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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:43:27 PM »
i never posted anything anonymously

because why would i
seems kinda redundant seeing how we already are anonymous on the internet.

Double anon.

Double nice.

The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:36:38 PM »
I ain't even mad. Fuck I don't even remember anything. Danka for reminding me.

I'll add you to the hit list later if I remember to.

I'm not following.

Except that I don't. I've not been enlightened. Tell me more oh so wise street nigga.

The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:05:23 PM »
I ain't even mad. Fuck I don't even remember anything. Danka for reminding me.

I'll add you to the hit list later if I remember to.

I'm not following.

The Flood / Re: Hey guys
« on: May 16, 2015, 02:01:14 PM »
I ain't even mad. Fuck I don't even remember anything. Danka for reminding me.

I'll add you to the hit list later if I remember to.

See, I've been around these things. Have some experience with assembling all sorts of things like this and I know what's required.

But the problem here is, distance. You can't instruct shit over the internet when it comes to constructing something. Whenever you build something, and help somebody, you have to be there in person.

As simple as a desk sounds in concept, you've no idea what you're getting yourself into. Especially, if you want to do things correctly. All I can provide for assistance would be some ideas for what you'll need. And, perhaps, if I get really motivated, I could help you by trying to make examples to show you.

The Flood / Re: What the hell should I do with myself today
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:08:00 PM »
Same trouble with me. Been working for about three weeks now. I think. Saturday and Sunday's off. I don't know what to do. Partially because time is short. I'd wish to spend my day with some sort of value and a good end result. Yet am too catious to start anything because it would need more free time than I am able to acquire.

What a quaint paradox. You don't know what to do when you want to do everything. And so here you sit, doing nothing.

Let's take a coin toss. Take it easy. Take some money and go eat something nice and fancy for the evening. Watch some movies you've an itch for. Start something small you know you can finish in an afternoon.

That broken garage door all winter? Re-adjust the wire spools. How about your vehicle? Check the oil, brake fluid, power steering, transmission fluid.

Find the small things.

The Flood / Re: So I just wandered back onto
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:36:06 PM »
Also! If you're not a registered member then you don't have access to offtopic and gaming. Try signing out seeing if you can find gaming and offtopic.

Serious / Re: The UK fox hunting ban
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:35:54 AM »
Well, you know, this could be easily solved if people took care of their fucking livestock.

The same problem exists here with certain types of livestock. Chickens. Minx's, or weasels, one of those two critters. A lot of people in the area have had chickens before, and they lost them all to critters.

There's an old chicken coop out at my sisters farm that I helped build. We reinforced every possible entrance. And not a single dead or missing chicken.

How about wolves/coyotes? Get a fucking llama. They have a good reputation as being guards for herd animals.

The problem with hunts, is that people take it way fucking overboard. They always do. To the extent that the population destabilizes. Always, without fail. And when it destabilizes, they issue a bounty or a hunt for the other side of the animal population which is booming and out of control.

When the simplest fucking solution is to use your head and be crafty.

Gaming / Re: Minecraft aesthetic
« on: May 16, 2015, 10:25:53 AM »
Glass. Dark woods. Combining your house into something. Give it an interesting interior.

I built a tree tower once. One of those tall ass jungle trees. I built a tower around it. So you walk in there and there's a fucking tree in the middle of your house, all the way up the twisty stairwell.

Legitimately had me worried there for a second. God damn. Don't do that shit man.

The Flood / Re: Your vision of the Anarchy forum on Sep7agon
« on: May 16, 2015, 01:51:00 AM »
No holds barred, partner.

Yayyyy this kind of thread.

Picture of a peasant appeals to me.

Didn't answer the fucking questions of the guy above him.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:54:48 AM »
Happiness outweighs suffering. If someone asked me whether I'd want an hour of happiness and then an hour of suffering, or nothing at all, I'd take the former in a heartbeat.
and then you'd regret it

"no i wouldn't"

yeah... you would

you've never felt real suffering in your life
And you have?

Cutting your wrists or getting dumped by a girl doesn't count.

Well to be fair having a cut of any kind does blow ass.

And getting dumped by somebody you previously enjoyed as pleasant company does leave a mark.

To be honest I'd rather go through another month or two of the work I'm doing now than to feel down and blue from having a potshot taken on my metaphorical heart.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 16, 2015, 12:31:26 AM »
My original post implied equal happiness and suffering. You can't have an argument of "oh you'd choose to spend an hour undergoing excruciating pain and misery so you can spend the next hour lounging around with a cup of peach tea?" It's not comparable. The average human is never going to be tortured in some Russian gulag, so even bringing up the point of "you've never had REAL suffering" is pointless.
if you could illustrate the scenario for me, then, that would be helpful
i won't contradict you, but i don't suspect that i will agree with you

it's difficult for me to imagine a scenario where the suffering/happiness do not outweigh each other either which way, even if only by just a little bit

i would stop eating cupcakes if i had to prick my finger every single time i decided to eat one
they wouldn't really be worth it to me anymore at that point

I'll use an example here.

