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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:13:14 PM »
Hundreds of people get killed in my city (not 40 miles away) literally every day. I'm with Sol here, this isn't that big of a deal.

It is when the murder rate in my entire province for a year doesn't even reach 50.

And you'd agree with Sol because you're you.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:09:36 PM »
Double post shit.

The Flood / Re: This is why we own concealed weapons
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:58:44 PM »

Because cars are apparently worth more than human lives. Okay then...
They're worth more than a burglar's life.

Go on. Unless the car was a premium hypercar I doubt your statement is at all true. I'm worth two mil, surely a burglar is worth at least $100,000
The burglar is scum, he's worth almost nothing if he wants to steal a car from a defenseless woman.
At what point can we say a crime forfeits someone's life? If I stole someone's iPhone should the respective punishment be losing my hand? No, that's what uneducated bush people in Nairobi think, and we call them savages for a reason.

To be fair after you got your hand lobbed off you might reconsider stealing things. You've only got one chance after that. You either become damn good at stealing and not getting caught or you quit.
it also reduces the persons ability to become a productive individual and puts a burden on his family

Then you could say at that point, he should have thought about that before dong stupid shit. Obviously he's not giving a shit about being a productive individual since he's stealing in the first place, and he doesn't give a shit about his family because when he gets caught his family will be associated with a thief.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 07:50:32 PM »
As a small group of interconnected communities, this hits hard.
I wouldn't give a fuck if my neighbour blew his brains out in the street.

If somebody who lived 40 minutes away pulled a triple homicide, followed by suicide, I probably wouldn't even hear about it. Why? Because we're not pansies. I live in a small town. Would any of these fuckers dying impact my life? Not a chance.

Also, lol, now the red headed girl can become bat-girl.

Then you're the sterotypical city/modern age dweller who's been desensitized to things. My entire province operates on a different level. While communities are scattered all across it, and our cities harbor most of our number, word travels quickly.

There's a level of interconnectedness to generally all the communities and even the cities. We aren't violent people. Something like this is generally unheard of in even in the cities. For a small town, this is big. And it's bad.

People know each other up here. Travel all the way out to Saskatoon, and you can bump into people from the same town as yours. Mention a family name and chances are, people will know who you're talking about.

My province, has one foot in the past, with interconnected and caring communities, and one foot in the modern age.

I care because these are people that live close to home. These were kids you could meet every day when they get off the bus. This was a person you could bump into on the streets and have idle talk with as two passerby.

When you live in relative isolation, when you have such a distance to cover between places, people mean more to you when you see them. People leave more of an impact on you.
Nope, lived in small towns my entire life.

Someone I've never met is a person I've never met, whether they live in china or the next block from my house.
I won't woe just because It's possible I could've run into them at the store eventually.

As for being desensitised, haha, no.
If anything, your people have become more sensitive with time.
During ancient times, everyone was even less sensitive than I am.

Then perhaps it's the environment up here. People up here are just simply more connected. More....compassionate if you will. Maybe it's a customs thing. Talk spreads quickly around here. Personal reputations are a thing here. To such an extent that towns can know about you even if you've never set foot in them.

This province was founded on the very essence of being connected, and cooperation. The first settlers, German exiles, arrived here in the middle of winter. In order to survive, everybody had to do their part. And to some extent, today is still like that. You see somebody in trouble, you help them.

7 months of winter and temperatures that can kill you in under 10 minutes of exposure. You can't afford to overlook things or people. You see a stopped vehicle on the roads, and you investigate because it could actually mean life or death for somebody in the winter.

It's a silent, unspoken rule of my province. Hell, do you know what a custom is up here?

Waving. Passing by people, farmers, truck drivers, people will just automatically wave to each other as they pass on the grid roads.

So while no, the death does not personally effect me, it does strike to home because as I said.

Shootings, killings. They're rare up here. Especially for a small town of barely over 1000 people.

It's a culture difference.

In fact, it's so much of a culture difference that murder is almost unheard of.

In 2013, the entire sum murder rate for this entire province was 30. And that was high for this province.

Gaming / Re: How many of you have Gmod?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:13:04 PM »
Ive made some poses and taken screenshots.

Ever considered doing more?
Well sort of, but that was when i didnt have internet for like a week so i toyed around in it.

I knew you had to edit them in PS or gimp for good results but didnt and dont know how.
Plus ive no access to those screens or the game because my hard drive gave up, this laptop cant run it.

Shame. I did actually include a few shots that were unaltered. You can still produce good or even excellent results without having to make alterations.

The shot with the trees is completely unedited. A pure from scratch scenebuild with just a few well placed lamps and everything turned up to maximum.

The last picture, same deal, although the lighting and tone was edited just a bit.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:05:38 PM »
As a small group of interconnected communities, this hits hard.
I wouldn't give a fuck if my neighbour blew his brains out in the street.

