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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 07:02:13 PM »
Five miles... even just wearing the cargo shorts I'm wearing now I'd be sweating if I ran that. That sweat would freeze me, and my bare feet would be too frozen to run right, so I'll walk.

Actually, do I get to keep what's currently in my pocket? 'Cause I could totally cut tinder and light a fire with what I'm packing. Knit a sweater while I'm at it.

Judging by your apparel, you wouldn't have the time to cut or light tinder. So yes, you keep all your things. But i cargo shorts and bare feet, standing still and not moving, you have at the very maximum 10 minutes.
My cold edginess would save me.
And maybe a dead coyote or two...

Animals don't come out at -25. Specially coyotes.

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:59:06 PM »
Obviously walk. If you run you're gonna miss 90% of useful survival tools.

There are no survival tools. It's a straight road. Completely flat fields all around you. You have no choice but to cover those five miles as quick as you can because you won't last for long in -25.

The Flood / Re: Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:57:22 PM »
Five miles... even just wearing the cargo shorts I'm wearing now I'd be sweating if I ran that. That sweat would freeze me, and my bare feet would be too frozen to run right, so I'll walk.

Actually, do I get to keep what's currently in my pocket? 'Cause I could totally cut tinder and light a fire with what I'm packing. Knit a sweater while I'm at it.

Judging by your apparel, you wouldn't have the time to cut or light tinder. So yes, you keep all your things. But i cargo shorts and bare feet, standing still and not moving, you have at the very maximum 10 minutes.

The Flood / Survival scenario poll
« on: May 06, 2015, 06:49:38 PM »
Here's the scenario.

You are approximately five miles away from any source of civilization on a straight road. You're wearing the clothes you are currently. The temperature is -25C, -13F. No help will pick you up. You have to cover those five miles to civilization by yourself before you freeze to death.

Do you choose to run the majority of the way, or walk the majority?

Whatever option you choose, why did you pick it?

« on: May 06, 2015, 01:46:53 PM »
No, desty, you just cobble up apparently random thoughts together and projectile vomit them across the entire forum.

It's not pretty to look at.
lol what are you talking about

Span of roughly 20 minutes.

You've five threads on the front page all based around random rather inconsequantal stuff that has no merit, no focus, and no real point. It's unpleasnt to trawl through when you're looking for something interesting to discuss and all you see is random stuff that has no real discussion point of any kind.

That's why people aren't cheery about you.

« on: May 06, 2015, 01:43:06 PM »
No, desty, you just cobble up apparently random thoughts together and projectile vomit them across the entire forum.

It's not pretty to look at.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:36:59 PM »
Also. Already played through Sunken King's Rape Temple on another profile.

Soloing the co-op boss fight with the afflicted 3 on 1.

Worst fight of my new game + life.
Allana or w/e her name is, is a fucking cunt.

Extreme multi-tasking skills required. Managing Elana plus dealing with her Vestaldt chum.

Taught me the true value of fighting without locking on. It also made the original boss fight with Vestaldt a cake walk since I now have his moveset alone burned into my memory.

But the havel monster on the afflicted fight. FUCK HIM ON NEW GAME 3.

Fuck his bowman with high poise and a rapier.

And fuck that katana cunt.

I strongly believe that fight is meant to emmulate pvp metas x10. The havel monster doesn't even flinch to anything you throw at him and the fat bastard can chug estus with no penalty.
I ain't planning on going beyond +1. Boss fights with extra enemies? FUCK THAT

You remember the flexile sentry?

A relatively easy fight? Two suspicious shadow enemies spawn in his room with him. Very fast, very agile, bleed damage, and they can stunlock you.

Fuck the dual pyromancers during the sinner's boss fight with their forbidden sun.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:16:30 PM »
Also. Already played through Sunken King's Rape Temple on another profile.

Soloing the co-op boss fight with the afflicted 3 on 1.

Worst fight of my new game + life.
Allana or w/e her name is, is a fucking cunt.

Extreme multi-tasking skills required. Managing Elana plus dealing with her Vestaldt chum.