Physical improvement. Anything physical you do, has a cost on your body. Any muscles you use, will eventually tire, and strain, and become damaged. Sitting here, right now, I'll list the parts of my body that I can feel, that feel like absolute shit because this is the end of the work week for me and I am at my physical limit and can do no more.

Hands, nerves, wrists, shoulders, back shoulders, neck, spine, legs, abdominals, muscles over my ribcage.

I'm not a cheery bundle right now. I'm tired and tomorrow morning, getting out of bed will be the equivalent to wearing a suit of iron.

And yet, given a few days of rest, everything will heal. And next week, my muscles, my cardio, my heart, my lungs, everything, will be stronger. They will be improved. And it feels good to have that improvement. It feels good to have that physical capability and ability.

To the extent that the benefit and pleasure outweighs the pain along the road, completely.

And, nevermind the pleasure. It is inherently a good thing to have a healthy, functioning body. To push it to it's maximum. I'm not talking body builder toned either. I'm talking, just pushing your capabilites further to their natural limit.

There is no argument that says getting more in shape is a bad thing at all. And therefore, the pain required to do so is merely an obstacle and the end result, outweighs it every single time.

The Flood / Re: How does this make you feel?
« on: May 15, 2015, 11:45:41 PM »
Hello satan, we meet again. The father of all businessmen.

The Flood / Re: Is Jive Turkey the most alpha specimen on Sep7agon?
« on: May 15, 2015, 11:05:12 PM »
I might be a partial contender for that spot. Not aesthetically pleasing in terms of muscles but I'm shaped like my environment apparently. Like a brick. I might even be able to contend with you in terms of strength. It's the end of the week and I'm tired now.

And I'm still capable of filling up a wheelbarrow full of dirt and wood and shit, picking it up, and hauling it up a pile of wood with me to dump it up on the top of the pile.

if what you told me of your strength is true im sure you could easily surpass me in 3 weeks of lifting srs

Does it help that I picked up a decent sized motor by myself today, belonging to a table saw with a blade at the very least two feet across? Uncoupled the generator/motor from the frame of the saw and discovered that I could carry it once I wrapped my arms around it.

That was a strain, and too much for me going up a ramp. Legs and arms couldn't handle it up the ramp. But I brought the thing to the storage shed where it needed to go on foot. I'm a poor judge of weight. But the thing was entirely steel and other metals.

Heavier than wheelbarrow full of dirt to be sure.

Heavy shit.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:50:19 PM »
Remember, no disintegrations

Set blasters to stun.

The Flood / Re: All too easy
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:49:37 PM »
I feel like you don't have any standards by this point

They can't be smokers. It's the golden rule. They could be anything else.

Just not smokers.


Make our dreams come true.

Creating new life forms via easy bake ovens in the future.

The Flood / Re: Which one of you British fuckers tried to swat me?
« on: May 15, 2015, 12:16:33 PM »
Personally I think the best method would be to sue them for millions, if not, billions.

The Flood / Re: Is Jive Turkey the most alpha specimen on Sep7agon?
« on: May 15, 2015, 10:54:09 AM »
I might be a partial contender for that spot. Not aesthetically pleasing in terms of muscles but I'm shaped like my environment apparently. Like a brick. I might even be able to contend with you in terms of strength. It's the end of the week and I'm tired now.

And I'm still capable of filling up a wheelbarrow full of dirt and wood and shit, picking it up, and hauling it up a pile of wood with me to dump it up on the top of the pile.

but do you have a small penis?

I wouldn't know.

I've never been one to look at other guys in the shower or in the bathroom to bother comparing. Always seemed funny to me frankly. Practical closet homophobes and there they are checking everybody out.

"Hey man that's gay."

"No man I'm just comparing."

Gaming / Re: Why do people take gaming so seriously?
« on: May 15, 2015, 10:46:34 AM »
Wht kind of serious are we talking about here?

There's really tense match kind of serious.

And then there's spoiled yolo generation serious that involves swatting and other ilk of that kind.

The Flood / Re: Is Jive Turkey the most alpha specimen on Sep7agon?
« on: May 15, 2015, 10:42:28 AM »
I might be a partial contender for that spot. Not aesthetically pleasing in terms of muscles but I'm shaped like my environment apparently. Like a brick. I might even be able to contend with you in terms of strength. It's the end of the week and I'm tired now.