If somebody who lived 40 minutes away pulled a triple homicide, followed by suicide, I probably wouldn't even hear about it. Why? Because we're not pansies. I live in a small town. Would any of these fuckers dying impact my life? Not a chance.

Also, lol, now the red headed girl can become bat-girl.

Then you're the sterotypical city/modern age dweller who's been desensitized to things. My entire province operates on a different level. While communities are scattered all across it, and our cities harbor most of our number, word travels quickly.

There's a level of interconnectedness to generally all the communities and even the cities. We aren't violent people. Something like this is generally unheard of in even in the cities. For a small town, this is big. And it's bad.

People know each other up here. Travel all the way out to Saskatoon, and you can bump into people from the same town as yours. Mention a family name and chances are, people will know who you're talking about.

My province, has one foot in the past, with interconnected and caring communities, and one foot in the modern age.

I care because these are people that live close to home. These were kids you could meet every day when they get off the bus. This was a person you could bump into on the streets and have idle talk with as two passerby.

When you live in relative isolation, when you have such a distance to cover between places, people mean more to you when you see them. People leave more of an impact on you.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:00:08 PM »
>Not posting this on serious
You dun fucked up Sandy

Serious is a discussion board for controversial topics. Being honest here, this has been on my head for a while now. And I don't even know what to say about it. I don't even know what to discuss. But it is news. And it is big news for a place as small and connected as mine.

Gaming / Re: How many of you have Gmod?
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:42:12 PM »
Ive made some poses and taken screenshots.

Ever considered doing more?

The Flood / Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:38:18 PM »

I figure I should share this, at this point. Murder, isn't exactly common up here. And it's even less common in small towns. Tisdale is approximately 40 mins away from my hometown.

The murder suicide involved three kids and a woman. Three kids, one was hung and the other two had their throats slit along with their mother. The father then took pictures, sent them to the woman's ex, took his own kid, drove all the way to Prince Albert to another home, before deciding to kill himself and not his baby child.

Personally, I still don't have anything to say here. As a small group of interconnected communities, this hits hard.

Serious / Re: You know what atheists? Fuck you
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:24:04 PM »
Eh. People being people. The title and moniker they adorn doesn't amount to much. You'll find asshats on both sides. And it's the asshats who always make themselves known over people who simply go about their business and cause no fuss.

Both religions, and atheism primarily have such bad rep among each other is because both have a history of smug asshats being front and center stage.

Don't ignore the silent majority and label them as such based off the flashy bad examples up front.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 01:00:19 PM »
Islamic State Spresso?

what does space have to do with this?

It's how we win.

We leave all the dammicky people behind.

The Flood / Re: I'm thinking of writing a romance novel.
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:59:05 PM »
Fuckin' hell this rings so many bells. I could swear on the graves of all the dead things in my family that I've seen this before. And it was on

Somebody had a jot outline for something exactly like this and I know they did because I offered to help if it was needed.

Gaming / How many of you have Gmod?
« on: May 05, 2015, 12:51:06 PM »
I'll ask another question. For those of you who do have it, as I am aware some here do have it, I'll ask another question. Do you want to do anything with it?

Gmod is capable of creating screenshots, reminiscent of the same manner in which old screenshots in Halo 3 were made. A little bit of experimentation, and a little bit of knowledge, you can make some neat things. Now, arguably, SFM could be regarded as the superior counterpart as it has higher resolution abilities and rendering qualities. However, in order to run SFM properly, you need a relatively powerful computer. Gmod, while looking a little less polished, can still produce great results, especially if people go the extra mile and edit and do touch ups in photoshop or Gimp.

I ask because I've been amassing a fair number of tricks and now I'm really pushing my knowledge of things. I'd be happy to help if anybody is interested.

For a few examples of what can be done in Gmod, plus perhaps a bit of editing in some pictures, here's some reference photos.


If any of you already do make things, then I'd be happy to help share some of the little tricks I know that might give you an edge as well.

The Flood / Re: Lol, grandma just figured out I smoke
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:58:41 AM »
>having terrible teeth and breath so bad no one will want to kiss you

what's your excuse then?

Could drop a fire truck on that burn.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:55:43 AM »
Meh. I don't care that much about space, it's pretty goddamn boring tbh

It's only boring to you cause nothing interesting has happened yet.

How about a solar flare that fucks over our electrical systems and knocks everything out?

How about some love from our many passerby space rocks?

Fuck that, let's have the moon fracture or get knocked out of orbit so our tides get fucked.

Would that change your tune?
By "interesting" he doesn't mean depressing.

Well any of those events would certainly cause something down here. He said space was boring. I'd wager it's not considering how many ways it can kill us.

The trailer wasn't pre-rendered though. It was in engine.

Now we know the game is fucked.