Taught me the true value of fighting without locking on. It also made the original boss fight with Vestaldt a cake walk since I now have his moveset alone burned into my memory.

But the havel monster on the afflicted fight. FUCK HIM ON NEW GAME 3.

Fuck his bowman with high poise and a rapier.

And fuck that katana cunt.

I strongly believe that fight is meant to emmulate pvp metas x10. The havel monster doesn't even flinch to anything you throw at him and the fat bastard can chug estus with no penalty.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:45:36 PM »
Also. Already played through Sunken King's Rape Temple on another profile.

Soloing the co-op boss fight with the afflicted 3 on 1.

Worst fight of my new game + life.

The Flood / Re: Robotic Bear to aid in Assisted Suicide
« on: May 06, 2015, 12:17:28 PM »
This is where it starts guys. Robotic japanese bears equipped with four or five methods of killing humans with consent.

This is the first terminator unit in the making.

Considering that I have nothing worthwhile to say, no.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:24:41 AM »
In hindsight, perahps a silly question due to lack of free time these days. But we never finished Dank Souls. Plus I actually wasn't broke a few months back and bought two out of the three DLC's.

At some point would you ever consider finishing our run with santa clause?
Yes, yes I would

I think I emergency leveled up santa claus but other than that he hasn't moved an inch since we shreked the belfry gaygoyles.
what DLC have you got?

Iron King's smokey funhouse and the sunken king's rape temple.

A few centuries ago, a few thousand years ago, it was fine and dandy to go up to someone, kill them, rape their loved one, kill them or do whatever. And now it's not. In another few hundred years, maybe a few thousand, things will also be different.
An odd interpretation of our progress. Personally, I would prefer to use words like "advance" or "learned" rather than "different". The fact is, we've made an advance from that time. If we lived in a time where rape was okay, and now it isn't, that's a wonderful thing. To say that it might be "different" in the future, instead of further advanced, is suggesting that we could regress. That there might be a time when rape is looked upon as okay again. Personally, I can't think of any modern examples of ethical regressions. Once we figure out that something is bad, we tend to stick with it. So, yes, future views on ethics will be different, but they will most likely be better.
Then that therefore means those laws had to be created or that they formed from a base of something. And that's approaching rapidly on a creator or a god.
Please, refer to my first post. We create the laws through our sentient existence. You conceded in your previous post that without our sentient experience, everything would be pointless--and you are correct. So, our conscious experience gives all meaning in the universe. Why's that? Because we can feel. We can hurt. This, in itself, outlines our objective moral system.

This is why I hate the word "morality". I prefer ethics, or "objective value system". Because it does have divine connotations. I think we should throw the word "morality" out the window.

Our objective value system is defined by our capacity to derive negative experience from our lives. The ultimate goal is to maximize positive experience, and minimize negative experience for all sentient beings. That's the right thing to do, objectively.

If you've ever watched a good film lately, and paid attention to the villains, the "bad guys", the antagonists, and paid strict attention to their purpose in the story, you might take to notice that, even though they're evil, their philosophies often have some kernel of truth. They might be trying to work for the greater good. Take Ultron for example (I won't spoil it if you haven't seen the film). As outlined in the film, he was created by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner to help the Avengers save the world in future global crises. However, when he is finished, he's bent on destroying humanity instead. He cannot differentiate between saving humanity and destroying it--he thinks they're the same thing.

And there's a great line, but I can't seem to remember how it goes. It went something like:
"The question isn't whether he believes humanity should be destroyed. The question is if he's right."

Something to that effect. Would the world be better off without humans?
Should we stop reproducing and let ourselves go extinct?

There are right or wrong answers to these questions. It's true that we can have our interpretations, but if you're capable of making decisions based on logic (it is logical to not want to break someone's arm, because that's going to create a HUGE deficit in positive feeling), the choices become more and more clear.

See, now this makes sense to me. Pendulum's stuff has gaps in it to me. Stuff doesn't line up and there's particular phrases and words missing from my memory and I don't have all day to trawl through dictionarys to remember them.