And I'm still capable of filling up a wheelbarrow full of dirt and wood and shit, picking it up, and hauling it up a pile of wood with me to dump it up on the top of the pile.


The Flood / Re: If Harriet Tubman is put on the $20 bill..
« on: May 14, 2015, 12:44:43 AM »
I'm not american.

I guess that means I'll just keep using my rainbow plastic fantastic money.

Doesn't get destroyed in the wash, BITCH.

Serious / Re: People are very cruel on the Internet.
« on: May 12, 2015, 01:34:03 AM »
No barriers. Or, very little. It's essentially your brain, and nothing else. As such, it's an extension of who people really are. Very much like alcohol.

When people are drunk and they start rambling, or saying things they normally wouldn't say? It's their inhibitions going down the drain. The internet is very much like that.

And, just like a drunk when they're sober again, they'll deny just about everything you question them on. Wave it off as "being tipsy."

As such. The internet is a disheartening place to me. You can find the best in people. But you see a lot of the true ugly things deep down, depending on whom you look at. And you see more of it over decent folks.

The Flood / Re: Our closest exoplanet <3
« on: May 11, 2015, 11:43:50 PM »
Will any of these Jupiter sized planets ever matter to anyone for any reason ever?

It's not like they're habitable and we are a long way off from Gas Mining them Mass Effect 2 style

Here's a neat question. What if we find a jovian that consists of mostly oxygen?

Considering the winds on Jovian planets would more than likely tear us to shreads on a good day...probably not much

But of course. I wasn't referring to us. Jovians are interesting in that the denser they become, the farther you go towards the core, the more pressure there is, effectively condensing just about any element into liquid form if possible.

The heat of the core and the immense pressure could be somewhat parallel to heat vents and the bottom of the oceans. What if it's possible for oxygen rich bands lower down near the core of a jovian gas giant? And, what if something small like a micro-organism could live in them?

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:40:23 PM »
So, actually, you're potentially wrong. Plants don't have nervous systems but they have functions and chemicals that are akin to them. And so far, we don't know if they feel pain. But they respond to many, many different forms of stimuli.

So, actually, that's a whole lot of yes. Plant neurobiology. An interesting field.
Really, all you had to cite was something simple like a Venus flytrap. We've all seen those, and one of the most prominent things about them is the fact that they respond to stimuli. But that's all they do, is respond to stimuli. It doesn't mean they're sentient, it doesn't mean they can feel. They were naturally selected to undergo a specific and niched process. That's all it is.

I concede that we don't know if plants feel pain, and we'll likely never learn, but until there is significant evidence to suggest that they do, I'm not going to start saying, well, it's okay to eat meat now.

You read the article on the ferns learning not to be tricked into closing their leaves? I can quote the section for you if you want. Dunno if we can directly call it learning. But it is rather clever and very, very quick adaptation.

Serious / Re: "You should absolutely be forced to be vegan."
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:33:24 PM »
Plants have nervous systems, plants feel pain, plants, even have short term memory.
No, no, no no no. No. No. Nope. No. No.

Sorry, but no. They do not.
I'm not one for killing or damaging anything as much as I can. But sometimes you can't not do it. The best you can do is be respectful and appreciative that something died to extend your life. Appreciate that loss, but do it not out of joy or for sport. Just be respectful and mindful is all.
I can respect this mentality, but yeah.

Plants... do not have nervous systems, and they do not feel pain. I have no idea where you got that information. They don't even have a brain to process such a sensation, so like... that's a whole lot of "no".

Really wish I had the memory to cite the sources. They've done research on this and it's an expanding field. You're rusty on this Verb. I was wrong. Feeling pain? Nervous system? No. Memory? Yes.

Plants don't have brains but they are very reactive to a fuck ton of stimuli.

An incident I can recite from memory. Look it up. Plants in africa. They're like bushes. They were being eaten by a deer/gazelle like critter, and one year, there was an overpopulation and so they ate too much, putting a dent in the plant population.

Then the critters started dropping dead. They couldn't figure it out for the longest time but eventually they found out. The plants were reacting to being overeaten and losing their leaves. They secreted higher amounts of toxins into their leaves, and actually ejected chemicals into the wind that informed the same variety of those plants to react in the same manner.

Another article on plant communication and the fact that they register sound and vibration.

Here's an article on molecular communication with plants.

So, actually, you're potentially wrong. Plants don't have nervous systems but they have functions and chemicals that are akin to them. And so far, we don't know if they feel pain. But they respond to many, many different forms of stimuli.

So, actually, that's a whole lot of yes. Plant neurobiology. An interesting field.

The Flood / Re: Sup homos, how big is your weiner?(pics)
« on: May 11, 2015, 10:04:16 PM »
But I don't want pictures of dicks.

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