Clipping scripted At-Ats. They're already in game.

The Flood / Re: Lol, grandma just figured out I smoke
« on: May 05, 2015, 10:37:19 AM »
I'd thought you'd have starved and stopped smoking without your minty freshness.

The Flood / Re: The ISSpresso is ready!
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:27:44 AM »
Meh. I don't care that much about space, it's pretty goddamn boring tbh

It's only boring to you cause nothing interesting has happened yet.

How about a solar flare that fucks over our electrical systems and knocks everything out?

How about some love from our many passerby space rocks?

Fuck that, let's have the moon fracture or get knocked out of orbit so our tides get fucked.

Would that change your tune?

The Flood / Re: Oh you know, just walking through my living room
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:23:34 AM »
Have sex with it. Assert your dominance.

Fuck your TV, man.
That reminds me of a prank call where a guy rings MS support and says he humped his 360 while watching porn and got his balls caught in the disc tray.



The Flood / Re: Oh you know, just walking through my living room
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:23:17 AM »
Have sex with it. Assert your dominance.

Fuck your TV, man.
Wtf I don't want to put my dick in that.

It could be Skynet.

Exactly. Now's your chance.

Skynet was only a little bitch because it never got laid. I bet you some good old fashioned angry sex romp would have straightened that shit out pronto.

The Flood / Re: Oh you know, just walking through my living room
« on: May 05, 2015, 03:17:54 AM »
Have sex with it. Assert your dominance.

Fuck your TV, man.

The Flood / Re: Ever gone for a late night run?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:34:42 AM »
I go on late night walks nearly every day.

I go pretty fast at a walking pace, and I cover some pretty sizable distances.

Ever tried running? Just for a short bit? Push yourself as fast as you can go?

The Flood / Re: Ever gone for a late night run?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:33:01 AM »
When I'm cycling, it becomes pretty much pure burn after 10 miles. But usually after those 10 miles, I went 10 miles away from my house, so I have to bike 10 miles back with all of the burn.


I'm just saying. Cooped up in a house for so many months of winter and having that slow degredation. Good/Bad meds destroying things. It feels good to actually not feel like a walking corpse for once. I'm not much in the way of a bro dude. In fact generally I've always thought of myself as underfit compared to the average folks around here.

But I can appreciate the fact that I have a semi functioning body again. And I'm fascinated that it is capable of so much. Healing and repairing, making a such a comeback. It's probably the only true good feeling I can put trust in right now.

The Flood / Ever gone for a late night run?
« on: May 05, 2015, 02:11:44 AM »
God damn. I don't even remember how long it's been since I've been capable of running without breaking down and passing off as dying on the spot. It's like saying hello to an old acquaintance again. I covered three blocks going about as fast as I could push myself before needing to stop.

Considering that I'm in a tired state from working non stop every day, that's not bad. That means I could do more if I was well rested. Maybe it's a mundane thing for you folks.

But I find the fact that I'm actually recovering, and being able to move and run and do normal physical things again fascinating. All that muscle memory and that wonderful feeling of just the right amount of stress on the muscles so that they're damaged, but they heal properly.

You don't ever truly know how much you have to miss until you've lost it, I suppose.

So, my late night compatriots. You ever feel the burn? The good kind?

The Flood / Re: Man, fuck people
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:26:15 PM »
So, who pissed you off today?
Your mother's sizeable todger.
I don't speak Bong.

He meant he had to deal with asshat customers in his retail job.

I'm a proffessional bongistanian translator.

You can tell because of the authenticity of the pixels I've typed.

Essentially, your mother makes a horrid customer apparently.

Talking to a flatlander out in a field in the middle of nowhere.

And you ask if I feel insecure about my intelligence?

Nigga please. I was born a peasant and I'll die one.

The Flood / Re: Man, fuck people
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:16:13 PM »

If your wounds aren't healing put the damn game on easy mode. Auto regenerating health FTW

The Flood / Re: I've been pretty MIA, missed me?
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:02:39 PM »
I've no sense of time or keeping track of things right now. So, actually, I didn't even know you were gone. Being serious here, I just remember seeing your posts around here.

So..... the usual stuff happened?

Serious / Re: "Draw Muhammad" shooting in Garland Texas
« on: May 04, 2015, 10:00:39 PM »
-stuff added in the edit-
There is also the part of "At the time they joined jihad, the terrorists were not very religious. They only became religious once they joined the jihad." implying that religion wasn't so much of the motivating factor in them joining. So what do they join jihadist groups for then?

Obviously the stylish fashion.

The Flood / Re: Man, fuck people
« on: May 04, 2015, 09:55:57 PM »
Aha. But fuck people when they're assholes.

There's decent ones out there. But as always, it's the decent ones, who don't want any trouble, that keep their heads down and out of the way.

Man, fuck asshole people.

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