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Messages - Sandtrap

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The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:36:33 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

My head's lagging a bit behind. You ever hear of the term chemobrain? That's not helping me, right now. And of course, things linger. Then again, none of this particularily matters anyway.

Naturally I'll likely have a shorter lifespan than the majority of you here. So, really, it doesn't matter how I sound. Doesn't matter how you take my posts in any sense.

Because when I go, however it is that I go, none here will know of it. And I doubt they'd show up for a funeral.

So let's not dance around semantics and pretend that you care in any sense, because you don't.

That's how it'd be if anyone here died. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and nobody here would ever know, nor would they show up to a funeral (why the fuck would they?).

But there's that supreme negative spin you like to throw on everything. I try to be helpful and you just stomp your feet and act like a child. "You're not serious! You don't really care! People don't care!"

If that's gonna be your attitude, then go step in front of a semi-truck and let EMS scrape your flesh off the asphalt. I'm done trying to help someone who refuses to help themselves.

There we go. That's the proper midge we all know and love. Good on you. Thought I'd lost you for a second there. I thought you might actually be serious.

But, obviously, I was mistaken. Done trying to help me in roughly, five or six posts are you? All tuckered out for the day? My point, proven. If you were trying to help you'd stick to your guns.

But I digress. The only one who's ever helped me, is me. And that's not going to change. I can handle myself fine, thanks. But, on that last note, take a look around you.

World's not a cheery place, wherever you look. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not won't make it go away. Life is difficult.

I've just a rather morbid sense of humor about it all. Now of you pop, "not caring."

That's the normal midge I know. Suits you better.

The world is what you make it. You can choose to make it cheery or grey, there are no absolutes.

You got quite a high horse to fall from. If this is how you treat people who want to be helpful, even if minimally, then you deserve to be depressed. People don't tend to stay helpful if you're constantly going to mock them, and since that's your choice then so be it. But don't try to pretend like you know me.

You're absolutely right. I don't know you, considering the fact that you're never serious. All I have is your "haha don't take the internet seriously dude bro" face to go by. I'm not pretending anything. Just going by what you've shown here over the course of your stay.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:17:05 PM »
>scrolling through the thread
>Solonoid makes a reference of this place
>44 replies
>Chally, Lemon, Cam and (allegedly) Noelle doing the bongarong

Not even is safe.
it's noelle
she changed her name

solonoid even linked an old post providing it was noelle

So, I take you all ran her off the site then? Judging by that big ass quote train it looks like you folks did. Cheers to being such a cheery bunch.
Actually Noel/Joel/Noelle had it coming to him for a long time. He's responsible for a hell of a lot of drama (hence the moniker "Dramageddon"). He left the site after the staff got fed up with his constant bullshit and while this place is still a toxic quagmire it's a little better without Noel.

And? Why hold grudges?

Why bother kicking up dirt that's dead and gone? Because let's actually think about it here. Noelle's gone from here. Went off, to somewhere else. Was leaving this place alone.

You'd call that peachy right? You, yourself, would say that it was a good thing?

And then, as she's minding her own business, doing nothing to us here, a bunch of asshats show up and start trampling on things. Why?

I ask, why circulate the bullshit?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:13:29 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

My head's lagging a bit behind. You ever hear of the term chemobrain? That's not helping me, right now. And of course, things linger. Then again, none of this particularily matters anyway.

Naturally I'll likely have a shorter lifespan than the majority of you here. So, really, it doesn't matter how I sound. Doesn't matter how you take my posts in any sense.

Because when I go, however it is that I go, none here will know of it. And I doubt they'd show up for a funeral.

So let's not dance around semantics and pretend that you care in any sense, because you don't.

That's how it'd be if anyone here died. I could die in a car accident tomorrow and nobody here would ever know, nor would they show up to a funeral (why the fuck would they?).

But there's that supreme negative spin you like to throw on everything. I try to be helpful and you just stomp your feet and act like a child. "You're not serious! You don't really care! People don't care!"

If that's gonna be your attitude, then go step in front of a semi-truck and let EMS scrape your flesh off the asphalt. I'm done trying to help someone who refuses to help themselves.