So while yes, we define our rules and such, our viewpoints, from an abstract standpoint, removed of emotion or feeling, there's just the functioning universe. It'll do its thing regardless of what we do. That's the barebones reality. That's the big view we've painted over with our own perception of things, which isn't neccessarily wrong because it is, our point of view and our perspective.

But our point of view isn't an absolute, not 100%, because you still have the big picture sitting behind the pretty coat of paint.

i believe morality is objective although I'm having trouble defining the source, some argue it's god but i dunno wouldn't that make it subjective to those that only believe in god?? hmm
I'm an atheist, and I don't need a god to tell me that it's objectively wrong to hurt others.

Well, without their consent. Consent is huge. Simply put, you need consent in order to justify anything you do that could potentially harm another person. Otherwise, it necessitates a massive ethical transgression.

The only time lack-of-consent is ever okay is if you KNOW, 100%, that the outcome will be positive. If your wife is being raped, for example, I think it's ethically justifiable to kill the fucker who's raping her. Or otherwise incapacitate him. Stopping someone from being raped is... objectively good. So, it remains consistent with my objective value system, or the objective value system, I should say.

Oh, and by the way, you can't "like" being raped. That's always what I hear. You can't like being raped. You can enjoy a rape fantasy, because it creates a thrill that you can walk yourself out of, but if you were to rape someone who likes to fantasize about being raped, I guarantee that they won't enjoy it.

I feel like I'm firing off in all directions right now--this is kind of a messy subject, but it's a great one to discuss.

Anyone who believes morality is subjective, I'd like to see some counterexamples. You're going to have to illustrate a scenario wherein a nonconsensual act can ever be justified if the outcome results in a negative value experience (ie. justify Pendulate's example--justify stabbing someone in the foot who doesn't want to have their foot stabbed and has no reason to be stabbed in the foot).

I'm curious as to where you've been where people said you can enjoy rape. I mean, there's guy in a field in the middle of nowhere opinions like mine.

And then there's that.

Which is stupid.

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:11:42 AM »
In hindsight, perahps a silly question due to lack of free time these days. But we never finished Dank Souls. Plus I actually wasn't broke a few months back and bought two out of the three DLC's.

At some point would you ever consider finishing our run with santa clause?
Yes, yes I would

I think I emergency leveled up santa claus but other than that he hasn't moved an inch since we shreked the belfry gaygoyles.

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:09:55 AM »
represents my mood

*crawling in one's skin*

Everybody associates rainy cityscapes with being mopey.

Fuck that shit. Rain+City+Night+Neon Lights=ATMOSPHERE

The Flood / Re: Drinking alone today
« on: May 06, 2015, 11:07:19 AM »
In hindsight, perahps a silly question due to lack of free time these days. But we never finished Dank Souls. Plus I actually wasn't broke a few months back and bought two out of the three DLC's.

At some point would you ever consider finishing our run with santa clause?

The Flood / Re: So if I were beheaded by al-Qaeda....
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:53:47 AM »
It'd just be you.

If somebody's already lined up to behead you then they've already long ago dispensed with their formal innocence. So you could say that the beheader's innocence was already dead.

Which would mean that there's nothing left to tarnish.

As such.

You'd be ding dong dead.
Uh, you know this was a shitpost, right? Lol

-I mean memepost.

Who says I took anything here seriously? I just wrote the first thing that showed up in response.

Gaming / Re: Witcher 3 Save System
« on: May 06, 2015, 10:49:09 AM »
It still baffles me why every game doesn't have a Skyrim/Fallout save system.

It's both a blessing and a curse. I find myself having to delete 100 save files sometimes by the end of a playthrough.

TFW you save because you're nervous and then 5 seconds later walk into trouble that you didn't see coming. I saved one time when I was in the middle of nowhere supposedly. Couple seconds later I got mauled by deathclaws that were already on their way.

Reload save and turn around. "Oh hey I have roughly 6 seconds before a pack of rape reptiles descends upon me."

The Flood / Re: So if I were beheaded by al-Qaeda....
« on: May 06, 2015, 03:18:39 AM »
It'd just be you.

