional attempts to start trouble and insult, wears thin.

Coming from me, perhaps, it could be called hypocritical. But at the very least, I don't go out of my way to start trouble.

It is a shame, because no doubt he'll wander off back to Bungie and spin some bullshit up. Not that it matters, really. But the pointless hostility between the split community is retarded. And it doesn't need any more perpetrators.

I also went to the countryside to take a picture

I'd almost be willing to say that wasn't taken in my province. The roads are too intact.

Unless, it was close to the border of another province. Have to make our highways look presentable when you enter the province right?

The lack of an actual city is a bit disturbing.

I can make car honking noises, rude gestures, and stop my vehicle and pretend I'm in a traffic jam if you want. You know, if it would emmulate that token city feeling.

Can't forget blasting music with my windows down either.
Traffic over here has none of that.

The "cities" over here do.
You must have some crappy cities then.

Moose Jaw was Al Capone's vacation spot.


Yes. Yes we do.

The lack of snow is disturbing.

It is, actually. At this time of year there still should be snow.
The lack of any hills is also disturbing, but thats coming from someone who lives in the mountains.

Did you not see the picture of the potential rocky mountains in the distance?

Ye. We have hills.

Waaaaaaaaay over yonder.
Huh, thought those were trees.

Hell no. Those are actually, most likely distant hills in my province. There are hills in fact. Hell, down south there's sand dunes.

The lack of an actual city is a bit disturbing.

I can make car honking noises, rude gestures, and stop my vehicle and pretend I'm in a traffic jam if you want. You know, if it would emmulate that token city feeling.

Can't forget blasting music with my windows down either.
Traffic over here has none of that.

The "cities" over here do.

Doggie! :D

Is enormous. He likes to stand up and say hello. I'm the only person around who's taller than he is. He comes up to my shoulders.

The lack of snow is disturbing.

It is, actually. At this time of year there still should be snow.
The lack of any hills is also disturbing, but thats coming from someone who lives in the mountains.

Did you not see the picture of the potential rocky mountains in the distance?

Ye. We have hills.

Waaaaaaaaay over yonder.

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