There we go. That's the proper midge we all know and love. Good on you. Thought I'd lost you for a second there. I thought you might actually be serious.

But, obviously, I was mistaken. Done trying to help me in roughly, five or six posts are you? All tuckered out for the day? My point, proven. If you were trying to help you'd stick to your guns.

But I digress. The only one who's ever helped me, is me. And that's not going to change. I can handle myself fine, thanks. But, on that last note, take a look around you.

World's not a cheery place, wherever you look. Sticking your head in the sand and pretending it's not won't make it go away. Life is difficult.

I've just a rather morbid sense of humor about it all. Now of you pop, "not caring."

That's the normal midge I know. Suits you better.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 01:07:22 PM »
>scrolling through the thread
>Solonoid makes a reference of this place
>44 replies
>Chally, Lemon, Cam and (allegedly) Noelle doing the bongarong

Not even is safe.
it's noelle
she changed her name

solonoid even linked an old post providing it was noelle

So, I take you all ran her off the site then? Judging by that big ass quote train it looks like you folks did. Cheers to being such a cheery bunch.
Ran her off of here? No, actually. Wise ass.
She had it coming for a long time.

Had what coming, exactly?

Now, let's do some thinking here. As a community, we're all pretty well versed with Noelle. It doesn't take a genius to know that she's a temper on her. Something like that, with four of five people all going at her, would be sure to drive her up the wall.

You and I both know she's a tad loopy, so to speak. You and I both know, getting into any sort of discussion like that with her, not that I could call it a discussion, would probably make her rather upset. She wanted to remain rather unnoticed, hence the name change, and you all went up and ganked her.

So, therefore, is it not safe to assume, that you're all an especially cheerful bunch, for being a such a bunch assholes about it?

I'm not being a wise ass. I'm just calling what's out there.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:41:49 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

You don't sound a few steps ahead with how you post.

My head's lagging a bit behind. You ever hear of the term chemobrain? That's not helping me, right now. And of course, things linger. Then again, none of this particularily matters anyway.

Naturally I'll likely have a shorter lifespan than the majority of you here. So, really, it doesn't matter how I sound. Doesn't matter how you take my posts in any sense.

Because when I go, however it is that I go, none here will know of it. And I doubt they'd show up for a funeral.

So let's not dance around semantics and pretend that you care in any sense, because you don't.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:37:19 PM »
>scrolling through the thread
>Solonoid makes a reference of this place
>44 replies
>Chally, Lemon, Cam and (allegedly) Noelle doing the bongarong

Not even is safe.
it's noelle
she changed her name

solonoid even linked an old post providing it was noelle

So, I take you all ran her off the site then? Judging by that big ass quote train it looks like you folks did. Cheers to being such a cheery bunch.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:33:46 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

Mock me all you want, I'm actually trying to be helpful and tell you the cold, hard truth. You want a personal side to me? I've got a question for you, then. Do you know how many times I held a loaded gun to my head or my mouth, ready to squeeze the trigger? Or sat down with a knife over my wrists, with an irresistible urge to cut, to see blood start flowing?

As I said, you're not the only one who's dealt with suicidal, crippling depression. But the only way to start making progress is actually getting off your ass and trying to do something with yourself. I never fucking said it'd be easy, because it's the hardest fucking thing in the world, but you should know it's the only way. After a point in time, two options become clear: Killing yourself, or fighting your way out. The world doesn't wait for depressed people. Go and change it. Try to change it, because you and I both know how it'll end up if you don't give it a shot. The truth hurts, but the sooner you accept that the sooner you'll be ready to move forward.

But if you decide to mock this post as well, I guess I'll just go back to my usual posting style and tell you to kill yourself, faggot. I can say that I at least tried.

Na. You never say anything serious. But I will ask you some questions. You know how many times I've been up for a stroll to my town's radio tower? Up on the top there? How many times I went for a walk this past winter in the middle of the night in -20 or -30, just on the edge of a field ready to walk out?