If somebody's already lined up to behead you then they've already long ago dispensed with their formal innocence. So you could say that the beheader's innocence was already dead.

Which would mean that there's nothing left to tarnish.

As such.

You'd be ding dong dead.

And, on that last note.

If actual, morality exists. If there are actual things to be discovered that lean towards "good" and "bad" and point in a set direction as a fundamental way to do things in the universe?

Then that therefore means those laws had to be created or that they formed from a base of something. And that's approaching rapidly on a creator or a god.

And to that I can say this.

Every "god" or creator in our history?

Fuck all of them with a rusty rake.

A bold and rather inflammatory claim. If you admit that conscious experience is, by its nature, a spectrum of qualitative value, then for all intents and purposes you are admitting that there are better and worse answers to how we conduct ourselves in life.

Not really. I, personally, choose to live and act in the manners that I do because I think I should do my best to make people around me in my personal life happy. Happy is a good feeling, because it makes us feel "good."

However, that is just my point of view. My point of perception. Another person might not give a shit. Another person might pursue it to a lesser degree. Another person might go the opposite way and make people miserable around them.

But the truth is, beyond my perception, beyond my percieved way of living my life, and beyond those other people I just listed with their own perceptions, there is no good or bad way to do things. Good and bad are just words in response to our feelings.

And you might argue that because I classify my attempts at making people around myself happier, that it negates what I just said because I classify it as good.

Of course I classify it as "good" because it's a paradigm instilled into me since birth. The specific events, the people who raised me, every single thing in my life that has led up to this point, were absolutely neccessary for me to act and think the in the manner that I do currently, therefore enforcing a set shade of ingrained morality and morals to me.

But beyond me, beyond my body and my head, just on a simple and plain, operational universal scale, right and wrong don't exist and therefore that is the true reality because the universe is all around us.

I'll state again. Our current state of morals and morality? The latest and current trend in human thinking.

A few centuries ago, a few thousand years ago, it was fine and dandy to go up to someone, kill them, rape their loved one, kill them or do whatever. And now it's not. In another few hundred years, maybe a few thousand, things will also be different.

If morals and morality exist on such unstable ground then they really have no defining value beyond what singular people assign to them.

People, as we know, love conformity. Because it brings a sense of security. Money in the bank, having a house, etc etc. They're all just contructs that essentially pull the blinds over people's eyes to the bigger picture beyond their sense of perception.

We feel good, and we feel bad. You can live a bad life, or a good life. Doesn't matter. Because you still die. We all have an equal end point no matter who we are. It's an end point that doesn't give a shit about how many infidels you killed or how many people you helped.

The only one that cares, is you.

You define your self existence and your experience, but beyond you, and long after you're dead, existence will continue with or without you, and your actions, "good," or "bad," will be forgotten, rendering the most evil human beings in history as nothing, rendering the most beloved people in history, as nothing.

So, one last time.

Morals and morality are just tools to help people grasp at things and get by through the day. Because without them, with our current level of intelligence and perception, everything would otherwise be completely pointless. But at the end of the day, your morals don't mean fuck all when your number is up.

The Flood / Re: Heil Hydra
« on: May 06, 2015, 02:28:48 AM »

The Flood / Re: your avatar
« on: May 06, 2015, 02:05:52 AM »
An artist I stumbled on to.

Morality seems to sit on shaky ground. Take a kid. Raise them to kill, tell them hurting people is a good thing, and that will be their morality. Or a person with psychopathic tendencies. A psychopath can still feel pain, but in the world there are people who neither care when they're hurt and inflict self harm on themselves or they harm others.

So, morality is only defined on a singular person's viewpoint. Their experiences, their environment, how they were raised, and how their brain functions, define their respective morality.

As such, morality is limited solely to each individual. And because people are social creatures and spread social constructs and memes amongst each other, morality is only ever truly defined by the rule of majority.

Look at our past. Certain things that were deemed acceptable in those days are deemed unacceptable now.