I'd rather not talk about what's on this particular aspect of my head. But I know what you're talking about. And all I can say is that I'm a few steps ahead of your supposed advice. I'm just waiting for all my messy bits to catch up. Might take a while. Might take a while to work things out. So, kill myself, right?

You first.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:20:01 PM »
lmao shut the fuck up sandtrap

No. I can talk as much as I please. What are you going to do about that? You can mute me if you like.

The Flood / Re: I'm going to the doctor
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:18:23 PM »
Have you turned any shade of particular colours recently? Trouble breathing at all?

The Flood / Re: does anyone on sep7agon actually exist?
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:15:52 PM »
Of course not, we're just AI designed by Achronos Cheat

Has it really been so long since you've signed in here that you've got your christmas avatar still up?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:13:56 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

Sure, ignore my post and continue living a miserable, depressed life up until the moment you put the barrel of a gun to your head and your family cleans your blood and brains off the carpet and skull matter from the walls. Call me whatever you want, I have my own reasons for posting the ways I do and have stated them before. It doesn't make it a facade when I've been completely open about my habits here and why. You don't seem "built" for the internet at all, unless you quickly learn to literally think of it as a stupid, meaningless game, or a thing to burn time. That's it. Why should any of this matter when you have real life to actually worry about? Throughout my time here I've dealt with deeply personal issues, seen people die, and had my own ups and downs. I haven't mentioned them because Sep7agon is not a place to mention them and it never will be. There's too many people here who I wouldn't trust. Maybe you should start thinking of it as the same. Leave real life to the real people.

But nah, go ahead and call me a hypocrite, ignore my advice because I've offended you, or whatever. Grow the fuck up. Take it as ammunition to actually do something with yourself, get out of your depression, make a living and be happy. Or, continue as you are, and use it as ammo to blow your brains out. It's your choice. 95% posts may not be serious, but don't think for a second it means I'm not capable of making a serious post. There's a reason people are starting to get upset with your posts and it's because after a while, depressed people are a total drain. Go and change it.

I got about as far as Sure before my confidence grew exponentially and I fixed everything up. You're a miracle worker midget. You should go on tour as one of those bible thumper healers.

"Oh lord help me I'm blind!"

"Stop being blind."

You'd be a hit.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 12:11:52 PM »

Big long walls, irrelevant.

I've a question for you. Because I'm curious.

Do you ever stop and think, that maybe it's a little fucked that you've got to wear the jaded internet warrior mask all the time? All because some silly little asshat who doesn't know any sense of self control on the internet decides to "troll?"

Because that's what it is. You've got two types of people on the internet. Those who don't take it seriously, and those who do. Originally, when the internet first started, generally, everybody took it seriously. And then, as always, some asshat went up and decided, "hey, let's go yank people's chains around!"

And it just spread, after that. So, the internet is now full of so much bullshit that you have to put on a front of not caring and taking every single thing with a grain of salt because you can't trust what people say anymore.

Please, answer me that.

Doesn't that seem, just a bit fucked to you?
The point is to not take hostility seriously because people talking shit anonymously are totally irrelevant to your life.

You spazzing out from my post shows you take the Internet too seriously. And it's not just the Internet, you can't be that thin skinned face to face either. It gets you nowhere.

Actually, I'm to the point, face to face. If I have an issue with somebody, as in, they're pissing around in concerns to me, then I will tell them and I will make my point known. Taking people seriously, because the majority of them are assholes, is the only way to go. Otherwise, they'll just keep on playing their bullshit cards until you get fed up with it enough to do something about it.

"totally irrelevant to your life."

And that's rich. That's real rich. Considering you brought up several points that obviously aren't cheery with me. Maybe you weren't thinking, but the large, past chunk of months, haven't been cheery for me. And looking back on them, I feel even worse, thinking about it. So, having to show up, and look at that, and be reminded of that entire mess, doesn't amuse me.

So I ask, why not take things just a bit more seriously? Because you can step on people. There's a person behind the screen.

I shouldn't have to come on here and take guessing games about which asshat is being serious or no. I shouldn't have to walk along and play skip rope around and take shots in the dark about whose being a comedian 24/7.

It'd be nice if people were a little more straight up, if you catch my drift. Maybe, nice if people were slightly more considerate before they posted. I guess that's asking too much.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:55:14 AM »

Big long walls, irrelevant.

I've a question for you. Because I'm curious.

Do you ever stop and think, that maybe it's a little fucked that you've got to wear the jaded internet warrior mask all the time? All because some silly little asshat who doesn't know any sense of self control on the internet decides to "troll?"

Because that's what it is. You've got two types of people on the internet. Those who don't take it seriously, and those who do. Originally, when the internet first started, generally, everybody took it seriously. And then, as always, some asshat went up and decided, "hey, let's go yank people's chains around!"

And it just spread, after that. So, the internet is now full of so much bullshit that you have to put on a front of not caring and taking every single thing with a grain of salt because you can't trust what people say anymore.

Please, answer me that.

Doesn't that seem, just a bit fucked to you?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:49:39 AM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

Fucks sake, take a break. The internet is getting to you when you should know IT'S JUST THE FUCKING INTERNET. Wanna know the trick to this place? Not giving a single flying fuck about any of it.

Fuck off with your bullshit already. You're almost constantly passive aggressive doom and gloom shit and it is tiring. Take some advice and get off the internet and go try and make something of yourself. Try reallyyyyyy fucking hard, and don't give bullshit excuses like "wahhhhh i already did cities r shit wahhhh" or "nothing to do around here waahhhhh". When I hear that, I hear fucking whining. Go fucking change your life if you hate it so much. If you really want it, you'll do it, no fucking excuses. If you happen to reply to this and give me one, go FUCK yourself and fuck off. You're not the only one who's dealt with crippling depression, nor will you be the last.

Here's an interesting question then.

Why should I care? I mean, to the contrary, not one of your posts is ever serious. So why should I listen to your advice? Well, going by your history, I shouldn't.

And second. If we're all supposedly jaded internet warriors, then why would anybody care if I was bitching?

Oh, but wait. Hypocrites. That magical little word. Nobody "cares" until somebody starts speaking about how shitty they're feeling. "It's just the internet stop taking it seriously dude" only applies until somebody starts being open and talking.

Everybody's got some fake ass mask on until somebody starts talking about reality. Then the jaded internet warrior bullshit gets wiped clean.

So, go fuck yourself midge.

I don't, and I sure as fuck won't listen to your advice because you're never serious.

The Flood / Re: Somebody get Camnator banned from Bungie
« on: May 20, 2015, 11:20:57 AM »

Drama wagons. Rolling through town. Here's the theme song.


The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:52:41 PM »
You know what? Fuck it. I never came here to play ring around the fucking rosey and play fucking guessing games about who had a mask on and whether or not they were being serious or just pissing around.

I didn't come here for trivial stupid shit like this. I didn't come here to get into arguments and get involved in stupid trash and people taking things the wrong way. And most of all I didn't come here to get involved and be more open to people because apparently being more open to people makes me a fucking floodgate of negative bullshit from my difficult way of doing things and all the not cheery shit on my end.

I got along just fine and fucking dandy on my own, doing things on my own. And I came here to talk to people. Trade and swap interesting stories, listen to people of interest about their strange side of things and their particular way of life, broaden my own small perception of things.

But apparently, no.

So fuck it. Take your bullshit. Take your tripe. Take your thinly veiled insecurities or insults or whatever the fuck your kinks are that give you a raise, and do your shit and fucking choke on it.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:33:42 PM »
You literally could have written that in like 3 or 4 sentences.

Maybe I could have, if I put some serious effort into it. Maybe if I unscrambled my fucking mess of thoughts that are all over the fucking place lately. Lemme just put my fucking thinking hat on and shorten things down.

And while we're at it challenger could stow his fucking trigger happy need to "joke" about people and jump the gun to cover his sorry state of bordom that requires insults and mocking to stave off.

That'd be interesting, wouldn't it?
No. Challenger is funny.

And there's the answer. Challenger is funny.

It's funny to pick folks out and make "jokes" about them. It's entertaining to laugh at them. Imagine that. It's fun to point at somebody and rile them up. Fun to take a look at their supposed shortcomings, and laugh.