As such, morality is not objective. It is only defined by people, and people are subject to change, which therefore negates any form of stability to be achieved or an actual, concrete set of laws that are absolutely positive or negative.
Morality and morals are not the same. The former is a concept, latter a set of personal views.

OP asked a question about morality. And I answered it.

"Morality is the differentiation of intentions, decisions, and actions between those that are good or right and those that are bad or wrong. Morality can be a body of standards or principles derived from a code of conduct from a particular philosophy, religion, or culture, or it can derive from a standard that a person believes should be universal. Morality may also be specifically synonymous with "goodness" or "rightness."

This is almost a word for word description of what you get when defining morals.

They're the same fucking shit, just on different terms. One is personal, one is a concept.

The real reality is, there is no morality. It doesn't exist. It's just a social construct and a meme passed around through people because of our way of percieving things. And both, morals, and morality often contradict one another.

Take a human life in development. A fetus for example. And abort it. Some argue that it's taking a human life. Which it is. Others argue that because its not fully matured yet, that it isn't aware, that it's okay. Yet fundamentally it is still a lifeform.

Morality, and by extension morals, are just wee little tools people designed to bend things in their favor. To mark themselves out and give themselves a perception to adhere to, to adapt to an otherwise meaningless state of living.

The real reality is, that fetus, human or no, mature or no, will die at one point or another. Regardless of what form of life it constitutes as. It will die. Its atomic structure will break down and be recycled into other things, which in turn will eventully die or be destroyed as well. Round and round it goes.

There are no real absolute morals that are right or wrong.

Essentially, all you could chalk morality and morals up to is the latest and greatest trend in human thinking.

The Flood / Re: Who the Fuck are You?
« on: May 06, 2015, 01:18:30 AM »
Just a passerby. Here because I've nowhere else that feels like home. And maybe, at the same time, putting wagers on just creeping back into obscurity.

Morality seems to sit on shaky ground. Take a kid. Raise them to kill, tell them hurting people is a good thing, and that will be their morality. Or a person with psychopathic tendencies. A psychopath can still feel pain, but in the world there are people who neither care when they're hurt and inflict self harm on themselves or they harm others.

So, morality is only defined on a singular person's viewpoint. Their experiences, their environment, how they were raised, and how their brain functions, define their respective morality.

As such, morality is limited solely to each individual. And because people are social creatures and spread social constructs and memes amongst each other, morality is only ever truly defined by the rule of majority.

Look at our past. Certain things that were deemed acceptable in those days are deemed unacceptable now.

As such, morality is not objective. It is only defined by people, and people are subject to change, which therefore negates any form of stability to be achieved or an actual, concrete set of laws that are absolutely positive or negative.

You're a comms officer.

Going by military ranks with the word officer, most often a warrant officer, their insignias are rectangles.

You aren't Sep7agon.

You only have four sides.

The Flood / Re: Murder/Suicide in Tisdale, Sk
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:21:43 PM »
Hundreds of people get killed in my city (not 40 miles away) literally every day. I'm with Sol here, this isn't that big of a deal.

It is when the murder rate in my entire province for a year doesn't even reach 50.

And you'd agree with Sol because you're you.
I forgot you lived in cantopia

Refresher course then. Most people are much friendlier up here. Murder. Not our style.

Serious / Re: I feel I am becoming a Buddhist. I like it! : D
« on: May 05, 2015, 08:18:44 PM »
The religion of lazy people who sit around all day and get free food.

Basically 25 year olds who play video games all day and live with their mom.

As opposed to the ones which involve buggering altar boys and beheading infidels?
At least they do stuff.
Thing is, whilst the monks might normally reside in the temples they don't simply do nothing all day. Helping others/charity work and the like is pretty important >.>

Or these chaps for example

Rather than waiting around for the government to arrive the monks are right in there helping dig out supplies from the rubble to help the survivors around them.

Fucking god dammit I love monks. These are the people who do shit but don't make a fuss about it and hold up signs saying "Hey guys look how swell we are!" They don't discriminate like some other religious groups out there which lend aid only to those as part of their religion. They just go out there and get shit done.

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