How bored can you be? How much of a sorry state do you have to be in, in order to find entertainment from mocking other people? To find some sense of amusement and short lived happiness from putting somebody down on a god damn internet forum?

The pair of you would probably be that one guy who's laughing at a fat guy on a treadmill when he's trying to improve himself.

Fuck that shit. Do whatever the fuck you want. I didn't fucking come here to see more of this stupid trash that people continually perpetrate.

I didn't even fucking come in here to start anything and it turned into this stupid cluster fuck.

Jesus fuck no wonder I don't fucking talk much. No wonder I'm fucking depressed. Everywhere I look it's stupid shit like this.

Fine then. No more. Enjoy your fucking ride and wherever it takes you.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:26:15 PM »
You literally could have written that in like 3 or 4 sentences.

Maybe I could have, if I put some serious effort into it. Maybe if I unscrambled my fucking mess of thoughts that are all over the fucking place lately. Lemme just put my fucking thinking hat on and shorten things down.

And while we're at it challenger could stow his fucking trigger happy need to "joke" about people and jump the gun to cover his sorry state of bordom that requires insults and mocking to stave off.

That'd be interesting, wouldn't it?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 02:11:25 PM »
At the very least, I keep most of my fun stuff to myself. I dislike myself in silence and I keep the vast majority of my concerns, or depressive thoughts, to myself.
No you don't. You write depressing walls of texts all the time.

I don't feel the need to chastize others because of some bordom or petty security issues with myself. At the very least, I accept my reality and I accept that I just don't like myself.
Good for you. If you think me making jokes about people is insecurity in my part, I don't really care.

Unlike others around me who need to get ego boosts from insulting passerby on the internet because it gives them a false sense of security.
Kinda seems like you're doing that passive aggressively right now. I just fuck around with people and f they take it seriously then that's on them.

Because that's what it is. Getting a raise, from insulting people you think are below you. Putting yourself up on a pedestal and believing you're better.

Do yourself a favor and open up those curtains over your eyes.
Le ebin wise condescending simple peasant :^)

I may be a depressive sack of sad fucking potatoes, but at the very least, I try as much as I can not to go out of my way to be a cunt about things.
Boy I really got to you just now. Maybe you shouldn't project your bullshit onto me next time.

Take some fucking responsibility for yourself and grow up. Open up some curtains and take a peek at the sunshine outside. You're as fucked as I am but you've got your head in the sand about it.
Nah I'm cool. I love myself and I'm mentally stable and I don't drown in self pity and cry about it on the Internet all day.

That's because I had to push through everything at a young age and leave emotions and self pity out of it because I literally did not have time for it.

Make some money and do something with your life, you'll feel better.

You know all those walls I wrote? Key words here. Tried my best to keep the majority of it cooped up in my head. And I did. I could've let all the shit run free. Still can, if I felt like it. You don't even know the half of it. But, let's backtrack here just a second. Let's do some math.

I posted this.

"A right cheerful bunch you are."

My commentary on a thread about putting some focus on comms in a rather negative manner, even if, jokingly or not. To which was immidiately taken and blown way over, like so.

"Look who's talking.

"Everybody dies of cancer where I live. I hate life. It's just a mush of grey boring nothingness where I work hard all day for nothing and then go to sleep hoping I never wake up. I probably won't survive this winter."

I'd mock you properly and write a 30 page essay but I don't have the time."

So, we went from me idly commenting on what I saw, with nothing really intended, to whatever the fuck that is ^^^ That to me, doesn't smell like a joke. Know why? A lot of people, do die and have cancer where I live. Right now, and for a long while now, things have felt like a big run together of nothing. And I do, go to sleep some nights and hope that maybe I can get a little peace and quiet for good. The chances of me getting through the winter, were shitty. I ended up in some really, really, shitty ways.

All things considered, that's a serious subject. It's a serious thing, that I'm not feeling well. And it's likely that you know that. Which means the statement was made, in it's entirety, to twist the knife.

It was your decision to say that, knowing damn well how balanced I am as of late. It was your full decision to say that with the open intent to stir, something.

There is no haha joke here. Just a poor excuse.

Your first reaction to me posting something so inconsequential and just a mild comment on what I saw, was that.

The first thing you jumped to, and thought about, figured you'd say back to me, was that.

I mean, seriously? That's not even casual mocking. That's a full fledged insult.

So yes, you do need to take a peek at your insecurities because I sure as fuck didn't come in here with the intent to start this whole fucking sham of a mess.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:57:54 PM »
You know what else increased by 50%?

Is it your penis?

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:51:55 PM »
A right cheerful bunch you are.
Look who's talking.

"Everybody dies of cancer where I live. I hate life. It's just a mush of grey boring nothingness where I work hard all day for nothing and then go to sleep hoping I never wake up. I probably won't survive this winter."

I'd mock you properly and write a 30 page essay but I don't have the time.

At the very least, I keep most of my fun stuff to myself. I dislike myself in silence and I keep the vast majority of my concerns, or depressive thoughts, to myself.

I don't feel the need to chastize others because of some bordom or petty security issues with myself. At the very least, I accept my reality and I accept that I just don't like myself.

Unlike others around me who need to get ego boosts from insulting passerby on the internet because it gives them a false sense of security.

Because that's what it is. Getting a raise, from insulting people you think are below you. Putting yourself up on a pedestal and believing you're better.

Do yourself a favor and open up those curtains over your eyes.

I may be a depressive sack of sad fucking potatoes, but at the very least, I try as much as I can not to go out of my way to be a cunt about things.

Take some fucking responsibility for yourself and grow up. Open up some curtains and take a peek at the sunshine outside. You're as fucked as I am but you've got your head in the sand about it.

The Flood / Re: 50% increase in activity
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:39:49 PM »
A right cheerful bunch you are.

Gaming / Re: Protoss versus Reapers
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:32:40 PM »
Isn't everything in ME really underpowered?

Yes, but it looks fancy so people think it's better than it actually is. In reality a UNSC frigate is more powerful than a citadel dreadnought.

Can't argue with the math here. I don't know where the calcs are but even the low tier UNSC could curb stomp the majority of the MEverse.

ME tech uses particle accelerators, the same as a UNSC MAC cannon. And the math done shows that UNSC mac cannons are significantly stronger than anything the ME verse has.

Fucking saved my ass by a slice.

Ford Ranger mother fucker.

Gaming / Re: Protoss versus Reapers
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:14:21 PM »
The galactic cuddlefish are fairly low on the technological tier, actually.
Hey now.. ME3 isn't canon.

They're still low on the technological tier. The entire MEverse is low on the technology tier. It's what comes with building a grounded universe that has limitations.

Gaming / Re: Protoss versus Reapers
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:32:42 AM »
The galactic cuddlefish are fairly low on the technological tier, actually. This isn't even a valid question.

The protoss could steamroll them.

Gaming / Re: Explain The Witcher lore and story to me thus far
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:26:58 AM »
You're a medieval version of commander shepard from Mass Effect.

Make everything that moves your sexual conquest.

If it bleeds you can fuck it.

The Flood / Re: Just one grain of sugar, that's all it takes
« on: May 19, 2015, 11:24:20 AM »
Inhaling pepper down the wrong way is more entertaining.

Gaming / Re: So it's unofficially official
« on: May 19, 2015, 01:35:01 AM »
Why not have it take place in Australia,  thatd be fucking neato.

*sips tea*
Cause Australia is one of the gayest countries on Earth along with Canada and New Zealand.

Everything tries to kill you in Australia.

In fallout Australia, everything tries to kill you x10.

Gimme mutant crocodiles.

And those black as fuck trap door spiders.

The Flood / Re: is it coincidence....
« on: May 19, 2015, 12:15:27 AM »
i can get a good following on the offtopic to worship me, and then bring them here
do it then bruv.
will try, it's hard posts get knocked to page 3 after a minute.

the nazi mods there deleted my 100+ reply thread where everyone was posting pictures of themselves without clothing

I shall assist thee.

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